#maura murray
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dailyunsolvedmysteries · 1 year ago
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On the morning of the disappearance, Murray informed a nursing school faculty work supervisor via email that she would be away for a week due to a family death. Contrary to her message, her family confirmed that no such death had occurred. Sometime after 7 pm, Murray crashed her car into a tree. Seemingly uninjured, she spoke to a local bus driver moments after the crash. The bus driver offered to call for help. She asked him not to call the police. The bus driver continued home and called the police. His call was received by the Sheriff's Department at 7:43 pm. Just minutes later, the police arrived at the scene. However, to their bewildered the female driver was nowhere to be seen. The police noted that her car had hit a tree on the driver's side of the vehicle, rendering it no longer drivable. Inside the car, the police officer found an empty beer bottle and a damaged box of wine on the rear seat. However, her debit card, credit cards, and cell phone were all missing. Non of which have been used in the years following her disappearance. Initially, police treated Murray as a missing person based on the belief that she may have wanted to disappear voluntarily. In 2019, investigators searched a house and dug up a basement in Haverhill. They had previously searched the property, but had not searched inside the home. The search was prompted by local dogs and a radar scan, which seemed to indicate that the ground had been moved. The search did not bring any further clues as to what might have happened to Maura. As of 2023, Maura Murray is still a missing person and the circumstances surrounding her disappearance remain unresolved.
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cinemaslife · 1 year ago
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#54 Aguas que corroen (Rust Creek) (2019)
Sawyer (Hermione Corfield) tiene una entrevista de trabajo en Washington y un coche que se cae a pedazos, decide tomar un desvío para ir a la entrevista y evitar el tráfico por acción de gracias, tomando carreteras secundarias para llegar a su destino. El GPS le indica que continúe por una carretera cortada y decide seguir desviándose por caminos secundarios, lo que la lleva a adentrarse más en el bosque.
Cuando baja de su vehículo para consultar un mapa se acercan a ella dos hombres Buck (Daniel R. Hill) y Hollister (Micah Hauptman), que son hermanos y que le pide que se quede a cenar con ellos, ya que en seguida va a oscurecer, cuando ella se niega intentan agredirla, pero ella se defiende y se esconde en el bosque. Los hermanos creen que ella les ha visto hacer algo mientras vagaba con su coche por el bosque perdido, y por eso deciden atacarla. Huye herida a través del bosque, motivándose para continuar. Aunque acaba durmiendo al raso y recordando que se deja el móvil en el coche.
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Alguien denuncia su vehículo por abandonado y la policía cree que está relacionado con otro crimen, pese a que el alguacil va a casa de los hermanos que están hechos un auténtico cromo por la paliza que les da Sawyer, se va sin hacer preguntas y asumiendo que es un accidente de caza.
Mientras ella se acerca al río para lavarse la cuchillada que los hermanos le dan en la pierna y lo cierto es que aunque se trata de una chica valiente, no está en su mejor momento. Los hermanos despeñan el coche de la chica después de la visita del alguacil. Por lo que sus posibilidades de salir se vuelven 0.
El plan de los hermanos sureños es, básicamente, perseguirla hasta dar con ella, algo no especialmente elaborado. Mientras Sawyer busca el móvil dentro del coche y lo encuentra hecho añicos.
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Como cazadores que son eso es lo que hacen con ella, acecharla, pero, precisamente, como cazadores no están preparados a que su presa se revuelva.
Cuando se queda inconsciente por el frío y el dolor, alguien la encuentra en el bosque y la lleva a su caravana. Se despierta sobresaltada y en un lugar que es un laboratorio de metanfetamina. Así descubre a un muchacho Lowell (Jay Paulson), pero antes de que se pueda dar cuenta se vuelve a quedar inconsciente por el dolor.
En la comisario todos se creen que el coche se quedaría sin gasolina y que se iría, pero el ayudante del alguacil insiste en llamar al dueño del coche registrado para quedarse más tranquilo.
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Los hermanos son primos de Lowell y están unidos en el negocio de las drogas, parece que Lowell no es como sus primos y quiere ayudar a la chica, pero para eso no puede perder su lealtad con ellos.
Sawyer escapa de sus ataduras antes de que los primos entren en la caravana y no anda muy lejos cuando Lowell la vuelve a encontrar al lado de unas ruinas.
Al fin la policía hace su trabajo, pero no gracias al alguacil, y descubren que el coche pertenece a los padres de Sawyer, pero estos se lo dieron a su hija y esta ahora se encuentra desaparecida.
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Lowell confiesa que cocina metanfetamina desde los 14 años y que por eso sabe tanto acerca de eso. Pese a que es amable con ella, no deja de tenerla retenida, él no tiene coche y están muy lejos de la civilización. Estando herida, morirá en el bosque. En un par de días los hermanos se irán, dejarán sus coches y Lowell la liberará.
