#maxi contenti
frankenputo · 2 years
The Last Matinee  (Al morir la matinée, 2020)
or Red Screening
Dir. Maximiliano Contenti
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asimplevampire · 1 month
@dreambot is looking for sims for his Lovers Rock bachelorette challenge. I'm always down to make a horrid little man.
Meet Silas Spade*.
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Vital Statistics:
Gender: [shrugs in transmasc]. After very publically gender transitioning as a teenager, most people assume Silas is a man, and he's okay with not correcting them.
Pronouns: He/him or it/its; I set them to alternate in game.
Traits: Self-Absorbed/Ambitious/Paranoid
LTW: Become a World Famous Celebrity.
Celebrity Level: B-Lister.
Fame Quirks: Juice Enthusiast/Emotion Bomb
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Silas is a Hollywood nepo baby. His parents were actors; his mom was the leading lady in just about every historical biopic of the last forty years, and his dad was her co-star in Princess Cordelia's Revenge. They split up after a brief fling-turned-Vegas-wedding and a long, contentious divorce, leaving Silas as a budding child actor firmly under his mom's thumb.
If you were a 90s kid in SimNation, you probably have fond memories of Silas... because he was the star of "Eureka Castle, Girl Detective", an incredibly popular show that ran on the Simsney Channel in the 2000s. To this day, he still gets fan mail for Eureka Castle; to this day, he ignores it. Eureka Castle is its most prominent acting credit by far; even after a gender transition, an age transition, and an acting resume studded with roles like "serial killer" and "hooker #5", the role haunts him to this day.
Silas has just wrapped up its last season on The Urbz (where it plays a side character in Neon East), and while it looks for other work, it's decided to give this reality TV thing a try. After all, it's gotta keep its Actors Guild membership and its insurance.
Silas is the kind of guy who could ONLY thrive in Hollywood. He's got a Bad reputation for a reason- he's bitchy, demanding, only wants to work with The Best, and sees this whole LOVERS ROCK gig as beneath him. But again-- Guild membership!
He's never interacted with Riot in a professional capacity, but has probably started beef with her on Twitter. About something very stupid. Probably doesn't remember it was her, probably doesn't care.
Silas' actual greatest wish is to genuinely become a world-famous detective. But he's... pretty sure those don't actually exist. Being a detective in the real world means becoming a cop and having other people tell you what to do all day, and if you want to do your job right, no one can know you exist. He doesn't want to be in a police procedural; he wants to be Benoit Blanc.
*(His surname in the gallery is 'Spede', because ??? Maxis wyd??? But it's Spade, like Sam Spade.)
Tragically, I play CC free right now; as long as you keep within his general style, I'm okay with you giving Silas a makeover (especially with skin overlays, ye gads).
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gcorvetti · 1 year
Si lo so, direste, almeno la domenica fai pausa, rilassati, tromba, suona, disegna, stampa qualche oggetto...si si il tempo c'è tranquilli :D sarò anche veloce. A quanto pare le parole di molti politici ed esperti geo-politici, giornalisti e chi ne ha più ne metta, sul fatto che si sta spingendo ad una guerra nel nostro territorio, come sempre, non sono proprio infondate, c'è un articolo che dice che ci sarà la più grande esercitazione nato in germania con tutti i paesi per "prepararsi alla guerra", copio e incollo il titolo "Nato, da lunedì maxi esercitazione: obiettivo prepararsi a conflitto in Europa", quindi è questo l'obbiettivo degli USA, portarci a fare l'ennesima guerra ma tra di noi, nel senso tra noi europei, come le altre volte d'altronde, quindi è inevitabile? Torniamo al video di Canfora di ieri che dice le stesse cose che penso io che l'UE ha sbagliato tutto, ma no da mò Lucià.
L'Estonia, eh già il paese dove vivo da 15 anni in fissa dimora e che ho iniziato a prendere a piccole dosi sin dal 1999, anno in cui ho conosciuto la mia compagna, dicevo, il piccolo paese insignificante e con un cazzo da offrire, chiude la porta in faccia al patriarca Kirill perché sostiene le idiologie di putin, ma non è tanto questa la notizia che voglio sottolineare ma il fatto che, il paesino, ha una lista nera di russi che non possono entrare in questo pezzo di terra piatta, ma non solo, esorta gli altri paesi a fare la stessa cosa (quella di fare una lista nera), quindi pensando al fatto che si va verso una guerra e che sti qua si tirano l'attenzione addosso come se avessero la capacità bellica di una grossa nazione (ci sono militari uk e usa sin dall'inizio del conflitto al confine con la russia, fatti passare di notte per evitare panico), ma in realtà non lo è. Che dirvi se inizia sta guerra e non mi vedete più scrivere...sapete.
