#matt the radar technician one shot
cosmic-ships · 6 months
Then we collide.
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Ship: Matt the radar technician x Kaden Reese the fighter mechanic
Words: 1,127 (whats happeninngggggggg)
Summary: I'm lost.. where are we? who are you? lol
okay to reblog || Hey, if you aren't a self-shipper please DNI. Nothing against ya, I just have anxiety lol
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Kaden sighed heavily, why did they have to go down there? They weren't used to the corridors down there and they always seemed to get lost. Every time they got assigned to it, despite them trying to map it out in their free time it still confused the fuck out of them. Kaden is a skilled fighter mechanic, usually fixing up TIE fighters and they usually hung out in the main bay but today they were assigned to a remote section of the base and it was seldom visited by people. Kaden groaned but managed to find their way down there.
Once there, Kaden's hands weaved through the innards of the formidable machines, it was during one of these routine checks on a particularly stubborn engine that the fates decided to intervene and spice things up a bit. Kaden growled as slipped out from the large fighter, grease smears on their shirt and oil on their hands and cheek.
Kaden forgot some of their tools but thankfully they weren't too far out of reach, across the floor sitting on the table. Kaden stood to their feet and went to walk towards the bag but the floor had other plans for Kaden, a patch of oil, a remnant from earlier when they were working pooled on the floor that they hadn't taken notice of. When their foot collided with the oily patch there was no more friction and Kaden yelped, reaching out and grabbing passerby.
This passerby was none other than the radar technician, Matt. He was down there navigating the maze of machinery, he didn't know how he found himself down there and he had unwittingly stepped into Kaden's path just as they slipped.
Feeling his jumpsuit getting tugged his lips parted as he too also let out a grunt, his hands trying to grab Kaden but it happened so fast and WHAM their collective clumsiness came together with a force that seemed to pause time itself, the world blurred momentarily as the two laid in a mess of limbs on the floor.
Kaden caught their breath and their eyes were met with Matt. His blonde hair was tousled and disheveled, his glasses askew on his face. they had seen this guy before, and Kaden was pretty sure he was the brightest thing on the base. No, really that ill-fitting orange vest was brighter than a billion suns inside the dull halls of the base.
"A-Are you okay?" Matt's voice rang out, his voice a blend of concern and a hint of awe.
Kaden groaned as a response before speaking. "Maybe?" Kaden was dazed, their head had collided with the floor.
"Not fond of watching where you're going?" he chuckled softly and got up off of Kaden, offering them his hand.
"I slipped-" Kaden glared up at him but took his hand into theirs nonetheless.
Matt pulled them to their feet, making sure to avoid the oil spot that got them into that mess in the first place. "and you thought using me as an anchor would save you?" He raised a brow.
"I grabbed the first thing I could get my hands on…sorry." Kaden huffed, checking over their shoulder to see that their back was completely covered in oil and they let out another growl of frustration.
"So, you got a name clumsy?" Matt asked a hint of amusement in his voice and Kaden shot him a glare at the nickname.
"Reese… Kaden." Kaden hummed, walking over to their bag to dig through their tools.
"I'm Matt. A radar technician," he said flatly and Kaden turned to face him
"I know," They said as they walked past him and went back under the fighter they were working on.
"You know?" Matt once again cocked a brow, a quizzical look on his face and if Kaden was paying attention they probably would have thought it was quite cute.
"You're kinda hard to miss dude." Kaden's lips pulled into a small smirk. their heart was racing a bit, what people didn't know was that Kaden noticed him, a lot. A lot more than others did, they would never admit that they might have gotten quite a little crush on him. Sure he had his anger issues but he also could be sweet to others and his clumsiness and awkward demeanor was very charming in Kaden's eyes
"What's that supposed to mean?" His voice held a bit of defensiveness in it.
"Well, when you aren't screaming at the top of your lungs or chucking something across the room you're like a walking highlighter" Kaden snorted, peeking out at him from under the fighter to see Matt look down at his work uniform. "At least we can never lose ya eh?"
"Huh, I guess I'm not very inconspicuous am I?" Matt said with a small chuckle.
"No. You are not." Kaden hummed, there was a moment of silence, the only sounds being the deep rumbles from the base and Kaden working away. Kaden sighed and slid out from under the fighter again, sitting on the floor as they looked up at him. "Why are you doing here anyways?"
"Got lost."
"Felt." Kaden laughed softly. "I can never navigate this side of the base worth shit, no matter how much I try I get lost. Can imagine a newbie like you navigating this place with ease."
"When are you finished work?" Matt asked, it came out of nowhere and Kaden was slightly taken aback by it.
"huh? Oh- uh, a couple hours.." Kaden mumbled softly, it was so out of left pocket considering they were just talking about getting lost, Matt wasn't the greatest at conversation but that was okay, neither was Kaden.
"Wanna hang out or something?" Matt looked down at Kaden and Kaden felt like they had whiplash, they weren't used to people just asking to hang out, it was usually awkward conversations and then walking away to never speak to one another again. This was new.
"Uhm…." Kaden thought for a moment.
"Unless you're busy."
"No, I'm not busy.. uh sure, yeah. Let's.. hang out" Kaden stood to their feet, a small twinge of excitement for days end hitting them. "Nice to finally officially meet you, Matt." Kaden flashed him a soft smile.
"Likewise. Sorry for falling on you."
"Sorry for pulling you." Kaden chuckled softly.
For the rest of the day, Kaden felt like they were able to do their work a little more quickly than usual, they were eager for the day's end. Their days were usually so mundane and boring but today was different, today was exciting and a little weird. They wondered what other types of adventures they could have given how the first meeting went.
This could be the start of something new, fun, and amazing.
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@ama-ships || @heatobrienswife || @kylars-princess || @lysandreslittlechatot || @roboraindrop || @dragonsmooch
Lemme know if you wanted to be added or removed from my tag list! <3
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thirst-refinery · 7 years
Gingerbread {Triplet Matt x Reader}
A/N~ Hello everyone, and Happy Holidays! To celebrate this time of year I thought I’d write a couple Holiday themed one shots, and to start things off we have gingerbread house decorating with our soft boy Matt! I hope someone out there enjoys this little piece because I nearly quit on it before my dear friend Fae came to save the day (so shout out to her ♡)
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“Careful...Care--ful…” Matt spoke softly, hands slowly pulling away from the roof of his gingerbread house.
Well, technically it was both of your gingerbread house, but Matt had been the one slaving over the oven all day to make it. Now he sits at the counter cementing each cookie panel to one another with tasteless white frosting. The sight was almost comical; Matt’s tall broad form dwarfing the gingerbread house as he crouches over it, handling his creation with the utmost care and willing the pieces to stick together with just the intensity of his stare.
You both watch the roof of the house, waiting for the worst with your hands at the ready. Nothing; the roof holds still. Heaving a sigh of relief, Matt looks at you, chocolate eyes alight with pride.
“It only took ten tries,” you laugh.
Matt poked at your side playfully, earning an excited squeal as you lept just out of his reach, “Only one if you had made the frosting right.”
So what it took ten tries? It was worth it to force Matt to steal glances at you while you worked until finally he got so fed up with your shoddy attempt at frosting, he had to show you, taking your hands himself and repairing your batch with his masterful technique.
“Hey, would you mind grabbing the candy?” Matt asks, waving the half full piping bag in the direction of a cupboard before leaning back over the gingerbread house to add one final layer of sugary cement.
You cross the Solo’s kitchen to the cupboard closest the fridge. “In the usual spot?”
He nods, “Yup. Gotta keep it hidden from my brothers.”
Inside the cabinet is a treasure trove of assorted Ziplock bags, tin foil, parchment paper, seran wrap, and tucked neatly behind it all just out of sight, is a grocery bag full of dollar store candy. You pluck the bag from its hiding spot, careful not to drag the rest of the cupboard out with it, and return to your spot at the counter next to Matt.
“Thanks!” He takes the bag from you, pushing the green sleeves of his sweater up around his elbows. “I was thinking I’d do the work with the frosting and you could place the candy?”
Nodding, you watch as Matt dumps the contents of the bag onto the granite countertop; decorating its surface with an array of colored sugary treats. “Do we have to use it all?” you ask.
Matt shakes his head, unwrapping a mint and popping it into his mouth. “Anything you don’t want to use we can save for later. It’s all up to you.”
With the all the precision of a Cupcake Wars finalist, Matt begins detailing the gingerbread roof with rows of thin white arcs, layering them to create the look of shingles. You follow behind, dropping a small colorful round candy at the crest of each shingle. The routine continues row after row until one side of the roof is covered, then you continue to the other side. All the while playful chatter fills the space between you, only ever interrupted by Matt’s deep laugh, your cheerful giggle, or sneaking candy when you thought the other wasn't looking. It seemed no time at all had passed before you were placing peppermints outside the little house to create a path as the finishing touch.
Frosting down a green gummy tree outside the house, Matt admires your handy work. “It looks great,” he says leaning down to press his lips against your head. “But now it’s time for the best part.”
“The best part?”
He crosses the kitchen and retrieves two little gingerbread people he’d been saving in the oven. “Someone has to live in the house,” he says returning to his seat. Matt hands you a gingerbread man, cradling it in his big hands like a porcelain doll. “There’s one rule though.”
“Oh?” You take the gingerbread man from him, raising your eyebrows in anticipation of his response.
Matt looks at you with deadly seriousness from behind his glasses. “No peeking until we’ve finished decorating them.”
“Are you afraid I’ll copy you?” you laugh again.
“No,” he shakes his head, “I just want it to be a surprise.”
Agreeing to his request, Matt turns away from you with his cookie; using his body as a curtain to shield his gingerbread man from you. He looks back over his shoulder, meeting your gaze. “No peeking.”
So you turn away from him too, mimicking his posture.
You can hear him behind you, crinkling wrappers and mixing new batches of frosting. Curiosity gnaws at the back of your head, begging you to sneak just one look. Looking back over your shoulder, you lean slightly to peek around Matt’s form. Your chair creaks, drawing the blonde’s attention and when he looks at you, your heart launches into your throat.
“Hey!” Matt crowds further over his gingerbread man, protecting his masterpiece from your prying eyes.
Giggling, you turn back to your own cookie that still sits undecorated. You picture what it could look like; gumdrop buttons, and a smiley face? No, that felt too simple. With the garniture of the gingerbread house, it would look like a pauper outside Kensington Palace. This gingerbread man had to be special. You look back just one more time, watching Matt fuss over the cookie you still couldn’t see. His lips pressed into a thin line in concentration, occasionally brushing sunny locks from his face, eyes trained with acute focus from behind his glasses. You knew what you wanted to make.
