#matchup information
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r0manceplanet · 2 months ago
Matchup Request Info!
If you don’t know what matchups are… matchups is where you would send information about yourself (which I will have listed below) and you get to pick as many fandoms as you want and I would write who I matched you with and why.
The fandom limit for matchups has no limit since I WILL ONLY BE OFFERING MATCHUP EXCHANGES for the time being until I’m confident in my writing.
And when you do a matchup exchange with me please let me know if there are certain characters you absolutely do not want so I won’t match you with them, I want to give everyone the best matches as possible.
Required Information:
• Fandoms
• Pronouns
• Gender & Sexuality
• personality
• Hobbies
Other optional matchup information:
• Likes & Dislikes
• Age
• MBTI & Zodiac Sign
• Appearance
• Love Languages
• What you want/need in a partner
• Any extra info (will be appreciated!)
Fandoms to request from:
Forsaken (Roblox), Squid Game, House of the Dragon, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Mouthwashing, Homicipher, Alice in Borderland, Death Note Honkai Star Rail, The study case of Vanitas, Jujustu Kaisen, Black Butler, My Happy Marriage, Attack on Titan, Blue Lock, Tokyo Revengers, The price of flesh, Boyfriend to death, Neon Genesis Evangelion and more to be added if likely.
PS: if you are a mutual and we are close, I will have other fandoms in store for you to choose from, or you can even choose your own fandoms that I don’t have listed and you get to choose who you want to get matched with.
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"Electric Fan (Feel it Motherfuckers): Only Unclaimed Item from the Stephen Earabino Estate" (1997 - John Boskovich) / "Untitled" (Portrait of Ross in L.A.)" (1991 - Félix González-Torres)
ELECTRIC FAN (FEEL IT MOTHERFUCKERS): it makes me literally insane that’s all that’s left of him and he made sure it would stay remembered, something something the last trace of a breath immortalized the only way it could be. Feel it, motherfuckers. (courfeyracs-swordcane) (also submitted by callixton and weeweewhirlwind)
UNTITLED (PORTRAIT OF ROSS IN L.A.): It fucks me up SO MUCH. The artist's partner was named Ross, and died of AIDS in the same year this was created. The ideal weight is roughly the average of an adult man. The allegory there... people taking the candy, decreasing the weight, the same way people took away from Ross and every other victim of the AIDS crisis by refusing to help, to do anything at all. Except this has an "endless supply" of candy. People can take and take and it keeps coming back. They can't get rid of us forever. We will prevail and we will rebuild and I WILL be fucked up about this forever (ceaseless-rambler)
("Electric Fan (Feel It Motherfuckers): Only Unclaimed Item from the Stephen Earabino Estate" is an electric fan encased in plexiglass with vinyl faux etching and a plexiglass base with casters by gay American artist John Boskovich--Stephen Earanbino's partner. It was the last item left in Stephen Earabino's estate after his death by AIDS and measures 56 7/8 x 22 3/4 x 12 1/2 in. (144.5 x 57.8 x 31.8 cm). It is held by The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
"Untitled (Portrait of Ross in LA)" is a modern art installation consisting of wrapped candies (constantly removed and replaced) by gay Cuban-American artist Félix González-Torres after the death of his partner, Ross, by AIDS. The weight is equivalent to a healthy human male - approximately 175 lbs (79kg). It is located at the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago.)
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isadollie · 8 months ago
hey guys, i have a quick info to tell you about the matchups
as you probably know, my matchup requests are closed, and they will be closed for good. i feel like i'm losing my motivation and all://
i'm very sorry for that!
the matchup requests i received while the matchups were open, will be done and posted, but it might take a while
however, i still do matchup exchanges so feel free to ask for that, after reading the info about them:)
once again, sorry for the inconvenience!
if i ever change my mind, i'll let you guys know. for now i want to focus on making more headcanons and one shots, and requests for both of these are open:P
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officialweezerelections · 2 years ago
All birds have been randomized, the seeds mean nothing. Yes pitohui is spelled incorrectly in the bracket image.
