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#20-21) Scraggle world - Pollen (1-2)
Characters present or mentioned:
Flappy. (Flowy)
Frag. (Frisk)
Mathor. (Toriel)
#digital art#scraggle world#undertale#comic#art#undertale comic#flappy#flowy#frag#frisk#Mathor#Toriel
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About liking decay, I 100% agree with it! Whenever I take the time to get lost in my dreams, I always like the idea of ruined cities and ancient structures whose meaning was lost to the ages with new civilizations growing neath the great remains of ages past. I just really like the idea of serene ruins, of solitary figures walking through warped metal and dusty stone. I really needed to express my appreciation, sorry to have taken your time.
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In the morning, what thought always makes you get out of bed?
Always makes me want to know: who did this one did:.
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Here's a few asks for today!
@mathor--sionur Season 6, I promise.
And if you think I wasn't singing this for the rest of the day, you're mistaken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iONYmniFowY
For the second part, I wouldn't necessarily say that mlm rep is shit. She-Ra is a property aimed at girls, so it's inevitable that the women will be a) more numerous and b) focused on more. And maybe that’s just me and I'm in a minority of one, but I don't think it's been presented any other way.
For the second part, I wouldn't necessarily say that mlm rep is shit, although it's not on the same level as the wlw rep. She-Ra is a property aimed at girls, so it's inevitable that the women will be a) more numerous and b) focused on more. And there's more than just Bow's dads - the biggest/most frequently seen male characters, Bow and Sea Hawk, are bi. Would it have been nice to see more explicit mlm rep in the show? Of course. But we're still in the stage where creators have to push for queer representation, and for better or worse, it's not always what we would like.
I'm not sure how old you are and what shows you've grown up with, but what we got in She-Ra would have been unthinkable for the shows of my childhood. Yes, we need to keep going bigger and better with queer representation, but we can't do that by shitting on what we've got.
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polish, ukrainian, german and dutch forenames
Aafyme Aariitje Adegius Adelia Adramiy Adrij Agni Albertje Alee Allefa Almias Alomard Ameke Ande Andel Andra Andrik Andrinzem Andt Anian Anierna Anjen Annie Annuyi Anonis Aria Armar Arneslatje Arnie Arnwa Arse Artofte Auba Auguliy Axely Balex Baranne Bard Baria Barl Bera Beryize Birje Birk Bogdanno Boguntje Boha Bohae Boysta Carbenoor Chre Christy Cilecyusz Cuni Czen Cäciesa Cäsawaldor Daanuelia Daarethor Daarine Dagda Damir Danca Danna Dars Davaana Demyst Dena Denstina Dentefanna Dezy Diekto Diela Dies Diethaike Divetje Dobbere Dobiert Domy Doni Dore Doslaw Dympleffel Ecka Edert Edsena Edulaw Eelsbea Elfrijs Elfritann Ellawerzyl Ellefantje Ellick Enradle Enrijk Evanka Evger Evhelbe Ewefantje Fanna Fayiamundo Flek Flomirsta Flon Franek Franne Friaetary Frietje Friy Fytana Gaber Galaw Garan Garberij Geen Geeniska Geerla Geetef Gergredek Gerichen Gerolad Gerten Gertje Gotte Gottondrud Gretje Gribast Gryhorgria Gryslauge Grzeslaw Gund Gunnia Gunyaksia Hana Harie Hariej Harthysia Heida Heignin Heigumit Hela Heleslav Hener Henne Hertje Hertry Hilmariy Hold Honia Hryna Hubald Huija Huisz Huybine Huyi Ilormgard Iner Ineslaw Ingeno Insta Ireczys Iren Irenz Irmarta Jacpeltje Janki Janselav Jansta Janya Jardan Jarysaasta Jedrik Jenas Jeriede Joan