Questo è quanto per le notizie serie, poi c'è una notizia che racchiude gossip e quant'altro sotto la bandiera a mezz'asta della musica, con cose del tipo quello dei maneskin bacia la modella e quindi tradisce la fidanzata, che poi magari dirà "fatevi li cazzi vostri, bacio chi voglio, poi so cazzi mia con la mia fidanzata", o cose del genere. Ma la vera chicca è il brano di Asia Argento e Drusilla, l'avevo già sbirciato quando l'ha postata lo show man e mi ero inorridito, volevo scriverglielo ma di sicuro mi sarei tirato dietro uno shit storm dei fans che nei commenti elogiavano il brano e l'iniziativa. Il brano è semplicemente vomitevole, tecno di serie piedi a banana con loro che parlano sopra, e il trafiletto esordisce così, copio, "Ormai tutti cavalcano l'onda dei tormentoni estivi per tirar su due spicci", non c'è bisogno di aggiungere un commento ma solo dire che ci sono un vagone lunghissimo di professionisti della musica che fanno la fame e che di quei spicci sarebbero contenti, invece no, se li devono accaparrare chi, non solo ne ha abbastanza (Asia) ma che ha anche un lavoro ben retribuito (Drusilla), lasciate la musica ai musicisti e smettete di abusare di essa. Buona giornata.
P.S. Per me i giorni sono tutti uguali, lunedì, domenica, giovedì, non cambia nulla.
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"Hot club Montevideo" Entrevista a Maxi Contenti
Sinopsis: El Hot Club de Montevideo es una institución cultural uruguaya fundada en 1950 como resultado de las inquietudes de un pequeño grupo de músicos, con la misión de desarrollar actividades relacionadas con la música jazz, y contribuir a su difusión y comprensión. Su primera actividad oficial fue la distribución de una revista mensual, el 2 de marzo de 1950. Su contenido la haría figurar…
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danilacobain · 2 years
Ossigeno - 8
8. Risvegli
Zlatan fu svegliato da Maxi e Vincent che saltavano sul suo letto. Sorrise e li attirò a sé per abbracciarli. ‹‹Zlatan! Sei sveglio!›› Maxi lo strinse. ‹‹Ehi, avete aperto i regali?›› ‹‹No, mamma ci ha detto che dovevamo prima ringraziarti.›› Zlatan rise e si alzò dal letto. Infilò un pantalone della tuta e allungò le mani verso i due bambini che lo stavano aspettando. ‹‹Dai su, andiamo.›› Maxi prese la mano di Zlatan e lo guardò sorridendo. ‹‹Oggi pomeriggio andiamo a giocare al parco?›› ‹‹Sì, perché no!›› In cucina, Helena stava preparando la colazione. Zlatan le si avvicinò mentre i piccoli andavano ad aprire i regali nella loro camera. Le diede un bacio sulla guancia. ‹‹Buongiorno.›› ‹‹Buongiorno a te. Oggi porto Maxi e Vincent al parco a giocare.›› Lei si voltò a guardarlo. ‹‹Sei sicuro? Sei appena arrivato, vorrai andare a salutare i tuoi amici, la tua famiglia. Lo so che a loro non sai dire di no, ma se hai da fare...››
‹‹Helena, non ho nulla da fare, tranquilla.›› ‹‹Va bene, allora. Cosa vuoi per colazione?›› ‹‹Il solito.›› ‹‹Mamma! Mamma! Guarda Zlatan cosa ci ha portato!›› Helena guardò i due iPad in mano ai figli e lanciò un'occhiataccia a Zlatan. ‹‹Che cosa ti avevo detto?!??›› Lui sorrideva soddisfatto mentre osservava i due bambini felicissimi. ‹‹Dai Helena, guarda come sono contenti...›› si avvicinò a loro. ‹‹Venite qui che vi faccio vedere come funziona.›› Si sedettero sul divano e iniziarono ad armeggiare con gli iPad. Helena osservava i tre sul divano e non poteva fare a meno di pensare a quanto fosse straordinario Zlatan con i suoi figli. Era sempre dolce e paziente, e anche se lei lo accusava di viziarli troppo, era una vera e propria figura paterna per Maxi e Vincent. Sarebbe stato un padre meraviglioso quando finalmente avrebbe trovato la sua anima gemella, ne era più che certa. Nel pomeriggio Zlatan portò Maxi e Vincent al parco e rimase con loro anche a cena. Non volevano più lasciarlo andare e promise loro che sarebbe passato l'indomani.
Sveva si svegliò sola. Con gli occhi ancora chiusi, allungò una mano verso il posto che fino a qualche ora prima aveva occupato Logan e trovò solo il lenzuolo fresco. Aprì lentamente gli occhi e si stiracchiò delusa. Avrebbe voluto che lui fosse accanto a lei per poterlo abbracciare, ma evidentemente aveva da fare. Quando i suoi occhi misero a fuoco, notò sul cuscino una rosa rossa e un biglietto. Si sedette sul letto e prese la rosa. Sorrise mentre se la portava sotto il naso e ne respirava il profumo delicato. Era una delle rose che Logan le aveva portato la sera prima. Lesse il biglietto, continuando ad accarezzare i petali soffici della rosa.