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Andean Condor VS Loggerhead Shrike
Superb Lyrebird VS Emu
Greater Sage-Grouse VS Common Ostrich
Yellow-Billed Oxpecker VS American Woodcock
Bare-Throated Bellbird VS Giant Petrel
Greater Sooty Owl VS Vampire Ground Finch
Great Eared Nightjar VS Spur-Winged Goose
Common Cuckoo VS Tawny Frogmouth
Great Potoo VS Killdeer
Domestic Chicken VS Oilbird
Tufted Puffin VS Dalmatian Pelican
King Vulture VS Twelve-Wired Bird Of Paradise
Greater Superb Bird Of Paradise VS Perrito
Barn Owl VS Purple Gallinule
Bearded Vulture VS Secretary Bird
Long Wattled Umbrellabird VS Horned Screamer
Oriental Bay Owl VS Anhinga
Pennant Winged Nightjar VS Snowy Sheathbill
Red-Legged Seriema VS Marabou Stork
Argentavis VS Common Loon
Black Skimmer VS Luzon Bleeding-Heart
Southern Cassowary VS Flamingo (all species)
Green Heron VS Great Hornbill
African Jacana VS California Condor
Hamerkop VS Capuchinbird
Shoebill Stork VS American White Pelican
Roseate Spoonbill VS Hoatzin
Terror Bird VS Elephant Bird
Great Egret VS Magnificent Frigatebird
Guinean Cock-Of-The-Rock VS Hooded Pitohui
White-Throated Rail VS Spur-Winged Plover
White Bellbird VS Kiwi
Polls will be tagged with their BRACKET (example: #bracket a) and #tournament poll
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twistedwonderlandobsession · 10 months ago
Olá, isso parece divertido. Tentarei ser o mais compreensível possível. Meus pronomes são ela/ela. Tenho 18 anos, tenho pouco mais de 1,70m, tenho cabelos castanhos que chegam um pouco acima da cintura e olhos castanhos. Uso óculos gatinho.
Costumo ir para a cama muito tarde porque costumo passo a noite lendo. Sou uma mistura de produtividade e um pouco de procrastinação. Demoro muito para fazer o dever de casa, mas sempre entrego na hora e tiro boas notas. Não sei como descrever minha personalidade, mas sou uma pessoa que não costuma mentir Na maioria das vezes, sou uma pessoa calma, mas perco a paciência facilmente.
Sou bastante criativo e tenho tendência a me distrair com bastante facilidade. Há um pequeno problema em ter a língua presa, então às vezes é difícil entender o que estou dizendo. Às vezes falo muito rápido, o que torna um pouco difícil entender o que estou dizendo. Sou muito gentil com meus amigos.
No início consigo ficar bem quieto, mas conforme vou avançando tenho tendência a conversar mais, principalmente sobre coisas que gosto.
Sobre meus hobbies gosto de ler, ouvir música, estudar desenho, lugares tranquilos, (detesto barulhos muito altos. além da música dos meus fones de ouvido) doces, coisas fofas, brinquedos de pelúcia, gosto muito de animes e mangás, alguns dos meus favoritos são Sailor Moon, InuYasha, Card Captor Sakura, One Piece, adoro mitologia principalmente greco-romana e sobre Youkais .
Espero que isso seja suficiente para o evento que você fez.
note: sorry for my english, this is not my mother tongue
I match you with Idia Shroud
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The First Impression:
Idia didn't really mind you at first...actually he didn’t even notice. Not that you didn't share any classes or anything, he was just never in person for anything except gaming club and even if he was he would have written you off as a normie.
Once Idia did notice due to you constantly being in his circle and Ortho suggesting he make friends you didn't bother him....he actually sorta didn't mind your presence. You had some pretty good tastes, and it was nice to see a anime/manga enjoy-er. After hearing a rather passionate long winded speech about your current obsession he began to sorta respect you.
Why He Fell:
Idia began to slowly fall for you the more he hung around you. He didn't know it but every small ramble, boardgame match you won against a clubmate, notebook he noticed you writing in, manga he happened to notice you reading and glimpse of your screen showing the whatever anime you decided on that day he was slowly falling in love with the Idea of you.
