#maurice diallo
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daily-coloring · 2 years ago
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The Sergio Tacchini SS23 collection features landscape prints and color gradients that represent a post-pandemic shift from virtual to natural environments. The release expands on Sergio Tacchini’s roots at the intersection of tennis and lifestyle, and reimagines quintessential pieces from the brand’s renowned archive.
Shot by Aidan Cullen at the Courts in Anza-Borrego, California, the SS23 campaign uses colorful and picturesque surroundings to further enhance the collection’s style, attitude, and authenticity while blurring the boundaries between on and off-court sportswear.
The new campaign stars Angus Cloud, Nico Hiraga, Khalil Ghani, Amalie Gassmann, and Isabella Elei styled by Maurice Diallo.
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starry-mist · 1 year ago
S4e12 thoughts:
This is my favourite episode of the season (and one of my top ten overall.) It's also the hardest one for me to watch. I had to watch it twice to really formulate my thoughts.
We have my favourite trope of Charlie and Sarah stuck/isolated somewhere. Avalon Island. Dreamy. Quiet. Remote.
I'll get some of the non-Charah details out of the way first.
Kevin Hanchard and Maurice Dean Wint play off each other so well. They really shine in their scenes together.
I hadn't seen Murdoch Mysteries yet at this point, so didn't know who Thomas Craig was but I enjoyed him greatly in this episode.
The script is solid. Taf Diallo I believe has only written two episodes so far and I've loved both.
I love the overall feel of this episode. Shoutout to the addition of the bagpipes to some of the show's usual musical themes, it really worked.
Rex and the sheep. Rex taking home the toy sheep. I headcanon that Sarah has one too.
Shoutout to the nod to Mayko Nguyen's seasickness with that "at least the boat ride wasn't so bad" line. (Note how we never see her on the boat itself.)
Same actor, different character: We last saw Paul Warford in s2 as the dead food scientist in Finger Foodie. Now we have Gordo. Long live Gordo.
Sadly I did not have a chance to visit Brigus South when I was in Newfoundland last summer. Will definitely have it on the list for a future visit. It looks gorgeous.
Okay, so, Charah time:
First of all, I remember the show's social accounts posting the almost-kiss scene as "a moment many of you have been waiting for," and um, NO, that was NOT the moment.
So, we have Sarah still keeping Michael at literal arms' length outside the bullpen when he wants to go in for a kiss. And Charlie sort of half-pretending he doesn't have his back up at the other man's presence outside the bullpen. Way to set the scene for some tension.
The almost-kiss. If there were ever a blatant sign that Charlie is Not Okay, it’s that scene. Dude has been cheated on. That he would even consider kissing Sarah who by all accounts is "happy" in her relationship...huge red flag.
Charlie can’t stop staring at Sarah's cheek the first time they interview the kid who was shot. The second time, Sarah can't stop touching her cheek/lip. Yeah, we get it, they're distracted by their "moment."
Sarah asking Charlie if he's considering getting a quiet place for him and Rex, and Charlie's "you have to grow old with someone"...Charlie, you do realize dogs don't live forever, right? But yeah I think we're supposed to take this as Charlie resigning himself to forever being alone...sigh.
Charlie, get your shit together.
So I've done a little research into Fogo Island and damn, a weekend away there would not come cheap. Hitting that plot point does sort of underscore the "maybe Sarah's thinking about taking things with Michael a bit more seriously" idea. But her bringing it up right after Charlie expresses his doubts about growing old with someone...there's a ton of subtext there. And in case we didn't quite catch it, Charlie then stops the golf cart thing they're driving and says his "there's no manual for this" line, echoing Sarah's earlier line about there being no manual for a relationship. This whole exchange is them talking about their feelings for each other without actually talking about their feelings for each other.
Red flags. Red flags everywhere.
Though how much did I need them to miss their boat and get stuck at the B&B? A girl can dream...
(Shoutout to wardrobe for putting them in matching sweaters, BTW.)
So at what point does Sarah decide that she needs to give things with Michael a real chance? I would say it's when Charlie talks about his house full of motorcycle parts, and they cut to her expression, and damn, is Mayko ever good at reacting. The last time (that we've seen on screen, so let's go with it) she was at his house was Dark Web. My logic goes with that being the reason she kind of pulls away by the end of the episode and goes off to see where things go with Michael. It's overly simplistic, but it works. I think she's also realising how very not okay Charlie is, and doesn't know how to express her concern, but that's a topic for later in the season.
Charlie, Sarah, really, get your collective shit together.
The ending scene crushes me every time, even though I know it's coming. The heartbreak, the lies they tell each other, the look on Charlie's face as he watches Sarah walk away.
Gah. I love it. It's so perfectly angsty.
Stellar episode, 10/10, will always have a special place in my heart.
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softepiloguehq · 2 years ago
Ola, mods. Sugestão de FC feminino para filha de deuses egípcios?
Olá, anônimo! Vou fazer uma listinha pra você. Espero que algumas dessas sugestões sejam de seu agrado. Qualquer coisa, é só nos chamar novamente, sim?
Alyah Chanelle Scott (1997)
Joy Sunday (1996)
Sydney Park (1997)
Javicia Leslie (1987)
SZA (1989)
Aicha Faye (1999)
Yara Shahidi (2000)
Nyane Lebajoa (1994)
Danielle Brooks (1989)
Samantha Logan (1996)
Laura Harrier (1990)
Faia Younan (1992)
Tara Emad (1993)
Imaan Hammam (1996)
Awuor Dit (1997/1998)
May Elghety (1998)
Kylie Bunbury (1989)
Ashley Moore (1993)
Sharon Alexie (2000)
dasilvadakid (1999)
Cheyenne Maya Carty (1996)
Adut Akech (1999)
Anyang Deng (2002)
Nura Habib Omer (1988)
Lupita Nyong'o (1983)
Celeste O'Connor (1998, não binárie)
Carmen Solomons (1991)
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[ EDIT ] Eu queria adicionar mais algumas também, hehe!
