#maya the ice cream cone
carlthecheeseburger · 27 days
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Mystery friends! Floyd, should I pick a food friend or a fantasy friend? Who will it be? Chanel, Poplina, Maya, Tex, Reina, Polly, Tatiana, Danny, Obu, Archie, or it could be a copy of you or me. I'm so nervous.
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artiststarme · 11 months
Picking Sides
When Steve and Eddie inevitably break up, the kids take Steve’s side. They blame Eddie completely and exile him from the Party. All of the kids start excluding Eddie from Party gatherings, belittling him when they see him in public, and outright glaring at him whenever he’s in their sights. They do so against Steve’s wishes and see their actions as protecting a friend.
So, Eddie is left alone, friendless, jobless, and depressed. Without the Party, Eddie has no one. I mean, he has his Uncle Wayne but the guy works far too often to have to deal with his needy little nephew on top of everything else. But he continues on. He mourns the loss of his relationship with Steve, the happiness he felt with the Party, and the sense of belonging that was so fleeting it couldn’t have possibly been real. The breakup was amicable between the two but the fallout with everyone else is anything but.
The Party’s mistreatment of Eddie is actually what gets the two back together. They decide that the reason for their mutual split, having different goals for the future and not wanting to disappoint each other later on, isn’t worth the hassle it created or the misery they both felt.
So, after being broken up for approximately two weeks, Steve and Eddie get back together. But they don’t disclose this to the Party. Oh no, instead they mail them a postcard and a picture of the two of them kissing in front of the ocean. Upon closer inspection, the kids could make out Robin in the background eating an ice cream cone. When the three of them come back a week after they disappeared, it’s to grumbled congratulations for the two and shouted words of worry (from Hopper).
Guys, I am working on the angst prompts! As soon as I made up my mind to be productive, my lungs tried to kill me via asthma flare-up. But it is coming!
My Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @ksherlock15 @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschildextra @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @devondespresso @gregre369 @mysticcrownshipper @disasterlia @lillys-weird-world @messrs-weasley @orangesunsets12 @awkotaco24 @pukner @strangerthingfanfic @dangdirtydemons @bookworm0690 @hannahhook7744 @dreamlandforever @marsbars97 @precursorandthedragon @romanticdestruction @5ammi90 @death-thee-nervousqueer @panicatthediaz @justforthedead89 @futuristicnachostranger @breadboi66 @fandommaniac123
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eatmangoesnekkid · 3 months
Cassie: Friend, Soulmate, and Self-Regenerating Muse
One of the ongoing themes of my multi-book series is The Muse: the consciousness, archetype, and ways of moving and being of the Muse, who is the Muse and why this energetic matrix is important for every femme to embody for her aliveness and manifestation potential. I made a major edit in this chapter after randomly meeting someone one warm day in Amsterdam recently. The chapter now opens with a story about her.
Cassie is her name and she is stunning. I don’t know what it is about Amsterdam but I rarely—meaning—never —meet people I feel a deep soul kinship with. To be fair, I spend more time biking in Amsterdam instead of walking because the weather is often trashy. But walking is my favorite exercise and I tend to walk a whole lot more in other cities when I’m traveling because, hello, beautiful weather. But on this warm beautiful Sunday in Amsterdam, I joyfully walked everywhere. That’s how I met Cassie, an Indonesian and Surinamese (Black) 38 year old Goddess as she was lightheartedly and confidently sashaying down the street in her short denim dress with peak-a-boo air holes cut out on the sides which illuminated her waist.
She was alone with no cell phone or bag, casually strollin' to her own rhythms while licking a vanilla ice cream cone and delighting in her own innocence and pleasure after walking through the city for hours I would later find out. That is so me—walking for hours in a city and getting lost without a cell phone on me. It was like seeing myself and one of my favorite Minnie Riperton album covers come to life in full-size, "Perfect Angel," the one where she is holding a dripping ice cream cone while smiling so sweetly. Suddenly Cassie made a u-turn and sat on the bench directly across from me. I knew I had to say something to her.
The first thing I said was “you must tell me what you do to have that kind of body.” She responded “you must tell what YOU do to have that kind of body.” She reminded me of me so much—it was dreamy and surreal as watching a Maya Deren “black and white” film yet it was as real as human flesh and a beating heart. You know what her answer was?! “I don’t workout my body. I just workout my mindset and emotional body.” I responded with all manners of celebration “you magical neuroscience quantum theory Gawddddd.” We both laughed! We ended up talking for 4 whole hours— nerding out on everything from quantum physics and metaphysics to speaking about our dreams, love, farm life, and why high-quality, non-extractive penetration (when mutual love and reverence are present regardless of the 'relationship status' between the two) is essential for the healthy shape of a woman’s body and to liberate the deeper coiled wisdom living in her female tissues that no male guru in India could ever possibly understand or teach. It felt like Cassie and I had only been sitting there for only 30 minutes. She was my muse and I was hers. We went on a real journey together.
To open yourself up to The Muse and allow this regenerative consciousness to be your lighthouse in the world requires devotion and a kind of playful endurance and resiliency where you begin to hold a quality of self-worth that does not allow you to give up before the miracles start to happen in your life. Being able to follow a dream -your heart's desires and big visions, capable of trusting the process of what is being divinely asked of you to do and not give up, truly embodying the mindset of a divine being, yield a greater energy of pure power. And what I know about energy is that everything is sourced from it, even though it appears physical to our eyes.
Of course, if you desire to work through the physical/3D world/matter, those things you can logically track and measure, you can. But the truth is that you access more infinite power to shift your body and whole life when you begin to tune into E-N-E-R-G-Y, the subtle, immaterial, and invisible, the spirit that lies beneath the surface, like blessing your food and directing it to travel to the parts of your body you’d like for it to energize or nourish, to make more shapely or healthy. Also, getting into energy work and metaphysics, the essences of your chi, makes you prettier like a beauty ritual, more naturally attractive, magnetic, and wiser. I can’t wait to finalize this chapter and share a snippet here. Yum!—India Ame’ye
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Summary: You take Marc and his daughter out to the Royal Ballet, Marc takes you and his daughter out for ice cream. A continuation of the Tiramisu universe.
Pairing: singledad!Marc Spector x f!Reader
Word Count: 737
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Maya’s dress is a gentle green, her hair curls down her back and around her head like a cloud. The colour matches with her father’s dress shirt. It’s the colour of a faded green t-shirt washed too many times, soft with love and preference. 
Her eyes are glowing as she traces the movements on top of the stage, her hands clutching both arm rests. She only seems to be half in the seat between you and Marc. 
The first time you met Maya, you took her to the ballet. An afternoon matinee production, shortened for younger audiences. 
You’re not sure how much of it you’ve actually managed to watch, your eyes straying back to the girl beside you almost as if you couldn’t help it. 
You’d be embarrassed, had you not caught Marc’s eye multiple times as well, had had him send you a teasing glance in your direction before the corner of his mouth turned up, the way his eyebrow would sometimes. Soon enough, he gave up on his poking fun, probably realising that the only reason why he’s caught you looking was because he’d been looking as well. 
