#maxene event
lordredbrooke · 1 month
I'm sure people from Wyrmguard Secrets are going to come to this blog, this is not an apology post, my apology happened long ago. I've developed as a person for many years now, since the events that occurred in 2018, some of the events being discussed and posted on WGS are some events that occurred beyond my time with the group I am associated with. I am no longer associated with Galmone or anyone in league with him, I am no longer associated with the former group that made up Aurum Foreign Legion (Galmone's guild). Yes, there was an incident occurred in 2020, one that I regret and one that I have grown from as well. 2018-2022 was a strict period of growth and development for me as I had come out of toxic friendships, an abusive long-term relationship, and other personal struggles that I will not be discussing at length. I know the things I did in my past were wrong, the actual things I took part in and the actual things I said, however most of who you who despise Galmone, are following "evidence" that was also designed by him and presented to Maxen of the SLP to force me out in an OOC manner like was mentioned on WGS. I have worked tirelessly on my own mental health, my own mentality, and my own personality to develop myself into the person I am now and I am no longer going to be responding to people who do nothing but hold me in a light of a person i was 4-6 years ago, because that is no longer who I am. If you read this far, thank you, and have a good one.
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furrywerewolfpizza · 4 months
Angela was already outside, "Hurry up! Your almost late"
We live fare away so she has to drive through lots of trees. When we arrived at Hawkins Middle school abunch already gotten off the bus, no one wore a costume. I walked by all the lockers looking for mines with the combination written down. As I put the paper back in my backpack I took out books, chose human anatomy.
A red head girl walked in science class after me. She stood there quietly and totally annoyed when Mr. Clarke called her Maxene yesterday, every thing was awkward until all the students left. I almost introduced myself but didn't, I just smiled, I know she never felt welcomed. Because Clarke put me fare apart from Max I couldn't talk loud, so I just stay silent and work on the class assignment. Later by my locker I opened a news paper about Hawkins town events. It was going well I mixed up i and l, teachers say my brain is altered. At six I used to call my mom yulee not Julie.
Angela stoped the car by are mel box, "Hoo! Look we got mel."
She holds a post card in her hand with graciousness, "Come her"
I touched the stamp amazed by every design, it definitely came from Haiti. "Are friends!"
I ran to her immediately and grabbed the paper, "This is great. Maybe you should read it."
After I told her I smiled. She looked at me sweetly before putting a hand on my shoulder. "Ok,"
"A birthday card for you. To the nicest girl, we are inseparable. Happy birthday.
I kissed my sister's cheek taking my gift instead. I sat the mail aside in are kitchen-cabinet. Angela drove me around Hawkins while we trick-or-treat, some neighbors gave me sugar free bares. Me and Halloween go well together because we're strang, spooky, and cool. We turned down Maple Street where more people gote candy, "Whoo! Look at the creepy ghost, muahaha."
I said as I held my hands up and bending them into claws.
Angela laughs hysterically with her arms crossed, "So stupid." She moves behind me to another house. There where more cool decorations on this house's yard, the owners had grave stones that lit up like neon lights. The icy wind blew my hair sideways and leaves fell on my head. I hear screaming down the block turning around, it was the four boys from last night being started. A girl wearing Michael Myers' costume was wielding a knife, she raised her mask and laughed.
I was gonna apologize about my behavior but hesitated. How am I supposed to explain what's going on with me, "Let's check out candy somewhere else. Maybe next to are home."
Angela spoke in a befuddled tone,
"Thought you wanted to come here."
"Too much people,"
"Okay," my sister said and took me to the car."
Later we ate every twix bar from my bag, trading sweets while mom talks on the phone. I felt so tired I could fall asleep on the floor , I went in my room.
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nelapanela94 · 3 years
| December 17th | This fic was written for @little-spoiled-brat AOT Christmas collab 😊 Thank you for letting me participate.
Since I'm not sure if Christmas exists in the AOT universe, I decided to celebrate our lord and savior Levi Ackerman's birthday.
warnings: fluff, Levi being an asshole, swearing (it's Levi)
“You fucking want my ass to freeze for my birthday?” Levi growled as your eyes rolled in annoyance. “The older, the crankier” you muttered, loud enough for him to hear; and he replied with a tight squeeze in your hand, the mittens serving as a cushion, though.
Here you were, closer to your destination embraced by the silence of the night; alone but not lonely, away from the madness of the city. Only the creaking sound of your boots stepping on the snow, and your soft panting enveloped the place. You could see your breath; exhaling a mouthful of air you felt like a cloud-breathing dragon.
“We’re almost there, Levi” you stated, the bone-chilling air drying out your airways every time you inhaled. Your hand slipped in the pocket of your coat while the other sought warmth in his firm grip. “Stop complaining”
“You said that like an hour ago” He lifted his chin trying to take a peek from under the blindfold. “Just admit we’re lost” Your brows knitted, and you slightly bumped against his shoulder.
“Don’t cheat, Levi” He clicked his tongue and lowered his head, with no other alternative but to trust in you. “Just enjoy the journey” a ghost of a smile drew on your chapped lips.
As long as you were with Levi, nothing could go wrong, even if it was the end of the world. “Enjoy the journey?” He snorted as you turned your head to the side. “This trip has been a hellish nightmare”
Your steps came to a halt as Levi continued walking but the sudden pull from your hand stopped him. “What? What happened?” Your lower lip began to tremble as you tried hard to restrain from crying. Levi had his particular way with words, hurtful sometimes, but after so many years in the Scouts together you’d learn to shrug it off. However, this time, his words pierced through your heart; it felt like you were stabbed in the chest multiple times with a dagger, and the worst part, he might’ve not even noticed the inflicted damage.
Maybe, after all this time, he only saw you as a nuisance.
“You can take it off now” you let go off his hand and resumed your way.
“Are we there already?” He undid the knot behind his neck, and blinked twice to adjust to the night. But all he found was you walking away.
“No, from now on you continue on your own” you raised your voice without turning your head back.
“Oi!” he scowled. “I don’t even know the way”
“Just keep walking in a straight line” the tears welling in your eyes soon began to freeze, and white covered your lashes. Your arms remained at your sides; fists clenched into a ball as you sped up. Part of you wanted to kick his ass and abandon him in the middle of this vast blanket of snow; while the other half, the one that craved for his warmth, wanted to run back to his arms and tell him you loved him. A punch in the face, then confess your feelings for him would be a fair option. You swore that as soon as you left his side, the temperature dropped about ten degrees.
You should've stuck to plan A, taking Levi to the south and spend a weekend in the beach until your skin turn red as a loabster. But Gabi and Falco convinced you that the northern lights were a must to see before dying. And that's how you ended up in a five-day-odyssey of changing trains and traveling by ferry to arrive to a remote island in the northern hemisphere.
“tch” Levi adjusted his scarf and started to follow your footprints, but the distance between the two was growing bigger and faster with each step you took, he was afraid he'd lose sight of you soon. Keeping your pace was too demanding for his leg; despite the advances in medicine and therapy for the past three years to regain the mobility, walking long distances and on these harsh conditions was taking a toll on him.
“Wait!” he groaned. “At least could you tell me what I did wrong?” His voice reached your ears; it felt remote, though. Why couldn’t he leave you alone? You swallowed the lump in your throat and swiveled around. “You’re a jerk, Levi!” you shouted. “That’s your sin!”
“Fuck, (name)! That’s not a secret.” He panted. “Can't you come up with something more convincing? Or your shitty brain froze already?”
“Jerk, jerk, jerk!” you shrieked; your body quivering from both cold and rage. Burning eyes watched him as he approached. You wanted to keep going, but your legs didn’t respond to your command.
Levi’s arms rested on your shoulders as you pursed your lips into a thin line, holding his intense gaze. Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to muster courage in your heart to finally say those words. A bunch of mixed feelings devouring your insides like piranhas having a feast with your guts. “May I know what’s wrong with you?” He leaned closer; the moonlight reflecting on his eyes. Despite all the scars on his face, in your eyes he still looked like an angel.
Your hands landed on his chest, trying to keep him away, but he didn't budge; he was still stronger than you. “Did you swallow your tongue?” Levi grunted; he was growing impatient. You chewed on your lower lip until the taste of iron engulfed your mouth. His left hand grabbed your chin, holding you unyieldingly. “Stop that” You nodded, and he released you.
Now he cared.
“You’re a fucking pain in the ass, Levi!” Your weak punches felt like tickles on his chest, thus he let you vent out. “This idiot...” you began, every hit matching each of your words. “This idiot is in love with a jerk!” that was it, the weight on your shoulders faded away; the chains that bound you finally broke and your heart no longer felt imprisoned.
You tugged down Levi’s scarf, scanning his face looking for a reaction, but he was staring at you with wide eyes and parted lips, almost petrified. “Levi!” you waved a hand in front of him, failing to take him out of the trance. Your head cocked to the side slightly as you contemplated him, a small smile formed in your lips.