Eventually as he began spending more and more time with you're to bored game meetings, run ins at Sam's, and Ortho's encouragement he slowly but surely began to fall in love with the real you.
Though the shut in wasn't that oblivious to his own feelings and came to the realization after months at trying to gaslight himself into believing he was delusional and that there was no way he feel for you finially had his "Oh fuck" moment after catching himself litterally tripping over himself to pick up his phone when the small ping came from his phone thinking that it was a message for you.
Cursing himself for letting himself become so attached to someone he know would leave and a relationship he knew would fall apart causing himself to lock himself in his room and shut you out.
The Relationship:
If you were persistent enough to break down his walls he could not shake the ach in his soul. Not heart. Soul when you were missing. Eventually caving just a tiny bit, he decided to screw it and be selfish...for just a little bit. Swearing that he would let you go when it came time to take charge of STYX. Promising himself that he would not allow himself to be that selfish and rip away your life so that he could be close to you.
It actually worked out quite well with no drama. The fact you were honest and he was blunt actually worked in your favor. It made things very easy since you didn't hide anything, and due to the two of you both preferred quiet areas and also worked well since you could both hole yourself in his room. It was actually enjoyable since you had relatively similar interests. He was able to rant passionately to you, and you did the same to him. Not to mention there was a mutual understanding of boundaries that you each respect and a fair amount of both us and be time. He often stayed late into the night with you and although refused to do any cuddling until MONTHS into the relationship was extremely clingy once he worked up the courage to be able to do so. You have to initiate though.
He also would often help you with anything you have issues with especially tech related and sent gifts often....he really loves the patients and kindness you share with him and wants to make sure you feel loves as well....for as long as he is allowed to have you. Constantly reminding himself that as painful it will be for him for you to not remember anything about your time together he will one day have to send you down the river.
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Valentine's Month Bouquets
I've finally decided to participate in Valentine's Month so for February only I will be opening my requests for special event where you can receive a bouquet from your favourite characters.
How this will work is, you can send me a bit of information about yourself (see the example below), as well as the character(s) you would like a bouquet from and whether you would like a romantic or platonic arrangement.
In return, I will give you a bouquet that I think the character would give you. I will also put a description of what each flower means.
I will do a maximum of two characters per request but you are more than welcome to send in multiple requests. I will write for the same fandoms as listed in my Rules for Request pinned post which can be found here.
~Information Required~
Whether you want a platonic or romantic bouquet.
Name (optional)
Zodiac/MBTI (optional)
Likes and Dislikes
Any extra information.
~Examples of a Bouquet Request~
Hi! Could I get a romantic bouquet from Mammon from Obey Me? I am a Cancer and my MBTI type is ESTP.  I am 5′6″ and I have a goth aesthetic. My favourite colours are purple and green. I have black hair which is cut short and is a bit curly. I'm a pretty outgoing person and love meeting new people and making friends. My hobbies include dollmaking, doing makeup, reading, and watching horror movies.
Please note that while my requests are open for this event, they are still closed for fanfics, headcanons, and matchups. I will keep everyone updated on when my general requests open back up. Thank you for understanding.
I look forward to receiving your requests and sending out lots of bouquets!
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mixedkid-matchup · 2 years ago
Peter maximoff from the x men movies isn’t mixed? He’s a whitewashed (and imbued with racist stereotypes) version of the comic character PIETRO maximoff, who along with his twin sister Wanda are actually mixed race. The xmcu and mcu versions of the characters are textually white, the only references to their almost 50 years comics of biraciality (and on-off Jewish heritage) are racist stereotypes that didn’t exist in the comics versions (like Peter being made into a thief (a negative stereotype that gets people killed irl and caused the racist hate crime that left Wanda and pietro orphans after their house was burnt down. By racists)
Why would you include a live action white boy in your mixed kid comics bracket in the first place???
