#may I offer you some homoerotic art in this trying time
tlcartist · 2 years
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Is there anything more horrific than to lose oneself?
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virdemption · 2 years
Punch Out Headcanons Masterthread
Yay for the keep reading so you can scroll past without instant death! Will be edited if I get more headcanons.
--- part 1 your typical homies --
All of the boxers past minor circuit (+ King Hippo due to hella popular request from fans and I mean hella) have official figurines and plushies! Fans are working to get merch of the rest of the minor circuit. Bear’s plushies are the most popular out of everyone just because of how amazingly cuddleable they are.
Mac is transmasc and autistic.
Mac struggles to talk and communicates mostly through writing and body language.
Mac and Doc both love really bitter foods. Doc learned this after he jokingly offered Mac some extremely dark chocolate, with the other gladly chowing down.
Mac always carries around a rubix cube around with him to keep his hands busy. He doesn’t know how to solve it, but he doesn’t really mind. Tiger has offered to help him with it a few times but he politely declined all of them.
Joe and Aran have something homoerotic going on but they don’t realize it.
Joe is slender enough to fit through the WVBA ventilation system.
Joe and Bear are really good friends.
Hippo and Bear are big rivals and often compete with each other on who can eat the most. This relationship may or may not be homoerotic (It isn’t but Aran thinks it is).
Piston wraps small strings on his fingers to use as reminders due to forgetfulness.
Piston is autistic and self diagnosed.
Piston stims by sitting and swaying side to side.
Bear knows a little bit of French though he isn’t good at it.
Because of being so successful in his music career, Tiger gets invited to lots of music and dance schools to visit and sometimes tutor and he's the one who taught Heike the mirage dance.
Don has the habit of ranking everybody’s niceness, he even has a poster taped to the Major Circuit locker room door where he just swaps the ranks each day. He is always number one.
Aran has like a billion ships of all of the other boxers (Excluding Mac!!!) just to piss everyone off. Macho Man loves all of these ships and bonds with Aran over who’s getting shipped with who. Don and Bull hate them the most.
Aran takes up drawing as a side hobby and is actually really good at it. He even takes commissions sometimes. Yes he uses this talent to draw ship art of the others.
Aran has eczema.
“I’m autism but in an evil way” Aran even wore a full ass suit to his autism diagnosis.
Soda loves to bake!!! He doesn’t even remember where he got the interest but it’s been one of his favorite things to do for years. Bear, Macho, and Sandman are always the first to get to try the things he’s made.
Soda is extremely easy to crack up with jokes, you could forget half of the punchline and you’ve already gotten a good chuckle out of him.
Soda is autistic as well.
Part of the reason Soda drinks so much,,,, well,,,, soda,,,, is that the carbonation is somewhat of a sensory thing for him and it helps him focus and also puts him at ease. Sparkling water is also something he enjoys.
Soda does not brush his teeth.
Sandman suffers from frequent insomnia and the hard physical work put into boxing helps relieve it a bit and lets him sleep a bit easier.
Sandman is a huge inspiration to Mac and his career. When Mac fought him for the first time he had like the biggest smile on his face and Sandman couldn’t even stay mad at him for long after losing.
--- part 2 super punch out ---
Heike is nonbinary and uses any pronouns.
Heike and Sandman are good friends.
Clown doesn’t know how to do his own makeup and relied on coworkers at the circus to help him. Heike currently does his makeup and often likes to try new things.
Clown is autistic!! :oD
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michyeosseo · 4 years
2020 creator wrap: favorite works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
been tagged thrice so speaking as my tumblog’s biggest fan, let’s add that up, alright? this will be a pick per month + short description on why i the heck i kept opening ps for them (ಥ _ ಥ)
january - with the lyrics of her hopes in song form, a light-filled gongju & eunhee set was how i started this year. appropriate, in retrospect.
february - black dog sans forgetica. unlike other high school dramas, there wasn’t much fanfare about this because instead of focusing on a teen and their dream, we meet ko haneul who is just trying to meet the standards of a permanent teaching position. unglamorous yet wrung out quiet, reassuring tears.
march - an entry for kww featuring hwansaengdam!han yeri. lack of vidding skills aside, i don’t think i did this a disservice because i thought hard about this category connection-wise. 
