#maxine hermes
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drewpicturesani · 2 months ago
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'tis the season ✨
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medium-observation · 1 year ago
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Beetlejuice - First US National Tour
March 25, 2023 - Medium Observation
Justin Collette (Beetlejuice), Isabella Esler (Lydia Deetz), Britney Coleman (Barbara Maitland), Will Burton (Adam Maitland), Jesse Sharp (Charles Deetz), Kate Marilley (Delia Deetz), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Miss Argentina), Abe Goldfarb (Otho), Brian Vaughn (Maxie Dean), Lexie Dorsett Sharp (s/w Maxine Dean/Juno), Jackera Davis (Girl Scout)
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Absolutely beautiful recording from the right mezzanine. A really nice side angle that is uniquely really pretty. Nice wideshots and zooms. A head pops in at the bottom of the frame every once in a while. Overall one of my favorite videos of the tour!
NFT Date: September 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAzpnc
Video is $20
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Hadestown - First US National Tour
February 25, 2024 - Medium Observation
J Antonio Rodriguez (Orpheus), Amaya Braganza (Eurydice), Matthew Patrick Quinn (Hades), Lana Gordon (Persephone), Sevon Askew (u/s Hermes), Marla Louissant (Fate), Lizzie Markson (Fate), Hannah Schreer (Fate), Nick Cortazzo (s/w Worker), Jamal Lee Harris (Worker), Cate Hayman (Worker), Quiana Onrae'l Holmes (Worker), Daniel Tracht (Worker)
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Near perfect video of Sevon Hermes from the orchestra. Nice mix of wides and zooms. Sevon is a great hermes with a totally different take than Will Mann.
NFT Date: September 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBg3QP
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at
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sxturn-to-mxrs · 1 year ago
I want to take a visit around Aphrodite’s cabin (inheritance games) and maybe Hermes’ too if you have the time?
right away!
cabin ten (aphrodite): i ship you with a fictional character (you can req a fandom from my list) and assign you a romance trope
i assign you
Alexander Blackwood Hawthorne from The Inheritance Games
your trope: forced proximity
cabin eleven (hermes): i write you a letter or a short message (moots i have interacted with only)
i think you're very creative with your asks and ask-games and stuff. you are extremely fun to talk to and i've also read your writing and you are an AMAZING writer
also you have IMMACULATE maxine liu vibes
always be yourself
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winekid-halfblood · 10 months ago
About Oliver
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Biographical information
Name: Oliver Cobblestone
Nickname: Oli
Age: 41 (chronologically) - 24 (biologically)
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexuell
Species: Satyr
Best Friend: Maxine Rosewell (Halfgod - OC)
Lover: None - has an on going crush on Hermes
Enemies: Luke Castellan (deceased), Melpomene (Muse of tragedy)
Abilities and Tools
Woodland Magic: he can control plants in a multitude of ways, control animals to a certain extent, and use them for healing purposes.
Empathy Link: He has a telepathic connection with his BFF a halfblood named Maxine.
Goat Legs: He can run very fast and climb up mountain edges with ease.
Enhanced Smell: Oliver has a very strong sense of smell. He can tell when monsters, gods, demigods, or other creatures are nearby.
Decelerated Aging: As a satyr, he ages at half the rate of a mortal.
Melpomene Curse: By witnessing and experiencing suffering and misfortune, Oliver draws a unique strength that enhances his abilities. At the same time, his mental health suffers tremendously as a result.
Reed Pipes: With this, he can channel most of his woodland magic.
Hunting knives: Two hunting knives made of celestial bronze.
[OOC] his full backstory isn't done so stay tuned!
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dispatchdcu · 2 years ago
The Flash #797 Review
The Flash #797 Review #dccomics #comics #comicbooks #news #DCEU #dcuuniverse #art #info #NCBD #wallywest #Amazon #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #flash #theflash #scarletspeedster #speedforce #centralcity #flashfacts
Writer: Jeremy Adams Art: Serg Acuna, Tom Derenick, Matt Herms, Peter Pantazis, Dave Sharpe, and Taurin Clarke Publisher: DC Comics Price: $4.99 Release Date: April 18th, 2023 It’s a super-speed misadventure in babysitting as Kid Flash watches Jai and Irey, the Flash’s children! When a sleepover goes awry, Ace has to bring back the twins, Maxine, and a few new friends from across time and space…
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dccomicsnews · 3 years ago
Review: The Flash #780
Review: The Flash #780
Review: THE FLASH #780 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Jeremy Adams Artist: Will Conrad Colours: Jeromy Cox, Matt Herms, Peter Pantazis Letters: Rob Leigh   Reviewed By: Derek McNeil   Summary The Flash #780: Even the Fastest Man Alive can’t outrun all the danger of the War for Earth-3. Enlisted by his former teammates on the Teen Titans, Wally West helped bring the…
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waaydamin · 3 years ago
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IG ; jaydacheaves “You only get one chance to make a first impression .. Hello London ; London, United Kingdom on July 8th
Outfit Details 💛
• Top ; @jeanpaulgaultier Maille Bikini Print Stocking Knit Mesh Top ($600)
• Dress turned Skirt ; @jeanpaulgaultier Premium Vintage 1994 Yellow Comic Sex Book Maxi Dress ($400)
• Bag ; @hermes-paris-france Birkin Bag 25cm Black Shiny Niloticus Crocodile Palladium Hardware ($39,500)
• Shoes ; @ysl Maxine Slingback Pumps in Crepe De Chine ($795)
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littlehen · 3 years ago
Tagged by @whybedennydifferent x and @carpe-mamilia x  Thank you!