Frosting for a smile, eyes, the outline of a vest, shirt, and pants, popcorn for hair, and a licorice string to make the frames of his glasses.
“Done!” You turn on your stool to face him, excitement coming to a rolling boil within you.
“Hold on.” he says, still hunched over, adding one final detail to his creation. “And-- done!”
Matt spins, gingerbread man in hand as he pushes away discarded candy wrappers to make a place to set his cookie. You scoot yours over next to his on the counter, both of you holding your hands over your gingerbread man waiting for the final reveal.
“On three,” you say. “One.”
Drawing your hands away, you look down to Matt’s gingerbread man, your breath catches in your throat. It was you. Expertly frosted, with crushed candy pieces to create texture on the sweater your cookie-self wore.
“Matty!” you gasp, but he only laughs, picking up your gingerbread man.
“It’s me.”
In comparison, yours was a decorative disaster next to Matt’s instagram ready gingerbread man, but he looked at yours and held it with the same adoration and wonder as if it was the most masterful thing he’d ever seen.
“It’s not as pretty as yours but-”
Matt grins so wide you can see his crooked teeth peeking from behind his lips. “I love it, muffin.”
He frosts the feet of your cookie and sets it outside the house next to the peppermint path. Taking the piping bag from him, you follow the same procedure on gingerbread-you and stick it right next to gingerbread-Matt; their little cookie hands touching as if holding one another.
Matt takes your real hand, squeezing gently as he admires your collaborative work. “Perfect,” he says.
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nerdyangeldetective · 5 years
I am working on the request I have left! You can now send me prompts/request about John Wick too!
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sithlordintraining · 6 years
She’s No Angel (FINALE)
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A/N: Haha it’s finally over (three years too late) hope this lived up to the “hype”. I’m very much glad this is over. IT’S THE END OF AN ERA!
She’s No Angel Masterlist
So don’t you close your eyes...
Rey was furious as she paced back and forth. “NO, I WILL NOT LET YOU DO THAT!” She yelled and Kylo stared indifferently at the Jedi. Rey continued to persuade him not to go through with his idea, but Kylo didn’t care. “No, that is my child and I caused this, I will make it right.” He said but she scoffed. “NO!” She yelled. “YOU CANNOT BRING HER HERE!” Rey felt herself grow hot with tears. You were the enemy, you were evil, you would drag him back down. “She’s evil, a-and that thing inside her is evil too, I felt!” Rey explained. “Something that young and unexposed shouldn’t be so corrupt and dark an-” “STOP IT!” Kylo barked. Rey stood frozen from the force. There was a knock on the door and it was the only thing that made him unfreeze her. Opening it, stood Leia’s assistant. “The General is ready for you.” The two nodded and Kylo brushed past her to follow. Rey was the one doing all the talking in the meeting, but all eyes couldn’t help but be on Kylo. Not only could they physically see him going through it but they could also feel it. “Ben,” Luke called out to his nephew and he looked at him and then his mother. “She’s pregnant,” He said. “With my child.” With crossed arms, he moved from his spot in the dark corner. “Snoke is going to use them and I don’t want to let that happen. I can’t let that happen if it wasn’t for me none of this would’ve happened.” He spat. “I know none of you will support my decision, but I’m going to help her. I’m going to save her.” Nothing was said as they all just looked at each other. “No,” Leia said. “We don’t support you saving a war criminal. But we will help you rescue your family.” Luke, Rey, and Kylo were quite shocked at her full support. But as she said, she was only helping because whether anyone liked it or not, this was now Kylo’s family. It was Kylo who took the lead on this mission and enlisted the Jedi for help. He also trained them to be able to block the probes of Snoke and the Knights. Leia and Luke supported him, while Rey struggled. She could not help him with training the Jedi, she felt that this was his problem that he wanted to solve. He shouldn’t have been doing this anyway. So what Y/N was having his child. The force that she had felt in that room had Rey completely terrified; she didn’t know if it was the child or the woman, but Kylo did not need that in his life. It seemed no matter how hard she tried to explain that it wouldn’t get through to him. It had to just be guilt. That was the only explanation. Rey just didn’t understand why he felt this way. But it didn’t matter, Kylo knew what he did an how much danger he had put her in. Everyone was boarding the ship as Kylo stood by the ramp. Rey walked up behind him and he turned to see her. “You’re coming?” He asked. She nodded before speaking, “I don’t think you should be this, but I can’t let you do it alone.” Rey said and he appreciated it. Stepping up he let her aboard the ship.
Another sleepless night had evaded you. Lucky was gone, Hux and Phasma were in rehab, and the Knights had been on a mission. So Snoke had you all to himself. He worked you even harder; he seemed to take out all his aggression on you and forcing you to use your emotions to fuel you. But you were tired, hurt, and sad. Your mother saw this but you begged for her to keep her distance. You could not afford to lose her too. You laid on the bad with teary eyes focusing on the large window on the ship. The baby squirmed as he usually did when he was in some type of distress. You began to get up but was stopped by the force and your scream was muffled by a large hand. From the dark appeared Kylo. Your brows furrowed as he sat on the bed beside you. “Don’t scream. It’s just me, I’m not going to hurt you.” Kylo spoke. Y/N nodded as he removed his hand. “W-What are you doing here?” Your voice quivered in fear and it hurt him as he also felt the baby’s force change too. “I’m here to save you, I’m going to take you from here, help you escape from Snoke.” You couldn’t help but be interested in this, but pushed out this thought in fear. “I-I can’t, he’ll find us. He’ll k-kill my mom, he’d kill me, h-he’d kill our baby.” You whispered. The word ‘our’ made his heart thump; after everything, you hadn’t disowned him. “No,” he shook his head. “I won’t let that happen. He won’t get to you.” But you couldn’t believe him, it was Snoke after all! “There’s only one way to stop him. Kylo, you can’t, I can’t.” Y/N shook her head. He could feel worry and panic start to rise within you. He tried to get you to calm down and he accidentally put his hand on your belly. He wasn’t expecting the surge of connection between him and his child. His brown eyes stared down in shock. You rested your hand on his. He looked up to see your teary eyes. “He’s so strong.” You said and he gulped. Power like this under Snoke at such a young age would be dangerous. “It’ll be ok.” Kylo said. He took on her restless and gaunt appearance. This was not how you were supposed to be. “You need to sleep, you haven’t been sleeping. Sleep.” Kylo coaxed you to lie down back on the bed. With the force, he put her to sleep. Peering down at the sight, he hesitated to lay beside her until his eyes fell to her nightstand. There beside Lucky’s charred dog tag was a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. Matt’s gold-rimmed glasses; his gold-rimmed glasses.
You awoke with a sharp pain in your head. Blinking the blurriness away, you tried to remember what happened last night, but all you could think about was Kylo. Was it a dream? You asked yourself as you looked around to see that you were alone in your room. Another sharp pain hit you on the base of your brain, you knew that all to well. It was Snoke beckoning you to the throne room. Quickly getting dressed, you made your way to the throne room with your entourage of Knights. She stopped right before the door as the baby began to move, hide. This wasn’t good, something was about to happen and she didn’t know if she was prepared for it. The doors slid open as she entered and immediately closed shutting her Knights out. You gasped because Snoke always allowed them in, what was so different about now? As you turned to look at the Supreme Leader and of course, right before him stood Kylo. You could feel your stomach drop as the events you thought you dreamed last night became true. Beady blue eyes stared you down beckoning you to come forward. Slowly, you did trying to keep your breathing at bay. But you were scared, fearful of what he would do to you, to Kylo, to your baby. Snoke hummed. “The last time you two were in the same room, you didn’t want to work together. Oh, how the tables have turned.” He placed his chin on his fist looking between Kylo and Y/N. Suddenly you gasped as your hands clawed at your neck.
Kylo’s movement came out as a jerk as Snoke caught him in a hold. “You want to save her?” He asked. “You want to save her now after everything you’ve done to her?” Of course, Kylo did, this was all his fault anyway. Kylo jerked again but had no choice but to listen to Snoke mocking him and the sound of Y/N’s shortness of breath and tears. But was worst of all was he could feel her and the baby’s panic, although she tried to keep calm. But all the memories of Snoke’s abusiveness that she had fall victim during her pregnancy was being projected into Kylo’s mind. Images of you being starved worked relentlessly, manhandled, pushed to the brink of exhaustion every time. And he knew after this, if he didn’t succeed, it would only mean death for you and corruption for his son. Kylo let out a guttural scream as he squirmed trying to break free of Snoke’s hold. Snoke chuckled as he emitted lighting from his fingers sending Kylo to the back of the room. “And you,” He turned to Y/N. “After everything I’ve given you and allowed you, this is how you repay me?” Snoke said. “He wanted nothing more than your demise and now that you’re not getting what you want, you run back to him. I’ve protected you, gave you guidance, let your precious trooper live and your mother when they spoke ill of me.” You began to cry harder as you pleaded with him. Pain pulsed throughout your body as you began to float before the Supreme Leader. Kylo secretly watched from the back. His plan was failing, you were going to die and he couldn’t let that happen. Snoke had taken his lightsaber; it was perched on the arm of the throne staring, mocking him.