After the show is over, her heated palm in yours, you go for ice cream. Her laughter is a white dove in a blooming apple tree. Marc’s smile is a blooming apple tree. 
Maya gets strawberry, Marc dark chocolate, you get tiramisu-flavoured ice cream. 
Marc’s hand is soothing as it runs down the back of his daughter’s head. She’s sitting in his lap, and he turns to her, and asks, “Baby, you wanna give me a taste?” 
Though she scrunches up her nose at the thought, after a moment’s hesitation she presses her cone onto his mouth like an unbalanced seesaw. Unbothered by the lack of coordination, he licks his lips and hums in delight. 
Though he tries to wipe it all away with a napkin, there’s a smear underneath his bottom lip that he’s missed. 
Before you’ve had the time to think about it, you reach out and wipe it away. There’s the synthetic smell of strawberry lingering on your hand. You quickly wipe away the ice cream with a napkin, not allowing yourself any time to think about it and pick up your spoon again. 
Maya and Marc. 
The two halves of your world now. 
You look at them and smile, pressing sugar on the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Marc’s profile is facing you now and you take it in appreciatively. The attentive slope of his shoulders as he listens to his daughter go on about the ballet, about the positions she’d recognised from her own classes. The crooked angles of his nose. The engraved eye crinkles that sit pleasantly in your stomach like a duck in a pond. 
Though you’d already seen it from the pictures, the two of their faces beside each other like this tugs at your lungs, pokes a hole in them with a thin needle. Their similarities rise to the surface one-by-one. Maya scrunches her nose in much the same way, she’s almost nailed the frown her grump of a father makes whenever something displeases her, like his bittersweet ice cream. 
The goodness of Marc Spector, though always shining like a firefly, is only that much more apparent now, as he interacts with the sweet girl that’s shaped him into the beauty that he is now. 
Though the seed of your relationship has taken deep roots remarkably quickly within your chest, you deem this a risk worth the payoff. 
Marc seems as serious about you as you are about his little family. 
It’s the wash of a cool ocean breeze, a summer wind spilling in from an open window like sunshine.
Turning away from her father and to you, Maya’s voice is meek as she speaks up, “Can you come to my ballet recital next month?” 
Your ice cream’s flavour isn’t the way you’d hoped it would be. It was a poor imitation of the actual dessert. 
Looking at Maya now, a stronger taste of coffee and mascarpone rises in your mouth. You reach forward and tuck a curl behind her ear, and it bounces back accordingly. You smile and say that you’d love to. That you don’t think The Royal Ballet could do an even better job. 
Under the table, Marc’s foot comes forward and brushes against yours, intertwining with yours like a braid, a curl. 
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Thanks for reading, if you liked it, please consider leaving some feedback! I don't usually respond, but I obsess and re-read reblogs and comments constantly.
Masterlist here.
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panandinpain0 · 1 year
Hellooooooo could I request a stranger things where it’s Robin x Male Reader, but platonically, where they bond over ice cream, being gay (or whatever for the reader), and the trauma of existing in the hell that is Hawkins?? I just stan robin
"Let Me Finish My Cone!"
This request slays and I'm excited to write it! Honestly I wish I got more platonic requests- I don't mind the romantic ones (I really like writing them) but some balance would be nice, yk?
Also- I keep misspelling Robin as Robing for some reason- so sorry if I accidentally missed a typo and that's in there 😭
We all stan Robin (Maya Hawke <333)
Headcanon of mine: Robin bites her ice cream. At first she did it to freak Steve out but now she can't eat ice cream any other way.
Requested by: Anon
Robin Buckley with Male!Reader
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Sitting on a bench at the mall, two teenagers held melting ice cream cones in their hands. Robin sat criss-cross with her legs under her, and (Y/N) with his ankle resting on his other knee.
Robin was on break from work, still in her uniform minus the hat, which she'd forced (Y/N) to wear. It sat crooked on his head, almost falling off.
"There's no one to date here," (Y/N) sighed out as a hot guy walked past them. He licked his ice cream with a grumpy look on his face.
"If anyone knows how it is, I do," Robin snorted, biting her ice cream.
"Like- none of the guys look at me, and if they do it's only in a friend way. I don't know any other gay guys in Hawkins!" (Y/N) whisper-shouted to his best friend.
She side-eyed him, "What about Steve? He's bi, you know."
"Someone who's out, I mean. Not that I have anything against Steve or the fact that he isn't publicly out- it's just that I wanna be able to be seen with my boyfriend! And romantically, too. I don't want my relationship to be a secret."
"In this town it kind of has to be," Robin sighed out this time, thinking of her own experiences with it. "And if you don't treat it like a secret, other people will."
"This town is so fucked up. I would be in a rush to get out of here except for the fact that everywhere else would be just as bad."
"What about Los Angeles?" Robin looked over to her friend, taking another bite of her ice cream, almost down to the cone part.
"LA? I dunno, man... maybe. Wanna come with me and find out?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Once I get enough money to leave this place, hell yeah!"
"You and me both." (Y/N) still wore his uniform from the arcade upstairs in the mall. He was sick of the snotty kids there and seconds away from quitting his job.
"How is Steve doing with that, by the way?"
"Ahh, fine. He's been getting more confident- saw him flirting with some guy at the counter earlier."
"Yeah? And how'd that go?"
"Horribly, but at least he's getting out there!" Robin tried to be positive as (Y/N) laughed.
"I remember when I started flirting with guys. But then again I never was very good at flirting."
"No you are not- I remember when you tried to flirt with me," Robin remembered, smiling with amusement. (Y/N)'s face turned red from embarrassment as he, too, remembered.
"Must we bring it up?" He hid his face in his free hand.
"You were trying so hard to be straight!"
"And failing horribly," (Y/N) finished for her, the two sharing a laugh. "Oh- there's the man of the hour!"
Steve was waving at Robin to come back. Seems her break was over.
"Robin!" He shouted, his face going red as (Y/N) winked at him.
"Let me finish my cone, asshole!" Robin shouted back. Steve flipped her the bird and she stuck her tongue out at him, making him roll his eyes. Both ignored the looks they got from the interaction.
"You sure you don't like him?" Robin teased as she leaned back again.
"I'm not sure about anything. I just don't think he's willing to commit, you know?" (Y/N) speculated, lazily licking his cone.
"Well, you can't be sure until you try!" Robin popped the end of the cone into her mouth and swiped her hat from (Y/N)'s head, patting it as she walked away.
(Y/N) groaned as his watch went off, signaling the end of his own break.
Short but sweet- I love Robin (and Steve).
-Author Max <3
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liamalexanderr · 3 months
who: liam & @sebastianvora where: chilled creamery stall
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EVEN WITH RECENT EVENTS, LIAM FELT it was necessary to try and join the celebrations, if just to get his mind off of it. he had danced as the parade made its way through the streets of blue harbor. it had freed some of the ache in his chest and let joy seep in through the cracks. the makeup maya had helped him put on was still in place, if not a bit smudged. it helped with the joyous feeling expanding. feeling slightly overheated, he made his way toward the chilled creamery. after little to no consideration he grabbed a pride cone and tried to find a bit of shade to enjoy his ice cream. just as he was about to duck out of the line, he saw a face he was vaguely familiar with. "seb, right ? hey," liam greeted, raising his ice ceram. it was maybe a bit forced, with liam not knowing him that well, but knowing him well enough from talking to cj that he felt comfortable saying hello. "i've heard good things about you from cj. nice to meet you, man !"