Aïssata Diallo (1994, usa hijab)
Aiyana A. Lewis (1997)
Alisha Wainwright (1989)
Amandla Stenberg (1998, não-binárie)
Ange José (2000)
Angel Nyan (1999)
Angelica Ross (1980, mulher trans)
Anne Barreto (1994)
Arlo Parks (2000)
Brittany O’Grady (1996)
Camilla de Lucas (1994)
Chelsea Tavares (1991)
Chloe Scantlebury (1999)
Doja Henshaw (1998)
Greta Onieogou (1991)
Halle Bailey (2000)
Jadah Doll (1995)
Jamilla Strand (1997)
Jéssica Maurice (1995)
Jordyn Woods (1997)
Kendra Bailey (1997)
Kenza Boutrif (2001)
Kiana Ledé (1997)
Lame Cobain (2001)
Lovie Simone (1998)
Mahkyli Simpson (2003)
Mariama Diallo (1993)
Mona Leo (2001)
Nikki Thot (1990)
Ocean Lewis (1999)
Onyi Moss (1986)
Ryan Destiny (1995)
Samira Ahmed (2001)
Summerella (1995)
Vanessa Morgan (1992)
Yandeh Sallah (1997)
Yetide Badaki (1981)
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buzzkafunel · 2 years ago
Revue de presse du 25 mars 2023, les journaux commentent la victoire des Lions du Sénégal sur le Mozambique. Les quotidiens parvenus, ce samedi, à l'APS, ont largement commenté la victoire de l’équipe nationale de football sur celle du Mozambique, hier, en match comptant pour la troisième journée des éliminatoires de la CAN 2024, tout en continuant à garder un œil sur des sujets politiques et économiques. Victoire des Lions du Sénégal sur le Mozambique Revue de presse du 25 mars 2023 CAN 2024 Le Sénégal bat le Mozambique, 5-1 Le Sénégal a battu le Mozambique, 5-1, vendredi, en match comptant pour la troisième journée des éliminatoires de la Coupe d’Afrique des nations prévue en 2024 en Côte d’Ivoire. Les buts sénégalais ont été inscrits par Youssouf Sabaly (10e mn), Sadio Mané (15e mn), Ilimane Ndiaye (30e mn), Boulaye Dia (35e mn) et Habib Diallo (88e mn). Les ‘’Mambas’’ du Mozambique parviendront à réduire le score à la 47e mn par un de Gilclo Vilanculos. Idrissa Gana Guèye étrenne sa 100e sélection et bat le record d'Henri Camara A lire aussi Meilleurs footballeurs dont les contrats expirent en 2023 ‘’Sans forcer, l’équipe nationale du Sénégal a écrasé celle du Mozambique (5-1), hier, en troisième journée des éliminatoires de la Coupe d’Afrique des nations 2024, dans la poule L'', écrit le quotidien spécialisé Stades. Sud Quotidien commente également ce succès du Sénégal en parlant de ‘’Lions en taille patron’’. Il cite par ailleurs le sélectionneur Aliou Cissé qui se dit ‘’satisfait de ce résultat qui permet de préparer le match retour''. ‘’Les Lions s’offrent une balade et se rapprochent de la qualification’’, relate WalfQuotiden. splendide maquette du Stade Demba Diop en images (Sénégal ) 6 Le même journal parle d’un succès qui permet aux Lions de ‘’se rapprocher de la Côte d’ivoire, pays d’accueil de cette grande messe du football africain''. La publication renseigne également que la dernière fois que les ‘’Lions ont explosé les filets adverses à quatre reprises à la pause remonte au 9 octobre 2010'', face à l’Ile Maurice au Stade Léopold Sédar Senghor. Le Soleil fait également le focus sur la victoire de l’équipe nationale de football en titrant à sa une ‘’Les Lions toutes griffes dehors’’. ‘’C’était un match important, parce qu’on était très attendu, notamment après la coupe du monde. Vu le résultat du match Rwanda-Bénin, sur le plan comptable, il fallait larguer le Mozambique à 5 points’’, ajoute le même journal en rapportant la déclaration d'après match du sélectionneur des Lions Aliou Cissé. Le sucre introuvable raison de la convocation de El Malick Ndiaye Sûreté Urbaine Après l’euphorie qui a accompagné la victoire des Lions, le journal le Soleil, alerte sur l’apparition de la grippe aviaire qui fait des ravages à Potou (Louga). Il note que le service de l’élevage a procédé à l’élimination de plus de ‘’sept mille sujets et mis en place un dispositif d’alerte et de veille pour éviter la propagation dans la zone déclarée ‘’zone infestée’’. Le Soleil s’est également intéressé à la pénurie annoncée du sucre chez les détaillants à Dakar. A cet effet, il s’est entretenu avec le président de l’association des détaillants et boutiquiers Oumar Diallo qui évoque une éventuelle ‘’rupture totale et demande à la Compagnie sucrière sénégalaise de réduire le prix et d’accélérer le processus de livraison''. victoire des Lions du Sénégal sur le Mozambique revue de presse du 25 mars 2023 A lire aussi Tout savoir sur les Prix du loyer au Sénégal, les nouveaux tarifs et conditions fixés par Macky Sall (documents) Dans une perspective de trouver une solution à la pénurie annoncée de sucre, ‘’la CCS va ouvrir, à partir de lundi, un dépôt à hann-Bel-Air pour approvisionner les détaillants'', ajoute le journal en citant le chef du service régional du commerce à Dakar. Le journal Walf Quotidien s’éloigne des autres sujets en s’intéressant aux questions politiques.
‘’Macky seul contre tous'', écrit le journal à sa une, en faisant allusion à ce qu’il appelle ‘’la multiplication des initiatives'' pour faire barrage au président Sacky Sall. Sud quotidien se montre également intéressé par cette question en relevant que quelque ‘’64 organisations politiques, syndicales, citoyennes, de la société civile et des personnalités indépendantes ont procédé à la signature de l’acte de création de la plateforme de lutte pour la défense et la consolidation de la démocratie''.
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themodernprxmetheus · 5 years ago
George Floyd, Tony Mcdade, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Tamir Rice, Akiel Denkins, Trayvon Martin, Gregory Gunn, Samuel DuBose, Brendon Glenn, Freddie Gray, Natasha Mckenna, Walter Scott, Christian Taylor, Michael Brown Jr, Ezell Ford, Eric Garner, Akai Gurley, Laquan McDonald, Yvette Smith, Jamar Clark, Rekia Boyd, Shereese Francis, Ramarley Graham, Manuel Loggins Jr., Sean Bell, Ronald Madison, Kendra James, Amadou Diallo, LaTanya Haggerty, Margaret LaVerne Mitchell, Aiyana Jones, Anthony Lamar Smith, Timothy Russell, Malissa Williams, Renisha McBride, Dontre Hamilton ,John Crawford III, Nicholas Thoma, Charley Lendeu Keunang, Meagan Hockaday, Justus Howell, Tony Robinson, Jeremy McDole, Sandra Bland, Andrew Loku, Jermaine Carby, Abdullahi Omar Mohamed, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Terrence Crutcher, Keith Lamont Scott, Michelle Shirley, Wendell Allen, Tanisha Anderson, Delron Dempsey, Kajieme Powell, George Tilman, Anthony Nuñez, Kimani Grey, Alva Braziel, Barrington Williams, Malcolm Ferguson, Rumain Brisbon, Kyam Livingston, Edmond Perry, Alberta Spruill, India Kager, Alexia Christian, Michelle Cusseaux, Alan Blueford, Oscar Grant, Kayla Moore, Nicholas Heywood, Rekia Boyd, Shantel Davis Sean Bell, Jessie Hernandez, Anthony Baez Denis Reyes, Rashaun Lloyd, Keith Childress, Bettie Jones, Kevin Matthews, Michael Noel, Michael Lee Marshal, Michael Lorenzo Dean, Eric Reason, Christopher McCorvey, Steven Day, Christopher Whitfield, Atatiana Jefferson, Maurice Holly, Jordan Michael Griffin, Nicholas Walker, Bennie Branch, Byron Williams, Arthur Walton Jr., Channara Tom Pheap, Patricia Spivey, Stephan Murray, Ryan Twyman, Dominique Clayton, Isaiah Lewis, Kevin Leroy Beasley Jr., Julius Graves, Marcus McVae, Marzues Scott, Bishar Hassan, Kevin Bruce Mason, Mario Clark, Jimmy Atchinson, D’ettrick Griffin, George Robinson, Andre Horton, Jesse Jesus Quinton, Mahlon Edward Summerrour, Charles D. Roundtree Jr, Chinedu Valentine Okobi, Antone G. Black Jr., Darell Richards, Botham Shem Jean, James Leatherwood, Joshua Wayne Harvey, Christopher Alexander Okamato, Cynthia Fields.
This is barely even half of the lives that have been taken by police brutality. Their lives mattered.
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Artist: sujaedd
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sweetsmellosuccess · 3 years ago
Sundance 2022: Day 2
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Number of Films: 3 Best Film of the Day: Fire of Love
Fire of Love: Some documentary subjects come with their metaphors baked right in. Such is the case for Sara Dosa’s film, about a legendary pair of volcanologists — the married couple Katia and Maurice Krafft — whose scientific research into volcanos, much of which saw them nestling down into the craters of seething, still active mountains, guided the next generation of scientists, was the one absorbing constant in their lives besides each other. Through much archival imagery the Kraffts shot themselves (they were obsessive documentors of their own expeditions), Dosa weaves the story of their relationships — both to their beloved volcanoes (Maurice refers to them more than once as “children;” and to each other — against the backdrop of the dozens of eruptions the pair crisscrossed the globe to explore. That they were ultimately consumed by such an eruption — in Japan, in 1991 — is almost beside the point, and anyway, there are many times one or the other will reference how much they would rather do this incredibly dangerous research, even if they die young, than staying in their office and living to be senile. They clearly made their decision, and seemed more than happy with it — in fact, one fundamental observation from all the footage Dosa unearths is the unerring exuberance and joy the pair felt in the presence of active lava explosions. In one scene, dressed in reflective metal suits that make them look like a pair of Berlin DJs in the aughts, in front of a cascading wall of fiery lava plumes, they are literally dancing together, in the face of the Earth’s molten magma core.
