#matty's controversies
tayfabe75 · 6 months
"I just kissed a guy in Dubai. Who gives a fuck what I did in Dubai? That's the point. It's ridiculous that any government, regardless of how dogmatically faithful they are, thinks that they can get involved with what people do with their genitals or their mouths or stuff like that. It's like, they just need to fuck off. Nowadays, I honestly think if you're like, piously religious, if you're like, dogmatically faithful, you should be kind of ashamed of yourself. And I'm bored of certain religions, as well, because certain racisms are aligned with them thinking that you can't criticize them, you can't criticize Islam as a set of ideas, you can't criticize these kinds of things because you're inherently criticizing people. But that's a problem with the society, because Islamaphobia does exist, people are bigoted. But what that really is, is thick, scared people not liking brown people. Whereas, I love people. I love brown people. I don't care about people's color. I just don't know when I'm allowed to be offended. Religious people are always allowed to be offended. 'Oh, we're offended by this, I'm offended by that.' I have to get up every day and read something abhorrent that's happened in the name of religion. And I never get a day. I never get a day where I'm allowed to be offended. Where are my rights as an atheist? When am I allowed to be like, completely affronted by something? I just get angry with injustice, you know? And I get angry with hypocrisy."
November 12, 2019: Matty discusses his intolerance for injustice and how religion is used to both justify and legislate homophobia. (source 1, 2)
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headcarsbendlng · 1 month
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more visions. coming to you straight out of my mind
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
choose your own smut adventure. part seven – matty healy
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previous. start.
You hesitate. There’s a fluttering book of positions in your head, more a dirty collection of fantasies than a concrete list. Matty features in all of them. You blink at him, overwhelmed with choices. He tightens his hold around your hand, forcing you to consider him. His hair is sweaty and unruly, his lips swollen and sticky wet, his eyes dark and piercing. He looks like your favorite renaissance painting; artful, historical, mythical. 
Your eyes greedily devour him. You part your lips, moaning confessionally, “I want to ride you.” Now that the thought sprouts out of your mouth, an excited thrum reverberates through you. It is pleasing just to vaguely imagine behind your eyelids. You don’t want him, you need him. 
Matty makes a little choking sound, but he snaps back quicker than your bold blowjob demand. He doesn’t even faux-humbly make you repeat yourself, pretending to hesitate, to barter. He sees in your hungry gaze that there is no uncertainty in your words. 
“I want you to ride me, too,” Matty whispers. You shiver at his tone, gravely and dangerous. 
He bends down to kiss you. His hands tangle in your hair, stealing the breath out of your mouth, making you lightheaded. Your mind fizzles as you grasp at his shoulders. Your limbs buzz with pleasure like TV static. You spread your legs wider, trying to get some friction going. 
Matty grabs a handful of your ass and makes you grind against his hard cock. You gasp, your mouth leaving his, and roll your head on the pillow. It’s a sinfully delicious feeling; he chuckles lightly in your neck. 
But you don’t want to lay there and take it like usual. You want to blow his mind, change your life. You push on his shoulders, rolling the both of you until you straddle his lap. 
Matty’s curls spill on the pillows. His hands settle on your thighs, spreading wide on the skin. He looks up at you, happy and proud, worshiping. You straighten your back; his eyes fall to your tits. You snort. Still just a man. 
Now that you’re up there, you’re not quite sure what to do. It seems like an overwhelming endeavor, and you feel a ping of pity for all the men in your life who had to have been responsible for both your pleasures, unsuccessful as they were.
“I don’t—” You flush, looking away. Matty frowns at you. “I’ve never— done this. I don’t know how.” 
“Well,” he smiles indulgently, rubbing his thumb on your skin. “It’s a good thing I’m meant to teach you, isn’t it?” 
You chew on your lip, still a bit worried. “It might be bad,” you warn, just in case. 
Matty laughs at that. “I promise it won’t. And, hey, if it really, really sucks, we can switch and try again next time.” 