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What is Maya's favourite ice cream flavour? Or does she enjoys eating them?
oooooohhh interesting ask right here.
fun fact: maya makes her own ice cream tho and it's bcos cherry-flavored ice cream is only available in japan during spring?? kinda like the cherry blossom flavored variants. so yeah if she wants cherry and dark chocolate ice cream or smores or whatever mixed flavor it is, she would make her own.
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but in all honesty, maya never shies away from any ice cream flavor tho, especially with how vast japan has with its ice cream flavors. tho the ones she would usually get (like the basic flavors) would be matcha and melon parfait bars, especially during summer.
for her usual order, she's okay with the vanilla soft serve from the convenience store bcos sometimes she just wanted to taste nothing but cream and milk and blank feelings all in one.
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aside from that, she actually prefers to eat her ice cream with spoons from cups tho instead of from popsicle sticks or cones.
it's bcos maya's conscious of people who tend to sexualize women licking off ice cream from cones or sticks and it instantly reminds her of the nightmares of her traumatizing childhood at the brothel
a/n: ahh this made me crave for some ice cream
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Citizens and Background Characters Galore
I'll add some bite-sized bits of info for minor characters and background characters I haven't talked about yet.
🎊 Fanmade Unikingdom Citizens:
Pheasala, a noisy pheasant/salamander who trained with Hawkodile and Eagleator in the dojo
Carmine, Mabel’s father
Meryl, Mabel’s mother
Millie, Mabel’s older sister
Scarlet, Mabel’s younger sister
Douglas and Max, Mabel’s younger brothers
Princess Unear, Unikitty and Puppycorn’s mother who is retired
Prince Pericorn, Unikitty and Puppycorn’s father who is also retired
Rosa, a soft-hearted axolotl
Bigbang, an exuberant sports commentator
😠 Fanmade Frowntown Citizens:
Master Cupid
Mayor Melancholia
🍨 Citizens of Ice Cream Land:
King Dairycone
Queen Snowcorn
Floela, a friend of Neapolitan's and a butterfly enthusiast
Judge Fudge, a fudge square judge who hears proceedings in Ice Cream Land’s local courthouse and carries out the laws the king and queen create
Coco, a chocolate ice cream
Mintfoot, a mint chocolate chip ice cream with large feet
Dough, an ice cream sandwich 
Toffee Chip, a vanilla ice cream with toffee chips on his head
Caramella, a caramel square
Sprinklehead, a strawberry ice cream with thousands of sprinkles
Bananilla, a hybrid of vanilla and banana-flavored ice cream
Randy, a bubblegum ice cream
Marshscotch, a hybrid of a marshmallow square and a butterscotch square
Cottonette, a cotton candy ice cream
Wafflecone, a waffle cone 
Browncake, a hybrid of brownie batter and cake batter ice cream
Sunday, an ice cream sundae
Olivia, a peanut butter-flavored ice cream
Iceberry, a snow cone involved with the Ice Cream Bowl Palace Guard
Jamison Woolforth
Dawn Woolforth
The Milkman, a cow who harvests milk from the waterways and delivers it to people throughout Ice Cream Land
🦢 Citizens of Swan Lake:
Angela, a ballet instructor and Swanna's mom
Christopher, a trumpetist and Swanna's dad
Ziggy, Swanna's wild little brother
Prime Minister Odetta Swan
Siegfried Swan
Phil, an expert on feelings
Marmotter, aka “Armot,” a marmoset/otter hybrid who Phil was buddies with in college
Fiona, a swan girl
Edmund, Fiona’s brother
Lila, Dr. Fox’s cousin who invented a machine that lets you watch your dreams
🪸 Citizens of Marevi:
Queen Moonlily
King Nettle
Celina, aka Nightrain
Emilio, Spike’s grandfather who is a meteorologist and plays the flute
Xenia, Spike’s grandmother who works with undersea technology
Coach Ursula, an oarfish and Shelltop’s volleyball coach
Gabbro, a crab/pufferfish hybrid on Shelltop’s volleyball team and the teammate he’s closest with
Carla, a cardinal fish on Shelltop’s team 
Natalie Nautilusia, a nautilus who is a close friend to Waterlily and Spike
Aura, an oyster and a friend of Waterlily
Dr. Mako, a mako shark who the Seagang and their families regularly go to see for help
Thorn, a sea urchin hairstylist
Basseel, a bass/eel hybrid
Eleanor, a ladyfish
Filippa, Eleanor’s sister
Prudencia, a vaquita
Sardino Beguino, a sardine
Dottie Houndshark, a houndshark 
Angarrot, an angelfish/parrotfish hybrid
Cell, a calico fish (a fictitious species), Eliza, a vampire squid, and Manuel, a manta ray, who all went to film school with Marcella
Chrysa, a crinoid/anemone hybrid and a regular customer of Cream’s family’s bakery
Dave Seaweed, a patch of seaweed who directed Quoth the Penguin, “Nevermore!”, a show that Spike was in
Dolores Whiteside, a white-sided dolphin and drummer
Andreas, an anglerfish
Marlibut, a marlin/halibut hybrid, Cerise Inka, a squid, and The Sea Devil, a seadevil, Marevian musicians who had acting roles in Quoth the Penguin, “Nevermore!”
💐 Citizens of Botania:
Lord Monarch, a monarch butterfly fairy
Fern, one of Kira’s brothers who gardens
Allegra, a butterfly fairy who is a trapeze artist
Zora, a dragontail butterfly who travels across the drier regions
Bia, who makes tools and structures using things she finds in nature
Emi, Kira's grandmother who raised her and her siblings
Desiréé, a deer/mole hybrid
Rose, a rose/ruby Gemflower
Carnation, a carnation/rose quartz Gemflower
Sapphire, a morning glory/sapphire Gemflower
Cherry Blossom, a cherry blossom/cherry blossom agate Gemflower
Freesia, a freesia/carnelian Gemflower
Moonstone, an angel’s trumpet/moonstone Gemflower
Jessie, Dr. Fox’s grandmother, who has a degree in environmental science
Lucinda, her great-grandmother
Jay, her great-uncle
Forrest, Felix, Don and Rosemary, Benton’s cousins
Vita, her older sister
👑 Citizens of Elegancia:
Prince Alfredo, a white peacock and son of Queen Carnelia
Princess Anastasia, a pink peacock and daughter of Queen Carnelia
Captain Ember, a phoenix and head of the Elegancian royal guard
Sir Arthur Wolf
Felicity Wolf
Benton, Dr. Fox’s father who engineered a space-traveling car
Carriette, Dr. Fox’s mother
Boomerang, her younger brother
Rover, her uncle who is a forensic scientist
Daisy, Rover’s wife and the creator of Snapdragon
Nico, one of Dr. Fox’s cousins
Kamie and Berry, her youngest cousins
Snowfox, a stuck-up bully of Dr. Fox and Dr. Bunny who was cursed with perceiving herself as ugly
Ivy, a poison ivy/violet hybrid and Snowfox’s friend
Dusty, a paleontologist and archeologist who Dr. Fox and Dr. Bunny knew in their classes
🪄 Citizens of Charm Valley: 
Estara, one of Trey’s mothers who can predict the future
Luna, Trey’s other mother
Arcentharion, the elf mage who rules over Charm Valley
Hilda, Imogen’s aunt
*Queen Carnelia was created by CharStar. The characters I listed here were created by me.