april - unabashed eunjung × somin lovin’. listen, that caption i used is all the context one needs to hear about my melo suits me sentiments.
may - had qingpingle been a story about and for danshu & huirou, maybe the serenade part of the title won’t be a detestable lie™. started drafting this with affection but as the series arduously went on, can’t remember anything else besides Spite. no one gets peaceful joy out of watching that terror. (yes, this single-handedly took me out of my cdrama game for most of the year, besides my wasted nights of reading the source novel + getting a 4k copy for giffing.) deleted that without looking back because i do not want to promote this empty calligraphy to anyone. the only justice here is the increased potential for jiang shuying to receive tons of period drama casting offers from now on.
june - today in diary of an ahjumma spy, mvp misoon brought post-interrogation ice cream. neither my sharpest set nor the one with the best colouring but a glimpse of their shared experience over the years.
july - korean meryl streep moon sori has countless of gold dialogues in her directorial debut, the running actress, but the pretty argument is my winner. (you had the license for this but never bothered to subtitle, netflix? whyyyyyyy?)
august - birthday month = blaring homoerotic subtext. i redid this off a simpler version i tweeted. united effort to accomplish her gasping is more like it.
september - jein writernim, i swear i am not hung up the way other misty viewers are/were but mawma....... you had your synopsis that should not have arrived at that ending. dropped this about halfway through and out of the blue years later dreamt about the proper eunjoo comeback to hyeran’s life a la the handmaiden’s “my savior who came to ruin my life.” gosh, her power.
october - lovedrunk, timeless lesbian pining. high art.
november - i have not watched a park minyoung drama since *checks notes* that sorry excuse of a sageuk i do not wanna discuss here ever but for miss goddess to hand me slice-of-life about a cellist coming back to her hometown with a guy and a gal crushing on her since high school? signed, sealed, delivered, i’m yours.
december - right from the start, i made this weekender analogy — five children : wolgyesu tailor shop; once again : samgwang villa. the vibes was off in week one and i thought that was the end of that. but faced with a kim sunyoung-jin kijoo paired as at-odds-at-all-times aunt and eldest niece and it’s a presently losing battle with my frenemy creative team. humor me some more and actually land this all the way.
bonus & those i’m tagging under the cut
extracurricular × villain by stella jang
no ragrets i pulled an all-nighter for this pun greeting
practically the entire content of my two other active sideblogs @georgiousburnham & @lolacoasters where y’all can find me whenever the main queue here runs empty
tagged by @drivingsideways @melonatures @ohyangchon ♡
tagging @onaperduamedee @lonely-night @captalnlaika @jingyans @dramaintherain @waegashi-tofu @aheartandashirt @cuddlybitch
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chocolateheal · 5 years
17 Ideas To Organize Your Own American Artist | american artist
LOS ANGELES — Outliers and American Beat Art, which afresh opened at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, is cutting in the abundance and affection of the art shown. Organized by the National Arcade of Art and curated by that museum’s Lynne Cooke (coordinated actuality by LACMA babysitter Rita Gonzalez), the exhibition not alone argues that vanguard, accomplished American artists were generally afflicted by green artists who were abandoned or artlessly abandoned because of their gender, race, and simple styles of their art; it additionally attempts, as a cogent addition to art history, to be a affectionate of actual abstruse of the several art arcade shows that aboriginal brought the “outliers” to the public’s attention.
In Collection: William H. Johnson – AFRICANAH.ORG – american artist | american artist
Outliers cites the 1924 Whitney Studio Club (now the Whitney Museum of American Art), whose artisan collectors included modernist painters such as Charles Sheeler and Yasuo Kuniyoshi. Moving into the 1930s, we apprentice of the clandestine collections of artists such as Elie Nadelman, and of the founding administrator of New York’s Museum of Modern Art, Alfred Barr, who in the 1930s afraid European artists (Henri Rousseau was one of his favorites, three of whose paintings adroitness these walls) and Americans who banned to differentiate amid what came to be alleged “outsider” art from the analysis of the day.
More abreast exhibitions include Naives and Visionaries (organized at the Walker Art Center by Martin Friedman and others in 1974); Atramentous Folk Art in America, 1930–1980 (curated for the Corcoran Arcade of Art in 1982 by Jane Livingston and John Beardsley); LACMA’s own Parallel Visions: Modern Artists and Alien Art (curated by Maurice Tuchman and Carol S. Elliel); the 2002 touring display of African American women active in rural Alabama, The Quilts of Gee’s Bend (promoted by folk art collector, historian, babysitter William Arnett); and LACMA’s 2015 show, Noah Purifoy:Junk Dada (curated by Franklin Sirmans).
