#maybe I could ask er once if she's up to meet somewhere. i'll probably be the one taking the train to spare her the effort for once
morningmask27 · 1 year
guys, I have a feeling I might be in love...
#morningtalks#FUCK#but it's weird I don't really know how the feelings go.#I know I have strong feelings for this girl. we met this week for a summer course of Greek and she was so fun. we walked back to the train#station a few times together and she's so cool. it also definitely helped that we had to go to the same place but yeah. she's cool and fun#and I want to be her friend. I want to spend time with her and share wonderful moments alongside her. I want to help her learn her Greek#I want to be able to just randomly send her a message and laugh for no reason. I want to just be able to be with her even if we don't talk#I want to spend time with her. to get to know her better and because she's so wonderful. i know I have those feelings and that they're stro#but I don't know if i'd want romantic things with it. I want to be her friend. I really do. but if it became romantic maybe i'd feel comfy#or maybe not and that's kinda the thing that makes it slightly hard to tell the difference.#my feelings are so strong and they are the same as when i'm romantically in love with someone. it's exactly the same feelings#but I don't think i'd want this to become romantic now#the course ended today so we're not going to see each other anymore bu i'll try to stay in contact with her#because I feel like she'd be worth the effort to have in my life. She does truly seem like a fun person.#maybe I could ask er once if she's up to meet somewhere. i'll probably be the one taking the train to spare her the effort for once#but yeah. we'll see#what's sure is that I Definitely have feelings for her
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bountydroid · 4 months
Darlin' pt 11
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pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt 5 / pt 6 / pt 7 (SMUT) / pt 9 / pt 10 (SMUT)
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x reader
Description: Cooper exposes his jealous side as they find out Moldaver’s location.
TW: swearing, canon typical violence, slut shaming?
I woke up in the morning sprawled across Cooper with a wide smile on my face. He looked so content when he slept, like all the things that had hurt him over the years had never happened. I wonder what he looked like before he turned ghoul. I imagined how handsome he probably was because even after ghoulification, he was still stunning. He must have felt my stare as he slowly opened his eyes and turned his head towards me.
"Mornin', sugar." He mumbled out before yawning. 
"Mornin', Coop," I responded, smiling at him before kissing him on the head. "Ready to head out?" 
And so, another hike started. I hoped once we found Moldaver we could maybe take a couple of days' break. Honestly, I had no idea how I kept walking after weeks of nonstop hiking, it felt like my legs were going to fall off.
Eventually, we happened upon another town, bustling with life. I didn't try to hide the smile on my face as we squeezed our way through the crowds. I tightly fisted Cooper's tattered duster jacket to make sure we didn't get separated. As usual, he was quiet, he wasn't used to sharing his plans with anyone.
As we approached a small bar, he finally spoke with a stern look on his face. "Stay close, darlin'."
I gave him a small smile in response and happily nodded my head. We slowly entered the tavern, trying our best not to turn any heads. I had no idea if ghouls were welcome here, but considering our past experiences I highly doubted it. As he headed to the bar I let go of his jacket, mesmerized by all the different people I was seeing. Maybe someday I could convince Cooper to stay awhile in a town like this.
"Well, hello beautiful." I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see a tall, skinny man with shaggy brunette hair and dark brown eyes.
I hesitated. My first instinct was to tell him to fuck off, but maybe I could get some information out of him so I gave him an award-winning smile before responding. "Hello. Maybe you can help me? I am trying to find out where I can find someone named Moldaver." I batted my eyelashes at him, giving him my best doe-eyed expression.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise as her name rolled off my tongue. He briefly looked me up and down as if trying to ascertain if I was friend or foe. After a brief pause, he asked, "You lookin' da join er?"
I nodded quickly, trying to hide the fact that I had no idea what I was talking about.
"Well," He continued. "Today is ya lucky day. I could take ya to er. We are real close." He boasted. The lie about their relationship was clear on his tongue.
"That's amazing!" I faked amazement, trying to milk his attraction for more information. "Where is she?"
"In da hills." He continued to spill information like a fountain without a second thought. "My name is Roofus, by the way."
I hummed for a moment before responding, "Nice to meet ya." I mumbled while looking around for Cooper. Our eyes finally locked as I found him leaning back against the bar. His arms were crossed and his hat was tilted down, I could barely see his eyes peeking out from behind it. Anger radiated from his form, causing those around him to instinctively find somewhere else to stand. I gulped nervously as I took him in.
"Hey-" Roofus waved his hand in front of my face, catching my attention again. 'That guy scarin' ya?"
'No." I answered quickly. The last thing I needed was for this guy to confront Cooper, but he seemed to have a mind of his own.
Puffing up his chest as he started to make his way towards Cooper's imposing figure and ignored my pleas to stop. "Don't ya worry sweetheart, I'll get rid of  im’."
I gave Cooper a nervous glance as I saw him straighten his back and move his hand to rest on his gun belt, suspiciously close to the gun itself.
"Hey. Ya scaring my lady." Roofus accused Cooper confidently. 
"Your lady?" Cooper laughed loudly at the thought. "She ain't yours."
"This is Roofus," I said quickly, interrupting their conversation. "And Roofus, this man is my friend." I made sure not to say Cooper's name, knowing how protective he was of it. However, this just seemed to piss Cooper off more.
"Your friend?" Roofus asked, surprise clear on his face. 
"Roofus, huh? Stupid name." Cooper sneered.
Roofus prickled with anger, but before he could start yelling at the ghoul in front of him, Cooper interrupted him. “See, I heard somethin’ about a Roofus while at the bar here. Said your movin’ some cargo.” Roofus’ anger switched to confusion at Cooper’s words. “Movin’ cargo for Moldaver.” Cooper finished as he stepped closer.
At the mention of Moldaver, Roofus looked back at my nervous form. “Who da hell are ya people?”
“People you should be afraid of.” Cooper growled. “Now, you are gonna tell me how to find Moldaver, or I’ll rip your guts out.”
Roofus’ hand move instinctively over his coat pocket and the noise of crumpling paper was heard underneath, “I ain’t telling ya shit, ghoul.”