**Snowfox was a collab between me and CharStar. Her @ is ButterflyRage410 on Wattpad.
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narixyang · 2 years
location; lick me til’ ice cream shop tagged; @mayxlee​
After driving back over from the zoo early in the morning, Nari had been ready to curl up in a ball and sleep for the rest of the day. An all-nighter helping to deliver a baby zebra was rewarding, but exhausting. Unfortunately, something had come up at the ice cream shop her family owned and she’d been called in to assist out front in the ice cream part for a few hours before she could get herself to a bed to pass out. An hour into serving up ice cream cones, Nari was sure that she looked like a zombie. The day had hit a dead point and it was an absolute relief when she spotted a familiar face coming through the door. “Is it irrationally hopeful of me to believe that you started working here again and are ready to take over back here?” she called out as Maya came through the door.
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moncherielamour · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MAYA The Mint Ice Cream Cone Sundae Snowcone.
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carlthecheeseburger · 24 days
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Having coffee with my new friend. Guess who it is...
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amberfaber40 · 2 years
Chocolate Covered Strawberries - Cooking Classy
Chocolate Covered Strawberries - Cooking Classy
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Strawberry-Mint Lemonade
The secret to this sangria-inspired (nonalcoholic) sipper is a mint- and berry-infused simple syrup with lots of fresh fruit and mint to finish.
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Strawberry Balsamic Pie
Strawberry Balsamic Pie
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Strawberry Gin & Tonic: A Fresh Strawberry Cocktail for Summer!
A strawberry cocktail that's a summery twist on the classic gin and tonic recipe. With an easy-to-make strawberry syrup, this promises to be your go-to cocktail of the summer!
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Japanese Fruit Sandwich フルーツサンド (Strawberry Fruit Sando)
This Japanese fruit sandwich, also called fruit sando or strawberry sando, is a Japanese sandwich made with fresh strawberries and other fruit, sliced white bread or milk bread (shokupan), and fresh whipped cream!
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How to Make Strawberry Hearts | California Strawberries
This video shows how to make the cutest chocolate-dipped strawberry hearts. See recipe card for full instructions and recipe.
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Strawberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats
This strawberry cheesecake overnight oats is the perfect springtime breakfast! Creamy, thick overnight oats packed with fresh strawberries, greek yogurt, milk, oats, chia seeds and sugar.
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Make Your Own Strawberry Jam!
Make your own strawberry jam at home, without preservatives and added pectin! This Strawberry Jam Recipe is super easy!
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Korean Strawberry Milk Recipe - Maya Kitchenette
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Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats
Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream is made with juicy ripe fruit and fresh cream for real strawberry flavor. It's perfectly creamy and scoopable thanks to the custard base. Enjoy this bright and sweet classic flavor on its own in cones, sundaes, milkshakes or ice cream sandwiches!
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Easy Homemade Strawberry Milk for One or Two - Baking Mischief
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Lady Rusk strawberry : Wm. Stahl (Firm) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Cover title
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Homemade Korean Strawberry Milk
Homemade Korean strawberry milk is made with fresh chunks of strawberries & homemade strawberry syrup made of pureed strawberries. A favorite Korean drink made with fresh strawberries!
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Strawberry Cake Roll | Love and Olive Oil
A Japanese-inspired patterned roll cake perfect for spring, filled with a fluffy strawberry whipped cream.
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Pan Roasted Strawberries With Yogurt - The Green Creator
Easy yogurt bowl with delicious pan roasted strawberries! Roast your strawberries and enjoy for breakfast, snack, or dessert.
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Easiest Chocolate Covered Strawberries! Dessert doesn’t get much better than this and it’s the ultimate upgrade to fresh strawberries! These only require 3 basic ingredients, they take minutes to prepare and they’re always sure to impress.Love this flavor combination? Try my Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cupcakes!Homemade Chocolate Covered StrawberriesChocolate covered strawberries are one of everyone’s favorite treats aren’t they? And I like to look at this gourmet treat as a semi-healthy. It’s a smarter choice than a slice of cake right?There’s a local soup restaurant that serves up soup, salad and always a chocolate covered strawberry for dessert and I think it’s absolutely genius. Their soups are pretty good, the salads subpar but honestly I think those chocolate covered strawberries are what keep people coming back time and time again.Making them at home couldn’t be easier and they use ingredients you likely have on hand much of the time, especially in the summer when strawberries are plentiful.Here I share an in depth guide and foolproof recipe to ensure they turn out perfect for you every time! Dessert doesn’t get any easier, or quicker than this!Only 3 Ingredients Needed!Chocolate chips Fresh strawberries Coconut oil How do You Make Chocolate Covered Strawberries?Clean strawberries: Scroll down to see how best to do this.Melt chocolate, microwave directions: Add chocolate chips and coconut oil to a small microwave safe mixing bowl. Heat mixture in microwave in 20 second intervals, stirring well between each interval until melted and smooth.Melt chocolate, stovetop directions: Place chocolate chips and coconut oil in a heat proof bowl (such as glass or stainless steel bowl) that sits well over a saucepan. Bring about 1-inch of water to a simmer in saucepan, reduce heat to low, set bowl with chocolate over saucepan. Heat, stirring constantly until chocolate has melted.To Dip Strawberries:To dip strawberries in chocolate: Set a sheet of parchment paper over a 18 by 13-inch baking sheet. Working with one strawberry at a time dip, hold the strawberry by the leaves and dip into melted chocolate. Tilt bowl as needed to pool chocolate to one side, and rotate strawberry to coat all sides as needed.Transfer to parchment paper: Lift and let excess chocolate run off, slide strawberry across the inside edge of the bowl to remove just some of the chocolate then set that side facing down on parchment paper (note if dipping in toppings that dip before transferring to baking sheet).Repeat and use up strawberries: Repeat with remaining strawberries. Transfer dipped strawberries to refrigerator and let chocolate harden, about 15 minutes.Optionally decorate: To finish with a chocolate drizzle (optional): Melt (1/2 cup) 2 oz. chocolate chips (dark, milk or white) with 3/4 tsp coconut oil as directed in step 2 or 3 above. Transfer melted chocolate to a small resealable bag, seal bag and cut a tiny corner from one point. Drizzle over the strawberries with set chocolate then return to fridge to solidify.How do I Choose the Best Strawberries?Look for those that are vibrantly red and plump. Normally I look for those that are red to the tops but in winter we can’t always get that. Check for vibrantly green leaves, that’s a sign of freshness. Avoid those that are bruised and blemished or molding. Size doesn’t determine good flavor but for for this recipe preferably use larger berries.  