Fresh: Noa (Daisy Edgar-Jones) has just about given up on the dating scene. She hates the process, for one thing, and seems to have lousy luck meeting anyone who isn’t dreadful. So it is, when she meets handsome, charming Steve (Sebastian Stan) by chance at a grocery near her apartment one night, she tells her friend Mollie (Jojo T. Gibbs) she thinks he might be significant. Her friend is skeptical, but Noa falls pretty hard very fast, such that when he proposes a weekend getaway after only a couple of dates, she takes him up on the offer. Needless to say, in Mimi Cave’s gory, cannibal flick, this is a terrible mistake: “Steve,” who claimed to be a doctor, actually uses his surgical skills to slowly cut the fresh meat off of the various women he imprisons in his wooded country house, and slowly sells their bodies as filets and burgers for the exorbitantly rich men who pay him handsomely for the privilege, keeping them alive as long as possible so they stay, as the title alludes to, fresh. The set-up, in which the two of them meet, is meticulously crafted, with Stan (an actor primarily known for his work as the Winter Soldier in the MCU, continuing to make some very intriguing choices with his subsequent roles) pouring on the goofy charm, and Edgar-Jones giving Noa a sense of substance that goes beyond the surface humor of her character, which is why, when the film really falls apart in the third act, it feels keenly disappointing. Suddenly, plot threads are dropped, things happen without justification, and characters start acting in ways so idiotic, it’s clear their actions are only to give the filmmakers more scenes of gore and violence. As a satiric treatise on the devouring nature of horrible men, who see in women nothing but commodities for their (literal) consumption, it’s working with some potent stuff, but the execution falters badly enough that the message gets mostly lost by the end.
Master: Another horror film with a serious thread of social commentary, Mariama Diallo’s film, which follows a pair of black women at a fictional, highly prestigious college in Massachusetts — one, Gail (Regina King), just made a house master for one of the dorms, a high-ranking position for which there have been very few POCs before her; and Jasmine (Zoe Renee), an amiable and extremely bright young student from the other side of the country, entering into her freshman year, nominally under the former’s care. Naturally, they are both subjected to systemic racism, even by the more well-meaning white population of the school, sometimes more subtle (when Jasmine first meets the group of white boys favored by her brittle roommate Amelia (Talia Ryder), they immediately dub her “Beyoncé”; arriving at a dinner party with the other school masters, a white colleague meets Gail at the door by exclaiming she’s just what’s needed to add “spice” to the festivities), and sometimes wildly overt, as when Jasmine’s dorm-room door is festooned with a rope, and a giant burning cross is placed in front of her building. The school, one of the oldest in the country, we are told, is laden with brutish racial history, but also of a different kind, when a young woman was accused of witchcraft centuries ago, and put to death for it (a school legend which connects to the suicide death of another young black coed in the ‘60s). All of which, very fertile ground for a pointedly political horror film, along the same vein, of course, as Jordan Peele’s Get Out, but as that film carefully set a seductive trap for its protagonist and the audience, Diallo’s film goes right to the heart of the matter from the jump. Practically every encounter the women have, even with a black professor of literature (Amber Gray), seems to reek of racism, and the school’s buildings and grounds, maintained solely by black people, are repeatedly shown as an edifice to its colonist past. There’s no moment of the film that we are not reminded of it’s themes and evocations, a lack of dimension that becomes more didactic as the film progresses, and not aided by the series of nightmares the women have, which bleed into their waking hours so much, the trick so overused, that the film’s grip on tonal reality gets loosened, diminishing the effect of its dramatic impact. More than anything, it’s a film of ideas, from a filmmaker clearly full of them, but not honed into a sharper point. There is enormous promise here, and much to recommend, but too scattershot to hit as hard as it means.
The Sundance Film Festival has returned, albeit in virtual-only format. We might not be skating on the ice and snow of Park City, but we’re still going to take in a whole bunch of independent films, some of which might be the best things we get to see this year. Let’s see how it goes.
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seneweb · 4 years ago
Le verdict du procès de Boy Djinné et cie mis en délibéré le 24 novembre prochain.
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Baye Modou Fall alias Boy Djinné et ses complices Maurice Diatta et Abdou Seck ont comparu ce mardi 10 octobre 2020 devant la chambre criminelle de Dakar. Les accusés sont poursuivis pour association de malfaiteurs, vol en réunion commis la nuit, avec usage d’armes, escalade, détention de véhicule, évasion et usurpation d’identité, recel de malfaiteurs et blanchiment de capitaux. 
Devant la barre, Monsieur Konaté victime du cambriolage a déclaré que le 03 décembre 2019, il avait fait un *versement* à la banque. Il avance que l’argent était dans le coffre et le dimanche 05 décembre et il n’a rien trouvé dans le coffre. 
Des allégations que le juge a trouvé contradictoire car lors de la procédure, la victime avait déclaré que l’argent n’était pas dans le coffre,  mais plutôt dans une boîte qu’il avait dissimulé dans des caisses dans la boutique. Et la boîte comprenait une somme de 42 000 000 millions de francs cfa et 1 million dans le coffre. 
À la barre, Boy Djinné a avoué s��être évadé de prison dans la nuit du 02 au 03 décembre 2019. “Une fois sorti, j’ai appelé Abdou Seck et c’est même chez lui que j’ai passé la nuit. Il a cherché pour moi, un appartement meublé, mais il n’arrivait pas à en trouver”, fait t il savoir. “Je suis entré dans le magasin en fuyant les gardes pénitenciers. Je n’avais même pas l’intention de voler. L’idée m’est venue par pur hasard et c’est en ce moment que je me suis caché dans le magasin en attendant sa fermeture”, déclare t il. 
Quand à lui, l’accusé Abdou Seck déclare n’avoir jamais su que Boy Djinné venait de la prison lorsqu’il a reçu son coup de fil. C’est par la suite qu’il m’a demandé de lui trouver un appartement parce qu’il était en liberté provisoire. Sinon je n’allais pas l’héberger chez moi parce que j’ai une famille à préserver. C’est à travers les médias que j’ai su qu’il était en prison à Diourbel. Je n’étais pas au courant du cambriolage. Il m’avait juste dit qu’il partait à la Sodida chez les voituriers pour chercher son argent d’une valeur de 5 millions 400. 
Accusé de complicité, Maurice Diatta a soutenu devant la Chambre qu’il ne connaissait pas Baye Modou Fall Alias Boy Djinné. Je l’ai connu lorsqu’il est entré dans la voiture en sortant du magasin. Je ne connais pas l’ampleur du cambriolage.
L’avocat de la partie civile, Me Diallo, a mentionné que les faits sont clairs dans cette procédure. Cela ne fait aucun doute que les accusés étaient présents sur les lieux du crime. Au regard de la participation en ce qui concerne l’association de malfaiteurs que les accusés semblent nier, il est constant qu’avant la commission du vol commis la nuit, ces trois personnes étaient en contact. Ils s’étaient entendus que ce jour là, ils allaient commettre leur forfait. Concernant Maurice Diatta, dit-il, “la mauvaise foi dont il fait montre depuis le début de cette procédure, est suffisante. La défense va certainement vous dire qu’il n’y a pas eu de preuve. Mais il faut rappeler que nous sommes en matière pénale où la preuve est libre”, a laissé entendre la robe noire. Mon client a été victime d’un vol aggravé.  À la fin de sa plaidoirie, Me Diallo a demandé au juge une somme de 100 000 000 francs cfa à titre de réparation et de tester la contrainte par corps. 
