nkogneatho · 4 months
how did dig bick matssun came to be like ive been seeing it alot I NEED TO KNO 🙏🏼🙏🏼
i think i talked about this here but i'll say more abt his size
i am gonna say smtg unhinged. his cock appears to be small when he's soft. almost disappoints you. but he isn't offended because the second he gets hard...8 FUCKING INCHES bitch. on top of it, the girth??? almost as big as your forearm. your jaw drops, fear settling in. will it even fit?? what if my pussy tears apart? he won't bottom out, will he? what the fuck??
he is now smiling, enjoying your terrified expressions. oh he is gonna make it fit. issei takes his time with you though. stretches with you out nice and slow with his fingers as he pumps his dick. when he tries to push it in, the tip alone has you whimpering. it stings. he cannot believe it. even after he stretched you out so good, he is still struggling. can he blame you though? he is just soooo big :(( but with time, he finally manages to get it in. only bottoms out halfway through the sex when he is sure you can take it without too much pain. it hurts nonetheless.
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hitoshi-yuuto · 3 months
Karasuno god...
Zeus King of the Heavens, God of the Sky, Clouds, Rain, Thunder and Lightning - Daichi
Hera Queen of the Heavens, Goddess of Air, Marriage and the Constellations of Birth and Motherhood - Suga
Poseidon, King of the Sea and the Sea Gods - Asahi
Hades King of the Underworld and the Dead, God of the Earth's Hidden Wealth - Kinoshita
Aphrodite goddess of love, beauty, seduction, pleasures and sexuality - Kiyoko
Demeter, Goddess of Fertility, Agriculture, Grain, and Harvest - Yamaguchi
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, Wilderness, Animals, and Maidens - Yachi
Apolo, god of sunlight, music, medicine and poetry - Hinata
Athena, goddess of intelligence, warrior strategy, wisdom - Ennoshita
Hermes, messenger of the gods of cunning, communication and trade and thieves - Noya
Ares, god of war and protector of women - Tanaka
Dionysos, god of the vine, of wine and its excesses, of theatre, of madness and excesses - Ukai
Hephaestus, god of forge and fire - Narita
Hestia, goddess of the hearth, presides over the making of bread - Takeda
Nemesis, Goddess of Vengeance, Balance, Rightful Indignation, and Retribution -Kageyama
Hecate, Goddess of Magic, Night, Moon, Ghosts and Necromancy - Tsukishima
Claimed people
Apolo/Hinata - Atsumu, Semi, Hirugami, Bokuto, shirabu
Ecathe/Tsukishima - Kenma, Suna,
Nemesis/Kageyama - Yaku, Iwaizumi
Hestia/Takeda - Iizuna, Yahaba
Hephaïstos/Narita - Osamu, Goshiki,
Hera/Suga - Moniwa, Aran,
Zeus/Daichi - Kuroo, Hoshiumi,
Poseidon/Asahi - konoha, watari
Aphrodite/Kiyoko - Akaashi, Alisa, Lev,
Ares/Tanaka - yamamoto, Kyoutani
Athena/Ennoshita - Ushijima, Oikawa,
Hades/Kinoshita - sakusa, Matssun,
Hermes/Noya - Makki, Komori,
Dyonisos/Ukai - Tendou, Fukunaga, Terushima
Artemis/Yachi - Haikyuu girl
Demeter/Yamaguchi - Kita, Aone, Kai,
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koushuwu · 1 year
matssun and makki are the type of guys, with the type of relationship, where when someone says to them one day “you two are clearly dating!” they’ll just look at each other.
makki would shrug first.
“okay,” mattsun would prompt.
“guess we’re dating then.”
after what they’ll just straight up kiss.
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ysterrd · 3 months
Ride Kamens Daily Snap | Ep.2: Today's canvas is...
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Text version & TL notes under the cut.
Narushi: … Wonderful. It’s even better than I’d imagined!
