furrywerewolfpizza 25 days
Chapter four
The pollywog
(Traped in the woods)
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Angela took a nightshift so Mom will be picking me up, she want's to practice level one spells. I beat her everytime, the game goes one way: Objects are disband in other places by the alphabet. I start my timer by twisting it near sixty minutes, and tossing my bolo knife in my bag as well. Sounds of car tires echo around the parking lot. "I'm ready," I say as I enter her vehicle with anticipation. Bitting my lip and buckling the seatbelt, I look at my mother as she shook her head.
"Pashent girl, I have to get on this highway line"
She made a turne down another road that was filed with trees. Moments like today are unforgettable. I push down the window on my passenger side slowly breathing in the air,
"This is refreshing. Are we there yet,?"
Mom continued driving straight, "Almost, just hold on."
Mom sped up stomping on the brakes comely. I didn't see it coming, BOOm! My head starts spinning. I tried lifting my head but weakness took over, sharp pain stabbed me in the arm.
"MOM!" I scream and breath heavily,
"Wake up...w- wake up."
This scares me, for the first time in my life something has scared me. Mother's unconscious she will die if I don't help. I breath heavily again and pulled the glass out, I unbuckled my mom's seatbelt and shook her, she still didn't move. I checked her pals. During are car accident in Hattie she suffered an impact to the neck, it gave her a scar.
I touched her chest and took a deep breath,
"Reveye kouny a."
My mom opened her eyes. I open the door where the passenger aria is and stepped out, "Can you move?"
Mother node's her head head.
She stood up slowly walking to me amidetly laying her arm on my shoulder.
"My bag," I ran grabbing it, "Let's go."
My mom following me through the trees holding my hand,
"We need to get back to the road right now, and you better use some of your hex shi**"
As she talks I see a black substance underneath us. It looked as if oil rotted. We kept walking till we reached are destination. "You have pain reliever cause I'm spiralin'"
Mom takes the bag and opens my water from home, poring it on my cut. I sequel and wens verbally telling her becarful,
"Easy, easy"
She uses my knife to cut the bottom of my dress and tightly ties it around my shoulder. The sun is already down and the road isn't bezy. A spooky vibe made my hairs stand up, ameditlly freezing my joeynts. As I turn my head mom looks at me,
"What's wrong?"
"We have to cross the train tracks and go north, we.. could save are selfs."
I say while breathing harder as I walk, when I turned around I grabbed her hand again. Before we could leave, the ground starts cracking and shaking.
We heard forien words from far away and shouting,
"SISPAnnnn!" A man holding a bow staf starts running.
Mom pushes me while we run away, "He's on are tale!"
I feel sharp pain in my back making me fall. Everything, went, black.
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furrywerewolfpizza 3 months
Chapter three
A weird birthday
The feeling of hands rocking me awake making me a little startled. Sis made sure I don't fall off and hit myself. She leaves me so I can get dressed, I awake at approximately one hour before six to brush my teeth. After showering away all the makeup, I removed my shower cap. Marilyn Monroe, said dimensions are a girl's best friend so I added necklaces with my dress.
A nocking sound echoes on my door, it kept going until I stop curling curls, when I opened the door mom stood bereft of speech.
"Ohhhh...sweetie, you look precious."
"Really," I say,
"Let me fix the top,"
She flips my hair using her fingers.
Mom said dad whas on his way but got stuck in mud. Something's wrong, very wrong about that I don't wanna worry her.
"Don't worry moma," I rubbed her back.
My sis smiled kind heartedly as always not desturbed, or disappointed.
"He'll be here,"
I fixed my Marilyn dress straps, "How do I look? Should I...lose the Ferragamo sho-"
"Ya you better. Your ass is gonna slip."
"Mom, language. You are a bad influence."
I told her while applying red lipstick and looking in the mirror, I switched my hills to white flats. "Move it people out of the room," sis was already gone not standing by my door any more.
"See you before dinner moma,"
I said hugging her.
Angela wished me a happy birthday and started her car driving me beside leafless trees, I admired them. Dad used to take me to his brother's cabin, he would climb the bark with me but failed everytime. I pulled out my note book when I made it to school and dashed my way to English class. I fill nerves about going alone, nobody knows me. People in the hallway stared, I wondered why they did.