Scusami se sono scappato senza dirti nulla. Dovevo preparare la valigia e lasciare l'albergo. Ti vengo a prendere per pranzo. Ti amo. Tuo, Logan
Dovevano assolutamente parlare di quello che era successo. Anche se era stata una notte intensa e bellissima non era sicura di voler tornare con Logan. Almeno non così presto. Le serviva del tempo per pensare e queste ferie che si era presa capitavano giusto a fagiolo. Lontano da lui avrebbe sicuramente analizzato meglio la situazione. Già. Come se per le questioni sentimentali ci fosse un metodo di analisi come per la medicina... Scosse la testa e sospirò. In ogni caso la vacanza a Milano le avrebbe fatto bene. Scese dal letto e fece una lunga doccia fresca. La calura estiva iniziava già a farsi sentire e per andare a pranzo con Logan scelse un vestito di cotone rosa antico scollato dietro la schiena e un paio di scarpe aperte comode. Lasciò i capelli sciolti e si truccò pochissimo. Logan arrivò verso mezzogiorno. La salutò con un bacio e la riempì di complimenti. Andarono a pranzo nel ristorante preferito di Sveva, a quanto pareva se ne era ricordato. Logan era sempre stato un corteggiatore impeccabile, Sveva amava molte cose di lui e questa era una di quelle. La faceva sempre sentire importante, non c'era mai stato un giorno in cui non le aveva fatto qualche complimento o qualche piccolo gesto d'affetto. Mai, fino a quel maledettissimo giorno in cui le aveva detto di essersi innamorato di un'altra. Non si era mai accorta di nulla, era stato bravissimo a fingere durante il mese in cui aveva intrattenuto una relazione con la donna con la quale poi era andato a vivere. Ed era proprio questo che la portava a pensare che probabilmente stesse fingendo anche adesso. Anche se il suo cuore le diceva di no. ‹‹Sveva, tesoro, perché non torni a New York con me oggi?›› Sveva lo fissò da sopra il bordo del bicchiere di vino rosso che stava bevendo. ‹‹Logan...ascolta, non credere che dopo stanotte sia tornato tutto come prima. Mi serve del tempo.›› Lui sorrise e le prese una mano. ‹‹No, hai ragione, non sarà più come prima. Sarà molto meglio. Stanotte... è stato fantastico.›› Sveva si sciolse sotto il calore di quello sguardo e al ricordo della notte passata tra le sue braccia. Lui continuò. ‹‹Ci amiamo ancora. Ci desideriamo più di prima. Perché continui a fare la difficile?›› Sveva voleva tanto togliergli quel sorrisetto soddisfatto dalla faccia. Pensava che una sola notte era stata più che sufficiente per riconquistarla e lei voleva tanto dirgli che non sarebbero mai più tornati insieme, ma... era davvero quello che voleva? Logan fuori dalla sua vita per sempre? Abbassò il bicchiere. ‹‹Non tornerò a New York con te, Logan. Non oggi.›› ‹‹E quando?›› ‹‹A settembre.›› ‹‹Cosa? No dai Sveva, non puoi lasciarmi lì da solo per tutto questo tempo.›› ‹‹Sono sicura che te la cavi benissimo senza di me.›› Lui le rifilò un'occhiataccia. ‹‹Puoi sempre venire tu qui per qualche giorno›› aggiunse. ‹‹C'è una cosa che devo dirti e voglio farlo il prima possibile ma ho bisogno che tu sia con me a New York.›› ‹‹Cosa devi dirmi?›› L'espressione di Logan la mise in allarme ma lui le sorrise e le disse: ‹‹Niente di importante. Mi prometti che torni presto?›› ‹‹Non ti prometto niente...›› ‹‹Okay, okay ho capito, dovrò convincere il capo a farmi dare un paio di settimane di ferie.›› Sveva gli sorrise e lui si allungò sulla sedia per baciarle la mano. Subito dopo pranzo, Sveva lo accompagnò in aeroporto. Si scambiarono qualche bacio. ‹‹Chiamami quando arrivi›› disse lei. ‹‹Certo. Mi mancherai, amore.›› ‹‹Anche tu. Salutami gli altri.›› ‹‹Lo farò.›› ‹‹Buon viaggio, Logan.›› ‹‹Ciao amore›› Le accarezzò la guancia, si chinò sulle sue labbra e la baciò dolcemente. Sveva si accorse di non volere che lui partisse. Lo accarezzò e gli sorrise, poi si voltò e si incamminò verso l'uscita, prima ancora che lui iniziasse a camminare. Doveva uscire di lì il prima possibile o sarebbe partita con lui.