Cooper hummed, his venom turning to amusement as Roofus unknowingly gave him the information he needed. Her location was on that paper in his jacket. “Have it your way.” Cooper said before a gunshot rang out in the busy tavern. I squealed in surprise as Roofus’ body hit the ground. The room went quiet as Cooper belt down to pull out the letter from the dead man’s pocket. I looked around nervously as all eyes were on us.
“Cooper,” I whispered.
Ignoring me, Cooper stood back up eyeing the paper. “Damn.” He mumbled as he studied the hole in it before folding it and sticking it into his jacket pocket.
“Cooper.” I hissed loudly as I saw some people start to get up from their seats, anger clear on their faces.
“Don’t get your panties in a bunch, boys.” Cooper said looking up at the angry men. “Just a bit o’ business, and I got none with you.”
“You better get the hell out of here, ghoul.” One of the men growled before spitting on the ground in front of us.
I knew this would piss Cooper off, so I quickly grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the door. He ripped his hand from my grasp but continued following close behind me. When we finally made it out of the village, I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. However, before I could register what was happening, Cooper roughly grabbed at my shirt collar pulling me close to him. “What the hell was that?” Cooper growled, staring down at me angrily. “Flirting with other men in front of me? Acting like a slut?”
I squeaked in surprise. Never in a million years did I think he would ever speak to me this way. “Coop, I was just tryin’ to help.” I pleaded, but he wasn’t listening.
“You are MY slut. You understand me? No one else can touch you. No one else can even fuckin’ look at you.” He ranted as one of his fists flew to the hair on the back of my head, tugging harshly.
I gasped loudly at his actions. I never took him for the jealous type, but here he was completely overtaken by it, and much to my surprise I liked it. I pressed my thighs together while I complied, “Yes Coop, I am your slut. Only yours.”
This seemed to appease him as his grip loosened on the back of my head as he pressed his body against mine. “Good,” He hummed. “Never do that again.”
“I wont. I wont ever.” I responded as my hands trailed up his chest and cupped his face softly. “I’m sorry I upset you.”
He studied my face for a moment before pulling away with a grunt. It was clear he was still angry with me. I watched intently as he pulled out the letter from Roofus and read it. I didn’t know it was possible, but his face soured even more.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Cooper mumbled. “I shot right through the damn location.” He said sighing.
“Roofus was the son of an old friend of mine.” He said before looking up at me. “Let’s pay him a visit.”
It didn’t take us long to find the man’s house. As we entered, however, only a little girl was home.
“Well, hello darlin’. Your daddy home?” Cooper asked nicely.
The girl just shook her head in response. Much to our surprise she didn’t seem scared of us. She just stared up at us with a blank expression.
“What is your name, sweetie?” I asked as I bent down to her level.
“Sandra.” The small girl replied.
“I’m an old friend of your daddy,” Cooper said while looking around the small home. “When will he be home?”
“Soon, it’s almost dinner time.” Sandra responded.
At the mention of dinner, my stomach gurgled. My face reddened with embarrassment as I looked down at my feet. “Well, my girl and I have traveled a long way so why don’t you get us some dinner too?” Cooper said while putting a hand on my shoulder.
The girl just nodded in response before heading to the kitchen. I slowly stood up from the ground, giving Cooper a sheepish expression before looking around the home. It was a nice little place. The walls were covered with wood panels and metal sheets, but it was homey, much nicer than the one I grew up in.
As if he could sense my thoughts, Cooper asked, “Remind you of home?”
“This ain’t nothin’ like my home.” I responded quickly as I studied the shelf on the wall. “Much nicer.”
He hummed quietly before sitting down at the table and placing his hat down next to him. I waited there in silence for a bit, the only noises to be heard was from Sandra puttering in the kitchen. “What are you gonna do?” I asked as I sat down at the table next to him.
He studied my face for a moment before responding, “Depends on them, darlin’.” I just nodded while I picked at my fingers. I understood what he meant. Whether he would kill them or not depended on if they complied or not. A feeling of dread settled in my stomach as I thought of Sandra.
Before I could say anything, Sandra returned with two plates of dinner. I looked up at her in surprise at the contents. Wonderful smelling meats graced the plate in from of me, brahman maybe? And definitely some chicken. “Thank you, Sandra!” I said excitedly as I grabbed the silverware from her hands. I can’t even remember the last time I had a meal that looked this good.
Sandra didn’t respond, instead disappearing back into the kitchen quietly. I quickly started cutting up the meat, a grin plastered over my face. I heard Cooper chuckle next to me, no doubt amused at my excitement, but I paid him no mind. He slowly followed suit, cutting up his meat slowly as he watched me. As the brahman hit my tongue I moaned with happiness. After weeks of iguana and jerky, this felt like a meal fit for a king.
The door swung open as a man and a young boy entered the building, a look of confusion on their faces. I ignored them as I continued to eat happily. I trusted Cooper to handle it, but he stayed quiet as well, just staring at the man and slowly bringing the meat to his mouth.
“Sandra?” The man called out only to be greeted with silence. I looked up at him and then over to Cooper who was maintaining eye contact with him. Before he could call out again, Sandra’s footsteps could be heard as she entered the room with two glasses of water in her hands. She quietly put them on the table. Her father visibly deflated with relief at the sight of her.
“Thank you, darlin’.” Cooper said to her before looking back up at the father, “Oh, wait. You thought?...” Cooper said smirking as he held up a piece of meat on his fork. “Come on now.” He said laughing.
“Sandra, wait outside.” The man said, his voice wavering with fear. The girl quickly did as she was told.
“Lead farmin’, huh?” Cooper said, continuing the conversation. “Why, hell, I probably still got some of your lead in me somewhere. But today, I am just lookin’ for information.”
“I’ll tell you anything, as long as you leave us in peace.” The man said. I could tell he was trying to act confident, but his voice continued to waver.
“Say, am I out of date, or did I hear you had three kids?” Cooper asked as he pulled out the letter from his jacket.
“I had an older son, but he’s gone. He took up with that madwoman in the hills two years ago. We haven’t heard from him since.” The man explained.
Cooper smirked as he looked down at the letter, “There’s always some new little faction, ain’t there? Brand new team of believers with their own dumbass ideas about how they gonna save the world. What did you say the name of your eldest was? Was it Roofus?” At the mention of Roofus’s name I instinctively winced, remembering how mad Cooper was at me for talking to him. This didn’t go unnoticed as Cooper’s eyes flickered towards me for a second before returning to the man.