A boy wearing a white and blue striped vest walks up to me, he's fallowed by another boy. "Hay I'm Troy. This is James. I never seen you around."
The boy said flirtatiously,
"What, I...
"Look at that she's speechless." James laughs making me nervous, I wanna hide and jump out the window.
"I'm just trying to find English, excuse me."
Troy boy stops me and pushes my back against the locker, not hard but vigorly. Dangerously close, he slips on a banana pile. Eruption of more laughter came from students filling the hall,
"Grosye." I spoke in Haitian. Bothe socked with embarrassment ran away. My backpack was already placed in my locker so I move leaving Troy and his dweeb friend. I've dealt with situations like this, usually I stand hopping someone would help but not this time. Worse start of my birthday.
Ms. Gray, handed work assignments about the fiddler on the roof to every student. I frown when I look at my homework, oh brother. Gray plays the film as we write notes, my tutor told me sounding out adjectives about fillings helps me, he believe it builds character. He reads to kill a mockingbird to me after school, I was approved in a early college program. I hand Mr. Ron a sheet with my address and mom's number. "Bye Mr. Ron,"
After Ron waved goodbye I walked into the hallway. When grabbing my bag I saw a paper on the wall for gem, Hawkins is having their 1984 snow ball. My family loves parties with fancy things, mom always planes every event. I could meet new people, make new friends.
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As I work on my math homework after school, the science teacher and Will's friend held up two fingers in a bye-bye gesture. I have to talk to him, end are weird energy. "Hello,"
He smiles than walkes away, "West is clear too, Will?" Silently speaking through headphones.
I caught up with him carrying my backpack.
"Hay! Wait. Your that Henderson kid, right?"
"Yah," the boy laughs awkwardly as if I broke the fourth wall. He holds a walkie talkie, "New girl. Science."
I wave and walk away with contentment. Friendships take time. According to my year in fifth grade, I must be aware, I must bend the social rules. That's what I'm born to do, people always see me as a mysterious girl. Angela took a night shift so mom will be picking me up, she wants to practice level one spells. I beat her everytime, the game goes one way. Objects are disband in other places by the alphabet. I start my timer by twisting it near sixty- minutes, and tossing my bolo knife in my bag as well.
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furrywerewolfpizza 3 months
Angela was already outside, "Hurry up! Your almost late"
We live fare away so she has to drive through lots of trees. When we arrived at Hawkins Middle school abunch already gotten off the bus, no one wore a costume. I walked by all the lockers looking for mines with the combination written down. As I put the paper back in my backpack I took out books, chose human anatomy.
A red head girl walked in science class after me. She stood there quietly and totally annoyed when Mr. Clarke called her Maxene yesterday, every thing was awkward until all the students left. I almost introduced myself but didn't, I just smiled, I know she never felt welcomed. Because Clarke put me fare apart from Max I couldn't talk loud, so I just stay silent and work on the class assignment. Later by my locker I opened a news paper about Hawkins town events. It was going well I mixed up i and l, teachers say my brain is altered. At six I used to call my mom yulee not Julie.
Angela stoped the car by are mel box, "Hoo! Look we got mel."
She holds a post card in her hand with graciousness, "Come her"
I touched the stamp amazed by every design, it definitely came from Haiti. "Are friends!"
I ran to her immediately and grabbed the paper, "This is great. Maybe you should read it."
After I told her I smiled. She looked at me sweetly before putting a hand on my shoulder. "Ok,"
"A birthday card for you. To the nicest girl, we are inseparable. Happy birthday.
I kissed my sister's cheek taking my gift instead. I sat the mail aside in are kitchen-cabinet. Angela drove me around Hawkins while we trick-or-treat, some neighbors gave me sugar free bares. Me and Halloween go well together because we're strang, spooky, and cool. We turned down Maple Street where more people gote candy, "Whoo! Look at the creepy ghost, muahaha."
I said as I held my hands up and bending them into claws.
