#maya and chioma
Bungie will create a wlw couple and go “Everyone attached to them yet? Good, good… roll in the horrors and unbearable grief! At least one of them cannot make it out of this situation! GO, GO, GO!”
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fishuus · 10 days
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i only want the one that is real.
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theforsakenprince · 22 days
the maya and osiris parallels continue to fuck me up. Both of them reaching across timelines to save their partners and while Maya won't stop until she finds the right Chioma, the perfect one that will agree with her vision for the universe, the "real" Chioma, and will throw away any version of her that isn't perfect, Osiris broke time for the chance to save Saint-14, and it didn't matter to him which Saint it was, because to him they're all the "real" Saint
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thefirstknife · 24 days
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Hey. Y'all. Okay.
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It's them.
Instant gut punch the moment you start this act. I've finished the exotic mission but I need to run it again and then I'll be normal (lie).
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erismornsgf · 23 days
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I will find our Golden Age. Our perfect future. Yours and mine.
Destiny 2: Echoes - Act III Opening Cinematic
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eiramew · 25 days
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I heard you, my love. I was at six, oscillating on the event axis, coordinated with a known manifold.
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telestoapologist · 10 months
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im gonna throw up
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loreleywrites · 21 days
What I love about Maya Sundaresh/Chioma Esi is that their marriage has festered to a level of toxic yuri I'd expect from an indie VN made by a depressed transbian, except it's in a AAA shooter. This is the highest compliment I can give to Destiny 2's narrative team.
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fandom-geek · 2 months
love how the lore after this week's radio broadcast was basically "maya sundaresh needs her emotional support wife not to go batshit insane with ambition/power while in the vex network" and "maya made her wife a flesh mask as a token of love" and also "any non-chioma paired mayas will start dissecting chioma for fun. as you do."
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synnthamonsugar · 1 year
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💖🧡💛Happy Pride! 💚💙💜
Wanted to make a fun tribute to the queer girls of Destiny, and thought now would be a good time. As someone who's sapphic and outside norms of romance & gender in some ways, the range of queer women's representation in this game, and the sorts of relationships that exist between women has brought me joy and is something I always want more of. This is my way of contributing and I hope it brings you joy too. :)
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gil-notskajla · 9 days
im sucker for ultimately happy endings no matter how dark the middle was but that.. that was a possibility. Still, that was gut-wrenching.
In a way it kinda is a happy ending i guess(?). She retreated and ceased activity for now, so other iterations are at least temporarily safe. If there are any left. But man...........
This ending sucks!!! (/not really negative). Its an absolute tragedy. No recovering from that! Yes your wife is dead because in search for a delusion you killed her!! And didnt even realise. She wasnt even surprised, just dissapointed. And you can never fix this. You made a choice, a mistake which cannot be unmade and path to it was equally as bloody as the deed itself.
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tinkkles · 9 months
I am soo hgngh about the exotic mission next week like they wouldn't call it Starcrossed for no reason right like that word is so incredibly loaded with romantic undertones. Placing my bets
50% chance it's about Sjur and the mystery is resolved and she has something to do with the vex and the garden.
49.9% chance Bungie has baited me yet again I am a fool and a clown honk my clown nose sadly
.1% Canon Joldren
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t-is-for · 8 months
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Building this Club one rep at a time! 🏋️‍♀️
via wearebayfc January 24, 2024
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thefirstknife · 23 days
They're killing me with Echoes.
Some stuff from the exotic mission that is really interesting. I'll start with the stuff you can only get after you've done it once and you can start finding secret chests. On runs after your 1st, there will be a conflux in one of the side rooms that is otherwise empty.
Once you activate that, there will be a small puzzle and then a chest will appear. This will also change the room slightly and activate several Vex portals, turning the room into a sort of a nexus that will be used for other chests. More under, spoilers and long:
This is the room, btw, when you first run it and there's no conflux:
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Okay. Although a lot has been altered, they're continuing with the trend of stripping away Mercury for parts: this is the base layout of the inside of the Lighthouse. Kicking and screaming and throwing things and eating through my walls.
Anyway, after you activate the conflux and the puzzle, the extra gates around the area will transform like this and the area will get a name "Ancillary Transit Nexus" :
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This will later be used as portals to go into areas with other chests. There's two extra chests this week and we go through two of these portals, but there's a third as well. I'm assuming it might be some sort of a rotation by week.