Kyosuke: Don’t doodle weird shit all over the place, asshole![1]
Matsunosuke: I can’t be on your side this time, Narushi. Don’t paint on the shopfront’s cardboard boxes like you own the place.[2]
TL Notes:
描き散らす is similar to 書き散らす, “to scribble,” but with the verb specific to drawing, 描く. There’s also this idea that you’re not only scribbling things without putting much thought into it, you can also do it pretty much anywhere, so “doodling all over the place” felt appropriate as a translation. I opted to TL that てめェ as “asshole” and 変な絵 as “weird shit” to show his rough way of speaking.
I’ve taken some liberties with Matsunosuke’s lines here. 為士が��いぞ literally means “you’re in the wrong, Narushi,” but considering that Mattsun’s second line clarifies why Narushi’s in the wrong and Matssun’s role as a mediator, “I can’t be on your side” sounded like a more natural way to word things. I also opted to translate 勝手に as “like you own the place” for the sake of sentence flow.
Source: Ride Kamens Twitter
Originally posted on Dreamwidth & Twitter on Mar 24 2024. Typesetting revised.
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cerisesakurainspring · 8 months
OIKAWA TOORU - Forget Me Not
~~Courting Victory: Oikawa's Route
"Then take it one step at a time." Seijoh's wing spiker replied as if it was the simplest thing to do.
Tooru frowned at his statement and sighed, "I've been trying my best, but I just can't seem to tell her the truth."
Hajime frowned, "You still haven't confessed even after kissing her?!"
"How do you even know we kissed?!"
"Under the stupid Ginkgo tree at school on our grad day, I saw you sneak a kiss so I thought you told her then."
"Eh, that wasn't our first kiss." The setter said as a matter-of-fact, and the lack of remorse on his striking features irked Hajime to core.
"Huh?! Are you telling me you've been touchy with her without confessing?! Are you fucking with me right now Crappykawa?!"
"Eek! We haven't gotten that far yet."
"I'm not interested in the details, but you need to be clear with your feelings for her!"
"I did!" Tooru winced at his frowning best friend, "or sort of did."
"Ugh." Hajime rubbed his temples in frustration, "Elaborate on this sort of did thing you're spouting."
"Well, please don't be mad anymore, but I asked her to be my pretend girlfriend as a graduation gift."
"You what?!" The wing spiker clenched his hand into a fist, and the setter stepped back with his arms up.
"And she agreed to it! I didn't force her!" Hajime's frown didn't relax. "Well, that's also half truth." Tooru added.
"Shittykawa, do you know how deep that river is? I should be drowning you right now."
A clearing throat interrupted their heated conversation, and the two men looked towards two other figures approaching them.
"You know, Mattsun and I have been wondering if you'd continue on like this until you're both old and crinkly." Hanamaki remarked.
Hajime closed his eyes and tilted his head up. He let out a long heavy sigh and turned to face Tooru, his eyes heavy with concern and irritation.
"Please stop being selfish." Without saying anything else he walked away and gestured for the men to follow.
"You good? It looked like Iwa was really going to bury you alive." Matsukawa walked beside his captain.
Tooru adjusted the scarf around his neck and tuck his nose in it. "He was really mad this time."
"What did you do?"
Tooru didn't respond.
"Ah, I think I know what it's about." Matsukawa tapped his captain's shoulder in comfort. "We'll support you no matter what."
The brown haired setter smiled at his teammate, "Thanks Matssun."
Tooru pressed the buzzer once and inspected the small box on his hand one last time. When he heard the locks being unbolted, he hid the box behind his back and prepared a warm smile in greeting.
"Too-chi?" Celeste peeked from behind the door with a small smile. "Aren't you supposed to be with the seniors?"
"Yup! But Makki had to go, and he's pretty much inseparable with Matssun so we split ways."
"And Ha-chi?" 
Tooru let out a nervous laugh,  "You know how Iwa-chan is."
"What did you do.." the girl giggled knowingly, then opened the door wider to let his 'pretend' boyfriend in.
Tooru wrapped his arms around her once she finished locking the door. "I missed you."