Angela laughs hysterically with her arms crossed, "So stupid." She moves behind me to another house. There where more cool decorations on this house's yard, the owners had grave stones that lit up like neon lights. The icy wind blew my hair sideways and leaves fell on my head. I hear screaming down the block turning around, it was the four boys from last night being started. A girl wearing Michael Myers' costume was wielding a knife, she raised her mask and laughed.
I was gonna apologize about my behavior but hesitated. How am I supposed to explain what's going on with me, "Let's check out candy somewhere else. Maybe next to are home."
Angela spoke in a befuddled tone,
"Thought you wanted to come here."
"Too much people,"
"Okay," my sister said and took me to the car."
Later we ate every twix bar from my bag, trading sweets while mom talks on the phone. I felt so tired I could fall asleep on the floor , I went in my room.
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furrywerewolfpizza 4 months
Strang girl
"I can explain," throwing my hands up in surrender I stuck them in my pockets. Will still by my side opens his mouth but I spoke before he did,
"-I didn't meen to disturb the piece. My name's Isla. My family moved here in Hawkins, four years ago, me and Will know eachother since fourth grade."
"Looks like Will's got himself a girlfriend," the dark brown skin boy talks.
"My eyes turn to Will, "What. He-
"We're friends. She's like my sidekick," Will leat them know. Pointing at the chubby boy, I wonder why he's having a cow. "What's wrong with him?"
Getting good views of the game and eyeing points I understood, so I raised my eyebrow. On screen it shows names all are ok until Madmax came along destroying players, epically. Player Max killed everybody. I move on to other games named Donkey Kong three and Frenzy till I gote tired leaving out, Angela pop the lock so I gote in.
Just now I fill cold hands around my neck, it did not hurt it mad me fazed and mostly stun.
"What's wrong with you? Oh my God," sis scoffed.
"It's cold." I whisper while she drives down Old Cherry Road. We past by a red meal box stopping in are drive in that's mad of pole and roof, colored white. Like all the other houses it was painted white too, are mayn top roof dark green. I begain running my shower quickly warming up. My body slouched as I mad my way back to my bedroom, sleep took over me and I dosed off.
The one same dream slipped in my head consisting of events, events evolving a dark world and I'm being followed by something weird looking, slimy, slidy and cold. It felt just the same as earlier night. Sicken, I hurled chocolate bars at it.
End of dream
Chapter 2
Trick or treat
Oh man astral projection sucks! Everytime my energy is drained. Mom mixes green milkshakes in the blender for me and her , sis wants raspberry. I took small sips, "Delish, what did you put in this?"
Mom bit some bacon pieces from her plate, "Two percent milk with fresh coconut, banana, kiwi and mango. A little dannon is in there too." She gives me blueberry eggos.
"Someday, I wish to cook as good as you." I said, my sister licks her fingers happily enjoying the toste. I ate till four-fifty o'clock. Today is Halloween and I'm exceptionally unprepared, mom bought cookie dough alongside the Piggy Wiggly. I bought nothing, my main focus supposed to be working on my exercises. I need better muscles in combat. Plus it relieves stress.
I walk outside with my yoga mat and started warming up, doing butterfly stretches, splits, also powerhouse poses. When I did roundhouse kicks, the events of yesterday creeped in my head. Something weird is going on. This town is strange but good strang, what happened last night wasn't normal. My priestess always told me about energy and knowing auras. I begain mediatating in a criss kross style silently breathing, red light over took my eyes as they open. I look through the trees seeing what created it, but found nothing.
Sounds echoed out fare beyond the parking lot. I lost concentration.
Are door opens, "Whoa! Ah!"
Angela slips on a rock landing on her back. She was dumbfounded by me that she didn't pay attention. I couldn't perceive everything until my sister spoke. "Nice levatashon,"
Before I said something, gravity pules me down. Unfortunately mastering all my spells hasent emerged, Angela stayed on the ground as I stand up. She fallows me inside after I clutched my mat, holding it under my arm. My hands rubbed the rolled up Styrofoam. That was weird. I started getting ready for school. I didn't by a costume, so I pute on Halloween's original style. A witch 馃Ч馃獎.