Last Song:
Last TV Show: I just did a rewatch binge of What We Do in the Shadows, and then Our Flag Means Death crashed into my life. I saw it in quite a piecemeal way the first time round, because it was mid-March and not all the eps were out or available (I couldn’t find ep 4 anywhere so had to skip that one entirely and come back to it later). And when I first started the series, before Tumblr went bonkers for it and before I realised I was going to adore it, I just had it on casually in the background while I was sewing. So I’m going to wait a couple of weeks and then go back and watch it all properly with fresh eyes.
Currently Watching: I’m revisiting Gentleman Jack, because S2 has started and I realised I couldn’t remember anything about S1 and in my head it was mixed up with the Maxine Peake film. Also I always listen to radio comedy when I’m getting ready for bed, so at the moment it’s Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics x
Currently Reading: Last Night at the Telegraph Club x by Malinda Lo, a sweet story of lesbian first love set in San Francisco’s Chinatown in the 1950s. I just finished The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock x by Imogen Hermes Gowar, which I really enjoyed! It evoked the world of Georgian London so vividly, all the sounds and smells and language of 1785. With many lively characters and an intriguing story. (I found Mr Hancock very loveable so in my head I cast Jim Howick to play him :)
I’m too chicken to tag people but if anyone follows me and just wants to say hello, please do it and give me a mention so I see it! 
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years ago
Pokémon GO Project - Important Members [And Team Rocket Associates]
Professor Luther Willow
Blissey - Aeris
Sableye - Rin
Wobuffet - Luffy
Hitmonchan - Baki
Electabuzz - Volkner
Dusknoir - Elizabeth
Personal Assistant Altair Crawford
Eevee - Loki
Fennekin - Puck
Nickit - Hermes
Vulpix - Eris
Zorua - Fey
Lillipup - Laika
Valor Leader Candela Anias Flint
Flareon - Arthur
Houndoom - Guinevere
Arcanine - Elaine
Typhlosion - Gawain
Mighteyena - Ector
Greninja - Mordred
Valor Vice Leader Asher Fiona Hassenfeld
Arcanine - Rider
Aegislash - Assassin
Delphox - Caster
Falinks - Lancer, Avenger, Pretender, Shielder, Healer, Masker
Pangoroth - Berserker
Lucario - Saber
Valor Elite Four Hawthorne
Xatu - Sier
Accelgor - Roxanna
Rampardos - Vardi
Whimsicott - Niva
Druddigon - Jameson
Meowstic - Mixtape
Valor Elite Four Cedric Uvall
Clefable - Nema
Zangoose - Limosis
Yanmega - Nexation
Meganium - Xerasia
Gastrodon - Reglet
Mamoswine - Cruset
Valor Elite Four Everild Nairn
Tyranitar - Synastry
Mightyena - Jura
Eelektross - Natsu
Glalie - Lucy
Altaria - Grey
Umbreon - Ferrer
Valor Elite Four Priscilla Dougherty
Beautifly - Yulma
Gigaleth - Timow
Magnezone - Santa
Crawdaunt - Virtuous
Granbull - Carrot
Simipour - Irenic
Valor Secretary Iracebeth Lewis
Cubchoo - Wasabi
Gorebyss - Beaut
Tropius - Pecha
Pachirisu - Morling
Ralts - Delight
Swellow - Cyanic
Valor Intern Urisha Matthews
Whimsur - Snout
Decidueye - Sioux
Illumise - Amok
Shiinotic - Echard
Flygon - Forte
Torkoal - Camelot
Valor Intern Verrill Cloutier
Kirila - Kiaa
Bellsprout - Tardis
Girafarig - Harvey
Milcery - Allira
Farfetch'd - Chiral
Cloyster - Zing
Nexus Leader Aaron Brodeur
Espeon - Adam
Dragonair - Esmeray
Primplup - Neptune
Togekiss - Jack The Potential Killer
Staraptor - Zephyr
Serperior - Erika
[Audino - Ayato]
Nexus Vice-Leader Yarrow Cael
Gothitelle - Vesper
Medicham - Mikaela
Gallade - Mirai
Liligant - Daffodil
Lieperd - Mina
Weavile - Eburnean
Nexus Elite Four Serafina Aldebrand
Breloom - Bellini
Starmie - Gibson
Simisage - Lemon-Drop
Leafeon - Daiquiri
Banette - Zombie
Sandslash - Hurricane
Nexus Elite Four Moira Harper
Floatzel - Orchesis
Heracross - Greaves
Bisharp - Kitana
Boltund - Esperanto
Beartic - Rooks
Swampert - Kitt
Nexus Elite Four Gaius Birindelli
Wigglytuff - Ullagone
Florges - Peracute
Chandelure - Nebulous
Grumpig - Darcy
Aromatisse - Stormy
Absol - Icy