Levi was still trying to process your words in his head like a puzzle to be solved. How you, an enchanting, caring soul, would possibly fall in love with him? You, whose, smile carried all the light his dull world yearned for. You, who patiently listened to him on those sleepless nights, who held him tight in your embrace as he bared his soul to you. You, who found a way to sneak into his hours. You, who guessed all his wishes, who somehow managed to stop time when you cupped his face in your hands.
You were everything his empty soul longed for.
But he never dared to tell you; he didn’t want to corrupt you. No, that’s what he prayed in his head to stay away from you. He dug deep in his heart and buried his feelings what unspeakable secret, hoping one day they would vanish, taking the torment away.
The ravenette shook his head, and came back to reality.
“Oi! Stop looking at me like that!” he growled.
“I’m sorry, it’s a rare sight” a soft giggle fell from your lips. “You look cute with your cheeks all blushed like that” Levi grumbled.
“It’s because its freezing” He mumbled and your laughter intensified. But Levi’s eyes softened, he couldn’t be upset at you when you were laughing. He loved that delightful sound that always took him out of the routine.
“Would you be mad if I kiss you?” He shyly asked averting his eyes. Your laughter suddenly faltered; heat rose to your cheeks as big rounded eyes stared at him in disbelief.
“Why would I be mad?” you placed your mittened hands on his cheeks as you moistened your lips with your tongue, removing the little remains of dried blood. “You don’t even have to ask, silly” You closed your eyes before smacking your lips on his. Levi’s eyes went wide, then immediately closed, as he gave into the kiss. His hands landed on your hips, pulling you closer and inwardly cursing the thick coats for being in the middle. The mint flavor of his tea still lingered on his lips. It wasn’t fervent, nor passionate; in fact, it was innocent and pure like two children sharing the once-in-a-lifetime experience of the first kiss, with the moon and stars as witnesses.
You pulled apart, exchanging awkward glances as you scratched your temple. “I... uh” His hand grabbed yours, making you swirled around on your feet, as you struggled to keep your balance. “Let’s go” he said as he led the way.
Once you left the last hill behind, you gazed up and streams of vibrant colors filled the sky like a rainbow piercing through the night. You had seen pictures in books of the Aurora Borealis, but they didn’t do justice to the marveling phenomenon. After spending most of your life on that island, and fighting against titans, a breathtaking spectacle like this was beyond your imagination.
You sat down on the snow, looking in awe at the joyful troupe of dancing flames, letting the colors wash over you. Black heavens were the ultimate stage upon where the brightest hues of red and orange swirled with passion. Then a sudden array of cold blues and greens diffused along the skyline.
It was a unique moment that you wanted to carved in your memory and take it with you to the eternity.
While you were engrossed in the enthralling lights, Levi was sitting by your side, completely lost in you. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
“The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen” 
He finally understood that he belonged next to you, that his place’s always been by your side.
Your hand found his. “Happy birthday, Levi"
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little-spoiled-brat · 2 years
Hi Maxene! May I request prompt 14 (fluff) + 15 (angst)? Just looking at those two are breaking me down and sparks hope in me somehow without any logical reason... XOXO!
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"can you hold me?"
"please, let me save you."
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pairing: levi x reader
tw/cw: headcanon that levi considered suicide before, spoilers for season 3 part 2, major angst but fluff
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- bottled emotions -
levi ackerman, humanity's strongest soldier. he was the person everyone looked up to - soldier or not, everyone always turned towards him whenever they needed strength or hope.
however, even humanity's strongest soldier needs someone to look up to from time to time.
levi had always carried the burden of the world, always hiding his emotions behind his unbreakable stoic mask to remain strong for everyone, always staying expressionless even during the most difficult of times in order to not show any signs of weakness.
but even levi can't bottle up every emotion forever. even he needs to breakdown and cry every now and then.
you arrived back in the survey corps headquarters, the eerie silence left by all the comrades you lost today was deafening. no words were exchanged between the remaining scouts that survived, the grief you all felt was too heavy for anyone to talk about.
"we'll start recruitment and training next week. get some rest" hange, now commander of the survey corps, said as you all nodded and retreated silently to your respective bedrooms.
you walked up the stairs and down the hall to levi's office as he opened the door for you. you nodded gratefully at him before heading straight to the connected bedroom.
"i'm gonna go take a shower and get some rest" you softly said, feeling the tears pricking your eyes again. levi simply hummed in reply, sitting down on his desk before grabbing a pen and starting on the paperworks he left before the expedition - distraction, a coping mechanism for him.
you frowned, his face was emotionless but you still saw the sadness and grief his eyes held. you twisted the doorknob but stopped yourself midway and turned back to him.
"hey. i love you" you said, a small smile on your face as levi looked up at you.
"i love you" levi said, he kept eye contact with you for a moment longer before he turned to his paperworks again. you nodded tersely and headed to the bedroom to take a shower and get some rest, the events of this day was too much for you to handle.
after you were done, you got underneath the covers and found yourself staring at the ceiling. you thought about the lives that were lost in that one expedition. friends that was already considered family. but all of you needed to stay strong, for each other.
your thoughts were cut short when levi walked in the room, you looked at him underneath the blankets as he leaned down and pressed a loving kiss on your forehead - letting it linger for longer than usual.
"i'm gonna go take a breather in the rooftop. i love you, so much" levi muttered, you nodded at him and watched him walk to the door. you took notice of the tears that was starting to brim his eyes but didn't say anything about it, if he needs time to himself to cry then you will let him cry for as long as he needs.
you knew that he took the expedition a bit harder than everyone else, having to pick between erwin and armin and letting one of them die. it was not an easy decision for anyone to make and you knew that he still felt guilty over letting erwin die even if he said that he didn't regret his decisions.
a pit suddenly formed in your stomach, your gaze instinctively going to the closed door of the bedroom. you knew that levi often goes to the rooftop to clear his head but somehow, this time it felt different.
a gasp left your lips as you hurriedly got out of bed and ran to the rooftop. tears fell down your cheeks when you thought about losing levi.
he had told you before that he had looked towards suicide when things got a bit too much for him. but this time, you thought that maybe things had got a bit too much for him.
"fuck. please don't, just please don't" you whispered to yourself as you sprinted up the stairs that lead to the rooftop. you pushed open the door and you physically felt your heart drop to your stomach when you saw levi standing close to the edge - too close to the edge.
"levi" you called out as he turned around upon hearing your voice. tears stained his cheeks as his eyes stared into yours. slowly, you took steps towards him, wanting to get him away from the edge of the building as soon as possible.
"s-stop it! d-don't take a-another step closer" levi said, taking a step backwards as you immediately raised your hands and stopped in your tracks.
"okay, okay but please, step away from the edge" you said, keeping your hands raised as levi shook his head and more tears fell down his cheeks.
"i-i can't anymore. i-it's too much. it's all too much!" levi yelled, tears endlessly streaming down his face as your heart broke to a million pieces - there was nothing more painful than seeing him like this, broken and hopeless to the point of thinking that giving up was his only option left.
"i know, my love, but please don't do this. i know how much it hurts. it may seem like this is the only way to get rid of the pain but i promise, it's not" you started, tears starting to fall down your cheeks as you looked levi in the eyes.
"i turned to suicide before too, multiple times than i could count but i always couldn't bring myself to do it. you know why? it's because of you. you save me from myself, levi" you said, slowly reaching a hand out for him. your hands shook as you watched him look at it, a waterfall of tears fell from his eyes as he took a shaky inhale.
"please, let me save you" you said, looking him deep in his eyes as you silently pleaded with him. you nodded at him, silently telling him that you were trusting him to feel his hand on yours before closing your eyes and turned away, your heart beating faster in your chest with every passing moment.
seconds felt like hours and you fell more nervous when you didn't feel the contact you've been anticipating on your hand. you closed your eyes tighter, hoping that you would feel levi's calloused but gentle hand on top of yours after a few more seconds.
a relieved sigh left your lips, eyes opening when you finally felt the contact you've been anxiously waiting for. you quickly pulled levi in your arms, tightly holding him against you as he sobbed on your shoulder.
"i-i'm sorry. i-i-i'm so s-sorry" levi apologized as you ran your hand through his hair in attempt to calm him down. his body trembled against yours as you held him tighter.
"it's okay. it's okay, my love. you're going to be okay" you whispered, cradling the back of his head as sobs continued to rack his body. you kissed the top of his head, continuing to run your hand through his hair.
"shh, shh, you can cry for as long as you want. i'm not going anywhere" you whispered, lowering the both of you to the ground as levi buried his face further into your shoulder and freely let his tears fall.
you held him for hours, letting him cry on your shoulder until all his tears were spent and his trembling subsided. even when he calmed down, you didn't dare to let him go.
levi pulled away from your embrace as he looked up at you. you smiled softly at him and used your thumbs to wipe away the tears from his cheeks.