“I didn’t say-“ The man started to respond.
“That must make you Tommy.” Cooper interrupted.
The man looked over at his son before angrily asking, “What did you do? What is that envelope?”
“Well, you see, daddy-o, from what I can tell…” Cooper says clearing his throat. “… Old Roofus got Tommy here mixed up with that madwoman, too. Now according to this. Roofus sent Tommy a stash of caps to pay a courier for the safe transport of an Enclave defector, to that very same madwoman in the hills. Moldaver.” Cooper explained with a smirk plastered across his face.
“Now the problem is, by the time I got this letter off your brother,” Cooper said addressing Tommy, “It was a little bit hard to read.” Cooper held up the letter, peaking his eye through the bullet hole. “For some reason I can’t make out her location.” He looked back over at the father before saying “You really should’ve taught your boy to not play with toys that aren’t his. Maybe you’d still have two sons. Now you give me that location, and I’ll be on my way.”
The man and his son looked at each other before Tommy said, “I’m sorry.”
“Tell him, son. Just tell him.” The father pleaded.
“I didn’t want to spend my life digging through dirt.” Tommy explained. “I want to build something, and we have the chance-“
“Tell him what he wants to know or else he’s gonna kill us all!” His father yelled, interrupting him. “Including your little sister.”
Tommy stared Cooper down. “Huh.” Cooper hummed, surprised by this turn of events. I had stopped eating at this point, my attention turned fully to the men in front of us.
“You should tell him.” I said softly, giving the boy a reassuring look. “Listen to your father.”
Tommy looked between me and Cooper before surrendering. “She’s… she’s at the Observatory.”
“Now please, leave us.” The father pleaded.
Cooper sighed deeply before saying, “So, what you think, Tommy? Am I really walking out of here today, or are you gonna draw on me for what I did to your big brother?”
Tommy’s eyes darkened at Cooper’s words as rage filled his expression.
“He won’t.” The father responded.
“Maybe not today, but someday.” Cooper said, eyes never leaving Tommy. Understanding the threat Tommy reached for the shotgun next to him, but he was too slow. Before I even realized what was happening, Tommy was on the ground, a gunshot through his chest.
“Tommy!” His father yelled as he crouched down over his son’s body.
Cooper stood up and slowly started to collect his things, signaling me to follow. As we passed by the father, I gave him a sad expression but said nothing.
This was just how the Wasteland worked. Kill or be killed.
Tag list: @bruhidkjustwannaread @msrawog @valdemarismynonbinarylove @whizbang-cap @topiramateagreeable 
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@sarahmclean15 @thebumbqueen @i-just-like-to-read
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Forbidden || Chapter Four: The Ball
(FINALLY!! I have it out!)
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A/N: Cinderella warning???
"So, your date is an Awoken Warlock, a light-bearer?" Jolyon asked, surprised by the fact that the Prince even did such a thing.
"I did it so Mara would get off my back," Uldren stated, adjusting the formal suit jacket he was wearing.
It was a half-truth. Yes, he did it to get Mara off his back, but he also wanted to get to know Isabelle more. He wasn't going to tell Jolyon or his sister that. The Prince put on his cufflinks and nodded to the Crow. Both men left Uldren's quarters and went to the ballroom of the Palace. They met Mara just outside the doors. She wore a beautiful purple gown that flowed gracefully down her figure.
"You look dashing, brother," Mara said, as she linked arms with Uldren.
They entered the ballroom, which was crowded with Reef-Born and Guardians on either side.
"Her Majesty, Queen Mara Sov," The Guard announced, causing the crowd to quiet down, "and her twin brother, Prince Uldren!"
The Prince scanned the crowd to see if he could spot Isabelle. But the crowd itself was to thick to see anyone properly. As he and Mara descend the stairs and arrived at the bottom, Uldren bowed to his sister and parted ways with her. He entered the crowd of guests. He found the Vanguard, maybe Ikora Rey would have an idea of where her most trusted Warlock could be.
Uldren cleared his throat, grabbing their attention, "I was wondering where I could find my date, Isabelle Brigham?"
"She's out on the balcony, she wanted fresh air and somewhere not too crowded," Answered a Huntress with curled blue hair and icy blue eyes, clinging to the arm of Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6. She was probably the famous Chloe Brask, daughter to the late Hunter Vanguard Andal Brask.
He nodded, bowed, and went to the balcony on the other side of the ballroom. Uldren saw Isabelle gazing up at the night sky, her hands resting lightly on the railing. She was breathtaking. Her normally loose, half-shaved, bubble gum pink hair was in a beautiful pleated braid over her right shoulder. The moonlight made her pale blue skin glow, making her sapphire eyes pop. The dress she wore was stunning, the bodice hugging her sides in all the right places. The dress itself was pink with a beautiful white lace design. The thin straps stopped before they even reach her shoulders. The neckline dipped down into a V just under her sternum, letting the swell of her breasts show just a tad bit. The skirt was long and flowed out, flowers decorating the bottom of it.
"You look beautiful, Isabelle," The Prince complimented, causing the Warlock to snap her attention from the stars to him.
She blushed a light purple, "You look equally handsome, your Grace."
Isabelle curtsied. Uldren bowed and took her hand, placing a light kiss on it. He felt her tense for a second then relax. "Care to join me inside and get a refreshment?" Uldren asked, offering his arm to the Awoken woman.
"I'd love too," Isabelle answered, linking her arm with his.
Uldren guided her inside the ballroom. A waiter came by and The Prince picked up two champagne glasses, handing one to Isabelle. She took it and thanked him quietly.
"Can I have your attention?" Came Mara's voice from the front of the ballroom.
Conversations ceased and everything became quiet.
"Thank you, as you know I invited you for a splendid evening and a chance to make new allies with the Traveler's Chosen," The Queen stated, "I hope this alliance will bring peace and prosperity to our people!"
The crowd clapped and conversation resumed. A chorus of string instruments started to play, Reef-Born and Guardians who knew how to waltz joined in.