Next time rings in your head like holy words. You smile down at him, saccharine sweet. “Alright.” Your hands travel from his waist to his chest. Faint hair peppers it. “What do I do?” 
Matty is overexcited, jittery. He paws at your thighs, your waist. You roll your hips into his like he showed you, creating sweet friction that makes you hold back a moan. “Oh, um— Condom first.” 
You still above him. “I’m on the pill. And clean. You?” 
Matty‘s eyes widen. “Yeah—” He tries to fake nonchalance. “Yes. I got tested recently.” Though his fingers dig into your waist, possessive, he still pants out a, “Are you sure?” 
You nod fervently. You’ve never needed someone more than him, never felt raw desire for a man like this. You want all of him, deep inside of you. You can’t wait anymore. You might go totally insane.
You raise on your knees, gripping his cock and lining it up. He groans at the contact, bucking into your hand. “I’m sure,” you breathe. Slowly, you lower yourself on him. 
A strike of pure, hot pleasure goes through your body. You whine at the intrusion. Your cunt throbs around him, and it makes him groan too, practically clawing at your skin. You’ve never felt more right, more complete. 
Your head falls forward to look at him. You can’t stop those pathetic little pants from your mouth. “What now?” You say, but it’s more a high-pitched plea than a real question. 
Matty moans, settling his hands over your hips. He takes a moment to gather his leaking brain, make sense of the two words you asked him. “Just— Just roll your hips like this.” 
His hands move you on his cock, a raking motion that makes your clit hit his pelvis. You mewl on top of him, scrunching your face shut. “That’s it,” he encourages, even if you have yet to do anything. 
When you finally grind on your own, Matty lets go of you. He scratches down your thighs instead, clenching and unclenching his hands like he’s physically stopping himself from taking charge, puppeteering you. 
You giggle a little at this, trying your sloppy rolls, mix-matching the rhythm and sense to figure out what feels best. Ecstasy pools in your belly, pressing against your stomach. You feel loose on your bones. 
But it’s still not enough. Tentatively, you rise up your knees, sliding him out of you to crash back down. Pleasure jolts you. You’re electrified. You make a little surprised scream. Then do it again, and again, chasing that pure bliss. 
“Does that feel good for you?” You ask, looking at him with a worried little frown. He looks euphoric enough, parting his lips with groans and panting in the hot air. Sweaty and flushed and beautiful. 
Matty nods loosely. He’s just as slack as you, just as gone. Good. At least you don’t feel so silly. You speed up your moves, bouncing on his cock. “And this?” You say, but it’s just to tease. The desperate grunt is indication enough. 
“I don’t care either way,” he says. “Just use me.” A powerful thrill shoots up your spine. You fuck him harder, faster. You want to ruin him. “Fuck,” he cries. “I need you to come on my cock.”
“I will,” you pant.
Your knees are growing sore, but you persist, bucking on him until your brain drips down your spine. You want him deeper into you, want him buried so far you never forget the shape of him. 
Your hand rests on his shoulder and you hold yourself up as you lean into him. Your hips angle differently, hitting a new spot over and over. You roll your eyes. 
“Take it,” Matty moans. His hands grab your ass. “You’re so fucking hot.” The praise sings to you. You make a little whine. 
The position quickly grows too tiring. You straighten up again, rolling onto his cock. Matty follows after you this time, sitting up. He paws at your bouncing tits.
You hook your arms around his neck and use him as leverage to push yourself up again. Matty twists your nipple as a silent prize. Those breathy pants in your ears make you lose your head. 
You bite your lip. Your head falls back, baring your throat. Matty takes the opportunity to kiss there, licking and biting and sucking. Claiming you. Your back shivers. You buck on him faster. 
Your eyes shut as pleasure rushes you. It’s all too intense suddenly, feeling him and seeing him. You’re desperate, the end so near you could taste it, yet too gone to properly do anything. Your thrusts are irregular, your hips grow sloppy, and your thighs strain every time you move. 
Matty licks off his bruise. He must feel your diminishing stamina because he breathes, “You take my cock so well.” You nod at him, slack and gone. “You’re doing so good, baby. Just a bit more.” 
