#Rey x Matt
realangelahernandez · 6 months
When he’s written by Lana del Rey
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ultravionna · 25 days
"I hate summer, I hate her crooked teeth. I hate her 1960s haircut. I hate her knobby knees. I hate her.” is dallas coded bc he’s in denial abt his feelings for y/n
hi, angel!
omg- i actually 100% agree w this. so here are some headcannons + tiny cute fics between each to tickle your fancy.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston first notices you when you’re hanging out with two-bit’s sister.
you’re sitting on the couch, laughing at something on television, and dallas leans against the doorway, arms crossed. the sound of your laughter catches him off guard—he’s never really paid attention to two-bit’s sister’s friends before. as he watches you, he can’t help but smirk, but he quickly brushes it off, thinking, It’s just a laugh, man. get a grip.
“hey, you two,” he says, trying to sound casual as he steps into the room, “what’s so funny?”
you glance over at him, still smiling, and your girl friend chimes in, “just this dumb show we’re watching, dal.”
“yeah, right,” dallas replies, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than he intended. he turns away, heading for the kitchen, but he can’t shake the sound of your laugh from his head.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston doesn’t realize it at first, but he starts looking forward to the times you come over.
one afternoon, he’s lounging in the kitchen, pretending to be uninterested as sodapop mentions you’re coming by with two-bit and his sister.
“when’s she gettin’ here?” he asks, trying to sound like he doesn’t care.
“why? you plannin’ to be somewhere else?” ponyboy teases.
“yeah, yeah, maybe,” dallas mutters, but he doesn’t go anywhere. instead, he hangs around, leaning against the counter with an apple in hand. when you finally walk through the door, his mood shifts instantly.
“hey, doll face,” he greets, his eyes flicking to you as you step into the room.
you give him a playful smile. “hey, dal.”
he watches as you join the curtis’s in the living room, telling himself he’s just sticking around to annoy the gang. but deep down, he knows it’s because he likes having you around, even if he won’t admit it.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston finds himself thinking about you at random times.
he’s sitting in the curtis’s backyard, a cigarette dangling from his lips, when your face suddenly pops into his mind. he frowns, flicking the ash away, trying to focus on the conversation between ponyboy and johnny, but your image stays with him.
“damn it, man,” he mutters under his breath, annoyed with himself.
johnny glances over, concerned. “somethin’ wrong, dal?”
“nah, ‘s nothin’,” dallas grumbles, taking a long drag from his cigarette. but no matter how much he tries to shake it, he can’t get you out of his head—the way you looked the last time he saw you, the way you smiled at him like you knew something he didn’t.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston gets annoyed with himself for how much you’re on his mind.
it’s late at night, and he’s lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. he’s never been one to get all worked up over a girl, and he sure as hell doesn’t like the idea of starting now.
he punches his pillow in frustration. “get outta my head, man,” he mutters to himself. but even as he says it, he knows it’s pointless. the more he tries to push you out of his mind, the more you linger—your smile, your laugh, the way you look at him when you think he’s not paying attention.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston starts to notice the little things about you.
sitting across from him at the curtis’s dinner table, you twirl a strand of hair around your finger as you talk about a book you’ve been reading. dallas pretends to be disinterested, but he’s secretly watching every movement, every expression on your face.
he leans back in his chair, arms crossed, smirking. “that book really that good, doll face?”
you glance up, meeting his gaze. “what, surprised I can read, dal?”
“nah, just surprised you’d waste time on somethin’ that ain’t real,” he teases, but his eyes stay on you, noticing the way your lips curl into a smile.
he tells himself it’s just because he’s observant, that he notices things other guys don’t. but deep down, he knows it’s more than that—he just doesn’t want to admit it.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston tries to act indifferent around you.
you’re in the living room with everyone else, and dallas is leaning against the wall, watching you from a distance. when you glance his way, he smirks and gives you a little nod, acting like he’s too cool to care.
“hey,” he says when you catch his eye, keeping his voice casual.
you smile back. “hey, dal.”
he shrugs, trying to act like it’s no big deal, but inside, he’s kicking himself for being so obvious. he wants to step closer, to talk to you, but instead, he keeps his distance, reminding himself not to let his guard down.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston feels a surge of jealousy when he sees you laughing with other guys.
you’re at the drive-in with the gang, and you’re chatting with two-bit, laughing at one of his jokes. dallas leans against the wall nearby, arms crossed, his jaw clenched tight.
“piece uh’ shit,” he mutters under his breath, scowling.
two-but catches his eye, smirking. “what’s eatin’ you, dal?”
“nothin’,” dallas snaps, pushing himself off the wall with his foot and walking away. but it’s not nothing. it bothers him more than he’d like to admit, seeing you with someone else, even if it’s just two-bit being his usual clownish self.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston convinces himself that you’re just a passing interest.
he’s at buck’s place, downing a drink and trying to forget how much you’ve been on his mind. He’s been with plenty of girls before—girls who were easy to forget once the thrill was gone.
“why should you be any different?” he mutters to himself, taking another swig. but even as he says it, he knows he’s lying. there’s something about you that’s stuck with him, something that won’t go away no matter how much he tries to drown it out.
“damn it, man,” he grumbles, slamming the empty bottle on the counter. he knows he’s in deeper than he wants to be, but he’s not ready to face it yet.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston starts to notice how much he enjoys the sound of your voice.
you’re talking to his sister in the kitchen, your voice drifting through the house. dallas, who’s in the other room, stops what he’s doing just to listen.
“hey, man,” he calls out, stepping into the kitchen, “you guys talkin’ ‘bout somethin’ interestin’?”
you look up at him, smiling. “just catching up, dal.”
he leans against the doorway, crossing his arms. “yeah? keep talkin’, then.”
you raise an eyebrow, but continue your conversation, unaware that dallas is only half-listening to the words. It’s your voice that keeps him there, that makes him want to stay longer than he intended. it’s just a voice, he tells himself, but coming from you, it feels like something more.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston finds excuses to be around you more often.
you’re at the park with two-bit’s sister, and dallas just happens to show up, claiming he was in the neighborhood. he spots you sitting on a bench, and without missing a beat, he walks over, hands shoved in his pockets.
“hey, toots,” he greets, giving you a lopsided grin. “you mind if i join?”
you roll your eyes, but smile. “sure, dal.”
he plops down beside you, making some sarcastic comment about the weather just to get a reaction out of you. when you laugh, he feels a strange satisfaction, knowing he made you smile. it’s not much, but it’s enough to keep him coming back, finding reasons to be near you whenever he can.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston struggles with the idea of admitting he likes you.
he’s sitting on the hood of his car, staring out at the darkened streets of tulsa, thinking about you. the idea of being vulnerable, of letting someone in, makes him uncomfortable.
“jesus, man,” he mutters to himself, rubbing the back of his neck, “you’re just complicatin’ things.”
but the more he thinks about you, the harder it becomes to deny that he cares. it’s not just some passing crush—there’s something real there, something he’s not used to feeling. he takes a deep breath, trying to push it down, but it’s like trying to hold back a tide.
“damn it,” he sighs, knowing he’s in trouble.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston tries to convince himself that he’s just protective of you, not that he actually likes you.
whenever you’re out with the gang, he finds himself keeping an eye on you, making sure you’re safe. he tells himself it’s just because you’re his friend’s sister’s friend, and he doesn’t want anything to happen to you on his watch.
one night, you’re walking home with him, and one of those loser socs gives you a look that dallas doesn’t like. he steps in front of you, his expression darkening.
“you got a problem, man?” he growls at the guy, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket.
the soc backs off, and you glance at dallas, a bit surprised by his reaction. “thanks, dal, but i could’ve handled that.”
“yeah, right,” he mutters, still glaring at the soc as he walked off. he tries to shrug it off, telling himself he’s just being protective, that it’s not because he actually cares about you. but as you walk beside him, he can’t help but feel that his protective instinct comes from something deeper—something he’s not ready to admit yet.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston tells himself that he’s only spending time with you because you’re always around, not because he actually wants to.
he’ll find excuses to hang out with you, telling himself it’s just convenient or that he’s bored, but deep down, he knows it’s more than that.
one afternoon, he shows up at your place unannounced, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk. “hey, swee’heart, you busy?”
you answer in a heartbeat, surprised to see him. “not really. what’s up?”
“nothin’. just figured we could hang out or somethin’,” he says casually, as if he hasn’t been thinking about it all day.
you smile and invite him in, and as he plops down on your couch, he tries to ignore the flutter in his chest. it’s just hangin’ out, he tells himself, nothin’ special. but the way he keeps sneaking glances at you when you’re not looking says otherwise.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston can’t stand the idea of anyone else getting close to you, but he won’t admit that it’s because he’s jealous.
he’ll tease you about your other friends, making offhand comments about them, but it’s only because the thought of you with someone else drives him crazy.
one day, he catches you laughing with another guy, and something inside him snaps. “what’s so funny, huh?” he asks, his tone a bit sharper than usual.
you look at him, confused. “oh, just somethin’ funny he said.”
dallas narrows his eyes, trying to act like he doesn’t care. “yeah, well, he ain’t that funny.”
you raise an eyebrow, catching the edge in his voice. “what’s it to you?”