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screen1ne · 3 years
ARROW Premieres A Cinema-Set Giallo-Slasher - 'The Last Matinee'
ARROW Premieres A Cinema-Set Giallo-Slasher - 'The Last Matinee' 1st December #TheLastMatinee #Arrow #Streaming #BluRay #Giallo #MaxiContenti #LucianaGrasso @ArrowFilmsVideo @FetchPublicity
ARROW PREMIERES A CINEMA-SET GIALLO-SLASHER On December 1st 2021, the essential, alternative streaming service ARROW premieres THE LAST MATINEE, a stylish neo-giallo love letter to classic slashers that will send your popcorn flying and have you diving behind your seat!  Uruguayan director Maxi Contenti marks himself out as a talent to watch with a film that is a killer time at the movies! The…
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somosorigen · 3 years
Pósters Oficiales: Al Morir La Matinée
Pósters Oficiales: Al Morir La Matinée
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rickyvalero · 3 years
Trailer: "The Last Matinee"
Trailer: “The Last Matinee”
If “Fear Street” has you in a ‘slasher’ mood, this might be as exciting for you as it was for me! From Uruguay, director Maxi Contenti shows a flair for horror visuals and darkness while the movie stars Luciana Grasso, Ricardo Islas, Julieta Spinelli, Franco Duran, and Pedro Duarte. The screenplay is from Manuel Facal and Maxi Contenti. Dark Star Pictures + B-D will release this in select US…
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cultfaction · 3 years
Dark Star Pictures and Bloody Disgusting acquire North American distribution rights to The Last Matinee
Dark Star Pictures and Bloody Disgusting acquire North American distribution rights to The Last Matinee
Los Angeles-based Dark Star Pictures has acquired the North American distribution rights to THE LAST MATINEE as part of its ongoing and exciting collaboration with horror leader Bloody Disgusting. Dark Star and Bloody Disgusting plan a theatrical release for THE LAST MATINEE early this summer with the on demand, digital and DVD release to follow in August. Written and directed by Maxi…
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frankenputo · 2 years
The Last Matinee  (Al morir la matinée, 2020)
or Red Screening
Dir. Maximiliano Contenti
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
Cordelia Roach/Hale
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So, even though my fanfic and my RP versions of Cordelia have different last names - Alexa and I were experimenting with last names at the same time as I began work on “The Greatest Undertaking” and after I’d used “Roach” in a few drabbles - the following headcanons across fanfiction an RP are (at present) the same. 
Cordelia is twenty minutes younger than her twin sister, Desdemona. Their parents named the girls after Shakespeare characters specifically because 1. they are at least as pretentious as I (Deanna, the writer) am and 2. they wanted to see what effect, if any, their daughters’ names would have on their personalities. Her father says the results are “inconclusive” and wrote a paper on it. Desdemona is very reliant on her parents; Cordelia is decidedly not. Whether that has to do with their names (doubtful) or not, Cordelia resents that they were used to further their father’s academic work. 
Cordelia’s family has only visited Piffling a handful of times. They do not like it there . Cordelia has refused to leave partially to spite them. 
Cordelia is an adventurous cook, but by no means good enough to go pro. She wouldn’t want to, anyways.
Petunia Bloom only ever sells plants to Cordelia reluctantly because for the first few years she lived on Piffling, Cordelia killed every plant she ever tried to grow. Now, however, she’s gotten better. Her garden is often a bit unkempt. She likes to sing to her plants and thinks that’s responsible for their growth. It’s as reasonable an explanation as any.
Cordelia named Calliope after the instrument as much as the muse. If this was going to be her only child, she needed to have an epic name that did double duty.
Cordelia runs the Piffling Musical Emporium and teaches music lessons out of her house. Calliope has taken allergy medication for her allergy to other children since she was very young. Cordelia does not share this allergy.
Cordelia used to take Calliope to the library for hours so she could quietly get lessons planned and Calliope could read and expand her mind. Cordelia often questions the collection of books offered by the Piffling Library.
Cordelia had a contentious relationship with Scout Leader Bunts. He respected her ferocious parenting style and took bribes from her (usually in the form of food) to keep Calliope in Scouts, even after the other patrols kicked Calliope out. Scout Leader Bunts was fond of both Cordelia and Calliope in the end, however. 
Cordelia admires Eric Chapman almost as much as anyone else in the village, but she has a wounded soft spot for Rudyard (and Antigone) that she hasn’t let go of fully. 
Cordelia strives to teach her daughter to embrace her weirdness and that it’s other people’s narrow mindedness that is most often the problem. However, she has to draw the line at bringing dead animals to school for show and tell. Sorry, Calliope. 
Cordelia is fond of maxi dresses with deep pockets and weird patterns, but she also loves trousers (again with deep pockets) that allow for mobility. She carries everything you’d expect the mother of a hyper-capable ten-year-old to carry: a mini sewing kit, first aid supplies, hand sanitizer, a swiss army knife, enough money for lunch, and homemade granola mix. 
Cordelia plays many instruments. I’m not even sure I could list them all if I tried. 
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paoloxl · 4 years
Helin Bolek, musicista, cantante e attivista del Grup Yorum è morta ieri dopo 288 giorni di sciopero della fame. Bolek protestava contro la carcerazione dei suoi compagni della band con l'accusa di "terrorismo" e contro il bando che era stato imposto dallo stato turco ai loro concerti e attività culturali dal 2016.
Helin Bolek del Grup Yorum si è spenta ieri dopo 288 giorni di sciopero della fame
La sua morte ha riportato alla luce le assurde accuse con cui Erdogan e il suo governo incarcerano i dissidenti politici che si oppongono al suo potere in Turchia. Un altro membro della band, Ibrahim Gokcek, è a sua volta in sciopero della fame da 291 giorni e si è unito al cordoglio della famiglia, degli amici e dei compagni per la morte di Helin dichiarando che:
«O sarebbe morta lei, o sarei morto io. Lei è morta, ora morirò io. E che succederà? Siete contenti adesso?».