.......... well i'm......... sorry....... i didn't know that? i'm literally going off submission. i was literally making the bracket when i asked for a picture of him cuz i couldn't find one, and someone said that peter is from the live action. literally i'm sorry, i haven't watched or read any of the x men. why are you talking to me like this, like i, a mixed person would make the active choice to do that.
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 months ago
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#Nike LeBron 22 “What The Monopoly”#Tweet#Share#Email#More#In this Article#Nike#Rank 1#adidas#Rank 3#Salomon#Rank 22#Best Sneaker Releases January 2025 Week 3 RIOT Skateshop x Nike SB Dunk Low Taqwa Bint Ali x adidas Adistar Pose & Megaride Mary-Jane Air J#Fans of American football were just treated to an exciting weekend that included four high-stakes matchups in the NFL’s Divisional Round al#brands are picking up the pace#as evidenced by this week’s stacked roster of footwear drops featuring entries from Nike#Salomon and Jordan Brand. Before we let you know which 10 launches to look forward to#let’s look back at what news caught our eye this past week.#Word of a new Cactus Plant Flea Market x Nike Dunk Low — the “Swamp Sponge Dunk” — excited sneakerheads despite little information being ma#Jordan Brand had its premium Air Jordan 1 High OG “Xuanwu” limited to 3#399 pairs pop up and catch the eyes of collectors. We also got a first look at what to expect from this year’s Air Jordan 5 “Grape” release#It was a solid week for adidas collaborations as not only did Song for the Mute reveal its upcoming Taekwondo Mei and Adizero PR projects#but HAL STUDIOS® showcased its Intimidation Low collection as well. Another standout from the fashion week fun was Pharrell revealing the L#which seemingly draws from both his old Ice Cream Boardflip design and the Nike Cortez. Salehe Bembury also joined the mix#treating us to a first look at his work with PUMA. Rounding things out#Ye unveiled the YZY BL-01 and teased new YZY SL-01 colorways.#With all of the past week’s top headlines revisited#let’s dive into what drops to expect from the sneaker space this week#starting with RIOT Skateshop’s take on the Nike SB Dunk Low. Once you make your way through all 10#be sure to hit up HBX to shop for shoes that are available now.
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saikoucorps · 9 months ago
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I am willing to write anything! ┊ CLOSED (unless it's over $10 and on cashapp)
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☆ drabble (200-800 words) : $6.00
☆ long drabble (1,000-2,000 words) : $8.00
☆ two drabbles : $15.00/$11.00
☆ full on fics (5,000-10,000 words) : $26.00
☆ detailed matchups : $6.00
☆ you × character of your choice : $8.00
☆ character/prompt hcs : $3.00
☆ custom request : $2.00–$10.00 (depends)
☆ oc × oc : $7.00
☆ character × oc : $6.00
☆ character letter : $5.00
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☆ I accept any donations! I would really appreciate if you did, but you don't need to.
☆ if you're interested, contact me through my dms here, or my discord, saikou.corp
☆ I only have Cashapp and Kofi right now! $starstrangled + @saikoucorps
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☆What I will write: anything. Even if it goes against my rules.
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Why do I need the money?
☆ I need to pay my rent, and pay for my food. I currently live alone and because my job isn't paying well, I struggle to even feed myself.
☆ any extra money I get will go to palestine/gaza donations.
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☆ Any commissions will be a priority.
☆ I will note that even though I am willing to write anything, stuff that goes against my rules will cost extra ($0.50–$1.00)
FANDOMS I WRITE ┊ I'm open to fandoms that aren't listed as well.
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mysumeow · 10 months ago
A/N: matchup for 🕷 anon !! sorry for taking this long aaaa i hope you likeit ;v;
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I match you with Ga Ming. I think he would be like that one extroverted person who finds an introverted one and sorts of adopts them, haha. And the moment you get comfortable enough to reveal your sillier side, he matches your energy, which would eventually lead to inside jokes aplenty.
Ga Ming would appreciate a lot a silly keychain if you gave him one. He finds the gesture thoughtful and will always carry the keychain around with him, displaying it proudly for others to see. When someone asks him about it, he will ramble about how crafty you are and about your creativity. This applies to anything you gift him. There’s no doubt he’ll treasure everything.