“nothin’,” he mutters, looking away. ‘it ain’t jus’ nothin’, he thinks, clenching his fists, it’s everything. but he won’t say it out loud, not even to himself.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dallas winston tries to convince himself that you’re just like everyone else, but every time he sees you, he can’t help but feel like you’re different.
he’ll catch himself thinking about you at the most random times and then quickly push the thoughts away, refusing to acknowledge what they mean.
one night, after a long day, he’s lying in bed at buck’s, staring at the ceiling. he’s tired, but he can’t sleep. your face keeps popping into his head, and he groans, turning over. ‘why the hell do i keep thinkin’ about her?’ he wonders, frustrated.
he tries to distract himself, thinking about other things, other girls even, but nothing works. eventually, he sits up, running a hand through his hair. damn it, he mutters to himself. i don’t like her, i don’t. but even as he says it, he knows it’s a lie.
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thanks for this send in!
hope you like it <3
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lilyerida · 3 months
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Matt, did you rewire the calcinator?
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m4ttslvr · 8 months
High By The Beach
sub!chris x fem!reader
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one shot: where you get high by the beach with your bff chris but things get heated when you two are left alone ;)
warnings: smut, riding, fem receiving, drug use obv
Your guys' last day in Hawaii was coming to an end, the sun disappearing behind the slow waves of the clearest ocean you had ever seen. You, Chris, Matt, Nick and Madi had spent the day doing all sorts of fun activities- swimming with dolphins, taking a tour on a helicopter, walking all over the island visiting stores and restaurants. Needless to say, you were all exhausted from the days itinerary.
That's why you were all resting at the beach, sitting in a circle by the fire, recounting the days events while passing a joint around.
"And then Nick slapped the dolphin!" Matt was saying, all of you dying of laughter. Nick who was taking a drag of the joint choked on the smoke, making everyone laugh harder.
"I apologized to Mr. Squeaky!" Nick defended between coughs and laughter, "He sneaked up behind me, I didn't mean to do it!"
Chris, who was laying his head on your lap, took the joint from Nick's hand, "If I was Mr. Squeaky, I would have bit you" he joked, earning a dramatic scoff from Nick.
You giggled, Chris grinning up at you, his eyelids low. You watch him as he wraps his pink lips around the roll of weed, his cheekbones prominent as he inhales the smoke, his hair tickling your thighs, and his jawline sharp as he blows the smoke up at you.
“Hey!” you protest, falling back into the sand. “Stop that you goof!”
His head rolls over onto your exposed tummy and he looks at you with a mischievous smile, discarding the finished joint. He puffs his cheeks and before you realize what he’s going to do, he leans forward and blows a raspberry on your tummy making you laugh uncontrollably.
“Chris! Chris!” you say between gasps for air, he’s now tickling your sides while blowing raspberries. “Stop it” your hands are on his hair but you’re too weak to push him off.
He pulls away laughing with his tongue sticking out “You’re tummy was right there, I had to!” You roll your eyes. You’re about to protest when he stuffs a marshmallow in your mouth. Your protests are muffled by the marshmallow and he breaks into a louder fit of laughter.
You can’t get annoyed at his actions. His laughter is super contagious and with the weed in your system you can’t help but join him.
Your laugh is cut off by Madi yelling “I’m awake!” out of nowhere. You all watch her as she slowly falls onto Matt’s shoulder and she shoots up again “I’m awake I swear!” she mumbles, her eyes closing.
“Alright!” Nick exclaims, “time for bed!”. Matt agrees and carries Madi to the hotel.
“Whaaat?” Chris whines, sitting up. “I was about to light up my other joint!”
“You haven’t had enough?” Nick asks.
“No” Chris deadpans. “Have you y/n? Cmon back me up” he pleads.
“I could have another few more hits” you shrug.
“Alright you stoners,” Nick replies. “Have fun!”
“Niiiight Nicky” you both wave goodbye.
The fire is dying out and the breeze is getting cooler, as Chris searches his shorts pockets for the other joint. “Whoops.”
“What?” you ask.
“I…may have… already smoked the other joint earlier”
“Sorry y/n!” he falls back into the sand next to you, defeated. “I forgot I did that”
You both sigh, looking up at the starry night, the fire died out completely.
You turn to look at him, his side profile stunning. You were always taken aback by your best friend’s beauty, no matter how many years of friendship you had under your belt. His wavy hair fell over his face perfectly, like a prince. His nose sculpted like a greek statue, and his cheekbones like a model’s. His dark blue eyes as blue as the ocean a few feet away from you.
Those eyes were looking back at you now. “Hey” his voice quiet.
“Hey” you smiled.
A silence settled between you. The silence usually comfortable, but right now, for some reason, you were getting nervous with his eyes on you. You felt your cheeks get hot and you couldn’t hold eye contact with him.
“Am I making you blush y/n?”
“What? No!” you quipped. It wasn’t unusual for Chris to jokingly flirt but something about how he looked tonight and the heat of his body…it was making you panic.
“You sure?” he has a smirk on his face, unaware of his effect on you.
“Yeah- yes I’m sure. I’m just getting chilly. The sun set already, the fire is out and the breeze is cool, I’m in this swim suit.” you ramble. “Can we get in the tent or something?”
“Sure” he helps you up and tucks you under the blankets, cuddling up against you.
This was okay. You were cool about this. You and Chris cuddled all the time. Best friends cuddle. Best friends share the same tent and cuddle under the same blankets. Right? Yeah! Of course. This was normal and cool.
His arm brushed your breasts as he lifted it to wrap it behind your neck. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt something flutter down there. Alright, now you were blushing hard. Like this your breasts pressed against his side and you you felt your nipples get hard. You knew he could feel them through the thin fabric of your bikini top.
“You alright?” he asked, his voice huskier than before. God, what was happening to you? Now you were noticing a change in his voice? It must be the weed in your system. Of course! The weed is the one making you think like this.
“Mhm” you hummed, your pitch high. It was obvious you were not alright. He must feel your heart beating out of your chest and your legs rubbing against each other.
“You sure?” he asks again.
“Yes Chris I’m alr-“ you stop mid sentence when your leg slides up his body and it hits something hard, causing a low moan to escape Chris.
You both freeze in place, both of you shocked at what just happened. You had just felt Chris’ erection on your leg and clearly heard him moan.
Chris is the first to move, sitting up and hiding his face in his hands. You sit up next to him, placing a soft hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry y/n, I don’t know what happened” his voice muffled against his hands.
“It’s okay Chris, don’t worry about it”
“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, i’m sorry”
“I’m not uncomfortable Chris” you reassure him. “I’m actually…feeling…the same.”
Your feel him tense under your hand. You can’t believe you just admitted that. You just admitted to your best friend that you’re as turned on by him as he is by you.
He slowly lifts his face from his hands, turning to look at you. You see a hunger in his eyes that you’ve never seen before as he scans your face, his gaze lingering on your bitten lips. “R-really?”
You nod slowly, shuffling closer to him. Your body was acting on its own, as if by a magnetic pull. You wanted nothing more than to be pressed up against him again. You wanted to be the cause of his moans again. Now that you’ve had a taste, you were starving for more.
You leaned forward and kissed your best friends lips. They were softer than you thought and you tasted marshmallow. His lashes tickeled your cheeks as you deepened the kiss, his tongue gliding on your bottom lip. You pulled him closer, your fingers in his hair. You parted your lips, letting him explore your mouth with his tongue. He hear him moan for the second time tonight and the sound goes directly to your pussy, making it throb with yearning.
You guided his body down to lay on his back, his eyes locked on yours. You could both see in each other’s eyes that you both thought this was crazy, you had been best friends for years now, nothing more. But you could also see the fiery desire in your expressions and that overpowered any other reasoning.
You lifted one leg over his body and he quickly guided your hips down to his groin with his hands. You could feel every inch of his growing erection against your wet heat, making you both moan in unison. He felt big which didn’t surprise you, but it did make you instinctively grind against it.
“Fuck y/n” Chris groaned underneath you, his head tilting back in pleasure. Your tummy did a flip, desire growing hot inside of you. It was intoxicating to be the reason he’s making those filthy noises.
He gripped your hips tighter, his biceps contracting, grinding your hips against him. “More more more” he pleaded. You had never seen this side of Chris, so needy and whiny. Every sound escaping his mouth was heavenly.
His cock was rock hard now and your bikini bottoms were soaked. “Enough grinding” your voice breathy but your tone stern. His eyes wide and expectant. “I’m dying to ride this cock”
“Mmm yes please” Chris whimpered, his hip bucking up as you slid his shorts down. “God y/n, youre hypnotizing” he mumbled, lifting himself on his elbows to admire you. Your ass was up in the air, back arched, and your teeth biting down on your lip to keep from drooling.