La morte di Helin Bolek avviene nel momento in cui in Turchia c'è un forte dibattito sulla situazione delle carceri nel contesto dell'epidemia di Coronavirus. Il parlamento turco infatti sta discutendo al momento una maxi-amnistia di cui dovrebbero beneficiare 90mila carcerati, tra cui però non sono compresi gli oppositori politici al regime che per Erdogan e il governo dovrebbero rimanere in carcere.
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ramascreen · 3 years
Poster And Trailer For THE LAST MATINEE
Poster And Trailer For THE LAST MATINEE
Darkstar and Bloodydisgusting have released these official poster and trailer for THE LAST MATINEE which arrives in Theaters AUGUST 6, 2021 and on Demand, Digital and DVD AUGUST 24, 2021 Starring:  Luciana Grasso, Ricardo Islas, Julieta Spinelli, Franco Duran, Pedro Duarte Directed and Written By:  Maxi Contenti The audience attending the last showing of a horror film in a small downtown cinema…
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【Al morir la matinée】 Película completa HD en linea HD
Ver Al morir la matinée  Online HD (2020) En Español - La Película Completa en  Castellano, Gratis y Subtitulada.
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Al morir la matinée  Película Completa en Español,Al morir la matinée  netflix,Al morir la matinée  /cinepolis,Al morir la matinée  película completa en español netflix,Al morir la matinée  tráiler 2 español latino,Al morir la matinée  película completa en español latino facebook,ver Al morir la matinée  cinepolis
Ver Al morir la matinée  Película Completa HD — UTorrent Descargar 97 | 4K ULTRAHD | FULL HD (1080P) | SD ### VER CLIC AQUI |✼✮☛ http://cuevana-gratis.com/es/movie/739291 Official Media :
Antes de ver y seguir el cómo ver películas completas gratis y hablar en español ,entonces aquí está el detalle y la pieza de la historia que he delineado en película completa con subtítulos en español ,y a continuación hay una sinopsis de la historia y una colección de actores que protagonizaron las películas Al morir la matinée
Al morir la matinée 2020 De La Pelicula Completa En Español Netflix
Supongo que la mayoría de los medios clasificará a esta película uruguaya como cine de terror, vertiente slasher: Al morir la matinée transcurre en un montevideano Cine Ópera durante un domingo de 1993, en la última función de la velada, en la que dan una película de terror frecuentada por unos pocos espectadores. Durante esa proyección, un hombre misterioso bloquea la salida del cine y comienza a matar a los presentes de a uno.
Al morir la matinée Pelicula Reparto (Elenco) Luciana Grasso, Ricardo Islas, Julieta Spinelli, Franco Duran
La pelicula De Al morir la matinée Estreno En Netflix
Para mí, la película funciona y tiene su belleza como una experiencia de segundo grado. Más que ser una película de terror, juega con la idea de una película de terror. Es, en esencia, un acto cinéfilo. ¿Qué puede ser más pesadillesco para un amante del cine que que te arranquen los ojos? ¿Qué se parece más al amor por el cine que una heroína proyeccionista? Los planos aéreos del inicio emulan El resplandor (1980, de Stanley Kubrick); aunque el exterior y la boletería parecen ser la galería en que queda el cine Ópera de verdad, los interiores están filmados en la muy espaciosa Cinemateca 18 (que en 1993 era el Nuevo 18). Al menos para los montevideanos, es imposible omitir las evocaciones que despierta esa sala.
La final girl es la hija del veterano proyeccionista de ese Ópera ficticio. El padre la familiarizó, desde niña, con el funcionamiento del proyector, así que, en esa noche en que el viejo está medio fatigado, ella está en condiciones de suplantarlo. La película muestra toda una fascinación por el mundo del fílmico: la ventanita para cambiar de formato, los carretes, el splicer. Hay un excelente momento de humor cuando se rompe la película y la proyeccionista confunde los gritos de un espectador que está siendo masacrado con los abucheos de la platea impaciente. La idea de ambientarla en 1993 puede tener que ver con esa era en que el cine todavía no era digital, aparte de otros factores (el que no estuvieran difundidos los celulares contribuye al aislamiento de los personajes en el espacio cerrado del cine; y quizá Tomás, el niño, funcione como un álter ego de Maxi Contenti cuando tenía ocho o nueve años). Los afiches en la sala de espera constituyen una pequeña galería de homenajes, y entre ellos hay una de Dario Argento, una de Paul Verhoeven y, en forma muy simpática, la uruguaya El dirigible (1994, de Pablo Dotta). Las distintas situaciones tienen que ver con las rutinas de la ida al cine: el grupo de amigos, la boletería, el pop, el maní con chocolate, la linterna, las propagandas a la usanza de entonces (diapositivas), la que quedó de ir con uno que la dejó plantada, el beso y el contacto sexual en la sala oscura, uno que habla demasiado y otro que pide silencio, la interrupción apresurada para ir al baño.