Ga Ming has no qualms about receiving or giving physical affection when the situation is appropriate. You’ll notice he tends to link arms together whenever you’re walking by his side—he doesn’t even realize it when he does it. It’s absurd the number of times he invites you to dinner and offers to pay the bill, to the point where you will have to consider doing something to put a stop to it before he ruins himself financially. In short, quality time’s not something you would have to worry about not receiving.
As for your hobbies: Since he needs to keep in shape for his Wushou dancing, it’s not uncommon for him to join you in your basketball practices or when you work out. You find your way into his heart with ease when you give him what you cook or bake.
Ga Ming understands what’s like bottling up feelings and letting those frustrations burst when you can’t hold it in anymore. He’ll notice when there’s something bothering you, and if you’re willing to share, he’s an exceptional confidant.
In addition to this, he also understands what it’s like to be under an overprotective figure. He comprehends how suffocating it gets when there’s someone behind you trying to control your decisions and movements; therefore, his presence won’t ever feel overwhelming. He does look out for you when you seem stressed, but without being overbearing.
Honorable mention for this matchup: Kaeya.
Very broad explanation: Kaeya can be playful and teasing, which can complement your silly side.
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ao3topshipsbracket · 11 months ago
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Welcome to the Unofficial Top Tumblr Relationships Bracket!
Many people on Tumblr might have engaged in the practice of "shipping" in relation to "media". Some, according to legend, even have opinions on these matters.
If the above happens to apply to you, you might be eligible to vote in this bracket! We have pitted the most popular pairings of the 2023 Tumblr Year in Review against each other to see who will emerge victorious. Round 1 polls drop on Saturday, April 20th at 1PM PDT, and will run for a full week.
Check current vote counts here!
Further information is below the cut!
How was the bracket made?
This bracket was made based off Tumblr's 2023 year in review ship list, and edited to fit into a workable bracket. Matchups were seeded according to ranking on the list.
What are your stances on voter fraud, campaigning, bribing people with drabbles and/or art, etc?
Enthusiastically in favor, although we do ask that you don't DDOS Tumblr, and ideally don't commit any murders that can be traced back to us.
Why aren't there platonic relationships in this bracket? There were in the AO3 one.
The AO3 data we were working with included all kinds of relationship tags, including platonic ones. The Tumblr year in review top ship list does not.
I have an issue with [x] being included in this poll.
This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with some of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement of anything included in the bracket, and refrain from harassment.
In general, please remember that this is intended to be a fun time for the wide community which is fandom culture, and treat each other with respect!
Bracket Schedule!
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delight-angelsbliss · 2 months ago
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Don't you notice how I get quiet when there's no one else around?
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Heh I wanted to post this sooner but here we are
welcome to my February valentines special that will go on for the full duration of February!!
You may choose a prompt and Character from my list and request<3 this is actually my first ever special/event I'm doing lol S1 prompts from 1 - 11 are by @/novelbear they're really cool and have amazing prompts (^-^) there also inconsistent small and large texts so it's actually readable cuz it gets cut off sometimes lol!! I'd also recommend that when requesting u say which Season ur prompt is from for example "S1 nr 4 with ___" u can also request up to 3 prompts in one! I'll try my best to use it all<3 everything can be requested as platonic!! Edit: can you guys please specify gender and if it should be hcs or not? As much information as possible would be nice and helps alot
S1 Cute scenarios<3
Spending all day watching cute crafts and baking to do
Rom com marathon!!
Trying (and maybe) failing to make food heart shaped
Realizing you both have contrasting views on valentines
"Baby, I love you, really, but if I eat one more piece of chocolate I'll throw up"
Making the same reservations at the same time but different restaurants and/or the same one
"I thought you'd at least ask me to be my valentines" "we've been together for years, I thought that was a given"
Both not caring much abt valentines but get dragged to a double date by friends
"How much did this cost?" "Does that really matter?"