His boxers were wet at the spot where the tip of his cock was leaking precum. You leaned your head down toward it, licking through the fabric. Chris inhaled through his teeth, his eyes rolling back.
You reached over to grab his hand and place it in your hair, “pull it”
He quickly obeyed, wrapping your hair in his long fingers and pulling. You moaned against his clothed cock, the vibrations making his dick twitch. “Holy shit” he groaned out.
You wrapped your lips around his hard cock, tasting his precum through his boxers. He was watching you in awe. You took in every expression he made, looking up through your eyelashes.
“y/n?” he moaned as you started palming him.
“I…..I-I've dreamt of tasting your pussy for the longest time y/n, can I please? I promise I'll make it good, please let me taste you on my tongue” he begs.
You're hypnotized by his string of pleas. You quietly crawl up to straddle his face. He takes your ass in both of his big hands, pulling you down quickly onto his mouth.
Your back arches in pleasure as his hot tongue licks a fat stripe up your folds. Your head falls back, your eyes in the back of your head. “Fuck yeah Chris,” you moan, riding his face.
He’s making all sorts of porn-like noises into your wet pussy. “Just like that Chris, fuck yeah, right there”
He is assaulting your hole with quick jabs of his tongue. It reaches impossibly deep inside you. He folds it in a way that scratches that sensitive bundle of nerves, making your legs shake.
You feel pleasure pool in your belly and you lift off him. He whines at the loss of contact.
“Need your cock now” you shuffle down to straddle his lap and align his memeber with your pulsating hole.
You sink down on his cock, balls deep. His jaw hangs open, his body washed in so much pleasure that the only noise he’s able to form is a small squeak. “You like my tight pussy taking in your entire cock like this, hmm baby?
He nods, another small squeak, his jaw slack, his eyes in the back of his head.
You start bouncing on his cock, sliding all the way to the tip and slamming back down to the base. His girth is spreading you wide open and his length is hitting you just right. “Your dick’s so big, making me feel so good baby,”
“Mhm,” his grip on your thighs tightens.
“Am I making you feel good baby?"
He nods fast, his hair sticking to his forehead.
“Tell me how good”
He moans louder, biting the sheets at his side.
“Tell me how good Chris”
“So fucking good y/n/n, you're fucking me so good”
Your hips stutter at the mention of your nickname. He usually ever only called you that when he was being serious with you. In this context, it only motivated you to give it to him harder and rougher.
“Yeah baby? You like my pussy slapping down on your balls like this?”
“Yes yes yes, you're riding me so well y/n/n" he said between gasps for air, "your pussy feels heavenly y/n/n- ah just like that mhmm”
You take his hands placing them above his head as you arch your back so your clit is rubbing against his groin. His attention is now completely on the feeling of your pussy grinding down on his cock. He’s moaning and whining incoherent praises, his eyes shut closed.
You wrap your free hand around his jaw making his eyes widen, “be a good boy and fuck up into me” you pant into his open mouth.
His breath hitches and a beat later he’s slamming his dick up into your pussy, making wet sounds reverberate inside the tent. You are both panting hot air into each other's mouths. Chris starts whimpering when you swivel your hips in small circles. You take his bottom lip between your teeth, “want it to last”
He slows his movements, pumping slow and deep into you as you grind down into him. “Yes y/n/n, whatever you want”
“You're so good to me baby, doing everything I say”, your legs start to quiver and your elbows fall on either side of his head. This pace is excruciatingly pleasurable and you feel your cunt clench around his full member.
“Make me cum sweet boy” you whisper shakily in his ear.
He wasted no time pumping fast into you, his hands flying down to your waste, slamming your hips down into every thrust up of his hips. Your hands grip onto his hair as your pussy clenched around him, your orgasm ripping through you in a string of loud moans.
He spurts hot cum into your pussy with a couple last hard thrusts, coating your walls and groaning deeply in your ear. The mix of your juices with his cum drip out of you coating his balls and your spent body drapes over him.
He stays inside you as you both come down from your highs.
“Loved every fucking second of that Chris” you whisper, lifting yourself to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah?” he asks softly, a sweet smile on his face.
“Yeah” you replied, elated.
“Me too y/n/n” he kisses your forehead and you smile, resting against his chest. You both drift off to sleep at a beach in Hawaii.
a/n: my first chris smut 😵‍💫 i’m feeling things !!!! hope u enjoyed<3
— LEV ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
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sunrisemill · 1 month
Matt being edited to Lana does something to me
Like my thighs are CLEEEENNNNCHED rn
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chelestials · 3 months
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everybody knows that i’m a good girl officer
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dietmountaindewbae · 7 months
please please please can you write me a fic where reader and Humbug Alex are both work colleagues (reader thinks Alex is goofy and nerdy - but boy she will be wrong) and they fuck in his office whilst a work party is happening downstairs. PLEASE
xxv. talk tonight
alex turner x reader
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word count: 4739
summary: At an office party (humbug!) Alex watched you all by yourself, his heart tells him to hurry and talk to you before he loses the chance to.
warnings: ch*cking, scracth*ng, degrad*ng.
The elevator doors shut close, and finally, some silence makes you feel at ease. You're not even close to feeling a buzz with the skinny glasses of sparkly champagne they served and as you traveled up the rooftop you propped a cigarette in your mouth.
You swing open the door of the building's rooftop, the company you worked for was having its 6th anniversary, and while everyone was celebrating downstairs, you were aching for some time by yourself. The fresh cold allowed you to breathe but it only made goosebumps crawl up your back.
"Be careful there" Someone says from behind you, you are too close to the edge of the wall, so you turn around on your feet and face the man with the gentle voice.
"What are you doin' up here?" You say with a silly smile. Alex was one of the best workers at the company, he's been rewarded and recognized for his honest work and loyalty to the company, he's a good guy but socially awkward when it comes to going to bars late at night after working extra hours.
"Just wanted some space" You've never had a real conversation with Alex, let alone, be completely by yourself with him. Alex was a nice man, with his long wavy hair and his shy little voice and thick Yorkshire accent, he was decent, always serious but he had something likable and magnetic about him.
"Me too, are you having fun though?" You grab from your skirt your lighter and try to burn your cigarette, in the attempt you fail, and he leans in, grabbing the lighter and helping you light your cigarette, grabbing one from his box.
"Not quite there yet," He says, blowing the smoke away, "I'm waiting for the booze to kick in" You giggled, catching Alex's attention.
"It's the first time I've heard you say more than 4 words to me" Alex looks down to the floor smiling, he's quite shy but very nice, "I enjoy that..." He looks back at you with a smile, maybe it was the booze, but his radiant brown eyes looking at yours so deeply make you feel hot.
"What about you? How are you feelin'?" As you were talking, Alex's eyes ran down your body discreetly, you were looking sexy with your black mini skirt long sheer black knee socks, and grey silk button-up blouse, nearly unmade, your nails painted black, and your hair in soft curls. The smell of your perfume and the cigarette that burned in between your fingers blew him away.
"...But overall I think the party's ok, I just don't like the music the DJ chose" Alex smiles softly, and each time you talk he takes a step closer to you.
"Horrible set, isn't it?" You lightly chuckle nodding your head, "What kind of music would you like him to play?"
"Mmm... I dunno maybe the smiths? I love the smiths... I know it's an odd choice for a party but-"
Alex interrupted you by lightly putting his hand on your arm, his thumb caressing the soft material of your shirt, "No, no, not at all... it's much better than the trash they're playing" He noticed his hand on your arm, and you smiled as he took his hand away very shyly, as if he had to ask if it was ok even to do that, you crossed your eyes and he look down to the floor scratching the back of his head, "I-I..." He clears his throat, "Sorreh.... I know the DJ, he's an old mate, I can tell him to play some smiths for you" You see the way his body moves closer to yours, how his shoulders move unsteadily as he breathes, meaning his heart is beating fast, his eyes looking at you with hope, and you realized... someone has a crush on you.
"That would be great, thank you Alex" You and him head towards the door after throwing away your cigarettes, he opens the door for you and closes it once you are inside the building, you smile at him as your eyes crossed again, and you take initiative to grab his hand as no one was watching.
Getting involved with your co-workers was never an option for you, all the men that worked here were bitter and boring, always bragging about their money, faking a smile every time they talked about their marriages just to proceed to flirt with all the women at the copier room. You didn't have anything bad to say about Alex, he was a dork, a bit shy and awkward yet he was the most interesting and likable person in your office. He made himself present with little actions, he sometimes dropped by your desk to leave you a bagel or doughnut since you worked in the cubicle next to his, but you weren't the only one who received those little acts, so you thought nothing about it, he hardly even knew your name, but he always smiled at you whenever he saw you.
For all you knew, he was single, and he's very reserved, you only ever see him talking with Nick or Jamie, the drinks in you made your rules bend a bit, maybe see where this gets you, maybe nothing would happen, but if it did, you wouldn't feel bad about it at all.
The only rule that had to be respected was, not being seen flirting with him, rumors spread faster than the speed of light in your office, and you didn't want to ruin this little spark between you two for just one night.
