#mavey go away
mewos-laptop · 4 days
Can we collectively leave behind the "fat evil lazy guy" stereotype, thanks
Like seriously fat men alr get demonized and made fun of so much IN REAL LIFE, I DO NOT want to see that shit in my fiction, either
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mx-werebat · 10 days
I do not know, I think it is quite hilarious how some of you think you have the right to have opinions on things that you should not even dare be meddling on. The entitlement is rich, and it takes me so much willpower to put some of you in your place.
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bradshawsluvr · 1 year
Roosters and Flowers
Chapter 2
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Rooster x OG fem Mitchell Character <3 & Rooster x OG son character
Summary: Pete finally meets Louis and Flo and Roo have there first sorta meeting.
Warnings: none
A/N: hope you like it :))
“Tell me about my grandson” Maverick says, sitting in a chair in her office.
“Well he’s 6, he plays for the local Junior baseball team and he likes to spend time at the beach” she explained.
“6? Wow, I do think he takes after you” he added looking at the picture of the two.
“Nah he looks more like his father in my opinion” she was now also looking at the picture.
“I know you only just told me Mavey but if he has our last name then what about his father?” Asked Pete.
“Ah that’s a story for a different time dad” she added smiling awkwardly.
“Oh okay” sighed Maverick “so when can I meet him?”.
“Well you can come over this weekend” she smiled at him.
“Perfect” he smiled back
The sun was setting as Florence walked towards the Hard Deck.
She had decided that she wanted to venture out to the Hard Deck in hopes to see Penny.
She knew that Bradley could be there but she was also aware that she was going to run into him at some point on base.
And given the little mini me that was at home being babysit by Amelia she knew that it was probably best that they talked.
Opening the door she heard the all too familiar bell, she practically strutted her way to the bar taking a seat.
“Well well, what’s a fine lady like you doing alone at a bar like this” she heard, turning to her right to find a human version of a Ken, she also noticed his obvious kharki uniform.
“Excuse me” her brows furrowed.
“Leave the poor girl alone Hangman” chuckled Penny serving Flo her usual.
“Hangman?” She asked “what kind of nickname is that”.
“Oh sweetheart you couldn’t tell” he looked down towards his uniform “I’m in the navy, I’m a pilot” he smiled all cocky gazing down at her.
“Oh really” she forced the sarcasm down.
“Bagman” she heard behind her, she turned around only to come face to face with Rooster; he was wearing a colourful Hawaiian shirt good to know he kept the same sense of style she thought. “Leave the lady alone” he said glancing towards Flo.
Hangman chucked “sorry darlin looks like I’ll have to cut our time short” he said with his southern drawl “if Rooster doesn’t meet your standards you know where to find me” he winked as he stepped away.
“I suppose I owe you a thanks then” she looked up at him who was already getting settled in the seat next to her.
“Yeah Bagman’s pretty insufferable” he replied.
“Yeah I can tell” she chuckled.
“So how have you been?” He asked making her roll her eyes “what?” He looked confused, “don’t do that Brad” “do what”.
“Pretend like things are normal” she looked him in the eye.
“Alright fine. I’m sorry Flower okay” he took a deep breath “don’t call me that” she muttered as she turned away, “I’m sorry I left really I am”.
“Why’d you leave then?” She said turning Back towards him, he opened his mouth to speak but she beat him to it “you know what never mind I don’t want to hear your bullshit excuse right now” she got up and walked towards the door.
“Florence wait” he immediately got up and went after her, she opened the door and stormed her way to her car; he grabbed her wrist “Florence please just listen to me”.
She huffed “fine” she crossed her arms.
“It’s just…I miss us okay and I was stupid to leave I know that I’ve regretted since the second I did it. So please can you just accept my apology, I’ve missed you and I’ve missed our relationship” he tried to reason to her releasing his hold on her wrist.
“Fine. But only because of the complication of the mission and dad” her arms moved to be on her side, “have you spoken to Mav” he asked “yeah he came to see me on base, and from what I’ve heard you two have had quite some rekindling conversations yourselves”.
“Oh don’t even go there” he combed his hand through his hair “I meant what I said Flower I have missed you” he looked down at her, “yeah I’ve missed you too” she looked back up at him.
“But I should get home” she finally said after a beat of silence “oh yeah of course sure” Bradley replied.
“Oh by the way I like the moustache it suits you” she added as she walked away towards her car.
“What” he smiled, hearing exactly what she said but wanted her to say it again.
“Nothing Rooster” she laughed as she got in her car.
Rooster watched her drive off just before he went back inside and eventually left himself.
Rooster and Florence finally meet again after 6 years 👏
Dm me to be added to the tag list !!
Tag list: @rosiahills22 @hangmandruigandmav @shanimallina87 @abaker74
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If Cal had Tik tok he would make thrist traps on there and post them💀
No? Yes? Maybe?
Warning: This will be very unnecessarily long.
Let me explain. Cal is a responsible dude that values professionalism and hard work.
If Cal ever uses Tik Tok, he would have downloaded it for the purpose of understanding a new strategy of getting a younger demographic interested in his family's mylti-million manufacturing company.
He would take note on the type of content and format that would get the most attention.
Cal doing some speedy research on successful video that are "short, exciting, and informative." Which Cal enterprited as making ads, but for viewers with a much shorter attention span.
So he started making tik tok shorts of reviewing tools, car maintenance advice and how to fix it car parts. With him earing a few views and comments that would ask about the video but some would ask if he wants to check their *p@rn website*.
But it didn't deter Cal since he also noticed that the more tiktok shorts he makes, his videos would pop up more on those designated tags.
When he started to get more views, with the comments asking him how he fix the engines. The video would get a good view of his arms and shoulders. (And y'all know how glorious those biceps are💪😘).
So he got messages and comments asking how he got those muscles. Cal thinking, "eh might as well and try to sneak some other products in the video".
Cal started to product gym videos. (But he keeps his face hidden, since his family is well known and he likes to keep his identity private.)
But his 🎇BUFFNESS🎇 was more than enough to get a ton of views and a sizable following of young men who want to build muscles and excersice. Which Cal happily shared (and shoved more product ads in).
Since he was slowly getting quiet famous, some of his workout videos started to gain female viewers (the middle age women that have A LOT of free time on their hands.) Sending thirsty messages amd comments which Cal either blocked or ignored.
Cal is too 👼PIOUS🧼 to share his body like that in a fast paced platform. Keep his content strictly educational, with the occassional dad puns.
Until he saw her....
Cal was done filming a "how to tell if your mechanic is overcharging you" video and was famish. When he arrived in his family's kitchen, he saw a petite girl with wavy brown hair rummaging through the cupboards.
He first that she was a thief, so he quick went up to her asking what on earth is she doing in his house.
The girl turned to him. Cal thought a strong with breezed whipped through him, as his skin prickled at how strikingly pretty this uninvited guest was.
Her dark brow raised and her full lips, slightly pouting at him with annoyance. Only answered, "I'm a guest." Lifting her arms full of snacks that his baby brother kept hidden in the kitchen cabinet.
Cal was left speechless and VERY smitten with Mavey's guest, who apparently was his classmate and they were working on a project that needs to be submitted tomorrow. His baby brother angrily explained, while pulling his guest back to his bedroom and glaring at him as they walked away.
He found it odd that Mavey, often thoughtful and soft spoken, openly looked annoyed with him, but his mind was far too occupied with warm brown eyes and soft, pouty lips.
A few days past, Cal was going quite mad at "how to attract a guest's attention", when he received a notification of someone liking his workout videos and a short comment, "Cool." Was all it said.
But Cal stared hard at the profile, the familiar face and the account name: "lightningmarequeen".
A quick search into her account showed mostly videos of her two older brothers goofing around and a blode guy, around her again, tagging along with their weird stunts.
At that moment, something clicked.
Looking at the video that earned her like and comment. Where he was doing one handed push ups. He finally found a way to get her attention.
Cal started posting more workout videos, each more tiring than the last, with him no longer wearing his usual long sleeves.
It was replaed with short sleeved gym wear and would occassionally change his shirt, and "accidentally" forgot to edit out that part of the video.
The account, lightningmarequeen, would like and comment 1 out of 5 of his videos. Leaving one to two worded comments like. "Cool. Nice. Cool video. Bruh (which Cal had to look up)."
After a month of his strategy, he worked up the courage to send her a private message, asking her if she wanted to meet up and get coffee.
She replied. "Sure, but show me your face first."
Cal inhaled, sending her a picture of him in a suit and tie.
His phone made a sound, and saw that she sent a message.
Cal opened it, excited to see an up close photo of her.
What he got instead was a picture of a very tall, very hairy man that appeared to be her older brother. With a note. "I like your videos dude but hands off my sister."