Unbeknownst to Snoke, the saber began to turn toward him. Y/N’s teary eyes pleaded with Snoke, staring deep into his eyes. It was her that saw the evil look wash to confusion. The top half of his body began to slide off as a horse screamed escaped her from the sight of Snoke and her falling. But before she came crashing, Kylo safely planted her to the ground. All the Praetorian guards turned to them just as the doors slid open to reveal the Knights with Luke and Rey. “Get her out of here, we’ll handle this,” Luke yelled as all eight of them charged towards the guards. You tried to scramble to your feet as fast as possible but damn, pregnancy gets in the way of a lot of things. So Kylo rushed over helping you up. “BEN!” Rey called out. The pair turned to see Rey throwing the lightsaber over to him. He caught it and was soon helping Y/N towards the hangar. They were crossing the bridge when all of a sudden, Y/N stopped. Kylo tugged but she would not move. He turned to see her frozen expression. “What?” Kylo asked. And you shook your head. “I-I can’t do this.” You said. He wanted to ask a question but you continued speaking. “I can’t leave my mother, o-or Hux, and Phasma, I-I won’t tell them what happened but I c-can’t go with you.” Kylo shook his head. “Y/N listen, you have to come with me. They don’t care about you the way I care. They just care about controlling the galaxy.” Kylo looked you dead in your teary eyes. “And you don’t?” You asked and it caught him off guard. “Is that not what you want? Isn’t that what this is all about? This is why there is a war because two sides want the same thing?” You asked. “The First Order will kill anyone in their way, Snoke almost killed you because you were in the way! What makes you think it won’t happen again?” He snapped. “It won’t.” Y/N said flatly. “Y/N, I’m not going to stand here and argue with you.” Kylo grabbed your hand only to feel a type grip surround him as your nails dug into his skin. “Because Snoke is dead. He doesn’t control anything anymore, I do.” Kylo was confused before he felt pain throughout his body. “You think I’m going to with you after everything that you’ve done to me. You’re only doing this because of your new reformed ‘Ben Solo’ complex.” Y/N said. “All you and your family have ever done was cause war and hurt to others and innocent people because of your problems. That ends now.” Kylo opened his mouth but no words came out, he felt weak like all his energy was being drained. “Do you know why I put myself through that training with Snoke, it’s because I knew you would be after my son. I knew once you found out you wouldn’t be able to stay away and I knew your little Resistance pals would want me dead too.” A smile appeared on your face that was a striking contrast to the tears in your eyes. “He taught me how to drain energy. I’ve been doing it to him for some time that’s why it was so easy for you to kill him. I just need someone else to get him out the way.” Kylo’s looked up at her with furrowed brows as he dropped to his knees. It was all a setup. “You want to know why? Because you both wanted him, you both wanted the power, the control to get what YOU wanted!” Y/N felt the surge through her body as she smiled down at him. “I will no longer let the people of MY galaxy fall into the hands of your family.” A soft expression took over your features as you drained the last bit of his energy. “And to think, I’m the last person you thought would turn on you after everything.” Through hazy vision, he saw you, glowing with such energy and power, it was blinding. Ironic how you gained control of the dark side yet appeared nothing but light as your skin held a golden glow against the white dress you were wearing. The last thing Kylo saw before he closed his eyes was you in the most beautiful form he'd ever seen. “Angel,” Was the last words that slipped past his lips before his body went careening over the bridge into the dark abyss.
Months had passed, the Resistance had fallen. The death of the Solo-Skywalker clan, Rey, and other Resistance members and Jedi represented the end of an era. The end of the war. It was now time for a rebirth, someone to save the galaxy from falling into the likes of them again and it was you. Appearing in the effervescent glow that seemed to always cover you since that day. You already had a large following prior to your ascension to Supreme Leader, but now that you were, the whole galaxy seemed to bow at your feet willingly. Phasma hadn’t survived, but Hux did, cursed to be more machine than man, and your mother, those two always by your side as they watched you sway disheartened crowds to your favor. “Long Live Emperor Angel!” Was shouted from every planet, written on every credit. There was something about you that caused the whole world to submit to you. It might’ve been your beauty, your intelligence, your graceful authority, or caring nature. But it was your history, as you spoke for the first time, while you were still pregnant, about how the war and Resistance had taken everything from you. Your family, friends, the love of your life, and even tried to take yours; it was something every innocent civilian could relate too. You talked about your hardship on not being able to live the life you wanted, the life everyone deserved because of the war. Cursed to be an abused pawn by the Solo-Skywalkers, which became disgusted as everyone blamed them for the years of war. But, then you spoke of a new, of a blessing, the Universe blessed you miraculously with a child, and you too would help the people of the galaxy get a blessing as well. You feared every day approaching the due date that the Universe would curse for killing his father, but it was out of protection. He was yours to love and protect, to make sure he would never have to fall into fate's cruel hands. He was born in the now yours, palace in Fallania, on a full moon. He was so beautiful as you peered down at his sleeping figure swaddled in a cream blanket. Now, at three years old, he comes running up to you with the widest smile on his face: “Mommy!” You pick him up and plop him on his bed. As you look over his features, you can’t help but thank the universe. He looks nothing like him. He only has his ears, which are easily covered up by his (y/h/c) curls as blue eyes shine up at you with a few dusting of freckles. “Romulus, what story would you like mommy to tell you?” Y/N ask smiling at him. “A new one!” He smiles and you can’t help but to, too. You ponder over a moment before finding the perfect one: “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”
It's been real y'all, hope this lived up to the "hype" that surrounds SNA (which also might be years too late). Thanks for all the support and hope you enjoyed this crazy series. Be sure to check out my others that won't cause you to rip your hair out and then glue it back on. Also, the new one that will be posted next month is:
The Trials of Sharing (Modern HS Au/Poly/NSFW) - Reader and Matt are clearly in love with each other and after being best friends for years they finally date. Everything is fine until Matt tells her of the deal that he has with his other older twin brothers, Ben and Kylo. Willing to prove her devotion to Matt, she endures this weird family activity. (ON AO3)
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solo-trio · 7 years
High Significance (Pt. 1)
Summary: After meeting the Solo triplets, you dialed down on your habit a great deal. What will they think of you when they catch you mid-puff ?
Pairings- Solo triplets x Reader
Words- 2.4K
Warnings- Marijuana use, Marijuana mention, Slight suggestive themes
A/N: My Laptop was in the shop so I haven’t been able to post new works, but I’ve had this idea for awhile and I’m excited for our triplets to break a few rules. Enjoy! Don’t forget to send in any requests you may think of !
You’d really dialed down on your habit after meeting the Solo triplets. Smoking weed used to be a four or five time a week activity for you. Nothing ended a great day like sitting down with your best friend,smoking a bowl, listening to music,and relaxing in comfy clothes on your plush couch. Food tasted better, jokes came across funnier, and every new strain you tried held a mysterious unique effect the both of you uncovered together. 
The boys had sauntered into your life unexpectedly, giving you no time to notice your steady dialing back. You never consciously made the decision to quit, but as you spent more time getting to know each of them and going on amazing dates, you had less time and less money to spend on your extracurricular activity. Kylo, Ben, and Matt had been the best things to happen to you and you never once expected that smoking would be present in the experimental relationship you found with the three of them. Not one of them had ever brought up doing anything worse than getting drunk on whatever alcohol was the flavor of the evening. You never pushed it, being more than happy to just use alcohol as a means for fun. You’d always prefer staying up late texting Kylo or being able to go for jog with Ben than lighting a blunt and eventually passing out. The change was even less noticeable while you still hung out with your best friend,  finding new hidden spots around town to explore. 
 Every so often though, you itched for a bowl though, to just be a little bad. You had always had a fascination with watching the smoke, as if your secrets were ghosts escaping from the portal that was your lips, dissipating into the air and no longer haunting you. You would go onto your balcony while your partners were at work or fast asleep to get just the right level of high and stare at the grey smoke as it rolled through the air and bent the moonlight making shadowy figures of its own on the ground. You disposed of any evidence thoroughly and quickly. It wasn’t a part of who you were anymore but the small instances when you could indulge yourself brought an extra glimmer of peace to your mind that you could never abandon fully. 
This specific day, for a reason you couldn’t decipher, all your mind could relish was the memory of your chest warming, your mind numbing, and the hope of feeling it again. It had been quite awhile since the last time you took time to yourself to breathe in the THC. Your eyes had been peering towards your dresser drawer more frequently. To icing the cake, work had progressed less than perfect. You’d been out of it and spent most of the day performing errands and completing busy work. A bowl sounded heavenly at this moment.
Standing in your kitchen, the clock read 3:15, only a minute had passed since you had last checked the time. You fidgeted with you hair and nails as you tried to subdue the want. The stress of fighting with yourself only added to the pressure that was driving you toward the drawer. You weighed out if doing it was worth going behind their backs again. You hated not telling them, but what would you say? “I don’t know if you guys are cool with weed but I smoke it once every three months” You chuckled out loud imagining your confession. Once every three months wasn’t even a statistic worth mentioning. You’d just get funny looks and a whole flurry of unnecessary questions. Other than relying on the substance, you tried some other activities you usually found soothing. After a chapter of a new book and an episode of Daredevil, you still found yourself yearning to create new smoke swirls. You dragged your feet to the kitchen and filled a glass halfway with water. Your fingernails were demolished from anxious biting and you had to busy your hands. As the water swirled in your mouth, you felt dissatisfied, knowing if you were high it would be a more vibrant sensation. Your eyes were pulled to the stove yet again as you downed the drink. 4:30, it read. It was now or never. You were aware this might be a close call but you resolved yourself to packing a small bowl before the boys came home. This constant internal fight wasn’t worth it. You dug in your closest, finding your stash. You felt the muscles in your shoulders cease their clenching as you rolled the sticky herb between your fingers. Your bowl was perfectly sized and, despite that, you packed it looser than usual. You figured it would take less time to burn through in that state. After you set what was ready to go on the nightstand, you changed. Any experience was better if you were comfortable. You perused Kylo’s closet. The tallest siblings shirts were the best dresses on you. You came across a hanging garment that had inspired a rather pleasurable night with your brooding boyfriend. The look on his face as you sauntered out in it was truly a rare sight that had you smiling fondly as you recalled it. You exchanged your professional work attire for that special T-shirt and panties underneath. 
Sauntering to the balcony, you connected your phone to your Bluetooth speaker and played the hardcore songs you truly loved but tried to limit in the presence of your beaus. You danced around your smoke, waving your hands through it and trying different tricks playfully. Your lungs felt on fire every time you inhaled. You had made it a contest with yourself to see how much you could take before adding to the cloud developing on the balcony. You had burnt through most of your bowl when you went for one more puff, knowing you had to be pushing it close to when you significant others would stroll through the door expecting a kiss from their favorite companion. You were headbanging when you heard the door frame squeak and catch repeatedly on the bottom track behind you. 
 You spun around expecting a burglar, hoping for a burglar, over who really witnessed you, pipe in hand. Your sweet Matt’s eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. While your breath stuck from shock, the smoke charred your throat and you started hacking uncontrollably after lack of proper exhale. You paused the music and your coughs grew louder among the stillness of your neighborhood. Matt rushed to your hunched over frame. “Woah (y/n) are you ok,” he asked, worried at your side. He was the only one of the brothers you saw in the doorway until your choking on air caused the other two to rush up and also witness the scene. You reassured Matt that you were fine once your body allowed you to breath enough to speak. All three gazes burned far worse than your airways. “What are you doing out here?” Matt, no longer worried about your wellbeing, perused the table. You decided against responding. You expected to see disappointment as you peeked from the ground to look at your boyfriends. Matt’s eyes were filled with a sentiment opposite from the disappointment that you expected to face though. You recognized a look of curiosity in his warm chocolate irises. Looking next to Kylo, he embodied the worst possibility of reactions. With clenched fists, he stood waiting for an explanation but wouldn’t meet your eyes. The only thing that held his attention was the now extinguished substance filling the blue and green glass pipe. Ben was your last focus. His eyebrows were raised and a smirk played at his lips as he stepped out onto the balcony to join Matt and you. 