Nexus Elite Four Zachariah Morgenstern
Raichu - Mana
Sawk - Chroma
Escavalier - Sunshine
Primarina - Moonbeam
Ariados - Peter
Simisear - Danish
Nexus Secretary Aven Viktor
Salandit - Revomp
Pansear - Wardin
Roselia - Valbur
Seviper - Siccar
Natu - Terce
Mime Jr. - Pepper
Nexus Intern Maxine Davenport
Gothita - Aimeè
Pupitar - Era
Seel - Winston
Roggenrola - Megan
Flaffy - Lord Business
Lumineon - Jason
Nexus Intern Nathaniel Knight
Grubbin - Rosella
Yamper - Fido
Baltoy - Zaler
Pawniard - Gucci
Mudbray - Clayton
Shinx - Jenkins
Instinct Leader Spark Audra
Jolteon - Joanna (Sosipatra)
Infernape - Diotima
Pidgeot - Descartes
Reuniclus - Euclid
Honchkrow - Nietzsche
Emolga - Wittgenstein
Instinct Vice Leader Yanagi Sakuya
Cinderace - Emberella
Gallade - Sora
Gardevoir - Freya (Seii)
Drapion - Yoru
Indeedee - Kise
Watchog - Akira
Instinct Elite Four Lucília Vales
Linoone - Zigs
Carracosta - Devance
Chimecho - Historia
Delibird - Nicholas
Dustox - Martim
Shiftry - Yvette
Instinct Elite Four Athanasia Aldebrand
Braviary - Winger
Pyroar - Karma
Vivillion - Mariposa
Rhyperior - Sphinx
Armaldo - Nova
Weavile - Azure
Instinct Elite Four Vlastimir Gajević
Octillery - Vallum
Throh - Welkin
Nidoqueen - Quinn
Nidoking - Badder
Mismagius - Vicenary
Bouffalant - Osso
Instinct Elite Four Zephyr Licht
Sableye - Sulfur
Leavanny - Penelope
Golduck - Bernard
Musharna - Fantasia
Bastiodon - Daniel
Furret - Scarf
Instinct Secretary Zevthon McKay
Horsea - Dree
Pinsir - Scalpel
Lunatone - Livia
Solrock - Ceres
Marill - Chevaline
Blipbug - Champagne
Instinct Intern Yamamoto Maki
Wurmple - Nanette
Lombre - Mystique
Frillish - Overlord
Stufful - Fluff
Cutiefly - Sikon
Magmar - Davenport
Instinct Intern Sybil Edwards
Chespin - Arturia
Clobbopus - Jacqueline
Elekid - Sparky
Taillow - Steria
Maractus - Ohio
Darumaka - Aina
Mystic Leader Blanche Laverre
Vaporeon - Nerima
Empoleon - Sol
Froslass - Enzò
Slowking - Regis
Aurorus - Quinnton
Weavile - Corrin
[Popoillo - Dulcie]
Mystic Vice Leader Gabrielle Morgendy
Gengar - Teddie
Tangrowth - Sweets
Golisopod - Adorna
Wobuffet - Mena
Walrein - Opal
Zebstrika - Henry the Great
Mystic Elite Four Bernard Payne
Watchog - Andersen
Ambipom - Grimm
Vanilluxe - DeQuille
Ampharos - Austen
Abomasnow - Tolstoy
Venomoth - Stokwr
Mystic Elite Four Xerxes Griffyn
Passimian - Tartaglia
Salamance - Mandrake
Exeggutor - Sunny
Quagsire - Esda
Seismitoad - Barbatos
Malamar - Sophie
Mystic Elite Four Sorrel Aldebrand
Delcatty - Marble
Vikavolt - Pichi
Meinshao - Whiz
Vileplume - Grandios
Swanna - Razia
Cacturne - Anemone
Mystic Elite Four Hariel Avant
Hariyama - Marlette
Crabominable - Petra
Serperior - Anneal
Cherrim - Caryatid
Jynx - Nentian
Lycanroc - Piem
Mystic Secretary Dietrich Albrecht
Smeargle - Xue
Lantern - Misa
Rotom - Rhythm
Comfey - Krys
Sentret - Zeta
Trubbish - Maroon
Mystic Intern Kimisawa Gou
Manetric - Ikazuchi
Charmeleon - Rekka
Glaceon - Ame
Auzmarill - Kiriko
Rockruff - Iwao
Eevee - Hinata
Mystic Intern Takanashi Kouya
Slurpuff - Amai
Plusle - Ichiro
Minun - Jiro
Slowbro - Niiko
Scrafty - Satsuki
Ratatta - Kaida
Rocket Boss Giovanni Marchetti
Persian - Celeste
Rhyhorn - Selina
Nidoking - Inessa
Nidoqueen - Stone
Dugtrio - Riven
Steelix - Overton
Rocket Executive Arlo Laurier
Scizor - Garnet
Riolu - Sapphire
Salamance - Agate
Gardevoir - Onyx
Dragonite - Carnelian
Blastoise - Moonstone
Rocket Executive Sierra Wheeler
Blaziken - Flashlight
Lapras - Waverider
Houndoom - Bells
Alakazam - Nari
Absol - Lawrence
Shiftry - Eldin
Rocket Executive Clifford 'Cliff' Holloway
Luxray - Otis
Charizard - Bernard
Tyranitar - Frederick
Swampert - Edinburgh
Electivire - Rexford
Torterra - Spokeshave
Rocket Executive Charlotte Vivas
Banette - Tessellate
Beartic - Tala
Corviknight - Mottle
Kecleon - Aeon
Cinccino - Ria
Hitmonlee - Bruce
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maxinevaloisbourbon · 5 years ago
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‘‘When did I become repulsive? Repulsion is a feeling that you can direct to your own body. But someone has to teach you first.’’ 