Dressed neatly in black, I spin around. My dress was hand made by me, customized lase and pretty cotton. I grabbed my old witch hat along with it my backpack. Dad bote the pack for me last month, I thought that was cut, magenta color and black zippers. I check my makeup than walked out my room. Hill shoes aren't my type I'll trip, so I put on gray slip on shoes. I fix two loos tassels.
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furrywerewolfpizza 4 months
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Strang girl
He turns and finally sees me waving as a hello gesture, he looks confused because we haven't hung out since fourth grade, I'm the same age he's thirteen I'm thirteen. I was busy studying mixed martial arts.
"Fourth and fifth grade?" I smiled holding my hand out, waiting for him to shake it lovingly, and he did. He still has that shy awkward persona about him, I always enjoy that. Will's friends standing by dig dug where arguing with somebody who works here, I can till reeding his shirt, saying Palace Arcade. He had shaggy wavy hair and a chubby face with a overbite.
When I looked at Will he started walking to the door staring to the sky, I saw one of his friends fallow us outside his dark brown hair flying.
"Will are you okay?" He asked, but Will couldn't respond, I touched his arm. So fast before I can talk lightning serowned me. I fill cold now. The other boy by Arcadia's door stared at me confusingly just like Will but spooked,
"Yeah. I just...- I needed some air." He understood I was freezing comfortably rubbing my shoulder.
"Com on. You're up on dig dug." Will's friend looked at me one more time, like children do when they see a haunted house. Happiness everytime people witness my psychic phenomenon. The dark haired boy went back to his group, Will and I too.
"Sorry, -I didn't meen to interrupt... you're group. I-
"Who are you?" He spoke like I'm the weird sheep, his face still confused. The people hanging around begain looking at me weird except for a boy with light brown hair, he wore a yellow shirt of the periodic table and his hat was white-blue red. He was distracted by dug until he walked over, no way can I get out of this situation.
To be continued
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furrywerewolfpizza 4 months
My favorite collaboration
I loved watching this after school and was so happy when Jordan Sparks was gest star, best song on Nickelodeon.
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furrywerewolfpizza 4 months
People say don't run towards danger run from it but danger's my middle name. Moving to Hawkins felt that way so did Angela, she's my big sister we have this mind connection. When mama her and me came back from a summer in Haiti, she used the work money to buy Radio Shack's pocket radio, she likes hip hop. At night I sneak down stairs ending up on are sofa sleeping, subsequently hearing loud scratches inside my closet. I really don't know what kind of animal desperately wants wants out but it better keep quiet, or I'll give it a piece of my mind. Mom thinks it's a humongous raccoon sneaking in my window so she bought me something to trap the basterd.
Are father cleans messy I.C.U beds at the hospital down town. Him and mama have complications I really can't talk about or think about it. Honestly he can be super sweet he never treats me like I'm a liability, he stays around, he leats me make my own decisions. According to my planes tonight dad wants me home by nine, I don't know if I can promise dig dug's my favorite. I pute on dark blue jeans and a dark blue T-shirt with white Nike cortez. Angela drove me near Hawkins Arcade. Arcadia, I love calling this place colorful compared to San Diego's city lights they are bright orange white decorations on the sign, also it's shaped into a upside down triangle. Right ahead the Arcade was painted gray, yellow, purple.
Sister parks by the door, "Here's seven dollars, daddy said don't be late."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. you told me," I placed the money in my pocket closed her door giving a shoo hand gesture. As soon as I enter every snack bar I carved, so I picked cheetos and bottle of water. As other kids blast away their buttens I watsh a boy play Pac-Man.
I ate all my chips happily trying my best at Pac-Man earning one- seventy nine, good average score. I patted myself on the back claiming pride. Dranking my water I fix the frizz in my hair putting it behind one ear.
When I look around realization hit me. " Will?" me standing by him, "I missed you."
To be continued
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furrywerewolfpizza 4 months
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Strang girl(a witchy fic)
Summery: Isla comes back from a vacation in Haiti and discovers strang things about her friend Will.
People say don't run towards danger run from it.
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Angela: the big sister
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Ann Marie Davis: Mom
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