"how are you feeling? feeling better?" you asked as levi nodded. you nodded at him in acknowledgement, cupping his face in your hands as the two of you just maintained the eye contact.
"can you hold me?" levi asked after a few seconds as you smiled at him and nodded. you pulled him on your lap, letting him straddle you as you held him in your arms again.
you felt him cross his feet behind your back, quietly pulling you closer to him as you held him tighter. the two of you sat in silence, just holding each other and letting the calming presence of your lover ground the both of you.
"i love you, levi. i love you so much" you whispered, kissing his temple as he kissed your neck softly in reply. you stayed in the rooftop for a few more minutes before levi pulled away from you.
"do you want to go back to our bedroom so we can get some rest?" you asked and levi simply nodded, feeling emotionally exhausted. you muttered a small 'okay', kissing him on the forehead before standing up and pulling him with you.
you led him back to your shared bedroom, running him a quick bath to relax him before getting him changed into comfier clothes and tucked in bed.
levi laid on top of you, resting his head on your chest and listening the soft thumps of your heart to calm him further. you wrapped your arms around him protectively, running a hand down his back and constantly pressing kisses on his forehead.
"i love you, y/n. thank you" levi muttered as he slowly fell asleep in your arms. he tiredly crawled up a bit, placing a loving kiss on your lips before returning to his previous position.
"i love you, levi" you whispered, continuing to hold him until you felt him fall asleep in your arms. you kissed his forehead one last time before wrapping him tighter in your embrace and closing your eyes, going to sleep with him tucked away in your arms - safe, protected, and loved.
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
WIP Thursday
Yeah, yeah, the alliteration is ruined.  But I’m bouncing back from the rough events of Tuesday, and the best way for me to handle things is to get a bit of normalcy back into my life.
Very little progress to report, because words haven’t been coming easily since Maxen got sick.  But my brain is slowly starting to shift back into writing gear.
Total WIP count: 7.
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat: No progress.
Jupiter’s Waters: No progress.
Finding a Cure: 851 words written for chapter 7.  No progress.
Breaking Cycles: No progress.
Cursed Ties: 671 words written for a scene I want to add onto the last chapter. Then I’ll be working on the next chapter.  
Defending What Can’t Be Defended: 285 words written for Chapter 5.  No progress.
One Thing Forever True: No progress.
Future fic count: 19
Lachlan/Belle “fake”-marriage-to-fuck-over-ICE fic
Franke Keane/Lacey fic
FFA Sequel
Spinner Rumpel/Seer Belle “Cassandra” fic
Rumbelle “Ella Enchanted” AU.
Rumpelstiltskin “Time Travel” fic. Angsty angst angst.
SS/HG Gender-swapped Beauty and the Beast-type story
28 Weeks Later Donelle “no infection/second outbreak” AU
Dragon Age AU: Spirit!Rumpel and Mage!Belle
“Language of Flowers” sequel: Bae’s reaction to his dad’s new girlfriend
“Pyre” Rumbelle AU
WoT Rumbelle AU
“A Castle for Christmas” AU
Asexual Belle fic (which, despite the premise, absolutely will have smut)
Single Mom Belle Christmas fic loosely inspired by Home Alone
Belle controls Rumpel with the dagger fic
Angst-filled Golden Hook sex-slave-Rumpel fic (Rumbelle endgame)
Kintsugi heart fic
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officialtoa · 4 years
Another year gone...
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What a week!  We hope you enjoyed yourself no matter the reason you came to enjoy another year at the Tournament of Ages and don’t worry - we wish it wasn’t over either. What an amazing turn out this year. Since year one, we’ve seen the number of you multiply and we can’t tell you how much this means. We love hearing about how excited you all are, how much the Tournament means to you IC and OOC. We’re right there with you.  And what a wonderful year this one was. We saw how wonderful our community could be, how selfless you all are. We raised over $10,000 to donate to Wildlife Warriors. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We can’t say it enough. The Tournament of Ages has always been a little more than just running a series of competitions in-game and you proved that ten times over this year. Thank you for keeping that kindness going.  And - Thank you to our Coordinator Maxen, who kept his promise and shaved his head for the koalas! ♥ On top of the fundraiser for Wildlife Warriors, we also released Tournament of Ages merchandise that you all seemed to want to scoop up like crazy! Proceeds from those purchases are going towards the ACLU in the hopes that we can help create change in our world. Because of that hope, we are keeping our merchandise available until the end of the year.
 Click here to get to our ToA Merchandise!
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    A word from the Tournament of Ages Coordinators With Tournament of Ages now over, we would like to take a moment to acknowledge all of the creativity, dedication, and hard work of our volunteers. Several months of preparation goes into this event every year, and without the selflessness of these individuals we would not have a tournament to look forward to every August. Please look over this list of names, and pass along a word of thanks if your paths ever cross. On behalf of the coordinators, thank you to everyone who invested your time and energy. You are the real heroes of ToA! STAFF • Alphariana - Pet Battle Referee • Beolrik - PVP Referee • Bird - Graphics, Merchandise, Sword Curator • Cetaceni - Sparring Referee • Dartan - Ceremony Director • Feliathe - Sparring Referee • Gallus - Sparring Referee • Gavin - PVP Referee, Shoutcaster • Giselle - Carpball Referee • Greaves - Booth Manager, Art Auctioneer • Ida Kolarn - Carpball Referee • Ilaian Thorne - Sparring Referee • Jo'tak - Sparring Referee, Sword Curator • Khudaal - Carpball Referee • Kimberly - Twitch Hostess • Nathul - Hearthstone Referee • Nick - PVP Referee • Odron - Carpball Referee • Oliviaxi - Hearthstone Referee • Reggad - PVP Referee • Riley - Photos, Badges, Sword Curator • Se'ly - Social Media Manager, Date Auctioneer, Ball Organizer • Shin - Security Supervisor • Skott - Racing Referee • Spicy - PVP Streamer • Syana - Carpball Referee • Taeana - Ceremonies Assistant • Thaddeus - Marmotball Referee • Thaugrim - Medical Supervisor • Tilliea - Twitch Hostess • Vince - Date Auctioneer • Vish - Carpball Referee • Vynix - Wonderlight DJ • Walerrek - Wonderlight Caterer • William Hawke - Sparring Referee • Wisp - Sparring Referee • Xelu Allbridge - Racing Referee • Yolira - Sparring Referee • Zaralle - Jousting Referee SECURITY • Arc'ulerith • Belianiu/Ezio • Bluie • Caroline Eastfield • Clover Bell • Daviel Lightblade • Jagarn • Jasper • Jonas • Karthys • Keirras Silenthope • Laeriah Newdawn • Lutaria • Melrani • Mandel • Max • Maz Daerune • Merable • Moonlee • Nakster Skullflayer • Nihil Winemaker • Norah • Paper Mida • Rakanjo • Romano Paleshield • Samuel Theiss • Sen • Björn • Shin • Temari Jensen • Thomhus McOwen • Travis • Vesper • Vitallion Stansfield • Volthar  • Zevorreva MEDICS • Abianca W. Foster • Ainsley Dawnspark • Anely Stormdottir • Arianiie • Aurora • Bird • Briar Wickham • Cora • Corinanis Lightsong • Corta • Ellinór • Elspeth • Eveneah • Fei Jiang • Feliathe • Giselle • Hynote Draconis • Jiro • Karoden • Kristiana • Lily • Lumi • Luminess Brightcoil • Mirri/Zubrette • Pelore • Qub • Rossy • Samantha Aimes • Sednara Dawnheart • Sen • Swyndol • Syeris • Tah'Koz • Thaugrim BOOTHS • Calriah - Booth 1 • <Stormwind City Watch> - Booth 2 • <Hollowlight Ventures> - Booth 3 • <The First Regiment> - Booth 4 • <Creatively Crescentlight> - Booth 5 • <Deepcore Industries> - Booth 6 • <The Citrine Eagle> & Riley Rimeshard - Booth 7 • <The Highguard> - Booth 8 • <Custodes Vitae> - Booth 9 • <Rose Garden Tavern> - Booth 10 • <The Dwarven Vanguard> - Booth 11 • <Keystone Expedition> - Booth 12 • <Stonewind Tribe> - Booth 13 • <Honor Amongst Wolves> - Booth 14 • <Briarstone Coalition> - Booth 15 • <Ashes of Alar> - Booth 16 • <Succulent Tart> - Booth 17 • <Gilnean Brigade> - Booth 18 • <Darkmoon's Finest> - Booth 19 • <Greyshields> - Booth 20 • <Om Nom Noodles> - Booth 21 • <Pride of Gnomeregan> - Booth 22 • <Sharkbait Shipping> - Booth 23 • <Aramore Enterprises> - Traveling Booth • <Azeroth Coalition> - Traveling Booth • <Azeroth Wildlife Society> - Traveling Booth • <Brightmoon Faire> - Traveling Booth • <Brotherhood of Valor> - Traveling Booth • <Crystal Cone> - Traveling Booth • <Dropwrench Imports> - Traveling Booth • <Evergold Sanctuary> - Traveling Booth • <Farbound Company> - Traveling Booth • Gyle - Traveling