 HERA. Eles são high school sweethearts. Se conhecem desde criancinhas, as famílias são interligadas e a união deles sempre pareceu natural. Verdade seja dita, tanto Zeus quanto Hera sentem que a relação é uma obrigação familiar que se desgastou com o tempo. Zeus trai a garota toda hora e ela finge não ver simplesmente por não admitir ser corna. Nenhum dos dois termina porque têm medo do que pode acontecer em uma vida sem se escorar um no outro por conveniência. Quando Reia joga na cara de Hera prints de traições e muitos indícios das traições, Hera e Zeus têm uma feia discussão durante a festa. Eles terminam logo no dia seguinte da festa… Ainda assim, fingem estar juntos na frente dos pais.
POSEIDON & HERMES. Melhores amigos desde o berço, o trio é imparável e o mais popular de toda Truffaut. Cada um têm seus defeitos, mas para os componentes desse grupinho, é fácil fazer vista grossa para os irmãos de uma vida toda. Se apoiam em tudo. HADES. Os dois eram melhores amigos quando crianças… Inseparáveis. Só que com a ascensão ao Ensino Médio, os interesses divergiram: enquanto Zeus se ocupava em conquistar o seu trono, Hades fazia algo parecido, só que fora das paredes da Truffau e no submundo aterrorizante e mais obscuro das ruelas escuras de Cannes. Hoje em dia, há um certo ressentimento da parte de Zeus, que se sentiu abandonado… Mas Hades não poderia estar menos aí, o que só contribuiu para o ego machucado.
CHRONOS.  A rivalidade existe desde sempre. É aquela coisa: um é o reizinho de um colégio, o outro de outro, mas os círculos sempre se esbarram por aí, que é onde fica o climão. Dois pavões de crista erguida, só falta tirarem o pau para fora para medir de quem é o maior. Luta de egos essa que só se agravou quando Chronos entrou na Truffau achando que podia pegar a coroa sem mais nem menos… A coroa que é de Zeus por direito, pela qual ele lutou e faz jus a vida escolar inteira. Encontro dos dois pelos corredores da Truffau sempre termina em confusão.  
PLAY DATE  Maxine nunca dormia sozinha isso era fato, apesar de sua fama de boy lixo e a então namorada sempre ao seu lado, eram poucas as garotas que conseguiam resistir ao seu charme e a curiosidade de saber se o garoto era realmente tudo aquilo que todos diziam na cama. No final, a garota da vez sempre terminava a noite com o gostinho de prazer e escarnio na boca afinal, se Maxie tinha uma regra era nunca repetir as figurinhas de seu grande Álbum. O problema é que MUSE A ignorava tudo isso, principalmente quando Maxine ignorava a sua regra número um para ficar com ela. Mesmo tentando ignorar MUSE A cedia sua cama e seu corpo quando o loiro batia em sua porta, na maioria das vezes na procura de sexo. Aos poucos MUSE A passou a notar um comportamento estranho vindo do loiro, as noites dormidas juntos, os presentes deixados em sua porta e alguns dates. MUSE A não sabia como se sentir afinal, era de Maxine que estamos falando contudo, algo dentro de si tem esperança de que eles acabem ficando juntos algum dia ou pelo menos ter algum tipo de exclusividade. 
NONE OF MY BUSINESSES MUSE B sempre soube das traições de Maxine e o achava repugnante, até que depois de uma briga com o seu/sua namoradx os dois acabaram ficando, Nos dias atuais Maxie adora irritar MUSE B com piadinhas sexuais o que deixa a garota muito irritada.
BEST FRIENDS? HELL NO MUSE C sempre odiou Max e o sentimento era mutuo. Contudo, eles precisam ignorar o ódio por conta de um trabalho em dupla que foram designados para fazer juntos. 
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hunterartemis · 5 years ago
The Assistant (Appendix 3): Trivias About Maxine
She was born on 31st October 1893, she is four years older than Newt Scamander and Four Years Younger than Theseus Scamander. Her Zodiac Sign in Scorpio
She is 5′9 tall, but still likes to wear Heels. According to her “men seldom cross a woman in heels and red lipstick”
Her three sizes are 34-27-36. She is a rectangular type.
Her favourite food  Bouillabaisse, from her birthplace Marseilles. 