Can I Use Frozen Strawberries?No. Only fresh strawberries will work in this recipe. Frozen strawberries thaw up much too wet and mushy to be used here.How to Wash and Dry StrawberriesPlace strawberries in a colander. Organic strawberries: Rinse under cold water gently tossing strawberries occasionally, about 30 – 60 seconds. Drain well. Conventionally grown strawberries: Soak in a vinegar solution to cover of 4 parts water 1 part vinegar for 5 minutes (this helps remove pesticides and destroy harmful bacteria). Transfer to colander, rinse well and drain well. Working with one strawberry at a time gently wrap paper towel around each strawberry and dab dry with paper towels then transfer to a sheet of paper towels to air dry further as needed. Forms of Chocolate to Use for Chocolate Dipped StrawberriesYou can make chocolate covered strawberries with:Chocolate chips Chocolate bars (such as baking bars) Chocolate melts My go-to choice is usually just chocolate chips because they are cheap, they have great flavor and I always have an abundance of them stored on hand. So just use what you have or what you prefer. If using melts no coconut oil is necessary.Can I Use Milk Chocolate or White Chocolate?Yes this recipe works great with milk chocolate or white chocolate (chips or chopped bars) too.Why Add Coconut Oil or Shortening to the Chocolate?When using chocolate chips and even chocolate too I usually like to add 1 Tbsp coconut oil (shortening may be substituted). Why?It helps thin the chocolate so it’s not overly thick for dipping. It also helps prevent blooming (speckled appearance in the chocolate upon chilling). It also seems to keep the chocolate from being too hard and solid once cold, making the strawberries easier to bite into and leaving them with an overall better mouthfeel. What are Good Topping Ideas?Of course toppings are totally optional but if you want to make it fun for the kids, or just to spruce them up try dipping them in:Crushed Oreos Chopped nuts (pistachios, hazelnuts, or pecans are great choices) Finely shredded coconut Crushed pretzels (my favorite with white chocolate) Crushed Biscoff cookies or graham crackers Sprinkles Mini chocolate chips If dipping in toppings be sure to dip while chocolate is still melted before transferring to parchment paper, otherwise toppings won’t stick.How to Store Chocolate Covered StrawberriesStore strawberries in a single layer. Store in an airtight container. Keep in refrigerator. How Long do They Keep?They can be stored for up to 48 hours but they are best enjoyed within about 12 hours. The sugar in the chocolate starts to draw the moisture from the strawberries making them wet and dewy after too long. Tips for the Best Chocolate Covered StrawberriesUse good quality chocolate chips or chocolate bars. Use chilled strawberries, the chocolate sticks better. Rinse and dry thoroughly. If strawberries are wet chocolate doesn’t stick and the water droplets can ruin the chocolate. If chocolate is overly runny let it cool briefly before you begin dipping. Chill dipped strawberries to let chocolate set completely. If you like it melty though go ahead and enjoy right away. For best results serve within the same day of coating with chocolate. More Strawberry Recipes You’ll LoveFresh Strawberry CakeStrawberry ShortcakeStrawberry Rhubarb Crumb BarsStrawberry SyrupMore Chocolate Treats to Try3-Ingredient Chocolate Almond ClustersChocolate Dipped Mandarin OrangesChocolate Dipped Toffee Pecan Shortbread CookiesFollow Cooking Classy5 from 4 votesReview RecipeChocolate Covered StrawberriesPrint Pin Easiest Chocolate Covered Strawberries! Dessert doesn't get much better than this! These only require 3 basic ingredients, they take minutes to prepare and they're always sure to impress.Servings: 14Prep12 minutesCook3 minutesChill15 minutesReady in: 30 minutes16 oz. fresh strawberries* 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips** (good quality) 1 Tbsp coconut oil*** To clean strawberries: for organically grown strawberries place in a colander and rinse well under cold running water, tossing occasionally, drain well. For conventionally grown strawberries soak in a solution of 4 parts water 1 part vinegar for 5 minutes. Rinse and drain well in a colander. Dry strawberries: Dry each strawberry individually very well with paper towels, then set aside to continue to dry while melting chocolate. If strawberries are wet chocolate won't stick and you don't want any water in the chocolate mixture. How to melt chocolate microwave option: Add chocolate chips and coconut oil to a small microwave safe mixing bowl. Heat mixture in microwave in 20 second intervals, stirring well between each interval until melted and smooth. If chocolate is runny let it cool just briefly to thicken up slightly before you begin to dip berries. How to melt chocolate stovetop directions: Place chocolate chips and coconut oil in a heat proof bowl (such as glass or stainless steel bowl) that sits well over a saucepan. Bring about 1-inch of water to a simmer in saucepan, reduce heat to low, set bowl with chocolate over saucepan. Heat, stirring constantly until chocolate has melted. Remove from heat. To dip strawberries in chocolate: Set a sheet of parchment paper over a baking sheet. Working with one strawberry at a time dip, hold the strawberry by the leaves and dip into melted chocolate, coating nearly to the top. Tilt bowl as needed to pool chocolate to one side, and rotate strawberry to coat all sides as needed. Lift and let excess chocolate run off, slide strawberry across the inside edge of the bowl to remove just some of the chocolate then set that side facing down on parchment paper (if dipping in toppings then dip before transferring to baking sheet). Repeat with remaining strawberries. Transfer dipped strawberries to refrigerator and let chocolate harden, about 15 minutes. To finish with a chocolate drizzle (optional): Melt (1/2 cup) 2 oz. chocolate chips (dark, milk or white) with 3/4 tsp coconut oil as directed in step 3 or 5 above. Transfer melted chocolate to a small resealable bag, seal bag and cut a tiny corner from one point. Drizzle over chocolate set strawberries, return to fridge to solidify. How to Store Strawberries: Store strawberries in a single layer an airtight container in refrigerator, for best results enjoy within about 12 hours. *Preferably use larger strawberries if possible. To pick the best strawberries look for those that are vibrantly red and plump with vibrantly green leaves, avoid those that are bruised, blemished or molding. **Good quality milk chocolate or white chocolate chips work here too. Chopped chocolate bars work well too. If chocolate is thin upon melting let it cool just briefly to thicken up slightly. **8 oz. Chocolate melting wafers (such as Ghirardelli) work well too - no coconut oil is necessary with this option. If using melting wafers refer to melting directions on the back of the package. ***Shortening can be used in place of coconut oil if that's what you have on hand. If you have any leftover melted chocolate don't toss it! Use it to dip pretzels, marshmallows, Oreos, banana chips, toss with almonds, or simply fill into lightly greased ice cube trays. Let set in fridge. Topping ideas: Of course these strawberries are delicious as is no toppings necessary but if you want to spruce them up you can dip in: Crushed pretzels (my favorite with white chocolate) Crushed Oreos Chopped nuts (pistachios, hazelnuts, or pecans are great choices) Finely shredded coconut Crushed Biscoff cookies or graham crackers Sprinkles Mini chocolate chips Nutrition FactsChocolate Covered StrawberriesAmount Per ServingCalories 113 Calories from Fat 63% Daily Value*Fat 7g11%Saturated Fat 4g25%Cholesterol 1mg0%Sodium 2mg0%Potassium 141mg4%Carbohydrates 11g4%Fiber 2g8%Sugar 8g9%Protein 1g2%Vitamin A 12IU0%Vitamin C 19mg23%Calcium 15mg2%Iron 1mg6%* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.Nutrition values are estimates only. See full disclaimer here.Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanKeyword: Chocolate Covered StrawberriesAuthor: Jaclyn
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splashtailstar · 3 years
here. have some ace attorney transparents I made
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[ID: Transparent PNGs of various characters from Ace Attorney.