As you and Alex step into the elevator, you drop his hand, being on opposite corners of the elevator, you cheekily smile at him, he looks visibly disappointed at how you dropped his hand. When the doors opened again, you two walked side by side, keeping a reasonable but choking distance from each other as if he was agreeing to your rules without you even having to tell him. As you walked past the people you stepped into the disco-style dancefloor with squares of neon lights, and Alex walked forward to the DJ, saying hi to the guy with fuzzy curly messy hair, black headphones on his neck, grey sweatpants, and funny sunglasses.
He whispers something to his ear, and the guy nods and they switch the music. You hear the hypnotic sound of the intro of 'How Soon Is Now?' by The Smiths, you're lightly divided by people, but he's still able to watch you dance, and you look beautiful as you do. He sees you smiling, laughing, and having fun with the other girls, but your eyes are only on him, and his on yours.
Alex wasn't a man of many words, but ever since you had come into the office, a part of his heart had started to beat so rapidly, that he always turned to look at you whenever you untied your tight ponytail and let your hair fall, whenever you stretched your back and he could see the outline of your chest peek through your shirt, he was gone. He never tried to speak to you, he was too self-conscious to do so, he lived all of his fantasies of you and him in his head, he had the sound of your voice engraved on his head. Whenever you dropped something he was always there to pick it up and hand it to you, or when the printer was out of paper he was the only one that gave you some new paper to work on, every day when he arrived with fresh goods he made sure you were the first to get the warmest piece or the biggest slice. He did all of that, but you didn't think it was out of a crush, you thought it was him just being nice, and man if he could tell you how wrong you were.
In his head, you two had thrown away all of the people and there was only you and him dancing to some old music that no one thought was fit for the occasion, but you thought there was no better timing than this one, but the fun ends as you feel someone's breath on your neck, one of your supervisors drunkenly whispers close to your ear...
"That skirt fits your bum very well" You rolled your eyes and walked away, not saying another word, Alex following you closely. He catches you at the elevator just in time sliding inside.
"Hi," He says out of breath, you giggle and he brushes his hair away, "Where are we going?" You smiled as you heard the excitement of his voice.
"Well, I was planning to go the rooftop again..." You say looking down to the floor, he saw how that man had whispered to your ear something that woke up a flaming rage inside you, something so profoundly disgusting, you just wanted to get away as fast as you could.
"I have a better idea..." You smile, he presses down at the button, and he waits patiently in the opposite corner, facing you with a smile, you wonder in your head where he was taking you, while he was battling in his head what else could he say to keep you interested, he thought he could bore you at any given time. The doors of the office were open, the lights were completely down, and only the lights of the city that shone through the cracks of the curtains could show you two the way. He noticed you were afraid to step inside, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you in, "The cameras are down for the night, don't worry love, no one's gunna 'now we were here"
You smiled, "I'm not worried about that... just not a big fan of the dark..." You giggled and he played along with you, he grabbed your hand tighter, making your cheeks lightly blush as you walked into his cubicle, you sat on his desk while he pulled from a corner a carton box and took out a big bottle of whisky, "I didn't take you as a bad boy, Al"
"Well, this is the only thing that takes some of me headaches from when me and Jamie stay late doin' those bloody Excel sheets" Then he takes out from his pocket his MP3 connecting it to the little speaker next to his desk, playing more music for you as he quickly goes to the break room and fetches you a plastic cup and a soda. He sits on his chair and pours you some coke and whisky, and when he severs you a good amount of alcohol he hands you the cup and grabs the bottle touching the edge of the bottle with your cup and you both drink away.
"Thanks... I couldn't handle more wine... needed something stronger" You smile at him, and he brushes his long hair away.
"Do you wanna know something else about the office?" You smile and nod your head, fixing your hair to the side, he shuffles on his chair and you hear the sound of his lighter coming off, he puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it, blowing the smoke up directly without causing the fire alarm to go off.
"What the fuck?!" You both break into laughter, "Oh my God!-" He lightly shushes you to make you talk quieter, you keep laughing until your abdomen hurts, and you sip on your drink once more, "Imagine the day I decide to set my supervisor's chair on fire... God"
"He's a dickhead" You nod your head.
"I don't even wanna say anythin' else, I mean he doesn't touch me or anything but that doesn't mean he cannot say anything to me... which is what angers me" He nods his head, turning on the lamp next to his computer, "Thanks"
"I wanted to see you while you're talking" He smiles, and you lightly blush once more, "Next time he says anything to you, why don't we put some tacks on his desk?" You giggle together, you can't help but stare at the way the corners of his mouth rise to make that cute smile appear, you like how discreet he was, lightly grazing your hand whenever he laughed, or how his eyes sweep down to gaze your body.
"I was wrong about you Al," You say, he drags his chair closer to you very slowly so you don't notice but you do, and you don't mind it, "You're the only interesting person in this office"
"Why is that? You're always laughing with Brian at the copier" You stare at him with a cheeky grin.
"Are you jealous or something?" You tease him, and he stutters into his words trying to fix his mistake.
"No, I just thought that... never mind" He looked away, taking another sip of the bottle, you grab the cigarette trapped in between his fingers, taking a drag and staring at him deeply.
"He's just a funny guy, there's nothin' much going on with me" His eyes light up, so after all, you weren't the only one who was concerned about him being single or not.
"I'm glad," He blurs out, making you both smile, "What is so interesting about me anyway?" You bit your bottom lip, taking a big sip from his bottle of whiskey, the liquor scratching your throat but it goes down easily once you sip on your coke.
"I mean, isn't it obvious?" You smile at him, starting to feel a bit dizzy, he takes a big chug of his bottle while you talk, "I just know that you don't say everything that you think, there's more to you"
"You're not far from the truth," He says nudging his head and leaning closer to you, resting his elbow on his desk next to your leg, you saw his face properly now, and he was a dream.
"Why? Is there something you want to say to me, Alex?" You teased leaning in closer to his face, your hand almost touching his, you could smell his cologne now, the space in between you two almost being none.
"I'm afraid there aren't enough words for that" He looks down to the slit in your shirt, your arm squeezing your tits together, he could see your black lace bra perfectly, he had this insatiable need for you, "But as you know already, I am not a man of many words, I take actions" His eyes looked down to your lips, licking his, already drooling to get a taste of your lips, until you suddenly pulled away, scratching the back of your head, "Wait, what happened?"
"If this is going to happen, we can't kiss"
"But..." There has to be a but always.
"I'm not gonna do it if we're gonna be awkward in the mornin'" You cross your arms sitting comfortably on the desk.
"I'm not like that," He says with a smile, but he sees your position and your limits, he just wanted a little bit of you, from the moment he saw you outside all by yourself under the moonlight with your beautiful eyes and lips smiling to him he knew he had to strip out of his costume and talk to you at that moment, he needed and wanted you now than anything, "If you don't want me to kiss you, can I at least touch you?" You bit your lower lip, sitting upright, his eyes only looking at you and not anywhere else begging you to say yes, he desires you with a big ache, you see it right in his eyes, just as transparent as glass.
"Yes.." He cups your cheeks and his face approaches yours, looking at you with lust, his lips peck the inner corner of your lips, traveling up to your earlobe, his fingers lightly playing with your hair, and his lips kissing your neck very gently at first, but then he licks his lips, kissing your neck with big wet kisses all over the place, sniffing every last bit of your perfume. He kicks away his chair, standing up to run his hands down your sides, unbuttoning your shirt gently, sneaking his hands to your bra, kneading your tits and squeezing them hard, you sigh and he breathes in your quiet moans and sighs like smoke, letting it consume him from the inside out.
"You're so fuckin' beautiful" He whispers into your ear, kissing the left side of your chest, where your heart is, you try to fight the urge to kiss him, but impatiently, he's in great need to show you real pleasure, to tear down your rules and let him taste your mouth, there was nothing he desired more in that moment.
You untuck your shirt, letting him enjoy the taste of your skin, and his hands feel your bare skin, his hair lightly tickling your neck, and you couldn't escape the need to run your hands thru his soft curls, lightly pulling on his hair as he lets your tits spill out from your bra, sucking on them and nibbling your nipples with his teeth, his tongue licking and his mouth sucking every inch of your skin, leaving red bruises on your chest so you don't forget who's been there the next morning.
He momentarily pulls away from you, his lips tearing off your skin like scar tissue on your knees, "What?-"
"You were right, love," He says, the look in his eyes sending shivers all over your body, "I haven't told you everything"
"What else have you got to say to me?" His hands slowly travel down to your legs, riding up your skirt until they unravel your black lace underwear.