"You just saw me yesterday."
"And it felt like a decade." The setter buried his face on the crook of her neck, the scent of sweet strawberry giving him a sense of comfort.
Not letting go of the hug, Celeste rocked the two of them sideways, slowly at first then quickly.
Giggles erupted in the air as they both toppled to the floor.
"You're so silly." Tooru lightly flicked her nose. "Close your eyes."
"Hmm? Why?"
The brown-haired lad smiled affectionately and proceeded to kiss her forehead. "Just do as I say please."
Celeste pouted but did as told. A soft rustle and a sound of a box opening followed shortly after.
The girl sneakily pried one eye open, curiosity unfurling in her stomach. Tooru inched his face closer to her as a warning. "Stop being sneaky."
The blue-eyed maiden giggled and closed her eyes.
The touch of cold metal on her wrist sent a tickle on her spine and she opened her eyes to look at it only for Tooru to cover her eyes with his right hand.
"Don't look yet and listen to me." He grabs both of her hands and brought them to his face. 
After letting out an anxious sigh, he spoke softly. "Ce-chi, I may have approached things the unconventional way and I feel I've done you wrongly. When I asked you to pretend to be my girlfriend, I thought it was the most suitable option for me to be honest with you, but really all I've been doing was run away from it."
He tenderly rubbed the back of her hands with his thumb. "I was afraid of what might become of us once I leave for Argentina. Now that I think hard about it, I didn't consider what you would have wanted for us."
"And for that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my egocentric tendencies but I want you to know my heart is committed."
Tooru kissed both of her eyes then leaned his forehead with hers. "Aishiteru wa, Celeste. For the longest time. I'm not sure when it started but my heart beats for you."
The release of his suppressed emotions, gave him a cathartic release. The weight of the once unspoken words lifted off his shoulders and gave way to a flood of emotions. His eyes became teary with relief and overwhelming love for the woman in front of him.
Celeste opened her eyes, her expression mirroring Tooru's. There was no need to speak words for their eyes said it all. Joy radiated in their hearts as his confession was met with reciprocation.
The infatuated man brought up the girl's right hand to show her his gift. On her wrist was a gold bracelet adorned with three forget-me-not flowers, a symbol of eternal love and devotion.
"This bracelet is a token of my vow to you." Tooru kissed her knuckles, letting his lips linger longer on her ring finger, a promise of the future.
"We'll do just fine right?" Celeste intertwined their hands, needing his words of affirmation. "It will not be easy being far away from each other."
"Yes, we will. We may be miles apart then but the physical distance will not diminish what I feel for you." Tooru reassured.
"Then, I'll try to visit you when I can. I'll be supporting you wherever you may be. It's a promise." 
Celeste put out her pinky and it reminded him of her promise to return 12 years ago. Though it took her many years to return to Japan, the fulfillment of that promise made him feel solace to their impending separation.
Tooru wrapped his own pinky on hers, "I'll wait for you, as we each forge a path of our own, my heart will stay loyal to you. That is my promise."
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red-elric · 2 years
i would love to know more about the dnd group with iwa, oikawa, mattsun, makki, ushijima, asahi, and daichi if you wouldn't mind sharing some hcs about it? i would also love to know how it started... who convinced oikawa to join a dnd group with ushijima? i don't know a lot about dnd personally but i think dnd aus are so fun!!