The second chest you get this week is where the interesting part starts because you return back to this area, use one of the portals and go back to the area where the mission started where you do a puzzle and then get the chest. But when you do all that, you get new voice lines. This time... From Chioma Esi; one of Chiomas that got simulated by the Vex:
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Aspect lore book fans stay winning!!!! So this is the format of how different iterations of the 227 simulated Ishtar scientist teams were designated and how they communicated with each other. Two of these teams are also specifically mentioned in Aspect. We don't know about .130 (130th iteration), but we do know .59 and .97. A devastating one for .59:
227.59 You lose Maya. You mourn. The thought of all the other Mayas out there doesn't help. They weren't the Maya you'd puzzled with over living basalt flowers, a world with seventeen moons, a continent that Shim had sworn up and down was sixteenth-century Australia and that Duane-McNiadh couldn't be dissuaded from calling Pangaea. You'd found a simulation with a city where you discovered a jewelry store, picked out a necklace, brought it home to her, and wished her a happy pseudo anniversary. Maya didn't like bracelets, said they always fouled her work. Her hair had been getting shaggy again and was due for a trim. She could never decide whether or not to grow it out. She laughed at you lifting weights to maintain simulated muscle, but she spotted for you all the same. There are other Mayas out there, layers of them, all the way up to the original, wherever she is. You hope they're doing well. But that doesn't stop you from missing this Maya, missing whatever arguments and discoveries you'd have shared in the rest of the lifetime you'd promised to one another. Shim and Duane-McNiadh pull you up from beside Maya's marker. A basalt lily rests on top of it, petals thin enough to let light through. You go on.
And .97:
227.97 Here's how it goes: you and Maya and Shim and Duane-McNiadh take your first cautious, sliding steps out into the Vex information network. You get your footing. You've got to translate everything into metaphor to understand it, here, and this is like tightrope walking on a greased line. You and Maya lean into each other. Shim slips, and you help him up. You explore. You go on.
They're both in the same lore tab. These groups were so distinct between each other and experienced vastly different things, so much that Praedyth could differentiate between the groups and knew which voices belonged to which number of them. These groups communicated with him to coordinate their potential escape.
The interesting bit is that in the voice line from this week we see .130 Chioma calling the Chioma from .59 (the one that lost and buried Maya), asking about the .97 group with whom they've apparently lost contact. And in Aspect, we see the .97 group doing fine. At least here at the beginning. But it appears that the idea is that at some point they either died or simply vanished, as they're not responding.
The third chest is the same; you go to the nexus and from there to another room where there's a puzzle and when you solve it, you get a chest and voice lines, this time from one of the simulated Mayas:
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This Maya is from the 65th iteration and she's telling us that a lot of inviduals from each team are vanishing. We don't really know what that means and what is happening, but we do know from Aspect that at the end when they attempted their escape, there were significantly fewer individuals, possibly whole teams either vanished, dead or simply unreachable:
A hundred and sixty Mayas reach for the Chiomas by their side. A hundred and fifty-eight Chiomas reach back.
Down to 160 from 227 is a lot (and only 158 Chiomas). We never really knew what this meant and we still aren't sure now, but this might be an explanation. Something was happening to them in the network.
What makes this even more interesting is that this Maya mentioned "our singular friend." This can be none other than Praedyth. He wasn't a simulated copy, he was just one Praedyth, communicating with them from the Vault of Glass and helping them escape; a singular friend.
One Praedyth, waiting for the conductor's baton to drop.
Interesting word to use in this lore from 5 years ago. There's also no way that this is it and that they won't give us more lines about this because it feels like just the start of the explanation so I'm going absolutely bonkers insane. We have to get more lines next week and the week after since this is also all a way to get the pieces for the exotic gun. And there's one more portal that we haven't gone into so there has to be some sort of rotation and more information on this.
Besides this, the mission had another gut punch with Maya and Chioma, namely showing us Conductor!Maya experiments with Exo!Chioma; basically booting her up and checking her with personal questions until she finds the Chioma she wants. The lines are truly something else:
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So that's fine. A few points that are interesting. Parthenogenic incubation! Really interesting look into the Golden Age technology; this is basically a way to reproduce without the need to fertilise an egg which allows for, in this case, two women to have biological offspring. Degaussing is also an interesting word to use; it's a complete destruction of data by affecting the magnetic field on magnetic storage. This is basically what the Veil was doing to Exos to erase them.