"I've been watching you ever since you came here, every day, every time you felt exhausted and you stretch your back against the chair, I just want to make that go away... make you feel brand new... drop a note and tell you to meet me in the bathroom, and make you sigh out of pleasure and not from being tired, I only see you" His eyes dug in yours as he kneeled in front of you, "Maybe you think I'm quiet and dorky, but you don't even know for how long I've been thinking of you like this" His knuckles pull your soaking wet panties to the side, his eyes watching you as his fingers enter your body and his lips suck on your pussy harshly, slowly your orgasms started to get louder and louder each time his fingers rimmed your walls. Shamelessly he licks your pussy up, swallowing every ounce of the wetness that leaks out of you, "You're so fuckin' tight babe, taste so delicious"
"Fuck... please, don't stop!" You push his head in between your legs, starting to feel that ache getting bigger and bigger as he sucks right at the spot you needed hard, his fingers fuck your pussy faster, filling up that hole so well, more wetness rushes out from your legs, your end is yet to come, you feel it crawling up from your belly to your chest, starting to form in your throat as a scream until he takes his mouth off from your warmed up cunt, leaving you to breathless and needy for more.
He covers your mouth with his hand, sliding down his fingers covered in your arousal into your mouth, your lips sucking them hard until he makes you gag around them, pulling them out from your mouth with a string of saliva, "Can you be quiet for me?" He says it in such an easy way you're so amazed.
"Mhm," You bit your bottom lip.
"Tell me babe... are you gonna let me fuck you or are you just gonna pretend your pussy isn't drooling for some of it?" Your cheeky smile is no competition for him, he's certain you're in great need of more than just fingers and sucking.
You grab the buckle of his belt, undoing it very slowly, your hand palming his hard-on, you smiled as you felt the size and weight of his cock, biting your bottom lip as you take him out of his boxers and see him on the flesh. The tip of his cock leaked some wetness, he sighed as you give his veiny cock a few strokes, the tip of your thumb rubbing down his head, spreading it all over his cock. His hands cover your mouth pushing your head back and his tip rims your clit, lubing up his cock with your juices. You were trying to find a way to get more pleasure from him but the only way was right in front of you, "You know what to say babe... don't act like a dumb little cunt"
Your eyes lock in his, his lips a few inches close to yours, to kiss your lips, "Fuck me, Alex, please..." You bite your lower lip as the tip of his cock slides down tightly inside you, making you sigh. His fingers dig into your thighs, and you rock yourself against him, your elbow in the desk while the other holds Alex's shoulder tightly, his hand gripping the wall and the other one in your lower back. He rocks his hips against yours, fucking you slowly and passionately, the tip of your nose against his, he liked to watch your pupils dilate as he buries himself deep inside you.
"I loved leaving you just like that... soaked in all of your juices for me cock to slip inside you... God, you're so fuckin' wet for me... you fuckin' cock lovin' whore"
"Fuck you" You pant, "Fuck you Alex" You push your hips against his harder, his hands scattered in the back of your head, wrapping his arm around you, driving his cock in and out of you so hard, you were slowly losing yourself in his arms, enjoying how good he's fucking you.
"You love it," He says with a grin on his lips, his lips moaning against yours, grazing each other, laying one in another, but so far from being sealed together, that kept him on the verge, everything being strictly physical, the desire of wanting the feeling of your lips around his will bother him for the rest of the night.
Your tits bounce against his chest, sweat drips down from his forehead, and he's forcing himself to handle longer just for you to come on his cock so hard your whole body would feel light and high in the sky. You grip his shoulder tightly, holding yourself up with your hand, his fingers wrapped around your neck as he feels your pussy dragging him in, getting tighter with each stroke of his cock in your walls. His thumb went down in between your legs, rubbing your clit in tight little circles, forcing you to come, your abdomen pushing out your last cry of pleasure, and you choked out a little sigh of relief.
Alex was fast to pull out of you, you watch how his hand made a fist around his cock, and you didn't want him to finish like that. You willingly get down on your knees, and blow him thoroughly, "Jeeesus fuckin' christ... fuck!" He made a fist with your hair, "You want me to cum in your mouth, babe?" You hummed as a yes, sucking him harder as he drove your head back and forward. He drove his hips into your mouth, pushing your head until the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat making you gag all over him, feeling him come inside your mouth in hot spurts at the feeling of your soft plump lips. You swallowed without him having to say it, "Mmm... fuuckin' hell, that was..."
"Really good," You said, he helped you get to up from the ground, holding hands and smiling at each other.
"You're ok? Your knees don't hurt or anything?" You giggled lightly, feeling a little strange about how much he cared for those little things.
"No, no, I'm alright" You turned to fix your blause, putting each button back on, and when you faced him back, you saw him staring at you with his big puppy eyes in awe, "What?"
"You've... um, your eye... I'll fix it" He grabbed the edge of his sleeve, he was wearing a basic white button-up shirt, denim jeans, and a belt. He cleaned the stain in your eye from the crying, and while you fixed your hair, he put everything in his desk back in order.
"Thank you, Al," You said with an honest smile, "I had fun"
"Sounds like a goodbye," He says with a fainted smile.
"No... it's not, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" He fakes a smile and says yes with his head, before you head out, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you in to give you a warm hug, you lean back to get a better look at him and say, "Sweet dreams, Al"
"You too" You break the hug, leaving the confused man with his big brain and questions all by himself.
When he drove to his apartment and laid down on his bed, he grabbed his phone, wanting to send you a message, but what type of message? You said you were ok, even said you had fun, but he was hooked. He was aching to know more about you, to know what you think. The rest of the night he kept looping around in his head every word he said to you, and everything you and him had done. He didn't want to sound so needy, but at least he wanted to talk to you.
The next day at the office when Alex sat on his chair, he smiled, vividly remembering what had happened the night before. But he knew something felt strange, he felt something was missing, this feeling was bittersweet, and you came right in through the door with your black low-waist pants, heels, and baby pink shirt with some buttons undone, he knew exactly what he needed to do.
There was a moment when everyone was working quietly in the cubicle, and he pushed himself up from his chair, walking through your cubicle he dropped a little purple post-it note at your desk.
"Break room"
That's all the letter said.
You put the note away in your purse, walking to meet him, you closed the door and he was waiting for you behind it.
"Hey," You said with a gentle smile.
"I- um" You sighed, thinking you knew well what he wanted to say. So, you cut him up before he did.
"Nothin' happened last night, you can forget about it... we had fun, let's leave it like that" But before you could escape him he pulled you back in by your wrist, making shivers run up your arms.
"No, I wasn't gonna-" He smiles very kindly to you, making you feel warm, "I just wanted to ask you out for dinner, tonight... if that's ok?" A little smile crawls from the corner of your mouth.
He liked how you looked with that little smile in the corner of your lips, that little blush creeping up your cheeks, "Yeah, yes"
You both smile at each other very shyly but happily, you nod your head and slowly take a step back but he leans in, his arm wrapping around your waist, "Now that we're sober... is the kissing policy revocable? or..." You break into laughter and take a step closer to him, he leans in and presses his lips against yours. You couldn't believe how just a simple little kiss on the lips could feel so electrifying, his lovely warm lips open to kiss you properly, he tasted the fresh cappuccino in your mouth with soft cinnamon in your breath, mixing with the taste of your lipstick. He tasted like black coffee and a cigarette bright and early in the morning, a mixture that makes one become an addict.
When you pulled back some blush creeps into your cheeks, "I'll see you later then..." You said.
"Last one before you leave" He pulled you in, giving you another soft kiss on your lips, biting down on your bottom lip before your lips tore apart.
I'll be posting more of your requests soon! I love you all, and I've taken some time to make the playlists fitted for the chapters, some will be longer than the others but I hope you enjoy them all.
208 notes · View notes
redz0nez9 · 6 months
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Matt Sturniolo pt 9 & someone said he is honeymoon or LFL coded.
138 notes · View notes
stinkygirl009 · 27 days
Dear lord, when I get to heaven,
Please give me all my middle aged men.🙏
86 notes · View notes
pepsicola-pussy · 8 months
Me when I come up with the most elaborate, detailed, erotic, emotional, life changing plot for a fanfic and realize I have to write it to read it
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190 notes · View notes
ultravionna · 1 month
best friend’s brother
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pairings: bfb!dallas winston x fem!reader
summary: dallas is your best friend’s brother
warnings: nsfw, teeny tiny bit of smut
disclaimer: yes, i am aware that that is a pic of tex mccormick above. it fit the theme leave me alone-
w/c: 3,151
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the night was calm, with the soft hum of the city outside filtering through the slightly cracked window.
you and dana were lounging on the couch, a pile of blankets thrown haphazardly over the both of you as you scrolled through a list of movies. laughter bubbled between you two, a mix of inside jokes and teasing remarks. dana tossed a piece of popcorn into her mouth, missing entirely and sending it rolling down her shirt. you both burst out laughing.
"you're the worst at this," you chuckled, nudging her side.
"hey, i'm improving! that one almost made it." dana grinned, leaning back into the cushions. "so, which movie? horror or rom-com?"
before you could answer, the front door creaked open. you both turned your heads just in time to see dallas winston slink inside, his usual cocky swagger evident in every step. he was late-again-but he didn't seem to care, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
"dal'!" dana scolded, sitting up straight. "that's the fifth time this week! mom and dad are going to kill you if they find out."
dallas shrugged, unbothered, and headed straight for the kitchen. "they'll get over it, man." he drawled, his voice low and thick with that unmistakable new york accent. he reached into the fridge, pulling out a can of beer. popping it open with a practiced flick of his thumb, he sauntered over to the couch and, without a word, hopped over the back to land between you and dana.