Los dos congenian y hablan de química y de como conseguir la sustancia que Lowell necesita para poder venderla junto a los hermanos, también queda claro que el alguacil está implicado en los negocios de los primos, y desea que Sawyer aparezca muerta lo antes posible.
El ayudante del alguacil lo pilla en una conversación comprometida con los hermanos, y lo acaban asesinando. El plan, elaboradísimo, es plantarle el secuestro al ayudante.
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Mientras Sawyer empieza a desarrollar un síndrome de Estocolmo bastante majo, aunque Lowell sea bastante simpático, las cosas no dejan de ser como son, y más cuando el alguacil va a visitarlo a su caravana. Los primos saben que la chica está en la caravana por unas pisadas de más en el porche de la caravana.
Lowell y Sawyer le tienden una trampa a los hermanos cuando los descubren en la caravana, haciendo que todo estalle por los aires, pero hiriendo a ambos en la explosión. Por lo que Lowell no puede acompañarla mientras ella huye, y cuando tiene a su primo contra las cuerdas aparece el alguacil para dispararle.
La chica ya recuperada sale corriendo, huyendo por el bosque, y mientras el alguacil mata a Hollister, Sawyer es tan boba que cuando un coche de policía va a buscarla, ¡pum! Es el alguacil.
Ella no lo reconoce, pese a que sabe que los primos trabajaban para alguien más al que nunca vio ni oyó, por lo que el alguacil decide aprovecharse y pedirle que baje del coche para caminar hasta el arroyo. Para que se meta dentro y poder ahogarla. Sawyer mata de una puñalada al hombre y lo deja en el arroyo para que el agua se lo lleve.
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"Esta película ha sido difícil de visionar en castellano, ya que no está en las plataformas de streaming de manera gratuita y quería verla, en internet se comenta que es posible que esta sea una representación de lo que ocurrió en realidad con la desaparición de Maura Murray."
Maura Murray fue una joven de 21 años que desapareció después de un accidente de coche.
Un automovilista que pasaba y que también vivía cerca se detuvo en el lugar y le preguntó a la mujer que conducía el automóvil si necesitaba ayuda; ella se negó, alegando haber llamado a la asistencia en carretera. Al llegar a casa varios minutos después, el automovilista informó el accidente a los servicios de emergencia. Apenas veinte minutos después de la denuncia telefónica, la policía se presentó en el lugar de los hechos, pero la joven accidentada ya no se encontraba allí.
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mauramurrayevidence · 2 years ago
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musicmanstuff · 1 year ago
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heroslitteraires · 1 year ago
Affaire réel étrange.
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James Renner.
Maura Murray a disparu. 403 pages.
Imaginez une jeune femme sur une route du Nord. Derrière elle, les montagnes de la Nouvelle-Angleterre et quelques tracas de la vie quotidienne : une rupture, des problèmes d’argent, et maintenant une sortie de route… Un voisin lui demande si elle a besoin d’aide. La jeune fille refuse, elle a déjà appelé les secours. Saisi d’un doute, il prévient la police qui arrive sept minutes plus tard : la voiture est toujours là mais la conductrice, elle, s’est volatilisée. Elle s’appelait Maura Murray; elle avait 21 ans. On ne la reverra plus jamais. De cette énigme absolue, impénétrable et ordinaire, James Renner va remonter cent pistes, recueillir des témoignages, échafauder des plans, jusqu’à l’obsession…
Mon avis :
Intéressante recherche sur Maura Murray. Par contre, je ne m’attendais pas à ce que le livre soit romancé par l’histoire des recherches et de la vie personnelle de l’auteur. Avec les témoignages que le journaliste a faits, il a pu en connaitre davantage sur cette jeune femme. On la décrivait comme une femme toujours souriante, avenante, sportive, toutes des qualités quoi! Mais les rencontre qu’il a fait, il a pu avoir un portrait un peu plus juste, comme par exemple, qu’elle avait des problèmes amoureux. Juste avant sa disparition, elle avait reçu un appel de sa sœur qui lui ont fait de la peine. Qu’elle avait tendance à faire des vols. Et surtout, qu’elle avait probablement fait un accident et à laisser un homme laisser pour mort. Donc, elle avait peut-être des raisons de vouloir s’enfuir… Du moins, c’est ce que j’espère. Pour qu’elle soit encore envie. Cependant, si c’est le cas, malgré le fait qu’elle a été aperçue à quelques endroit comme à Sherbrooke au Québec, cela serait bien qu’elle donne signe de vie à sa famille qui la cherche depuis toute ces années. Somme toute, le journaliste a fait de bonnes recherches, j’espère que cela portera fruit et qu’on s’aura ce qui s’est passé avec cette jeune femme!