“Why I do believe our precious girl is getting high.” His voice was light and teasing. You didn’t need to confirm his evaluation. He didn’t stop advancing until he was placed right in front of you with his finger under your chin,  stretching your neck so you’d have to face him. “Who knew you were such a bad girl,” he purred. Feeling hazy wisps of your impending high lick at the edges of your conscious, you felt yourself seduced completely by his reaction. His intense energy made you feel as if you were the only two people that were there before Matt interjected. 
“Wait...High like weed?” The blonde, again, only seemed to ask out of honest interest. Ben dropped his hand, annoyed by the interruption. 
“Yes Matty like weed.” Ben rolled his eyes as if he was dealing with a child. While your charming triplet was occupied responding to Matt’s questions, all you could do was stare guiltily at Kylo as he seemed to grow angrier.
 “What does it feel like?” Matt looked to you now to see if he could perceive any noticeable changes in your behavior or actions. Kylo finally blew. 
“Who cares. It’s for wastes of space who do nothing to contribute to society and kill brain cells for fun,” He sternly said. The onsetting buzz you felt caused you to take his outburst straight to heart. You looked at the ground sadly as a your lips melted into a frown. 
“Come on Kylo you know that’s not true. Lots of people do it,” Ben defended you. He pulled you close, his front pressed flush against back, and kissed your neck. Your brain took a bit to process the stimulation but you were grinning once again after you felt the comforting press of him at your side. After recapturing your interest, the flirt pecked your lips, and winked at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.“Now I know you know how to shotgun princess.”You lit up at his wanting to join you. 
“Ben you can’t be serious! I don’t know if you guys have forgotten but weed is illegal here! What if someone had found out and called the cops?” Kylo was now yelling, causing you to cringe into Ben as he put a protective arm around you. “It’s stupid and reckless. I can’t believe you’d hide something like this from us. Do you do any other drugs? What else have you lied about?” Kylo shot accusation after accusation at you. Being considerably high, paranoia started setting in. The other siblings did find interest in his last question and turned to you for answers. You were having trouble piecing together a response under pressure so you said whatever came to mind first, relying fully on your emotions. 
“No-no I would never. I only smoke and I barely ever do it. Once in a long while. I didn’t tell you because It’s not even a part of my life. I never smoke when we’re together or I have anything planned. Please believe me,” you pleaded, aiming your response to Kylo. Ben and Matt sighed in relief hearing the sincerity of your tone. Matt rubbed your arm reassuringly as he was the first to respond. 
“It’s ok (y/n) we all have different ways of relieving stress.” you sighed as you pulled the corners of your mouth up. 
“Thank you Matt I truly never meant to hurt any of you.” you needed Kylo to see how remorseful you felt. Ben kissed the side of your head. 
“You know you can tell us anything right? I’m a little disappointed you hid this but-“
“Ben please I’m so so-,“ you pleaded with him, praying he didn’t hate you. 
“- but,” he put a finger to your lips to silence you, “I understand. It’s not even worth mentioning” He got to finish. You sighed in relief pulling both boys to your height so you had access to their cheeks where you wished to plant kisses of gratitude. You waited hopefully for a similar response from Kylo. 
“Keep the shirt. The smells probably stuck in there.” He scoffed, turning to slam the sliding door shut behind him. You could feel guilt poison every atom in your being. Tears prickled your eyes as you lived out the worst experience of being high in history. Your emotions throughout the past moments had been a roller coaster of ups and downs. Your eyes stung with dryness and your body felt heavy from the prolonged weight on your feet. 
Ben and Matt tried to comfort you, accommodating the state you were in. They had convinced you to let Kylo sleep on it and let him have some space. They joked with and teased you, helping to turn your mood around and have a little fun. Ben even smoked a little with you and you both taught Matt how to hit a pipe. For the whole remainder of your elated state however, your paranoia never fully disappeared. It beat you down, whispering how excited Kylo was to finally leave someone as pathetic as you and how everything you said had only made it worse, making him hate you more. You all three popped in a movie as Ben and you were feeling the standard effects. Languidly, you leaned into Ben and bit his neck before licking up the side of the now reddened skin. Your body felt warm and your mind worked wonderfully slow as you hoped to get Ben riled up enough to join you in bed. Thinking about Ben and seeing his smile helped your doubts. He chuckled before raising his brows surprisingly at the ministrations of your tongue. You noticed Matt had excused himself leaving only you two in the living room. 
“Yes kitten?” Ben responded to the affection his neck was getting. 
“I bet you’d feel so good against me right now,” you whispered breathily into his ear. His neck twisted towards you. His eyes now seemed glazed over as he let himself glance at the outline of your breasts against your shirt. Your breathing grew heavier as you straddled his hips and starting making out with him. Your tongue tried to feel out every inch of his mouth as his fought you for dominance. You lowered yourself to grind against his thigh, craving stimulation. His hands wandered all over your body. He eventually settled for gripping your waist tightly with one handing and grabbing a handful of your ass with the other. Ben groaned feeling you against him and lazily rolled his head back. You gripped his shoulders and kept relentlessly at his neck while he groped you and moved you grind against him fully. Your sturdy love then hooked his arms under your thighs and you giggled into his lips as you were hoisted up. Ben granted your every wish in bed, the high adding an exciting new dynamic and helping you avoid the situation you’d have to remedy in the morning. 
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just-4-thrill · 7 years
Force My Hand
fandom: starwars, tlj, matt the radar technician 
word count: 1085
characters: Rey x Matt the Radar Technician
warnings: touch sensitive hand-holding/ not-platonic hand-holding 
summary:  While Matt the Radar Technician prepares to go undercover with Rey to bring down Kylo and the Knights of Ren he brushes Rey’s hand and realizes he’s never touched another human before. 
author’s note: AU where Matt the Radar Technician is not Kylo Ren but does have a mysterious connection to him, revealed in a later chapter. 
Matt With-no-real-last-name’s entire life came down to three days. Three. That’s it - the number of defining days in his life. Pretty worthless as a whole really, besides the three.
The first, was the day he discovered why he had been created. You didn’t read that wrong – created. Some people are born, some are created. He is the ladder.
The second, was the day he met her. Three buns, blue lightsaber, nasty battle kick – you know the one: Rey Who’s last name is apparently tied to some once-immortal-but-now-defeated Sith lords buried in some paupers’ graves. A detail that caused quite the scandal (but not the biggest scandal a misread prophecy or vision has ever caused this galaxy. And that included the sister prophecy – the one Rey herself had misinterpreted. Rumors of Ben Solo’s return to the resistance have been greatly exaggerated.) Perhaps Matt should have taken note of misinterpreted visions back when he heard Rey’s story, but it didn’t even occur to him then that everything he knew might be a lie.
And that brought Matt to the third day – the day that really mattered.
“Are you ready?” Rey asked, handing Matt the blond wig.
His fingers brushed against her knuckles as he grabbed the yellow mop. “Sorry…uh.” he mumbled.
She watched him with scrunched eyes as he touched his fingertips where he could still feel the buzz of her presence - like the ghost of a touch. “Is everything ok?”
He nodded. “I uh…” How do you say something so odd? “I don’t often get touched, is all.” Never been touched, is what he meant.
“I am sorry.” She said as she took a step back away from him.
Perhaps she was trying to respect his comfort level, perhaps the confession made her uncomfortable.  
“No, no.” Matt responded, perhaps too eagerly. “It’s not…bad. It just feels… different. Different from touching cloth or the walls of a ship. It’s like I can feel something happening to my skin where you touched it.”
“Does it hurt?” Rey’s body shifted closer.
“No, it just feels like an energy.” He paused, unsure if he should admit it. “It feels good to be touched by a person.”
Her hand lifted and hovered in the air between them as though offering but not forcing. He hesitated, pondering the skin on her hand, rubbing his own hands - still a buzz from barely brushing her knuckles before.
“It’s ok.” She pulled her hand back, and in that moment the emptiness of the space where her hand used to rest called for his own to fill it.
Matt’s hand shot into the emptiness and past it towards her receding fingers. He had to take a step towards her and must have miscalculated because the moment their hands connected, he was standing close – too close to her. His fingertips touched hers and he felt the energy again – the fuzziness on the pads of his fingers, coursing up his arm. He gasped at the sensation as she slid her hand farther into his palm: cold electric currents raised the hair on his forearms while the touch itself was warmth. His lips felt the static of the air as though suddenly alive with new touch receptors. But his lips were not the only part of his body that seemed to react to her touch...
Slowly, very slowly, she cupped her hand around his, until they were holding hands. He stared down at her for a moment, before he felt a lightheadedness that threatened his usually sturdy knees. He let himself fall onto the resistance grade bed – one of the few pieces of furniture in the room.
Her hand still buzzed against his skin as she took a seat beside him.
“Are you ok?” She asked.
It was better than ok. Matt felt as if he wanted more, but wasn’t sure if he could handle it. “Yes, but please don’t touch me anywhere else. I would like to get used to this first.”
She nodded. They stared into the empty metal wall.
“Does it bother you?” Matt asked after a while.
“What?” Rey didn’t turn towards him.
“That I look like him?”
Her shoulders lifted and lowered as she grabbed a deep breath. “I don’t know.”
“He killed your mentor. He is responsible for so much of this destruction. By the light, I am sure it is hard to look at me and not see all of that pain.”
“It is more than that.” She said. “But it doesn’t matter; you are not the same person he is.”
“Technically. I am.”
“You are what he could have, maybe even should have been. But you are not him.”
“Is that…good?”
She turned her body on the bed so she could look him in the eyes. “It is a very good thing.” A pressure on his hand as she squeezed.
He sighed, fiddling with the yellow wig in his other hand. “I am ready.”
“Are you sure?”
“This is what I was made for.”
“It doesn’t matter what you were made for. It just matters what you do.”
Matt nodded. “I know what I have to do.”
Her hand twitched against his as though the words startled her. Matt looked at her eyes – distant and wide, and asked her, “Will you be coming with me?”
She stood up releasing his hand. “Yes, there is something I have to do too.”
He watched her back. “What will you do?”
Rey sighed as she moved to the door. “One way or another, I have to neutralize the Knights of Ren.”
Matt felt a tear in his eye -- maybe because of the news, maybe because of the sudden absence of her touch. “You’ll never be able to fight them alone.” The loss of her felt acute to him now. “Teach me how to use the force? I will fight with you. You don't have to do this alone."
Rey shook her head. “If you are seen fighting them, it will ruin everything. Besides.” She turned and smiled at him. “I can handle myself.”
Matt nodded and gripped the wig as he situated it on his head. “Of course.” He tried to compensate for seeming like he didn’t believe in her. “If anyone could do it, it would be you.”
She smiled and stepped out of the room. “I’m going up to the surface. Meet me at the falcon in ten.”
“What’s the falcon?” He asked.
She chuckled. “Oh you’ll know.”
And with that she disappeared leaving Matt with a still tingling hand.