So, my answer is yes, for love and research.😘
P. S. P. S. Mare sent the photo of Bree. Cause she is not into thirst traps and has no idea who he was. But worry not, Cal found an opportunity to ask her out (when he waited to make sure Maven was not around, watching her like a hawk).
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Mavey, are you going to the... party?
(Gray seemed a bit uncomfortable as he said that. He wanted to go to the party, but at the same time, how could he go like... that? Gray would love to meet people and make new friends, but at the same time, past experiences had proved it impossible for him. Maverick just enjoying his company in the first place was a miracle. The party was a good opportunity to try and change that, but he'd probably just get stares and glances, and every conversation would be an awkward slog of the other person clearly just wanting to get away and then never talk to this weirdo again. So he would probably just stay close to Maverick the whole time, and what fun would that be for Mavey...)
Hello, darling!
I was considering going. I haven’t been very busy today, and it doesn’t seem like GLaDOS needs me for anything at the moment. So a party might’ve been nice, though I wouldn’t want to go alone. Are you interested in going?
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Introducing, Trail Blaze summer camp!
a/n: ooOoOoO a new oc group? They’re camp counsellors lolol I’ll do a proper intro to all of the members later (No, unfortunately not trailblazer from hsr lmao)
How’d you end up here? You don’t know, but all you know now is that there’s no way out. You stepped deeper into the dark, dingy, forest. Each stride you took began to quicken as you start to panic. Your plan was to take an afternoon hike in the nearby trail near a dense forest. You could’ve sworn the forest was at least a few miles away from the actual trail…how’d you end up in it? It doesn’t matter now, you just have to find the path again and..go home! Your starting to miss the warm comfort of your residence as the sky gets dark. It’s chilly, almost a bit too cold for summer. You feel as if the tree’s are watching every step you make, every breath you take, drilling their non-existent eyes into you. 
You try to take slow, deep breaths. It’s not working, you feel pressure build up in your chest as you keep walking. Something catches your eye, a shine in the abyss of dark trees. It’s…a lake! A pond? It doesn’t matter, you’re thirsty and tired, just get the damn water! You arrive at the body of water as you take out your empty water bottle, you fill up the bottle with water. It isn’t the best..but it’ll do. You sit down a few yards away from the water as you catch your breath, bringing the bottle up to your lips.  
“Hey! You! Don’t drink that!”
You choke on your water, covering your mouth as you cough uncontrollably. You see a figure run up to you, taking the bottle away from you. “Hey!- What the hell?” you tried to argue but they shut you down. “What are you doing here? And why’re you drinking…that.” He points to the cloudy water in your bottle as he dumps it back into the lake. “I got lost. I was on a trail-“ You rant about the trail, how you got lost, and why you were drinking the filthy water. His face twists into one of surprise and confusion. “uh…that trail’s at least 2 hours away from here. How the hell-?” he shakes his head and sighs as you stutter on your words, dumbfounded on what to say. “You know what, it’s alright. I work at this summer camp, I’ll bring you there right now. You’re not hurt, are you?” he looks at you know with genuine concern. You shake your head no as he grabs your arm, you yell out words of protest as he starts dragging you in an unknown direction. 
Soon enough, you arrive in a clearance. A semicircle of cabins surrounding you with a dying camp fire in the middle. Along the way, you introduced yourselves properly. The rescuer…Evan…turns around and looks into your eyes. Seeming to get lost in your gaze, in a sense. 
You break the silence. 
“So uh..what now? Gonna make me sleep on the ground?” 
You give a slight grin and snicker, before he flushes and clears his throat. “Yeah…uh..you could stay in my cabin if you’d like…I’m sure the other staff won’t mind.” he mutters, as he guides you to the cabin on the very left. You step on the short stairs as he opens the door, revealing a cozy – but nicely furnished– cabin. This one looks bigger than the rest, fit with a kitchen and small lounge. “Come in! Come in–“ you walk in before him, as he closes the door behind you slowly, the door clicking as he locks it. He takes off his shoes as you do the same (I’m Canadian, sorry). He walks over to the last room in the hallway as you follow. There’s a yawn behind you.
“Hm…who’s this?”
You turn around to be met with a pair of shining grey eyes in the darkness. He’s in a pair of cozy grey pj’s.
“Ah, hiker I found near the lake. Letting them stay here for the night. Why are you up?” Evan cocked his head as he opened the door for you. 
“Couldn’t sleep…also wanted a drink.” the man rumbles around in the kitchen, he’s…he’s making a lime mojito. He swirls the glass around in his hand as he takes a sip.
Evan chuckles. 
“Okie dokie Mavey boy, don’t get drunk now~” he rolls his eyes as his attention is brought back to you. “Heh, apologies. That’s Maven.” right on cue, Maven gives you a coy wave. Evan leans against the doorframe, blocking Maven from your view. “I think you should get some sleep, it’s pretty late.” He’s right. It’s the middle of the night. You nod as you bid goodnight to him and you close the door to your new room. There’s not much, but just enough to feel perfectly welcoming. It’s a pair of pj’s on the bed, the same ones that Maven was wearing. With a bunch of self care items in a cute basket. You take a seat on the bed, it’s comfy. You can hear muffled voices on the other side of the door. Maven and Evan bickering. Damn. 
“GUYS, SHUT THE HELL UP I’M TRYNA SLEEP!” a woman’s voice yells from the room beside you. You can hear Maven uttering apologies as Evan laughs. 
You giggle a bit too. 
You look out the window to the dark forest, the moonlight peaking through the glass. 
You sigh, 
maybe it’s not so bad after all. 
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Pillow Talk
Pairing: Rupert Giles x Nicole Giles
A/N: This takes place sometimes during the second half of season 7
The soft sound of others’ breathing as they slept filled the room. It was one of those unbearable nights where sleep was just out of reach despite how absolutely exhausted Nic has been, both physically and mentally. Plus she had yet to adjust back to California time. It was 7am back in England. Right now she and Rupert should be finishing their morning routine and getting ready to start their days. The bakery would have opened for customers half an hour ago. Maybe she should call Janet and see how things are going…
“Rupert?” Nic poked his shoulder gently, quietly calling out his name. “Are you awake?”
“Unfortunately,” he whispered back, groaning as he rolled over to face her. The air mattress on the floor was very uncomfortable even without them being squished together. She gave him a nervous smile through the darkness and moonlight. “What are you doing awake?”
“Can’t sleep.” Burying her face in his neck, she let out a sigh. “I keep thinking about the future.”
Giles furrowed his brows. “The future?” His hand rested on her back, rubbing small circles.
Nic shrugged. “Our future. What we’re going to do after this is all over.” There was a beat. “I usually get really sentimental during the end of the world. Don’t you?”
An amused smile came over his features. “Not really.” He cleared his throat and tucked her head under his chin. “Do you want to tell me about these sentimental thoughts?”
He couldn’t see it, but her face grew red at his request. “Well now that they’re gonna be said out loud, they sound stupid.” She pouted.
“They aren’t stupid,” he assured her quietly. “You can tell me if you’d like.”
“I know we’re supposed to be staying focused, but the only thing keeping me sane is the thought of us going home after this is over.”
“What do we do when we get home?” He asked. There was silence, and he could feel her hesitation. “You can tell me, darling.”
Nic took in a deep breath, her fingers gently tracing patterns on his shoulder. “We start a family—” she let out the breath and continued “—I mean, we talked about it once after Dawn had that date with the vampire guy, the idea of… having kids. We haven’t really picked it up since…” Giles hummed as she rambled. “Just a few, maybe. They’d have your eyes, maybe one or more of them is musically talented like their father. We’d invite Yarrow over whenever they can make it to Sunday family dinners. We’d make sure the kids go to a nice school close by in a good school district. Encourage their studies no matter what it is— even if it’s clown college.”
“You’ve thought about this a lot, haven’t you?” Giles kissed the top of her head.
She nodded. “My brain is thirty years in the future. You’ve already given our daughter away at her wedding.”
He chuckled quietly at that. “I’m sure her partner is lovely.”
“I’m sure they will be too.” Nic hummed, thoughts racing. “I should call up Janet to see if the bakery is okay, and Miss Mavis too. I hope Mavey doesn’t miss us too much.”
“I’m sure if she misses anyone she misses you more.”
“But you’re the one she follows through the house like a little shadow.” Nic yawned, snuggling her face further into his neck. “I hope Mavis is good with kids.”
“She’s the most relaxed cat I’ve ever met. I’m sure she’ll be fine when we have children.”
“Maybe we should bring the Magic Box to London. You could set up right next to the bakery.”
“I thought you loved me,” he said light-heartedly, earning a smile from his exhausted wife. “Don’t make me interact with customers.”
“Then stop coming into the bakery and talking everyone’s ears off with recommendations,” she mumbled against his neck.
“It’s not my fault your mocha scones are so addicting!” He protested.