Booth • <House Straüs> - Traveling Booth • <Keystone Expedition> - Traveling Booth • Kieladar - Traveling Booth • <Legacy of the Aspects> - Traveling Booth • Lewin - Traveling Booth • <Lugdor's Wagon of Wonders> - Traveling Booth • Midini Flintzels - Traveling Booth • <Mok'ra Noodles> - Traveling Booth • Murloc - Traveling Booth • <Nethershard Pub and Bar> - Traveling Booth • Sebrak Blackwald - Traveling Booth • <Snak Yak> - Traveling Booth • Telrend - Traveling Booth • <The Good Apples> - Traveling Booth • <The Merry Mermaid> - Traveling Booth • <The Sanguine Grove> - Traveling Booth • <The Trash Pa'Troll> - Traveling Booth • <World's End Cabaret> - Traveling Booth SPECIAL THANKS • <Blackbird Brewery> - Open Bar • <Rose Garden Tavern> - Wonderlight Ball Catering • <Runaway Theatre Troupe> - Opening & Closing Ceremony • <Succulent Tart> - Performances SPONSORS • <Edict> • <The Argent Onslaught> • Aeriyth • Bird • Dabblepex • Drannon • Firion Bloodsworn • Frozenburn/Daniel Harrison • Harkre • Jiroki • Laeriah • Luneth Dawnseeker • Lupin Blackwood • Mirchea Kul'Therin-Soltair • Murloc • Odron Twinhammer • Pyreen Lightwhisper • Riley • Ryan Thaydor • Sypher Crescentlight-Cynclaire • Tagg/Quel'ris Silverlance • Thaugrìm/Thaugrim Anvilrage • Tialune • Tilliea Furlbrow • Tyrinade • Tyrvarryn • Utenka • Veikar/Velianaris Moonsong • Vishente Valtieri • Vorien Dawnstrider
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Finally, Thank you to every single one of our guests. We look forward to every year because every year we see growth. Thank you for coming every year, thank you for sharing your excitement with your friends, thank you for being you. This was a record breaking year. We look forward to seeing you all next year. Keep an eye out for the list of our champions this year so you can celebrate them! ♥
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shimmerjjang · 7 years
pH Care Press Launch Event: Maxene Magalona and Leila Alcasid on the best kind of care
A few weeks back, I was invited to an intimate lunch with pH Care at Le Petit Souffle, Makati. Apart from treating us with delectable good food during the event, we also had the chance to catch up with pH care Girls Maxene Magalona and Leila Alcasid.
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I arrived a bit early so I had the chance to go around first and check out pH Care’s line of intimate wash. pH Care has 9 different variants; pH Care Cool Wind, pH Care Naturals Papaya, pH Care Fresh Blossoms, pH Care Fragrance Free, pH Care Happy Daisies, pH Care Passionate Bloom, pH Care Naturals Guava,  pH Care Powder Fresh and pH Care Shower Splash. Each variant caters to different preferences of women – choices from floral scents or fresh out of the shower scents.
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What’s great about pH Care is that every bottle, every variant, contains 7 intimate benefits:
1. Antibacterial
2. Cools and refreshes
3. It deodorizes, thanks to its variety of fresh scents 
4. OB-gyne tested, 
5. It contains silky softeners, 
6. Hypoallergenic, perfect for sensitive skin 
7. Most importantly, what sets it apart from other brands is that it  has the right pH level of 5, perfectly matching that of the intimate area.
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Every woman is different as we are all from different walks of life. However, all of us need  the special kind of care that every woman deserves. pH Care is a feminine wash that understands women and our special needs. As the country’s leading brand of feminine wash, pH Care is clinically formulated with a pH level of 5—matching the natural pH level of a woman’s intimate area. pH Care is proven to be safe for daily use, formulated to be gentle enough even for the sensitive intimate area skin, effectively keeping the intimate area fresh, clean, and odor-free everyday.
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“Adjusting to my new life in the Philippines has been exciting and scary at the same time,” says Leila Alcasid, daughter of iconic singer/songwriter Ogie Alcasid. Slowly gaining a spotlight of her own, Leila says being in the public eye at this point in her life can get a little difficult. “I’m at that stage where everything is changing, and I don’t always know what to do. That’s why for me, it’s very important to have that one person who understands you completely. It’s comforting and reassuring,” she says.
The newly engaged actress Maxene Magalona agrees. “I’m entering a new chapter in my life.Now that I’m in the midst of planning my wedding, everything can get very overwhelming. And it’s at these moments, that a bride-to-be likeme needs that one person that can reassure you, and just be there to understand what you’re going through,” she says.
Though at different stages of their lives, what Leila and Maxene have in common—or what most women have in common for that matter—is that innate need to be cared for by somone who understands their needs. Women think, behave, and feel differently, and therefore caring for them is also different.
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After the interview, we had a short activity wherein we had to curate our own essentials kit. I had to pick my favorite pH Care variants: Cool Wind and Naturals Guava together with other girly essentials like hand sanitizer, bobby pins, hair ties (I always lose mine!!), nail file and a lot more! I tried to squeeze them all in in this cute clear pouch!
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pH Care is available in all leading supermarkets, department stores, and convenience stores nationwide. Prices range of the 50ml pH Care bottle is PHP 48.00 to PHP 51.00, the price range of the 150ml pH Care bottle is PHP 107.00 to PHP 113.00 and the price range of the 250ml pH Care bottle is PHP 135.00 to PHP 142.00.
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moonguardsecrets · 5 years
"Plenty of other projects" Name 5 with the same scope, reach and community as the SLP? Because I don't think you can. The SLP is quite frankly the only active project that matters and actually helps the community with regular events and interaction. And generally anyone who isn't part of the SLP is scum, this has been proven time and time again? Why do you think they waste their lives making up lies about Maxen, and all the good work he has done? If you're not part of the SLP, you're filth.
I'm still of the mind this is a troll. As stated previously, this is a bad look if you actually like something. Stay bent buddy.
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citizenscreen · 5 years
‘Tis the season to spread cheer and I’m doing my part by recommending classic movies, paying them forward in hopes that these memorable distractions take people’s minds off negative goings on. I’m asking that you join me, recommend your favorites and #PayClassicsForward on your blogs, by noting your recommendations in the comments or sharing across social media.
Let’s give the gift of movies.
Here’s the challenge…pick movie recommendations to the “12 Days of Christmas” theme as I’ve done below. Keep in mind that movie choices should be those you think would appeal to non-classics fans. Let’s grow our community and #PayClassicsForward
Have fun!
On the first day of Christmas, etc. etc…
One hat
The “one” listing is always a difficult one due to the fact that classics lend themselves to plenty of choices. That said, I came up with a category that encompasses important decades and several genre of film – the fedora. By following the history of the fedora in film you’ll be made privy to the best gangsters, greatest funny men, and most memorable lovers of Hollywood’s golden age. So here it is, a signature fedora:
Note that in researching my favorite fedora portrait I learned that trilbys are often mistaken for fedoras. Since experts seem to be confused between the two types of classic men’s hats that leaves little hope for me. I can’t say for sure whether Bogart is wearing a trilby in the above image, but he may well be. Descriptions of this type of hat explain the rims are shorter than your average fedoras. Either way, it’s a cool, suave look and Bogie rocks it.
From GQ: What’s the difference between a fedora and a trilby?
Answer: Traditionally a fedora has a wide brim and in the UK a wide ribbon band and bow. A trilby has a narrow brim and narrow ribbon, although there are some American trilbies that still have the wide ribbon.
  Two Fairbanks
Things were not simple between Douglas Fairbanks and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. as it is for many families, but the son wore his father’s name proudly. I chose this father and son combination because if you watch their films you’ll get a healthy helping of everything from silent adventure to pre-code delicacies through some terrific television work. These are careers worth following.