Audrey left (was sent to Azkaban) when Maxine was only a year old. She lived alone with maids and bunch of House elves in the Chateaux D’if till she was seven. She and her mother were basically prisoners. All they would feed Maxine was Bouillabaisse. It was the only meal she would eat for several months when she was brought in the Paris estate. Even today, when she feels bad, she would ask for Bouillabaise--although she is never seen eating one in the story.
At the age of Seven, while having her meal, Maxine bit her tongue. She screamed so loud that every glass window on that floor shattered and every object of her room flew from the place and got suspended in the air. Lampito, her elf in care informed Hrothgar at the instant, and she was brought in Paris Estate.
Maxine has many books, but she seldom reads–the only thing she genuinely likes to read is poetry, and scandalous ones: thus she likes Baudelaire so much.
If she had a Theme Song it would be Rondo Capricciosso by Camille Saint Saens.
She marries a 38 year old Theseus when she herself is 34 years old.
During Holidays when she use to come home at her Parisian Home: the Conciergerie, she seldom slept at night and would sneak out and roam the streets of Paris–That is how she knew the streets of Paris so well when she took Newt on tour.
Maxine is extremely fond of Classical Music: Bach, Mozart, Puccini, Beethoven, Shostakovitch, Tchaikovsky, Ravel are her favorites. But she is often forced with Vivaldi, Handel, Monteverdi by her family who prefers Ecclesiastical music. She can stand Vivaldi but to her “the rest is absolute murder”.
Maxine can speak Five languages, English, French, German, Russian and Japanese. Her elder sister-in-law Svetlana taught her Russian and Slovanian, but Maxine cannot speak the latter, but can understand it
Her wand is Aspen wood and Phoenix feather. Wand of a very prolific public speaker, rebel and a duellist. Aspen commutes with the God Hermes, God of Speed and Thievery something which Maxine is well acquainted with. Phoenix signifies detachment and independence, which commutes well with her explorer nature.  
Her MBTI type is ENTJ-P, the Commander/Argumentative type.
Her Archetype is “The Trickster”/“The Jester”/ “The Explorer”
she worked as Espionaged-Auror with Theseus. She was quiet successful interrogating perpetual suspects by using a Modified Imperius Curse which makes the victim to hallucinate that they are having sex with her.
She has an extensive collection of Lingerie–from Corsets to Stockings. She had used them during interrogation and her “recreational” purposes.
She has invented spells: including the modified versions of Cruciatus and Imperius Curses; the first one gives spontaneous (and painful) orgasms. She is proficient in Non-verbal and wandless magic. 
Her patronus changed throughout her life: during Durmstrang it used to be Vulture, then it changed into Baltic fox. She realised her love for Theseus when her patronus changed into Bull, mimicking the Minotaur that King Theseus defeated in the myths.
Maxine’s initial inheritance included 10,000 Galleon worth of money, Three Baroque necklaces worth 5 million Euros of Muggle money, Two rings worth 2 million Euros of muggle money and Her mother’s apartment in London (in which she lived)
After spending 10,000 Galleon worth of inheritance into travelling in places (for learning various forms of Magic), she started looking for a job. after two years of unemployment and poverty she got a job at British ministry.
during this two year of poverty she had to do something to make money. She sold her 3000 galleon worth Provincial chaise for just only 100 galleons, her Alexandrite family ring, a pearl necklace to Borgin and Burkes. After that she sold a black book to Zonko’s joke shop where she had kept all of her invented prank spell. Being generous Zonko’s paid 500 galleons to her. To this day, Maxine’s prank spell is still used in Zonko’s joke shop and Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.
When she got her job, She bought all the things she had sold, with Leprechaun gold, some real currency and by Imperius curse.
She found a way to solidify the Love Potion and to smoke it; it was depicted twice in the story: one in her days in Durmstrang while other the night before wedding. Apparently smoking the love potion is almost equal to having sex for ten hours without the fatigue. However only she can smoke it like a normal cigarette and enjoy the pleasure–any person who had little experience with it will go rabid with its effect and will end up killing themselves in the process to satiate the libido. 
She is very fond of Mardi Gras/ Masquerade parties. She would often invite sons and daughters of European Ministries, lock them in a room with food, drinks and cigarettes filled with Amortentia, and go. It was a common entertainment between the women of Valois Family to spy on the naked and masked revel from a secret space. This was a tradition started by Maxine’s great-great Grandmother Regan Valois in Early 18th Century to have fun and to collect intel about the enemy; both Muggle and Wizards. It is an exception that Maxine should physically participate in it before her wedding.
She was admitted into St. Jean Baptiste de Deboir after Anatole tried to kill her with Cursed Fire, however what she told Newt that she could not have Obliviation was a lie. She resisted the Memory Curse by tipping off a healer who taught her the spell : Occlumenta Horribilis. It was so because Maxine could kill Anatole one day and practice herself not to fear him,
Maxine hates her portrait that hangs in Conciergerie; according to her, her family told the painter to ‘soften’ her features and make her ‘less mischievous’. It was painted when she was 19 years old.