"Care to dance?" Uldren asked, setting the now two empty champagne glasses on a waiters tray as he passed by them.
Isabelle nodded, shyly looking down at her feet, "I'd love too, Uldren, but I'm not a graceful dancer."
"Then just follow my lead," The Prince said, walking into the middle of the dance floor.
He placed one hand on Isabelle's waist and the other held her hand. Uldren stepped back, prompting the Awoken woman to step forward. Slowly, surely, The Prince had taught Isabelle how to waltz. Halfway through the instrumental 'La Valse de L'Amour', Uldren twirled his date around, then held her by the waist again.
"They're all looking at you," The Warlock said, noticing that everyone stopped dancing to the music, creating a space for her and Uldren to dance.
"Believe me, they're all looking at you," Uldren, a smile gracing his lips. 
They continued to dance, gliding around the room. Uldren realized he liked the smile that adorned Isabelle's face. The crowd awed as The Prince lift Isabelle up and spun her around, before setting her down gently. Gracefully, Uldren dipped his date and pulled her up again, spinning her around yet again, the layers of her dresses skirt swirled and frilled about.
People started to dance again as the music continued. As the music drew to a close, Uldren bowed to Isabelle as she curtsied. He then offered his arm again. "Would you like me to take you somewhere more, er, private?" He asked.
"Yes, that sounds wonderful," Isabelle smiled.
Uldren returned the smile and took Isabelle out of the crowded ballroom and down several corridors and stairwells. He led her out of the palace and onto the grounds, taking a left away from the ball.
"Isn't Mara going to notice your absence?" Isabelle asked as they walked down a cemented path.
"No, I doubt she would even know I'm gone," Uldren muttered, "Besides I wanted to bring you somewhere I never took anyone else, not even Mara."
The Prince stopped in front of a white gate. He opened it and stepped aside, "Ladies first." The warlock chuckled, smiling as she stepped through the gate. He heard her gasp and she turned to him.
"It's beautiful!"
Uldren had taken Isabelle to a private section of the palace's garden. The flowers all around were exotic and had a bioluminescence glow to them. In the middle of the garden was a beautiful white swing that hung from a tree with bioluminescence leaves. The Prince took Isabelle gently by the hand and led her over to the swing.
"Please," He said, offering the awoken woman a seat.
"I shouldn't," Isabelle replied shyly.
"You should."
"No, I shouldn't!"
"No, you should," Uldren chuckled
"I will," Isabelle smiled and sat down, as the Prince stood behind her grabbing hold of the white ropes on either side of the swing.
"May I?" He offered.
"Please," Isabelle replied, looking up at the Prince.
 He gently pushed her and the swing, letting it glide out and come back to him. He repeated this process a few more times as the Warlock let out a small giggle, making Uldren's heart flutter at the sight. Suddenly, Isabelle's shoe fell off and landed a few inches away. Uldren moved in front of her and picking up the rose gold heel.
"It's made of gold?" He stated, examining the shoe
"And why not?" Isabelle shot back.
"Allow me," Uldren moved to place the shoe on Isabelle's foot.
"Thank you," The Warlock offered him her foot and he gently slid it on.
"So, tell me who you are," The Prince said.
"Well, for starters, I like books," Isabelle answered, a purplish blush dusting her cheeks.
"What kind of books are you into?"
"It varies from moment to moment, I read dystopia, other times I read literature or romance, sometimes the occasional historical fiction," She stated, "I know, it sounds boring."
"No, it's intriguing, any other things that interest you?" He continued.
The Warlock thought for a moment. "I also enjoy theatre, artwork, the outdoors, the weather in autumn, and sweets," She replied, "what about you?"
"Thrill and adventure," Uldren answered.
"Why that in particular?"
"Because I want to be a hero my people can look to."
"Is that all? Interests, I mean?" Isabelle asked.
"Please my sister, I guess, though she always seems to be disappointed by everything I do," The Prince replied, casting his gaze from Isabelle to the side.
"I'm sorry to hear that, that's bloody awful."
"Don't be, I'm used to it by now," Uldren stated.
"Besides trying to please your sister and being a hero, who are you really, Prince Uldren?"
"If I told you, would you still want to know me?"
"Yes," Isabelle replied.
The Prince gazed into her sapphire eyes, they were so close. He didn't realize how close they were until they were inchesapart. His eyes darted down to Isabelle's full lips. They looked so plump and soft. He wondered what they would feel like on his own. Isabelle apparently had the same idea as she also lean closer. Their lips were only centimeters away.. Uldren closed his eyes awaiting her kiss when something interrupted them.
"Isabelle, the Vanguard is leaving." Came a voice.
Uldren jumped back, spotting Isabelle's ghost. The moment was ruined. 
"Oh, I'll be there momentarily," The Warlock replied, standing up from the swing.
The ghost bobbed once before disappearing. Uldren stood up and straightened his formal attire. He took Isabelle's hand and kissed the back of it.
"Until next time," He said.
"Next time?"
"Yes, I would very much like to get to know you better,"
"You have a mobile?" Isabelle asked.
"Yes," The Prince answered.
"Then send me a text,  if you want to talk."
After exstanging numbers. Uldren bid goodbye to the guardian. He went back to his quarters, where he found Jolyon waiting for him.
"You were no where to be seen after the first waltz," The crow said.
"That's because I spent the night wondering the place grounds having a pleasant conversation with my date," Uldren replied, entering his bedroom.
"That is surprising coming from your mouth."
"Really, how so?" The Prince started to take his blazer off.
"Well, for starters, you had a date this time," Jolyon stated.
"People change," Uldren replied, dressed in only his slacks.
"Is this change good or bad? Because if you fall for her, you know its not..."
"Not what, Jol?"
The Prince rolled his eyes, "I'm going to bed. Meet me in the courtyard tomorrow morning and I'll explain what the plan is then,"
Jolyon nodded and left. Uldren sighed. He knew it wasn't permitted. Isabelle wasn't a royal, she was a guardian and that made the things even more complicated. With another sigh, The Price laid on his bed, hands behind his head, thinking about what lies in store for him
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blueberryrock · 4 years
Here is the Prologue to my newest story! It's not a fanfic, it is an original story im writing! I hope y'all like it!
