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addix-hot-girls-tattoo · 3 months ago
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ykstation · 2 years ago
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May Roses 🌹
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opal765 · 2 months ago
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Am Ungerberg bei Sebnitz kommt die RB 71 nach Pirna den Berg hinauf.
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anawkwardgalnamedtarazan · 2 years ago
Inkwell Giants!!!
Pt. 1
So the little voices in my head have told me to create giants for the Cuphead world based on the giants in DLC's concept art.
Was pretty stoked that MDHR poked at the idea of an entire species of mountain giants in Glumstone's background(based on walk through and the internet).
Hope you enjoy!!!
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Treewillow is one of the younger giants. Whenever she woke up, she would go straight to exploring the Mortal Plane's ever-changing cultures and try her best to fit in (pun kinda intended XD). The elder giants, especially Terra (her neighbor) do everything in their power to keep her literally grounded to avoid unwanted attention from angry and confused mortals.
A major animal lover. It all started when an ancient species of butterfly began to take refuge on her mountain form. They act as guides of the giants' land.
She is always willing to lend a helping hand to lost travelers. She even came across Miss Chalice's ancestors every now and then during their travels.
Her favorite hobbies include dancing, swimming, making jewelry from random stones, and singing.
Glumstone can be a bit miffed by her constant cheerfulness, but he genuinely enjoys doing forest sports with her and the other giants, like lake diving or boulder shotput.
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the-save-place-art · 2 years ago
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I love this city. 
My heart is there.
My soul is there, my breath, my eyes, my stars, my water, my sun...
My city.
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lifeisatest-19 · 11 months ago
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uttarakhand tourism , amazing experience
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valence-e · 2 years ago
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Every Anihilation map has The Mountain Lane
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sakiblack · 2 years ago
Eywa's gift
Part 3
-Eywa gave me a gift,a gift im never ganna let go.
:Neteyam x Na'li (reader)
Mawey=calm or calm .Words that look like this are being spoken in the na'vi language
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…… Neteyam pov……
We got back home in some time.Not a lot of people were outside their tents at this time.The only ones that were were some warriors and …..mom and dad.
-Neteyam Loak!
Said mom as she saw us walking to them.
-Where the hell were you two?Do you even know what time it is?
-Im sorry sir but i can explain.
-Yeah you better.
Said dad looking at me.
-Dad this time there is a good reason.
Said Loak.As i gived him an angry look.
-Neteyam got a girlfriend.
Well great.
-What?What the hell are you talking about boy?
Asked dad.
-Dad we went on a walk and as we were walking a girl jumped out of nowhere on me.
I started to explain as mom interrupted me.
-Did she hurt you?!
-No mother i am okay.She did not hurt me.As i was saying she came out of nowhere.It looked like she did not expecte us to be there.
I said.
-Yeah she looked like she thought we were were someone else,probably the sky people.
Said Loak.
-In fact when i asked her if she was with them she said she is not with the demons so im guessing she does not like them.
-Loak you Skxawng of course she was not with them.
-See he did not even think she could be on our enemies side cus he is so in love.
Loak teased.
-Loak shut it!
I said hissing at him.
-Okay both of you calm down did she say where she is from or what she wants?
Asked dad.
-Well she did say she was looking for a home and the mighty warrior hire said she could come live hire.
-Where is she?
Asked mother as she looked around looking fort he girl.
-She had to go.She said someone is waiting for her.
I said looking down.
-Dont be sad now bro she said she will come back tomorrow.
Said loak looking at me with a smirk.
Said mom looking at him to witch he looked at the ground as well.
-You will see her tomorrow?
Asked dad as me and Loak both noded.
-I want you two to bring her to me i want to talk to her.If she is hire alone something must have happened.Now you to go to bed.
Said dad as we both went away to  the tent.
-Where were you two ?
Asked Kiri as we both go tinto the tent.
-We were with Neteyams crush.
Said Loak jokingly.
-Not my crush!.
I said hissing.