Beyond all of these interstices, the appearance additionally highlights six abstracted environments, including Simon Rodia’s awe-inspiring Watts Towers, and James Hampton’s acute “Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations’ Millennium General Assembly,” which was apparent in a Washington, DC barn and is now housed at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and is too brittle to travel.
Artist in Residence – american artist | american artist
To top the trophies of art that over the decades accept been declared abnormally as “outsider,” “folk-art,” “craft,” “child-like,” and aloof apparent “junk” art, Cooke and her able assembly accept aggregate a ample accumulating of absolutely memorable “vanguard” works, including bristles Elie Nadelman sculptures and paintings, pieces by Florine Stettheimer, the beauteous “Boy Stealing Fruit” by Yasuo Kuniyoshi, several Marsden Hartleys, works by about the absolute alleged Chicago academy (Jim Nutt, Barbara Rossi, Roger Brown), and masterworks by Jacob Lawrence, Elijah Pierce, Sister Gertrude Morgan, and abreast artisan Betye Saar. The account goes on and on, and so do the beheld pleasures until you are about beat by the acute abstracted experience.
Although this appearance is as well-intended as it can be — aggravating to concoction bottomward the barriers amid those whom Cooke prefers to call as “outliers” and the absolutely American beat artists — it accordingly seems to accord a affectionate of “slap-on-the-back” acknowledgment for those who generally acquainted no charge to be accepted back they artlessly went about creating art after any institutional approval. Inherent in this appearance is still a affectionate of attenuate hierarchy, alike if Cooke has approved to circumscribe its force. And if the differences amid the two become appropriately blurred, her affirmation on art history confuses us. Was Marsden Hartley, the acquiescent artisan who aboriginal on corrective beautifully abstruse works of German soldiers and their medals, and after drew on Native American imagery, absolutely afflicted by the “outliers” back he gave all that up to acrylic lovely, sometimes abominably homoerotic pictures of his Maine friends? Was Jacob Lawrence, a hero in the atramentous community, a naïf painter because he drew accouchement painting on a sidewalk? If accomplished artists grew to adulation folk and ability art, conceivably it was not because they artlessly apparent it from outliers, but because it accorded with their own apple views.
Despite the amplitude of abundance in this show, there is still so abundant missing. If you’re activity to accommodate Sheeler, why not represent that adept of Iowa folk art, Grant Wood? Or the added Midwest faux-realist Thomas Hart Benton? If you’re absorbed in alien gay art, why not go for the admirable kitsch painter Paul Cadmus — absolutely an outlier if there anytime was one?
Faith Ringgold: An American Artist” to Open February 17 | Crocker … – american artist | american artist
If you’re activity to accommodate the art of the quilt, area are the artists of the “Pattern and Decoration” movement like Joyce Kozloff, Robert Kushner, Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, Kim MacConnel, Miriam Shapiro, Merion Estes, and Robert Zakanitch, all of whom accept continued formed with abstracts that weren’t conceived of actuality aces of the “true” art world?
And if you altercate that child-like art is an important access of the vanguard, why not accommodate addition like the abreast artisan Susan Bee, who paints, through child-like images, metaphors of abundant seriousness. Why did a appearance that so acquiescently represented Morton Bartlett’s dolls not represent the abundant doll-like images and child-like fantasies of Mike Kelly? The account could go on forever, and you can’t accusation any babysitter who has created such a all-inclusive and alluring appearance for accepting her own choices.
Yet, there are confusions that arise. Was Cindy Sherman (whose assignment I like actual much) absolutely added afflicted by “outliers” than all these others? I feel the botheration — which abnormally abundant this appearance bravely tries to abode — is that, in the end, there is no alfresco or inside. Art is art, some of which may assume added brutal, added immediate, alike beneath accomplished than added works, depending aloft the viewer’s eye and sensibility.
