#maxi should be on ajlt
marionto · 1 year
Cohen are the palpitations. Maxi interrupted Mr. Asghari’s interview to compliment how it was going; to grab a bagel he had left behind; to suggest answers to various questions to Mr. Asghari, some of which Mr. Asghari disagreed with; to eat the bagel; to announce 15 minutes into the interview that there were 10 minutes left (there were 45 minutes left); to request that Mr. Asghari change back into a pair of jeans he had asked him to change out of; to express gratitude for all that the interview was revealing to him about Mr. Asghari; to declare, while painting gentle curves of green emollient onto Mr. Asghari’s face, “He doesn’t need makeup”; to advise that the article that would result from the interview be titled “Starring in the Mel Gibson Movie” (Mr. Asghari is currently filming a movie with Mr. Gibson); to stand before Mr. Asghari and, while Mr. Asghari was in the middle of a sentence, dab at his lips with a Baby Phat Pink Rose Gold Glitter Hydrogel under-eye mask; to jump in with quick comments, and then say “delete delete delete.”
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summerspn · 3 years
And Just Like That…
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Full disclosure- I can’t watch the full series but I have seen clips.
Regardless, Spoilers…
Even from the clips & promo trailers for each week. It looks horrible.
Watched some recaps & it only confirmed everything I thought.
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The show/writers act like 55 is equivalent to having one foot in the grave: Steve is losing his hearing, Big dies, Carrie breaks her hip or something (has surgery), Harry sweats a lot (I’m sure this is for shadowing his death) , Charlotte brings up Harry’s colonoscopy a lot.
Plus the makeup & styling choices for the ladies are not good. One clip/scene Carrie wore so much makeup she looked like a raccoon. Very unflattering.
A lot of the outfits are frumpy for the ladies. Carrie from SATC would have found any excuse to buy shoes so going to the hospital for surgery, she wound have bought a nice pair of Chanel flats. Instead she wore socks & Birkenstocks…so she had those already? Okay…
She has a few outfits where she’s like an elegant hobo. Not entirely repulsive but she’s got so many layers on it makes her look three sizes too big & you half expect her to pull a rabbit out from under her hat.
They often have her hair up in a severe (almost painful looking) bun. All of it is a disservice. With a couple exceptions.
Sarah Jessica Parker looks great in the promotional pictures & on her Instagram. What gives?
Miranda’s style is probably the closest to her character’s style. There are a lot of shirts that are either super baggy or so high up it looks like she’ll joke on her own collar. And she has a wig on.
I don’t care if she wears a wig & don’t care why. Some women get self conscious & others lose their hair as they age…. But get her a better wig. A few of the clips it almost looks like a helmet.
And her makeup is terrible. They have Cynthia Nixon wearing (at least in the clips I found) a lot of whites, silver & light eyeshadow & no to little lipstick. With the white/grey hair & fair complexion she needs a little contrast.
Charlotte wears a lot of puffy sleeves, high collars & maxi (or nearly maxi) dresses. The clothes are a little too 1950’s meets Little House on the Prarie. Why?! Thank god her hair & makeup look alright.
She also has one outfit where she was wearing a spaghetti strapped dress over a t-shirt. It looked like something teenagers/preteens wore on the 90’s. Why couldn’t they just let Charlotte wear it without the t-shirt?
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People have commented on her plastic surgery & while it’s not the best I don’t really care. The problem is the plots are uninteresting so people end up getting distracted.
If AJLT was fun & entertaining (it’s not) then no one would care about the work done.
Most of show from what I’ve seen is really out of character.
Steve is not a moron as they make him seem & his deafness is treated like a gag. Like he’s SO OLD he’s going to kick the bucket any second. Steve co-owns a bar & Miranda is a lawyer. You’re telling me he can’t buy a decent hearing aid? Or visit an audiologist? Or if that doesn’t work, that he can’t get tutoring in how to read lips?
Miranda basically gaslights him & it’s disgusting to watch. She has an affair with no remorse & yet the show is acting like this is good thing. Condoning shitty behaviour.
In SATC Miranda was uninterested in women sexually. She tried a kiss & didn’t feel anything. She was bold enough to try & yet suddenly in AJLT, she’s gay. She was never repressed. So you’re telling me that over 15+ years she never saw some F/F porn that Steve was into? Never was into it? Okay so why now suddenly she’s feeling this way?
Feels more like the show merging Miranda with the actress, Cynthia Nixon.
Okay fine whatever but she’s now cheating with on Steve. Having a full on affair. A one night stand in movie 1 & Steve was the devil (I hated that storyline but I was a minority & thought she should have divorced him then). As a character though Steve was great. Loveable.
Either way Steve is her husband & Miranda in AJLT cheats on him having an affair with Che & Miranda feels no guilt. Seriously. That’s out of character.
Harry is treated terribly as well. Charlotte is shrill with him & bossy. Not even in the endearing way she used to be in SATC. Harry sweats a lot. Maybe they were trying to make him look gross. The constant theme of his colonoscopy mentioned in several clips has me thinking the show will kill him off.
…the writers are trying to make all women single. Miranda will divorce Steve, Harry Will die & they’ll date old men in diapers who forget to take their blood pressure meds while clubbing at some hot place trying to be cool 😂
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Che is the worst most obnoxious ever. Smokes pot all the time. Who cares? It doesn’t make her cool as the show is trying to make it seem. The issue with her & weed is that she tried to give it to a minor (creepy…) & she’s not held accountable for it.