Connaissez-vous l’histoire de Maura Murray?
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sadderda7e · 9 months ago
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I don't know how many people in tccblr listen to true crime bullshit. But anyway, it's a podcast about Israel Keyes. In the latest season, the podcast claimed Israel Keyes was responsible for the disappearance of Maura Murray and posted some pictures they thought were Israel Keyes.
Dude, this guy looked more like the resurrection of Timothy McVeigh than Israel Keyes.
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redistrictgirl · 4 months ago
Which Politicians Are Sticking Up for the Trans Community?
So the first issue the new Trumpfecta is tackling is trans people in bathrooms. This is actually a rather shocking priority even within the context of Project 2025, but the recent election of Sarah McBride to the House of Representatives seems to have set off Nancy Mace - and the South Carolinian got her first priority in astonishingly short order. Before you doom about the future of queer rights, here are some Democrats across the ideological spectrum who are publicly, clearly sticking up for trans people even after the election. Politicians representing states or districts that are not safely Democratic themselves are bolded.
JB Pritzker (IL-GOV) - Commemorated Trans Day of Remembrance, stated “trans rights are human rights”
Andy Beshear (KY-GOV) - Defended decision to veto anti-trans legislation
Maura Healey (MA-GOV) - Criticized fellow Massachusetts Democrat Seth Moulton for implying support of trans sports ban
Alex Padilla (CA-SEN) - Provided trans-positive statement to Erin in the Morning
Richard Blumenthal (CT-SEN) - Provided trans-positive statement to Erin in the Morning
Tammy Duckworth (IL-SEN) - Provided trans-positive statement to Erin in the Morning
Ben Cardin (MD-SEN) - Provided trans-positive statement to Erin in the Morning
John Fetterman (PA-SEN) - Implied he would rather lose his Senate seat than misgender Ms. McBride (a mandatory misgendering rule in Congress has been floated by House Republicans) and publicly offered her use of his private bathroom
Ron Wyden (OR-SEN) - Provided trans-positive statement to Erin in the Morning
Peter Welch (VT-SEN) - Provided trans-positive statement to Erin in the Morning, specifically referencing health care
Patty Murray (WA-SEN) - Stated that Democrats can win elections without “sacrificing” trans people
Maxwell Frost (FL-10) - Commemorated Trans Day of Rememberance
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) - Criticized bathroom bills
Jasmine Crockett (TX-30) - With respect to McBride, called on Republicans to “stop the bigotry”
So to my fellow Trans Americans, we��re not alone. And we don’t have to just rely on these politicians either - we have our families (found or otherwise) and each other.
This list is almost certainly incomplete - if you have a quote or statement from a politician specifically defending the transgender community, please share it so I can update the list! Several senators and governors provided statements in an article from Erin in the Morning. Erin Reed is an elite journalist, I encourage you to check her out.
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mauramurrayevidence · 2 years ago
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writingsofadelusionalgirlie · 2 months ago
I see the fire in your eyes - Chapter 1 : Such a long journey
Summary: Luisa Ganci, a Belgian opera singer, wakes up in 1899 within the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. Trapped in a reality that was never meant to exist, she struggles to survive among the Van der Linde gang while carrying a dangerous secret—she knows how their story ends.
Arthur Morgan doesn’t trust her. She knows too much, and he’s determined to find out why. But can fate truly be changed, or is Luisa doomed to watch tragedy unfold before her eyes?
POV: Luisa Ganci
I had listened to dozens of podcasts about disappearances over the years. They accompanied everything I did—whether I was at the gym, driving, or grocery shopping. Because of my profession, I wasn’t inclined to listen to music; I heard too much of it already. So, podcasts were my go-to choice. I had heard about disappearances stranger than fiction, like Maura Murray’s case, and had even read the Outlander series, which told the story of a young woman sent two hundred years into the past, leaving her husband in uncertainty. None of the theories I had ever heard seemed plausible to me and my rational mind.
What happened to me didn’t seem plausible in the slightest.
I had been skiing in the Swiss Alps with my best friend and her husband when I lost my grip on reality. On a black diamond run, despite being an experienced skier, I miscalculated a turn. I shot toward the trees, tried to brake, but crashed headfirst into a trunk before hitting a rock. My body tumbled through the snow— That’s the last thing I can remember.
I woke up in the snow, dazed, a metallic taste in my mouth. A dull buzzing echoed in my head. Blinded by the whiteness of the snow, I closed my eyes and wiggled my toes. They moved, and I felt no pain. Slowly, I sat up and took slow breaths.
Around me were conifers, and I struggled to spot the markers that lined the ski slope. I didn’t think I’d skied this far, but it became clear that nothing around me indicated any human activity.