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spottedlekkudancer · 7 years
Same Heart
Chapter 1 - Voyagers
Sum: You are a Colonel from the Battlecruiser Absolution now aboard Finalizer in an attempt to close a banking deal for the Order abroad. Not much has ever given you cause to seek a significant other before, however, when several people on the ship start taking a personal interest in you things may change.(KyloxReaderxHux)
Word count: 3,700+
Warnings: Language
“Come on Master (F/N)” The clawed hands of a B1-Battle Droid wrapped around your forearm, shaking your form in it’s place. “Did you forget what this day is?”
Through cracked lids you gazed up your assistant now acting as an alarm clock. “No Sterling, I did not.” Swinging the grey striped bed sheets off your body and placing your feet onto the floor you decided you had to get up even though you did not want to. Today you were being temporarily relocated to the Finalizer, a Resurgent-class Battlecruiser under the command of General Armitage Hux. A high ranking official, such as yourself, was needed to deliberate and sign off on a loan with the InterGalactic Banking clan. You only hoped it wouldn’t take too long. For although you loathed where you called home now you still did not enjoy entertaining the idea of being so close to the tyrannical Hux. Just his name made your stomach turn over with bitter, doleful, and vexatious memories. 
The only thing you carried with to the hanger was your data pad; you still had quite a bit of work to finish and the quiet of space would be just the place to help you think. Or so you thought. Lt Colonel Zack had different plans. He stood in front of the Upsilon-class shuttle prepared for your transport: a smile plastered to his face and bags in hand. You stopped short in front of him. “Did you receive the order to come as well then?” You didn’t know how to feel about this development. Zack could be quite the chatterbox, even emotional at times.
“Good morning to you too Colonel.” He looked you up and down a bit too cheerily, but perhaps he was just excited to get off the ship for once. “Where is your luggage? I was under the impression this trip would be a week in length.”
“A week or more.” You corrected. “I had Scarlet bring them down earlier.”
The lines in Lt Colonel Zack’s forehead creased. “Is your droid coming with us ma’am?”
You shook your head ‘no’ as an answer, not wanting him to pick up more things to comment on. It was far too early to be conversating without a steaming cup of Tutsee brew.
Traveling the abyss of the outer rim takes time.
Far more time than you cared for. Several full cycles in fact. Between your trip to Finalizer and back you would be spending just as much time in wild space as you would closing that bank deal. When you did finally land you were so relieved you could have kissed the first person you saw. However, that would prove to be a tight lipped and pompous ginger haired man. You greeted him with a grimace half woven into a smile. “General, a pleasure as always.”
“General Hux, Sir.” Zack immediately picked up on the tension arching between the two of you.
“Lt Colonel, Captain.” He nodded to your officer and then to you.
“Actually sir, (Y/N) is a Colonel herself now.” Zack wanted to be respectful but it came across as timid.
Zack didn’t need to state that fact you thought, Hux was already aware of it. If the change in uniform color wasn't enough the plaque on your chest was a dead give away. Moreover, the fact he had signed for you to come here; no meager petty officer or Captain would be consulted on something like this.
“Yes I was informed your ship and feet were taken over by Captain Jaohm some time ago. How are you liking desk work instead?” His tone suggested the stab was intentionally set up.
Your time as Captain of the TA-772 explorer craft “Armata” was extremely short lived. Only a few months after receiving the new assignment Armata had come under the attack of  Pirates equipped with clone war era Vulture Droids.  During this you managed to lose some not necessarily important but definitely expensive cargo and were then sent for court martial. Although the court agreed this was entirely a success on your behalf, and you had been promoted several ranks for it, they unfortunately had moved you out of the Navy. “It is as fulfilling of a position as one could expect.” At this you did smile, for making sure he knew you weren’t bothered by this was paramount. “And I hear you are moving to StarKiller soon, with Commander Ren in tow no less. Seems you two have become quite the team.”
It was common knowledge that Ren and Hux shared more animosity for one another than a Loth-cat and an Akk dog. “Yes well, one learns to use the cards they’ve been dealt.”
It was good face but this idea was laughable to you. Though you had never met the Commander before you were positive in the conclusion that he was one of the only people Hux could not command or manipulate. “I was under the impression Commander Ren was in the Navy not the Army, General. Do correct me if I’m wrong.”
“You are not.” Hux stated plainly.
You only scoffed. So you were at least right in thinking he held no power over him officially.
After your little “welcome aboard” meeting in the hanger Hux introduced you to Lieutenant Mitaka whom was instructed to show both you and Zack to your quarters, and around the two kilometer long space cruiser. It was nearly a whole day's event in front of you, but this was much better of a pastime than mindless document work. So you didn’t complain. You did however, request time to use the refresher before your tour. Mitaka seemed happy to oblige and forwarded a map of the ship to your data pad. You all agreed you would rendezvous in the cafeteria in one hour.
On your way to the mess hall you passed by a peculiar scene
“Okay now can we rewire it please so i can go have my muffin.” The woman’s abrasive and accusatory tone is what caught your attention.
Down the hall on your left a clearly upset technician supervisor was hunched over an even larger man: his hands in a hole in the wall entirely too small to accommodate both of them.
New guy, maybe? Didn’t matter, you had somewhere to be. You took another step forward turning away, but the subordinate's actions were too loud to ignore.
“I haven’t had my muffin yet Matt!” She groaned loudly standing at her full height and throwing her hands up in the air. “Why do they keep sending me these people?!” She stormed away from the crouching man. “Huh Steve, why?” She regarded one of the stormtrooper guards on her way out of the area. You were almost struck with the nerve to go track her down and reprimand her. But it wasn’t worth the energy. She didn’t necessarily do something wrong, just obscene behavioral conduct. This wasn’t your ship. therefore, not your place to correct anything either.
Just as one disturbance left another entered. A trooper with an arrogant strut. “What up Matt.” he mocked the man on the ground. Passing him and kicking his wrench across the floor.
Honestly did none of these people see you, a superior officer, standing at the end of the intersection? The stormtrooper was headed right for you. Did they just not care? Should you care? Things were obviously run a little different on this ship.
“Hey you kicked my wrench!” The Nerf of a blonde turned on his heels, facing your direction for the first time. You couldn’t tell if he wanted to scream or cry. “Jerkface” Matt muttered to himself.
You sighed, his dorky glasses and defeated posture pulled at your heartstrings. It would be inappropriate to console him, but you had enough time to make a small detore.
Your boots clicked with an echo as you changed course. Casually you nudged the wrench with your foot giving it the momentum it needed to slide it’s way back to the toolbox next to Matt. The eye contact you made was brief and more than enough in your opinion to get your point across. Once out of the hall you turned right, correcting the “short cut” you had created. You would now be able to sleep without guilt over the situation you just witnessed.
You seemed to be lacking control a lot today. First Matt, next Mitaka didn’t have answers to any of your questions, then Zack got lost in a common area and it took two hours to hunt him down, and now at the end of a long day Hux was treating you to more invasive prying.
“And my former quarters?” Hux inquired as straight faced as ever. Absolution was where Hux called home in his first years as a general.
“I wouldn’t know.”
“Oh.” Amusement tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I hate to think they didn’t offer you them when you arrived for duty aboard the battlecruiser. How...” he paused to consider his next words. “Unfair.”
You knew he was teasing you, Hux didn’t believe in fairness like you did. On several occasions when you worked together in the past he regarded you as naive or foolish for such ideals. “Not at all. Admiral Broste did in fact push that I take Brendol’s old apartment in favor of a more modest one. It took him some time to accept ‘no’ as my answer.”
Hux stiffened at the mention of his father. Unblinking.
“Of course since then another officer moved in. I’m told he was ecstatic at his luck to have such a roomy abode.” You turned to him, face filled with false curiosity. “Are your quarters here as large as on Absolution?”
He cleared his throat. “No, no. Only Ren’s are.” It was a mindless answer and the muscles in his neck were not yet relaxing.
“How…unfair.” A teasing grin replaced the hard lines of Hux’s face when you said this. There were rare moments when your quibs and insidious bickering could turn pleasant enough to call friendly. If you were being completely honest with yourself Armitage was never really the one that got your stomach turning, it was the thought of his father. And at times the two Hux’s were very much alike.
The next thing you knew all of your attention was drawn to the thunderous footfalls of none other than Kylo Ren. Both you and Hux turned to greet him.
“Ren, it’s about time you joined us.”  Hux said.
The closer Kylo got to the both of you the more intimidating he became. The very air around him was heavy, not to mention he towered over everyone else. “My place is not in the bridge, General. I’m only here to formally meet our guests.” It was the first time you were hearing the voice of the Knight and it made you wonder if all the stories of Kylo being a cyborg or alien were true. Maybe he wore the mask to hide the colored skin of a different humanoid species. It wasn’t the enslaving era of the Galactic empire, but among a predominantly human order people still acted just as racist as ever.
“Yes.” Hux gestured to you. “Allow me to introduce Colonel (F/N)(L/N): former Captain of the Armata and an old friend of my family.”
“An honer to meet you Commander Ren. I look forward to our time together.” You were surprised your voice wasn’t shaking you were so nervous, and after an awkward moment when Kylo didn’t reply to you you continued speaking. “I’m sorry to inform you my Lieutenant has already turned in for the evening.” You brushed a straying hair from your bun behind your ear, trying not to think about how close he stood to you. How the heat and energy he exuded made you feel weak with trepidation. Kylo didn’t respond verbally to this either, only stared at you. Or at least you assumed he was staring at you. The eye slit of his mask was facing only you.
You turned back to Hux figuring it would be less stressful to talk to him than acknowledge the silence of Ren any longer.  “So what is on the agenda for tomorrow?”
“Nothing for you. The representative from the bank has given an ETA of 2200 hours.” Hux stated.
“I’m sure they will -
“Is that how you rose in ranks so quickly?” The modulated voice of Kylo interrupted.
You looked back up at him, far more confused than Hux seemed to be by the outburst. “Beg pardon?”
Kylo was right on top of clarifying himself, he wanted you to ask for the question to be repeated. “You are young, especially for such a high rank. At best you should be no more than an First Lieutenant.”
It dawned on you then and you're faced dropped into a stern frown. Any panic you had faced by the man’s presence was now overcome by the inherent need to prove your worth in some way. Many before Ren had assumed or questioned your position because of your political connection with Armitage and other powerful people in the First Order. None, however, had been so blunt about it to your face.
“If not your connection with the General perhaps you are conducting relations with another authority.” Kylo had just crossed a very clear line and the whole bridge went silent.
“Ren!” Hux was about ready to take the stick up his own ass out and beat Kylo with it. But you were much quicker to defend yourself than he was.