"watch it, dumbass!" dana protested, shoving at his shoulder. "we're trying to have a movie night."
"yeah?" dallas grinned, taking a swig from his can.
"what're we watching? something with sparkly vampires, i bet."
you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at his teasing tone. "please, we've got better taste than that."
"could've fooled me, dollface," he quipped, nudging you with his elbow. the way he said it, the nickname laced with a double meaning, made you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling.
you turned your attention back to the movie list, scrolling aimlessly, but it was hard to focus with dallas so close. his presence was electrifying, the warmth radiating from him impossible to ignore. the smell of his cologne, something musky and dark, filled your senses, making your thoughts swirl.
dana huffed, grabbing the empty popcorn bowl. "i'm gonna get more blankets from the shed. you two try not to kill each other while l'm gone."
"wouldn't dream of it, sis," dallas replied, his eyes never leaving you.
as dana disappeared through the back door, the air in the room thickened. the silence between you and dallas was heavy, charged with an unspoken tension that neither of you seemed willing to address. you grabbed the popcorn bowl, intending to refill it in the kitchen, but as soon as you stood up, dallas was right behind you.
you didn't hear him move. one moment he was lounging on the couch, the next his arms were wrapping around your waist from behind, pulling you flush against his chest. the bowl slipped from your fingers, clattering onto the countertop as you froze, your breath catching in your throat.
"miss me?" he murmured, his voice a low rumble in your ear.
you scoffed, trying to play it cool despite the rapid thudding of your heart. "not a chance."
dallas only smirked, his grip tightening slightly as he turned you around to face him. his hands settled on your hips, the heat of his touch searing through the thin fabric of your pajama shorts. you could feel his gaze burning into you, his eyes dark and intense.
"liar," he whispered, leaning in closer. his breath ghosted over your lips, sending a shiver down your spine.
"your sister's gonna be back any minute," you warned, though your voice lacked conviction. you couldn't tear your eyes away from his, the intensity in them making it hard to think straight.
"then we'd better make this quick," he murmured, picking up a piece of popcorn from the bowl with one hand. he brought it to your lips, his fingers brushing against them as he held it there.
instinctively, you bit down on the popcorn, holding it between your teeth.
dallas's smirk deepened as he leaned in, his hand cupping your chin, tilting your head slightly upward.
his other hand stayed firmly on your hip, his thumb rubbing small circles into your skin. slowly, he took the popcorn from your lips with his mouth, his lips grazing yours as he did. the brief contact sent a jolt of electricity through you, your body reacting before your mind could catch up.
before you could fully register what was happening, dallas closed the distance, capturing your lips in a slow, deliberate kiss. his hand on your hip pulled you closer, your bodies pressed together as his lips moved against yours. the kiss was intoxicating, the taste of salt and butter lingering on your tongue as his thumb continued its lazy circles on your skin, each movement sending sparks of heat through your body.
for a moment, you were completely lost in him, the world around you fading away. but then, the sound of the back door opening snapped you back to reality. you pushed dallas away, your heart racing as you tried to catch your breath.
dallas backed off, his smirk never faltering as he leaned casually against the opposite side of the counter. he took a sip from his beer, his eyes glinting with mischief as he watched you, clearly enjoying the effect he had on you.
dana walked back in, her arms full of blankets. she glanced at the two of you, oblivious to what had just transpired. "did i miss anything?"
"just the usual," dallas said, his tone light and carefree.
dana rolled her eyes, clearly not buying it, but she didn't press the issue. you, on the other hand, were left reeling, your thoughts spinning in a million directions as you tried to process what had just happened. dallas caught your eye from across the kitchen, his smirk widening as if to say, this is far from over.
the house was dark and quiet, the only light coming from the dim glow of the kitchen. you had left the living room after dana had fallen asleep during the second movie, her soft snores filling the silence. it was late—later than you should’ve been up—but sleep was the last thing on your mind.
you stood by the kitchen counter, sipping from a bottle of water as you tried to calm the restless energy coursing through you. it wasn’t just the events of the evening that had you wired; it was the persistent thoughts of dallas and the lingering heat of his touch from earlier.
the sound of soft footsteps behind you made you tense, and you turned to see dallas leaning against the doorway, his familiar smirk firmly in place.
“can’t sleep?” he asked, his voice low and teasing.
you shrugged, trying to play it off. “yeah. something like that.”
dallas stepped into the kitchen, his eyes never leaving you as he sauntered over. “y’know, my room’s just down the hall if you need some…assistance with that.”
you rolled your eyes, the suggestion clear in his tone. “of course it is,” you muttered, trying to hide the way your pulse quickened.
he chuckled, clearly amused by your reaction. “what? i’m just offering to help. it’s what a good host does, after all.”
“pretty sure your version of ‘help’ is different from everyone else’s,” you shot back, taking another sip of water.
“maybe,” he conceded, moving closer until he was standing right in front of you. “but it’s a lot more fun, don’t you think?”
you met his gaze, trying to ignore the way his presence made your skin tingle. he was infuriating, with that cocky grin and those intense eyes that seemed to see right through you. and yet, there was a part of you that couldn’t help but be drawn to him, despite how much you wanted to resist.
dallas leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper. “so, what’s really keeping you up, sweetheart?”
you hesitated for a moment before giving him the simplest answer. “just couldn’t sleep.”
his smirk widened, as if he knew there was more to it than that, but he didn’t press. instead, he took the bottle from your hand, his fingers brushing against yours as he raised it to his lips, taking a slow sip.
“you should try and get some rest,” he said after a moment, his tone deceptively casual. “can’t have you looking tired tomorrow.”
“why’s that?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“because i plan on keeping you busy,” he replied with a grin that was all mischief. “and i don’t want you using ‘tired’ as an excuse to back out.”
you rolled your eyes again, though the corners of your lips tugged up in a small smile. “you’re unbelievable.”
“and yet, you’re still here,” he countered smoothly, handing the bottle back to you. “so, what does that say about you?”
you didn’t answer, instead taking the bottle and turning away from him. but dallas wasn’t done with you yet. he stepped closer, his body heat brushing against your back as he leaned down to murmur in your ear.
“think about my offer, sweetheart,” he said, his voice dripping with suggestion. “my door’s always open.”
before you could respond, he straightened up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving you standing there with your thoughts in a whirl. the encounter had been brief, but it had left you feeling more awake than ever, your mind racing with the implications of his words.
you knew one thing for sure: with dallas winston around, sleep was going to be the least of your worries.
the house was shrouded in silence, dana's soft breathing the only sound in the living room as she slept soundly on the couch. you, however, were wide awake, staring at the ceiling as your mind replayed the conversation with dallas in the kitchen. his offer hung in the air like a dare, challenging you in a way you couldn't quite shake off.
sleep was impossible. you'd tried everything— closing your eyes, counting sheep, focusing on the rhythm of dana's breathing-but nothing worked.
your thoughts kept drifting back to dallas, his smug grin, and those words that had been laced with a double meaning.
before you knew it, you were sitting up, heart pounding as you glanced toward the hallway. you knew what you were about to do was reckless, maybe even stupid, but the pull was too strong to resist.
careful not to wake dana, you slipped off the couch and tiptoed toward the hallway, your pulse quickening with every step. the house seemed even quieter now, the darkness more oppressive as you approached dallas's door.
you hesitated for a brief moment, hand hovering over the doorknob. but the memory of his teasing voice, the promise in his eyes, pushed you forward.
with a deep breath, you turned the knob and quietly slipped inside, closing the door behind you.
the room was dimly lit by the glow of a small lamp on the bedside table, casting long shadows across the walls. dallas was lying on his bed, one arm behind his head as he stared at the ceiling, seemingly lost in thought. but the moment he heard the door close, his eyes flicked to you, and that familiar smirk curled his lips.
"well, well," he drawled, his voice low and amused.
"look who decided to take me up on my offer.”
you swallowed, feeling a mix of anticipation and nerves as you stepped further into the room. 
"i couldn't sleep," you said, echoing your earlier excuse.
dallas pushed himself up on his elbows, his gaze never leaving you. "yeah? and you think i'm gonna help with that?"
his tone was teasing, but there was an edge to it, something that made your heart race even faster.
"maybe," you replied, trying to sound confident, though your voice wavered just a little.
he chuckled, the sound deep and rumbling in the quiet room. "c'mere, sweetheart."
you moved closer, your feet almost on autopilot as you approached the bed. dallas watched you with a look that was both challenging and inviting, his eyes dark and intense in the low light. when you reached the edge of the bed, he sat up fully, his legs dangling off the side as he reached out to take your hand.