Leaning against a tree, I got up cautiously and was surprised to notice that I felt no pain, despite having crashed into a tree and flown over rocks. I walked upwards, trying to spot the slopes and ski lifts from a higher vantage point, but to my great surprise, there was nothing. Nothing at all.
“Do you need help, madam?”
I spun around, startled, and was even more surprised when I saw a man driving a carriage, dressed as if from a very distant time. He spoke to me in English, which wasn’t unusual in such a touristy ski resort, but I couldn’t understand why he’d be offering historical rides in the area.
“Yes, sir. I took a bad fall and can’t find the way back to the slopes,” I told him politely.
“The slopes? What slopes?” he asked, a puzzled look on his face.
“Well, the ski slopes,” I said, my tone indicating the obviousness of my response.
“Ski? I don’t understand what you’re talking about, madam. But I’m heading to the Valentine station. I can take you there if you like.”
I assumed that station couldn’t be too far, considering he was traveling by carriage. The village or town didn’t ring any bells, but I was more familiar with the French or Italian ski resorts than the Swiss ones.
���Alright, thank you,” I conceded.
He shifted slightly to make room for me on the bench and gave a scrutinizing look at my ski outfit.
“Tell me where are you from, with an outfit like that ?”
He looked utterly bewildered.
“I told you, I was skiing,” I said, growing impatient.
“I don’t understand a word of your nonsense. Where is your accent from? Are you french ? Are you from Saint-Denis?”
“No, I’m from Belgium,” I replied, rummaging through my pockets to find my phone.
I must have lost it in the fall. I sighed, resigned. I’d look for it later with Ariane.
“You’ve come quite a long way,” he remarked.
Switzerland wasn’t that far from home. I raised my eyebrows and replied:
“Not really. And there aren’t really any ski resorts back home. And you, are you a local?”
“Yes, madam, my family has been here since 1830,” he replied, though he wore an expression of complete confusion.
“Well! That’s quite a long time.”
He chuckled.
“It was my grandparents who settled in the region, it’s not that long ago.”
I narrowed my eyes, calculating mentally. It was utterly impossible for his grandparents to have settled here 195 years ago. This man was at most forty. Suddenly, I understood.
“Aha! You’re staying in character. I must say, you’re good at it. I believed you, but I’m not bad at math to fall for that. Is there a local festival or something?”
He seemed completely lost. He turned to me, accusing:
“Madam, did you hit your head? Are you feeling alright?”
“I’m perfectly fine,” I snapped, now irritated by his antics as an actor.
“I don’t understand a word you’re saying, madam. I think you should see a doctor in Valentine when we get there.”
Maybe he was right. I must have looked unwell, maybe even had some blood or scratches on my face. Perhaps I had misunderstood his instructions.
“You’re probably right. Would you have some water?” I asked.
He pulled a flask from his bag, and I raised an eyebrow. He was taking the joke a bit too far.
“Madam, if you’ve been in contact with someone who has tuberculosis, please don’t return this flask to me.”
I nearly choked, scandalized.
“What’s wrong with you? I’m vaccinated, you know?”
“Vaccinated? Did a quack sell you some medicine for the disease?”
I thought I was dreaming. I let my head fall against the wooden frame of the carriage and closed my eyes, letting the jolts of the road lull me. I didn’t have the strength to answer.
I was awakened by loud voices, the sounds of cattle and horses, and a dreadful smell of sheep. I opened my eyes and caught sight of the lights of a town. I felt relieved and happy to finally see signs of civilization and sat up on the bench.
"Is this Valentine?" I asked. "Yes, ma'am! It's not very big, but it has everything you need."
As we got closer, I felt a growing weight in my stomach. Valentine was nothing like a small Swiss village on the outskirts of a popular ski resort. Valentine looked like a mountain town straight out of the American Wild West. It was exactly like the little town where I used to cause mayhem when I was playing on my PlayStation seven years ago. A town that was called Valentine too. And when we entered the town’s main street, I nearly fainted. Everything was just as I remembered—but without the pixelated look of a video game, which was why I hadn’t recognized it sooner.
I reached out with a trembling hand, grabbing the stagecoach driver's arm.
"Sir, what year is it?" I asked, my voice shaking. "It’s January 1899, ma’am. I’m going to take you to the doctor so you can rest. You look like you've seen a ghost, and you can't even remember the year we're in."
"No!" I groaned. "I don’t want to see the doctor. I want to go back to where I came from." "Belgium? That’s not going to be easy, ma’am." "No! Back... back to the mountains."
I had to return to where I had woken up. There must have been a passage, a portal, like in Outlander. Or... or maybe all of this was just a terrible nightmare, and I would wake up in a hospital bed.
I tried to pinch my thigh, but my thick suit prevented me. I discreetly pinched my cheek and felt pain. I wasn’t subtle enough for the coachman, who grabbed my arm and dragged me roughly down the main street of Valentine, all the way to the doctor’s office, which I obviously knew.