Her character colors are Black, Red, Olive Green, Pink and Gold. Black represents her physical beauty, Red her sexual boldness, Green her impishness and envy, Pink represents her public image as a Valois, Gold represents her uniqueness and vision
Maxine has a special gait in which she sways her hips in a peculiar and yet very subtle fashion. This gave her away in front of Theseus when she was in Newt’s place.
Theseus was offered an enormous dowry when he proposed Maxine to marry him. The dowry included The Duchy of Croy, 30,000 Galleon, the Chateaux D’if of Marseilles where Maxine was born. However Theseus rejected it.
Theseus and Maxine’s first wedding dance was not an Waltz, but Minuet, as per the tradition of the Valois family. They danced to Henry Purcell’s Hole in the Wall. The second dance was an waltz, danced on Beethoven’s Violin Concerto: Rondo, Played by the dragon keeper Ernst Bongartz
Theseus had Maxine’s mother’s grave shifted at Edinburgh. He even took her to that place before they parted for Honeymoon.
When Maxine returned from the Exile, she found out Marguerite and Svetlana came to reconcile with her, after knowing what she had been through. Through them she found out Elena died while giving birth: now the baby boy will be cared by Svetlana. She and Magnus (Elena’s husband) elected Maxine as Godmother and Named the child Maximus Renaldo (a name his mother chose) Valois. The boy has blond hair and black eyes.
 Throughout her life she had seven lovers : Anatole Malfoy (who turned out to be using her), Clemens Charlemagne (broke off with mutual consent), Andrej Bolkonsky (Svetlana’s Cousin, she hooked up with him once at the wedding of Svetlana and her brother Menelaus), The eldest son of Italian Minister of Magic (for an espionage mission), Percival Graves (on a dare with Theseus Scamander), Newt Scamander (the one whom she could not get) and Theseus Scamander (Colleague, Partner-in-crimes, Husband)
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medium-observation · 2 years ago
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Monty Python's Spamalot - Kennedy Center May 18, 2023 - Medium Observation Video | Matinée
Cast: James Monroe Iglehart (King Arthur), Leslie Rodriguez Kritzer (The Lady of the Lake), Matthew Saldivar (Patsy/Guard 2), Rob McClure (The Historian/Prince Herbert), Jimmy Smagula (Sir Bedevere/Dennis's Mother/Concorde), Alex Brightman (Sir Lancelot/The French Taunter/Knight of Ni/Tim the Enchanter), Nik Walker (Sir Galahad/The Black Knight/Prince Herbert's Father), Michael Urie (Sir Robin/Guard 1/Brother Maynard), Michael Fatica (Ensemble), Kaylee Olson (Ensemble), Ryan Kasprzak (Ensemble), Phillip Attmore (Ensemble), Daniel Beeman (Ensemble), Maria Briggs (Ensemble), Eloise Kropp (Ensemble), Daniel May (Ensemble), Shina Ann Morris (Ensemble), Kristin Piro (Ensemble)
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Notes: Nice video of this hilarious show. Filmed from the orchestra. Lots of wideshots, which can lead to some washout at times. Beautiful zooms however on the cast (Alex Brightman fancam at times but it never takes away from the video!). Overall a great video of this Hilarious and perfect production.
NFT Date: December 1, 2023
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAEn7m
Video is $20
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Hadestown - First US National Tour May 20, 2023 - Medium Observation Video | Matinée
Cast: Colin LeMoine (u/s Orpheus), Hannah Whitley (Eurydice), Matthew Patrick Quinn (Hades), Nyla Watson (u/s Persephone), Nathan Lee Graham (Hermes), Belén Moyano (Fate 1), Cecilia Trippiedi (u/s Fate 2), Dominique Kempf (Fate 3), Racquel Williams (Worker), Jemal Lee Harris (Worker), KC Dela Cruz (s/w Worker), Ian Coulter-Buford (s/w Worker)
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Notes: Fantastic video of Colin's Orpheus Debut! there is a small head obstruction in the far left bottom that obstructs nothing but Hermes legs at times. This was a very unique and stressful show for the cast as they were down a worker and had everyone in the company on in the show. the show started almost 25 minutes late as they had to rehearse and change choreo. The lights hit in wait for me and the choreo change is quite fun to see and it's unique!
NFT Date: December 1, 2023
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAEEBp
Video is $20
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Beetlejuice - First US National Tour February 19, 2023 - Medium Observation Video | Matinée
Cast: Justin Collette (Beetlejuice), Isabella Esler (Lydia Deetz), Britney Coleman (Barbara Maitland), Will Burton (Adam Maitland), Jesse Sharp (Charles Deetz), Kate Marilley (Delia Deetz), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Miss Argentina), Abe Goldfarb (Otho), Brian Vaughn (Maxie Dean), Karmine Alers (Maxine Dean/Juno), Jackera Davis (Girl Scout), Matthew Michael Janisse (s/w Ensemble), Ryan Breslin (s/w Ensemble)
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Notes: Big head obstruction on the left side of the screen where the crib, and Charles room is. it's worked around fine, but it's there and can be very distracting at times. besides that it's a great 4k video and it's a unique one, because they had asl and captions so the cast had to stick on script, which led to some fun choreo improv!