  Three Trios
There are quite a few choices for memorable trios in film including Cattle rustlers Robert Hightower (John Wayne), Pedro “Pete” Rocafuerte (Pedro Armendáriz), and William Kearney (Harry Carey, Jr.) in John Ford’s 3 Godfathers. That one is definitely difficult to pass up. That said, I think the following trios are likely to be looked at less by casual fans and they all deserve attention. These are my choices of trios in movies:
They are such a joy to behold. I remember them fondly from my days as a child watching them on TV. It seemed then that they appeared in a million movies, but that wasn’t the case. Still, these siblings are a joy in films like Buck Pirates with Abbott and Costello and their film debut in Albert S. Rogell’s Argentine Nights (1940). The Andrews Sisters made 17 films, more than any other singing group and all are a terrific way to be introduced to the movies. If that record does not impress you, then maybe this one will: LaVerne, Maxene, and Patty garnered 113 charted Billboard hits with 46 of those reaching the top 10. That’s more than Elvis Presley or The Beatles.
  I have nothing against Disney. In fact, I enjoy their classic animated films immensely. Due to that I’m less than enthusiastic about their constant remakes, which – in my opinion – disrespects those wonderful, older film accomplishments. Today I pay tribute to one of them by way of a trio of glorious characters made in the memorable Disney vein we’ve all come to know and love, that combination of warmth and delightful comedy that permeate those wonderful films. These characters are Princess Aurora’s three good fairy godmothers Flora, Fauna and Merryweather in Disney’s 1959 classic Sleeping Beauty. They alone pay tribute to an enchanting legacy.
“Each of us the child may bless, with a single gift no more, no less.”
  The final mention here goes to three Russian envoys who have arrived in Paris to sell a fortune in jewelry, imperial jewelry, the money of which is to go to the Russian government, which is in need of cash. The three, Iranoff, Buljanoff and Kopalski (played hilariously by Sig Ruman, Felix Bressart and Alexander Granach, respectively) who are supposed to be doing work for the Russian government, immediately get caught up in the excesses of capitalism and fail to sell the jewelry.  Moscow then sends a special envoy to Paris to investigate what’s going on with the trio and the jewelry. The envoy is the rigid and humorless, Comrade Yakushova – Ninotchka (Greta Garbo). The charming Melvyn Douglas plays Ninotchka’s love interest in Ernst Lubitsch’s delightful comedy, but it’s the three envoys in the hands of Ruman, Bressart and Granach that make this movie among the greats in the annals of comedy. I just want to get to know them better and so should you.
Ninotchka with Iranoff, Buljanoff, and Kopalski
  Four Skippy Performances
It’s no wonder this wire-haired terrier was the highest paid canine star of his day. Often referred to as “Asta,” thanks to his successful appearances in The Thin Man movies, his real name was Skippy – and we love him to tears. Although I’m choosing only four of his film performances, Skippy never made a bad movie and starred opposite some of Hollywood’s biggest names. If you keep an eye out for Skippy’s filmography on TCM, you will no doubt be introduced to an astounding talent as well as a terrific movie. It’s guaranteed. My Skippy suggestions are:
Skippy as Asta in The Thin Man movies opposite William Powell and Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles. I can’t imagine you haven’t seen The Thin Man (1934), but may not have given any of the sequels a try. If that’s the case you will be delighted by Skippy in any one of his key performances:
  Skippy is wonderful as Mr. Smith in The Awful Truth. Worth a custody dispute between Warriner and Warriner played by Cary Grant and Irene Dunne, this time Skippy is required to add straight drama to his repertoire as he is required to choose between his two humans right off the bat. There’s also plenty for him to do on the comedy front, however, so this one is a must-see.
forced to choose between the Warriners in court
front and center in the awful truth
  Skippy as George in Howard Hawks’ Bringing Up Baby opposite Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant. Another terrific outing for our favorite pooch as he is central to action thanks to his burying abilities.
Holding his own in Hawks’ beloved screwball
  This sequel to Norman Z. McLeod’s 1937 hit Topper lacks some of the charm of its predecessor, but the talents of Constance Bennett, Roland Young, Billie Burke, Alan Mowbry, and Skippy make it well worth your time. Here, Skippy matched Bennett’s ghostly wit by ghostly wit in a role that stretches his talents to matters beyond this world and he approaches it with signature enthusiasm.
so famous he made it into this spectacular publicity photo with Constance Bennett
  Five Lords-a-leaping
No explanation needed.
Nicholas Brothers
Six Vivien Leigh GWTW Tests
Gone With the Wind is celebrating its 80th anniversary on December 15 and, as the biggest, most famous movie ever made, it deserves at least a mention here.
On that day in 1939, Atlanta’s Loew’s Grand Theater was buzzing with Hollywood’s biggest names. It was such an occasion for Atlanta that the film’s opening was a 3-day event as Governor Eurith Dickinson Rivers declared a three-day holiday. Other politicians asked that Georgians dress in period clothing. A lot had happened in Hollywood leading up to that premiere though including the famous search for the film’s leading lady, the protagonist of Margaret Mitchell’s 1936 blockbuster novel, Scarlett O’Hara. Every female star it seems auditioned for the part. Among them were Bette Davis, Jean Arthur, Tallulah Bankhead, Joan Bennett, Claudette Colbert, Frances Dee, and Paulette Goddard who, as stories go, was close to being chosen. As we all know, however, Scarlett went to the lovely, British Vivien Leigh who possessed an outstanding talent. Leigh made the part her own and, along with the film, became tantamount to Hollywood royalty. To honor Vivien Leigh and her memorable Scarlett O’Hara here are six make-up and wardrobe test stills:
  Seven Justices
Judge James K. Hardy in the Andy Hardy movie series
Judge Margaret Turner in The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer
Judge Taylor in To Kill a Mockingbird
Judge Weaver in Anatomy of a Murder
Judge Henry X. Harper in Miracle on 34th Street
Judge Dan Haywood in Judgment at Nuremberg
Judge Chamberlain Haller in My Cousin Vinny
Eight Serials
Follow the links to watch episodes of these dramatically exciting serials. It might take a few chapters for you to get hooked, but you’ll get hooked.
The Perils of Pauline (1914) starring Pearl White
The Vanishing Legion (1931) starring Harry Carey and Edwina Booth
The Green Hornet (1940) starring Gordon Jones
Zorro Rides Again (1937) starring John Carroll
The Master Mystery (1918) starring Harry Houdini
Flash Gordon (1936) starring Buster Crabbe
The Phantom Creeps (1939) starring Bela Lugosi
Holt of the Secret Service (1941) starring Jack Holt
  Nine Ladies Dancing
Ann Miller
Ruby Keeler
Eleanor Powell
Lena Horne
Betty Grable
Cyd Charisse
Ginger Rogers
Dorothy Dandridge
  Ten Directors
Watch their movies… live, love, learn, and laugh.
Michael Curtiz
Akira Kurosawa
William Wyler
Fritz Lang
Ernst Lubitsch
John Ford
Alfred Hitchcock
Mervyn LeRoy
Ida Lupino
Lois Weber
  Eleven Movies about Millionaires
Since I recommended movies about hobos in a previous year, I thought the time came for millionaires. There are many wonderful movies about the super rich, particularly during the Great Depression when audiences loved seeing the plight of these people play out for laughs. That theme made for some of film history’s best screwball comedies. The super rich, however, have lent themselves for entertaining movie fare ever since the movies began and in every genre. Check out this terrific list from Forbes spotlighting millionaires in movies.
As for me, I have quite a few favorites with millionaire themes that appeal to most others as well. These include such popular titles as The Philadelphia Story, the shenanigans of the Charleses in The Thin Man movies, My Man Godfrey, The Lady Eve, How to Marry a Millionaire, and movies featuring recognizable names like Charles Foster Kane and Bruce Wayne. For this purpose, however, I recommend lesser known, but worthy millionaire movie stories I’ve watched through the years – some in terrible condition, a few greats, and some for plain ole fun. Here are the 11 rich and classic…
Phil Rosen’s Extravagance (1930)
John G. Adolfi’s The Millionaire (1931)
Clarence G. Badger’s Miss Brewster’s Millions (1926)
Frank Tuttle’s Love Among the Millionaires (1930)
Mitchell Leisen’s Easy Living (1937)
Anthony Asquith’s The Millionairess (1960)
Robert Moore’s Murder by Death (1976)
William Asher’s Bikini Beach (1964)
Walter Lang’s I’ll Give a Million (1938)
George Marshall’s A Millionaire for Christy (1951)
Roy Del Ruth’s Kid Millions (1934)
    Twelve Feature Acting Debuts
Some of my favorite and/or most memorable film debuts…
Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween – effective after all these years.
Orson Welles in Citizen Kane – although Welles’ performance is what I find hardest to like in Kane, I cannot deny its impact and status among characters in film.
Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday – appropriate introduction for royalty in film and in life. She charms you from the first moment.
Eva Marie Saint in On the Waterfront – exclamation point to begin a stellar movie career.
Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl – a tour de force and a phenomenon
Peter Lorre in M – brilliant, nightmarish, heartbreaking. Described by director Fritz Lang as “one of the best in film history.” I agree.
Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins – Her debut should have been as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, but we’ll take this and so did she. Not only did Andrews win the Best Actress Academy Award for her portrayal of the magical nanny, but she won the hearts of the world in the process.