He knocked violently on the door, holding my elbow firmly. To our right, the sheriff was watching us with a suspicious eye, and I stopped struggling. Asking him for help would be useless; my status as a woman was worth no more than cattle at that time, especially with not a penny to my name.
The office door opened slowly, and the doctor looked at us with an accusing eye.
“If it’s because you’ve been drinking too much, young man, that you’re disturbing me so late, you’ll regret it.”
“I found this woman in the mountains. She was wandering, she seems to have lost her mind.”
The doctor finally looked at me, as if realizing I was there, and scanned my outfit.
“What is she wearing?”
“She says she’s from Belgium and that she was... skaying.”
“Skiing,” I corrected him, knowing it wouldn’t help.
The smell of sheep manure was starting to make me sick, and the hardships of the journey had completely exhausted me.
“Come in,” the doctor motioned.
The coachman let go of my arm, and the door closed behind him. I found myself in the doctor’s office, his wife in a nightgown leaning against the counter with a tired expression.
“Go to bed, Emily, I won’t be long,” he told her.
She obeyed without a word, and the doctor motioned for me to sit.
“So, my dear, what brings you here?”
“I had a bad fall,” I replied without really thinking.
“Do you feel pain anywhere?”
“My head hurts.”
It was the truth. He nodded and touched my forehead, then examined my skull.
“I don’t see any signs of injury. Can you give me your full name?”
“Luisa...” it was too late to lie, I had just given him my real first name. “Luisa Ganci.”
“Madame Luisa Ganci, where are you from?”
“Where, in Belgium?”
“Do you have any family, a husband, living around here?”
“I... I don’t remember,” I lied.
He sighed and nodded.
“The blow to the head must have caused some temporary memory loss. Drink this and rest. Tomorrow, we’ll report to the Sheriff that you’ve been found, and with a bit of luck, your husband or family might come to report your disappearance.”
“No, I need to go back to the mountains, where they found me... my... my family is probably there.”
He shook his head, his face stern.
“I doubt you’ll find a coach or anyone crazy enough to take you up there in this season. It’s a miracle you found someone to bring you down.”
I sighed and let my head fall back onto the cushion of the seat. I had an awful feeling of helplessness that made tears well up in my eyes.
“Come, child, my wife will give you clean clothes and prepare a bed for you. It’s better that you don’t eat tonight.”
I thought I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep, now that I knew I was immersed in a video game. I was wrong. I was so exhausted that I closed my eyes as soon as the blanket was pulled over me.
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years ago
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Hotel Adlon Kempinski
In the heart of Berlin, facing the Brandenburg Gate and only a few steps from the government district, you will find the legendary five-star luxury Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin. A total of 385 elegant rooms and suites, 3 top-tier restaurants, including Lorenz Adlon Esszimmer, which has been awarded with 2 Michelin stars, and a spacious spa meet the highest demands of every guest!
Under the cut is the roommates list. Couples have been roomed together and everyone else was randomized by a generator. If you have been roomed with another fc that you play, please message us politely and we will fix it asap! Roommates are subject to change due to unfollows, follows, activity check etc. so please like this post to keep up to date on any changes.
UPDATED 9/27 @ 7:20 PM EST
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) - Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair) 
Fergal Devitt - Renee Young
Hwang Hyunjin - Bang Chan
Sarah Paulson - Jessica Lange
Lee Know (Minho) - Lee Felix
Park Jinyoung - Lim Jaebeom
Awsten Knight - Miley Cyrus 
Kim Jisoo - Christian Yu
Choi Minho - Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Tyler Hoechlin - Maura Higgins
Maika Monroe - Dylan O'Brien
Kim Mingyu - Sana Minatozaki 
Zoey Deutch - Geoff Wigington
Kelsea Ballerini - Joe Keery
Shay Mitchell - Andy Biersack
Zendaya - Timothee Chalamet
Vanessa Hudgens - Austin Butler
Dua Lipa - Maya Hawke
Yoo Siah (Yooa) - Kim Minjeong (Winter)
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun) - Yoo Jimin (Karina) 
Min Yoongi - Kim Namjoon
Kim Hongjoong - Diamanté Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie)
Julianna Margulies - Cate Blanchett
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) - Lee Taeyong
Jackson Wang - Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Sebastian Stan - Margot Robbie
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) - Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) - Mercedes Justine Varnado (Sasha Banks)
Lucas Wong - Kim Jungwoo 
Lee Taemin - Kim Jongin 
Tom Holland - Natalia Dyer
Akanishi Jin - Lee Sunmi
Mark Lee - Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Zoë Kravitz - Lili Reinhart