(also suga would absolutely talk to iwaizumi about asahi and daichi)
iwa starts it and dms bc he's Very Into dnd and he wants his friends to play it with him So Badly; he originally wanted all of seijoh to play w him but only the third years humored him 😭 so he had to branch out to get a fuller group
oikawa has almost no interest in dnd prior to this tbh but he's a sucker for iwa puppy eyes so he was the first one to agree to play!! he plays a bard on iwa's suggestion bc 'your personality is right for it' and he and iwa make everyone else uncomfortable by roleplaying some INTENSE player/npc flirting.... I feel like after ushijima joined iwa came up with an alien long term npc for oikawa to romance on the fly to keep him invested ajdjjdjs
makki and matssun are Exclusively there to fuck w iwaizumi, but I think they end up having fun! cant remember exactly their classes and characters (I came up w these a while ago w a friend on discord lol) but I distinctly remember matsukawa was playing as colonel sanders from that kfc dating sim LMAO
daichi LIKES dnd but he has a hard time remembering the rules sometimes lol.... he does go on dnd reddit or whatever and thats how he and iwa realize they have an interest in common lmao. he plays a fighter and bullies asahi into coming with him so he has someone there he knows 😭
asahi barely knows what dnd is when he starts and doesnt pick it up v quickly, but he does like the role playing aspect of it! daichi asked him to play cleric tho bc 'we need a healer!' and iwa didnt realize right away how much asahi doesnt know so he's stuck in a VERY difficult class :( still has fun tho, especially as he gets to know the seijoh kids a little better!
ushijima joins after theyve been playing for a while! he hears daichi and asahi talking about it after the karasuno/shiratorizawa match and inserts himself into the conversation because he is also Very into dnd (he plays in another campaign w most of shiratorizawa but he's way more into it than the rest of them so he's looking for another group). he plays a paladin and is SUPER annoying about it, and he's in character the Entire Time theyre playing!! but he also bails them out of fights constantly and he's actually really funny so the majority of the group is chill w it lmao
not explicitly related to the dnd headcanons, but I feel like on days that they meet suga is getting high with tendou and semi aksjdjjdhdhd he tells daichi and asahi when they get back that he's having more fun than they are every time
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I recently opened my old Google dox and there I had the outline of a fanfiction I would write, and I had done basic chapter names and everything. And it was a haikyuu x pjo crossover with like the post time skip seijo seniors figuring out that they're half-bloods. For a little context oikawa was supposed to be a hades kid, iwa a poseidon, matssun was supposed to be either a sun of dyonisis and Maki was like a decented of Apollo or hid kid??. Anways this au is basically my roman empire.
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cursi-bitch · 3 years
Just imagine Matsukawa with a Reader girlfriend who can see the soul of the deads, (this is how its said? Sorry english is not my first language).
Like Matsukawa working in the funeral home and his girlfriend having an internal panic attack because the soul of his last client is asking her for help in something, but when Matssun appears the soul dissapears, she doesn't want to tell Matsukawa her little secret, but he found it out and there's a série of adventures. Something like the dorama The Masters Sun, but with Matsukawa Daddy and much more smut.
Just think about it, because my brain alredy made it headcannon and I can't stop thinking about it.
(the art its not mine but I couldn't find the author)
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
Come Back ~ Matsukawa Issei (Haikyuu!!)
requested by: –
pairing(s): matsukawa issei x male reader
warnings: cursing, hints of smut
a/n: i love him and and hanamaki so much and aggshdjsjdbsmdbbsbd love these two dumb bois
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Issei let out an annoyed groan as he opened his eyes and blankly staring at the bare ceiling of his bedroom. It took a minute or two for Issei to gather his thoughts and fully grasp that he was awake now. And goddamn did he wanted to go back to sleep. Issei let a tired sight leaving his lips as he rolled himself on his bed to face the other side, only to see it was empty.
Issei hated it.
Putting a hand on the empty spot where his partner should be sleeping beside him, Issei felt his heart clench and his throat clugged up. It was hard to breathe. Issei never got used to this. He never got used to waking up every morning to see the spot beside his bed empty.
A small frown formed on his lips as he retracted his hand away from the empty spot beside him to rub his eyes to wake up and chase away the lingering sleep he felt. He didn't need this right now. Issei didn't need the soul crushing realization he was alone in the bed. His partner gone and not beside him, cuddling him tightly with the warmth their bodies share lulling him to relaxation and sleep. No, he absolutely doesn't need that right now.
With that, Issei looked at the empty spot beside him again with some sadness but then decided to sat up from his bed to get up and looked around the room.