(Also I might change the name in the future)
"Momma" a small five-year-old girl with long brown hair tugs on the bottom of her tired mom's pants "when will daddy come home?" Her big bright brown eyes meet her mom's dull brown eyes.
The tired mom glances at her watch, which reads nine pm. She pulls a curtain back from the window in front of her and sighs "any minute".
She turns her head to look at the little girl "Why don't you go put your jammies on, grab your sister, and we'll play a little game" she warmly smiles. The little girl squeals and runs to her room.
The mom smiles as she runs down the long hallway, she glances back outside to the empty street. "C'mon Rick, where are you" she mutters. She fiddles with her gold wedding ring that has a single, gorgeous, red jewel on it. A "blood-red diamond" as her gemologist cousin calls it.
"Mom, please tell Karlene that I don't want to play some stupid game" The five-year-old, Karlene's, older sister complains. She tucks a strand of her long dirty blonde hair behind her ear.
"Now Sierra, you promised to play a game with her earlier, and as soon as your dad returns from work. You can go back to your room" Sierra's mom finally turns away from the window.
"Ugh, fine, but just one round" Sierra huffs "what game are we playing anyway."
"Cops and robbers!" Shrieks Karlene.
"No. No way am I going to play that stupid game" Sierra angrily crosses her arms.
"How bout a card game?" Their mom suggests.
"Ooh let's play gold fish!" Karlene happily said.
"Sounds good to me" Sierra finally agrees "and it's Go Fish."
"I'll grab a deck of cards, you two clear off the coffee table" their mom dashes out of the room to look for a deck.
"Where do you think dad's at," Sierra asked her little sister as she moves a stack of paper to the ground.
"Maybe he's fighting super villains!" Karlene enthusiastically hits a remote on the ground "oops" she mutters to herself.
Sierra can't help but giggle at her little sister's sheer happiness. "He could be" Sierra puts the last object onto the lower level of the coffee table.
"Really?" Karlene squeals.
Sierra smiles and messes with Karlene's crazy brown hair, she looks around and gets ear level with her sister. "You know dad does have superpowers" Sierra whispers and smirks.
Karlene's blue eyes go wide and her jaw drops "No. Way." Sierra only grins "umm, yes way, he told me"
And as soon as Sierra said that, the girl's mom walks into the large living room, hold a bowl of pretzels, and a deck of black cards.
Before she can set anything down, Karlene leaps to her feet and runs at her mom. "Does daddy really have powers?" She asks excitedly, bouncing up and down.
"Ah, well, I wanted to wait till you were older" their mom sends an upset glare at Sierra, which she ducks behind the glass coffee table.
Their mom walks around the bouncing Karlene and sets the bowl and deck on the table. "But yes, your father has...er..powers"
And at that Karlene lets out the loudest squeal on the planet. "Do you think he can show me his?" Karlene runs up to Sierra.
Sierra only shrugs "don't ask me," she says
Karlene then turns to her tired mom "do you think I'll have powers?" She jumps up and down on the carpet.
"Well, there is about a fifty-fifty chance of you two to get them, but let's play our card game" she pulls Karlene by the hand to sit "please? And once your father comes home, you can berate him with any and all questions"
Karlene grins again. "So six cards?" Their mom asks as she deals out five cards to everyone.
"I'm pretty sure it's seven" Sierra corrects her. They continue to play round after round until the big, old, grandfather clock strikes twelve.
Karlene is passed out in her room while Sierra is reading and her mom is currently pacing back and forth in front of the door.
"Mom" Sierra puts her large book down, "I'm sure dad's fine, he's probably just held up somewhere" her mom stops pacing and shoots her a worried glance.
"Oh, umm, I meant in...like...traffic or something" Sierra quickly corrects herself. But her mom continues to pace.
"But he's never been this late" Sierra's mom throws herself on the nearest piece of furniture, which was a very comfortable armchair.
"I'm sure he's fi–" Sierra cuts herself off with a big yawn "ine" she rubs her eyes.
"You should go to bed, he'll (hopefully) be back here tomorrow" Sierra's mom gets up to plant a kiss on her daughter's forehead.
"R-right" Sierra picks up her book and walks down the hallway to her room. As soon as her door closes, Sierra's mom pulls out her phone to dial her husband's phone.
But on the second to last ring, a sobbing woman picks up. "R-Rose," she sobbing woman says "h-he's go-o-one"
"What! Tina calm down, who's gone?" Rose calmly asks. "R-ri-ick" Tina barely finishes.
The phone nearly slips out of her hand, Rose slides into one of the chairs and readjusts the phone. "M-my Rick?" Is all that she can muster.
Rose slides from the chair to the hardwood floor. "N-no!" She sobs "i-it ca-a-an't be t-r-r-rue." Rose drops her phone and continues to sob hysterically.
After maybe a few minutes or a few hours, Rose's sobs turn into loud whimpers. She shakily picks up her phone, Tina has hung up ages ago.
She tiredly wipes her eyes and looks at the time, one and a half hours have passed. That means she spent one and a half hours sobbing when she wanted to be with her husband.
She shakily pushes herself to her feet. Waves of nausea washes over her as she sits back into the armchair. She decides that she is too tired to walk down the same hallway her girls went.
She instead pulls her knees as close as she can into her chest and wraps her arms around them. She lays her head on them and looks around them empty room.
Memories of her family come flooding in, she glances at the coffee table she and the girls were at, and a memory of them with their dad play a board game makes her smile as more tears form.
She continues to softly cry as she remembers the last time she spoke to her husband. It was before he had to leave for his job.
They were talking about his they were planning on taking their girls out of the country for a vacation. But that idea is now long gone.
Rose continues to softly cry until she falls asleep. She dreams about talking to her husband in a little cafe.
She is rudely awakened by her youngest daughter. "Mommy" she happily says. Rose's bloodshot eyes meet her daughter's beautiful brown eyes.
"Yes, sweetheart?" She croaks, her throat begging for any water.
"Where is daddy?" Karlene asks with a small grin. Tears form in Rose's eyes as the thoughts of last night come flooding back. Perhaps it was a dream?
No. Rose couldn't remember a dream to save her life. "Y-your d-dad's g" she stops herself as her oldest daughter tiredly walks into the room.