Beyoncé Knowles - Gong Yoo
Lupita Nyong'o -Tessa Thompson
Sarah Drew - Brett Tucker
Gareth Southgate - Kendall Jenner
Choi Soobin - Sofia Carson
Ryan Gosling - Cha Eunwoo
Jensen Ackles - Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Hwang Yeji - Camila Morrone
Park Seonghwa - Romee Strijd
Lee Jeno - Louis Tomlinson
Jung Wooyoung - Mazz Murray
Byun Baekhyun  - Harry Kane
Choi San - Taylor Zakhar Perez
Olivia Rodrigo - Elizabeth Olsen
Hailey Baldwin - Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion)
Florence Pugh - Carrie Underwood
Selena Gomez - Anya Taylor-Joy
Liam Hemsworth - Kang Seulgi
Adelaine Kane  - Chace Crawford
Jang Gyuri - Molly-Mae Hague
Jessica Chastain - Ross Lynch
Sydney Sweeney - Park Seoham
Park Jihyo - Sam Claflin
Ben Feldman - America Ferrera
Taylor Momsen - Blake Lively
Bill Skarsgard - Jacob Elordi
Nicholas Galitzine - Mason Mount
Sabrina Carpenter - Jenna Ortega
Niall Horan - Ariana Grande
Kim Taehyung - Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Samantha Gibb - Leati Joseph Anoa'i (Roman Reigns)
Joey King - Joshua Wong
Lauren Jauregui - Min Yoongi
Taylor Swift  - Naomi Scott
Lucy Hale - Emma Mackey
Jeon Jungkook - David Corenswet
Otto Wood - Madelyn Cline
Halle Bailey - Brittany Baker (Britt Baker)
Cillian Murphy - Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth - Na Jaemin
Lily James – Glen Powell
Olivia Culpo - Danny Amendola 
Bruno Mars - Gigi Hadid
Josephine Skriver - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Harry Styles - Sofia Carson
Nick Jonas - Jennie Kim
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doodles-with-noodles · 10 months ago
*Eats your door*
Mmh tasty :)
Who would keep the clearest head in a crisis situation?
Anyone that likes the taste of blood?
Does anyone use multiple sets of pronouns?
So on the Ikarus some of them aren't actually space people right? Do they just have to pretend to have something to do and to know what they're doing when Cecil is around?
Who's most scared of being seen?
Who's longing the most to be seen?
Character that would get cancelled on the bird site.
Characters with the most complicated dynamic?
For Mathildis and Treeve which moment exactly would be when they get divorced? The fight? Explosion? When he burns him?
Does anyone have an actual child/children?
*Rides away into the sunset on a stick horse"
Maura, Malik and Cian. They are incredibly focused at times- even more so if all depends on them.
No… I don’t think so. For most of them blood is associated with violence.
No, I don’t have anyone actually!
I changed that since I changed the size of the crew- all of them are perfectly capable and Roscoe works alone in the beginning. Ed is now your resident computer sciences guy- I think it fits him well. Also for their mission, they have to all work together very closely- no mistakes allowed.
Cian. He’s all closed off and feels like he needs to. Which makes some things very funny in a way, when taken in contrast with his brothers (and kind of sad): when Morris falls head over heels for someone, it’s very, very easy to spot, like he’s screaming their name- Cian maybe just shows a more interest for what they have to say with a little more smiles than usual. Similar to him are Maura and Charlie, although he’s so much more fucked up and closed- but all of them have this strong, no-softness-allowed facade that stems from a feeling of responsibility. Treeve also is scared, just differently, like Ed, both wanting to but at the same time hiding behind a humorous mask. Mathildis is scared of being seen as what everyone tells him he is.
Mathildis, of course! He has always been told his power defines him- he longs for someone who sees him as a person (whom he finds in Treeve before the Fission Test). Cecil is also similar- I would dare to say his father paid more attention to his mistakes than him as a person. Malik too struggles with only a trait of him being seen and his personality being often ignored, which as a disabled person happens so fucking often. I think they all have that similar archetype I guess?
Cecil for being Murray senior’s son..
Oof. I would say the Kilmoores are the first contenders for that. The brotherly feelings (or the apparent lack thereof) and the whole gang mentality makes them very much complicated. Also Mathildis and Treeve because, well. They are a disaster.
I think the explosion knits something again, briefly- at least for Treeve. Mathildis is not… alive enough for that to do something. So I would say the real deal is when they meet each other again and delirious Mathildis burns him, then it’s really over, especially because he’s dazed and in pain but his first action is still to hurt Treeve.
Maura has two I think? Post everything Mathildis and Treeve do also have their own families. Lachlan also has children. Beyond that, I reckon most of them have children later. *I shoot your stick horse*
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brian-in-finance · 1 year ago
Names and FACES we know.
Murtagh, Dougal, Colum… ???