The Dean of African American Artists | 150 Years of SAIC – american artist | american artist
Perhaps Lyn Cooke, in this admirable accumulating of admirable works, has done article absolutely wonderful, allowance us to apprehend that admitting the art history or any categories that we ability bisect it into, art is created by artists who artlessly accept to create, and they created it beeline through the century, not in alone a few called years. Aloof as abundant bad art ability appear from training aural institutions than from not accepting any accessible aesthetic education. Those who actualize art do so because they adulation it.
Outliers and American Beat Art continues at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (5905 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles) through March 17, 2019.
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Museums Celebrate The Black Women Artists History Has Overlooked … – american artist | american artist
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Museums Celebrate The Black Women Artists History Has Overlooked … – american artist | american artist
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David Yorke Artist, Authorized Website, Current Paintings … – american artist | american artist
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Asian American Artists | Smithsonian Institution – american artist | american artist
Asian American Artists | Smithsonian Institution – american artist | american artist
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White Wolf : 20 James Ayers outstanding paintings of … – american artist | american artist
from WordPress https://americanartist.club/17-ideas-to-organize-your-own-american-artist-american-artist/
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: The Woman Behind Critique My Dick Pic Sizes Up Art Photos of Male Nudes
Anonymous, “First time” (2017) (image courtesy Critique My Dick Pic)
The unsolicited penis photo is a much-maligned feature of modern dating, but Critique My Dick Pic isn’t about shaming the men who send them. The tagline of this Tumblr, running since 2013, is “critiquing your dick pics with love.” The aim is to offer witty reviews of the composition of these photos, from the lighting to the angle, from the colors to the use of props. Each critique ends with a letter grade.
The photo above is a recent example of an A grade.
The review ran:
this is a subtle dick pic — or, rather, dick print — with a strong impact, sender.
you’ve completely flipped the usual angle and pose – a log, basically – and the over-the-shoulder, full body shot is refreshing and effective. the inclusion of the lower portion of your face adds humanity and intrigue to your picture, and the lighting, framing and drape of the covers are all well-considered.
overall, it’s a very good shot, sender.
thank you for submitting to critique my dick pic. your dick pic gets an A.
The one-woman band behind the site is Madeleine Holden, a New Zealand lawyer and journalist now living in Berlin. Every day, Holden receives at least 30 dick pics from around the world and evaluates them with her careful eye.
To change things up, I sent her a batch of artists’ photographs of male nudes, ranging from the late 19th century to today, and asked her if she could assign them a Critique My Dick Pic-style review and grade. Her answers provide a tongue-in-cheek look at what has (and hasn’t changed) over the decades in the way that nude male bodies have been photographed. Here are the takeaways from our conversation:
1. Dick pics are a broader category than popularly imagined. According to Holden, they don’t have to be straight, zoomed-in shots of penises, taken selfie-style. In fact, the only rules of a dick pic, in our critic’s mind, are that they’re “penis-oriented” and taken of a single individual. This means that a dick pic (or a classic male nude) doesn’t even have to be erotic in intent. It can be reflective, as in Thomas Eakins’s 1885 portrait of a man (popularly believed to be Walt Whitman).
Thomas Eakins, “Portrait of an old man in the nude” (ca. 1885) (image via Wikimedia Commons)
Although I normally prefer a single shot, sender, you’ve created an interesting portrait with a contemplative tone. The shots are a little on the blurry side and the poses feel somewhat staged, but, nevertheless, it engages the eye. Your dick pic gets a B.
Dick pics can also be political. Consider Dash Snow’s 2007 image, “Untitled (Saddam dick).” This is a good representation of Snow’s defiantly un-pretty, deliberately unpolished style. A seemingly random collection of objects, including a picture of Saddam Hussein, sits next to a harshly lit set of genitals. The photograph almost dares its viewers to excavate a meaning out of this assemblage.
This is essentially a log with a few additional flourishes, sender. The human skull and photograph of Saddam Hussein are intriguing, but ultimately your dick pic falls flat due to the lackluster angle and framing. Your dick pic gets a C-.
2. Subtlety and context matter. Holden tells me that, broadly speaking, “women are looking for more subtlety than men think we are. Zoom out a little bit and show some of the rest of your body. We’re not interested in logs and extreme close-ups of just your genitals. We tend to prefer a bit of the rest of you in the shot for context and some narrative and some indication that you’re actually thinking of us, you’re not just bragging about your size.”