She yawns "Karlene, let mom wake up first" Sierra rubs her tired eyes and unceremoniously throws herself onto the couch next to them.
Rose wipes her eyes and sits up straight. "G-girls" she announces "I have something very important to tell you about your father." Both girls sit down and pay attention.
"Your father...he's..." Rose sighs, she takes a deep breath in "he's gone"
"W-what do you mean gone?" Sierra asks.
"I mean your dad is gone, dead, he was...I believe that he was murdered" tears form in her and Sierra's eyes.
Rose looks down at Karlene, half expecting her to be full-on crying and half expecting her to be confused.
But she is the later one. "Daddy isn't coming here?" She furrows her brows as she tries to think "did he leave us?" She looks up at her now crying mom.
"Yes, he left us" she tries to explain, but Karlene starts sobbing "d-di-d he n-not l-o-ove u-s" she cries.
"Oh no baby" her mom says, she gently scoops her up and sits onto the couch next to the sobbing Sierra. "He love-ed us w-with all h-h-is heart" Rose tries not to cry, but she's failing miserably.
"W-will I-I get t-to see h-hi-m aga-ain?" Karlene wails. "Of c-course" Rose reassures her wailing daughter " y-you'll s-see hi-m aga-ain" Rose chokes on a sob.
BANG. BANG. BANG. Rose unwraps her arms that are around Karlene and sets her gently where she was sitting. She quickly walks towards the large dark oak front door. Rose takes a deep breath in, wipes her tears away, and opens the door.
"Hello, Ms. Winster." A tall police officer says in his deep voice. He nervously shifts on his feet. "My name is Dean Sanchez" he holds up his police badge, "and this" he points to his partner. His partner is slightly smaller, with blonde hair and brown eyes. "Is my partner."
"James Riddle" he introduces himself. He politely holds out his hand and shakes Rose's cold hand.
"We've umm...come here to inform you that your husband has be-" Sanchez tries to say but Riddle jabs him in the side.
Rose raises one of her eyebrows "has been what?" She asks, already knowing the answer.
"He's dead," Riddle says bluntly. "James! Be sensitive" Sanchez says. After hours of crying, more tears stream down Rose's face.
"H-how d-id it hap-pen" she sobs.
"We don't really know, it could've been an accident or a murder. We're still looking into it" Riddle explains "but we'll update you on any new information we get."
"O-okay" she sputters out. Sanchez pulls out a tissue from his vest and hands it to Rose. She says a quiet thank you and blows her nose.
The policemen bow their heads and start to walk away. Rose slowly closes the door, leaving a crack to watch them, making sure they left.
Something was off about them, but Rose didn't care enough to question them. She crumbles up the used tissue and places it on the coffee table.
She looks at her two still crying daughters. "How 'bout we get some ice cream?" She offers.
Sierra sneezes and weakly says "okay". Karlene only nods, she does her red and wet face on her soft PJ shirt.
"Go get dressed then we'll leave" Rose calmly says. Both girls get up and head for their bedrooms "and brush your hair Karlene" she calls after the youngest.
Rose looks down at her owns clothes. Pj pants and a hoodie. She sighs and rubs her tired face, she heads for her own room to change.
After five minutes of staring at her husband's clothes, she finally meets the girls in the living room.
"You ready?" She sadly smiles at the girls. Sierra lets out a hiccup and puts her flip flops on. Rose looks at her youngest daughter "did you brush your hair?"
Karlene only nods. Rose sighs and grabs her black leather purse "alright lets go."
Well thanks for reading, I hope y'all like what I do with it annnnd yeah...Oh! Also, I won't be updating this every week as I did with my other fic, the updates will be random
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ribbonshades · 4 years
☾  identity
It was much harder than any other game Charles had played, and he didn’t think he would win. It was days of willing his frail body to keep running away from Noise and Reapers, hiding in the alleyways of London and ducking into store fronts to survive. No matter where he went, though, he knew that the Composer had her eyes on him the whole time and that she decided arbitrarily who wouldn't move on at the end of each day, anyway. Luckily for him, she seemed to have a soft spot for the shy, defenseless ones. Soft to the point of being rotten, probably. 
"It's Charles," he'd mumble every time she got his name wrong. 
"Oh, I'm sorry, dear. Your name is written [REDACTED] in your soul, you see. It's nothing personal, love." Eliza waved her continuous mistake off, making his heart sink to his stomach. But he was too timid to say anything more. 
"You're so precious, [REDACTED]," she'd say, insistently reaching forward and brushing her thumb over his cheek. He flinched away from the touch, only ending up with her repeating the process, more roughly this time. "I love mixed Asian girls, I can't wait to doll you up," she went on. Charles felt numb, ice seeping in his bones. She'd smile serenely and bid him well on the day's mission. Day after day, he wondered if he should have joined Mom and Dad if it meant sparing him this. 
In the end, she and her preferential treatment were the only reasons he survived the Game. Someone he didn't recognize stood next to her when the end of it came. They looked otherworldly, high strung, sympathetic, tired. They reminded him of the only teacher he had that referred to him as a boy. He felt like he could trust them.
"Charles, correct?" the newcomer said. His face brightened and he nodded. "Ah, good. Well, congratulations on winning the Game. It has been quite a week, mm?" 
Eliza was nearly bubbling over with excitement, already her basket was full of 5 pairs of new, lamp shaped wings and Charles could feel that she wanted him to be her sixth. He swallowed and tried to keep his eyes up on the stranger in front of him. 
"You may come back to life, or you may live the rest of your existence in the London UG, as a Reaper. What would you like to do?" the figure said. 
"Uhm… I… have a question…" Charles mumbled. 
"Yes, dear?"
"My parents… they're gone, right…?" he said, swallowing back heavy tears in his throat. The stranger gave a small, weary sigh. 
"Yes, I'm afraid so. Do you have other family that would take you in?" they asked, their brow knit with the slight worry they allowed themself to show. 
"... No," Charles exhaled. He truly didn't know what would be the better option. If he went back to the RG, he would be forced to live as someone he wasn't, without his medications that served as his lifeline. He may even be strong enough to end it all, if it came to that point. But if he stayed in the UG, while he would still struggle to live as Charles, his body would stay the same. He could escape, one day. And, well, if it didn't go favourably, he supposed he had the option of ending it all then, too. 