It was a bit of a mess. Boxes from small to big in the corners of the room, still unopened and some clothes strewn on the floor aswell as some crumbled papers. With a sigh, Issei noted in his mind that he should unpack the rest of the boxes later. He was still new to this. New apartment and new life. It was hard.
Issei decided to get out of his bed. It was rather a challenge to get up from the warm and cozy bed as the black haired male was still tired and wanted to laze around and go back to sleep, but he some how managed to gather enough strength to get up and when his bare feet touched the floor, the black haired male shuddered. It was cold and he tried to find the slippers he had remembered putting beside the bed only to see it wasn't there. How lovely.
"Is life going to fuck me hard now?" Issei asked to no one in particular other than himself as he run his hands on his hair and messing his already messy hair up more as he then walked towards the bedroom door. Opening it and going outside the room, Issei didn't bother to close the door as the black haired male knew he'll go back to his bedroom anyways after he brews coffee to wake him up entirely, even just for a moment. He wanted to just laze around for a bit until he unpacks those boxes. Alone...
Maybe it was his barely functional mind and it was only around seven in the morning, or maybe it was that he lacks of sleep because he stayed up until midnight last night. Maybe it was one of those reasons or perhaps it was both that Issei did not first noticed [Name], in all his sweatpants wearing glory, brewing coffee in a very cheap coffee machine the two bought three months ago.
As Issei was ignorant to his surroundings, [Name] was the first to notice the black haired male who was stumbling into the small kitchen. A fond smile on his lips as he watches Issei stumbled in and almost tripped himself.
"Good morning," [Name] lazily greeted the black haired male as he poured coffee to his mug. "Did you enjoy your sleep, sleeping beauty?" [Name] had asked as Issei snapped his head towards his direction, a bit of surprised and it was clearly seen as it was plastered on his face until Issei rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips.
"Excuse you, but sleeping beauty is absolutely beautiful and with that, you called me beautiful. So thank you," Issei had snarkily retorted as his smile brightened when he heard [Name]'s laughter at his words. Hearing [Name]'s laughter made Issei's chest bloomed in adoration to the [Hair color] haired male. He wasn't alone. Hes wasn't alone right now. [Name] was here, in the kitchen, being a dumb dork that he loved so much.
"Whatever you say, Mattsun," [Name] had chuckled said as he finished his laughing fit. With his words, Issei let out a grunt from the usage of his old nickname that he had gotten from his old volleyball captain in his high school. Issei looked around to find something to throw at the [Hair color] haired male, only to see nothing, he pouted at that but then turned to look at [Name].
"Ew, are you Oikawa now?" Issei had jokingly said as he approached the [Hair color] haired male who childishly stuck his tongue at him. 'How cute.' Issei fondly thought at his partner as his eyes soften. God, he loved [Name] so much.
"Of all the people you can compare me with, why him?" [Name] asked as he remembered Tōru being an annoying idiot back then and until now. Now that Issei reminded him, [Name] noted that he and Issei should meet up with the others later this week. "Why can't you compare me to someone with more braincells?" [Name] wondered out loud as the black haired male laughed at his words. Issei just shrugged at him as a grin on his lips.
"I dunno," Issei said. "Just caused," Issei continued as he then looked at [Name]. The black haired couldn't help but enjoy how [Name] only wore a [Favorite color] sweatpants. No shirt to cover his top body at all and Issei enjoyed the view of the [Hair color] haired male's body.
"Also, since I'm sleeping beauty, where's my goddamn kiss from my prince?" Issei had teasingly asked as licked his lips. Oddly enough, he seemed to be thirsty and it was probably just him wanting to drink water first thing in the morning... or maybe because he was thirsting over the view of [Name]. Probably both as Issei wrapped his arms around [Name]'s neck when he was standing in front of the [Hair color] haired male. [Name] only raised a brow at the black haired male as he then processed what Issei just said, that gotten a chuckle from him.