NFT Date: December 1st, 2023
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAsYaU
Video is $10
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
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ununniliad · 5 years ago
The Old Spacer's Song Singing "Fuck You, Earth"
Leftenant Radison had worked his way up, step by step, over the heads of his fellow trainees; when he'd ratted out the men selling pot and homemade porn, he'd become the sargeant's favorite. He always scored number one on both marksmanship tests and sanity tests, he took hazing with grace and dished it out twice as hard, and he followed the rules to the letter, helping expose and drum out those who couldn't hack it. He was the number one fighter pilot of Capitatriarchy Base H-728.
And none of that mattered when his S-Fighter exploded into stargas! Because of her!
But who was she? She was the number one ace-pilot of the spaceways! The number one fly in the ointment and the number one gnat stinging the Capitatriarchy! She was Jezebel Harble, tough-as-nails transgender princess of the spaceways!
"That was stupid of them!" cheered Vance Sputnik, astral dreamer, hanging tight to the safety pressors! "In the face of your jinking and switching, they were sitting ducks!"
Jezebel shook her head, her purple ponytail sparkling in the light of ion beams. "Harble's Law, kid, there ain't no such thing as stupidity! The Capitatriarchy of True Earth doesn't care how many of their goons they waste if they can close their claws around us - and it's still closing in!"
Suddenly, a thoughtspark glimmered in their minds! .o(Gay MacRainfall on the line from the Sparkling Homestead!)
"Gay! Never thought I'd be so happy to hear your televoice!" Jezebel flew a crazy figure-eight, S-Fighters crashing into each other in the wake of her ship, that mode-morphing polyfighter, the Queer Bedfellow!
.o(Same to you, you crazy slut! Did you manage to snatch the treasure?)
.o(It's in our back pockets,) telechirped Vance, using his affinity with the Rainbow Stream that flows between all truly open hearts to send an image of it in their hold!
"But not for long, if Militindustry Incorporate has anything to say about it!" Jezebel's hands ran across the cybronic interface, the guns of the Queer Bedfellow pulsing infraviolet! "And for all the firepower Alonza installed on this babe, we're still outnumbered, thirteen thousand to one and climbing!"
.o(Make that thirty thousand!) teleyelled Vance, hands to his forehead. .o(Capital ship is chugging thru astral space right for us!)
.o(Then it's time to do something *really* stupid,) telesaid Gay, their mental voice scintllating in the high-dopamine range. .o(The Sparkling Homestead is going to open the hearts of every S-Pilot in a forty-klick range!)
"WHAT!?" Jezebel nearly ran straight into a transgravitic mine, juking out just in time! "Gay, it's too dangerous! Engaging with such resentful, closed, hate-filled hearts is gonna drain every spoon you have - and then some!"
.o(This ain't a democracy, Jezebel, it's an anarchist commune! You may have been President of Old Earth for two whole weeks, but in this polyfamily, your concern is noted, appreciated, loved - and filed in the wastebasket!) Gay telespoke with ultrasubconscious passion. .o(We've already formed the Pentacle Heart - centered on the thing we collectively love the most!)
"So why ya formin' it on a stuffed crust pizza," muttered Jezebel, blushing furiously. "All right, all right - but on my mark! I'm diving right into the heart of the storm!"
.o(A whole-ass masochist like you wouldn't have it any other way!) Jezebel and Vance could feel the spectral energy coruscating on the edges of Gay's words. .o(We're charged with hedonism and hope! On your mark!)
Jezebel drove the Queer Bedfellow through a torrent of coherent light and charged particles, closing in on the command wing at a hundred times the speed of sound! This would require thought-perfect timing! She readied the call just below the surface of consciousness, to trigger the moment she saw the glow of the Head Oppressor's gleamaward! "And..."
Psychic love shot across the cosmos faster than light, faster than darkness, faster than conscious understanding! It burst across the cold thought-shields the Capitatriarchy enshrouded their agents in - burst and burrowed, digging in towards their hearts! And those hearts responded, reaching desperately for the light, for love, even as the conscious minds enclosing them fought against the kind intrusion!
Jezebel kicked the Queer Bedfellow's astral engines into overdrive! Vance caught onto the powerful hyperthought, guiding the ship on a path down the Rainbow Stream right towards home!
But they weren't out of the starwoods yet! The S-Pilots were trauma-trained to keep attacking even as tears poured from their eyes and painful hope beat against their breasts! Jezebel poured every erg of piloting skill she had, and every drop of love she had for the Queer Bedfellow, into bobbing and darting through the eye of the storm!!
Gay screamed wordlessly! .o(cold) .o(resentment) .o(pain) .o(one way) .o(doesn't matter) .o(Doesn't Matter) .o(Give Up) .o(GIVE UP!)
Tears flowed from Vance's eyes, nails digging into his hands as the psychic stream funneled thru his brain! "...hurts..."
Jezebel kicked backwards! Feet on the controls, she grabbed Vance's face and kissed him passionately! "Don't give up on me, motherfucker!" she murmured into his mouth, and grabbed his crotch, squeezing tight!
