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respectlifeperth-blog · 7 years ago
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"Prayer is powerful beyond limits when we turn to the Immaculata, who is Queen even of God's heart." - Saint Maximilian Kolbe ✨ #queen #ourlady #maximiliankolbe #stmaximiliankolbe #qotd #christianquote #catholicquote #quote #catholic #christian #faith #mariandevotion #mothermary #jesus #life #love #christ #mother #immaculata #maryimmaculate #ocean #beach #esperance #swwesternaustralia #wauncovered #justanotherdayinwa #travel
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wakingeve · 5 years ago
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“Let us not forget that Jesus not only suffered, but also rose in glory; so, too, we go to the glory of the Resurrection by way of suffering and the Cross.” - St. Maximilian Kolbe Painting: "St. Maximilian Kolbe, Martyr of Charity" by Nielson Carlin. #feastday #saintmaximiliankolbe #maximiliankolbe #saintwisdom #martyr #saint #churchtriumphant https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4VtGsgYlN/?igshid=10i1w8w9yzbuh
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ericarmusik · 5 years ago
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My drawing of St. Maximilian Kolbe in honor of his feast day today. Charcoal on paper, 9 x 12”. Sold to a private collection. #MaximilianoKolbe #saintmaximiliankolbe #stmaximiliankolbe #saintkolbe #realistart #religiousart #religious #religiouspainting #religious_art_details #religiousstatue #saint #sacredart #catholicart #catholicartist #ericarmusik #liturgicalart #auschwitz #auschwitzbirkenau #auschwitzconcentrationcamp #maximiliankolbe #portraitart #portraiture #portraitartist #portraitartwork #ericarmusik #drawing #charcoal #artoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4DGA6g1uW/?igshid=1mx6h374ux2ec
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fromthefriars · 8 years ago
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Mass and visit to Saint Maximilian Kolbe at Niepokalanów (original Marytown in Poland, 800 friars here in the heyday) #franciscanfriarsoftherenewal #maximiliankolbe (at Niepokalanów)
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wcatradio · 6 years ago
Episode 26: The Immaculate Conception: Scriptural, Tradition, Magisterium & Maximilian Kolbe (May 16, 2019)
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terrytiles2014 · 8 years ago
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Tomorrow will be the feast of a great saint: St Maximilian Kolbe. A new collectible icon on tile is available in my Etsy Store: >>> https://www.etsy.com/listing/550812179 <<< 100% handmade in Italy by @TerryTiles2014 #stmaximilian #maximiliankolbe #kolbe #stmaximiliankolbe #catholic #stoftheday #saintoftheday #catholicsaints #faith #pray #prayforus #etsyfinds #tileart #christianity
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babaalexander · 7 years ago
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August 14: Today's Specialities & Photo: Amazing Birds. Christian feast day: Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia Eusebius of Rome Jonathan Myrick Daniels (Episcopal Church) Kaj Munk (with Kolbe, Lutheran Church) Martyrs of Otranto Maximilian Kolbe August 14 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Anniversary Day (Tristan da Cunha) Commemoration of Wadi al-Dahab or Zikra Oued Ed-Dahab (Morocco) Engineer's Day (Dominican Republic) Day of the Defenders of the Fatherland (Abkhazia) (state is not fully recognized) Independence Day, celebrates the day when Pakistan was declared a sovereign nation following the end of the British Raj in 1947. Pramuka Day (Indonesia) Falklands Day #Christian #DomingoIbáñezdeErquicia #EusebiusofRome #JonathanMyrickDaniels #EpiscopalChurch #KajMunk #Kolbe #LutheranChurch #MartyrsofOtranto #MaximilianKolbe #August14 #AnniversaryDay #TristandaCunha #CommemorationofWadialDahab #ZikraOuedEdDahab #Morocco #EngineersDay #DominicanRepublic #DayoftheDefendersoftheFatherland #Abkhazia #IndependenceDay #Pakistan #یومآزادی‬‎ #پاکِستان‬‎) #PramukaDay #GerakanPramuka #Indonesia #Indonesian #FalklandsDay #Peacock
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alfonsopatermo · 9 years ago
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Does religion save us? #doeswtfxus #maximiliankolbe #faith #trust #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #contentmarketing #love #peace #freedom #art
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respectlifeperth-blog · 8 years ago
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"Forget not love." - Saint Maximilian Kolbe ✨ We all need this reminder sometimes, when life gets frustrating, or stressful, or just busy, and we lose sight of our purpose. Act always with love. ✨ #love #life #respectlife #quote #quoteoftheday #faith #kolbe #maximiliankolbe #forgetnotlove #saintmaximiliankolbe #actwithlove #lovethemboth #catholic #catholicquote #catholicism #martyr
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ericarmusik · 6 years ago
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Happy Feast of St. Maximillian Kolbe. My charcoal drawing of him from 2018. Maximilian Kolbe was a a Polish Conventual Franciscan friar who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the German death camp of Auschwitz, located in German-occupied Poland during World War II. . . . #saintmaximiliankolbe #stmaximiliankolbe #saintkolbe #maximiliankolbe #realistart #religiousart #religious #charcoaldrawing #saint #saints #kolbe #religious_art_details #religiousstatue #saint #sacredart #catholicart #catholicartist #ericarmusik #liturgicalart #auschwitz #auschwitzbirkenau #auschwitzconcentrationcamp #maximiliankolbe https://www.instagram.com/p/B1J8NIPACuU/?igshid=qnkbw7t04qt9
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micaelalewis · 11 years ago
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"Never be afraid of loving the blessed virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did." #maximiliankolbe #saint #mary #mothermary #momma #catholic #fullofgrace #prayer #rosary #beautiful #love #mother #grace #pretty
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beautifulmessvjh · 10 years ago
I love his little laugh!!! @jondasue #MaximilianKolbe
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