Charles shivered. Eliza was watching him with wide, glassy blue eyes, her silver hair in curls framing her face. 
"I'll… become a Reaper," he said, looking up at the angelic figure with tears welling in his eyes. 
"... Alright. If that is what you wish, Charles." 
He was whisked into a whirlwind of a first few days as a Reaper. He was given a dormitory to live in, a small one bedroom with a communal bathroom, the wings separated by gender. His closet was full of tartan skirts and blazers that he resented, the desk piled high with books on the UG, Reaper powers, and the history of London. As soon as he was settled and dressed appropriately in the wrong gender’s uniform, he was subjected to various tests that drew out his Reaper power and tested his Noise Form. 
"Shadow powers? Oh, that is lovely, [REDACTED], I've been needing a new Reaper in the Espionage department," Eliza gushed. The pile on his desk grew higher with texts on spying and assassination techniques. He was assigned a number, used in place of his old name when necessary. He almost liked the number better.
His only respite was Allen, the only person who seemed to be able to keep Eliza in check. Charles couldn't quite tell what gender they were either, though Eliza referred to them as a woman, as Alexandra. He wondered if that was the reason why they were the only one to call him Charles. He decided he liked them, and he looked forward to spending time with them, whenever he could, and upon seeing the amount of work they did for the city, he gained a great respect for them. 
"Say, have you ever wanted to alter your appearance or anything?" they had asked one day while they were eating crumpets for afternoon tea time. 
"Ah– Uhm, sometimes…" he responded, nearly dropping the butter knife into his cup. They knew very well that he did, why were they bringing this up? 
"You've always seemed a tad uncomfortable in your skin, Charles. What would you change?" They smiled knowingly. 
"Well… I guess I want to look cooler… like an albino bunny?" he said, tilting his head. 
"Aha, bunnies are cute though!" Allen smiled, leaning back. He felt his lips move on their own, cracking a small smile himself. 
Other than those rare, fleeting moments, Charles endured his day to day, undergoing harsh training to optimize his powers and to sharpen his skills as an assassin. He was showered with praise and unwanted affection from Eliza, with comparisons to various female, Asian assassins in media. 
"Oh, but you wouldn't turn against me like some of them do, will you, love?" Eliza smiled, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the forehead. 
The thought never occurred to him, but after he mulled over the possibility, he couldn't stop thinking about it. 
Once it was all done, Charles left a note on his pillow addressed to Allen and fled the city. He sunk into his shadow the instant the rest of Eliza's body dissipated into static, only narrowly catching the salute of gratitude from the newly crowned Composer. Truly, there was no real threat to staying in London, but he didn't want to wait around to be employed by the new monarch and to spend eternity repeating the last two years. He appeared somewhere outside the bounds of the city, where he wasn't sure if his powers would be as reliable anymore. With nowhere else to go, he did what any respectable Brit on the run would do and boarded a train to Paris. RG or UG, he knew any Parisian would help him in his escape if they knew he was trying to get away from London.
With some luck and a shaky conversation in half English and half French, he ran into a winged man who he knew would be able to help him. Charles briefly explained an embellished version of the truth, though the man connected his story of "I was wrapped up in a political scandal" with the news of Queen Eliza meeting her demise and was delighted to help him. 
"Please, do stay 'ere!" the man offered, "I can only 'ope to assist ze one who ‘az liberated London!" 
"Uhm… Do you know who could change my appearance, maybe…?" Charles asked, tugging on his hair nervously.
Somehow, Paris was a vain enough district that there were powerful Reapers who's sole purpose was cosmetic alterations. He was face to face with yet another Reaper whose gender he couldn't determine at first glance. 
"Ah… S'il vous plaît, uhm… Cheveux… court? Courts? Et blanc? Blanche? E-et, les yeux… rouge," he stuttered, holding up a picture of the haircut he wanted. The Reaper clicked their tongue and nodded. 
"Rouge vif ou foncé?" they responded, and jesus christ Charles would have to learn French fast if he wanted to stay here. 
"Vif… ah… comme ça, ici–" Charles pointed at a bright red fabric scrap hanging from the Reaper's belt. They gave a thumbs up and gestured for him to get onto the table and lay down. The procedure itself was quick and painless, and he couldn't help but smile when a mirror was brought to show him his new reflection. 
"C'est tout pour vous aujourd'hui?" the Reaper asked, tilting their head. Charles took a breath. He had blindly trusted Allen and gotten favourable results there, so… 
"Ah, euh… Aussi… Ici…?" Shakily, Charles pointed his hand downwards to the bottom of his torso. The Reaper watched him and waited for him to continue. 
"... Efface-là, s'il vous plaît." 
He spent almost two years district hopping across Europe, learning several languages along the way. It was wonderful, having freedom. He relished being able to dress how he wanted, being able to use his powers for something less ugly for once, focusing on learning how to configure his stealth powers into various cute animal forms. His tour ended in France again, this time in the southern city of Marseille as a bunny hopping around the gardens flanking the mansions. The day was just beginning, and Charles was just basking in the sun for a spell when–
"Papa! Un lapin!" 
He peeked his eyes open to see a young boy run out of the terrace area towards him. A girl stood at the door warily, watching her brother move with such little restraint over a grey lop in the grass. Charles was picked up into the boy's arms and brought inside, placed on a cushion and fought for in frantic, accented French that he couldn't quite understand fully. It seemed that the mother was trying to argue that they couldn't take care of a bunny, and the boy fired back that they should at least take care of him until they find the owner. It was one phrase in specific that had him, though. 
"Nous pouvons être sa famille!" 
At that, he burrowed closer to the boy. The mother conceded and instructed a butler to purchase supplies to temporarily house a bunny. In the meantime, the boy hugged him, victorious. 
"Je m'appelle Jean, Monsieur Lapin! Et vous?" the boy grinned. His sister sighed and came over to pet him on the head, too. Charles wondered if he could imprint an RGer from this form, seeing that he asked his name�� so he tried it, suggesting his own name in Jean's head. 