In keeping with such advice, Eadweard Muybridge‘s famous photographic experiments of the 1870s and 1880s, which captured different states of movement, create a kind of conversation between the viewer and subject. Each photo captures a fleeting anatomical moment before the body changes shape, making us wonder what preceded and what will follow each image.
Eadweard Muybridge, “Animal locomotion: an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal movements” (1872-1885) (image courtesy USC Digital Library)
Your dick pic contains movement and narrative, sender, which is a plus; and your pose is active and engaging. It’s a grainy, low-res shot, but the framing, angle and lighting have been well considered. Your dick pic gets a B+.
Holden also approves of the narrative effect created by Robert Mapplethorpe’s “Dennis Speight” (1983). This is a spare, black-and-white photo of a young, muscular man gripping a set of branches. The penis is less confrontational than it is in other Mapplethorpe photos. Here, both literally and figuratively, it isn’t the center of the image.
This is a simple and effective dick pic, sender. The lighting is expertly considered and the prop is an interesting narrative feature. The tone is stark and subdued, and while it’s not an overtly sexual shot, it is striking. Your dick pic gets an A.
3. It’s hard to get away from the male gaze, even with photos of naked men. So many of the well-recognized photographers of male nudes are men — often men attracted to other men. Just one of these is fitness photographer Bob Mizer, whose 1972 work “Rick Gordon, rooftop studio, Los Angeles” is artfully puzzling. (Much of the gay photography after World War II developed through fitness magazines because the homoerotic content could be somewhat disguised.) It centers on a slight, young man who appears to be on a “great outdoors” movie set: leaves, grass, and boulders abound, all of them clearly fake. The subject is touching a dog and pointing to something outside the scope of the photo. It takes the eye a while to decipher all of these details.
This is a bold and impactful dick pic, sender, containing a lovely burst of color and plenty of movement. It’s a busy image, but every component has been carefully considered, from the pose and setting through to the lighting and tone. There’s very little I would change. Your dick pic gets an A+.
The creation of Critique My Dick Pic was partly a reaction to the male gaze and how it still dominates the way we look at bodies. Holden explains, “Whether it’s heterosexual or bi or queer men, it’s still a male gaze, by and large. And … since the site launched, I’ve been trying to encourage a female gaze. The site is inclusive. It’s for everybody. It’s for every type of body, in terms of who can submit.” Submitters include plenty of women and trans folks.
4. Most of the dick pics circulating online — whether contemporary selfies or decades-old art photographs — aren’t terribly diverse. With Critique My Dick Pic, Holden realized early on that she was awash in submissions from straight, white, cis men in their 20s, and she needed to call specifically for a broader set of photos.
In noticing this homogeneity, Holden assumed the dick pic takers were self-selecting. But the history of male nude photography in the West has generally involved photographers (typically male, white, and bisexual or gay) selectively photographing certain kinds of bodies (generally young, well-proportioned, and black or white).
One example of a white photographer who often photographed black men is Carl Van Vechten, who was an active photographer in the Harlem Renaissance. His “Male nude” shows a variety of fabric patterns, both worn by the subject and in the photographic backdrop. The abundant shadows leave the penis, like much of the image, a bit mysterious.
Carl Vechten, “Male nude” (TK) (image via Wikimedia Commons)
This is a luxurious dick pic, sender, featuring decadent costuming and props. It’s visually very busy, but the pose is commanding and the shot expertly staged. Well done! Your dick pic gets an A-.
Vechten’s work may have been considered to have shown a racially diverse outlook for the period, but today, people of color have a bit more leeway to take the representation of their bodies into their own hands. While Holden’s project shows that racial anxieties and tropes continue to show up in dick pics, over the years, for instance, she’s received her fair share of submissions from Asian men who tell her that they want to dispel the stereotype that Asian men have small penises.
5. The line between art photography and dick pic may not be that thick. Although, Holden acknowledges, “It feels almost a little bit obnoxious to critique legitimate works of art in the vein of my Tumblr, but I think that’s kind of the joke.”
At the same time, dick pic takers would benefit from treating their photos with a bit more gravitas. Holden muses, “If you think ‘I’m actually trying to create art here,’ as absurd as that might sound in the context of dick pics, you’re probably going to make a much better picture.”
The post The Woman Behind Critique My Dick Pic Sizes Up Art Photos of Male Nudes appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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