"Well, sleeping beauty," [Name] started as he leaned close to Issei, their noses almost touching as he gazed at Issei's eyes. God, he loved those dark eyes of Issei. It was one of the features he fell inlove with as those eyes of Issei always had that spark of mischief he adored so much. [Name] could only let a smile formed on his lips. "I did kiss you to wake your sleeping ass up, but you didn't," [Name] said as he pushed Issei away and then drank the warm coffee he made earlier ago. A content hum leaving his lips when he drank.
Issei made faces at his words. "Ew, you kissed me when I was sleeping?" Issei jokingly asked as he then continued. "That should be considered as sexual assault as I didn't give you consent!" The black haired male had said as he dramatically stepped back turned his back at [Name]. "This is absolutely unprecedented!"
[Name] softly smiled at the black haired male's actions as shaked his head. Why did he fell inlove with this dork, again? Oh, right. Because this dork was Matsukawa Issei, the guy who accidentally spiked a ball straight towards his unsuspecting face in their second year of high school when the volleyball team were practicing while he was asked to deliver papers to the team's coach as a member of the student council.
[Name] had put his mug down the counter as he then wrapped his arms around the black haired male body. The [Hair color] haired male let out a content hum as he brought Issei closer to him in a hug. "God, you're such a damn dork, Issei..." [Name] softly muttered towards the black haired male's ear.
"What has gotten you in a clingy mood?" Issei had asked, making himself comfortable in [Name]'s hold as his back pressed on the [Hair color] haired male's chest. Issei couldn't help but let out a content sigh. Despite asking why [Name] was acting a bit odd, like hugging him out of the blue, Issei admits that he enjoyed it. It was nice. He always liked being in [Name]'s arms. The [Hair color] haired male was warm and his arms securely wrapped around Issei made the black haired male feel relax and protected.
Silence took over the two as they stayed there, standing and hugging each other tightly. The both of them were enjoying the calm silence and each other's presence. This were the rare moments they were together. Being busy with their own college studies and not to mention [Name] had a part time job to do. Their time together was dwindling even if they stayed in the same roof. It was hard and the two were happy to have this rare moment of calmness and being together.
"Come back to bed with me?" Issei softly asked as he heard [Name] let out a hum at his question. Issei tone was soft, almost quiet as he asked that question. It was like the black haired male was afraid of [Name]'s answer. This wasn't the first time Issei asked that question. Asking [Name] to come back and sleep with him since Issei can see how tired [Name] was but the [Hair color] haired male always brush his worry off and smile at him. [Name] would always say it was alright, like he wasn't at all tired or stressed.
"If you wanted me to come and have sex, you could've asked," [Name] had said with amusement in his tone. Issei couldn't help but let out a snort at the [Hair color] haired male's words. God, he loved this man so damn much.
"That wasn't what I mean but I wouldn't mind," Issei had said as he chuckled. [Name] laughed at that as be shove his face on Issei's neck and placed a soft kiss on the black haired male's exposed skin.
"Alright then," [Name] softly muttered as he trailed soft kisses onto Issei's neck onto the exposed part of the black haired male's shoulder. The [Hair color] haired male then nibbled at a particular spot that made Issei let out a soft, quiet moan. "Shall we, darling?" [Name] teasingly asked as he unwrapped his arms off of Issei and turned to black haired male to look at him. His [Eye color] eyes softening to see the face of the one he loved so much.
"We shall, you dumb dork," Issei had said with a grin and he looked at [Name] in the eyes. Those [Eye color] eyes of the [Hair color] haired male. Like how [Name] felt with Issei's eyes, the black haired male felt the same thing as those eyes were one of the things he fell inlove with.
"I love you, [Name]," Issei softly aaid as he placed his hand on [Name]'s cheek. The [Hair color] haired male closed his eyes as he leaned into Issei gentle touch.
"I love you too, Issei."
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alpaca-fanfics · 4 years
Okay, but hear me out... We all know Matsukawa is a big boy, right? He’s like 6’2 (187 cm) pre-time skip. 👀 Imagine being a brat and him just towering over you, ready to punish you. Hard dom!Mattsun? 👀 Him being all rough and pounding you until your back’s blown bc you disobeyed him. 😩🤚🏻 Lawd help me for I have sinned.