To help, Matty slides a hand between your bodies, rubbing at your swollen clit. You gasp. Your head swims in ecstasy, heavy and off-kilter.
He wraps an arm around your waist, grounding you as he fucks into you, following your movements in tandem. “You were fucking made for me,” he whispers in your neck. Kisses it. “I need you to come on my cock now.” You nod, brainless. “Can you do that? Can you come for me, love?” 
“Yes,” you hiss, scrunching your face. You practically strangle his neck with your embrace, using his shoulders as leverage as you buck on him. His finger on your clit doesn’t relent.
“Come for me,” he practically begs. “I need to see you. I need to feel you.” Your hips shudder. Pleasure waves through you, building and building. One hand takes your cheek. “Look at me.” 
You snap your eyes open. His dark eyes meet yours. He’s so intense, so fucking desperate. You whine, he swipes your clit, and you come. 
Your head falls into his shoulder and you give up, letting go. Ecstasy washes you and you don’t bother even grinding into him. Matty holds you up, fucking into you and working through your orgasm as you shake above him, weightless, boneless. You moan his name even after you’re done, like you couldn’t quite believe it was him. 
Matty slows down to a stop, still inside of you. He kisses your shoulder. You laugh, disbelief spinning with the hot bliss. There’s something you want to say, instinctively, but you bite your tongue. 
You raise your head finally, coming back into the world. Matty grins at you, proud and fucked out. You frown at him. “You haven’t come.” You gasp at the realization, trying to slide up him even through your screaming, sore thighs. 
Matty laughs, pulling you back down on him, stopping you. “It’s okay,” he assures. His eyebrows rise suggestively. “There’s something I want to try anyway.”
You cock your head. “What?”
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dh--ii · 5 months
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did my hair like this 2day. feeling good about it
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charlotlie · 1 year
why are y’all crying screaming begging while defending taylor swift’s choice of dating matty healy against people who stop supporting her because of this, like damn… it’s okay for people to stop supporting her when they figure out she’s actively dating and supporting a known racist?
like 😭😭
it’s not that crazy, actually. she’s supporting a racist? must mean she doesn’t care a lot about anti-racist activism. must mean she’s not really an ally to people of color. to see her not supporting a marginalized community you are a part of or an ally too might kinda change your opinion of her.
even if you’re not being actively spouting racist bullshit, if you’re fine with others doing it and even condone it, you’ve lost all my respect.
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frances-baby-houseman · 8 months
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Ugh I really really want to go to see The 1975 again tonight. I know Matty Healy is ~controverisal~ but I think it was the most fun I've ever had at a show. It was genuinely a blast and I felt alive! The only problem is the allstate arena sucks but it's at least relatively close!
Milwaukee was a blast and I'm going to start looking for more shows/events to see there. It's only a little more than an hour to get there and the arena is right in downtown so there was a ton of options for food and everyone was walking around and people were playing the 1975 songs on the jukebox at the restaurant we ate at beforehand and it was just SO FUN. And look at this pretzel we had with our basket of misc fried items! My sister had never been to wisconsin and I was like, CHEESE! and BEER! And PRETZEL!!
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Anyway I'd like to go back just to have the experience of The Sound live again.
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allylikethecat · 3 months
K, L, E!!
YES OH MY GOSH HELLO ANON thank you so much for indulging me and sending questions from the Fanfic Ask Meme!! As always, I LOVE chatting about fic (mine and other peoples!) and I get so excited when people send me these! If anyone wants to send anymore, or reblog it themselves, the list can be found HERE.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
This is a hard question because I feel like all of my fics are pretty angst heavy? I know I published it anonymously, but I think Immoral in a Stranger's Lap was probably one of the most painful, especially because it didn't really have a resolution or a happy ending, the same goes for (Sometimes). It's still in the early stages of outlining, (and I'm writing it because I am firmly in the we need more mpreg in this fandom camp) but the Teen Dad Fictional!Matty fic is also shaping up to be pretty angsty - it's looking like it's going to be a split narrative alternating between 16 year old Fictional!Matty dealing with teen pregnancy and present day thirty something year old Fictional!Matty trying to get pregnant on purpose and struggling to do so which I know deals with a lot of really heavy and painful topics.
