#maybe I can get Puzzles fans to enjoy and find out about TPOH like I did
fandovers · 5 days
This might be a hot take on main, but... Why can't Mr. Puzzles fans and RGB fans just get along?
v-- (Ramble under the cut.) --v
I remember when I first found out about Mr. Puzzles on twitter via his theme song being shared about. I had no clue about TPOH up until I started talking to my friends about Puzzles. In a way, talking about Mr. Puzzles helped me find out about TPOH and RGB in the first place!!
I got to dive head-first into both of these characters at the same time, and it was great!! But the main thing that stuck out was the absolute hate radiating from the fans of either side. These two characters quickly became my comfort characters, and it pained me to see the hate at one another.
If I tried to join, say, a TPOH fan space, they would often be talking about how they want Puzzles dead. Or an SMG4 fan space talking about how RGB sucks and Puzzles is better. I couldn't join any space on either side without seeing burning hate, and it sucks!!
And don't get me wrong, I do acknowledge they look extremely similar!! Whether the SMG4 crew or designers took heavy inspiration from RGB or not, it should be talked about. In a perfect world, the crew would come out and tell us if he was heavily inspired or not. If the people who designed him even had a clue about TPOH, or if it was just a coincidence with how his design came out.
Eitherway, I look at them both as that one meme with the cakes. Instead of "oh, this cake is so much better then the other!" just stop looking at this like a competition!! We get two awesome tv heads with coloured bar smiles, but with their own backstories, personalities, consequences of their actions and you are picking sides?? The way I see it is "holy fuck!! Two cakes!! :D" and I feel like nobody shares this mentality. Why can't we just enjoy both for who they are?
As an ending note here; to the Mr. Puzzles fans who keep bugging modmad (creator of TPOH) with asks about Puzzles; they know about him already and have made statements. Leave them alone. Please don't bring it up with them anymore, as it is an extremely negative topic for them. You can enjoy Puzzles without bugging modmad, it's that easy. (If you want to see their statements/thoughts on it, literally just google modmad and Mr. Puzzles, it will pop up.)
Be safe, be sane. And for the love of god; respect each other.
Anyway, this post was written not only cause I wanted to talk about this, as I feel like a minority by liking both and isn't choosing sides. But also, letting it be known that I will post fanart of both characters on my page!!
My page is my own, and I post about things I enjoy, and the hate from either side isn't going to stop me!! If you come on my page just to hate on the characters I draw, then I will kindly walk you to the door and block you. I don't want that type of negativity here. I am only here to have fun and enjoy silly tv head men!!
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