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hyperifictrashlazi · 4 years
Haikyuu Heart warming Friendship V2
Aoba Johsai supporting Oikawa in the Argentina Team rather than their own country.
Cheering against Japan just for Oikawa Tooru.
Aoba Johsai Squad loves Oikawa so much i swear,,, such fam goals.
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They painted the Argentina Flag and everything omf
btw Iwa breaking the fam apart but its cool, its all chill
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moshikiii · 4 years
OKAY 1 THAT DOES NOT SOUNDS CHEESY I ACTUALLY THINK THE WHOLE AU WOULD BE INTERESTING AND I WANT A FIC OF IT 2 FINSIH THÉ COMIC DUDE U GOTTA NOW,,, also to add a wee bit more angst imagine if the assholes weren’t even going after oikawa but like iwaizumi or kyotani and oikawa took the fall so u ahve aoba johsai all feeling guilty and trying to get oikawa back and shiratorizawa being like oh no he’s ours now soz
Ah dont be fooled by how angsty this starts!! Its just Oikawa loving times from how the shrtz team feels bad for him but they know oikawa is the last person who would want pity so they all try to be around him in their own way and Oikawa feels shit but he needs to bond with them so they can still be a good team and he definetly wont stop giving his all even if the conditions are not great!
And i absolutely ignore seijoh in this au CAUSE I CANT DEAL WITH AN EMOTIONAL STRESS LIKE THAT. T-T im already sad imagining seijoh getting on the court and iwaizumi being the new captain and hating the underscore on his number 4 jersey. SO NOPE!!! NO SEIJOH IN THIS AU🤗🤗🤗🤗 kdkdkcmc
Also im more of a Seijoh hanging out and getting along with Shiratorizawa supporter like mattsun and tendou just being the scary middle blocker bros, shirabu and kunimi just always sitting next to eachother at gatherings and quietly talking. OR yahaba and shirabu aka no1 oikawa fan vs no1 ushijima fan and also next gen captains!! Kyoutani with semi about music tastes!!!
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mieru186 · 8 years
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I had fun making it simple like it is, I plan to recolor some soon tho
P.S: he’s one of my fav, ok  💦 💦
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tantei-armin · 5 years
This arc will have like 10 chapter just to show all our children and what they r doing with life because FURUDATE U STARTED THIS NOW I WANNA KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ALL DOING WHERE ARE MY BOYS, I WANNA SEE ALL OF THEM LITERALLY ALL OF THEM
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darkilk · 6 years
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└ The surprise and delight in those baby browns~ 
Cr: Arashi ni Shiyagare 15.09.2018
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hqfeatbetty · 2 years
May i request setters with an s/o that talks too much and someone tells her "you talk a lot" as a joke but it's not a joke you know, please ^^
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hello! enjoy it :) this is not the best but hope you like it. also sorry for the wife and the girlfriend she always the bad guy lol.
warning: slight manga spoilers and very poor vocabulary hehe. also boys over heels for reader <3
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you were with your boyfriend at a party to celebrate the last win of ali roma. currently chatting with one of his teammates and his wife. you were telling her about the game because she couldn't attend there in person so you thought if you told her what happened would be nice but unfortunately it wasn't, because while you were talking animatedly about the last point "-and then when we started losing hope tobio did-""yeah i saw that on tv haha" she interrupted you with a fake smile "it's surprising that you're talking this much with someone you just met i envy you for being this comfortable with new people haha" she said as if she joking but you weren't a little kid you knew she was annoyed. her husband tried to change the awkward mood but he also was interrupted but this time by You lover, "and i love that about her" he said looking at you with a soft smile "her voice and the expressions she does with her face make me happy, when i get home tired i want nothing but hold her and listen to she has to say, from the little details of her day to the big announcements she has for me, and she's the sweetest that she wanted you to experience what you missed because it's not the same when watch it on TV" he give your hand that he was holding a little squeeze and your heart melt at his antics. you heard his teammate chuckles and when you turned to his wife she was giving you an apology smile.