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
I feel like all of them 😂 But I guess, since it's not really popular in this fandom I'm going to say omegaverse even though it was very common in my other fandom experiences.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
I'm choosing to talk about Small Bump because I was working on Make Way for Ducklings earlier and clearly have mpreg on the mind. If I were to writing a sequel to that one, it would be dealing with Fictional!Matty's postpartum depression.
Thank you so much for sending these in! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to send this ask, and for your continued support! I'm really grateful for the people who have not only taken the time to read my fics, but who have also taken the time to engage with me! I really appreciate you! I hope your Wednesday is going well and that you have a great rest of your week!
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stylesprimes · 1 year
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prettyrealm · 1 year
Would you ever do a reading on Nicki Minaj? I just can’t believe she’s married to that man like what goes on through her head? And the way she treats other women in the industry, the men she chooses to collab with. It’s um. Definitely a choice…
Yeah, I actually wanted to do some kind of interview style reading like I did for Matty Healy for her! If you have any specific questions send them my way!
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loveisbraveandwild · 1 year
ok the thought i woke up with is i think its very interesting that people conflate being a gay ally with being a trans ally,,,, just cause u fight for people of the same sex to get married does not mean u get to claim lgbtq+ ally with your entire chest and in fact i think a lot of gay allies are actively transphobic, whether knowingly or not
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tayfabe75 · 6 months
"I feel bad for you guys. I made a mistake. When we were booking shows, I wasn't looking into it, and um, I don't see the fucking point, right? I do not see the point of inviting The 1975 to a country and then telling us who we can have sex with. And I'm sorry if that offends you and you're religious and it's part of your fucking government. But your government are a bunch of fucking retards. And I don't care anymore. If you push, I'm gonna push back. I'm not in the fucking mood. If you're filming this on TikTok, I'm not in the fucking mood anymore. I saw a TikTok the other day, where I picked up a child that I love, who's a friend of mine... a friend of mine's child, and I put them down. And there was a TikTok conversation as to whether my finger placement was appropriate. So what, we're just casually accusing people of being a pedophile now, are we? For entertainment? Is that what we're doing? No? It fucking looks like it. I'm not having a go at you, there's people filming this. It fucking looks like it. You don't casually insinuate that shit. I'm not in the fucking mood anymore. Unfortunately, you don't get a set of loads of uplifting songs because I'm fucking furious. And that's not fair on you, because you're not representative of your government. 'Cause you're young people, and I'm sure a lot of you are gay and progressive and cool. So I pulled the show yesterday and we had a conversation, we said, 'You know what? We can't let the kids down because they're not the government, but I've done this before. I've gone to a country where it's fucking, I don't know what it fucking is - ridiculous, fucking ridiculous to tell people what they can do with… that. That. And if you want to invite me here to do a show, you can fuck off. I'll take your money, you can ban me, but I've done this before and it doesn't feel good. And I'm fucked off."
July 21, 2023: Matty goes on an angry rant before kissing bandmate Ross in protest of anti-LGBTQ laws at the Good Vibes Festival in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (source)
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ughgoaway · 8 months
🎲 🤮 !!
ahhh hi angel!!!
🎲 -do you picture a specific era when you're writing for each member?
okay so YES and they're all hyper specific for some reason-
matty- his 2019/2020 skirt era with the middle part curly hair. always.
george- current era, blond and serving cunt!
adam- ironically almost the same as George, always blond Adam??? and let's be honest, Adam is always serving cunt no matter the era
ross- now this one is less specific, either current era OR that one look from the vertical "it's not living video" (aka his best look)
🤮 -what is mattys worst hairstyle in your opinion?
as much as I love it, it's gotta be the skullet from covid. I'm so sorry Matthew but you just needed to commit to either a mullet or a shaved head.