"Mmmmmmnh!" The screaming delight of a single moment burst across his brain, channeling back along the Rainbow Stream into his family, and back outward into the Incorporate forces - cracking hearts left and right, ion banks going silent as pilots and controllers alike wept for a lost life!
They flickered past the edge of the gravity well, locked hard onto the astral stream, and BOOSTED across the cosmos in a wink and a flash!
Another televoice came over the connection, softer, tired from struggling, but satisfied with a hard, worthwhile accomplishment. .o(queer bedfellow, do you read? this is maxine. gay's all right but needs to introvert. how are y'all?)
Jezebel set the autopilot with her big toe. "Just fine, Maxine." She lifted Vance's soft, brain-pummeled form out of his spacechair. "We're gonna do the same. See you at home."
.o(see thee soon!)
Two relative hours later, the Queer Bedfellow eased into the docks at the hidden asteroid known as the Sparkling Homestead. The hatch opened by itself, and Gay, sipping on a cannabis smoothie and stretching, made her way inside. "Jez? Vance? How ya doin?"
A pile of blankets and pillows lay in front of a crystalline statue depicting Aphrodite Hermes in loving union with themself. Vance's head was sticking out, and he finger-waved to Gay. "She's fast asleep, as ever after one of these really hard ones."
"Awwwww." Gay knelt down, running her fingers thru Jezebel's hair. "Good job. We'll alert the Tellurians we got their artifact back from the museum."
"Hey," Vance said, "What do you think she'd say if I told her she's my hero?"
Gay chuckled. "She'd say she's just another old spacer, and that you're a soft-hearted nerd."
"Yeah, that's what I thought. Big tsundere."
"I know, right?" Gay leaned in and kissed Jezebel's cheek. "Sleep tight, princess of the spaceways."
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ao3feed-mileven · 6 years ago
way down hadestown
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LIifu9
by sinclairsmax
It's an old song, an old tale from way back when. It's an old tale. And we're gonna sing it again. She was known as Maxine on the mortal plane, in love with a young man named Lucas. However, he hid behind a mask, revealed as the King of Death, Hades himself, once that fateful kiss was put upon her lips. Maxine became queen, named Persephone, trapped between the two worlds and her ass of a husband. 'Énteka', known to most as Eleven, or Eurydice, was a hungry young girl. Left in the cold, she ran and ran and ran for so many years she never remembered a time where she stood still. She was a survivor, stronger than the winds that brushed across the world in fateful blows. She was strong, but proud. Finally standing still, she finds herself stood in front of a young man. Michael, tall and thin, was a poor boy, sometimes known to the world as Orpheus. But he had a gift to give, as a poet. Saviour, attempting to bring back the spring with his heart on his sleeve and a red flower in hand.
Words: 1003, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hadestown - Mitchell, Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, will byers (mentioned)
Relationships: Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Inspired by Hadestown, Angst, sad shit, BUT ALSO HAPPY, i'll get will in here u damn kno, dustin as hermes is my life BLOOD
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LIifu9
0 notes
theoscarotto · 7 years ago
“Hunter Twill doesn’t want to talk? I’ve seen many things, but nothing as surprising as this. And I saw Maxine Bauer slice a blondie’s throat clean through.” Hermes hadn’t, and would never, congratulate his friend on his second victory. He opted instead to pretend to trauma accompanying the previous Games never happened. After all, it could have ended in a manner so much worse.
Until the moment of the ball, Hunter cut the human interaction to a minimum, to recharge his batteries and return in glory during the big night. Despite barely having talked once or twice to his immediate neighbors, he was charming on stage during the Victor’s Tour, but only until the curtains would close. Then, he returned into his shell, impossible to bother. Now, however, he was blooming again. ‘’I’m sorry, we can’t talk for long. I have a word count. Like a post avox diet,’’ he spoke to one, distracted by another and overwhelmed generally. 
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ao3feed-strangerthings · 6 years ago
way down hadestown
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LIifu9
by sinclairsmax
It's an old song, an old tale from way back when. It's an old tale. And we're gonna sing it again. She was known as Maxine on the mortal plane, in love with a young man named Lucas. However, he hid behind a mask, revealed as the King of Death, Hades himself, once that fateful kiss was put upon her lips. Maxine became queen, named Persephone, trapped between the two worlds and her ass of a husband. 'Énteka', known to most as Eleven, or Eurydice, was a hungry young girl. Left in the cold, she ran and ran and ran for so many years she never remembered a time where she stood still. She was a survivor, stronger than the winds that brushed across the world in fateful blows. She was strong, but proud. Finally standing still, she finds herself stood in front of a young man. Michael, tall and thin, was a poor boy, sometimes known to the world as Orpheus. But he had a gift to give, as a poet. Saviour, attempting to bring back the spring with his heart on his sleeve and a red flower in hand.
Words: 1003, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hadestown - Mitchell, Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, will byers (mentioned)
Relationships: Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Inspired by Hadestown, Angst, sad shit, BUT ALSO HAPPY, i'll get will in here u damn kno, dustin as hermes is my life BLOOD
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LIifu9
0 notes