it's Friday. you and your husband were invited by his coworker and his wife for dinner. the evening at first was nice, their little daughter stole your attention with her cute acts. then when dinner is eaten and the little princess is asleep, the four of you were sat in the living room exchanging small talk, then you started talking about your niece that at the same age with their daughter "and recently she started to get jealous when her father hugs her mother. oh also do you know that she has the same mole that i have?" "does she talk a lot like you too?" the woman asked suddenly and when all of you went quite she added "haha just kidding love" "no she doesn't talk a lot like her but i do hope that if we have children they take a lot of her including 'talking a lot' and then I'll be so lucky" your husband answered with a tight smile, and then he excused the two of you to head home. after telling your farewell you walked to the car thanking your lucky stars for this gorgeous husband.
you and tooru came back home to Japan for a quick visit cause your big baby missed his family and his bros. so today you were at a club with the boys and their partners having fun and enjoying your youth. you danced a little with iwa, matssun and their girls then you joined oikawa, makki and his girlfriend in the booth. the boys were talking about Argentina so you joined them talking about the cool weather and showing them pictures you took when you go to those dates when you exploring new places "this pic we took it last month, it's not that far from our place but we only discover it lately" "OMG how do you have this energy to talk this much" makki's girl spoke a little bit harsher than she meant, maybe the alcohol did its affect you assume not wanting to make a big deal but the boys didn't want this to slide, makki's first when he glared at her telling her to be nicer and then oikawa said with his annoying attractive smirk "aw are you jealous of my baby ? she has this amazing energy that whenever she talks steal the attention of whoever listening, makes them interested with the topic even she telling them about a cartoon show" his features softened when he glances at you "i actually fell in with her from the very first encounter between us when she was talking about her cat" you smiled to yourself remembering the first time you met tooru, you just moved in next to him and your cat run to his house when he accidentally left his door open. after that the girl apologized felling guilty for ruining the mood.
you two were having a date in your favorite coffeeshop relaxing after having a long week. after a while one of Keiji's former classmates entered the place and as soon as he saw your husband he joined you to catch up with him. so when the conversation is now about you two and how you met you started telling him about how you met him and how he asked you out and how he proposed "he was so nervous he almost dropped the ring twice" you said grinning to your husband remembering the precious little memories "but Keiji i didn't expect to see with someone talk this much, i thought you liked girls on the calm side like yourself" his 'old friend' said with a chuckle only to be cut by akkashi "well that's the point, we're totally the opposite yet we understand each other the most, it's like we complete each other with this difference, i really like to hear her talk all time about anything and everything" keiji took your hand in his and brought it to his lips kissing your knuckles sweetly, the other man smiled as he apologized explaining he doesn't meant anything bad excusing himself to let you go back to your little date.
It's only a few days left and the new season begin and then atsumu is gonna have to travel a lot due to the games held in other countries. So of course your fake blond boyfriend is going to visit his twin's restaurant to eat his favorite food as much as he can before iwaizumi know about this unprofessional, unhealthy behavior. While he was having his way with the plate in front of him you were talking with osamu telling him about the adventures you and tsumu went through during the vacation in some beautiful island. "And then we dive in so deep in the ocean and your stupid brother told me he saw a mermaid just to scare me" osamu was laughing at his idiot twin when A Friend of Osamu's showed up laughing at what you said "and i thought atsumu is the talkative one in the relationship" this said friend blurred out his joke a little bit meaner than he intended to, the plate is long forgotten when atsumu looked the guy upside down then he answered with the coldest tone he can master "and what that supposed to mean ?". The guy shook his head smiling "it doesn't mean anything buddy, really it's just nice that you have someone like you", at the explanation atsumu looked like he calmed a little then smiled at you, winking playfully "yeah you're right about that".
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