Timothy Hutton in Ordinary People – ordinarily superb.
Angela Lansbury in Gaslight – small part, big impact. Undeniable screen presence.
Edward Norton in Primal Fear – convincing and chilling.
Greer Garson in Goodbye, Mr. Chips – She wanted a worthy role as her screen introduction. She got it. She killed it – as she did from that moment on.
Eddie Murphy in 48 Hours – I love this performance highlighting the scope of Murphy’s talent.
I gave this final topic a lot of thought as there are many worthy contenders. For instance, I’m sure many would choose James Dean’s turn in East of Eden, as big a legend-ensuring performance as there ever was, but it’s not a favorite of mine. Tatum O’Neill’s performance in Paper Moon is another one I considered as were Marlee Matlin’s in Children of a Lesser God and Lupita Nyong’o heartbreaking Patsey in 12 Years a Slave. Finally, I adore Robert Duvall’s debut appearance in To Kill a Mockingbird. And I could go on and on. We just have an embarrassment of riches.
Phew! There you have this year’s movie recommendations. I hope you enjoyed the list and that – in the spirit of Christmas – you take this challenge and…
Visit previous year’s lists as shown:
The Challenge: #PayClassicsForward for Christmas ‘Tis the season to spread cheer and I’m doing my part by recommending classic movies, paying them forward in hopes that these memorable distractions take people’s minds off negative goings on.
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wolfie407 · 5 years
A Statement
Hello everyone!
You may have come here in curiosity of what I posted on the Moon Guard Secrets Tumblr in regards to Niklos Adamant and “my involvement” with the horrific situation that has been brought to light recently.  First and foremost, as you can see, I generally do not use Tumblr so please so forgive my formatting.  Secondly, I must express that I am saddened, angry, frustrated, and just about every negative emotion in the book every time I think of this story.  To have me tied into it makes it all the worse.
As I said on the MGS post, I am Nevari, though I have been also known as Redmayne (whom Niklos has named me as being involved and yet again, not a shroud of evidence backing such claims) but more importantly, Janessa, the former GM of the guild, Whispers of Windrunner.  These current days I am pretty much off playing other games or being involved with different communities because of the results I suffered from the malicious slander I have endured from Niklos along with several other people.  This post is to simply back my own words up and well, hope that the community finally realize how scummy these people are.
Now, I will state this situation was about 2-3 years ago to my recollection.  Around that time, I was playing my death knight, Redmayne who unfortunately was a part of the Remnants of Lordaeron guild.  Ultimately, the guild was not a fit for me and I wasn’t in it for very long at all.  The situation that is currently being discussed at hand, well, I wasn’t even around for that.  In fact, I did not even hear about situation until my guild was targeted and sabotaged last year.
As Janessa, I was the GM, creator, etc of Whispers of Windrunner the day that void elves were released.  I took it as an opportunity to build something great for the community while giving myself a fresh start, looking forward to the RP to come.  I built and practically slaved over my guild from the ground up almost entirely on my own.  I did not expect to have my guild immensely popular and in demand right out the gates and I wasn’t prepared for it at all.  
While the numbers and popularity of Whispers grew rapidly, I knew I needed help and sought out officers who were willing to take on officer responsibilities.  Among them were a couple whom I thought I could trust and whom I felt I related to.  This couple is known to be Elysiae and Shandor/Mordren.  I never knew them, never heard anything about them, and I really enjoyed their company.  They supported me and showed they wanted the guild to succeed and throughout some of the growing pains, Elysiae gained my confidence.
This was short lived however.
Not long after I decided to make her my Co-GM, she had caused a LOT of drama with other members of my guild on ooc spectrums. I also over time lost faith in my officers because they suddenly became inactive or not around as much without notice.  I was literally slaving over the guild, prepping guild events, making a website, talking with other people to get RP going, etc etc.  When I am being pulled 16 different ways at once, it’s taxing and there were some days, I just wanted to do an RP away from everyone else as a break.  Apparently that isn’t allowed.
Anyways, an IC situation had happened with my own character against Baldassar who is known to be a member of SLP.  It later escalated where Maxen was involved along with many other people.  Everything that was happening was completely IC and I had even messaged Maxen during the heated RP if he was ok OOCly because I am constantly worried about OOC/IC crossing.  All seemed well and was fine.
Apparently not.
The next day, Elysiae and Shandor get Galmone involved, saying that I should step down as a GM because of the RP and the fact that I am, Nevari, and despite all the work I’ve done, me being GM isn’t good for the guild.  I believe the term they used was a “GM Wash.”  I dunno, this was a year ago.  Anyways,  I was absolutely outraged by this and said flat out it wasn’t going to happen.  No sooner did I end my Discord call with them, they went to undermine me and sought out to degrade me in unspeakable ways.
I have a recording of them doing this in the act.
Immediately Shandor/Mordren says that I was kicked out of Remnants of Lordaeron because I rp’ed raping a 12 year old to death.  At this time, it had been 1-2 years since I had even been a part of that guild... but neither here nor there needless to say this allegation was beyond shocking and hurtful to me.  Upon investigation where Shandor had heard this from, it was found out by my partner at the time it stemmed from Rennali.  
It doesn’t end there.
The recording had circulated.  This was my biggest mistake.  At the time, I felt I needed to defend myself by circulating it to show the extent people will go to bring someone down.  It backfired because people didn’t look at the context of my guild’s situation but the context of the rumor itself.  
With this allegation looming and the recording now spread, it of course reached “big boy” ears.  I adamantly fought the allegations, proclaiming my innocence to no avail to Maxen about all of this yet I was still punished for something I had no involvement with.  I was removed from all of the RP groups because of this even though there is not a single screenshot in the world that can even remotely link me to this incident.  Of course after Shandor and Elysiae’s antics, I immediately removed them from the guild.
I was punished because of the testimony which came from Berenal and Niklos.  Berenal came to Niklos asking about the situation and Niklos gave damning testimony which was 100% false and complete slander.
See following screenshot:
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All of this caused huge rifts in my guild.  My friendships were torn apart, people left because of the controversy, my Rp partner at the time gave up on it and left.  After all of that emotional trauma I endured, I couldn’t move on and I relinquished the guild to a worthy member who offered to take the reigns.  I was beyond devastated and hurt in ways beyond imagining.  To be frank, I ended up having to go to therapy over this.
I do have regrets on how I handled the situation but I can’t exactly change the past.  What was done is done. 
Now, as far as the actual situation goes.  Supposedly Rennali heard this rumor from someone named Hranu but I have 0 clue about that side of the story.  Regardless, without a shroud of evidence to the claim, she chose to continue to spread the lie by talking to other people who ask about it “because she was told this therefore she can talk about it.”  Though this isn’t a post about my conversation with her afterwards, this is more about Niklos.
Niklos knew I wasn’t involved 100% and he took it upon himself to come up with a narrative to damn me.  Just recently, he posted yet again I am STILL involved with this situation yet I have multiple statements from various witnesses and people involved that I had no hand in it whatsoever.  
I also would like to point out the following discussion with Niklos.  Please note the following things:  1.  He approached me out of the blue because we had a mutual discord server.  2.  This conversation was during the hectic time and before my conversation with Rennali.  I put this in an imgur because I wasn’t sure how Tumblr would format it.
Anyways, why this didn’t come out about his enabling and defending of these individuals back when I was being wrongfully persecuted is beyond me but I am glad that there is a sense of justice in all of this.  I haven’t even been around much these days but what I find hilarious is that I logged on a character he knows me for and within literally 5 minutes, he was talking ill about me to a friend of mine, another screenshot I have mind you.
Though yes, I am glad to have Brady and others clear my name and I do hope Niklos gets everything that’s coming to him.  If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask me on my Discord Wolfie#0156.  I seldom check this and felt that this needed to be said so I have my own peace of mind.  
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Dm event Host: Maxen and his Fancy Hat
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little-spoiled-brat · 2 years
Hello, maxene! i really love your writing and prompts! For your 2k event, I’d like to request 18 and 19 both from the angst prompt soulmate au if it’s alright with you? Your angst really hurts me real goodd it so beautiful 😭 i hope you have a good day ahead!
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"don't you dare close your eyes."
"please, come back."