“I can’t wait to go home with you,” Nic slurred tiredly. “I hate—” she was interrupted by a yawn “—putting our lives on pause because of an apocalypse.”
“Hopefully this will be the last one, at least for quite some time. Then we can start our lives together,” Giles promised quietly. There was no response, and he realized why when he heard the soft snoring from her. He smiled, pulling her closer against him, and she subconsciously snuggled closer to him. “Works every time,” he whispered.
Tags: @hyperionshipping @the-dark-fae-and-her-fos @speedstershipping @silverhardt @canongf
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lilyharvord · 3 years
i think i may have headcanoned a bit too hard lol i had myself completely convinced that it maven sleeping in cals room when he was scared/had nightmares was canon but i just went through the books and i don’t think it is😩
Girl, you did not headcanon too close to the sun. In MY eyes this is canon. They slept in a nursery together when they were kids I bet, and some nights maven would get scared sleeping in his own bed and would toddle over to Cal's, climb in it, and they would sleep in it together with Cal always promising while half asleep to keep the shadows away. Then one day, Maven just stops doing it. He stops having nightmares, starts sleeping really really still (like Cal one night watches and thinks he's dead). Then Cal gets moved out of the nursery cause he out grows it and ends up in his own room, and the first night he lays awake waiting for Maven to come because he's so worried that his little brother is not going to be able to sleep alone in the nursery cause low key that room is creepy and Cal used to be afraid to sleep alone in it too.
But Maven doesn't come. He never does.
A couple weeks later, he moves out of the nursery too and into his own room which Cal takes one look at when they're in there alone and says, "it's huge... are you going to be okay?" And maven just looks at him, stares blankly and replies: "It's just a room." then he turns and leaves and Cal stands there staring, something itching at the back of his mind, demanding him to think about all of this more clearly, but he's still a child and shrugs it off as his little brother Mavey growing up. It was the first sign, he realizes years later when he's putting Coriane back to bed for the third night that week after she came tearing into his and Mare's room sobbing that there's a monster scratching at the window and she's afraid of the dark. It was the first sign of Elara meddling in Maven's mind and he missed it. He lies awake for hours after that just staring at the ceiling wondering if saying something then would have changed everything.
Anyway, have some angst loves.
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I Love You
Cal x Mare
Warnings: none just fluff :) in Cal’s POV
A/N: what’s up my peeps! It’s been a minute since I’ve written something. This ones been in the works for a while but I finally got the motivation to finish it. Please send in more MareCal ideas because I just love writing for them so much!! Enjoy!
not my gif
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Friday, two days away and I still didn’t have a gift for Mare for our first anniversary. One year we have been together. One year since the war broke loose and was won. Since Mavey had been put to an end. One year that we have loved each other through thick and thin. This means that it had to be extra special. I knew Mare didn’t want to anything outrageous for it, but I couldn’t help but get her something. The only problem was, I had procrastinated and was seeking the only help I knew reliable: Kilorn and Gisa.
“Well, well, well. Your highness forgot to get his queen an anniversary gift. What do you think, G?” Kilorn smirked
“Punishable by death,” she said as she sat down.
“Very funny guys, but this serious,” I gave them both a look. “It’s our one year anniversary and we’ve both been through a lot; her more than me, and I want to get her something extra special. Any ideas?”
Kilorn scratched his chin in thought. “You get her a new sweater. Hers is all torn from wear.” Gisa slapped the back of his head. “No you idiot,” she turned towards me. “Get her something sentimental. Even if it’s a small detail that she only mentioned once or twice, she’ll appreciate it,” she smiled.
“Okay but what if she thinks that it’s weird that I paid that much attention to it?”
“Trust me. She’ll love it no matter what.”
“Buddy,” Kilorn patted my shoulder. “Mare is so head over heels for you that you could get her a rock and she’ll love it.”
“Unless she hates it and uses said rock to throw at my head.”
“Dude! You have to stop worrying. Go with your gut.”
But I couldn’t stop worrying. I loved her so much and I didn’t want to mess it up with a stupid gift. She was the best thing that had ever happened to me.
“Okay. Thanks guys,” I said as I closed the door.
The market was busier than usual. People crowding every nook and cranny to get to work. You would think people would move for a prince, but no one paid attention to me as they passed. I never wanted to play this prince card, but this was urgent! I walked around looking for anything that Mare would like. I was about call it a quits when something caught my eye: a pair of dangling, sparkling fire red earrings. I knew that was the perfect gift and went to pay.
“37 paper bills,” the merchant said.
I gave the man the money and thanked him and stuck the earrings into my pocket.
“Hey baby!” I was struck with a force strong I almost fell over. Mare may have been small, but she was capable of knocking me down; which she has before.
“Hey sweetheart.”
“Are you excited for Friday?” She asked hopefully. I knew what Friday was. But I wanted to play dumb that way the surprise was extra good.
“What’s Friday?”
“Oh. Nothing. I just got my days mixed up then.” She sat down on the couch and started flipping through her book. She looked mad or disappointed. I felt bad, but I knew that it was going to be worth it.
“I’m going to go change and then we can cuddle, okay?”
“Okay,” she smiled. I walked to our shared bedroom and took out the earrings and started looking for a hiding place. The jewelry box? No she’ll notice new pieces in there. Beside table? Maybe. She doesn’t look in there often. Perfect. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and comfortable shirt. I walked in to see her almost done with her book. I sat down next to her and kissed her head.
“Almost done?”
“Yeah,” she put it on the table. “It’s getting pretty boring now.”
“Good. Now you can pay attention to me.”
She slapped my chest lightly and smirked. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into me. I could feel her warmth radiating through her clothes. It was different from my constant heat. Mine was constant reminder of the burdened I carried. The reminder of all the people I’ve hurt and killed. Hers was a reason for me to keep going. To know that I have someone who would be there for me. She was my anchor. And I only hoped to be hers.
It was finally Friday. Everything was in place. Now I only needed her to be there.
“Hey,” she smiled.
“Let’s go for a walk.” I extended my hand for her to take. Once she did, I took her to the Montfort Gardens. She loved it there. It was spring. The flowers in full bloom, making the scene a burst of colors. The weather was perfect. A cool breeze coming in every once in a while. The sight was breathtaking. But not the garden. Mare.
She sat on a bench that looked straight ahead to the mountains. Her still half purple hair blowing in the wind. I could catch sight of her four earrings. Each one for a brother and a friend. I subconsciously patted the earring box in my pocket.
I sat down beside her. She turned her head to look at me. We didn’t say anything. We didn’t need to. My eyes flickered down to her lips. Hers did the same. I didn’t who leaned in first. Frankly, I didn’t care. All I knew was that her kiss set a flame in heart. Different from the ones I caused.
I pulled away and leaned my forehead on hers. We didn’t open our eyes. I placed her hand in mine.
“Mare. I know we said no gifts but-“
“Cal, you didn’t.”
“I did. Because you deserve everything and anything. And to be honest, I don’t deserve you.” I took out the little box. She gasped. “Before you say anything, it’s not a ring,” I chuckled. “I know how you feel about that. I just wanted to get you something to let you know how much you mean to me.” I opened the box. The red gems sparkled in the light.
“Cal, I-“
“You don’t need to say anything. Just know I love you.”
She looked up at me. Her eyes were glassy. I panicked. The only reassurance I had was a smile plastered on her face. She took the box in her hands and ran her fingertip over the gems.
“They’re beautiful,” she said. “What made you get red?”
“Red for me, red for you.”
She laid her head on my shoulder. I rested mine on top of hers. We were together. Not as Tiberias or Mareena, but as Cal and Mare. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
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mewos-laptop · 13 hours
Vent under the cut
Me when they start talking abt the sleepover they had w/ our mutual friends that I wasn't invited to and never even told abt 😁😁😁😁😁😁
Wow I love being rlly included and everything so fun thanks.
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mx-werebat · 3 hours
Why do you all keep bringing my headmates on my feed /lh, nm
Like smh everytime I see a Pearl pfp or draculaura or frankie
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fanficparker · 4 years
Hey! Can I request for a Haz x shy!reader where they go to his house to meet his family and she is all nervous or probably makes a mistake and is like, “your family must hate me now” and Haz comforts her? asasjajskkssjsk
Boyfriend!Harrison Osterfield x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.7k words
Warnings: A little bit of blood, minor injury, anxious reader, loads of FLUFF, hurt/comfort
A/N: I made it a complete one-shot, haha. Hope, you like it :)
Summary: It starts on a crisp winter morning with a rose. It continues on a lazy summer afternoon with a bouquet. It doesn’t end on a pouring monsoon evening even with those three magic words.
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Sometimes the thing you are searching the most in your life, never comes to you, no matter how hard you try to find it. But when you finally give up and stop searching for it, it may just right there, find you itself.
That thing was love in the case of Harrison.