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also I’ve always been super impressed with how private the guys are considering. like with their level of fame and success i’m surprised they aren’t papped more and followed lol maybe it’s just not that bad in england bc in america a celeb sets one foot out in public and they’re practically mobbed, it’s crazy. so i’m glad they’re able to just live their lives for the most part (hopefully, idk what their interactions are actually like in public obv lol)
that's because no one actually cares about bastille here babe
nah fr though dans talked about not wanting to be like 'famous' and kind of watering down their personality in early interviews and not saying anything controversial to try and stay out of the limelight, so i guess that worked lol.
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goldenmusicmoments · 11 months
Taylor Swift Here We Go Again......
Taylor Swift once again finds herself mixed in controversy and drama. All of which on most part is unnecessary, however when people find something to use against someone they don’t particularly like they’ll obviously use it and turn it into a trend. It always seems to occur when she’s at a career high, as her latest album ‘Midnights’ broke records and her current tour performing really well. It all kicked off near the start of the Eras tour when people were questions Taylor for not speaking up or showing some sort of solidarity with the LGBT community during any of her shows. They started comparing her to Lizzo who waved the flag that represents the community and Beyoncé who’s show revolves around queer culture. Though their concern for the lack of activism didn’t necessarily stem from genuine desire for her to use her platform, it was more of an attempt to turn activism into a competition. A way for them to say that such and such are better than her.  It was also a thing for those that dislike her to use as a reason to propagate their distaste, without real care for the issue itself. 
Then Matty Healy the frontman of the band The 1975 suddenly found his way into Taylor’s life, though they’ve supposedly been friends for a long time. She’d not to long ago appeared at one of the bands shows and then Matty showed up to her tour. Which then led to many assuming the two were now in a relationship. The two were then spotted out and about, holding hands and from that people took it as confirmation that they were now together. With Jack Antonoff being the one that set the two up, he also happened to be with them at the time. This then led to a new wave of people targeting Taylor, to a point where it became a trend on TikTok that everyone wanted a part of. Especially seeing as it was drawing a lot of content engagement. On most part it was an opportunity taken by those that hate her to use against her. That somehow she was responsible for his past doings. Where was this outrage, prior to the two dating. Hardly anyone was speaking up to try and cancel Matty for his shortcomings. However Taylor should be cancelled as she’s dating him. Even then it was all about holding Taylor accountable, and never a mention of wanting the same for Matty. Yes of course people have the right to be hurt by the stuff that he has said, but was that truly the case for the majority coming out in full swing against Taylor. Do we ever truly know the intent of someone, who knows maybe she felt that he’d changed. Are we not giving people the benefit of the doubt anymore, that maybe they could have grown from the people they once were. On top of that you’d expect most of those upset about Taylor associating with him, being her fans. Which wasn’t the case, and the fans were actually being guilt tripped into agreeing with the stance of her critics. 
Matty had partaken in a podcast where he laughed at the hosts comments about Ice Spice. Which was another thing that was being mentioned now that he was attached to Taylor (prior to that the moment didn’t create much of a conversation at the time of its occurrence). Soon after it was announced that Taylor was releasing a remix of her song ‘Karma’ and that it would be featuring Ice Spice. This was taken by those that were having a go at her as damage control. A PR stunt to somehow cover up all that was happening. Later on it was revealed that it was in the works long before and people still found it difficult to accept, because they so desperately wanted to believe that it was what they thought it was. Soon after it was reported that the two had broken up and that they were never truly a couple, but just hanging out. Which then led to many believing that they were the ones that pushed Taylor into cutting things off with Matty Healy, as though their words hold weight enough to do such a thing. There are many examples of others who are associated with partners or spouse who have controversial pasts, yet that hasn’t resulted in this magnitude of a response. 