She’s the opposite of funny. She’s a bully & sets the entire LGBTQ+ community back a decade.
She’s crude, disrespectful, & that podcast is disgusting. No one would listen to that.
Even if Miranda is gay couldn’t they have her date someone likeable? Maybe someone who isn’t a piece of trash? Oh and NOT cheat on Steve?
Charlotte apparently has never seen a black person before despite living in New York forever. Despite her formerly working at a gallery & being around artists (in SATC) she also has zero knowledge of the LGTBQ+ community. Her best friend Anthony, is gay but she knows nothing.
Didn’t she dress as a man I’m an episode of SATC?
But here she’s like a stereotypical 1950’s traditional housewife. Straight down to sticking her head in the sand. It’s sickening. Okay that’s not fair to housewives…she’s more like a robot from Stepford.
None of these plots feel genuine. In AJLT they have this running storyline of Charlotte having no idea how to talk to black people. She acts moronic & the show is trying to make it like she sees all black people the same. That was never her.
Yes she didn’t want to offend people but she wasn’t a simpleton. Now she is. She’s also 12.
Miranda…the lawyer …who talks to people all day everyday…also apparently doesn’t know how to talk to people. She’s going to Columbia for some reason & walks into a classroom & makes an assumption about the professor. Then she rambles like an idiot… and everyone looks at her like they’re about to eat her brains. It goes on way too long too.
That’s not how real people would act. Firstly, Miranda wouldn’t do that. As soon as she assumed the woman was a student she (SATC version) would have just said ‘oh wow you’re so young’. Here she went on about her not looking like her picture etc.
IRL if that happened the professor would have cut her off and just talked over her instead of just staring at her. Professors deal with tons of kinds of people. Ignorant & enlightened so it wouldn’t be that big of a shock to come across an idiotic assumption.
And/or at least one student would tell Miranda to ‘stop talking’.
But since this is woke to everything except ageism & mentally delayed (as per the recent episode with a random guy yelling at the professor in her car), they have to make it look like Miranda is mentally stuck in the 50’s while trying to be relevant.
Yet she lets her son have sex when her & Steve are in the house…no boundaries...
Worse, apparently there was a sex scene of Brady & his girlfriend! Aren’t they supposed to be minors?! Creepy…
This show constantly mentions a million different woke terms & situations. The writers act like these characters were raised by mormons or something.
And as woke as it is trying to be they are very agist & have no problems showing a sex scene with minors (as far as I know though the actors are a couple years older). It’s just…sad & gross
I don’t care if a show or movie is woke but I care about the writing more.
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Hollywood & TV land act like this is the first time people are trying to evolve. It’s not.
There were tons of series in the 90’s that expanded their views or casts etc. Some before that but the 90’s had so many.
We saw a lot of strong well rounded female characters start to hav their own shows. Which of course led to SATC.
AJLT is not an evolution of that.
It’s (from what I’ve seen) horrific.
Other reasons it’s bad:
Anthony is supposed to be Charlotte’s best friend but they apparently barely interact. Instead he’s Carrie’s best friend now. Sure things can change but it’s glaringly obvious they just replaced Stanford for him.
I actually like Anthony but it’s not genuine here. And it feels like a snub somehow to Willie Garson RIP. They should have honoured him & his character better.
I won’t say much about Big except In SATC I loved to hate him as he was a terrible person. I’m glad he’s dead. For various reasons.
Carrie was less upset with him dying though than being left at the altar. But she does bring up his death as a way to emotionally manipulate her friends. Antony mentions something in his life & Carrie’s like ‘my husband died’ which is both manipulative & tries to invalidate his feelings . She does this a lot.
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I could go on about this stupidity but I’ll stop.
I do think the actresses might be a bit rusty in their acting skills; however, most likely it’s the fault of the director. We have no idea how many takes they had, how far ahead they got the scripts etc or if the had any direction at all.
In SATC they all seem like decent actors. I was never a Carrie fan (loved the others) but like SJP as an actress (in many things as far back as Hocus Pocus). Kristin Davis is a good enough actress from what I’ve seen (liked her in Couples Retreat). I also liked Cynthia Nixon’s work though don’t know as much about her. In an old episode of Law & Order Criminal Intent she did a great job as well as her role in Ratched.
I feel like the actors should have moved onto other projects & said goodbye to this franchise.
A franchise created by Candice Bushnell but apparently doesn’t involve her in this series…
Kim Catrall had it right for declining this mess. I for one hope to watch her in the reboot of Queer as Folk (though it sounds less like a reboot & more of a new series).
This series is a train wreck without her but hope she’s thriving.
* So far though I haven’t heard anyone come up with this conspiracy theory…. I think HBO is trying to make these characters & actresses look terrible so they give their rights up to the show. Then, the network could do a reboot with younger people. Why else mention a million times over that 55 is so decrepit when it’s still young?
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Lets do an AJLT drinking game!
Each episode take a drink when:
* Steve or Harry act like buffoons, weak, or pathetic
* Miranda disrespects or gaslights Steve
* Miranda disrespects her marriage
* When Charlotte acts like she’s on uppers
* When Charlotte tries to be cool or trendy
* When Carrie mentions Big dying
* When Carrie wears something hideous
* When Che is rude, gross, or annoying
* When a character educates another on wokeness
Second thought…don’t do this it’ll kill you
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