IT HAPPENED ON ONE COLD CRISP MORNING. He was brisk walking on the pavement, enjoying the cool wind hitting his face when he was stopped by a little "Excuse me!"
He stopped and plugged the earphones out of his ears, turning to find a woman around his age, holding a piece of paper in her hand.
"Yeah?" He asked, shifting her eyes from the paper to his face.
"Er..." She walked closer. He could sense a brief hesitation in her movement, nevertheless, she stood in front of him, speaking - "Do you have any idea where this (she read out from the paper) Mi-Michi and Mavey's Bookstore is?"
The name seemed familiar to his ears. Before he could think any further, she interrupted him: "It's near some Burger shop... I forgot its name."
The bells rang this time.
"Yeah... It on the opposite side of the post office to the left!"
Oh, of course, she didn't know where that was either. He could tell by her expressions. She must be new here.
"Thank you." She smiled, though. He could again read the hesitation in her voice and movements. She was moving away from him, walking towards the wrong direction, away from the bookstore, from the post office. And that's when he offered to walk her there.
He wasn't looking out for anything that day. He wasn't looking out to talk to her. To notice the slight smile on her lips, or the great complimenting colour outfit she was wearing. Or the way she hid her embarrassment over small things. Or the rose she gave him either.
The rose.
Yes, it was the rose that did it all.
He wasn't expecting anything more than a thank you. And definitely nothing like a flower, a rose specifically.
When they stopped outside the bookstore, she did say thank you, but she also fiddled inside the handbag she was carrying. She plucked out a pink rose and handed it to him. He couldn't deny it because he never had learned to expect it in the first place.
Someone just gave him a rose. Someone he didn't even know the name of.
"Wait... What's your name?"
But she had got inside the bookstore and he had some urgent errands to run.
There was a shop tag attached to that rose. He could read it. He knew where to find her again. He did find her again.
And then again and again...
IT HAPPENED ON ONE HOT LAZY AFTERNOON. He had brought a red rose bouquet for her. How stupid it can be? After all, she worked here in a flower shop.
"You know this a flower shop, right?" She leaned across the counter, biting her lip.
"Yup, but this is not for you." He smirked while her face grew panicky.
"Tis' for my girlfriend..." He whispered, pecking at the base of the bouquet.
Not for her... She tried to push away the feeling of her heart ripping apart inside her rib cage.
It was okay; she told herself. She wasn't expecting him to fall in love for her like the way she did for him.
It was okay. She tried to smile.
"Oh... Th-that's great!" She showed some fake enthusiasm.
It was okay.
"I-I will like to meet her someday."
He noticed the hesitation again. But this time he wanted that. He watched her as she pretended, pretended to not care, to be happy for him.
It was too much.
"You can take that spot though and get these for yourself..." He sucked in a deep breath, "Be my girlfriend."
They kissed that day at the back of the shop in that narrow alleyway, slowly and passionately. Softly and hesitantly. Shyly and confidently.
They kissed again.
And then again and again...
IT HAPPENED ON ONE POURING MONSOON EVENING. He invited her to meet his family. She hesitated again. He had held her hand, not wanting to let go.
"Please... They will love you."
She still hesitated, not wanting to meet just yet. She was ready before they actually stepped on the front porch. She literally spent two hours getting ready. But now...
"Please... For me?"
His eyes, the way they glimmered and pleaded, was again too much. He was always too much for her. She closed her eyes and pressed the door-bell. Her smile was strained when his mom welcomed her. Her heart was pounding when she hugged her. She was anxious upon removing her wet sandals, afraid if the wooden floor got dirty.
Harrison noticed again. He dumped the umbrella in the stand and stood close to her, his palm stroking her bicep, shooting her a smile which did all the magic.
She heard the unspoken message in his actions.
It's going to be okay.
Should she wait at the dinner table or help his family in the kitchen? It became the question that bothered her after a few minutes of positive interaction, draining all the optimism she had gathered. It became awkward when both his mum and sister left for the kitchen. It became weirder when he followed them, leaving her alone near the dining area.
Playing with the hem of her long sleeves was no more a suitable pass time. She didn't want to chip off the nail paint she applied so intricately. When the noise of a metal spoon or spatula falling to the kitchen floor reached her ears, that was it for her. She walked to the kitchen, desperate to get involved in whatever Harrison and his family were doing.
"Sorry, love. We should have arranged everything on time, but it got a bit delayed." His mum addressed her apologetically.
"Harrison, why don't you spend time with her?" She asked him next.
"No problem. I was just... bored... thought I could be of any help?" She smiled, joining them inside the kitchen, standing beside her lover, finding something to do.
"I can chop the salad?" She offered when her eyes landed on the uncut vegetables lying over the chopping board.
They were talking and laughing. So far, so good. His sister was stirring the soup on the stove. He and his mum were arranging the plates and crockery while she was cutting the tomatoes and the green vegetables.
"You can use the serrated knife for the tomatoes. It would be easier." His sister suggested.
"It's fine." She placed a tomato on the board after removing its core and started running the blade vertically. She needed to impress them, flex her chopping abilities. She went on faster, slicing the large tomatoes one after another. Until the knife slipped off and ran across her finger instead. No, the tomatoes were too soft and juicy for that kind of cutting.
The knife dropped on the floor with a sharp noise, diverting all their attention to hers.
"You oka-"
"Yeah. I will just use the bathroom," She excused herself, moving at a pace that was something between running and walking.
Opening the tap of the basin, she let the blood wash off her finger. It was a minor cut but deep. Upon hearing Harrison's voice calling her outside, she turned off the tap instantly and searched the cabinet to find some cotton and rubbing alcohol.
She walked outside, pressing the cotton over her wound, hiding it from Harrison's vision.
"Are you hurt?"
"No. Of course, not." She let out a burst of staggering laughter, trying to surface the lie.
He hummed, pausing for a second, looking into her eyes. She refused to meet his icy-blue ones, clenching her fist tighter to ease the stinging pain.
"There was some blood on the board."
And now Harrison found her outright lying, hiding things. She had read on various online articles how for many people this was the end of the trust. All she wanted was to look good in his family's eyes and they must have come to know about her carelessness too. She even rejected his sister's advice.
Instead, she received a hug. Harrison had softly pushed her back into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around her body, keeping his head on her shoulder.
"I told you it was going to be okay..." He whispered below her ear, softly blowing some stray hair off that area.
"It didn't go okay though," She could feel her voice breaking.
"What didn't go okay, love? All I see is my family being absolutely fond of you." He kissed at the spot below her ear, his favourite place to kiss her.
"I just... made a fool of myself. I am such a noob."
He giggled at the choice of her words.
"No, you are not," He stepped in front of her, lifting her chin with his fingers.
"First, cutting yourself while chopping isn't a big deal. And second, even if you were a noob (he made a dorky face at the word, pouting dramatically), I don't see how it will make you a fool. Come on Y/n, we are here to meet my family not to give an exam." He wiped the little wetness on her eye-lashes and leaned in to peck her over her eyelids.
"I love you, you know that, right?"
Her heart again thudded inside her chest. He just said those three magic words for the first time or was she hearing wrong... She nodded instead, unable to say anything back.
"So, no need to feel embarrassed. And now get me your hand. Let me fix it real fast."
He made her sit over the counter and wrapped a band-aid over the cut. Meanwhile, she still thought of the words, dreading to reply.
"We good to go?"
"Huh?" She realised she was blankly staring at his face. "Er... Yeah."
She jumped off the counter as he walked towards the door.
"Hey, Harrison?"
He stopped at her voice and turned to see her walking towards him.
"I love you too." She said, pressing a kiss over his lips.
He was smiling into the kiss.
She bet she could make him smile again and again. And she did.
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 ONE-SHOT TAGLIST:  @god-knows-what-am-i-doing // @multifandomlover121// @its-a-leap-of-faith-kid // @emmaloo21 // @swiftmind // @trustfundparker // @hollands-weasley //  @hazmyheart // @lost-aesthetic-of-past // @tommysparker // @redlips-c // @just-a-littlebit-of-everything // @miraclesoflove // @serendipitous-amor // @hazardosterfield // @lizzyosterfield // @thenoddingbunny-blog // @halfblood-princess-505 // @spidergirl007 // @viagracex // @parkerpeter24 // @fanficscuziranout // @httplayer // @veronicas-littleworld // @slytherin-chaser // @perspectiveparker // 
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
I haven't worked on this in a long time. And I now know what Universe Alterations are😁
If Cal and Iris were arranged to marry! PART 4!!!!!
A month or so has past and Tibe and Orrec are no longer trying to kill each other, though that doesn't fully translate to trust.
Elara hasn't tried reading either of the Cygnet's minds because their guards are always ready to shoot her if she tries, and because they barley take off the silent stone rings.
There's talk of Cal's and Iris's wedding, and their future as the new king and queen of the allied Norta and Lakelands.