“If anything, Commander, should I have any urge to ‘conduct relations’ it would not be with someone of power. I enjoy playing the boss.” It was an equally crass comment. Fighting fire with fire is at times the best approach. And sure enough no one had anything to say back to you after that. Even Ren had fallen into silence. Weather he was taken aback or not, you couldn’t tell, but that is what you hoped happened.
You gazed around the room and all the officers immediately put their heads down and went back to work. Satisfied you pulled down at your tunic some. “If you’ll excuse me Sir.” It was directed at the General. He nodded.
After the blaster doors to the bridge closed behind you, you pulled up the map you were given on your data pad. It didn’t take long to find what you were looking for, every ship this size or larger had one and they were all relatively in the same location. It didn’t take you long to get their either, the smell of liquor was both revolting and intoxicating. All you needed was a little something to calm you down after what just happened.
You sat at the bar of the small cantina like common area and gave your order. To your liking the tender was quick and made your cocktail strong. Perhaps he could tell from the way your forehead creased that you were not having the best night, or maybe he just always made them hard.
“I didn’t take you for a drinker.” A figure in black uniform took the stool next to you.
“Lt Mitaka.” You played with the rim of your glass. “I could say the same for you.”
He chuckled. “The only people aboard this carrier that don’t are the Commander and the General.”
Armitage drinks, just not with noisy co-workers, you thought to yourself. The man is almost as big of an alcoholic as his father was. “I guess that doesn't surprise me much. I can’t think of two more stressful people to work with.”
“Is that why you are here?”
You nodded slightly. “I can’t say i’ve met the Commander's equal before.”
Mitaka chuckled at your comment. “That’s one way of putting it!”
You swiveled in your chair to talk to the off duty officer better. “Can’t blame it all of him. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I sleep better after a drink or two on a regular night.”
Mitaka’s eyebrows raised. “Only two?”
“Oh yes.” You flattened your hand against the counter top, patting the black glass. “That’s the Max out. I’ve heard stories about myself drunk that I am frightened to imagine, so I don’t let it get that far. Blackouts aren’t exactly good if I intend to keep my position here.”
“And here I pegged you for one of those giggling and dancing drunks.” He took a sip of his own drink. “But totally out of control Colonel could be fun to watch too.”
It was something in the way he emphasized the word ‘control’ that caught your attention. “I promise you, neither would be a pretty sight.”
“With someone as alluring as you, doesn’t matter what you would do.” For a moment a nagging voice in the back of your mind asked you to consider if he had heard what happened in the bridge. What he mocking you? You tried hard to dismiss these thoughts. He was already off duty at that time and you didn’t see him in front or behind you on your way here. You doubted he actually knew anything. This little man that you had taken for meek and not worth your time earlier today was just a smoother talker once you got him in a looser environment.  That was all.
You shook your head at him, both flattered and dis-amused. It was a strange combination of  feelings. You didn’t want to be hit on. Not tonight. And not by him. He was nice, but you just weren’t interested in personal engagements. “I should get going.” You quickly finished off your drink. The ferment burned a little going down. “Big day tomorrow.” You lied.
“Oh, of course.” His smile faded. “Did you want me to walk you back?”
“No, Thank you. I remember where it is.” You forced yourself to smile at him and leave in a manner that was very unhurried. “I’ll see you on the clock, Lieutenant.”
Several times tonight you had to remind yourself that you would not be on Finalizer long. That all of this was temporary and you could go back to your old grumpy Admiral on Absolution where things were straight-laced and normal. Admiral Kelljaed Broste was always a comforting thought. He always treated you like a grown woman, even when you were still in the academy and under Brendol’s crushing boots. The man beyond set in his Imperial ways. In your mind he was the only living personnel from the Empire’s fallen military left. This lead to many arguments on how things were to be run, but those worded scuffles always ended in some kind of understanding, a stiff drink, and Broste saying something outrageously funny. He was a nice man for someone who was responsible for the death of millions. That wasn’t to say he was a good person. He wasn’t. Nor were you. There was a distinct difference between nice and good. The Admiral was nice and you would miss him when he eventually passed. A sense of humor was hard to come by in such a strict military regime.
Now if someone would ask you if you would consider yourself Nice or Good you would say “Neither.” Keeping in mind you didn’t see yourself as the opposite. Mean or Bad that is. In your eyes the only thing you aspired to be was Right. Right, Fair, and Just. The galaxy needed a firm hand and this order was far stronger than the Empire. No planet under the watch of the First Order starved or were so impoverished that people lived in the wilds. There was no slavery, and above all you were here to protect the people from encroaching dangers. Dangers that included shielding people from their destructive selves. That included a total outlaw of Spice and mandatory mental and physical check ups yearly; for military it was quarterly.
That’s why when you heard yelling and saw sparks flying out of a control room it took you aback. Whomever it was throwing this temper tantrum needed not only to be court Martialed but to be mentally evaluated. Still this wasn’t your ship. You didn’t have to power to initiate an investigation into said person. All you could do right now was stop this madman from causing more damage.
You adjusted your uniform and hair to look as professional as possible, with the plan of going in there and giving the clearly out of line subordinate a severe reprimand. When you turned the corner to confront the culprit you could have puked in horror.
There surrounded by on fire computers was Kylo Ren, ignited lightsaber in hand and hunched in aggressive breathing.
“Commander!” You were outraged. A superior officer flat out demolishing in use equipment that was in fact not cheap to fix. You had never heard of such a thing. You thought a Knight of Ren would at least keep their rage checked on ship. Apparently not. Was this what Mitaka was referring to when he said everyone drank because of the Commander?
Kylo whirled around, seating with unchecked fury. “What?!”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. ‘What?’ was all he had to say for his actions? Like he had some kind of permission slip that said he could do whatever he wanted? “You do realize someone has to fix this right? If you were so angry about something why didn’t you just use the battle simulators in the training rooms? Kriff! Go and cut down droids no one gives two shits about?”
Kylo took two long strides so he was mere inches away from you, and that heavy presence he carried started to make you feel sick again. It hit you that you just yelled at the most powerful man in the galaxy besides the supreme leader. Of course he had a ‘get out of jail free’ card. He stared you down for what felt like a medium sized eternity. Long enough to get you thinking about why you were afraid of him crushing you before, but not now. You didn’t get to come to a conclusion.
“Not my problem.” He growled, straightening to his full height and pushing past you.
“You could have at least put out the fire.” You projected to him over your shoulder. “Jerkface” You mumbled the last part, not really wanting to prove you had a death wish.  You started typing out messages to proper personnel and emergency droids.
Unbeknownst to you Kylo did catch that last remark. And if he wasn’t so worked up over Hux chewing him out for disrespecting you earlier he might have even smiled.
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sturkillerbase · 2 years
Star Wars Masterlist
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The Mandalorian:
I’ts All Coming Back to Me in Waves
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader
Summary: After many years of being apart, an old friend of the Mandalorian - that meant more to him than he dared to admit - contacts him and invites him over. Could Din let himself dream of her again?
Genre: Fluff, slow burn, found family, a little angst
Status: Ongoing
Series masterlist
Obi-Wan Kenobi (series)
Soap and Shelter
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Summary: You and Ben have been close friends for the whole decade he's been on Tatooine, always having each other's back and helping one another go through the hard daily life on the dry, hot planet. Except that you cared for each other more than just friends. Problems arrive, secrets rise. What will be of you and Ben from now on?
Genre: fluff, for now...
Status: ongoing
Part I
May the 4th Celebration Party 2022 requests
“I feel strange when you’re around” “Do you have a fever or something?” - Din Djarin x Reader enemies to lovers
“I can’t get you out of my head” “... Thanks?” - Din Djarin x Reader - friends to lovers
"Is that my shirt?" - Poe Dameron x Reader - friends with recently added benefits
All works bellow this have been written in 2016, so be aware that my writing and my english were not so good back then
General Hux:
Imagine Hux struggling to ask you out (fluff)
Imagine Hux seeing you for the first time (fluff)
Imagine hearing Hux’s laugh for the first time (fluff, just pure fluff)
Imagine being pregnant with Hux’s baby (fluff)
Kylo Ren:
Imagine Kylo leaving his duties just to be with you (fluff)
One Shots
Kylo Ren:
I can’t make you love me (angst)
Matt the Radar Technician/Kylo Ren + Valentines Day (fluff)
General Hux:
Headcanons (based entirely on canon General Hux)
Would Includes
Being Hux’s twin sibling and dating Kylo Ren (comedy like I guess?)
Kylux College AU
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thirst-refinery · 7 years
October Writing Challenge~ Cuddle Up {Triplet Matt x Reader}
A/N~ Started a bit late but here is day two of the October Writing Challenge created by some of the mods over on TOCR! This is a drabble more then anything, but here you go! Have some rainy morning cuddles with Matty!
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The sound of drops hitting the ground outside create a natural symphony for those willing to listen. The subtle scent of wet pavement mixed with crisp fall air dances through your open window, the only thing keeping the rain at bay is a dingy screen and sheer off white curtains that almost seemed to glow with what little light escapes through the dark clouds. 
Matt stirs next to you, mumbling something as he slept. Your eyes find him through the groggy haze of lingering sleep. His glasses sit lopsidedly on the bridge of his large nose, like a door on broken hinges. He always forgets to take them off at night. Carefully, you slide them from his face, the motion momentarily wakes him.
Matt smacks his lips lazily, as he stretches like a flower reaching towards the sun. His eyes only open long enough to see you fold the glasses and place them on the bedside table. With a sigh he surrenders once again to the heavy influence of sleep.
On the street below your window, a car roars by splashing through the growing puddles. For a moment you’re relieved it wasn’t you being forced to face the trials of the day. Today you weren’t tied down by responsibility, you were instead met with the comfort of rain and Matt’s presence. It’s your own definition of peace. 
You gaze back up at him. Curly blonde locks messily frame his face, while the soft lighting illuminate his prominent features, making him look more like a Renaissance painting then a man. You move closer, absorbing his heat. One arm falls comfortably across Matt’s waist while your head comes to rest against his chest. Tucked against his side, you feel so small compared to his large frame, but with it comes a sense of security. 
From your position you can hear Matt’s steady heartbeat. The sound fills the silent corners of your mind, accompanied by the patter of rain, creating for you a personal lullaby. You draw nearer and nearer to sleep. With your last bouts of consciousness you feel the warm sensation of Matt’s plush lips against your head. 
“Good Morning, princess.”