"Hm… il ressemble à… Charles!" Jean grinned and squeezed Charles more, the latter utterly confused at how it worked, despite the French accent making his name something quite different. Moreover, considering how Charles was very much not a French name in the least, it will be interesting to see how he justifies this to his parents. 
Nobody minded, though, and the missing bunny posters went largely ignored. Once two months had passed, the father patted his head and announced that the rabbit was now part of the Duvert family. 
Charles' nose wiggled happily at having one again. 
After years of obsessively consuming anime and video games, Charles could barely believe that he was now living in Japan. As a bunny, of course– he couldn't get away with running off for a week quite as often as he did before, but he knew Carel's schedule and he knew how to teleport out of his cage, so he spent many a day loitering around Shibuya until it was time to head back home.
It was a lovely routine, though it lasted only months. That December, Jean died in an accident that Charles knew resulted in him playing a game. He wanted to go to where he died and work the game and ensure his survival, but Carel's grief was too much for her to bear by herself. Charles steeled himself, hoping that he could come back and waiting for the day Carel's memories of his death were wiped, to no avail. 
Wanting answers, Charles waited for a time where Carel would be out of the house for longer periods of time and took a train to Kawasaki, where Jean died. 
"Haha, you're gonna get erased if you don't keep up, newbie!" Jean laughed horridly, blood from his last erasure still speckled on his glasses. 
"I'm… keeping up…" Charles gritted his teeth, keeping an eye out for the partner of the Player he had erased earlier that day. 
"Sure you are. You couldn't keep up with me, I bet," Jean retorted, licking his lips. Charles squeaked as Jean moved closer into his space, his arm resting on the wall behind him. "Maybe you can keep up in other ways, though. What do you say?" he asked, his voice lowered. 
"N-no thank you," Charles huffed, quickly slipping into his shadow to safety. The district had done awful things to Jean, and Charles couldn't bear to see more. He made an effort to avoid Jean for the rest of the game and slipped away from Kawasaki as soon as he was able. 
"Charles! I missed you!" Jean said, holding his arms out to hug the bunny. "It's been so long, huh?" 
Not as long as you think, but I'm glad that Carel knows you exist now, Charles thought, snuffling in Jean's arms. 
"You, ah. Knew I was a Reaper even before I came to Shibuya?" 
"Uhm… yeah. I worked a week in Kawasaki while you were there, and…" Charles trailed off, looking to the floor to avoid seeing Jean's reaction. 
"Ah," Jean responded, "I remember now. I, uh… I'm sorry." 
"Be sorry to yourself, you tried to get your pet bunny in bed with you," Charles scoffed. 
"H-hey, I was just like that back then, it was a phase–!" Jean squawked indignantly, failing to save face. 
"A phase is something that ends, Jean…" Charles tsked, turning back to his newly decorated room. He heard Jean sputtering more behind him as he closed the door. 
A few months after becoming Conductor, Charles sat down with Jean and told him how he became a Reaper. It went exactly as he thought, Jean crying on behalf of him and wallowing in pity that wasn't even for him. 
"Sorry," Jean breathed, wiping his glasses, "I just can't believe everyone has gone through hell. Please tell me you're happier now, where you are." 
Charles reached forward and swiped his thumb over Jean's teary eyes, wicking away more moisture, his palm resting on his cheek. Jean's eyes widened at the gesture, having never seen Charles be that physically intimate with him before. 
"I'm much happier now that I can finally be who I am. So, thank you, Jean." Another rare smile surfaced on Charles' face, and the combination seemed to be too much, as Jean burst into fresh tears right after. 
With approved leave, Charles arrived back in London, almost 15 years after he last left. He was dressed smartly, a dark grey suit with a red tie, and a pair of rabbit shaped cuff links that Jean had lent him for good luck. He still remembered well the way towards the entrance of the God's Palace, and his feet led him there without much thought. Once just inside, he approached the reception. 
"Hello, I'm the Conductor of Shibuya, here to meet with the Producer of London," he said. The receptionist looked over the schedule and gestured for him to sit down. It was a short wait before Allen appeared at the door, looking a little confused at having a meeting with a foreign Conductor, though the answer was clear as day as soon as they laid eyes on the man sitting in front of him. 
"You're alive," Allen remarked once they had gone outside for privacy. 
"I am." 
"You're also taller than me now," they laughed, looking up. With the slight heel of his shoe, Charles was indeed 5 inches taller than he was before. He chuckled and took a seat on a bench nearby, Allen following suit. 
"What made you reach out? I thought you'd never come back with the letter you left me," they said, their hands folded in their lap. 
"I was telling my friend… the Composer, about how I became a Reaper, and I realized that I never got to thank you." Allen tilted their head, a brow raised.
"For not intervening in Eliza's assassination? I mean, I'm not supposed to get involved in that, but–" 
"For seeing me as Charles. Honestly, I don't think I would have held onto that if nobody saw me as who I am for two years," Charles explained, a serene smile on his face. Allen smiled widely. 
"Of course I would have. You saw me as Allen, too." They smoothed out their skirt, their smile widening into a grin. "Might I say, you're looking quite sharp. Almost made me swoon when I saw you."
Charles' cheeks pinkened slightly, though he was a large contrast to the flustered mess he would have been even a few years ago. "I did some growing up," he replied nonchalantly, bravado enough to keep an air of confidence up. 
They talked for hours, catching up from over the years, walking around the city Charles had called home for half his life. He felt reacquainted enough with the city by the time that he had to go.
"Thank you for meeting with me, Allen." Charles held his hand out to theirs; confused, they placed it in his. As was his nightly routine so many years ago, he knelt down to a knee and kissed the back of their hand, eliciting a startled noise from them. 
"H-hey, you don't need to do this again–" they sputtered. Charles looked up from his position and smiled. 
"It's the ultimate sign of respect here, isn't it? I'm doing it because I want to, not because I have to," he responded, getting back up afterwards. "Either way… keep in touch. I'd love to come visit again when I can, I didn't realize how much I missed London." 
"London's a home for you, Charles. Come back anytime, okay?" Allen grinned again, taking a step back to let them part ways. 
"Thank you, Allen. Take care," Charles said, letting go of their hand. He waved as he slid into his shadow to make the journey back home, feeling light and fulfilled. 
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