Thanks for the message, Anon. You’re referring to The Herald’s story, Outlander 'Blood of My Blood': Prequel to begin filming in Glasgow, where Matthew B Roberts says:
The title is a nod to Jamie Fraser’s marriage vow to Claire and there will be several names and faces that Outlander fans will know and recognise.
Many names will be familiar, but I think it’s misleading to say we’ll recognise faces. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Brian and Ellen married in 1716, which means everyone who still lives in 1743 when Claire first arrives through the stones is 27 years younger than when we meet them on TV. And… the story of Brian and Ellen’s romance begins before 1716, so the 1743ers are more than 27 years younger, BOMB time.
Which names might we recognise? You mention three obvious ones, representing the two principal clans. Will we see (young) faces to match my list of names? 🍿
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Castle Leoch: Clan MacKenzie (Photo: Starz)
The MacKenzies are here!
Jacob (Seamus Ruadh) / Anne Grant
Ellen (marries Brian Fraser)
Colum (marries Leticia Chisholm)
Dougal (marries Maura Grant)
Jocasta (marries John Cameron… future husbands, Hugh and Hector Cameron)
Old Alec
Mrs Fitz
Ned Gowan
Marcus MacRannoch
Malcolm Grant
Rupert (not much younger than Jocasta
Angus (probably close to Rupert’s age)
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Beaufort Castle: Clan Fraser (Photo: Starz, of Dean, the stunt castle)
Je suis prest!
Patriarch/Mistress (Brian’s mother)
Simon, Lord Lovat (The Old Fox) / Davina Porter
Brian (Brian Dubh)
4 half-brothers, including Simon, Master of Lovat
3 half sisters
John Murray
Mrs Murray
I’m hesitant to use dates here because discrepancies exist between sources he says mildly, but if BOMB continues into the early years of Brian and Ellen’s marriage…
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Lallybroch: Fraser-MacKenzie home (Photo: Starz)
Children (in birth order)
Ian Murray
Willie Fraser
Jenny Fraser
Jamie Fraser
Robert Fraser (dies with Ellen during childbirth)
So, there are 32 familiar names whose not-so-familiar faces we might see in BOMB. 😃 Can anyone think of other names? Comment away…
Remember… in keeping with unpopular opinions, such as enjoying The Search and Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone, Brian is looking forward to Outlander: Blood of My Blood. Some people might suggest all Brian’s taste is in his mouth. ����
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sporadiceagleheart · 8 months ago
Today's joy with Rachel Joy Scott Friday edits is for missing kids I hope soon they be found and Brought back home safe and sound Madeleine McCann, Inga Gehricke, Summer Wells, Haleigh Cummings, Morgan Nick, Ben Needham, Timmothy Pitzen, Baby Lisa Irwin, Baby Sabrina Aisenberg, Kayla Berg, Mary Boyle, Jennifer Joyce Kesse, Amy Lynn Bradley, Asha Jaquilla Degree, Brian Randall Shaffer, Brandon Swanson, Lars Joachim Mittank, Maura Murray, Kyron Richard Horman, Rebecca Coriam, Evelyn Grace Hartley, Frederick Valentich, Lauren Spierer, Marjorie West, Margaret Ellen Fox, Joshua Guimond, LeeAnna Warner, Tara Leigh Calico, Cherrie Ann Mahan, Nyleen Kay Marshall, Phoenix Coldon, Laureen Ann Rahn, Johnny Gosch, Sara Anne Wood, Rebecca Reusch, BRANDON LEE WADE, Katrice Lee, Adele Marie Wells, William Tyrrell, Rene Hasee, Jane Beaumont, Dennise Jeannette "Denny" Sullivan, Ember Skye Graham, Tricia J. Kellett, Donnis Marie "Pinky" Redman, Renee Aitken, Dulce Maria Alavez, Jonathan Allen, Victoria Allen, Mylette Josephine Anderson, Erica Nicole Baker, Ava Grace Baldwin, Amber Renee Barker, Brittney Ann Beers, Tammy Lynn Belanger, Alessia Vera Schepp, Livia Clara Schepp, Ilene Rebecca Scott, Mary Lou Sena, Natasha Marie Shanes, Kathleen Ann "Kathy" Shea, Crystal Ann Tymich, Anna[1] Christian Waters, Holly Ann Hughes, Ashley LaShay Jones, Sofia Lucerno Juarez, Amber Jean Swartz-Garcia, Brooklinn Felyxia Miller, Marjorie Christina "Christy" Luna , Lorie Lynn Lewis, Sheri Lynn Johnson, Lauren Maria Pico Jackson, Hattie Yvonne Jackson, Janice Kathryn Pockett, Alice Pereira, Sabine Morgenroth, Daniela Moreno, April Ann Cooper, Catherine Barbara "Cathy" Davidson, Mary Rachel Bryan, Hazel X. Bracamontes, Melissa Lee Brannen, Edna "Bette Jean" Masters, Shaina Ashly Kirkpatrick,
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buckybarnesss · 1 year ago
Things I hate about true crime:
1. When the hosts LOVE cops and the death penalty
2. When the hosts do no research and just read off of Wikipedia
3. When the hosts continously talk about how beautiful the victims are like, like???
the true crime community is the worst. t h e w o r s t.