"you sure about this?" he asked, though there was a knowing look in his eyes, as if he already knew your
you hesitated for the briefest of moments before nodding. "yeah. i'm sure."
with that, dallas pulled you toward him, his hands sliding to your waist as he guided you onto the bed.
you could feel the heat of his body through your clothes, the way his fingers pressed into your skin, holding you close but not too tight. it was as if he was giving you the option to back out, even though you both knew you wouldn't.
he leaned in, his breath warm against your neck as he whispered, "you're playing with fire, dollface."
"maybe i like the heat," you shot back, surprised at your own boldness.
dallas's grin widened, his lips brushing against your skin as he spoke. "careful what you wish for."
before you could respond, he tilted your chin up with a finger, his eyes locking onto yours. the tension in the room was palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife, but neither of you seemed in a hurry to break it. instead, you both lingered in that moment, the air between you charged with anticipation.
finally, dallas closed the distance, his lips capturing yours in a slow, deliberate kiss. it wasn't rushed or frantic but rather a slow burn, building up in intensity as he deepened the kiss, his hands roaming over your back. you could feel the heat of his skin, the strength in his grip, and it sent a thrill through you that you hadn't anticipated.
his touch was confident, almost possessive, as he guided you further onto the bed, his body pressing against yours. it wasn't just the kiss that had your heart racing; it was the way he held you, as if he'd been waiting for this moment just as much as you had.
dallas broke the kiss, his lips trailing down your neck as his hands found their way under your shirt, his touch firm yet gentle. you let out a soft sigh, your fingers tangling in his hair as he explored your skin, every touch igniting something deep within you.
he pulled back slightly, his gaze meeting yours again, and there was something almost predatory in his eyes—a look that sent a shiver down your spine.
"you sure?" he murmured, his voice low and rough.
you didn't hesitate this time. "i can handle you."
his smirk returned, but there was a hint of something darker behind it. "we'll see about that."
with that, he kissed you again, this time more urgently, as if he couldn't get enough. the heat between you two intensified, the room filling with the sound of your breaths and the rustle of sheets as you lost yourselves in the moment.
you weren't sure how long it lasted, but when dallas finally pulled back, you were both breathless, your heart pounding in your chest. he looked at you with a mix of want and something else you couldn't quite place before his head dipped down to plant kisses on your neck.
traveling down to your collarbone and then your chest, exposed by your tank top. he slowly moved down your body, his mouth trailing kisses down your smooth skin until he was mere inches away from where you needed him most.
his hands gripped your thighs gently, holding your legs apart so he could have a good view of you in your current state, a low and hungry sound escaped his lips as he looked at you before finally lowering his head down and letting his mouth touch the skin of your inner thighs. 
hands sliding up the sides of your thighs, his fingers grabbing at the fuzzy fabric of your pajama shorts, tugging at them as they slid down your hips and pulling them down your legs.  
looking back up at you, his fingers came up to brush against the dampness of your underwear. 
you shivered, a hand coming to his shoulder to halt his movements. 
“wait, wait…” you whispered, looking towards the door and then back down at him. “i think i heard something.” 
“what?” he asked, his voice still thick with desire. "you think dana woke up?" 
you nodded, though part of you didn't want to leave.
but you and dallas both knew all too well-you couldn't stay here, not without risking getting caught. with a reluctant sigh, you slipped off the bed, your legs feeling shaky as you stood up to place your shorts back on.
as you made your way to the door, dallas called out softly, "my offer still stands, y'know."
you glanced back at him, seeing that cocky grin on his face once again. "i'll keep that in mind," you replied, before slipping out of his room and back into the hallway.
the house was still quiet, and as you crept back to the living room, you couldn't help but smile to yourself. it was a reckless decision, sneaking into dallas's room like that, but you didn't regret it. if anything, it had only made you want more.
a string of silence went on for a moment or two as you laid back down against the pillowy cushions of the couch. letting out a small sigh, you snuggled into the couch pillow and slowly shut your eyes- until you heard shuffling on the other end of the couch.
“you’re nasty.” 
“what?” you murmured, lifting your head to look over at dana who laid at the other end. 
“i said you’re nasty.” she repeated, keeping her eyes closed as she spoke a bit over a whisper.
“what are you talking about?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady, even though your heart was starting to race.
dana let out a soft, tired laugh, her lips curling into a smirk. “you think i didn’t hear you tiptoeing down the hall? don’t worry, i’m not gonna snitch.”
your breath caught in your throat, but before you could say anything, she shifted slightly and added, “just try not to make too much noise next time, okay?” 
perks of sneaking around with your best friend’s brother—your best friend’s intuition is as sharp as her brother’s charm.
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socgf · 1 month
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me on this app every single day 💗💖💞💓💘💝
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matttgirlies · 15 days
edit from @stv2rnn on tiktok
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Lana Del Rey and Alexa Chung
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r0seb100d · 21 days
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Dallas Winston x reader hiding at the abandoned church
A mood board for a short fic I’m working on 🤍
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dietmountaindewbae · 6 months
xxvi. teach me, teacher
alex turner x reader
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word count: 3091
summary: Watching Mister (Early The Car!) Turner walk around class made you feel in a daze, hoping that one day he'll give you a valuable lesson. 
warnings: sp*nking, age gap, slapp*ng, a bit of v*olence, male dom.
The bell rings, and the class is dismissed but you stay until you finish, focused on the details of each trace of your pencil. These past few weeks have been stressful, finals were soon, and the teachers were exploiting you with millions of projects and exams. But the only class you felt like you had things under control was during drawing class, in today's lesson with Mister Turner, you took your time to trace your pencil lines with black marker and some color. You were lost in oblivion when you suddenly heard the heavy door shut close.
"Still here?" Says Mister Turner coming inside with his second cup of black coffee.
"Sorry... I'll be done in a bit Mister Turner" Your soft voice made his ears ring, and his eyes couldn't escape you. Your hair under your ears, your big doe eyes, and long eyelashes, your pink lips, and cupid's bow, the little beauty spot on your chin like a little kiss, and his eyes rubbed down your soft bare legs, that little skirt in your uniform left plenty for his imagination.
Then, out of nowhere, your eyes cross, in the blink of an eye he goes back to grading more papers while you keep drawing. Your heart skipped a beat, and he shuffled in his seat, feeling a drop of sweat running down his forehead, that little scare made his heart jump.
Mister Turner was a nice teacher to everyone, but recently you were falling behind, you had to take your time with each drawing, and he often was right behind you telling you that you should be working faster for the semester you're in. All you wanted from him were his little notes in your papers congratulating you, and now all you got from him was his notices. When he walks into a room, his big voice makes everyone's heads turn, you always follow him with your eyes wherever spot in the class he is standing in when he moves his hands to try to physically explain something that only in his brain was drawn out perfectly, the way he crosses his arms as he speaks or when he puts his hands on his hips as he's explaining any subject at all, he had a way with words no one else had, you knew that he was blessed with some magic or ability no other man had, you often thought about him.
You were needy for his attention but you were too scared to talk to him, whenever he came to check up on you, all you could do was nod and pray for him to accept your work, that's all you ever wanted, that's all you ever needed. And when he leans in closer to you, you cling to his smell of black coffee and strong cologne, you often lose yourself as you look at the chain that hangs on his neck, looking at it bling.
You hear the pen on the paper grading, and you raise your eyes to look at him, and you catch his eyes stripping down your skirt and rubbing his eyes down your legs. His pupils dilate at the look of your eyes and he drags his eyes back to his papers, pinching the bridge of his nose, he felt as if as though he had exposed one of his weaknesses, one of his guilty pleasures, a secret. He could feel a string of tension begin to rise, many questions in his head, but only one way to solve them.
He stands up from his desk, the heel of his boot clashing against the wooden floor, standing next to you, "Hope you're doing the work that you own me" He says very quietly, almost as if he wished his voice was part of the wind that blew against the windows.
"I don't think I owe you anything," You said, looking at him directly, and confidently.
"Last time I checked, you did" He drawls and slowly walks back to his desk, and you put your pen down
"Well, if you let this one slide then I won't tell anyone that you were looking at my legs," He turns and looks at you with big eyes, a subtle smile crawling to your corners, and you put your things back inside your bag, "I'll see you on Monday" Your fingers brushed your hair back, and he jumped out of his chair as he sees you approaching the door.
He chases you feeling the rush of blood in his ears, "Wait" His arm stretches closing the wooden door before you even try to leave, "You're not gonna say anything, are you?" You stayed quiet, looking at him through your lashes, he sighed, regretting ever revealing the truth, he had no care about what the principals or counselors had to say, what he was deeply concerned about was what you had to say about his twisted and cheeky little perverted secret, "I promise I won't do that again" He says it like a promise, but it didn't feel like one.
"I never said I wanted you to stop," You whispered to him, his big brown eyes blinked slowly as the look in your eyes engraved on his, "Now if you don't mind... I-" You tried to open the door, but there was no need to say anything else when it was clear what he wanted from you.
"You should finish your homework, then you're free to go" You turned on the heel of your shoe, and walked back to the tall table pulling your things out of your bag to keep working.