Joharan Johda Joka Joksyntje Joria Joslaapi Jozaba Jozary Jörga Kaanchenz Kaimil Kaje Kamina Karit Kasa Katen Kathold Katijntia Katje Katra Kazm Khrijs Khrike Klavetha Klawa Kleik Klenchola Klens Klesje Koemylyi Kona Kons Korgius Koromung Kria Krijd Ksel Ksela Kubromin Kyryhons Larma Lartale Lauke Lecharisia Leenja Leenorzyd Leeris Leesan Lenna Leofilf Leokke Leor Levhe Liaarikold Liesla Liestanna Lijd Lillawale Liskoli Ljudir Ljudirs Lody Lubert Lubertus Ludigmus Luditte Ludoka Lukre Luygmut Luyi Luzalehar Lyubolgita Maco Majlothen Mald Malenikode Mane Mannegusz Marbiner Marhyi Marissi Marl Marlav Marmek Maronia Marsen Mart Maryi Mata Mathe Mathor Matte Mayisen Maylorie Meniand Mich Micja Miko Millibel Mirt Mirta Mona Morysbete Myrysla Naanatje Naddia Nado Nica Nicht Nietrea Nika Notel Nowefje Nyudiy Nyustiy Oleoniya Oleslaghim Opan Opar Orta Ortros Oskold Otmaniana Otyntje Palomus Patje Pazysz Pelig Perhys Phöbetbov Pier Poutein Przeltry Pylwiandt Rafymond Raich Railie Raim Ravlon Rayi Rayidiale Raymard Rein Reina Resla Rica Rich Riedegard Rijthory Ritth Robanasta Roelertje Rogda Rola Rolas Romäus Rosefa Rosenna Rosiacht Roszuly Rous Rozyna Rusia Rutgertusz Ryska Rystya Sabetja Saliya Salma Sanda Sannia Semiem Sephav Seppolo Serd Sermek Sert Sery Siede Sigeliya Sigmusla Sild Sjountje Slawarie Sobas Sonia Soplerya Stalinatje Stane Stefa Steliya Stemedemen Ster Steriene Stier Stionikke Susla Sybies Szysla Tard Tarzist Tata Tera Theikert Then Theodola Thiliame Thin Tiedriya Tien Timil Timit Tonjam Toor Torsteppie Trech Trena Trie Trik Trislana Ulfrick Ulisiata Ully Urse Ursti Utertje Vaaska Vadelin Valip Vani Vard Veethe Vertia Vicheuw Vicy Vitje Vitta Vitz Volia Wala Waleme Walgumin Wastin Wenert Wennus Wenz Wiel Wiesiy Wike Wilin Wilinerth Winma Wistina Witta Wittef Wlaw Wloffeltry Woloentje Yanzhilhe Yariya Yelbia Yevkola Youta Yurd Zdzisawen Zdziskusta Zoffi Zoryska Zöle
same thing but shorter names
Aara Adek Adel Adra Adrunde Aelchte Agni Alen Alesa Aletra Aletter Almart Ammek Andra Ands Anek Anel Angen Anikel Annel Annella Anorik Ansje Ante Antyn Anuli Apold Arko Arma Armani Arnus Arnwa Avhe Axelen Bald Balja Bara Barier Barina Barrina Basz Belke Berkje Berlo Bertrii Berzen Bianuel Bogusz Bohaia Bolanka Bold Bolf Boysta Brik Broslav Brudert Bärbas Card Carga Carond Casje Cecht Celo Cezabel Chrida Chrike Chrius Chriya Chrya Chrysla Clawa Conie Coon Coorg Coose Cäcia Cäcisi Cäsaapi Daari Dagmarz Damer Danikus Darta Dena Denrie Diedolf Dietiy Dimar Dira Dmincht Dobine Dola Domine Dorg Dorscha Dosje Ebeke Ebenina Edeke Eder Edga Edius Effirt Elia Elian Ellaw Emir Emmek Erda Erislaw Euge Ewelor Ewertje Ezebov Ezek Felka Fema Ferey Fert Flen Floni Fras Fraut Frazja Fren Freth Fricjan Frijka Fris Fritje Frizav Galexa Gard Gebieda Geesla Geonja Gerlina Gertal Gertij Gerzylo Gijke Gisla Gota Gote Gott Govet Grech Gretene Gudy Gund Hana Hane Hanfra Hanien Hansta Haud Hedre Heid Heika Heini Hellia Hennesz Henzczy Hiliesi Hryna Huijke Huyia Ihna Ilsje Immeke Inayi Inel Ineliek Ingotte Insaan Irman Irys Izaber Izolazy Jachen Jand Jann Jannika Jard Jenty Jertr Joachel Johda Johdana Jolaze Joleeno Joorosi Jorie Jula Jusz Jürgina Kaild Kaltja Karbert Karga Kargius Karlip Karo Karolaw Kaspa Kata Katijn Katt Kaza Kazm Khrid Klardia Kliendt Knus Koni Kosypa Krita Kryk Krzej Kundra Kyry Laddir Ladiy Lenizy Lenrija Leonori Lettazm Liej Lijs Lildel Lixi Lodzi Lorisla Lucisaw Luck Ludert Ludir Ludomen Luitlek Lyure Macin Madigna Magmuni Maine Malen Marauka Marber Marbina Mard Mardek Mardula Marene Mariko Marin Maris Marl Marli Maronka Mart Mata Matje Matonse Michel Mick Mienz Mika Millek Milm Minne Miro Moni Mych Mykt Myryna Naddäus Nadysje Nard Nata Nath Natha Natsian