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bellebridgerton · 3 years
Adam Driver Masterlist
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📚 - Chaptered Fic
📖 - One Shot
🔥 - Smut
💐 - Fluff
🥀 - Angst
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Adam Driver
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Adam Sackler
Confusion (Chapter Fic)
Finally Completed
Clyde Logan
Slow Burn (Chapter Fic)
Gynecologist Visit
I Missed You, Cowboy
Flip Zimmerman
Undercover (Chapter Fic)
Rose (Chapter Fic)
Philip Altman
Coming Home
Allan (What If (2013 film))
Ronnie Peterson
Charlie Barber
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Matt the Radar Technician
Kyle the Intern
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I was tagged by the ever-lovely @spiced-wine-fic. Thank you/whyyyyy??? lol
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
1. Exit Music (147k words, rating: E, fandom: Detroit: Become Human) The fic of my heart; my AI AU, as it were. A worldbuilding bonanza. I adapted this into a novel I will probably still be trying to sell 2 years from now...sigh.
2. All The Wrong Places (19k words, rating: E, fandom: Preacher [TV]) I got to exploit the legend of the Ax Man of New Orleans and hint at why vampires are inherently lonely and untethered in time.
3. This Night at the Edge of the World (117k words, rating: E, fandom: Star Wars...sort of) the fan-created Kylux crack ship spinoff of Matt the Radar Technician from SNL and Clan Techie of "Dredd" treated completely seriously. My only real romance fic, too. Like, where the focus is romance.
4. Nightmare Angel (46k words, rating: E, fandom: Supernatural) My one and only SPN fic. An AU of Crash (the 1970s JG Ballard novel, not the shitty racist movie). Major character death. No one likes this fic except me. I fucking love it.
5. A Gentleman's Game (57k words, rating: T, fandom: Hannibal) not my most popular Hannibal fic by a long shot, but I love this one. It's the Frederick Chilton-turns-into-a-werewolf fic.
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jynzandtonic · 4 years
Z, the gallbladder is a “lifestyle organ” and certainly can be sacrificed lol. Or the appendix lol. I am CERTAIN you are an amazing instructor and not only would whip him immediately into shape (I cannot with how he is leaning with his weight back lol and just plowing down the slope pizza style) but also corrected the fashion faux pas that you told us about with the tucked in pants lol. And also his poor eyeballs as you pointed out.
I have never wanted to thigh ride as much as I do upon repeatedly marveling at how thick his thighs are uuuuughhhhh. So delicious. And your little meme of him, awwwwwww!
And poor baby he fell! At Beaver Creek they have daily free chocolate chip cookies in the afternoon for skiers (never have I skied so fast as then and I am not above battling 7 year olds for my fair share of a cookie) and I would like to offer AD some cookies because he is in a onesie and is a baby giraffe and a baby all around. 🥺😂 🍪🍪🍪 I desperately want to read about the Boys skiing now. Like who would be the best? Most awkward? Snowboard instead? And who is just like “fuck it, apres ski instead” lol. K love ya! -K 🦊
Okay I am WHEEZING at the term “lifestyle organ.” I redact my statement about the kidney and elect to give up my appendix instead. It’s never done anything fantastic for me, anyway. I’ll need to keep the gallbladder so I can trample over children to eat all the cookies at Beaver Creek. 
I can say from firsthand knowledge that there are SEVERAL skiing fics in the works by authors in the community. HOLD ON TO YOUR MITTENS, KITSUNE! Shit, even I’M tempted to mix business and pleasure... 
For now, here are my thoughts on the boys and skiing/snowboarding:
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Adam Sackler: He knows how to ski. No one said he knows how to stop
Clyde Logan: He’s always wanted to learn how to snowboard, but has never had the chance to try. Will you take him out for a weekend so he can give it a go?
Charlie Barber: Competent, but I wouldn’t exactly call him “graceful.” Henry loves going out, though, so he’ll always give it his best shot.
Dan Jones: Excellent skier. If he ever took vacations, he might go out to Colorado or Utah to hit the slopes there. Perhaps you can convince him to.
Flip Zimmerman: Great at skiing, but it’s the late 70s/early 80s... you know that man is skiing in jeans lololol
Matt the Radar Technician: Plays Nintendo Switch and eats french fries in the lodge all day
Paul Sevier: More than content to read in the lodge while you ski. Buys your lift tickets/season passes and always has a beverage waiting for you when you come in.
Phillip Altman: Snowboards. Actually pretty decent at it, but is more interested in the après-ski drinks
Officer Ronnie Peterson: A surprisingly good snowboarder for how GIGANTIC he is
Toby Grisoni: Is it still considered “après” if you don’t ski?
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solo-trio · 7 years
Your Favorite Christmas
Summary: With the holidays coming to an end, you reflect on all the wonderful things you’ve done this season. What will Christmas hold for you when you spend it with the three most important people of your life?
Pairings: Solo Triplets x Reader
Warnings- So much Fluff, slight mentions of nsfw (barely any)
Words: 2K
A/N- I was so grateful to see Fate of the Empress had such great reception. Thank you all so much! I wanted to post this fic before falling asleep tonight so I hope you enjoy one of my favorite holidays with my favorite boys. Happy Holidays to all!
You had completed every task that you considered a holiday tradition. The wonderful difference, this year, was that you got to experience each Christmas benchmark with the solo triplets. They had been so supportive of making the season everything you’d dreamed it would be. Matt and Ben had expressed surprise at Kylo’s newfound enthusiasm many times. Kylo would just blush at their accusations and look sheepishly at you while admitting this year was different. Your heart couldn’t take much more of them being so sweet to you. Soon you would be a human puddle. 
 You had constructed a gingerbread house with Matt. You made the icing from scratch instead of using the gross one that came in the package. You mixed different colors in with it so your house would be more colorful and bright than normal. You both snuck candy when you thought the other wasn’t looking. Many inside jokes were made as the kitchen was thrown into a type of sugary chaos. You perched on the counter as Matt applied finishing details to the roof. You both beheld the finished artwork. “I love it,” you kissed Matt’s cheek before spreading a glob of icing on the unsuspecting triplets nose. He stared and you in utter shock as he reached his hand in the icing bowl. “No no no!” You pleaded, running away from him. He actually threw it at you and while you tried to avoid it, it landed on your neck. “You’re gonna get it solo!!” You grabbed more ammo and pursued him. He loved the sight of messy you. You were so carefree and he cherished the fact he was one of the few you could be this open with. Swiping some icing off his cheek and eating it he looked up pondering. “Hm funny it’s still not as sweet as you.” Taking advantage of your cute reaction, he smeared more icing on you. You tried cleaning yourself up then realized getting the icing out of your hair would be a nightmare.  Matt joined you in the shower helping you with the icing and a few other sweet spots. 
 Ben had held your hand while you both skated side by side. You kissed to keep your lips warm and he wrapped his scarf around you, in a cheesy manner, while you shivered. He eyed you adoringly, making your cheeks turn an even deeper scarlet. Having the need for competition in your blood, you insisted on racing him. He lapped you more than once, looking ethereal while gliding past you. You were moving at a good speed when your skate caught a bump in the ice and you fell onto your ass. Ben sped up to you worriedly. Instead of Pained groans, he could hear your hearty laughter echo throughout the stadium. He offered his help to get you back on your feet only to get you upright and then tumble himself. Hands still connected, you fell after him and landed on his chest. You just peeked at the each other’s expression before erupting into uncontrollable laughter. At a local cafe you drank cocoa and talked about your Christmas plans. You stripped off your many layers once home and went to change. Ben stopped in the arch in your kitchen, not letting you pass. You didn’t even get a word out before he pointed to the clump of mistletoe above you. He whisked you to the bedroom after your kiss and insisted he was responsible for warming you back up after the chill of the skating rink. 
 You passed the ornaments to Kylo whose height gave him better access to the top of the tree. He decorated the top half and your responsibility was the bottom part. The vintage Christmas radio station in the background constantly compelled you to abandon your job of hanging each bulb on an open branch and dance instead. Kylo just couldn’t stand how mesmerizing you appeared and reached his arm out to you. You immediately took it, your small smile growing even brighter. He held you close as you danced to the timeless music of Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. He looked down and swore to himself that he had never seen a more beautiful sight. You spun out and led him back to the tree. All that was left, besides final touches, was the star. You handed him the golden celestial symbol and he shook his head negatively. “Huh? what’s wrong?” you asked,wondering why his demeanor had changed. He just laughed at your pout and moved to stand behind you. You yelped as he firmly grasped your waist and hoisted you up. You placed the star on the vertical branch in one graceful swoop. He gently set you down and held you from behind while you admired your tree. You both took a step back, eyes reflecting the glow from the twinkling lights and shining star. You slipped your hand into his and looked up to catch him smiling at your display. Kylo then turned to you. Your eyes met, and as all other things faded away into the background, you jumped into his arms to kiss him passionately. You didn’t make it to the bedroom before dancing in the dark, with only the light of your decorations to highlight the curves of each other’s bodies. 
 In the blink of an eye, it was the 24th of December. You did everything you could to make the day go by faster but it just slugged along. Your closet was filled to the brim of presents for your boys. You trusted Matt and Kylo not to peek. Ben however, you knew to be sneaky. You spent most of the day protecting the presents from wandering fingers and preparing a small feast for your boyfriends. Kylo wouldn’t allow you to do all the work alone so you gave him small tasks that helped you prepare the meal. After stuffing yourselves full, the boys thanked you over and over. “Please please, it’s nothing compared to all you do for me” you shrugged, voicing honestly, how you felt. 
Kylo was the one to disagree this time. “Please (y/n) your always so generous with us” he was packaging up some leftovers. 
“Well you certainly deserve it “ You glided to him to peck his cheek. You saw ben eyeing you so you gave him a smooch too.  You all snuggled underneath blankets on the couch and watched a few Christmas movies. The warmth from being surrounded eventually lulled you to sleep. You took a deep breath, letting your nerves dissipate, before blinking for the last time. 
 When you regained consciousness, Kylo was carrying you to your room. “Merry Christmas Eve,” you whispered before nuzzling into his neck. “Merry Christmas Eve (y/n). ” He kissed then smiled against the top of your head. He laid you down in bed and your stubborn self refused to let him leave you. You always slept best with Kylo and tonight, with all the excitement surrounding tomorrow, you needed to get your rest. He crawled in next to you and you found the most comfortable spot on his chest to doze off onto once again.  
 The alarm you set to organize your loves’ presents blared at its specified time. You didn’t want Kylo to wake so you jumped up to silence it. After accomplishing just that,you noticed Kylo roll over, still seemingly asleep. You struggled quite a bit, making ¾ trips with arms full, to get their presents under the tree. You noticed you had gotten to setting up first. You truly wondered if you would just wake up to all of them wrapped only in Christmas ribbon and bows. Drooling at the thought, you giggled at yourself and went back to Kylo’s side.