Mister Turner had watched you bloom into an ungodly magnetic girl, always sitting in the back, quiet, and beautiful. Something stirs inside him whenever he sees you putting on your lipstick and brushing your hair, whenever you sit cross-legged and he's able to see a little bit of your thighs. When you came back to school with your hair cut to your chin, he couldn't stop looking at you as you worked, admiring how your hair fitted and framed your face so perfectly, your big eyes took all of the attention.
Now, you both were alone, based on the words you said he decided to test how far he could go, compared to his hand on your shoulder whenever he congratulated you when you turned in good work, or when your fingertips brushed as he thought you how to solve your questions.
With his hands on his hips, he's determined to stand behind you as your hair reveals a little bit of your nape, "Maybe you should trace that line again,"
"Which one?" You asked with innocence.
He takes a step forward, pointing his finger to the line while his other hand lands on your back, his index and middle right on the clasp of your bra, you're eyes light on fire as his gaze turns darker.
"I liked what you did with your hair... looks pretty on you" You smiled as you tried to hide the redness in your cheeks as he dragged his fingers up your back to caress your hair.
"Thank you" You don't utter another word as he keeps playing with your hair, pretending to be way more invested in your homework than his hands on your hair. He catches onto that, taking a step behind you, he tears his hand from your hair, and you try not to act on it, still pretending to be distracted but he could feel how your body yearns for more.
His hand lands on top of yours, taking it away from the table, and putting it in your belly, sliding it down until it's in between your legs, pressing down on your weak spot, you unconsciously rubbed your legs together but he pressed his crotch against your ass, the bulge on his pants heavy and hard, you rubbed yourself against it.
"You can't pretend you don't want some of it" His hand that was on top of yours now slides down inside your panties, his fingers spreading your wetness all over your cunt, "You're crying for more" Your pencil dropped to the floor as he slowly begins to grind his hard-on against your ass, bending your back so your little holes can drool for more. Your voice didn't make a sound but your face and your body were arching for more, "Tell me that you want it" He says, waiting for your consent. He pressed your cheek against the table, pushing his hips closer to where you needed him, "Stop acting like a dumb fucking cock warming whore" You giggled at the things he has called you.
"You really want me to say that, Mister Turner?" You said with a smile on your face, he took his hands away from you, feeling as though he had made a massive mistake, you turned to look at him right in the eyes, rubbing your thighs together, "But what happens if I don't?"
He catches on to your games, and that little playful smile on your face tells him everything he needs to know, "You want to learn that lesson?"
"You're my teacher... teach me" You smirked, his lips hungrily kissing your mouth, his tongue eager to slip inside your lips, crashing against yours but he took over you so easily that you instantly melted into his arms and hands that gripped your short hair so tightly, into his roughness, you were delighted to do so.
He tossed you back onto your table, raising your skirt and spreading your legs open, his hand in between your legs, dragging your panties down to your ankles, "Arch it" His hand pushed your hips down so you were completely exposed to him.
"Is that the way you like it?" You tease, turning your face to look at him, watching his hand stroking his cock very softly. You played around with him, wiggling your hips just to tease him.
You didn't expect him to hit your bum with his rough hands, sliding his fingers inside you testing how wet your walls were, "I see you like learning the hard way, I gotta repeat meself over and over until you understand"
"Until I understand what?" You joked.
"You're in my class, you follow my rules" A laugh bursts out of your lips, causing him to flip out on you, hitting you harder than the first time, you hissed and he kept hitting you and slamming his hand against your flesh harder, pulling your hair back, each time he hits you, a tear rolls down your cheek but more wetness drips down your thighs, something you couldn't understand. All your fantasies were coming true, "You understand who's in charge right?"
Your legs and arms shaking, he turns you over to face him, whipping a tear from your cheek, squishing your cheeks together, nodding your head to tell him you understand, "I'll do anything for it" His little evil smirk spreads across his lips as he sees your almond colored eyes sparkle beneath his touch.
He grips your hips tightly, smothering his lips against your mouth, pinching your cheeks together, and ripping apart the kiss, "There are no other better words" He bends you over against the table, kicking your feet to spread open your legs, grabbing a fist of your hair, the tip of his slippery head right in between your thighs, teasing you slowly until you couldn't help yourself anymore, you stupidly tried to grab him and let loose, he pulls harder on your hair, sticking a slap right across your face, "I told you to not play around like that, you think this is funny?" He spat into your ear, slowly easing himself inside you.
Your teeth bite your lower lip and hum as he gently drags back his dick and slides it back inside your little hole, his fingers in between your legs going in circles, but as he pulls his hips back you can feel your walls tightening around him, begging him to stay inside you, "Oh my fuckin'- please... just please... I need you" You cry out miserably trying to convince him.
"Toughen up, I don't wanna hear a single noise coming' out of that mouth, you understand?" You nod your head as a tear rolls down your face, waiting impatiently for him to fuck you senseless, the anticipation getting the best of you, "You're drooling for more..." He teased your entrance, coating the head of his cock with your juices, "Didn't know you were like that..." Your name rolls out of his tongue like glory, and it sounds deathly and precious.
He eases his way inside you, your breathing gets stuck in your nose, and you try to keep up with the way his hips collide against your bum slowly at first, but with each moment you drag your hips back at the same time as him, he went deeper and deeper, and your legs started to feel it, you felt something burning inside you, something that tingled away in between your legs, and you were oozing for more, for something that put an end to it.
Your body tensed up as he suddenly grabbed a fast and hard pace, you could feel his skin burning against yours, digging his nails into your thighs, tearing and bruising your skin, there was no better pain, no other man that you ever desired. His fingers slipped inside your mouth until your throat closed, a burst of saliva coming out of your mouth as you pushed his body away from you.
He burst into laughter as you try to catch your breath, "What the fuck is your problem?" You gasped for air, "That was-"
"Too much?" He says with a smudged smile, "Thought you wanted me to teach you, you're not up for it anymore?" The cheeky tone in his voice mocked yours perfectly, you knew what this was all about.
"No, it's not that-"
"Oh come on, I knew you weren't serious, always laughing at me like I'm some sort of joke, and now you come here with all of this crying and whining, God! You can't handle anything" Your eyebrows frown together, "Don't look at me with those eyes" All you wanted was to scream and spit into his face all those vile words on your mind, but your tears ran down your face, the anger causing your insides to fire up and evaporate through tears. He set all of that fire at first glance.
He drags you closer to him by the elbow, "You can't say you don't feel what I'm feeling right now" Your nose reddened, his intentions just as clear as his writing on the chalkboard, he wanted you to fight for him "If you want me to be yours, I'll be part of you in any way you want... but just do it now, because I want you" Your arms around his neck, he kisses your cheek tasting your salty tears. But he was on top of you since the beginning, and like the man he is, nothing is really good enough for him, "I said I would do anything for you and I will, just keep me" You blinked your eyes slowly, his arms dragging your body closer to his.
His hands flew across your face, a spank of wind drying up your tears. He bends you over against the desk, hearing the weakness in your voice and the need for him had his mind so fixated on you, this fight had stopped and now he felt like the winner, he liked the triumph and the fulfillment of feeling your body twist and bend just the way he wanted, and you felt happy he could feed of your body like a vulture.
Your body relaxed as his arms hugged you close, lips on your neck, nose in your hair, not a single noise coming out of your lips, your mind was off wondering how long it took him to end you. His body smashing yours repeatedly, you looking at him through the crack of your neck, watching his eyes turn black, "You're enjoying this, you can't hide nothing from me" Your eyes closed tightly as you can feel him forcing himself deeper in that tight space, "You love when I get all mad on you, don't you?" Your cheeky smile burst onto the surface, he had caught you since the beginning, but he didn't want to fight anymore, there was no need for that. He can feel his heart palpitating so fast at the look of your pillowy pink cracked lips, his hands running down your soft hair, your body rocking against his so nicely that it makes his whole body vibrate, he's at a loss for words, so he wraps his arm around your waist, grabbing your hand and closing shut your mouth as your eyebrows push together and your walls began to contract and he pushed himself deeper inside feeling you burst like bubblegum, and your walls began to slowly ease up as your body gets covered with little flickers of electricity.
His eyes feel heavy as he smothers his cock in all your wetness, his gasps for air humming your name, playing around with your clit, and you were so sensitive and he couldn't get enough, but you were willing to handle more just for your man. His body was slowly losing balance and he grunted and you could feel him sliding outside of you so easily, feeling something warm splash into your inner thigh. That last warm breath of lust breezing your cheek.
"Here" He whipped down your thigh, and you adjusted your panties and your hair, and as you turned around, he pulled you close to him, giving you a gentle and caring kiss on your head. Your hearts warm up to each other instantly, "You did great, me darlin'"
"Thank you" That's all you needed to hear from him. He didn't call you by any other thing but his.
This was a special one, dedicated to my girl, my real, my best friend, and ofc thank you anon for your request but this was like two birds in one bullet sort of thing. She's my number one fan, and I gotta thank her for reading all of this, and for making me feel good about telling her about this, I thought I would take many things to grave but turns out, she's taking some of mine and I'll be taking some of her's, because that's what love is.
I lob u 😈💋
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