The first image features Herlock Sholmes, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, Susato Mikotoba, and Iris Wilson. They are posed for a photo. Starting from the left, Herlock leans against Ryunosuke with a pipe in his mouth. Herlock isn't wearing his jacket or hat. Ryunosuke points at the viewer. Susato smiles at the viewer. Iris is surprised as Wagahai, a calico cat, leaps out of her arms and grabs Ryunosuke's hat. Iris holds animal mascots of her and Herlock.
The second image features the same characters as the previous image. Confetti is in the air. Starting from the left, Susato looks off into the distance and smiles excitedly, clasping her hands. She holds a small purse with animal mascots of her and Ryunosuke. Ryunosuke holds an ice cream cone in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. He is smiling. Herlock stands behind Ryunosuke and is surprised as Iris drags his arm. His ice cream scoops are starting to fall. Iris very excitedly points off into the distance. Iris wears her Great Exhibition outfit and holds animal mascots of her and Herlock.
The third image features Mia Fey, Maya Fey, Larry Butz, Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, and Dick Gumshoe. They are posed for a celebration photo. Starting from the left, Mia Fey stands as a spirit and smiles crossing her arms, her eyes closed. Maya leans over and holds a sign which says "Victory!" on it, getting in the way of Larry and Phoenix. Larry stands behind Maya and winces. Phoenix moves his arm away from Maya in surprise. Edgeworth looks over and smiles, clearly amused. Gumshoe excitedly throws confetti.
The fourth image features Herlock Sholmes. He is shown from the chest up, disguised as a bailiff. He tilts his head and points to the side. End ID]
You can find more stuff like this at my picsart @/faraskye.
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licenselesswriter · 3 years
A Long Night, Epilogue
Tuesday 17, October 2028, 11:12 A.M.
Riley slowly rolls to her right, thinking about a new day, expecting to find her husband next to her, but she was welcomed by the coldness of an empty spot, making her understand the reality.
"Oh, right, he cheated on me and he's divorcing me," she softly says, remembering yesterday wasn't a nightmare, it was real, and Lucas was moving away from her at a speed she didn't believe possible.
Feeling a lot worse than when she wakes up, Riley gets up from the bed and slowly makes her way to the living room, hoping to see him there, maybe had one last talk, discuss the divorce, and how to divide the assets, but she only found silence, and a folder on the coffee table, next to his keys.
"The fuck is this?" she softly says while taking the folder, only to notice the logo on it, "Shit," she softly says once she recognizes the logo of Bradford & Bradford, "Son of a bitch, he had everything planned," she says before going back to her room and opens the closet, to find only her clothes inside, "Motherfucker!" Riley screams, cursing his future ex-husband.
Then it struck her, and the calm flow reigned on her.
"Fine, you want a divorce, let's see what you have to offer me, you ungrateful bitch," she says, walking back to the living room and take a meticulous read onto his papers.
Epilogue: Long Game
Tuesday 17, October 2028, 03:36 P.M.
"That was a good meal," Lucas says before gently lay his head over Maya's thighs, resting for a bit.
"Are you scared?" Maya asks Lucas while she gently caresses his hair.
"Oh yeah," Lucas answers, "I'm scared as fuck that she decides to contest the divorce" he confesses.
"You think she would contest it?" Maya asks.
"She hates us," Lucas answers, "And it's justified, so I wouldn't be surprised," he adds.
Maya gently reaches to Lucas's head and softly kisses his forehead, "I have faith that everything would go fine," she says, comforting him, "Come here," she says, patting on the bed, next to her.
Lucas chuckles and lays next to her.
Maya gently hugs him and presses her forehead against his, "Were you serious about us going to Florida after this?" she asks him.
"Yeah, I loved the time we spend there," he answers, "And I would love for that time to become, you know, permanent," he adds.
Maya smiles at him, "Close your eyes," she says, and Lucas comply, and Maya softly kisses his lips, "Picture this," she starts, "Imagine Fort Pierce, a nice house, nothing like your rich kid ass can buy, but something, normal," she teases him.
Lucas chuckles, "Every time you say something about me being a spoiled rich kid, makes me want to get an even bigger and expensive house," he teases her back.
"Dude, I only asked for a pool, not even for me, a pool for kids, and you jumped from a normal house to a one-point two million house," she argues back.
"Can't blame for trying to give you all, the best life possible," Lucas justifies himself.
"I know, I know," Maya replies with a short chuckle, "But think about this, all three of us, living in Florida, enjoying the coastal breeze, you coming back with three ice cream cones," she continues, before taking one of Lucas's hands and put it over her belly, "And little Thomas, running to you, happy because Daddy got him cookies and cream," she adds.
Lucas inadvertently smiles, "That sounds nice, I would love to bring little Damian his favorite ice cream," he says.
Maya lets a sigh escape her lungs, "I'm not letting you name him like Batman's son," Maya replies, "Now, imagine you putting Thomas to sleep," she adds.
"Ok," Lucas says defeated.
"Then you walk back to our room and saw me wearing nothing but that tiny black thong you loved to rip off me the last time we went to Florida, just picture it, me, the bed, and that tiny black thong," she adds, teasing him a bit.
"Interesting," Lucas replies, "Sometimes little clothes are better than no clothes at all, gives you mystery," he says before kissing her lips.
"Are you saying I look bad naked?" Maya jokes.
Lucas opened his eyes and looks at her, "Please, remember that time where you become all dominant and made me masturbate in front of you while watching you do the same?" he asks.
Maya opens her eyes and looks at him, "Don't talk like you didn't enjoy it, if I'm a pervert, then you also are one," she replies, pouting a little.
Lucas laughs, "Oh, I know we are perverts, after all, you remember that we went back to the Guggenheim?" he asks.
"Fun times," Maya says with a smile.
"Fun times," Lucas copies her before kissing her lips. A few seconds later, he gently cuddles with her, "Thank you for being around," Lucas says.
"Half of this is my fault, so don't flatter yourself too much," Maya replies, trying to take some of the guilt Lucas still had.
"Love you," Lucas softly says before hugging Maya and gently caress her belly, "Love you too, Thomas," he adds.
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Wednesday 28, February 2029, 11:36 A.M.
Maya was nervous, she keeps walking around the apartment she was sharing with Lucas.
One, two, three minutes, she checks her phone again.
Four, five, six minutes, she checks the clock on the wall.
Until the front door opens, and Lucas walks into the apartment.
"So?" she asks him, "What took you so long?" she asks a second time.
Lucas smiles at her, "I had to pick up something," he answers before kissing and hugging her tightly.
"Still haven't answered my first question," Maya says, still nervous, hoping that his wife didn't contest his divorce petition.
