#maurice is a queer book fyi
weird-an · 2 years
The whole day at the Byers' passes in a blur of laughter and food. It took a while to warm up to then. To be honest, he's still wary. What do they get out of it? But it's nice. If Christmas is always like this, Billy might like it. He even got to sleep on the couch. He even was allowed to get seconds from the turkey Joyce made.
Now? Now he's "getting the Camaro" before getting to eat another meal at the Byers' and gets to see Steve. He nearly crushes him with his hug.
"Merry Christmas to you too, Billy," he laughs.
Billy can't help but to smile a little. He has to give Steve his present now, before he gets too… scared. It was hard to get him a present.
One day, he was so frustrated, he just grabbed Max' stupid recorder, a worn out copy of a book he keeps hidden in his matress and started to read Maurice out loud. In the first few minutes one hears Max' bitching in the background, but then Billy promised her to drive her to Sinclair's as often as she likes. Before Billy realized it, he spent a whole night and several tapes recording an audiobook of Maurice for Steve Harrington.
He hands it to Steve. It looks pathetic, wrapped in old newspapers. With the handdrawn card that looks even more pathetic.
Billy didn't buy Steve a card. They were all fucking ugly. Instead he drew a doodle of the Camaro and wrote "Ticket out of Hawkins" on the license plate, because he is an idiot and he might be in love.
"Merry Christmas, Steve."
Steve tears open the package and pauses for a moment. Billy's stomach churns. He doesn't like it, a voice in his head says. It sounds like Neil. Of course he doesn't like it. It's a stupid gift from an idiot.
"Did you… record this yourself?"
Billy just shrugs, avoiding to look Steve in the eye. Waits for him to scoff, laugh or whatever. He doesn't.
Now Steve pulls him into a hug, so hard that it squeezes the air out of him.
"It's perfect. You're perfect," he mumbles into Billy's ear. "And I'll take that ticket out of Hawkins. Let's just leave. Soon. Together."
Billy bites back a sob of relief. Steve saying that is the best thing ever. He's so stupid for Steve Harrington.
Part 1 Part 2
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hi can u recommend any old/non modern queer books. i need to find something to read haha :) no specific time period or mood btw..
hope ur doin well and ur writing is cool asl
What counts as 'non-modern'? Anyway. Here is some queer lit that's more classic, that I liked. I have put * next to my absolute faves.
Tipping the Velvet (1998)*, Fingersmith (2002) and The Night Watch (2006) by Sarah Waters - all f/f historical. She has other works, but these three are my favourites of hers.
Nightwood (1936) by Djuna Barnes* (bizarre, but it's stayed with me, I can't describe some of the lines)
The Well of Loneliness (1928) by Radclyffe Hall
The Colour Purple (1982) by Alice Walker
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe (1987) by Fannie Flag
Carmilla (1872) by Sheridan le Fanu (there's also a great Youtube mini series fyi)
Annie On My Mind (1982) by Nancy Garden
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic (2006) by Alison Bechdel
Giovanni's Room (1956) by James Baldwin*
The Picture of Dorian Grey (1890) by Oscar Wilde*
Maurice (1971) by E.M Forster
The Charioteer (1953) by Mary Renault
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