-I mean she was pretty.
Said Loak as i looked at him with an angry face.
-See you like her.
He was right i dont know why but i liked a girl i just meet.
-Tell me more.
Said Kiri as Loak started to tell her everything.
-She sounds mighty.
Said Kiri after i told her about Na'li.
-Guys can you shut it i dont want to listen to Neteyam day dreaming about a girl.
Yelled Loak.
Said Kiri as she pushed him.
-Will you see her again?
Asked Kiri.
-Well she did say she will be at the same spot tomorrow.
I replied.
-That is great!Can i come with you i would love to meet her.
Asked Kiri.
-Yeah like he would like that.He wants to be with her all alone.
Said Loak teasing me.I hissed at him as i replied to Kiri.
- Of course you can Kiri.Just dont bring this knucklehead.
-Heheh got it bro.
Replied Kiri.
Your pov
As i finally came back down from the halleluya mauntains Antai was waiting for me at the same spot he was siting when i left.He seemed happy to see me and i was too.
-Hey Tai Tai i missed you.
I said as i peted his head.Tai Tai was his nickname.
-Your not ganna belive it but i meet two other navis.
I said in a happy voice.In response he  laid on the ground looking at me with his big eyes.
-At first i thought they were the demons.
I said the demon part with a angry voice.
-But turnes out they were navi and they looked around my age.
Antai was still looking at me but  i could tell he was tired.Poor thing probably did not even close his eyes for a second.
-You can rest Tai Tai.
I said as i sat next to him.He gived me a tired but happy look as he laid his head on the ground.He was asleep in no time but i cant say the same for me.I could just not stop thinking about thet boy.
Neteyam.Beautiful name i might even say its the most beautiful name i have ever heard.I mean i did not know a lot of names .Only 3 names if i coult mine as well.But i did not care his name was pretty and he was as well.I must say i did eventaly fall asleep and for the first time in some days i felt happy.
It was a new day and that ment i will see Neteyam again.I looked around but Antai was nowhere to be seen so i just went on my way to halleluya mauntains.I will probably be early but i would like to explore around.It did not take me a long time before i was on top of halleluya mauntains.Even if i had only been hire onec i seem to remember every part that i saw last night.I walked around looking left and right , it really is beautiful.I could even see some ikrans fly in the sky.The nature hire is so calm.That was until i heard some nises.People talking again.But this time i knew they were not demons.I looked out bushes and what i saw made me freeze.A female na'vi and behind her was a demon.He was walking pretty far behind her and was talking.If that demon thinks he could hurt that girl he is wrong.I slowly started to get closer to them but they did not see or hear me.I was getting closer and closer until i was just some steps away from the demon.He was having a bow in his hand strange.But who cares.
-Yo Kiri you sure this is the place the girl is at?
Asked the demon as i jumped on him.
-Yeah i thi.Spider!
Yelled the girl as she saw me on the demon.It was just like the night before when i was on Neteyam but this time i will not back down.
-What the who are you!?
He asked a little scared.
-Do not speak demon!
I yelled.
-Stop dont hurt him!
Yelled the girl running to us as i had my knife in my hand.
-Do not come closer he is a demon he wanted to hurt you!
I yelled at the girl.She stoped and looked at me.
-Please he is not with them he is one of us.Dont hurt him.
She said like she was about to cry.I looked at the demon under me.He was pretty strange.He had blue stripes all over him like he wanted to look like us.
-You are not one of them?
I asked.
He said.I see so i did something wrong again how stupid of me.
-I am sorry i thought you were one of them.
I said getting off of him and helping him get up.
-Well its okay just dont do that again.
He said as the girl came to us.
-I will not.
I said.
-Who are you?
Asked the girl.
- Na'li.
I replied as the girls eyes opened wide.
-Your the girl?
She asked.
-You mean the girl Neteyam was talking about?
Asked the boy.They know Neteyam?
-You know Neteyam?
I asked.