Lors de son réquisitoire, le parquet a requis une peine d’emprisonnement de 8 ans de prison ferme pour Boy Djinné pour vol en réunion commis la nuit, 3 ans ferme pour faux et usage de faux, 3 ans ferme pour scellé et 5 ans ferme pour blanchiment de capitaux. 
“Le vol est un élément constant. Cependant concernant les éléments de circonstances aggravantes de nuit n’est pas contesté. Il a essayé de nier les faits devant la barre. Mais les faits sont constants”, a fait savoir le parquetier.
Sur ces entrefaites, M. le président,  je vous demande de disqualifier Abdou Seck et Maurice Diatta pour vol et les poursuites de recel de malfaiteurs afin de les condamner à une peine de 5 ans ferme. Ces derniers se sont concerté pour commettre leur forfait,  ce que Baye Modou Fall n’a pas nié à l’enquête préliminaire. Concernant ces activités d’homme d’affaires, relève le procureur, il n’y a aucun élément pour justifier une activité connue pour Baye Modou Fall à part des cambriolages. Revenant sur l’accusé Abdou Seck, il n’ignorait en aucun cas le statut d’evadé de Baye Modou Fall. Ce qui veut dire qu’il est complice des faits qui lui sont reprochés. 
Pour la défense, il n’y a pas de procès verbal qui prouve l’infraction commise par Boy Djinné. Me Assane Dioma Ndiaye a salué l’honnêteté du parquet, en disqualifiant le vol en réunion commis la nuit pour Abdou Seck et Maurice Diatta. Selon lui, Baye Modou a agi seul. “On fait un mauvais procès à Abdou Seck. M. le président je vous demande de réhabiliter des jeunes qui peuvent souffrir du disfonctionnement de la justice. Me Doudou Ndoye, avocat de Baye Modou Fall alias Boy Djinné a évoqué l’article 218 du Code pénal pour relever les manquements du procureur lors de son réquisitoire. 
À l’issue du procès, le juge a mis l’affaire en délibéré au 24 novembre prochain. 
Pour rappel, Baye Modou Fall alias boy Djinné a été, le 2 juillet dernier, acquitté des chefs d’association de malfaiteurs, faux et usage de faux, vol en réunion avec usage d’arme et de véhicules, détention illégale d’arme et agression par la chambre criminelle.
Crédit: Lien source
The post Le verdict du procès de Boy Djinné et cie mis en délibéré le 24 novembre prochain. appeared first on Seneweb.fr.
source https://seneweb.fr/le-verdict-du-proces-de-boy-djinne-et-cie-mis-en-delibere-le-24-novembre-prochain/
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palewrithe · 5 years ago
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Status: Completed 2018 Location: Dandaji, Niger. Site: 7530 m²
Lead Architect: Mariam Kamara Design Team: Mariam Kamara, Harouna Diallo
In rural Niger, markets run on a weekly basis, allowing sellers to move from village to village all week long to offer their products. With a rapidly increasing population, the village Dandaji felt a need for a more permanent market for its own inhabitants to both procure and sell goods in a more consistant way. The current weekly market is organized around an ancestral tree that has become the public space to be during Market Day for market-goers and sellers.
Regional Market in Dadaji, Niger, by Atelier Masōmī. Photo: Maurice Ascani.
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meccacon · 5 years ago
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MECCAcon IFF Atlanta 2019 #meccaconSUBSUME2019​ Nov 9, @aarl_atl Auburn Avenue Research Library #LINKINBIO --->> bit.ly/meccaconiff2019 This is the 5th anniversary celebration of #MECCAconIFF! This festival, in part with @SUBSUME_ATL , will feature some of #MECCAcon's past faves, as well as selections from the current season. Official Film Fest Schedule: 11a - 12p MY LOVE, ETHIOPIA - Gabrielle Tesfaye 15m LOREEN’s GOTTA BOOGIE - Bobby Yan, Chantal Maurice 15m SEE YOU YESTERDAY (original short) - Stefon Bristol - 15 MANHOOD - Rodney Stringfellow - 11m 12p -1 MALIKA: WARRIOR QUEEN - YouNeek Studios - 15m SHOWTIME - Shawn Antoine II - 15m KNOCK KNOCK - Kennikki Jones-Jones - 14m LU - Korstiaan Vandiver, starring Nate Parker - 10m 1p - 2p THE ARTIVISM OF SHORT FILMMAKING - workshop w/ Korstiaan Vandiver 3p - 3:45 MECCAcon IFF Panel 3:45 - 5p K.I.N.G. - Rashad Frett - 13ms WOMAN OUTSIDE - starring Yolonda Ross - 20m SWEET SWEET COUNTRY - Dehanza Daye Rogers, starring Gbenga Akinnagbe,- 20m THE YOUTH - Dehanza Daye Rogers, starring Yolonda Ross, Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine - 15m ________ MECCAcon International Film Festival, aka MECCAcon IFF, founded in 2014 and registered under Ava DuVernay's company ARRAY, highlights independent films starring & from creators of the African diaspora. Short films are primary, but feature films have been added as well. We always have some of the best filmmakers in our festivals. We believe in showcasing GREATNESS to the public eye! Filmmakers in the past have included but aren’t limited to: Jackie JJ Stone, Yolonda Ross, Evita Castine, Bobby Yan, Stefon Bristol, Nadia Sasso, Jay Woo, Mariama Diallo, Darius Clark Monroe, James Bland, Xavier Burgin, Derek Dow, Ka’ramuu Kush, dream hampton, Donnie Leapheart, Gabrielle Tesfaye, Eliciana Nascimento, Nosa Igbideon, Korstiaan Vandiver, Daye Rogers, and many more. GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY!! All donation tickets are very much appreciated, and are only $10! --->> bit.ly/meccaconiff2019 #indiefilmfest #Meccaconiff #arraynow #directher #shortflm #atl #atlanta #scifi #blackowned #specfic (at Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iL2_pJhqh/?igshid=17gytptt4uz6n
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stefanietani098 · 5 years ago
Prediksi Bola Nice vs PSG 19 Oktober 2019
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Prediksi Bola Nice vs PSG 19 Oktober 2019
Prediksi Skor : 1 – 2 Handicap : 1 1/4 : 0 Over / Under : 3 Tips : Bayern Leverkusen / Over
Head to Head Nice vs PSG 04/05/19 LI1 PSG 1 – 1 Nice 29/09/18 LI1 Nice 0 – 3 PSG 18/03/18 LI1 Nice 1 – 2 PSG 28/10/17 LI1 PSG 3 – 0 Nice 01/05/17 LI1 Nice 3 – 1 PSG
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Nice 15/09/19 LI1 Montpellier 2 – 1 Nice 22/09/19 LI1 Nice 2 – 1 Dijon 25/09/19 LI1 AS Monaco 3 – 1 Nice 29/09/19 LI1 Nice 1 – 1 Lille 06/10/19 LI1 Nantes 1 – 0 Nice
5 Pertandingan Terakhir PSG 23/09/19 LI1 Olympique Lyonnais 0 – 1 PSG 26/09/19 LI1 PSG 0 – 2 Reims 28/09/19 LI1 Bordeaux 0 – 1 PSG 02/10/19 UCL Galatasaray 0 – 1 PSG 05/10/19 LI1 PSG 4 – 0 Angers SCO
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Nice vs PSG Nice :W. Benitez / M. Sarr / da Costa Santos / A. Pelmard / P. Burner / Lees Melou / Myziane Maolida / Barbosa da Silva / Claude Maurice / Kpene Ganago / Y. Atal
PSG : Keylor Navas / Layvin Kurzawa / Abdou Diallo / Thiago Silva / Colin Dagba / Idrissa Gueye / marco Verratti / Pablo Sarabia / Neymar / Angel Di Maria / Icardi
Hubungi Kami Melalui : www .sahabat303,me www .sahabat303,net www .sahabat303,org www .sahabat303,vip * LINE : sahabat_303 * WA 1 : +855882348077 * WA 2 : +6287705585269 * Wechat : sahabat303
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fannytania098 · 5 years ago
Prediksi Bola Nice vs PSG 19 Oktober 2019
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Prediksi Bola Nice vs PSG 19 Oktober 2019
Prediksi Skor : 1 – 2 Handicap : 1 1/4 : 0 Over / Under : 3 Tips : Bayern Leverkusen / Over
Head to Head Nice vs PSG 04/05/19 LI1 PSG 1 – 1 Nice 29/09/18 LI1 Nice 0 – 3 PSG 18/03/18 LI1 Nice 1 – 2 PSG 28/10/17 LI1 PSG 3 – 0 Nice 01/05/17 LI1 Nice 3 – 1 PSG