Speaking of the lovebirds:
Arguments. NOTHING BUT ARGUMENTS. ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Iris instigates, much to Orrec's annoyance, and Cal reacts, which really annoys Tibe.
It doesn't help that the two have differing opinions on what to do with Scarlet Guard leaders; Iris wants to find and kill them, but Cal would rather arredt them and get information from them as bloodlessly as possible.
It gets serious in training, when Iris and Cal must fight each other. There is some back and forth, at first, until Iris roundhouse kicks Cal in the face, taunting that he wouldn't hit his intended. He proves her wrong with a punch in the cheek.
They toss ability to the wind and just beat the hell out of each other. There's hair pulling, biting, scratching, kicking, some below the belt, some aimimg for the eyes, and just hell in the ring before they whale on each other with their abilities. Their fights leaves the training room floor soggy, the room itself full of fog and smoke, and the smell of smoke, and the walls charred black.
It also ends with the two of them glaring at each other from across the room as healers tend to them.
"This is not over," Cal snarls.
"I will gladly rematch you right now, Tiberias."
"Neither of you are fighting again until you are properly healed," Arven snaps.
Cal backs down, but continues to glare at Iris, who glares back and manipulates water aroind her hand; 'Try me/ I dare you to try it.'
Orrec is very frustrated with Iris, who asks if they're going through with the plan of taking over. He reveals that no, they're not. Things are going well between the two sides and restarting this war all over again would be a terrible idea, so she needs to play nice.
Tibe does the same with Cal, telling him to at least try to get along with Iris. Cal, however, counters that it's impossible to get along with a girl like Iris. Tibe admits that she may be difficult, but their current circumstance is better than fighting a war.
After the day is over, Maven and Cal are playing some chess to shake off the day's "scuffle," to say the least; Orrec brought up how Cal and Iris basically tried to kill each other, and Tibe simply stated that young love appears in funny ways, not wanting to talk about how the fight was a draw between the two or debate whether or not Cal won that fight against Iris or vice versa.
"You're doing again."
"Doing what?"
(Maven scowls.) "I don't need a Whisper to know what you're thinking, Cal, you wear it on your face."
(Cal moves one of his pieces, more a little more annoyed.) "'I will gladly rematch you, Tiberias.' I completely won that fight. She's just mad she lost."
"Are you sure you won that fight?"
(Cue some serious murder eyes from Cal, and Maven backs down.)
"I mean... from where I was standing-"
"Don't. Go there."
(They're quiet for a few minutes, until Cal sighs.)
"I get we're supposed to be allies now, but why is it THIS hard to at least get along with my betrothed?"
"Well, if it makes you feel better, Evangeline and I aren't really friends either. They probably won't trust us for a long time. We have been at war with them for years on end."
The two talk a little longer befor they go to bed.
Cal isn't exactly in bed long though because he hears the sentinels arguing with someone outside.
Turns out Princess Iris went out for a nightly walk and the sentinels still don't fully trust her.
Cal steps in and the sentinels back off, giving the two time alone.
"I could have escorted myself to my room."
"Knowing sentinels of House Gliacon and Eagrie, they wouldn't have let you round the corner alone."
(Iris hides an eye roll and folds her arms.) "Well, what do you want?"
"Why are you up so late at night? It's two in the morning."
"Why are YOU awake?"
(Cal also folds his arms.) "Mavey and I usually stay up and play a game before bed. One for strategy. We meet up almost every night."
(Iris raises an eyebrow.) "Does your father know you're both so close to his least favorite son and intentionally sabotaging yourself?"
(Too much salt for Cal's liking, but he answers anyway as he chuckles.) "I'm willing to bet he doesn't. As much as he says he doesn't mind being alone, I'd rather spend time with my brother behund my father's back."
"I'm guessing the lack of alcohol helps."
(Again, too much salt, but he has a counter.) "Don't pretend you and your sister didn't spend time together."
(Iris is surprised Cal knows about Tiora.)
"Maven did some digging while my father and I were talking. A thankless favor between brothers."
(Iris sighs and hugs herself, the battle won by Cal.) "I used to walk the halls at night, when I couldn't sleep. I'd watch the moon reflect on the waves of the shore, stand on a balcony and listen to them. You're too far away from open waters, so I tried simply walking, but it clearly didn't work."
(Cal drops his shoulders as Iris looks out the diamond glass window.)
"It's foolish, and childish, but I miss home. My mother and sister. Having my father here has made this easier, all the same I just..."
Neither speak, but Cal understands, as he was training with a legion away from the palace and missed Maven, who was taken home after a certain incident that left him scarred for life and a Red burnt to an extra crisp.
The two talk a little more, about how they trained in combat and whatnot, before Cal escorts Iris back to her room and then goes to bed.
In her room, Iris kicks herself for being vulnerable, while Cal, in his room, laments that this nice little chat will be forgotten when the next day arrives.
Good news: It isn't.
Iris isn't as annoyed with Cal, and doesn't start any fights with him, and Cal is more courteous towards her.
They don't really talk because it's awkward and they're not there yet.
In training, to break the ice, Cal goes to talk to her, but Arven calls for them to run laps instead. Iris doesn't miss it and starts a race between the two of them, which Cal accepts. Soon enough they're both sprinting as fast as they can as they dodge and evade obstacles until Iris backpacks Cal, when he gets ahead of her. He calls her a cheater and she tells him that no fight is a fair fight.
Iris is pitted against Evangeline and Cal tells her to keep her hair up because Evangeline will pull it. She ignores him, which leads to her being yanked around by her hair before she damn near drowns Evangeline.
"Instead of tying up my hair, I should cut it."
"You're father would skin you."
"I'll blame you, then."
Cue a 'Wait, what?' Face by Cal and a smile Iris hides behind her hand. Yeah, she's pulling his leg, and Cal laughs with her.
Everyone is having a good time and is getting along fairly well.
Iris and Cal dance and have a small conversation that if Tibe hadn't offered for Cal to marry Iris, then they'd most likely be killing each other.
At this point, they've bonded and are starting to fall for each other(I'll touch on that in the next part), so the words sort of rattle Cal to his core.
The dance ends and the kings toast to the alliance of their kingdoms, though Orrec notices that his is slightly less ornate and decorated with flames and filled with water.
A few moments later, Cal starts coughing and gasping, Maven and Iris at his side first as he tries to make himself vomit, which fails.
Tibe shouts for a healer as Orrec spots the servant and quickly subdues him with the water.
Cal foams at the mouth and passes out, dropping Orrec's glass
Yeah, I haven't worked on this in a while, and I'm basically playing a game of catch up with a lot of stuff I've made
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed!!!!!
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Most Powerful Magic - Chapter Three
Summary:  Set a few months after the end of the events of Family Fights, Hilda and the librarian’s sister are tired of seeing Johanna and Maven dancing around each other and decide to take matters into their own hands
Notes: I’m not really happy with the writing in this chapter, but I suppose it’s the shenanigans that really matter, right? :’) Anyways  I hope you enjoyed reading this little fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! Now excuse me while I get in fetal position and try to manifest a sketchbook interaction while season 2 doesn’t come out
Read it on ao3: [Family Fights] (chpt1) (chpt2) (chpt3)
For all her flaws, Myra had never considered herself to be a gossip, at times being a little bit too private, in fact. But that day, she was proud to say that she was going to put her nose where she absolutely hadn’t been called.
As she chose her most basic jacket and put it on, she mused about how her Marra powers would have come in handy for what she was about to do. But alas, she had none of it anymore. It won’t be a problem, she told herself. Nothing more natural than a teenager hanging out with a blue haired girl in the park. Following a couple around. And hiding behind bushes. Yes, not suspicious at all.
Maven had left the house a good ten minutes prior, however Myra was still very cautious when she closed the front door behind her. In case something had happened and her sister was still lurking on the front yard, the excuse that she was simply going to hang out with a friend was at the ready on the tip of her tongue. It wasn’t exactly a lie.
Not having found any traces of Maven, Myra hopped on her bike and began cycling away, ready to pick up the second member of her party.
As a precaution, she didn’t make the turn onto her street right away, but rather decided to walk to the corner and take a glance at the front of Hilda’s building. The last thing she needed was to be caught by Maven when she was picking up her date.
Since once more the coast was found clear, she climbed on her bicycle again and stopped directly in front of the building’s front door. Hilda must have been watching the movement in the street as she waited for her, because she came out almost immediately.
“Mum seemed very happy!” Hilda said as she climbed on the back seat, sounding genuinely pleased for her mother. “They left a very short time ago, maybe it’s better if we go slowly.”
“You’re right. Let’s take the long way.”
They didn’t worry about losing the two women as they took a completely different path, following through the streets at the edge of the city in order to eventually arrive at the park which was in its core. Hilda had taken care of that by getting out of her mother the information of exactly which restaurant they’d be eating at.