Lucas chuckles and gives her an even wider smile, "Let me put it like this," he says, before slowly putting his left knee on the floor, "The first time I asked this, we were both naked, after having incredible sex, like usual," he says, only to have Maya lift her hand for him to give her a high five, which he did, "You're funny, you're hot, I didn't know you can fall for someone the way I fall for you," he continues, "We made mistakes, yours are bad, but mine would probably send me to hell, but you're worth it, and if you ask me if I would do something different, I would probably divorce way, way, before," he adds.
"Can't you talk faster?" Maya asks, teasing him.
"You waited for more than a year, just wait five more minutes," Lucas replies, "Maya, I love you, and I hope you love me, I love that we are closer to become a family, and I love that you share my pain, my anguish, and my good times, and I want that forever," he adds before taking a tiny navy blue box, "Maya Penelope, will you marry me?" he asks, opening the tiny box, showing a delicate platinum ring with a diamond on top.
Maya softly blushes and covers her face, "I hate that you have this power over me," she says, hiding her smile, "Yes, I would marry you, Lucas Joseph," she answers.
Lucas's smile grows wider and gets up quickly. He took her hand and gently puts the ring on her finger before kissing her, "I Love you," he says, before kissing her again.
"I love you too," she adds, kissing him back.
"Now, if you don't mind, it's time for me to make you hate me, at least for a few minutes," Lucas comments.
"Beg your pardon?" Maya says, confused.
"I know you didn't want it," Lucas starts, "But I already got us a house in Florida," he adds.
"You fucking rich kid, what did you do?" she asks with a smile, knowing that she wouldn't be able to be mad at him.
"I took a loan from my savings," he started before getting away from her a few steps, "And I know you're gonna be mad, but it has a pool, and seven rooms, and you know I want a big family," he adds.
Maya felt happy for a second, then she remember the market price, "How much?" she asks him.
"Ok, before you want to turn violent with me," Lucas starts, getting another few steps away from her, "I'm not suggesting seven kids, I'm suggesting three kids, and three rooms for guests, I might have only one friend now, but I'm sure you have yours, so space is not a problem," he adds.
"You know what, I don't care," Maya says before walking to him and hug him, "I decided to jump into the water with you, this is one of the consequences," she adds, before kissing him.
"Thank you," he says.
"So, three kids, a guest room, my art room, and your office, sounds good," she says giving him a new diagram.
"Whatever you want," Lucas replies, enjoying her warmth.
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Wednesday 26, September 2029, 03:11 A.M.
Slowly, Lucas and Maya hear the soft groans, before all hell broke loose and a loud burst of crying filled their room. They tiredly open their eyes and look at each other.
Maya smiles while looking at Lucas's eyes, before softly getting closer to him, "If you go check on Thomas, I would blow you before you go to work," she softly whispers in his ear.
Tired, Lucas chuckles, "You know I've gotten blowjobs daily for three months now, right?" he asks her.
"You know I've been sleeping great for the three months now, right?" Maya asks back.
"Yeah, but how's your jaw?" Lucas jokes before letting a short chuckle escape, "I deserve lingerie breakfast today," he says before kissing her lips and sit on the bed.
"I'm still fat from giving birth to Thomas, I look awful with lingerie now," Maya complains.
"If you put on lingerie now, I would take care of Thomas, put him to sleep again, and once I come back I would show you how awful I think you look wearing lingerie," he teases her, slowly getting up from the bed.
A few seconds later, Lucas walks to the crib they still have in their room and gently picks up his kid, "Hey baby Thomas, did you had a bad... Oh shit, so not a nightmare" he says, after smelling his son, "I really deserve lingerie breakfast for this," he says, walking with the kid out of their room, "Don't worry, baby Thomas, Daddy is gonna take care of that evil diaper," he says before disappearing outside their room.
Once Maya saw him leave, she let her face crush the pillow one more time, but as usual, it was hard to sleep without Lucas there.
Without him, her mind tends to go with his ex-wife, think about how devastated she was when Lucas told her everything, and the guilt burn her insides.
"We deserve this, the good and the bad," she softly says, before rolling to Lucas's side of the bed.
Every day was the same. In the daytime, she was busy enough with her art and with Thomas to be worried about her guilt, but once night strikes and the solitude of night arrives, she was happy that Lucas was there for her to help her share the guilt he was feeling too.
Around twenty minutes later, Lucas walks back with baby Thomas sleeping in his arms. He softly walks to his crib and puts it in, "Please sleep till six at least," he very softly whispers to his son.
He turns over and looks at Maya on his side of the bed, so he slowly walks to her side and lay next to her, "Hope I didn't take too much coming back," he comments in a whisper.
"Want you side back?" Maya asks.
"No, you look good there," Lucas says holding her hands.
Maya slowly starts to undress, and Lucas panicked.
"Babe, Thomas is right there," he whispers to her.
"Why do men always think of sex when a woman gets undress in front of them?" Maya asks back in a whisper of the same intensity.
"No idea," Lucas replies, following her lead and taking off his shirt, "But we are both hot, sexually active, we have a kid, we are married, and if you let me say it, in love with each other, so what you expect me to believe?" he asks.
"Naked cuddling?" Maya asks back.
"Since when naked cuddling leads to another thing that is not sex between us?" Lucas asks.
Maya stopped for a second, "Ah, true," she answers, "Well, you're not that lucky today, I want to only cuddle naked with my husband, also naked," she says.
"Fine," Lucas says, taking off his boxers, "But can I touch a little?" he asks, only to get a pair of red panties on his face, "Thanks, but face masks are no longer needed, for years now," Lucas jokes, making Maya burst in laughter.
Just mere seconds later, the room was filled with the loud cry of an infant.
Lucas looks at Maya tired, "With all my love, I hate you," he says before getting up again.
"I'm sorry, it was a good joke," Maya says, trying to hide the hilarity of the situation.
"Save it," Lucas says while he puts his boxers on, "It was a good joke," he adds, before going to pick up Thomas from the crib, "Did Mama scare you with her Doomsday laugh? Don't worry Thomas, I'm Batman," he says to his kid, who calms a bit in his arms.
"What can Batman do against Doomsday?" Maya asks.
"If Batman can beat Superman, Batman can beat Doomsday," Lucas says, completely serious before walking out with Thomas.
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Friday 1, May 2037, 04:31 P.M.
"Anyone home?" Lucas calls once he opens his front door, only to see his daughter running from her grandmother's arms towards him.
"Daddy," she says before starting climbing Lucas like a tree.
"My favorite Kate," Lucas says kissing his daughter on the cheek, "Did you wish a happy birthday to your brother?" Lucas asks.
"Yeah, I give him what you and Mom gave me to give him," she softly says.
"Did he like it?" Lucas asks.
Before his daughter was able to answer, from the fourth step of his house stairs, an eight-year-old boy jump to the first floor, "I'm Batman!" he yells faking the raspy tone, before landing in a perfect superhero pose.
"I'm the father of Batman," Lucas answers imitating his tone, "Excuse me, Mr. Batman, where is your mother?" he asks.
"He's in her studio, we painted my bat signal," he replies with the same raspy tone he used before.
Lucas laughs at his son's antics, "Can Batwoman be able to entertain Batman for a few minutes while I go talk with Mrs. Friar?" he asks his daughter.