and i say this as someone who has spent a non-insignificant amount of time lurking about in that community. i favor missing persons cases and historical crimes for transparency's sake.
i never really got that into podcasts for the reasons you've stated. i'm not here for what are generally two white dudes having commentary on just about anything let alone what are usually awful acts committed against vulnerable people.
i did listen to generation why and the missing maura murray podcast for a while and found they got hung up on the weirdest fucking things.
i don't even really care for the true crime youtubers much of the time either.
my litmus test is usually the black dahlia case and by that i mean do they treat elizabeth short like a person or do they buy the sensationalized press.
there's a few that have done good work, i think. like that in your own backyard podcast by chris lambert that led to the arrest and eventual conviction of paul flores for the death of kristin smart.
i think the charley project has done more for missing persons than people give it credit for.
the grateful doe subreddit has helped here and there i believe.
but like i followed james renner's blog that he kept about his work with the case of maura murray. i can say he did get a lot of documents released via FOIA but found his obsession with her downright weird and uncomfortable.
i cannot stand the discussion that surrounds the jon benet rasmey case.
and having watched each new big crime get it's own subreddit where it's an echo chamber of wild speculation has been nauseating. the delphi murders and gabby petito come immediately to mind. for a long time this kind of bullshit was contained to webslueths and now it's just everywhere.
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tonysopranosfeverdreams · 1 year ago
omg wait details about the maura murray police coverup? was this on a podcast? you got me down a rabbit hole and now i’m so curious
YES so her sister apparently has gone on a podcast started by Sarah Turney (Another sister of a girl who went missing in the 2000s). I haven't gotten the chance to listen to her recording yet, but, to broaden the audience and get the word out, Crime Junkie published a retelling of her case based on new things we learned/a narrative of Maura's life at the time that was more accurate in terms of her family and not just like. extremely sensationalized rumors.
basically, the case is pretty infamous more than anything else i think for the really dramatic theories about mauras life/that she was running away to start over or that she was trying to end her own life etc. which caused some small details about her life to evolve into these sort of wild theories about her that didn't necessarily have evidence.
police were very vocal that they found boxes of wine and other alcohol containers in her car and immediately pinned her for drinking and driving, and painting this narrative that she was running away from a troubled past and dodging possible DUI charges. There was this great emphasis on things like the fact that her boyfriend had cheated on her, that she had crashed her father's car, that she had been caught shoplifting, she had extreme perfectionist tendencies, that she struggled with an ed, to paint this picture of an extremely troubled young woman. like, there's this picture of her you'll see if you google her that has gone kind of viral for looking sort of "dark," but like. it's a picture of a young woman. going through so many of the same things other young women went through.
her story took on a life of its own which sort of doubled back on itself in an almost character assassination sort of way.
but, it turns out that, although she was dealing with a lot of those struggles in her private life (like most people are as young women trying to keep their shit together. i still feel like i would be cast in a similar light if i went missing and im fucking 30), this was a narrative pushed and perpetuated by police, who were INSISTENT this was a suicide/runaway situation after a dwi, which the evidence itself doesn't actually support if you look at the facts. Like, a lot of the alcohol found in the car was probably floating around from a previous party she had been to, and she had tons of junk in there because thats how lots of peoples fucking cars are lol
her sister was able to provide a lot of context, and, for the first time, some facts were revealed about police behavior which, to me, point to the fact that they did something to her and tried to cover it up by pushing a narrative of a troubled young girl who had messed up and was trying to escape it all. basically, the chief (who was most insistent on the dui/suicide angle) was seen at the scene of the crime before the accident had actually even been reported and knew things about it he wouldn't have known if he hadn't been there very early on. despite the fact he was never actually called to the scene. his car was seen near hers before any response from police was documented on a day he was off duty. it seems pretty apparent to me he harmed her. And it's crazy how successful the character assassination was that this was all concealed for so long.
Anyway I really hope her family gets some sort of closure. I've always felt a special connection to Maura from the first time I heard about her case because the things she was going through really resonated with me. and like, weirdly, it always made me think about what people would paint me as if i went missing or how things about people can be so easily interpreted in the darkest way possible.
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bluebeardsfinalgirl · 2 years ago
mina murray is the girl from dracula. maura murray is the girl who went missing in the middle of the woods after crashing her car. do not get them confused
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