Even though she was not the greatest fan of bikes, still not having become entirely comfortable with them even though her friends had taught her how to ride them, Hilda thought that being Myra’s passenger as they unhurriedly traveled through the city was very enjoyable. It allowed her mind to wander, and not surprisingly it was filled with thoughts of her mother. She did so hope she’d find happiness. The woman had always been so focused on her daughter’s safety and well being, but Hilda suspected she felt alone.
Her friend’s parents didn’t really talk to her, and nor did many of the other adults she’d seen her mother attempting to interact with. Guilt nagged her mind because she knew this was partially her fault, that people thought her mother mad because of the adventures she went on and the creatures she befriended. But Maven didn’t think Johanna was mad. She didn’t think Hilda was mad either. She’d told them - or at least, she’d told Hilda, but the girl knew the sentiment extended to her mother as well - that she found them wonderful and that being with them made her happy. Hilda knew Maven made her mother happy too, and not only because she helped Johanna deal with her shenanigans or because she was another adult who would bring herself to talk to her. They simply… matched. They brought out the best in each other. And even though the librarian was already part of Hilda’s family in every way that mattered, it would be nice to officially have her in it
Having Myra would be nice too, she mused with a smile as the teenager cursed under her breath about an irresponsible driver. Though even more people might stop talking to Johanna if Hilda and Myra were allowed to plot together with frequency.
“Alright kid, here we are.” Her voice cut through Hilda’s thoughts as she put one foot on the pavement, stopping the bicycle. Even though they’d just arrived, the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling with the wind on the lush trees already filled their ears. “Aw, what a lovely place! I bet it wasn’t Mavey who chose it.”
That park was famous for having a few restaurants, as well as for holding a market on mondays, and the one beside them was made of brown bricks that had been painted to look older than they were. The building in itself was small and looked somewhat out of place with all the green surrounding it, only big enough for the kitchen and a few seats, so there were many more on the outside where the patrons could enjoy the park’s view better. Among those, they quickly spotted Maven and Johanna.
Not surprisingly, Johanna seemed to be talking excitedly while Maven blushed and nodded nervously. Since they knew what the situation looked like for her, the two girls though it was not a very promising behaviour for a date, but taking into consideration that Johanna didn’t, they hoped she’d brush off her partner’s conduct as first date anxiety.
“I guess we need to find somewhere we can hear them but they can’t see us.” Myra said. Instinctively, the two of them had hidden behind a tree as soon as they arrived, which attracted a few odd stares in their direction. Since none of those were from the people they were spying on, they paid no mind.
“Over there!” Hilda pointed to some bushes relatively close to their table, but not close enough to be on the restaurant’s limits. It probably would attract a great deal of attention if they got caught and asked to leave by a waiter.
They sneaked behind the back of the restaurant so as not to be seen, and quickly settled themselves where the bushes covered them. Or at least, they covered Hilda. Myra had to constantly remind herself to not sit up straight so her head wouldn’t be visible.
“So, we need to watch out for a kiss so Maven doesn’t say something that ruins it all… but we can’t pay attention to what they’re saying all the time?” Hilda whispered so as to check the plan.
“Well, I mean, we can pay attention, but I would rather not know so much about my sister’s romantic life.”
The girl chuckled. “Nor I about my mother’s. We will probably notice if they stop speaking for too long, anyway. Right?”
“Yeah.” As she nodded, Myra was already going over what she would say when they did kiss on her head. “Now all we have to do is wait and hope they aren’t as hopeless as they seem.”
When Maven had asked her out on a date, Johanna had been thrilled. It hadn’t really come out of nowhere, they’d been dancing around their feelings for months now, even if Johanna had never allowed herself to hope that Maven truly did like her that way. So when the invitation came, she hadn’t even hesitated to agree and suggest a restaurant she’d heard very good things about.
Things hadn’t, however, gone quite like she imagined they would. By inviting her, Maven had made Johanna believe that she was already somewhat comfortable with her feelings, and also comfortable around her, due to them seeing each other so much since Hilda began being trained. That didn’t seem to be the case, however, considering Maven had spent a great deal of the date looking out of place and anxious.
Not that the librarian had been rude, far from it, perhaps she’d been a little too polite for two people who already knew so much about the other. This was what concerned Johanna. She’d had a good time regardless of anything, but judging by her behavior she highly doubted that Maven had too. Whether this was coming from having second thoughts about dating Johanna, or from being naturally shy in situations like that, it still meant that the date was probably not going well, and if it wasn’t going well… Maven would probably not want to repeat it.
She spent their date trying to get these thoughts out of her mind, concentrating on their conversation since it was her doing most of the talking, but her mind couldn’t help but revisit these worries every once in a while. When they were done eating and Maven invited her for a stroll in the park, Johanna thought that maybe this was her idea of going somewhere private to let her down gently. She knew Maven would be very courteous about it, but she still wasn’t looking forward to being told that that attempt had been a mistake.
That was the reason why, when Maven stopped walking and placed herself directly in front of her right before asking for permission to kiss her, Johanna was so shocked she became motionless for a second. When her consciousness returned to her, she accepted, perhaps with a little too much happiness.
Though she eagerly tangled her fingers in Maven’s smooth hair like she had daydreamed about doing for so long, the librarian restricted herself to placing her hands on Johanna’s upper arms. Johanna could feel her heartbeat quicken at the first taste of Maven, like fall and coffee and a hint of the wine they’d just had, but even her excitement didn’t stop her from noticing how very controlled Maven’s movements felt as she kissed her. Was she always like this, Johanna wondered.
She was breathing quicker than normal when the kiss ended and Maven drew back, and she would have smiled, had she not noticed how her date was staring deeply into her eyes, clearly looking for something.
“I’m sorry.” Maven said, her widened eyes making it look like she’d seen a ghost. Johanna blushed with embarrassment, and took her hands away from her hair to cross her arms on her chest.
“Are you?” Looking down, she asked in a small voice.
“Yes! I promise I didn’t want to take advantage in any way, I just needed to do that to break the spell!”
Johanna blinked and brought her eyes back to the librarian. “Spell?” She repeated, wondering if the one glass of wine she’d drunk had had a bigger effect on her than she had imagined.
Maven was about to explain the situation, hoping to defend herself well enough that Johanna would bear her no ill will after all of this ended, when they both gasped as two figures jumped from behind the nearest tree.
“We’re going to stop you right there before you say something you'll regret!” Myra said, making Maven choke in her own confusion. At the same time, Johanna gasped her daughter’s name and blushed even harder when she realized that she’d been watching the scene.
“We apologize a lot for the intrusion!” Hilda was haste to add, trying to get the words out before her brain could focus too much on all the conflicting emotions in the women’s faces and lose her train of thought completely. “But we have to admit to saying some untruths before either of you do anything else.”
While Johanna could barely get past her confusion, wondering why on earth the two of them had chosen that time to be honest about past mistakes, Maven narrowed her eyes and whispered for them to go on.
“So yeah, that whole love spell thing was kind of a sham.” Myra said as she watched Johanna frown. “I didn’t ask Hilda for anything, and she didn’t cast a thing. Johanna is just naturally like that around you and you had never noticed like the thick headed- OW!”
Before Myra could go on and make matters worse, Hilda brought down her heel on her foot, though without enough strength to justify the teen’s yelp of pain.
“We noticed that you liked each other-“
“‘Cause you’re terrible at hiding it.”
“We noticed you liked each other.” Hilda repeated with a glare at Myra as if to tell her to be civil. “And decided to help along!”
Seeing that her mother wasn’t understanding much, Hilda directed her speech at her. She supposed that plan really was quite complicated. “So basically we pretended to have cast a love spell on you, one that could only be undone by having Maven kiss you, and she kind of fell for it. Since she didn’t want you to be forced to love her, she tried to break it! Of course, now that you both know there is no spell… well, we’ll leave that up to you.”
“The two of you have got to be kidding me.” Maven hissed, but judging by the blush covering her face, they easily guessed that her anger was an attempt at hiding her awkwardness.
“Gee, would you look at the time!” Grabbing Hilda’s wrist, Myra made a show of looking at her nonexistent watch. “Hilda and I really have got to go, see ya around!”
Saying this they began running away to the opposite direction, where they would find Myra’s bike again and each head home, hoping their respective adults would be feeling particularly forgiving when they arrived later.
Though she herself had been rendered motionless, Maven had expected to hear Johanna screaming after her daughter, maybe even running after her to prevent her from escaping. Instead, what she heard was a nervous chuckle.
“You like me?”
Maven inhaled sharply, turning to her date. What a fool she must look like, and yet, Johanna was smiling shyly at her.
“Of course I do. It’s…” She buried her hands on her pants’ pockets, uncomfortably looking at Johanna’s shoes instead of her face. “It’s very easy to.”