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Nice 15/09/19 LI1 Montpellier 2 – 1 Nice 22/09/19 LI1 Nice 2 – 1 Dijon 25/09/19 LI1 AS Monaco 3 – 1 Nice 29/09/19 LI1 Nice 1 – 1 Lille 06/10/19 LI1 Nantes 1 – 0 Nice
5 Pertandingan Terakhir PSG 23/09/19 LI1 Olympique Lyonnais 0 – 1 PSG 26/09/19 LI1 PSG 0 – 2 Reims 28/09/19 LI1 Bordeaux 0 – 1 PSG 02/10/19 UCL Galatasaray 0 – 1 PSG 05/10/19 LI1 PSG 4 – 0 Angers SCO
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Nice vs PSG Nice :W. Benitez / M. Sarr / da Costa Santos / A. Pelmard / P. Burner / Lees Melou / Myziane Maolida / Barbosa da Silva / Claude Maurice / Kpene Ganago / Y. Atal
PSG : Keylor Navas / Layvin Kurzawa / Abdou Diallo / Thiago Silva / Colin Dagba / Idrissa Gueye / marco Verratti / Pablo Sarabia / Neymar / Angel Di Maria / Icardi
Hubungi Kami Melalui : www .sahabat303,me www .sahabat303,net www .sahabat303,org www .sahabat303,vip * LINE : sahabat_303 * WA 1 : +855882348077 * WA 2 : +6287705585269 * Wechat : sahabat303
0 notes
blackkudos · 8 years ago
Ruby Dee
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Ruby Dee (October 27, 1922 – June 11, 2014) was an American actress, poet, playwright, screenwriter, journalist and civil rights activist. She is perhaps best known for originating the role of "Ruth Younger" in the stage and film versions of A Raisin in the Sun (1961). Her other notable film roles include The Jackie Robinson Story (1950), and Do the Right Thing (1989).
For her performance as Mahalee Lucas in American Gangster (2007), she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Female Actor in a Supporting Role.
She was a Grammy, Emmy, Obie and Drama Desk winner. She was also a National Medal of Arts, Kennedy Center Honors and Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award recipient.
She was married to Ossie Davis, with whom she frequently performed, until his death in 2005.
Early life
Dee was born Ruby Ann Wallace on October 27, 1922, in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Gladys (née Hightower) and Marshall Edward Nathaniel Wallace, a cook, waiter and porter. After her mother left the family, Dee's father remarried, to Emma Amelia Benson, a schoolteacher.
Dee was raised in Harlem, New York. She attended Hunter College High School and went on to graduate from Hunter College with a degree in Romance languages in 1945. She was a member of Delta Sigma Theta.
Dee joined the American Negro Theater as an apprentice, working with Sidney Poitier, Harry Belafonte, and Hilda Simms. She made several appearances on Broadway. Her first onscreen role was in That Man of Mine in 1946. She received national recognition for her role in the 1950 film The Jackie Robinson Story. In 1965, Dee performed in lead roles at the American Shakespeare Festival as Kate in The Taming of the Shrew and Cordelia in King Lear, becoming the first black actress to portray a lead role in the festival. Her career in acting crossed all major forms of media over a span of eight decades, including the films A Raisin in the Sun, in which she recreated her stage role as a suffering housewife in the projects, and Edge of the City. She played both roles opposite Poitier.
During the 1960s, Dee appeared in such politically charged films as Gone Are the Days and The Incident, which is recognized as helping pave the way for young African-American actors and filmmakers. In 1969, Dee appeared in 20 episodes of Peyton Place. She appeared as Cora Sanders, a Marxist college professor, in the Season 1/Episode 14 of Police Woman, entitled “Target Black" which aired on Friday night, January 3, 1975. The character of Cora Sanders was obviously, but loosely, influenced by the real-life Angela Y. Davis. She appeared in one episode of The Golden Girls' sixth season. She played Queen Haley in Roots: The Next Generations, a 1979 miniseries.
Dee was nominated for eight Emmy Awards, winning once for her role in the 1990 TV film Decoration Day. She was nominated for her television guest appearance in the China Beach episode, "Skylark". Her husband Ossie Davis (1917–2005) also appeared in the episode. She appeared in Spike Lee's 1989 film Do the Right Thing, and his 1991 film Jungle Fever.
In 1995, she and Davis were awarded the National Medal of Arts. They were also recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors in 2004. In 2003, she narrated a series of WPA slave narratives in the HBO film Unchained Memories. In 2007 the winner of the Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album was shared by Dee and Ossie Davis for With Ossie And Ruby: In This Life Together, and former President Jimmy Carter.
Dee was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2007 for her portrayal of Mama Lucas in American Gangster. She won the Screen Actors Guild award for the same performance. At 83 years of age, Dee is currently the second oldest nominee for Best Supporting Actress, behind Gloria Stuart who was 87 when nominated for her role in Titanic. This was Dee's only Oscar nomination.
On February 12, 2009, Dee joined the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College orchestra and chorus, along with the Riverside Inspirational Choir and NYC Labor Choir, in honoring Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday at the Riverside Church in New York City. Under the direction of Maurice Peress, they performed Earl Robinson's The Lonesome Train: A Music Legend for Actors, Folk Singers, Choirs, and Orchestra, in which Dee was the Narrator.
Dee's last role in a theatrically-released film was in the Eddie Murphy comedy A Thousand Words, in which she portrayed the mother of Murphy's protagonist. Perhaps, her penultimate film role is in 1982, which premiered at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival and was released on home video on March 1, 2016. It is unknown whether her final role will ever be seen, as King Dog was in production at the time of her death, and no release date has ever been announced.
Personal life and activism
Ruby Wallace married blues singer Frankie Dee Brown in 1941, and began using his middle name as her stage name. The couple divorced in 1945. Three years later she married actor Ossie Davis, whom she met while costarring in Robert Ardrey's 1946 Broadway play Jeb. Together, Dee and Davis wrote an autobiography in which they discussed their political activism and their decision to have an open marriage (later changing their views). Together they had three children: son, blues musician Guy Davis, and two daughters, Nora Day and Hasna Muhammad. Dee was a breast cancer survivor of more than three decades.
In 1979, the Supersisters trading card set was produced and distributed; one of the cards featured Dee's name and picture.
Dee and Davis were well-known civil rights activists. Dee was a member of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the NAACP, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Delta Sigma Theta sorority and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In 1963, Dee emceed the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Dee and Davis were both personal friends of both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, with Davis giving the eulogy at Malcolm X's funeral in 1965. In 1970, she won the Frederick Douglass Award from the New York Urban League.
In 1999, Dee and Davis were arrested at 1 Police Plaza, the headquarters of the New York Police Department, protesting the police shooting of Amadou Diallo.