De la película  Al morir la matinée Sinopsis Es una noche tormentosa en Montevideo en 1992. Un cine con cierto aire decadente está abierto. Allí se exhibe una película de terror italiana titulada La muerte jamás vista, que atrae la atención de unos pocos asistentes. La sala no cuenta con su proyeccionista habitual, reemplazado por su hija. En esa tardía función, aparecerá un sombrío personaje con la intención de asesinar a todos los espectadores.
Título original Al morir la matinée Año 2020 Duración 90 min. País Uruguay Uruguay Dirección Maximiliano Contenti Guion Manuel Facal Música Hernán González Fotografía Benjamín Silva Reparto Luciana Grasso, Ricardo Islas, Julieta Spinelli, Franco Duran Productora Coproducción Uruguay-Argentina; Yukoh Films, Pensa&Rocca Cine, La Gota Cine Género Terror
Categorías: Películas en español Películas de Argentina Películas de 2020 Películas de suspenso Películas policíacas Películas de cine de comedia Películas dirigidas por Ariel Winograd Películas ambientadas en Buenos Aires Películas dramáticas de Argentina Películas dramáticas de los años 2000 Películas rodadas en Buenos Aires Películas sociales y políticas Películas basadas en hechos reales
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fearsmagazine · 3 years
Dark Star Pictures and Bloody Disgusting Acquire North American Distribution Rights to THE LAST MATINEE
Los Angeles-based Dark Star Pictures has acquired the North American distribution rights to THE LAST MATINEE as part of its ongoing and exciting collaboration with horror leader Bloody Disgusting. Dark Star and Bloody Disgusting plan a theatrical release for THE LAST MATINEE early this summer with the on demand, digital and DVD release to follow in August.
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Written and directed by Maxi Contenti (Muñeco viviente V, Neptunia), the film stars Luciana Grasso (El Secreto de Julia), Ricardo Islas (El Que No Corre Vuela, Bailiwick), Julieta Spinelli, Franco Duran and Pedro Duarte.
"I’m very happy to be part of the Dark Star Pictures roster, and super excited to present my movie to the North American audiences,” said director/writer Maxi Contenti.  “I hope they'll enjoy the blood dripping screenings of The Last Matinee."
In THE LAST MATINEE, the audience attending the last showing of a horror film in a small downtown cinema are terrorized by a murderer who begins to pick them off, one by one. The only person to notice that something strange is going on is the projectionist’s daughter.
Making its world premiere at Sitges Film Festival last summer, THE LAST MATINEE will be making its rounds at Panic Fest and Cleveland International Film Festival later this month. The film will also make its Canadian debut at the Calgary Underground Film Festival.
Earlier this year, Dark Star Pictures and Bloody Disgusting partnered on its first acquisition on the acclaimed backwoods horror film, Honeydew, starring Sawyer Spielberg in his feature acting debut. Most recently, Dark Star Pictures and Bloody Disgusting announced the acquisition of the festival midnighter Dementia Part II, which will be released in theaters later this spring with the on demand, digital and DVD release to follow this summer.
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getseriouser · 5 years
GET SERIOUS: Top 50 - 2019
IT'S not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
Marcus Bontempelli stands tall, not just literally but too comparatively against all peers, all of the more fancied usually bandied around when ‘game’s best player’ conversations are had.
It’s a who’s who of the game’s best mids in the top ten, with a couple potato gems from opposite ends of the field in there too.
The Get Serious top ten:
10.        Elliot Yeo (West Coast)
9.          Tom Stewart (Geelong)
8.          Stephen Coniglio (GWS)
7.          Jordan De Goey (Collingwood)
6.          Luke Shuey (West Coast)
5.          Patrick Dangerfield (Geelong)
4.          Dustin Martin (Richmond)
3.          Patrick Cripps (Carlton)
2.          Nat Fyfe (Fremantle)
1.          Marcus Bontempelli (Western Bulldogs)
Yeo is a freak. Strong, agile, quick, incredibly skilled. Vital to the Eagles’ success he dominates the centre square but too can kill it all over the field. Superstar.
Now Tommy Stewart is only a couple years plucked out of local footy but wow, what an impact. The best backman of any sort in the league by some way, his intercept and rebound abilities alongside defensive smarts make him seriously that good. Coniglio is the definition of a premier onballer. A jet. Moves well, finds the pill and just kills it when he gets it.
Jordy is a freak. Onball he is a bull that can dominate the centre square. Up forward though, be it playing tall like a poor man’s Ablett Senior or on the ground like a, well, Ablett Senior, he is as close to unstoppable since prime-years Buddy.
This man won a Norm Smith on a day he didn’t have a tonne of midfield mates and the opposition midfield was stacked. Shuey is supremely underrated, maybe as he plies his trade on the west coast, but is impossible to tag, has enormous influence on the game from the guts and is the quintessential match-winner.
Danger and Dusty we know. Both capable of running the show themselves. Still got it, still elite, still easy top five guns.