Looking at her feet as she had been, Maven noticed it when Johanna stepped closer right before putting a finger under her chin to lift her gaze up. There was no judgment or resentment on her warm, honey coloured eyes.
“This is good to know. I like you too, a lot.”
Maven felt stupid for gasping, but she did. A few nights had been spent dreaming about a scenario like this, albeit with less interference from meddling children, but it truly was happening, and Johanna didn’t look like she was saying that just to not make Maven feel like her feelings were unrequited.
Now that she had processed the information more, had Johanna not accepted this whole date and the kiss without being bewitched?
“Can we continue this date, then?” Johanna asked, still sounding a little insecure for reasons Maven couldn’t fathom. “With everything cleared this time?”
“I’d like nothing best.”
When Johanna smiled brightly at her, Maven felt like her heart would beat right out of her chest, and she was sure her answering smile must have looked silly and love struck, but it didn’t matter. Johanna said she liked her. Even with all she knew, even with all they’d been through, Johanna cared for her in the same way she did.
It was such a strange, wonderful feeling. She could see everything clearly now, how Johanna’s hugs always lingered, how she seemed so happy when she’d stay for dinner, the way she always looked extremely interested when she told her she was reading a romance. Suddenly all those things became clear at the same time that she felt a cloud come over her head, blocking any other thoughts she may have and any wishes other than being with this woman. So strange it was, that she couldn’t compare it to anything other than witchcraft.
She’d been disastrously wrong all her life, she realized as Johanna took her hand and invited her to walk down the park to where the rose bushes were. Love really was the most powerful magic of all.
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Mareven Scrap Idea: Maven (Hunter) x Mare (Forest Nymph) Part 2
As the sun lowers to the ground, hiding it's rays behind trees and hills. The young master silently returned.
Most of the servants barely noticed the young master entering the Calore Manor. The few who did, caught a glimpse of him covered in mud and sweat. A blank expression plastered on his face.
Maven Calore entered the dining room where his family has started eating dinner. Once he entered the room, he didn't need to glance at them, he already know that all of them were looking at him.
His mother in quiet disapproval, too relieved that he came back in one piece to scold him, yet.
His perfect brother, probably concerned with his disheveled appearance, moving a bowl full of his favorite food near his empty plate, as he sat down next to him. How sweet of him. He thought, sarcastically.
As tempted as he was at shoveling down the roasted meats and mashed potatoes that steamed and glistened on their dining table.
He couldn't stop his eyes from searching at his father, slowly facing himself at the head of the table. Tiberias Calore's amber eyes looked down at him from where he sat. He stopped eating when Maven entered, resting one of his chins on his knuckles.
"You are late." His gruff voice sounding more inconvenienced than concerned. "And filthy." He added.
Maven wanted to roll his eyes at that. Of course he is filthy. He could feel the dirt and dried mud covering his arms, legs and probably places he will know once he takes a well earned bath.
And of course he knew he was late. He stumbled a few times in the dark and gained a few scratches on his cheek and brow, while carrying a very real and very unconcious creature on his shoulder, on his way back here.
"Apologies." Is all he could reply, as he started spooning food on his plate.
His father continued his eating. Which stung him. That's all you have to say to me?
Shoving down his food, his growing anger making it difficult to taste anything.
Fine. I have other things to worry about. Like the creature that he half-carried, half-dragged into a small cabin. Not knowing when she'll wake up or what to do next.
Maven gripped his glass, gulping down the water, like it was some exquisite wine his father could only have during his birthdays.
The water cooled him down and made it easier for him to breathe, and think.
He needs to speak to the nymph, but he must know more about her kind.
Maven considered asking his uncle, since he was an expert in all things boring and perculiar. But he was a few miles away from the Calore manor, too busy being romantic and growing even older with their former head nurse.
Which leave only one person to go to.
Later that night, young lord Tiberias was reading through mountains of reports and requests written to him by nearby masters. Updates of the weather, harvest and when supplies arrive on port. He liked to reader those, racking his brain on what to do and what could be done better.
Once he finshed the reports, he grimeced at the pile of requests that were slowly collecting dust. Most or even all, asking him to visit their mansions to talk about business, but he knew well enough, it was another lord's way of pushing their daughters to him.
He wanted to ignore them, or even toss the pile in the fireplace and pretend a mischievous forest creature did it. His musing cut shirt, when he heard his door creak.
A bundle of black curls peaked at the corner of the door, followed by his baby brother's pale, clean face.
"Need anything, Mavey?" He asked, his voice sounding uneven and a bit flat.
It has been a while since Mavey visited him, ever since their father clapped him on his shoulders and declared that it was time for him to be a Calore. He barely had a chance to speak to him, nor even see him.
That being said, he was still happy that his brother visited, even the oddest of times.
"I just wanted to play and have a little chat with you." Mavey gave him a sheepish grin, walking in his office . One hand scratching the back of his head and the other holding their favorite chess board.
Cal tilted his head to glace at the wooden clock. "It's quite late, Mavey." Looking back at him. " Everyone is resting, even the chickens."
His baby brother gaved him a tight smile then shrugged. "Less people to witness your defeat, dear brother."
Cal only grinned back. Always clever with his words.
Is she still in the cabin? Has her forest friends noticed she was missing? Does she even have friends?
Questions and worries swirling in his mind, as he stared at his queen, still safely in place, while a few of his pawns have been taken out.
He looked at his perfect brother from across the board. He looked tired, but he still sat with his back straight and shoulder wide. He starting to look more like father every passing day, he thought bitterly.
Quit it, Maven.
He didn't came here for some quippy conversation while playing wooden toys.
"Oh dear." Cal said out loud. Faining concern. "I almost wiped out your first line of defence."
Maven looked at the chess board, seeing more varnished pieces than the ones painted black.
He only scowled and slouched on his chair.
Cal smiling brightly, as if he won, motioned his hand towards his side. "Your move."
Maven wanted to win this one, however small, but he needed information first.
"Brother, you still remember Uncle Julian's stories." He blurted out, hoping his older brother's brain hasn't been filled with family duties yet.
His brother still looking at his chess pieces. Yet his amber eyes shift a few times, trying to recalls old memories. "I remember a few. Why do you ask?"
"I was hunting with a few other folks and I heard them talk about some of their cows being stolen away by nymphs."
Cal looked at him, his one dark brow raised. "Shouldn't he blame a person first before pointing at a fairytale book?"
Ah. He definitely is becoming the head of this house.
"That is true, but what do you think made his think of a nymph?" Holding up his hands to emphasizes his question.
"Do nymphs eat cows?"
His brother snorted at his odd sentence.
"No!" He laughed this time, slapping his knee.
"Nymphs don't ear meat. They only eat honey!" His crooked smile taking over his face. It have him look younger.
Maven raised his brow in turn. That's it?
"They eat honey?" He stared at his brother. "That's all they eat?"
Cal, brushing away his tears, calming himself. "Well, yes."
Maven shook his head. Hanging his head in defeat. I wasted my time.
His brother's smiling face turned to a troubled one. He must have sensed his annoyance and fatigue.
Without any warning, Cal moved forward and held his should firmly. "Tomorrow, I'll try digging in Uncle Julian's library." His eyes bright and full of promise.
His warm gesture, felt familiar and unwelcomed.
If he were younger, he would have jumped with joy at his brother's thoughtful actions. Now, as he grew older, any kind of help from him, was a harsh reminder of what he lacked.
Maven looked at his brother, still holding on to his shoulder, expecting a response.
He gave him a half hearted nod.
Cal only smiled wider, sitting back on his chair.
Maven looked at his chess piece.
I guess, I don't need to drag this thing any longer. Putting forward his Queen, as he prepare for his first move.
Note: @lilyharvord You're lucky I like you a lot! 😤, also sorry for taking a while. This was supposed to be a scrap idea. Now, I'm currently working on part 3 and hopefully have it out next week.
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years
Killer Queen (2)
Bruce Wayne X Single Mother!Reader
Part One || Part Two
A/N: Some people wanted a part two, and I’d originally planned for this to have a part two to begin with, so here it is! (LMAO it’s another long one!) - Nemo
Summary: After the gala you were at with your adopted son was crashed by the Joker and his clan, you were taken in among the hostages. After everything is settled, none other than Bruce Wayne decides to take you under his wing for the night.
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Harley Quinn was smiling at you, with the Joker looming behind her on the venues stage, her words took a few moments to process. 
"I found one!" she'd said, and in a moment you were worried she'd take Maven away from you. But in your confused processing daze, she grabbed your arm, pulling you with her towards the stage to be placed with the others that had been collected. 
Maven screamed out your name, but before you could tell him to stop, to not run after you, a woman nearby gathered him into her arms. You saw a set of twins cowering behind her now crouched form; she was a mother too, and must've known you wouldn't want him following you.
You decided, if you lived, you'd thank her, and you'd become very good friends. 