Neena Nethaj Nicja Nika Nikaas Nike Nooro Okka Olen Olerva Olexana Olheon Oliya Oresje Oreste Orthim Ossje Osypard Otma Otta Otthe Pata Pathe Patia Patord Paukha Pazarli Petjet Petta Phina Phöber Pionike Porsuli Priusz Przan Przej Rafke Rail Rayi Rayia Reida Reigelm Rena Ress Rhert Riana Rica Ricja Robal Roessa Rolad Romot Ronsa Rosla Roslaw Rostia Rosty Rouwtje Rubro Rute Ryka Rösch Saas Saler Salo Sana Sane Sankena Seba Seesla Seida Seinius Selbek Serlix Sewe Sietje Sijs Sile Simard Sini Sobina Sopola Sout Steel Stefa Sterl Stert Stertje Susz Sver Svina Szchand Szyl Taim Teke Teta Tetje Teund Tharek Thola Thor Ties Tima Timir Timmena Timpje Tooryta Torich Trana Trionis Truit Udos Ullerle Ulliede Ursta Urszka Utek Vaaster Vaata Valda Vani Vanna Vannek Viantje Virosyp Virteuw Vlaw Volaw Vrola Vrose Walaw Walex Walyz Wasa Wiej Wiek Wiesla Wilip Willian Wina Wine Wiotta Witl Witte Wojzy Wojzyla Wolda Wula Wyna Yanz Yeverno Yosa Yukje Yulfi Yulika Yulke Yurgieb Zdzisz Zeniand Zenz Zosz Zölecja Zöleeri
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Mira cómo corren revisión
Una hilarante revisión hecha a las populares historias de detectives, que trastabilla en ser más que la mezcla de diversas influencias. Pero Saoirse Ronan y su libreta policial salvan el espectáculo.
Para empezar, cabe aclarar que la ópera prima del director Tom George no renuncia a plantear un misterio que mantenga cautivo al espectador. Su táctica es adoptar los clichés del whodunit y evidenciarlos descaradamente, pero sin sacrificar el enigma en torno a un homicidio; en este caso, ambientado en los años 50 y acaecido en un teatro londinense de West End. La víctima es un antipático cineasta de nombre Leo Kopernick (Adrien Brody), asesinado tras bambalinas la noche de la presentación número 100 de la obra La ratonera de Agatha Christie. Es entonces que entran en escena el inspector Stoppard (Sam Rockwell) y la agente Stalker (Saoirse Ronan), una clásica pareja dispareja con la encomienda de investigar el crimen y armar el rompecabezas.
Hasta cierto punto, Mira cómo corren se antoja equivalente a Scream, la película slasher que en 1996 arribó a cines para desmenuzar el terrorífico subgénero al que pertenece y enlistar sus reglas. En ambos títulos, el atributo autorreferencial es uno de los principales atractivos. Y en lo que concierne al reciente estreno, el jugueteo metatextual opera mediante rompimientos de cuarta pared, con personajes que le hablan al público o que anticipan cómo el mismo filme se irá articulando. Afortunadamente, no son recursos de los que se abuse ni que dejen de ser divertidos en su mayoría. Pero un inconveniente de esta cinta policiaca yace en su falta de sutileza e ingenio a la hora de desafiar las expectativas de la audiencia.
Respecto a otras producciones whodunit empapadas de comedia, Mira cómo corren incluso se siente rezagada. Frente a su discurso meramente burlesco —que al final no es tan agudo ni transgresor—, los últimos tres años nos han traído la serie televisiva Only Murders in the Building, que enriquece la ecuación con la variable de los podcasts de crimen real (hoy en día muy populares), y el largometraje nominado al Óscar Entre navajas y secretos, que trastoca el molde a favor de un comentario sobre el privilegio, la hipocresía y la xenofobia en Estados Unidos.
Por su parte, cuando la historia parece encaminarse al tema de la insensibilidad y oportunismo en el mundo del espectáculo, la película de Tom George mete freno estrepitosamente en aras de preservar su ligereza. Y no está mal que lo haga; sólo resulta un poco frustrante que no tenga un propósito más allá de ridiculizar una receta que ya otros están actualizando y reinventando.
