timvandenleeuwen · 10 years
3, 10, 14
3. What’s your dream weapon? My dream weapon? A hand gun with unlimited ammo. But one a more realistic dream weapon would be baseball bat or pole, maybe a great or normal sword if I could get proper training.
The ammo is his biggest problem with mid and long range but it is more useful for todays situation. He himself is more of a melee fighter.
10.What’s your favourite thing about yourself?My down to earthiness and my fit body. Very useful in today’s situation.
Not something Tim though about before so a very logical answer. Would he think more about it he would say his ability to handle a tough situation with steel nerves (in cause of zombie attack and stuff).
14.What is one thing that is an absolute necessity for you?Food and Water.
Again the most basic and logical human needs to survive. A fit body has a higher change of surviving. 
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timvandenleeuwen · 10 years
You're one of the new gardeners, eh? Do you happen to know where the spare clipper is? I think someone displaced it and I don't know where to find it, but I need it for the tomatoes.
Yes I am and you’re the one taking care of the tomatoes and? And no I don’t know where the clipper would be if it’s not in its usual spot. It’s supposed to be in the storage room behind the stepladder, right?  
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