As you finally reached the stage, the others were all being tied up, arms behind their backs and all that. Typical hostage situation. Casting a glance behind you, you suddenly had a horrible feeling that the pool of water behind you was no longer just for show.
"Now that we have the prettiest and most precious doves of the flock-" "It's called a dule." the youngest Wayne boy muttered, having been the last aside from you being picked, he was therefore at the end of the line up next to you. You sent him a glare, wordlessly catching his eyes and telling him that now really wasn't the best time for being a smart-mouth.
"-I have a proposition to make." Joker said as he stopped pacing to face you, "Ever heard of 'The Hunger Games'?"
You didn't say a thing, only swallowing hard as the feeling that you were staring into the eyes of real monster settled into your belly. 
"Well, for those that haven't, I'll explain. Mind you, this is a little different to the Hunger Games you might know." Joker started, now turning to speak to the crowd as if hosting a games show. "One of our precious, delicate little doves, will serve as a tribute. The tribute will  come with Harley, the others... Will die!" he finished with a cackle.
An uproar started in the line up. The woman from before along with another model-looking woman instantly started blubbering out reasons why they should be 'tribute', while the man in the line up said to take the mayors daughter as 'tribute'. 
The mayors daughter, who you think you remember name was something like Jean, just stood in silence, the only give away to her feelings were her teary eyes and quivering chin. 
Next to you, Damian was stone-faced and completely un-readable. In fact, he almost looked bored. Why wasn't he worried? 
"Oh, quit your bickering. Darling Harley already picked our tribute to come along for a fun little ride." Joker said, smiling widely at you, the act sending shivers down your back. You shook your head.
"No, I won't! I'd rather die." you said, stepping out of line slightly, only to have Harley roughly pull you back to your spot. 
"You don't have a choice!" Joker laughed, "But they all do! You've given me a wonderful idea!" he said, sweeping his arm over the crowd. "They can bid on who else can live! That way you won't be so lonely in your cage." 
"We're not for sale!" you said, turning the Joker back on you. His eyes turned wild, and in an instant he had you pulled out of Harley's hold and closer to him, a knife right up to your neck.
"Speak again and I'll make your dream of death come true." he hissed. "You kill because you're a coward," you started quietly, partly from fear, and partly because of the sharp slice of instant death being held right on your throat. "You crave chaos when it belongs to you, but fear order when it's against you. You're scared of the people of Gotham rebelling against you, and that's what makes you a coward." With your words came a flash of almost sanity, but it didn't last long. But before he could speak, you spoke instead. 
"That's why you fear the Batman." Instead of killing you for your accusation, Joker laughed.
"If I fear Batman, why am I here? He's in this room, I know he is." Beside you, Damian stiffened, only slightly, and only enough for you to notice.
"If you know who he is, why haven't you gone for him instead?"
"Because going after people slightly closer to him is more fun." Joker said, smiling as if you were just a child learning the ways of the word. He smiled as if that was the obvious answer. "Now enough of your stalling, onto the bidding! Who'll it be first?"
"Twenty-five million for everyone." Bruce Wayne said, stepping forward through the crowd. You expected his other sons to follow, but they didn't. In fact, searching the crowd, you couldn't see them at all. Something was going on.
"Ah now Brucie, did I say that was how it works? I don't think I said that. That's not how it works!" Joker said, jumping off the stage to come face to face with Bruce. You felt Harley's grip return to your arm, and you knew if you did what you were planning to, you needed to do it quickly and in a way that she wouldn't notice. 
While Bruce and Joker had their testosterone-fest, you tried to get your bracelet over towards the lock that had been put over the chains they'd tied you up with. The bracelet had some more pointed and sharper edges, and you figured that it's serve as a half-decent make-shift lock-pick. 
Over time you'd faced a fair few kidnappings and locked doors. This lock wasn't a new one, in fact it was almost comical how easy it'd be to pick, but then again, you were being held hostage by clowns.  With the lock undone, you rested it in your hands to stop it clattering to the floor. You shifted on your feet, your body movement rocking the chains masking your fingers taking the lock away from the chains. You had to stop the proud smile reaching your face. 
Next to you, you saw Damian had done something similar, only with his cuff-links and not a bracelet. 
You'd expect being a Wayne he'd have to deal with being kidnapped from time-to-time too. But now how would you get away? 
"You really aren't getting it, are you Mr. CEO?" Joker said, standing with his hands on his hips before  turning and throwing his hands in the air. "It doesn't even matter anymore, I hate the bidding idea now. Just kill them!" 
But before Joker even finished his sentence, smoke bombs fell through the windows from above, covering the stage and everywhere with Jokers goons with a thick haze of grey. 
You took the chance, freezing your hands completely and turning, taking Harley by surprise and landing a right hook right on her temple, knocking her right to the ground. You looked down at your hand, seeing it already a little red, and aching from the blow. You hadn't had to punch someone like that in a long time.
Beside you Damian had made quick work of his capture, and had already started on setting others free as their captures disappeared into the smoke. You decided that was a  good idea, but then it stuck you. In the chaos Maven could get lost. 
Back from when you first met him he was the one who wanted to go get help when his real parents needed it, even though it was dangerous, and since the last he saw of you was you needing help, he might’ve gotten away from the woman and come to  find you. 
By now the smoke was clearing. From you point on the edge of the stage you saw the doors had been unlocked, so only very few of the crowd remained. The GCPD had arrived, and made it inside, officers now starting to drag away the remaining of Jokers knocked-out goons. You turned to see Harley had gotten away, the punch you served seemingly only really causing you pain rather than stopping her from doing anything useless to you. 
“Mamma!” Maven yelled, running to you from through the doors. The woman must’ve taken him outside when she could, but got away when he could. You jumped off stage, being mindful of your dress, and surged forwards to scoop the boy in your arms. “You were so brave Ma!”
“So were you, I’m so proud of you.” you said quietly, setting him to the ground and kneeling to give him a once-over. He smiled at you, getting through the ordeal  without a scratch, before his smiled was then directed to something, or someone, behind you. 
You stood and came face-to-face with Bruce Wayne. Maven slipped his hand into yours as Bruce started speaking.
“Are you okay? You came pretty close to both Joker and Harley.” he asked, and you nodded, looking down at Maven with a gentle smile. “Good.” he said, and Damian came up behind him after managing to get away from the other captives. 
“You should come back to the Manor to get looked over by our Butler. He’s dealt with post-hostage situations before.” Damian said without skipping a beat as he walked past your small group to the door. Maven gaped a little before bouncing on his heels.
“Oh Ma, can we?”
“Mavey, I don’t think-”
“No, (y/n), please,” Bruce said, “Damian is right, and it’d be a good chance to catch up.” 
You eventually agreed to join Bruce and Damian back to Wayne Manor. When you asked where his other boys went, he said they went back in another car. You figured that was understandable. 
When you reached the Manor, you went to one of the Wayne’s lounge rooms. Maven had run off under the supervision of Dick and Jason, Bruce assured you he’d be fine, and you believed that, but Damian kept muttering things under his breath about the insufferable-ness of the two, and you had to stop yourself from telling him off. 
Eventually Damian wandered off too and since you hadn’t seen Bruce’s other son or Alfred, the Butler, since you first came, you were left alone with Bruce. 
“Need a refill?” Bruce asked, eyeing your almost-empty whiskey tumbler. You shook your head with a lazy smile. 
“At least not anything this strong.” he nodded, swallowing the rest of his drink before setting the glass on the table between the two lounges you were on, but made  no move to get up. The room lulled into silence, the occasional crackle of the fire or distant footsteps of the others being the only noise, until Bruce spoke again. 
“What you said, to the Joker, that could've killed you.” he said, looking at you with an uncharacteristic softness. You stared right back at him.
“Truth needs to be told, doesn't matter the cost.” 
“And Maven? If Joker had killed you he’d be there and would’ve seen another parental figure dead.” Bruce said, leaning forwards to lean his elbows on his knees. 
“When I first met Maven, he was running to get help for his parents. He told me days later that when they were killed he wasn’t watching. He closed his eyes. He said he figured it’d hurt less.” you said, pulling your legs underneath you and the pile of red fabric that was your dress. “I guess he’d do the same if it was with me.” 
“He’s a brave kid.” Bruce said, watching you with a light intensity. “He’s lucky to have found you. All my boys had the misfortune of having me after their parents disappeared.” 
“I’d think Damian would suffer the most, he’s the only one actually related to you.” you joked, cracking an almost hearty laugh from the billionaire.
“I think the others would agree.” he said, then looked at you with some seriousness. “I think we should meet again. There was too much time between our last meeting and tonight.”
“Well, in the world of business you can just call my assistant-”
“No, (y/n). I meant like, casually.” you let out an ‘oh’, cheeks heating from your own ignorance and Bruce’s lack of subtlety. 
“I don’t see why not.”
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