As much as you tried to fight it, Your body and mind had you wide awake and coherent at 6:30 am Christmas morning. You didn’t want to wake up yet knowing they would kill you for being up so early. The excitement was gnawing at you. After struggling to relax for another half hour, you snuck to Ben’s room. You had hope that he would indulge you in an early morning. “Ben,” you crawled in next to him. “Ben?” You asked. You heard a sharp intake of breath as he cracked his eyes open and looked around. 
“Well Merry Christmas princess” he rolled onto his side to face you. You wished him a merry Christmas in the sweetest, most innocent voice you could muster. He caught himself getting turned on but quickly tried to control it. He checked his phone to see what time it actually was. “Holy shit it’s early” he pointed out. 
“I know I’m sorry it’s just…… I can’t sleep, I’m too excited. Is there any chance we could start Christmas now” You squeaked out in a flurry of excited mumbles. Ben laughed at how adorable you were being. He agreed almost instantly causing small tears to form in your eyes. 
“You go wake everybody up I’ll go get some coffee started. “ he rolled over you and delivered a kiss before striding to the kitchen. 
 You jumped on Matt to get him up. You two laughed for a good few minutes before you tempted him out of bed. The boys were being suspiciously uncaring of how early it was. You coaxed Kylo up and again, met little push-back. You walked out to the living room, holding Kylo’s hand while pulling him behind you. The scene you looked upon caused you to freeze in your tracks. Your heart stopped when you saw how many more presents were added to your batch. Tears prickled your eyes as you went to hug each of the tall boys. “What is this? Seriously guys I can’t believe this it’s incredible” you smiled as a few tears slipped. 
“Hey hey hey,” Matt comforted you,” we haven’t even opened anything yet” 
You smiled uncontrollably and fidgeted as all three of them finished their morning coffee. It seemed they were teasing you with how slow they were drinking. 
With all three cups now empty, you dragged them to the living area and the unwrapping of the presents began. You were a mess. You rarely cried but every thoughtful gift you opened had you on the edge of sobs. The solo boys all thought it adorable, while Ben teased you. They had loved their gifts also. They were surprised again and again by how thoughtful of a gift giver you were. You got them all things they actually needed and would use so that whenever they did use them they’d think of you. Many kisses and hugs were exchanged. And while you sat back and admired all the wonderful things they gave you, Kylo disappeared. You kept asking where he went.  Ben and Matt would make jokes and evade you. After only a few minutes, Kylo came back with a single box. Your hands were shaking as you reached for the small present. The saying about good things in small packages reverberated through your head. You fought with yourself as your heart beat all around in your chest and you screamed internally at yourself to not jump to any conclusions. They all watched you with unfaltering gazes as you tore the wrapping paper open. The box was was black felt. You could only guess what that meant. You took one deep breath before prying the hinged top open. Inside, was a silver chain with three gemstones hanging one after another down the middle. The first stone was onyx, followed by emerald, and then citrine. You looked up knowing exactly what it meant. Each gemstone represented one of them. You’d have them forever with you.The necklace was so beautiful you just sat, unable to speak. 
“Well do you like it ?” Matt broke the silence. 
“Matty, it’s… I. ” You were still having trouble forming sentences. “I love it. It’s amazing. I’m…. I’m speechless. I love you three so much. It’s so beautiful. ”
You closed the box and set it down carefully. You rushed to them, initiating a strong embrace. Tears fell down your cheeks. 
“We love you too princess, Merry Christmas” Ben wiped a tear away. 
“ We hope you had a wonderful Christmas angel” Matt expressed. You nodded wholeheartedly. 
“We love you darling. You’re truly amazing” Kylo finished their praises of you. You smiled up at them. One after another you pulled them down and kissed them trying to convey as much of your indescribable happiness as possible. 
This was,without a doubt, the greatest Christmas. 
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kylo-reid · 3 years
adam driver character masterlist
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nsfw - ✿
sfw - ❀
angst - ♢
fluff - ♡
headcanons - ☆
drabbles - ☼
one shots - ☾
fics - ✧
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ꜱɴʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ
↳ matt the radar technician
coming soon
↳ randy the intern
coming soon
↳ sleepover dad
coming soon
↳ zach adams
coming soon
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ᴀᴅᴀᴍ ꜱᴀᴄᴋʟᴇʀ
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ʙᴇɴ ꜱᴏʟᴏ
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ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ ʙᴀʀʙᴇʀ
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ᴄʟʏᴅᴇ ʟᴏɢᴀɴ
↳ coming soon
ᴅᴀɴ ᴊᴏɴᴇꜱ
Bun in the Oven
ꜰʟɪᴘ ᴢɪᴍᴍᴇʀᴍᴀɴ
↳ coming soon
ꜰʀᴀɴᴄɪꜱᴄᴏ ɢᴀʀᴜᴘᴇ
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ᴋʏʟᴏ ʀᴇɴ
Long Day
My Beautiful Girls (Reylo)
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ᴘᴀᴜʟ ꜱᴇᴠɪᴇʀ
↳ coming soon
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ᴘʜɪʟʟɪᴘ ᴀʟᴛᴍᴀɴ
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ʀɪᴄᴋ ꜱᴍᴏʟᴀɴ
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ᴛᴏʙʏ ɢʀɪꜱᴏɴɪ
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darnedchild · 5 years
Let’s Talk About Funko Pop Molly Hooper #1
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Let me start off with a very important reminder that I don’t actually know what I’m doing.  I am, by no means, an expert and this is not a tutorial.
I just like to make things, and once upon a time I made a thing that some people expressed interest in; so now I’m going to share how I did it in case someone else would like to give it a shot.
We shall begin by lamenting the tragic lack of Molly Hooper in the official Sherlock Pop line.  Please, bow your head in a moment of contemplation of what could have been.
Moving on.  This initial modding post will be a bit longer than any I may do in the future.  I’m mentioning some tips here that I won’t go over again later.  Also, I probably won’t need to repeat my disclaimer. 
I’m not a sculpter and the thought of trying to use modeling clay to alter a figure intimidated me.  My next best option was transplanting a head from one Pop to another to get closer to what I imagined a Molly figure would look like.  (You may get lucky and your Pop mod might only need a repaint.  Woot!)
FYI - dismembering Pops is not fun. 
Tip #1 - Soak the figure in hot water for awhile to let the plastic and glue soften.  If you are luckily, the Pop will come apart easily.  If you aren’t (as I haven’t been in most cases), you may have to result to several soaks, brute force, and/or a sharp blade.  Hot water will also help you reshape some (but not all) delicate bits if they’ve gone a bit wonky.
Tip #2 - Compare your Pops before you begin to remove anything.  Some heads/limbs can be virtually interchangeable, some require a lot of finessing to properly fit together.  Measure twice, cut once.
For my first attempt at a Molly Hooper, I started with the Cosima Niehaus Pop from the Orphan Black line and Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood.
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I bought those Pops in 2015.  Unfortunately, they’re a bit harder to find now and can be cost prohibitive.  There are some slightly more recent alternatives that I will mention when I get around to posting about Molly #2 and Molly #3 at a future date.
Make sure you don’t damage the flat bit attached to the body’s neck post.  You’re going to need that.  There is also an inner lip on the inside of the head, try not to cut that off either (that part can be very difficult, but it’s not a deal breaker if you’re willing to use some modeling putty and a lot of patience).  Since I had no need for Cosima’s head, I didn’t have to be delicate with its removal and was able to just slice that thing open.  
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Once I had my body and head (and had allowed them to thoroughly dry inside and out), it was easy enough to super glue them together to form a FrankenMolly.
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Then it was time to paint her.  At first I was just going to make her a brunette but then it became apparent that she was going to need more work.
Unfortunately, Sookie and Cosima do not have the same skin tone.  The majority of my painting time was spent trying to find a shade that wasn’t too grey or too orange.  As this photo will show, I failed.  Molly looks like a tangerine.
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However, at some point, I managed to find a more workable shade and decided to repaint Molly once more.
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I use acrylic paint, the cheap stuff you can find at any hobby shop for two bucks a bottle.  It’s probably the wrong paint to use, but it’s what I have access to and it fits my budget. 
I feel that matte paint is more in keeping with the Pop look, but I have used glossy or satin finish (especially when I want something to pop or I don’t have the right shade in matte) before.  It’s all about personal preference.  Acrylic is water soluble and it can be easy to chip and scratch, so be cautious with that.  After the paint is set and dry, I seal it with a varnish (Liquitex has both a matte and a gloss formula for varnish). 
You may have noticed that the repaint has a few more details:  darker cherries, shading on the lab coat to give it a bit more contrast, laces on the shoes.  On later mods I decided to skip shading because the rest of the Sherlock Pops don’t have it.
I no longer have that first Molly attempt, I gave her away in a follower drawing years ago.  However, I do have a Set!Lock Molly and am currently finishing up my second go at Lab Coat Molly.  Assuming no one tells me to stop writing about my mods, I’ll talk about both of them (as well as Matt the Radar Technician, Mary Watson, and the rest of the Sherlock gang that I’m hoping to tackle in the future) another time.
Feel free to poke me if you’ve got any questions. 
Sorry for the length of this post.  If you follow me, you already know I ramble.
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thirst-refinery · 7 years
Can you do headcanons for triplet Matt being best friends with you but having a huge dorky crush on you ❤
A/N~ Who bullet points headcanons anymore? Thanks for requesting boo, I had fun writing these!
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Matt’s feelings for you existed long before you’re friendship ever did. In year one of middle school you loaned him a book during silent reading and from then on he couldn’t suppress the warm fuzzy feeling that arose whenever you were around. Your simple act of kindness resonated with Matt and it stuck with him until the final year of middle school when a friendship began to blossom between you. You bonded over an English assignment you were assigned to do together and you’ve been inseparable ever since.
As luck would have it you went to the same high school. Matt was there to help you every step of the way. School projects? He’s there to tell you all you need to know. Drama with your other friends? He was there to listen to all your complaints. Prom date stood you up? Matt showed up to your house in a tailored suit and a bouquet of roses. He was the perfect best friend.
But it didn’t stop there. You applied to the same college and through another stroke of luck, you both were accepted. Matt followed you through every up and down. Buying you coffee and staying up all night to help you study for tests, celebrating when you aced them, wing manning for you at parties, taking you home safely when you got a little too drunk, late night conversations about life, your shoulder to cry on after your first bad break up. Matt was everything. He just wanted to see you happy even if it wouldn’t necessarily make him happy.
He finally told you how he felt during one of those late night conversations. As you sat outside admiring the stars Matt sat next to you admiring something else. You spoke of what you wanted to do after college, where life would take you. You asked him that question and in the softest voice he responded “Wherever you go.” it wasn’t much but it was a simple admittance of his feelings and you had heard him.
Send Me A Requests!
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