That aside, yeah. Maya was booting up Chiomas and testing them, then erasing them if they were proven to be unsatisfactory in some way which is obviously upsetting to Chioma who would at that point be a fully conscious person. She was also being booted in really bizarre hybrid Exo-Vex bodies like this:
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Now we need to keep coming back to this place to find out more. I'm hoping for more exceptionally fucked up voice lines like this and also more voice lines about the whole simulated scientists part because there's no way that this is all we'll get. Maya is going through the network, searching through simulations for her Chioma, or at least a Chioma that he thinks is the best of them, as narrated at the start of the act. She wants not only to bring a Golden Age to the whole system, she wants to have her personal Golden Age with the woman she loves.
And ofc at the end with the seasonal lore book page, we get some insight into this as well, more about Maya, her using the Veil, ending up in the Vex Network, making herself a body and how she was looking for Chioma.
I left the reach of the Veil's threads when I collided with the familiar angles of the Vex network… didn't I? Yes, I did.
Maya also seemed genuinely convinced that Chioma would be amazed and proud of this and that she would join her. But we know from Veil Logs that Chioma was instead horrified. And the Maya that entered the network and shaped herself a body and realised that she can command the Vex? Her first impulse was to search for Chioma. I am crying!
"TELL ME HOW LONG HAS PASSED SINCE I LAST ENCOUNTERED THE VEX." They do, through the Vex at my feet; they whisper it in unencoded ease. The number is gargantuan. I begin to panic. It is impossible, and my first thought is of her, her— "TELL ME WHERE CHIOMA ESI IS." They search, and they tell me the woman who holds my heart in her hands has laid in a grave for hundreds of years. In a rage, I tell them to mutilate one another. The milk at my feet boils in violence. My Chioma would not depart so mundanely. My Chioma would come find me, my Chioma is still here. My beloved does not rot in a grave.
And the thing is... She's correct. Her Chioma didn't depart mundanely. We know this from Veil Logs. Chioma called the Vex to take her.
Chioma Esi: Years ago, back on Venus, the Vex simulated copies of us — Maya and I. Trapped in a virtual hell. After so long, even hell can look like heaven, can't it? [chuckles] I'm tired. I'm done. Maya has to be out there. The Maya I remember. And all I want is one more moment with her. To hold her in my arms. Tell her that I love her. So she can tell me to "hush" one more time. If… if we learned anything from the Veil, it's that eventually… we all have to learn to let go. So… I made contact with the Vex. I'm ready. And it's time to say goodbye.
So there's a Maya looking for this Chioma and a Chioma looking for this Maya, somewhere in the network, among other 227 copies of them that have been through so much and some of them are also vanishing. This makes me insane. Hello. From this week's lore tab:
Chioma, my world, my life, cannot be dead. She must have joined the VexNet again; she would have searched for me there, sorted among the hundreds of copies of us to find the TRUE version of myself, HER Maya. So, too, will I search. I love her, I would know her in the darkness of a cave and the blinding glare of a sun. She is unique in all ways, precious and without fault. I know the real Chioma is alive.
Why are we here? Just to suffer about old woman yuri? Yes.
We also now know what "primary query" is:
"PRIMARY QUERY; FIND THE TRUE CHIOMA ESI," I command through my tears.
And yeah, the parallels with Osiris and Saint? So deliberate. I will explode. Osiris noted so a long time ago, also because of Veil Logs, how much Maya was similar to him. And they basically had the same goal; find the person they loved who was lost to them. Except Maya is doing this in a way that's deeply unhinged and hurting Chioma, while Osiris did it also deeply unhinged, but hurting himself. And listening to the Veil Logs and Chioma's perspective affected him greatly and genuinely was one of the biggest points for his development when he realised just how much obsession could've destroyed him and all he loves further if he didn't stop it.
It's all about Chioma and Maya. They're such an important piece of lore literally for ten years and now we're getting so much about them and their interactions together and all the pain and suffering. Please please please this has to end with them reuniting somehow. Please.
Anyway, wanted to point out some of these things that are connecting to older stuff, especially Aspect and also Veil Logs. I will be running this mission maybe another 100 or 10000 times. Looking forward for extra stuff in the next two weeks.
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Honestly Bungie is kinda cooking something with that O14 and Maya/Chioma comparison.
Osiris says that it doesn't matter if Saint is "his" Saint or not, he is the man that he has and will love. He is real to him.
On the other hand Maya (as the Conductor) seems to has long lost any feelings for Chioma, trying to make her perfect and right.
And in the end Destiny is all about choices, right?
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eiramew · 10 months
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anyway more of chioma/maya bc after all, why not?
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