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pairing: levi x reader
tw/cw: soulmate au, modern au, mentions of blood, major character death, pure angst
author's note: the last few weeks was... hectic. but hey i'm alive and back with some heart clenching angst. i actually kinda forgot how to write😅
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- turned ashes -
once someone turns eighteen, they are given a necklace and a ring that has a colored diamond - necklace for the girls and a ring for the boys. everyone has a specific shade of diamond that they only share with their soulmate, the diamond will remain until your soulmate is alive and the diamond will turn to ashes when your soulmate dies.
you found levi a little over a few months after you turned eighteen. you caught a glimpse of the color of the diamond on his ring when you went to the coffee shop near your house.
levi was as surprised as you were when he saw the color of the diamond on your necklace being the exact same shade as the diamond on his ring. a beautiful shade of grey-blue, to which you figured out that it was the color of his eyes.
the two of you clicked almost immediately, what started as a small friendship turned into a relationship that turned into undying love - or so you thought.
you are now married to levi for little over two years, the both of you moved in together and everything else was history from then on.
however, for the past few months, you and levi have been arguing over the smallest of things. no matter how small the problem is, the two of you would end up yelling at each other at the top of your lungs.
"i don't understand you anymore, y/n! you ignore me for a whole day and then you start yelling at me!" levi yelled at you and your jaw tensed, your hands balling into fists on your sides.
"that's because you don't bother to listen to what i have to say! i start talking to you calmly then you snap at me the second i do!" you yelled back, unable to hold yourself back from raising your voice at your husband.
levi ran a hand through his hair frustratingly, turning away from you as he took a deep breath.
"i knew i made a mistake of marrying you. you may be my soulmate but i would rather marry someone who is not my soulmate than deal with you" levi muttered under his breath but you heard it. you released a small gasp, tears starting to brim your eyes as you looked at the floor.
"well, i-i'm sorry that i was your soulmate, levi" you said, the first tear falling down your cheek as you took off your necklace. levi turned around upon hearing the words come out of your mouth as his eyes widened.
"i need some air" you whispered, slamming your necklace down on the coffee table. you quickly grabbed your car keys, leaving through the front door as levi tried to run after you.
"shit. y/n, wait. i didn't mean-" levi started but you slammed the door on his face. you got in your car, starting the engine and driving out of the driveway.
you didn't know where you would go, nor did you care where you would end up. you just wanted to be alone for a few hours.
tears fell down your cheeks as you drove around town, your hands gripping the steering wheel and asking what went wrong - what you did wrong.
your vision was blurred from your tears, unable to see the drunk driver that was driving full speed into you from the opposite lane. you reacted a split second too late and everything went black.
meanwhile, levi was pacing in the living room of your shared house, your necklace that you left behind was clutched tightly in his hand. he cursed at himself for the things he said, for hurting you when he vowed that he would protect and love you until the end of this life and the next.
"you idiot. how dare you even think of that? y/n is the best thing that ever happened to you and you fucked it up like you fuck up everything else in your life" levi growled at himself, rubbing his face frustratingly. he sat down on the couch, holding his face in his hands and debated on whether he should go out and find you or give you some space.
something told levi that he should go out and find you but before he could even grab his car keys, the diamond on both your necklace and his ring suddenly started turning to ashes.
"no. no, no, no" levi said, running out of the house and getting into his car. worry filled his chest as he drove around town, he slipped your necklace around his neck and turned at every corner possible in attempt to find you.
"please be okay. fuck, anything but that" levi muttered to himself, turning to another street but finding no traces of you. his mind showed him every scenario possible and every single scenario he thought of, you were hurt.
he glanced at the diamond on his ring, anxiously watching it turn into ashes with every passing moment. he held his breath, reaching an intersection when red and blue lights made his heart stop beating in his chest.
"no, no, no. y/n, no!" levi said, his voice getting louder as he abruptly stopped his car upon seeing your car smashed into bits on the side of the road.
tears filled his eyes as he got out his car, pushing through the crowd of people around the accident. he clutched the diamond of your necklace in his hand, his entire body trembling from fear of the worst.
he felt his heart drop to his stomach when he saw you on the floor, badly bleeding and getting tended to by the paramedics. his ears were ringing as he jumped over the police barricade and ran to you.
you felt your head getting rested on someone's lap. you struggled to open your eyes, feeling yourself getting weaker with every second that passes. but somehow, you recognized the presence next to you - the presence of someone that you called home.
"brat? y/n, do you hear me?" levi asked, lightly tapping your cheek as you slowly opened your eyes. the paramedics continued to tend to your wounds but the drunk driver ran into you at a very fast pace that you were surprised you survived the impact.
"l-levi?" you choked out, seeing the faint outline of your lover hovering over you. levi cupped your cheek, careful to not accidentally move the oxygen mask that the paramedics put on you.
"i'm here. keep your eyes on me, you're gonna be okay" levi said, a tear falling down his cheek. he glanced at the diamond on his ring, seeing most of it had already turned into ashes. he held you tightly against him, resting his forehead against yours.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean what i said. you're the only one i want, i don't want anyone else so please, stay with me" levi begged, holding you against him as if you were going to slip away from him if he let you go.
you looked at the diamond of your necklace that was around his neck, smiling sadly when upon seeing that most of it had already turned into ashes.
"i-i'm sorry if i was y-your soulmate, i-i didn't choose for that to happen but..." you started, fisting his shirt in your hand as much as you could.
"b-but, i'm happy that y-you were my soulmate" you added, levi's heart clenched painfully in his chest upon hearing what you said. he pulled away, looking down at you.
"you have nothing to be sorry for, y/n. i'm so damn thankful that you're my soulmate. so please, don't leave me" levi said, you smiled sadly at him and gingerly wiped away the tears that stained his cheeks.
you looked at the diamond on your necklace again before turning back to levi. you cupped his cheek as he leaned into your touch, he kissed your palm and held your hand tightly.
"i'm sorry" you whispered, your eyes starting to close. levi shook you a bit, in attempt to keep you awake but no matter how much he tried, your eyes continued to close. he looked at the diamond on his ring, it was pretty much gone.
"no. don't you dare close your eyes" levi said, holding onto you tighter. you caressed his cheek with your thumb one last time, smiling at him.
"i love you" you whispered, going limp in levi's arms as the diamond on your necklace and his ring completely turned into ashes. his eyes widened, shaking you even more to wake you up.
"y/n! y/n, no. don't do this to me. come on, wake up" levi pleaded, cupping your cheek as tears cascaded down his face but he was too late.
"please, come back! i love you, please! come back" levi screamed in agony, holding your body against him as he begged with everything - at anything to bring you back to him.
but it was too late, the diamonds had already turned into ashes. you were gone.
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tsureishi · 4 years
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I do not believe and do notsubscribe to cancel culture. I believe there is a graceful way to handle this but I will not definitely turn a blind eye. @tiarabytracydizon is my baby, my second child so to speak. Do you know how mentally unsettling it is to feel helpless protecting your own works built more than a decade? After consulting with legal counsel, I have decided not to take this passively. Please be properly informed and undeceived #tiaragirls! Our OG Kitty-TiaraGirl Maxene Magalona @maxenemagalona had been wearing a custom made to order #tiarabytracydizon Kittychan Headpiece since 2012! Just like every #tiaragirl, we have been part of Maxene’s journey eversince! From TV stints, events, travels, birthdays and even her bridal affairs! We built not only a one-of-a-kind design but we also built friendships and relationships over the years. We have seen and joined in your journeys and we will be with you all the way in more of your life journeys as a girl, woman, mother and every “hat” you wear. Toxic social media filled with fake news and deceiving false advertising easily spread out nowadays. Be wise and discerning. It’s tough times nowadays but integrity is not built in just one project or sales, it took us more than 10 years to build our brand. Let’s all remember our favorite muse @hellokitty’s Three Messages: 1) First is, you should be loved, and you need to be nice to others to be loved. 2) The ribbon represents human connection. We should get along with one another. 3) Having no mouth means— We need to express with our actions not only in words. Let’s all be kind to everyone and stay kawaii! -Tracy Dizon ™ since 2009, Tiara by Tracy Dizon ™ since 2010 #tiarabytracydizon https://www.instagram.com/p/CIq34GVnqmv/?igshid=1b9q7813krecb
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officialtoa · 6 years
Tournament Of Ages - PRIZES ANNOUNCED
First Place: 100,000g ; $150 in commissioned artwork*; Personal Crest by Maxen Second Place: 50,000 g Third Place: 25,000g *Winner must choose from a list of approved artists 