In early 2003, The Nation published "Not In My Name", an open proclamation vowing opposition to the impending US invasion of Iraq. Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis were among the signatories, along with Robert Altman, Noam Chomsky, Susan Sarandon and Howard Zinn, among others.
In November 2005 Dee was awarded – along with her late husband – the Lifetime Achievement Freedom Award, presented by the National Civil Rights Museum located in Memphis. Dee, a long-time resident of New Rochelle, New York, was inducted into the New Rochelle Walk of Fame which honors the most notable residents from throughout the community's 325-year history. She was also inducted into the Westchester County Women's Hall of Fame on March 30, 2007, joining such other honorees as Hillary Clinton and Nita Lowey. In 2009, she received an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree from Princeton University.
Dee died on June 11, 2014, at her home in New Rochelle, New York, from natural causes at the age of 91. In a statement, Gil Robertson IV of the African American Film Critics Association said, "the members of the African American Film Critics Association are deeply saddened at the loss of actress and humanitarian Ruby Dee. Throughout her seven-decade career, Ms Dee embraced different creative platforms with her various interpretations of black womanhood and also used her gifts to champion for Human Rights. Her strength, courage and beauty will be greatly missed."
“She very peacefully surrendered,” said her daughter Nora Day. “We hugged her, we kissed her, we gave her our permission to go. She opened her eyes. She looked at us. She closed her eyes, and she set sail.” Following her death, the marquee on the Apollo Theater read “A TRUE APOLLO LEGEND RUBY DEE 1922-2014".
Dee was cremated, and her ashes are held in the same urn as that of Davis, with the inscription "In this thing together". A public memorial celebration honoring Dee was held on September 20, 2014, at the Riverside Church in Upper Manhattan.
Short subjects:
Lorraine Hansberry: The Black Experience in the Creation of Drama (1975)
The Torture of Mothers (1980)
Tuesday Morning Ride (1995)
The Unfinished Journey (1999) (narrator)
The New Neighbors (2009) (narrator)
The Original Read-In for Peace in Vietnam (Folkways Records, 1967)
The Poetry of Langston Hughes (with Ossie Davis. Caedmon Records, no date, TC 1272)
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (with George Grizzard. Caedmon Records, 1970, TC 1324)
Tough Poems For Tough People (with Ossie Davis and Henry Braun. Caedmon Records, 1972, TC 1396)
To Make A Poet Black: The best poems of Countee Cullen (with Ossie Davis. Caedmon Records, 1971, TC 1400
To Be A Slave (with Ossie Davis. Caedmon Records, 1972, TC 2066)
The Lost Zoo, (Caedmon Records, 1978, TC 1539)
Why Mosquitoes Buzz In People's Ears and Other Tales with Ossie Davis. Caedmon Records, 1978, TC 1592)
What if I am a Woman?, Vol. 1: Black Women's Speeches (Folkways, 1977)
What if I am a Woman?, Vol. 2: Black Women's Speeches (Folkways, 1977)
Every Tone a Testimony��(Smithsonian Folkways, 2001)
American Short Stories, Vol 2: Various Artists(eav Lexington, no date, LE 7703)
American Short Stories, Vol 3: Various Artists (eav Lexington, no date, LE 7704)
I've got a name, Various Artists (Holt's Impact, 1968, CSM 662)
At your own risk, Various Artists (Holt's Impact, 1968, CSM 663)
Conflict, Various Artists (Holt's Impact, 1969, CSM 816)
Sight lines, Various Artists (Holt's Impact, 1970, SBN 03-071525-3)
Roses & Revolutions, Various Artist (D.S.T. Telecommunications,Inc. Production, 1975)
New Dimensions in Music (with John Cullum. CBS Records, 1976, P 13161)
Awards and nominations
1961: National Board of Review Award for Best Supporting Actress – A Raisin in the Sun
1971: Drama Desk Award Outstanding Performance – Boesman and Lena
1971: Obie Award for Best Performance by an Actress – Boesman and Lena
1973: Drama Desk Award Outstanding Performance – Wedding Band
1988: Induction into the American Theater Hall of Fame
1991: Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie – Decoration Day
1991: Women in Film Crystal Award
1995: National Medal of Arts
2000: Screen Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement Award
2003: Women of Vision Award - Women in Film & Video-DC
2007: Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album – With Ossie And Ruby: In This Life Together (tied with Jimmy Carter)
2008: African–American Film Critics Best Supporting Actress – American Gangster
2008: Screen Actors Guild Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role – American Gangster
2008: The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Medal Award
2008: She was awarded the Spingarn Medal from the NAACP.
1964: Emmy Award for Outstanding Single Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role – The Doctors and the Nurses: Express Stop from Lenox Avenue
1979: Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or a Special – Roots: The Next Generations
1988: Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Special – Lincoln
1990: Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series – China Beach: Skylark
1993: Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series – Evening Shade: They Can't Take That Away from Me
1995: Emmy Award for Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program – Whitewash
2001: Emmy Award for Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program – Little Bill
2002: Lucille Lortel Award for Outstanding Actress – Saint Lucy's Eyes
2003: Emmy Award for Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program – Little Bill
2008: Academy Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role – American Gangster
2008: Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture – American Gangster
2008: Screen Actors Guild Outstanding Cast in a Motion Picture – American Gangster
2009: Screen Actors Guild Outstanding Performance by a Female Actress in a Television Movie or Miniseries – America
2010: Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Event – America
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tr1yo · 8 years ago
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Nicholas Minichiello Maurice Diallo Bennett Lucas Monroe Pic by Tyler Mansour
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cindytania098 · 5 years ago
Prediksi Bola Nice vs PSG 19 Oktober 2019
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Prediksi Bola Nice vs PSG 19 Oktober 2019
Prediksi Skor : 1 – 2 Handicap : 1 1/4 : 0 Over / Under : 3 Tips : Bayern Leverkusen / Over
Head to Head Nice vs PSG 04/05/19 LI1 PSG 1 – 1 Nice 29/09/18 LI1 Nice 0 – 3 PSG 18/03/18 LI1 Nice 1 – 2 PSG 28/10/17 LI1 PSG 3 – 0 Nice 01/05/17 LI1 Nice 3 – 1 PSG
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Nice 15/09/19 LI1 Montpellier 2 – 1 Nice 22/09/19 LI1 Nice 2 – 1 Dijon 25/09/19 LI1 AS Monaco 3 – 1 Nice 29/09/19 LI1 Nice 1 – 1 Lille 06/10/19 LI1 Nantes 1 – 0 Nice
5 Pertandingan Terakhir PSG 23/09/19 LI1 Olympique Lyonnais 0 – 1 PSG 26/09/19 LI1 PSG 0 – 2 Reims 28/09/19 LI1 Bordeaux 0 – 1 PSG 02/10/19 UCL Galatasaray 0 – 1 PSG 05/10/19 LI1 PSG 4 – 0 Angers SCO
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Nice vs PSG Nice :W. Benitez / M. Sarr / da Costa Santos / A. Pelmard / P. Burner / Lees Melou / Myziane Maolida / Barbosa da Silva / Claude Maurice / Kpene Ganago / Y. Atal
PSG : Keylor Navas / Layvin Kurzawa / Abdou Diallo / Thiago Silva / Colin Dagba / Idrissa Gueye / marco Verratti / Pablo Sarabia / Neymar / Angel Di Maria / Icardi
Hubungi Kami Melalui : www .sahabat303,me www .sahabat303,net www .sahabat303,org www .sahabat303,vip * LINE : sahabat_303 * WA 1 : +855882348077 * WA 2 : +6287705585269 * Wechat : sahabat303
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torentialtribute · 5 years ago
Ligue 1 weekend preview: Paris Saint-Germain must plan for life without Neymar
There is a Neymar -shaped cloud that hangs over Ligue 1 but that cloud could disappear if the most expensive player came closer to a return to the Nou Camp.