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Isn't there this post going around about a virus youtube link for an MCR stream????
the excel mather stream on youtube has a link in the description that takes you to another site that you have to register for so that may be what they’re talking about, so that one may not be a legit stream unfortunately -S
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8 People I’d like to know better!
Tagged by: @digital-magus
Tagging: @nightbringer117 @mathor--sionur @sar-bar-26 @blossoming-b-section @digital-nihilism @titanicus-mecanicus @tumblrbot @excellent-monster-girl-ideas
Favourite colors: Black, Silver, Green, Red
Last song listened to: Leaves in the stream by Aurelio Voltaire. I listen to his albums costantly, I love his music so much
Favourite musician/singer: Creature Feature, Aurelio Voltaire or Panic! At The Disco. I also recently began to listen to Hayley Kiyoko and I’m in love with her songs
Last film watched: Last night i watched the Jason Bourn films. I’ve known about them from the memes but i did not actually watched them at all
Favourite tv show: Dunno, probably Good Omens or Lucifer. I always like when a media takes a traditional myth or belief and they give it a modern interpretation
Favourite OC: I would have to say a PC from a campain of D&D I’m in. Luilei is a changeling bard who is the only caster in the party, so they get away with much more than they should, like, for example, always making jokes at the expense of other characters or things like making belive one of their companion that animals are grown from a seed in the ground and then harvested
Sweet, Spicy, Savoury: Sweet, I need it to compensate for my personality
Sparkling water, tea, coffee: I am physically unable to drink sparkling anything, and I am always too tired to enjoy tea, so coffee it is
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Happy Birthday Chelsea Cast of FATE of a MathoR on fatethefilm.com #macdonalds🍟 #gymnastics #covid19 #curlyhair #mcdonalds #gymnastics @turningpointla #curls @fatethefilm #turningpointla @thebroganagency @magumbo713 @magumbo28 @madalyne_chelsea #fashion @turningpointla @libraryagency_kids #skateboard #london #mcdonalds #naomiosaka #asianstyle #yearofthedog #skateboarding #mcdonalds #wakeboarding #diversity #chess #kidmodels #talent #childrensplace #partybashforkids @magumbo713 #childmodelmagazine @spiwesweets @instagrambrasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CCu7e3tlc47/?igshid=1zyh28rtv1vq
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the word geek is very just........ very..... it is geek
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I never was the cool or chicI was not le freak,not wild – I merelymixed my tapesprepared to bloom when coolmeant mathor having read Camus,but still I knew the movesand danced along aloneuntil one nightgame—set–match. Today Lilian is hosting at dVerse, trying to find some songtitles from the ones that were number on from the billboard list at https://mybirthdayhits.com/# … unfortunately it didn’t…
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Maisha Magic, Showmax titles top Kalasha Awards 2020 with 14 nominations
#MaishaMagic, #Showmax titles top Kalasha Awards 2020 with 14 nominations
The Kalasha Awards 2020 nominees were unveiled by the Kenya Film Commission, and like previous years, titles on Maisha Magic East and Maisha Magic Plus, which also air on Showmax, led with 14 nominations.
Speaking on the news, Maisha Magic Head of Channel, Margaret Mathore, said these nominations further affirm MultiChoice’s commitment to supporting local content through quality production.…
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Time for a bunch of asks I didn't get to earlier because I was editing She-Ra Uncut!
@fenrisshadow Oh, definitely don't do a shot every time you can't understand Hordak. The only time he becomes slightly more intelligible is in the more serious scenes or when he needs to be understood by readers!
Oh, that is beautiful! I feel like Sea Hawk should be the fire princess, or at least the arson princess.
She just can't catch a break. Maybe when Horde Prime arrives she'll get the father figure she ne- ohhh...ok.
I'm glad it got a good reaction, because that was a horribly tricky scene to put in to something that's mainly a funny parody. It's been through about four re-writes! But I also leave it a little ambiguous for readers to draw their own conclusion - did Hordak do that deliberately, or was it an accident that he decided to twist to his advantage? We may never know...
@mathor--sionur It will make his year!
Thanks, Anon! I like to draw people in with the promise of cursing and jokes, then when you're lulled into a false sense of security, BAM! Jab you in the feels. The Swift Wind scene was quite a personal message coming through there, as well, because it's something I very much believe and doing that for myself was a big step forward in recovery.
I find I sit best in writing comedy that balances being funny and heartfelt (drawing inspiration from things like The Good Place, The Royle Family and so on). I do have a couple of original projects in planning that draw humour from the idea that you can find laughter in the darkest places to help you through, and I want to bring a bit of that here too.
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