Crippa is beast and is easy top three. Has more influence on games now than Dangerfield and Martin, remembering he plays for lowly Carlton, those two have played in perennial finals sides. Going to dominate for some time.
Cripps is very good, Fyfe is just a bit better. Can do a little more outside and totally takes over games like few others ever. Won one Brownlow already, could seriously poll enough again this year. Megastar.
And the Bont. A couple weeks back, we said, in comparing him to Cripps and Fyfe, that he does what both those kids do well in the trenches but he is that little better because moves around like a 6″3 wingman with vision like 2010 Scott Pendlebury to boot. Also is one of the best kicks in the comp. The most complete player in it. The best.
A good big bloke always defeats a good little bloke, they say.
Before we nail out the top ten players in the league, a few of the league’s best taller types make the top 20.
Let’s get this done with.
20.          Josh Kennedy (West Coast)
19.          Harris Andrews (Brisbane)
18.          Steele Sidebottom (Collingwood)
17.          Ben Cunnington (North Melbourne)
16.          Max Gawn (Melbourne)
15.          Lachie Whitfield (GWS)
14.          James Sicily (Hawthorn)
13.          Tim Kelly (Geelong)
12.          Brodie Grundy (Collingwood)
11.          Josh Kelly (GWS)
So I lied. Daniher could be the best tall forward in the league, might be, but in reality its Kennedy. In the right year nudging 80 goals again isn’t out of the question and no-one else can could come close. Great mark, great converter, just a huge big-game player. Meanwhile, Andrews is now the premier fullback in the league. Might not know being hidden up in Queensland but seriously, he is never beaten anymore. Looks like Dustin Fletcher in his hey day. Very good.
This bloke came second last year in the Brownlow, which was overs but not the biggest surprise. Sidebottom is as clever and skillful an onballer/wingman you’ll find. Had an amazing 2018 and this year and is a genuine match-winner.
Cunnington is a bull. Good old country boy who doesn’t say much, but gee, in tight, is there any better? Not flashy but very few win as much ball in close and tackle as hard. Jet. And as for big Maxy, in any other year he is the premier big man, dominates the ruck like few we’ve seen in our lifetime and is an elite contested mark too.
Whitfield is stiff to not make top ten. So, so good off halfback, one of the best kicks in the game if not the best, quick, agile and a great decision maker. Utterly awesome. Speaking of half back, Sicily is almost as good a kick, almost as quick, but at 6″2ish and with elite marking skills to boot, he is as valuable a player in this league.
The Brownlow favourite can’t make top ten. Tim Kelly just wins it and is always productive. Sure, only a couple years in to his AFL career but looks like a 200-game superstar capable of a Brownlow, or a Norm Smith more to the point. Electric. And as for Grundy, whilst a ruckman is always up against to take home Charlie the big Pie could do it. Enormous at a stoppage, be it hitouts or clearances, but picks up 20+ and marks as good as any. Immense.
Josh Kelly could be the game’s best midfielder. He isn’t but damn he is close. Beautiful mover, is as good inside as outside, and when he plays well, picks up 30, the Giants win. Going to have one of the great careers, no wonder North threw everything at him...
Getting serious.
Less chat, more suspect placings in the guts of this Top 50 please.
Without further ado.
30.          Trent Cotchin (Richmond)
29.          Jeremy Cameron (GWS)
28.          Scott Pendlebury (Collingwood)
27.          Joe Daniher (Essendon)
26.          Toby Greene (GWS)
25.          Jackson Macrae (Western Bulldogs)
24.          Michael Hurley (Essendon)
23.          Robbie Gray (Port Adelaide)
22.          Jeremy McGovern (West Coast)
21.          Lachie Neale (Brisbane)
Cotchin is a gun I used to underrate, but seriously, that goal alone in the Geelong Qualifying Final in 2007 alone signifies how good he is - won’t look as nice on a wing or in delivering a lace out pass but for serious guts in a final, unparalleled. And effective too. Cameron still has it, leading the Coleman, enough said. And Pendles, even though not quite at his Norm Smith-winning best, hasn’t lost a stride and is still going to amass another 15+ Brownlow votes this year.
Daniher when fit is the most dangerous key forward in the game. Period. Don’t agree, go watch Anzac Day this year again. Better than any other tall forward, promise you. Greene might be the best small forward inside 50. Can mark, crumb, kick a set shot, kick a miracle snap, tackle, seriously he rates highly for everything a small to medium forward should do. Awesome.
Macrae has become a dead set gun. Beautiful kick, great runner, excellent decision maker. Massively under appreciated. Hurley, as important to Essendon as anyone an has a mortgage on a key back post in the All-Australian team as long as he is fit. And awesome with the ball in hand too, to boot.
Robbie Gray is a jet people east of Tailem Bend might not get. As crafty and mecurial as you’ll find, awesome at winning 30 in the guts or if full-time forward can seriously kick a bag despite being under 6″. A superstar, no-one has been better in Showdowns ever, compared to him.
McGovern is the premier centre-half back in the comp. And where intercept marks are king, he is that good he is invaluable a commodity you’ll find. And Neale could pinch the Brownlow this year showing he was pretty good playing second fiddle to Fyfe in Freo last year, winning their last two B&F’s too just quietly - can seriously play.