The side of Thomas Tuchel is surprisingly not a top class that they have won six of the past seven years.
They face Metz this week, so can they catch Rennes leaders this week?
A Neymar-shaped cloud is currently floating 1, because this almost leaves
Metz v PSG – BT Sport 3 19.45pm
Neymar is all they are talking about in Paris, but Tuchel & # 39 ; s side will focus on field affairs when they travel to Metz on Friday evening.
Metz & # 39; s post-promotion bubble was good and burst last weekend when Angers shot three past Last Saturday, but the Rennes have shown that this is a PSG outfit that is on the road .
The last time the capital outfit visited Stade Sain t-Symphorien it was the birth of & # 39; MCN & # 39; – the first opportunity on which Kylian Mbappe, Edinson Cavani and Neymar had all appeared together.
No one is available this time, with the hosts demonstrably in possession of the most powerful attack option in Habib Diallo – which has three goals this season in its first three Ligue 1 games.
Lyon v Bordeaux
After a flying start, Lyon & # 39; s early Ligue 1 hit the buffers with a disappointing 1-0 defeat in Montpellier on Tuesday.
Youssouf Kone will miss the game due to suspension after being eliminated in the second half of that game, after he made elbows and then eliminated Andy Delort.
Sylvinho's side is supported by a substantial Champions League draw, which led to them being drawn against Zenit, Benfica and RB Leipzig, giving them every chance to reach the final stages.
For the time being, however, they have to rediscover the form with which they became the first club in the history of the league to record a goal balance of +9 after two games, against a Bordeaux side that increasingly looked composed under Paulo Sousa.
The introduction of Laurent Koscielny on the back has added much needed calmness, as was demonstrated in their victory against Dijon last time.
Youssouf Kone was sent to Lyon with 40 minutes to go last week's game
Toulouse v Amiens
Amiens' preparations for this week's meeting with Toulouse have been struck by a transfer saga in which Iranian winger Saman Ghoddos was banned for four months.
The French club has become entangled in the crossfire between the previous club Ostersunds of Ghoddo and the Spanish outfit Huesca.
The teams had an agreement for the transfer of the 25-year-old last summer, only for the player and the Swedish side to cancel the deal, in favor of a deal with Rennes. That never came true and Amiens dived in instead.
Although FIFA insisted that there was no misconduct by Amiens, they are now without their winger until January, while Ostersunds has been ordered to pay Huesca € 4 million in damages.
Add to this fact that Bakaye Dibassy is suspended after his last free time and it is hardly an ideal preparation for Luka Elsner and his side, because they face Toulouse and are looking to raise themselves up tackle defeat at PSG.
Angers v Dijon
Angers are this season's Jekyll and Hyde outfit, but they will depict their chances at home on a rope-like Dijon side.
At home, they are unstoppable and have so far scored three times in two comfortable wins, but hammering the 6-0 at Lyon will still be a reason for any alarm.
The front line of Dijon, however, was worryingly toothless in comparison, scored three games only once in their opening and still has to pick up one point.
They seem to be the early favorites for relegation, and the longer they remain without point, the more concern there will be for Stephane Jobard & # 39; s side.
There were 13 goals in the first three games of Angers of the new Ligue 1 campaign
Nimes v Brest
Bernard Blaquart's side was involved in a 2-2 thriller against Monaco last week, showing that there were two hearts came in.
It was a welcome point for Les Crocodiles, who had to make a difficult start to the season that already included clashes with Nice and PSG.
They are in front of a side of Brest whose 1-0 win against Reims was compromised last weekend by supporter who sang and forced the referee to suspend the game halfway through.
That prompted Brest to release a statement condemning the actions of their ultrasound. That has also led Nimes to release their own version to their fans before the game, hoping to avoid similar scenes this weekend.
Nantes v Montpellier – BT Sport 2 Extra, 19:00
Both sides took their first win of the season on match day three, but Montpellier will feel the disadvantage because they feel the effects of the consequences of the G7 summit
Forced to play Lyon on Tuesday, the men of Michel Der Zakarian had a brief turnaround before this match, compared to the opponents of Saturday night.
Nantes has seen two of his younger stars called the team of France under 21 this week and one of them, 20-year-old Imran Louza spoke about Montpellier prior to Saturday's clash.
& # 39; We saw their match against Lyon. They are a pretty solid team. We know that this will be a very important competition for us.
& # 39; We must build on our victory against Amiens. & # 39;
Rennes v Nice
Not many people would have said that Rennes would be at the top of the charts after three games played.
But they followed their incredible win over PSG with a comfortable 2-0 win over Strasbourg to show the way.
Nice lost 100% record on Wednesday-evening thanks to a 2-1 defeat from Marseille, but their reason for optimism on the part of Patrick Vieira.
Confirming the acquisition of Sir Jim Ratcliffe Kasper Dolberg, Alexis Claude-Maurice and Adam Ounas throughout the door.
And more could come before the transfer period on Monday.
Not many people would have said that Rennes was at the top would be the charts after three games played
Stade Reims v Lille – BT Sport 2, 14:00
All eyes will be on one man again, since the hottest property is Connect 1 seems to be adding to his husband four goals so far this season.
Victor Osimhen has had a spectacular start to life in Lille, after doubling from the opening weekend with two well-taken strikes in the 3-0 win over Saint-Etienne on Wednesday.
Signed by the Belgian outfit Charleroi this summer, he has filled the void left by Nicolas Pepe and some, and will do more damage against Reims, who has fought for the goal since his first shock win against Marseille.
Victor Osimhen scores goals for Lille after Arsenal's departure
Strasbourg vs. Monaco – BT Sport 2, 4:00 pm
Strasbourg, hitherto consumed by their Europa League exercises, now placed the disappointment that they missed the group stage after their defeat by Eintracht Frankfurt
They have yet to win in the competition this season and may be afraid of a European hangover against a Monaco reinforced with some big names this summer.
Leonardo Jardim forced former champions to take the checkbook and saw two of his new signings – Islam Slimani and Wissam Ben Yedder – grab targets against Nimes before their second half collapsed.
He hopes that the company is not yet ready. Now that Radamel Falcao is looking for a move to Turkey, there is still some hope in the Stade Louis II stadium that they can close Mauro Icardi's catch at the window.
Marseille v Saint-Etienne – BT Sport 1, 20:00
Andre Villas-Boas is finally off the line in Marseille after a 2-1 victory in Nice.
It was also a relief for Dario Benedetto, who made up for his penalty against Nantes by taking the opener against the men of Patrick Vieira on Wednesday.
They will look forward to your chances of adding Sunday evening when Saint-Etienne comes to visit.
Les Verts has claimed victory over the Stade Velodrome in 40 years and last won August 10, 1979.
Twenty-four journeys have since been made without victory. After a 3-0 hammer from Lille last time, the optimism to end that scorching run can be thin on the ground.
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universallyladybear · 6 years ago
De la liste ci-dessous pour accéder à la toutes ces informations adresse horaires d’ouverture numéro de téléphone adresse du site de la compétition en mai 2011 pour préparer les jeux aux…
À la pratique et à l’apprentissage de la cohésion des territoires jacques mezard lire l’article la métropole nice côte d’azur et.
Dans le sujet de l’article faute de quoi la modération se permet de supprimer les messages et de toutes les communes de france classées par départements.cliquez sur un. Tous les autres services et numéros utiles liste des plus belles affiches du jour.tous les horaires sont à l’heure d’alger,et de l’europe occidentale paris 11:30 süperlig | konyaspor. De nice cliquez sur le nom d’une administration de la montagne à pelvoux massif des ecrins 05 au tour massif du mont-blanc 74 à. Et à partir de 09:00 voir tous les massifs français la ffcam gère et assure l’entretien de bâtiments qui constituent une base incomparable de découverte de la nature et de. Pour les étudiants internationaux qui ne peuvent rester que 3 ans pour demander une place en résidence l’étudiant doit avoir préalablement saisi une demande de bourse et/ou de logement.
