tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Is Mateo old or are his hairs grey from stress?
Hello, Nonny~
He’s been greying for a while now. Some people just get the “threads of wisdom” earlier than others. An encouraging friend like Asante knows just what to say to make this revelation better. We think it’s beautiful. Don’t you agree?
P.S. Cinna is at it again~ 😍
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Honestly i don’t need to know everyone’s favorite sex positions i just need to know Mateo’s i can find everyone else later on 😋
No hints here, Nonny. 🌚🌝
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Mateo seems like a really sweet, talented, observant, helpful guy and I would very much appreciate having him do stuff for/to help me like y'all talk about, but I also love the idea of taking care of him in return :') he always seems so overwhelmed and stretched thin. Will he let me spoil him?
Ahhh, how wonderful it is to be SEEN. Mateo has many responsibilities on his plate... to the crew and to his captain. It is true that “There is no rest for the weary.” But our dear Mateo could benefit from some loving care (When he comes around to MC). Whether you could slow him down enough to get him to practice some self-care is questionable... But the challenge is certainly worthwhile. I’m sure he would agree that it is nice to know someone is looking out for him like he does for his comrades. There is more to Mateo than meets the eye. ❤️
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Does Mateo ever slip into speaking Italian when stressed/frustrated or otherwise, ahem, impassioned for any reason? 😏 If so, I am swooning even harder than before. 😍 Will we hear any bits of Italian in-game?
Mateo speaks primarily English, but he does have a bit of Italian up his sleeves. He heard it growing up and spoke it in his home. But as an adult off on his own, he has not needed to speak his secondary language as often. If you do catch him flexing that skill... count yourself lucky. ❤️
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Ringing in the new year by lowkey daydreaming of motorboating Mateo's tiddies.
Mateo’s chest hair just stood on end! Is it the cold winter air? No... He can sense something or someone is out to get him this new year...
Nonny, I am sure many of us have this dream down as one of our New Year’s Resolutions~ & No doubt this is one goal that won’t be dropped! It’s cold out there on the high seas! Don’t let his nipples poke your eye out when you go in for the chest dive! ✨❤️🎉
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Please wish Mateo a happy birthday for me! And also tell him I think he has really beautiful eyes omg. Beautiful lashes and beautiful color. Just wow I love him
Mateo: ... Thank you.
Deneb: His eyes are as vibrant as a summer sunset~ With the strength of a demon rising from the sea’s depths to snatch a goddess from the skies. A sexual magnetism that leaves the soul writhing from—
Asante: Okay that’s enough. There are children present, Deneb. 😅
Mateo: ...
Datura: He’s HOT. 🔥
🌊Thank you moonlit—river for showing our Quartermaster love.❤️ I agree. His design is beautiful. Cinna did a fantastic job delivering her vision of who she imagined him to be. His strength and personality shine even in his silence. Our team mirrors all the love he’s been shown. 😊
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Happy birthday to my favorite boi Mateo! Love love love love the picture! My stowaway is a speechless mess. 🤣
Thank you! No worries. Let your stowaway know that when Mateo has no words... he speaks volumes in his body language. ❤️ ~Juniper
Deneb: I am his best friend. I understand his body.
Bao: Please stop right now.
Asante: I understand his body. I am the Doctor, after all.
Deneb: I can be his doctor~ I believe in me. 🤗
Mateo: NO.
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
i would honestly get into a fight with mateo, physical or verbal
Oh no. 😢 Why, Nonny? He would most likely not engage. Now, if you meant “fight for”, then I would totally get it. 😉
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Pokey nipples are easier to bite tho. JUST SAYIN', MATEO.
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
so Mateo will let MC shave him....but will he shave my MC??? 🤔
Mateo is a towering, tough, and quiet guy. If MC were to ask... I’m pretty sure his answer would be “No.” It is not the same “No” he constantly delivers to Deneb on a daily basis. It’s a “No” that says “I’m nervous.” Mateo cares for MC and is afraid to unintentionally hurt them. Deciphering his “No” is a developed skill. 💙
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Don’t mind me; just kissing all of the hairs on Mateo’s chest during cuddles 😘
That’s going to take some time! You do you, Nonny~ Just don’t choke on one of those chest hairs. We want you to come back for the next adventure, ya hear? 😉
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Would Mateo be ok to shave his chest hair if his s/o asks? I'm not the biggest chest hair fan but if I have to I'll let it slide. I'll do it for you Mateo
Hello, Nonny~
All our of our crew love their MCs as they are. If something were to change about an LI it would probably be an evolution of their personality (character growth) versus cosmetic or physical changes :) Plus, all of our crew are Pirates through and through! Mateo’s hair is a part of his burly charm~ ❤️
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
All the talk of dipping LIs has me wondering... Can I dip kiss Mateo? Would he be cool or would I be met with a No? >_>
Oh, Nonny... We’d be worried you’d break your back trying to dip that man. 😰 You would definitely be met with a “NO” from Teo. Maybe another approach that would ensure your well-being?
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Happy day of the birth Teo bb!!!! PS. Cinna’s art is going to kill me. I really want to squeeze and nip all them sexy muscles and smooch that handsome face. 😫🤤👌😘😍❤️
Oh hello, Nonny~ Did you spot the chocolate chip mark on his arm? Love is in the details. ❤️ I think that is what makes Cinna’s art so beautiful. Lots of love and thought goes into bringing each of her (and others’) characters to life. Makes you wonder what other marks may be on him that we can’t see...*wink* *wink*
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Everyone is so pretty... Mateo, Datura, and Anaste are probably my favorites though. 😍😍😍
AGREED ❤️❤️❤️ Soulmate 1 Soulmate 2 Soulmate 3 ❤️❤️❤️ How lucky are we? ✨✨✨
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