You thought the first ten were contentious, got nothing on these.
How we could have the reigning Brownlow medalist so low? We know better than the umpires and most of the football media?
Yes, in fact, we do. This is the rolled gold list, remember?
So, 31-40, enjoy:
 40.          Angus Brayshaw (Melbourne)
39.          Tom Mitchell (Hawthorn)
38.          Rory Laird (Adelaide)
37.          Shaun Higgins (North Melbourne)
36.          Dayne Beams (Collingwood)
35.          Shannon Hurn (West Coast)
34.          Clayton Oliver (Melbourne)
33.          Brad Sheppard (West Coast)
32.          Michael Walters (Fremantle)
31.          Eddie Betts (Adelaide)
 Brayshaw had a very underrated year last year, except by the umpires. He wasn’t a genuine Brownlow top three, but top 40 players in the comp, sure. Very likely type. Mitchell isn’t higher because if he was as good as doing something with the ball as often as he found it, Hawthorn wouldn’t lose a game. Sorry.
Laird is probably the best back pocket in the game after number 33. Beats his man but as good out of the backline as any in the comp. The recruit of Higgins to North has been a massive tick, at times last year a genuine Brownlow-worthy season, when he is on as good a midfielder in the comp.
Beamsy, well, almost had him out , but then I reconsidered his 2018 season at the Gabba, it was elite. Goal-kicking midfielders as good as him, could argue 36 is too low. Still a jet when fit.
Bunga Hurn is a gem, one of the most dependable defenders in the game, but for his kick and thighs alone, plus his leadership too, a star. Love him. Clarry is very good, having a lean year but who isn’t down at the Dees, but could be higher if we’d done this nine months ago, big, tough, clean, isn’t that far off Cripps but it’s a tight list.
Brad Sheppard is the best back pocket in the game. Period. And whilst there’s mids and forwards all over this list, and sure, they won the flag without him last year, don’t underestimate this guys skill in the Eagles winning a lot of games.
Walters is perhaps lucky to be in the 50, but I’ve seen enough this year to get him this high. As crafty a forward pocket as there is, like legit, mecurial stuff. And has poked his head into the guts too and looked good. Very valuable.
And we can’t have this list without Eddie. Still got it. Still brings the house down. The most loved bloke in the game and I kinda wish he was higher. A magician.
 ...Next week, we add 21-30 where we have the two best key forwards, and the two best key backs in the game, as well as a Brownlow medalist and Norm Smith medalist.
The moon landing. Cathy Freeman’s gold medal at Sydney. The night the Socceroos qualified for the 2006 World Cup.
All historic, landmark moments where you remember where you were and who you were with.
Today will be another of those days, as this pokey little column launches its inaugural Top 50 for the 2019 season.
This is as simple as it gets: its my top 50 players as it stands right here and now. A few on this list have only played a couple games this year, two haven’t played any, but it doesn’t matter, don’t over think it or make it too scientific – these are just subjectively the best 50 Australian Rules footballers we have in 2019. 
That’s it.
So without further ado, we kick off with 41-50, leading up to revealing the top ten in a few weeks time.
 50.          Jack Riewoldt (Richmond)
49.          Dylan Roberton (St Kilda
48.          Robbie Tarrant (North Melbourne)
47.          Matt Crouch (Adelaide)
46.          Isaac Heeney (Sydney)
45.          Nick Vlaustin (Richmond)
44.          Gary Ablett Jnr (Geelong)
43.          Shane Edwards (Richmond)
42.           Nic Naitanui (West Coast)
41.          Lance Franklin (Sydney)
 So Jack sneaks in as our number 50, we have missed seeing him the last two months but still a genuine gun forward despite not being typical key position size. A great career. Don’t forget how good Roberton has been for St Kilda the last few years, immense defender and we hope he can get back to good footy soon. Ask any Saints fan how important he has been the last two years especially.
Tarrant’s top three for key backs in the league for mine, rarely beaten and deserves AA considerations this year, very underrated. As is Matt Crouch, just finds the ball, a less glamourous Dane Swan in some regard, very good footballer we don’t know enough about this side of Bordertown 
Heeney is a jet, probably the most valuable player on Sydney’s list and can do exciting things at any position really. Vlaustin I think is Richmond’s most important backman, the taller guys work off one another, are somewhat codependent, but Vlaustin is the glue. Little Gaz has been great as a forward, obviously was perennial top ten if this list was done prior but has now forged a great little niche on a flank in 2019.
Shane Edwards was a flighty half-forward flanker but now a genuine class midfielder. Think Port Adelaide-era Shaun Burgoyne sorta. Really like him. Nic Nat is still a freak who despite the ruckman position being overrated, he certainly is not.
Big Budweiser, gee, like Ablett would have dominated the top ten of such a list for years, but now, whilst he still has that magic, not only is it rare given his ability to stay fit but old father time is limiting his impact when he is fit.
 ...Next week, we add 31-40, where we have a Brownlow medalist, three more defenders and the game’s most adored individual.
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