Warrior 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Warrior's Champion Ring Hunter 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Hunter's Champion Ring Shaman 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Shaman's Champion Ring Druid 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Druid's Champion Ring Paladin 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Paladin's Champion Ring Mage 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Mage's Champion Ring Monk 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Monk's Champion Ring Priest 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Priest's Champion Ring Death Knight 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Death Knight's Champion Ring Demon Hunter 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Demon Hunter's Champion Ring Rogue 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Rogue's Champion Ring Warlock 1st: 50,000 gold; $30 in Commissioned Art*; Warlock's Champion Ring Championship 1st: 100,000 gold; Personal Crest by Maxen *Artist will be pre-selected ------------------------------------------------
First Place: 150,000 g ------------------------------------------------
Vigor: 50,000 gold, Personal Crest by Maxen; Stained Glass by Honorem Will: 50,000 gold, Personal Crest by Maxen; Stained Glass by Honorem Rancor: 50,000 gold, Personal Crest by Maxen; Stained Glass by Honorem Championship: 100,000 gold; $15 Blizzard Store Helm; Stained Glass by Honorem Team: 150,000 gold; Stained Glass by Honorem ------------------------------------------------
First Place: 100,000g ; Hearthstone Pillow; Customized Hearthstone Card (with commissioned art); , Hearthstone Pack x7, Personal Crest by Maxen Second Place: 25,000g ; Customized Hearthstone Card (with commissioned art), Hearthstone Pack x4 Third Place: 10,000g ; Customized Hearthstone Card (with commissioned art), Hearthstone Pack x2 ------------------------------------------------
Pet Battles
First Place: 100,000g ; $10 Blizzard Store Pet; Personal Crest by Maxen Second Place: 25,000 g Third Place: 10,000 g ------------------------------------------------
First Place: 100,000 ; $25 Blizzard Store Mount; Personal Crest by Maxen Second Place: 25,000 Third: 10,000 ------------------------------------------------
World of Conquest
First Place: 100,000g , Warcraft Chronicles (or Barnes & Noble voucher) Second Place: 25,000g Third Place: 10,000g ------------------------------------------------
First Place: 150,000g , The Carpball Cup Second Place: 75,000g Third Place: 30,000g ------------------------------------------------
Crashin' Thrashin' Coliseum
First Place: 100,000g ; Sky Golem ------------------------------------------------
Drinking Contest
First Place: 100,000 g ------------------------------------------------
Rhyme Battles
First Place: 100,000 g ------------------------------------------------
First Place: 100,000g ; Steelbound Devourer ------------------------------------------------
Costume Awards
Style Award: 30,000 g Silly Award: 30,000 g Parody Award: 30,000 g ------------------------------------------------
Photograph Awards
First Place: 50,000 g Second Place: 25,000g Third Place: 10,000 g ------------------------------------------------
Booth Awards
Fun Award: 30,000 g Creativity Award: 30,000 g Spirit Award: 30,000 g ------------------------------------------------
The Deck of Ages
First Place: 10,000g , $30 in Commissioned Art*, Medallion of the Legion, Tabard of Flame Second Place: 10,000g , Medallion of the Legion Third Place: 10,000g , Medallion of the Legion Fourth Place: 10,000g , Medallion of the Legion Fifth Place: 10,000g , Medallion of the Legion Sixth Place: 10,000 g, Medallion of the Legion Seventh Place: 10,000g , Medallion of the Legion Eighth Place: 10,000g , Medallion of the Legion Ninth Place: 10,000 g, Medallion of the Legion Tenth Place: 10,000 g, Medallion of the Legion *Winner must choose from a list of approved artists
Want to Participate now? HURRY! You only have till July 29th(For Some of them) to sign up for Events!
**MUST BE ON MOON GUARD TO WIN **MUST BE A ROLE PLAYER **MUST BE REGISTERED(For events that need to be registered for)
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grandstratagem · 4 years
So, since you claim ignorance of the events surrounding Baldassar and the anti-LGBT rhetoric in SLP, here's a bit of background information: forever-afk . tumblr. com/ post/181541155146 /to-alliance-moon-guard ((This blog post saw the guild responsible kicked out of SLP, but then welcomed back after a couple months without apologizing to Baldassar, who left the project out of protest. Evelynn and those responsible are still in the SLP and Maxen fully endorses them.
I read through that post which, by the way, is from nearly two years ago. I figure I should point that out because it’s still very strange to me why someone in your position is arguing with me anonymously over something that happened years ago in a community that I’ve stated I’m not directly involved with. And I say, “arguing” very generously because it’s painfully obvious how every single one of your asks has been passive-aggressive attempts to frame me as a hypocrite. Weak!
Anyways, it’s quarantine and work is slow, so here goes:
Firstly, Baldassar admits himself that he wasn’t banned in that project; he stepped down. That doesn’t really fit the narrative of your previous ask, but I’ll pass over that too because I don’t really feel like talking semantics.
Secondly, this Evelynn person sounds like an asshole and definitely someone I wouldn’t want to be friends with. The stuff posted in that discord is pretty awful. I think the last time I heard about this person was when Berenal discussed it with me about two years ago? Huh, strange coincidence. That said, Maxen isn’t the type of person to give someone he initially removed a free pass. I imagine there was some reconciliation. I’d even go so far that Baldassar willfully removing himself from said community probably made it easier for Maxen to consider reinstating Evelynn, but if Baldassar hadn’t done so, Maxen probably would have hardlined against Evelynn being reinstated. That’s server politics for you. Sometimes it’s easier to give a controversial person a pass if they’re actually willing to help you with your server project instead of kowtowing to someone who actively wants nothing to do with it anymore.
Of course, none of Evelynn or Maxen’s perspective is posted in that thread, so it’s obviously going to be framed in such a manner to make Maxen look like a villain. That post is from the perspective of Baldassar, who blatantly admits he has no way of being privy to the machinations behind Evelynn’s reinstatement. Maybe Evelynn genuinely apologized, made peace, and promised he’d get his guild on a better track. Maybe Evelynn sucked Maxen’s dick. Who knows? I know Maxen well enough that it was probably the former, but that’s just my opinion. Still, the point stands that Evelynn did some shitty stuff, got removed, then eventually reinstated. If the case was that Evelynn repeated said shitty behaviour after being given a chance of reinstatement... then yeah, you’d have a point. Even so, if I was on SLP’s mod team at the time I wouldn’t attempt to be Evelynn’s friend, but I’d be willing to set aside my biases and work with the dude to create content that other people can enjoy. 
It’s called professional courtesy.
If you’re looking for the “gotcha” of, “How can you support Evelynn’s reinstatement at all after what he allowed in his guild Discord, that’s basically supporting homophobia,” then I’m sorry to disappoint. I’m only able to give you an outsider’s perspective of SLP and the drama between two people I barely know. I’ve never spoken with Baldassar or Evelynn personally, so if there’s evidence that Evelynn is still a raging homophobe to this day, then sure, fuck that guy. Still, I don’t fault Maxen for giving the dude a chance if Evelynn presumably recognized his homophobic behaviour was shitty.
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icethrived · 7 years
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princess darcy winters ( née deucalion ) of norway is the twenty two year old wife of prince nova winters,    and mother of prince theo winters.    before their marriage,   however,   darcy was born to duke and duchess nathaniel and annalieze deucalion of wellington,    the united kingdom.    however,    it wasn’t soon after the girl was born that her mother died in childbirth.
despite this,   darcy grew up in a loving household,   doted on by her father and countless nannies and maids.     darcy grew up to be a respectable,   well-mannered young girl,    a natural linguist and a lover of the arts.    in her teens the family moved their permanent residence to the united states, and this was where darcy truly thrived.    since she had been homeschooled in a very uptight and secluded part of hampshire ( specifically,  stratfield saye house ) darcy had to swiftly adjust to her socialising with new people.
darcy went to high school in the north of california,   but she managed to finish school a year early.    she later studied classical archaeology and ancient history at harvard,   and once graduated,   began work on various archaeology digs.    she worked her way up the ladder quickly because of her titles and investment opportunities,   and earned a large sum of money fairly swiftly.
she would later meet prince nova at one of the many charity events she takes part in,   and the two soon realised that they had a few mutual and equally as wealthy friends.     it didn’t take long for them to begin to spend more time together;    darcy was invited to their get-togethers and vice versa.     the fact that nova was formally engaged to a princess of a foreign country didn’t matter:   soon enough darcy and nova’s relationship turned into something more than platonic,   and they managed to keep their relationship a secret for two years.
that was until darcy found out she was pregnant.   her love for nova meant that although tricky,   she had no intention of getting rid of the baby,    so the worst scandal in norwegian history ensued.    prince nova married darcy behind queen nia’s back,   ruining the arranged engagement between himself and the princess,    and the two tried to make the best of their life together...   even as queen nia continuously tried to sabotage their relationship.
months later,    a beautiful baby boy,    theo winters,    was born to the pair.   they were ecstatic,    but queen nia swiftly saw to try to put an end to their happiness by claiming that she had discovered that nova had a bastard child.   although this was quickly debunked as false,   it still put a temporary strain on their relationship in the early days in which prince theo was brought home.
now,   however,   prince theo is ten months old and the two are secretly expecting another child on the way.   darcy is three months pregnant,   which means that soon the world will know -- and the pressure will once again be on.
prince nova -- husband.
sandra clifton -- close friend.
crown prince sven of finland -- friend.
duke maxen kingsley of norway -- friend.
lumi harvar -- cousin-in-law.
prince vaug of norway -- uncle-in-law.
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