"I can," she says, before climbing down her father.
"Were they good kids along the day?" Lucas asks his mother-in-law.
"They were," Katie answers before hugging Lucas, "Looks like you and my daughter are doing a good job," she adds.
Lucas smiles at Katie, "Thank you, It's always good to have confirmation," he adds, "Well, now, I'm a bit late, and I need to take a shower before picking up Zay, can you watch them for a few?" he asks.
"I see them four times a year, I have no problems with that," Katie replies.
"You know you're always welcome here, right?" Lucas says, feeling a bit guilty.
"I know, but we both know that work is not always kind to family," Katie says, taking the guilt from him before walking outside to watch her grandkids.
Lucas smile watching his two kids play superhero with their grandma and starts to wonder if his mother would forgive him one day, "Sadness for another day," he says before making a short sprint upstairs, "Wow, I'm too old for this," he adds, catching his breath. Once he reaches his wife's art studio, he softly knocks on the door, "Busy?" he asks, walking inside the room.
"Not enough to not kiss my husband," Maya says walking towards Lucas before pressing her lips against his.
"Mmmm, I like that, way better than Kiwi Mango," Lucas says, kissing Maya again.
"Cinnamon spice," Maya replies, "And if you're wondering, yes, I do have lube with that taste," she adds.
"That looks like you're trying to seduce me, Mrs. Friar," Lucas softly tease her.
"I usually am, Mr. Friar," Maya replies, before giving him a spank on his ass.
"That's gonna cost you next Saturday," Lucas says with a grin on his face.
"That's why I'm doing it today," Maya says with a devious smile, "You can't go all out when your best friend, his wife, their two kids, and my Mom are here," she adds.
"Oh, so this is how things are now?" Lucas asks, continuing the banter, "Fine, play ball," he adds before returning the spank to her, "Anyways, I'm gonna take a shower, hopefully, not alone, and then I'm gonna take Batman, and we are gonna pick up Zay, V, and the rest of the Justice League," he adds.
"I still hate that I got played like that with their names," Maya says, pushing Lucas out of her studio, "You and your best friend are made for each other," she adds.
Lucas chuckles while they walk into their bedroom before taking off his shirt, "If you want to blame someone, blame our mid-school English teacher, she introduces us to The Dark Knight Returns, and the rest is history," He says before picking up Maya and carry her to the bathroom.
"God, you're such a nerd," Maya teases him before kissing him.
"Your nerd," Lucas replies with a smile.
"We're back," Thomas says faking a Batman tone.
"So glad to have you all here," Maya says while hugging Vanessa.
"Babe, just tell me how I can help, and how half of those things are keeping Zay away from all the food," Vanessa says with a smile on her face.
"You make me sound like I only come here to eat and not to see my godson," Zay replies, "But I don't see where he is, maybe Batman can help me find him?" Zay asks Thomas.
"I'll find him, Mr. Babineaux," Thomas says in the same rusty tone he has been used all day.
"Can I have my Bow now?" Oliver asks Zay.
"Just stop aiming the face, ok?" Zay says to his kid before giving both of them their backpacks.
"Get ready, today we're gonna get more justice league members than any other day," Lucas says to his best friend.
"Let me guess, Thomas also has a justice league?" Zay asks while they both walk to the kitchen.
"Yep," Lucas replies before opening the fridge and give Zay a beer.
"May the odds be in our favor," Zay replies.
Ten P.M. hits the clock, and both sets of parents were able to see how the energy on their kids was below low.
"Kate, Thomas" Lucas calls his kids, who slowly walk to him, "Go say good night to uncle Zay and aunt Nessa," he says, only to see Oliver and Sarah walk to him.
"Good night uncle Lucas," both kids say before start looking around.
"Aunt Maya is with his mom and your mom in the kitchen," He says to them.
Zay slowly walks to him and pats his back, "What you say, we put the kids to bed and go back here and have a talk?" he asks Lucas.
"Something important?" Lucas asks.
"Something about your past," Zay replies.
Lucas understood as soon as he hears those words, "Sure, let's make those kids sleep," he says while they both walk back inside the house.
Thirty minutes later, Lucas walks outside with a six-pack of beers and sits in front of Zay. In complete silence, he gives him a beer, took one for himself, and took a sip of it, "So, what happened to Riley?" he asks.
"Smart man," Zay says, "Wish I could say that she's over you, but she isn't," he adds.
"So?" Lucas asks.
"What do you mean with 'So?', Lucas?" Zay asks, "She's your ex-wife, the one you ditch to have the life you have today," he argues.
"That's exactly what I mean with 'So?', Zay," Lucas answers, "She's my ex-wife, and yes, it wasn't pleasurable, but I left her knowing I would destroy her," he continues, "And trust me, I took accountability for being a monster with her, but I'm not gonna apologize for being happy with Maya if that's what you want me to do," he adds.
"What happened to you man, you weren't like this before?" Zay asks him.
"Zay, I was like this before," Lucas explained, "But my circumstances force me to hide what I really am, a human who makes mistakes," he adds.
"Humans make mistakes, but they are not cruel like you're being now with Riley," Zay questions him.
"I was honest with her, in the extent she asked, that's not being cruel," Lucas replies, "Again, I stopped apologizing and feeling bad for being happy with Maya a long time ago," he adds.
"So you don't care how is she?" Zay asks.
"Is she suicidal?" Lucas asks back.
"No, she isn't," Zay answers.
"I know Riley better than you, better than most people actually," Lucas says before taking another sip of his beer, "I knew she wouldn't be suicidal, she would be angry, furious, vindictive, but never suicidal," he explains, "She's a strong woman, hell, ten bucks says she's doing better as an attorney than when she was with me, am I right?" he asks.
"I hate when you are right," Zay comments.
"Zay, she's gonna be ok, one day, she will move on from me, find someone else, and have the happiness I wasn't gonna give her," Lucas says, before taking a cigarette and light it.
"Can I have one?" Zay asks.
"Sure," Lucas replies and gives the box of cigarettes and the lighter.
Zay took one and lights it, "So, should I start meeting this new Lucas in front of me?" he asks.
"I'm not that different, I just stopped seeing everything with rose-tinted glasses," Lucas replies.
"So you view your relationship as something normal?" Zay asks.
"Basically? Yeah," Lucas answers, "What I see is two flawed people, who found each other in circumstances that were flawed as them, and did the best of what they could, but failed to not hurt everyone around," he adds.
"Sounds kinda like a villain thing to say," Zay comments.
"Villains also deserve to love and be loved, Zay," Lucas argues back.
Zay chuckles, "To villains?" he asks, putting his beer closer to his.
Lucas smiles at him, "To villains, who, sometimes, won," he says before toasting with his best friend.
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And that's it, sometimes, villains win.
Not gonna lie, I enjoyed way too much writing Lucas as a complete and utter asshole, probably gonna bring that again, someday.
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incorrectgmw · 4 years
Maya: Tell him off, Riley! Assert yourself!
Riley: That’s my ice cream cone!
Maya: Great, now let him have it!
Riley: You can have it!
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moncherielamour · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MAYA The Mint Ice Cream Cone Sundae Snowcone.
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