-He is my brother.He told me a lot about you but i never thought you would just jump on Spider to save me.
I asked.
-Yeah he is Kiris brother.
Said the boy that is named Spider.
-I see again i am sorry i did not mean to hurt any of you.
I said.
-Nononono its okay im just happy to meet you.
Said Kiri.Just then i heard an ikran and just as i looked up in the sky it was landing.I hissed thinking it wanted to kill us.
- Mawey.
Said the Kiri.
-Its Neteyam.
Said Spider.
Neteyam? On this thing?
-What is going on hire.
He asked as his eyes moved from Kiri to Spider.
-Your girlfriend jumped on me but we are all good now.
Said Spider as Neteyams eyes went to me.I could see a small smile on his face as he saw me.
He said.
-Hello again.
I replied with a smile.
-Bro Loak was right he really has a thing for her.
Said Sider as i looked at him.
Said Kiri pushing him a little.Neteyam roled his eyes and looked back to me.
-My father would like to meet you.I told him about you looking for a home and he would like you to come with me.
Said Neteyam.
-Sure i do not mind.
I replied as he reached his hand out but i just looked at him funny.
-You want me to come on that thing?
I asked.
-Well yeah.
He replied.
-I am not going on that thing i would reather walk.
I replied.
-Are you sure?
He asked as i said yes.
-Well then Kiri could you take her home i will join you guys as fast as i can.
Said Neteyam.
-You mean join her as fast as you can.
Said Spider.
-Bro shut up.And you ….
He said looking at me.
-I will get back as fast as i can.
He said as he started to fly.
-Come i will show you our home.
Said Kiri as i started to walk behind her.
-So you dont have an ikran right?
Asked Spider.
-No i do not.
I replied looking at him.
-Then what do you ride or are you like me who does not have anything?
He asked.
-Oh i ride Antai.
-Come on guys walk faster!
Yelled Kiri as i started to run after her.
-Hey wait up! Yelled Spider doing his best to keep up with us.
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21gramspain · 10 months ago
les discrets song for mauntains
Teşekkür ederim.
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caffeinated-rat-bastard · 1 year ago
Looks like you-
-could use some help, from the big boss of hell himself.
Check out Daddy's glowing reviews on Yelp: FIVE STARTS, FLAWLESS, GREATER THAN GREAT!
With the punch of a Pentagram
I WAP BAP BOOM Alakazam.
Usually I charge a sacrificial lamp, but you get the family rate!
Thanks, Dad!!
Who needs a Busboy now You've got the Cheeef?
Michelin tasting Menu free á la carte.
I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref.
Champaign fountains, Caviar Mauntains,
That's just the staaart!
Who's been there since day one?
Who's been faithful as a nun?
Makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun? with your executive producer.
That's true!
I'm your guy, your day to day.
Your chum, your stepfather hotelier.
Remember when I fixed that glog today?
I was stuck.
Thank you sir.
Oh you!
I'm truly honored that We've built such a booond.
You're like a child that I wish that I haaad
Uh what?
I care for you just like I daughter I spaaawned.
Hold on now!
It's a little funny, you could almost call me daaaaad.
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reeffairy · 1 year ago
Skilled at killing time
A skilled worker
works all the time
good at somethings
using their hands all the time
work left unaccomplished
haunts me
Both moon and sunlight
Crafted the mauntains are
all that took time
work lett unaccomplished was ending my life
not skilled at killing
the living
Instead im silver skilled at killing time
with a sharp sword
i slice
in pieces
then in shards
for no one to find
it wasnt my right
to extinguish my own light
though im skilled at killing time
its been very long
alot of time has passed
I was ready the day he was gone
it was just a matter of time
until i would have enough
but i was not skilled
at least not enough
to slice into my own life
Skilled enough to kill?
that takes time.
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himekokosu · 3 years ago
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spring landscape
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lifeisatest-19 · 11 months ago
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lukdan · 2 years ago
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dodysun · 2 years ago
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vlad-invisible · 2 years ago
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