Rina Sawayama during a recent live performance called Matty Healy out, and part of that included her mentioning that he had a percentage ownership over her masters. To no surprise the usual suspects came running to use that as an excuse to point their fingers at Taylor. Rina’s and Taylor’s situations are very different, if those that are always so loud bother to do their due diligence they’d notice that. However the desperate pursuit of the downfall of someone they don’t like, hinders their ability to comprehend and apply logical analysis to what they are speaking on. They’ll continue to twist and exaggerate things in regards to her in order to try and make her a villain. Then it was revealed that Taylor had turned down Meghan Markle’s invite to appear on her podcast. Another thing for them to throw at her, as though she hasn’t been extremely busy and thus didn’t have the time to do much outside of her current commitments.
This all reignited the entire conversation in regards to Taylor’s use of her platform when it comes to activism. That she hardly ever speaks up and when she does it is only when it benefits herself. Yes she’s not been someone who’s made social media posts to address political issues, though she’s been vocal when it comes to elections. Of course we’d love to see people who have a big reach to use their voices to speak up for those who don’t have the ability to or require support. However that should be up to them, that they shouldn’t be coerced into doing so or do so just for the sake of pleasing people. Her documentary become part of the conversation where people were claiming that it was all about speaking up and using her platform, when that was only a small part of the film. This exaggerated claim was in order to push their agenda and heighten the moment. If they’d paid attention, her team weren’t exactly happy with her wanting to do so and they most definitely still play a role in preventing her from doing so.
She then during one of her shows gave a short speech in which she said that her shows were a safe space for everyone in particular the LGBT community. She prompted people to take an active role in voting during elections and to research candidates in order to see who best to vote for. As expected many were still not happy and complained that she didn’t say enough or that she wasn’t as direct as she should have been. They seemed to want her to spoon feed them on who exactly to vote for. At the end of the day she can’t please everyone and it isn’t her job to do so either. 
Her fans often come under attack during these times, as the haters seem to think that the fans should flock in agreement of their critique. Then it turns into the usual of labelling all her fans as ‘white’, ‘republicans’, ‘racists’ and ‘nazis’. With people making it a competition to see who can spot a person of colour in the audience, as though POCs are props. Yes she may have fans that are republicans, and they should know that those they support have fans from that group as well. She started out as a country artist and that genre is one that has a huge following that consists of republicans. Are her fans ‘racists’, sadly there is a bunch of them who are and need educating. That in moments where they are defending her, they resort to racist remarks towards those they are responding to. Though she has fans consisting of various backgrounds and races, her fanbase in the USA is predominantly white. However its odd that people use that as a dig at Taylor, when it isn’t what they see it as. Oft times people of colour are shamed for liking her, and thus you seem to find many not publicly showcasing their liking for her or her music. 
It all on most part points to the fact that many feel threatened by her success that they are so desperate to see her fall. There were many in the comments under videos that were calling for Taylor to be cancelled saying how the outpour of people speaking against her brought them joy. That this was a moment they were longing for. It is rather sad that people find joy in someones downfall, that they root for those they dislike to fail. As though she’s done something bad to them. They also used the situations to call Taylor ‘mediocre’ and ‘talentless’. A recent trend seems to be the labelling of her music as ‘white people music’, all of which seems like an attempt at downplaying her talent. Which isn’t the diss they think it is. Her music is universal and one that resonates with everyone, as her focal points are oft those that we all experience. Then again they’ve never actually listened to her discography and make fleeting statements in regards to it. Which we’ve always heard from those that don’t like her. Its okay for you to not be a fan of someones or not like the music they make. However its unfair to wrongly discredit someones talent.
If people spent the same amount of energy they did on trying to ‘call her out’ on issues that are real and need discussing, we’d likely see positive change. However people waste it on things that are pointless and of no value. The level of outrage and desire for change online is never reflected in times when taking a stand is necessary, such as turning up to vote. A lot of talk, but very little action. It makes you wonder how many people are genuine in their claim of activism. 
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wallabin-anchor · 1 year
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senior quote time :)
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astridthevalkyrie · 1 year
the only song i really know in this album is better than revenge and unpopular opinion i think but i dig the lyric change
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