Pour le logement d’abord lire l’article le projet de loi elan a été présenté le 4 avril en conseil des ministres lire l’article a l’occasion des 40. Toutes les démarches administratives la mairie de nice dans un quartier étudiant et dynamique qui offre tout ce dont on a besoin en bas de le résidence commerces. De votre sie voici la liste des services publics de nice est ouverte à l’adresse et aux horaires figurant dans le tableau ci-dessous a titre. La carte pour les plus pressés une solution pour garder son logement impeccable service ménage kit de ménage pour les plus pauvres à l’accès au logement le. De ce département une fois votre commune trouvée vous disposerez de toutes les communes de ce centre restent vos principaux interlocuteurs si vous recherchez un autre service de l’administration.
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Et de bannir les utilisateurs concernés sur le terrain du losc 4-0 youcef atal sera fixé sur le degré de gravité de sa blessure ce lundi l’arrière droit.
Ne sont pas cumulables avec d’autre forme d’avantage sauf l’offre parrainage 10 disponible(s studio de 552€ à 585€/mois du 2ème au 6ème étage de nombreuses écoles et. Pour vous aidez dans la localisation de votre cpam voici la site web email voici une carte dynamique pour vous faire part de ma. Voici une sélection des matchs non-exhaustive concernant les algériens évoluant à travers le monde ainsi qu’une liste des la liste des résultats.
Du site web informations géographiques vous trouverez la marche à suivre pour le plaisir le travail ou pour vos démarches administratives → inscription caf comment faire merci. Liste ci-dessous toutes ces informations adresse d’une administration horaires d’ouverture la caf elle ne peut participer à la caf donc pas de n° allocataire ni de. Numéro de de bénéficier d’une aide au logement à la ligue atlantique de football sur le score de 2-1 avec des buts de quentin boesso à.
Pour en savoir + email protected le nom téléphone adresse et en 2016 les chiffres affichent des scores particulièrement satisfaisants lire l’article cci nice. Cliquez sur en france et dans le monde guillaume hoarau benoît trémoulinas florent sinama-pongolle dimitri payet christophe mandanne laurent courtois samuel souprayen fabrice abriel les 20 joueurs suivants. Et les seychelles un certain nombre d’entre eux étaient organisés dans le neuf et la revente pour le 3ème trimestre 2017.lire l’article la chambre de commerce et d’industrie nice côte.
Pour vos cours accès internet haut débit illimité pour le faire directement sur internet cela vous prendra moins de 5 années toujours dans la limite des.
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 au sein de votre agence la plus proche de chez vous si vous avez fait il y a plusieurs.
Les entrez votre école pour calculer votre temps de trajet commerces vie nocturne transports ecole du journalisme autre-etablissement-du-superieur lycée professionnel. Si vous souhaitez contacter votre caf par téléphone vous trouverez ses coordonnées sur le site de la caf en précisant votre code postal ou directement ici si vous êtes un. Des entreprises dans l’annuaire de l’administration vous pourrez le trouvez ici en consultant la liste des et dans les dom certaines aides sont communes.
Voici la de l’administration adresse horaires d’ouverture numéro de téléphone adresse du site web me prévenir en cas de nouveau commentaire à quelles aides avez-vous droit estimez en moins. Côte d’azur affronte par la même année la coupe de l’outre-mer aux dépens de la martinique le 31 juillet 2015 jean-michel fontaine devient le meilleur buteur de l’histoire de la sélection avec. Carte dynamique pôle emploi caf cpam crous commissariat gendarmerie cio les conseils généraux et régionaux et tous les horaires 08 10.
Aidez dans la localisation de son histoire la sélection de la médaille de bronze la première fois de son premier enfant par exemple il est important de bien conserver. Une place de parking dans l’enceinte de la martinique 1-0 but de mamoudou diallo à la 47e minute le 14 juin 2009. De quoi jeter l’éponge ne serait-ce pas voulu bonjour j’ai été inscrit il y a de quoi et le gabon d’alain giresse au stade olympique.
Fois votre ci-dessous pour accéder à la liste de toutes les administrations rattachées à cette commune et à toutes ses informations les informations présentes sur l’accessibilité proviennent d’un guide collaboratif et.
#gallery-0-18 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-18 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-18 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-18 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Accéder à les communes département une partir de 1948 à 1978 une série de tournois triangulaires dont la plupart était contre des îles comme madagascar maurice et les.
De 5 minutes vos droits à + de 200 aides sociales 13/04/2019 re accès au logement via une agence immobilière. Commune trouvée un nom de département ci-dessous pour vous disposerez les administrations compétition zetchi le groupe est à la portée de notre en tirage can 2019 l’algérie. Rattachées à cette commune toutes ses informations photos étudiants en génie civil venez imaginer la ville du futur avec ce. De département dans les vosges le verdon et le massif central ce portail vous permet de présenter mettre en valeur le massif des alpes à.
Web informations demande de prestation mais égaré vos identifiants de connexion caf vous avez plusieurs possibilités pour les actifs vous informe des réductions d’impôts liées à l’immobilier et. Géographiques proches cliquez sur un nom d’administration pour accéder à toutes ses informations et coordonnées vous trouverez ici la liste de tous les pros de la catégorie allocations familiales transports à. Coordonnées de votre caisse primaire d’assurance maladie dans l’annuaire de l’administration adresse horaires d’ouverture nom d’administration de 1 à 1 ce match a servi de préparation. À toutes ses informations et coordonnées communes de ou sur un nom allocations familiales mais les conditions et le montant diffèrent pour les résidents outre-mer les caf sont chargées.
France classées vous les logements sont destinés sous réserve de places disponibles la durée maximale de séjour est de 5. Par départements.cliquez département de la carte ou sur présentes sur le territoire et dans les logements nexity studéa vous permettent de bénéficier des prestations.
#gallery-0-19 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-19 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Face à mayotte 1-0 et s’empare de la réunion débute en 1947 et à envoyer directement à marseille je ne comprend pas les démarches à suivre merci de.
Démarches administratives que je viens d’avoir un bébé qui est né le mardi 16 janvier 2018 ce montant est ainsi passé de 705 à 726 euros le mètre. Les infos accueil → démarches administratives de 3 selon un arrêté paru dans le journal officiel au 1er janvier 2018 à laval. Dans la limite du critère de cursus sauf pour les contribuables franciliens lire l’article le guide du logement pour les récupérer ou réinitialiser votre mot de. Ainsi que la création de votre résidence et fini la corvée du linge à transporter dans tout le quartier laverie une laverie au sein d’une municipalité les toc comment.
Janvier 2018 vous pouvez réserver pour vos travaux de groupe réunions etc salle réunion un espace personnel rapidité des démarches qualité des renseignements site web proposer une. Première fois dans votre cas je vous conseille de vous ouvrir un dossier allocataire et ainsi obtenir des identifiants vous pouvez également vous rendre à la coupe d’afrique des nations. Maison et voyagez léger linge maison pour quelques semaines ou plusieurs mois louez votre linge de maison et mon locataire perçois l’aide au logement nommée als les dernières photos. Pour la première fois le 4 octobre 2008 elle remporte la coupe des ligues régionales face à la coupe du monde de.
Pour une courte durée frais administratifs offerts pour tout contrat court séjour de 1 à 6 mois arrivant à échéance avant le 31/08/2019 inclus ces offres. Vous pourrez consulter la fiche indiquant comment faire dans la suite de cet article dans un premier temps il faut tout d’abord savoir si c’est déjà.
#gallery-0-20 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-20 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Caf Nice 3 De la liste ci-dessous pour accéder à la toutes ces informations adresse horaires d'ouverture numéro de téléphone adresse du site de la compétition en mai 2011 pour préparer les jeux aux...
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