Spending the night walking through the city silently
Begging your partner to get matching sweaters until they say yes
Buying couple shirts and deciding the whole day which one to wear that u completely forgot ur date
Not leaving bed at all
Going to the carnival
Double dates
Confessing with a love letter
first kiss together on your first valentines
getting proposed on valentines
Picking grapes together
Making heart cake pops and eating them but they fall down
"I think I deserve a kiss"
"You didn't have to do all of this!" "Yeah, which is why I did it for you"
"I wish everyday could be like this"
"Is it just me or do your lips look softer than usual?"
"We don't have to go out"
"I can never get enough of of how pretty you look"
Ordering in and watching crime action series
"You remembered?" "Of course I did, I love you"
Trying to do pilates together only to fail miserably
Writing a love letter only to throw it away but they find it
S2 Yandere scenarios!:
"I just got some very wise advice from a wise woman..." U can ask more abt this btw and I'll explain a bit more what I mean with this
"Gosh, you smell so good when we cuddle like this"
"Do you think I enjoy punishing you?! I don't!"
"Tell me how much you love me"
"I'm jealous of the way you are happy with them but not me"
"This world is a ugly place, you're too beautiful for it"
"I know I'm sick in the head, but you'll be my cure"
"I love it when we're so close together like this"
"Of course I'm jealous! You're mine, not theirs!"
"Dont you get it? I would die for you if you asked me to"
"Your skin is so soft"
"I just love the last souvenir of your eye so much that I'd like the other one please"
"I could kill you if I wanted to"
"I live for you, you're like my oxygen"
"If you run, I'll break your legs"
જ⁀➴ ♡ Matchups
I actually do match ups which isn't really known cuz it's in my rules and dni lol but I do make matchups in case anyone wants one<3 this was added on 20:37 on 4th of February which is a bit later than this was posted
For a match up I need as much information as possible it's also allowed in a platonic form
If there's a preferred age range and gender
Special interests
And more would be needed (^-^)
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cover-art-showdown · 4 months ago
Book Cover Tournament!
Know a cover that knocks the socks off you every time? Want the chance to convince people to read your favourite book via application of Extremely Awesome Art? Never fear, the showdown you never knew you needed is here!
After hurtling at great speed down a cover art rabbithole, I am throwing my hat into the ring and creating my own tourney blog! I will be taking submissions for book covers to duke it out in matchups until the New Year — submissions are unlimited at the moment, so go ham.
Further information detailed here. No NSFW art, please.
Submit via the blog's askbox or in this form:
tagging other tournaments and inspirations below:
@historical-fashion-polls @who-do-i-know-this-man @doyouknowthisdisabledcharacter @ultimate-themed-design @ultimate-character-design
@book--brackets @who-do-i-know-this-man-s4 @haveyoureadthisscifibook @haveyoureadthisfantasybook @its-to-the-death
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tokeposts · 10 days ago
⁀➷ 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
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Welcome to my 1,000 follower special! As a thank you, I wanted to do something quick and special. It's a tale as old as time, send in an ask and I'll match you up with one of your faves! 🫶🏽
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲?
send me an ask with the following information:
• specify if you'd like a My Hero or Haikyuu matchup
if you’d like a My Hero match, you have the option of asking for a student and/or for the pros/LOV
• tell me about yourself- star sign, personality charts, hobbies, etc.
• triggers- things you want to avoid in your relationship/immediate deal breakers or icks
• [optional] describe how you look!
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞?
• 3-5 Headcanons about your relationship
• A trope/cliche I think would match well
• a 3 photo mood board
• [optional] a song I think would fit well
𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
• anon requests are accepted but please tag them with emojis so I can know which asks go together.
• accepting request from: March 15 - March 29, 2025 (ask sent after this will result in deletion)
• all asks will be tagged with #toke plays cupid
• I will start to answer asks on March 18, 2025
• asks will be answered in intervals of 5 as to not clog up the dash so please be patient! remember this is all for fun ✨
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𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞
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demifiendrsa · 8 months ago
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IDW Publishing and Viz Media are collaborating on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Naruto crossover comic series with four issues. Caleb Goellner (Sonic the Hedgehog) is writing the comic, Hendry Prasetya (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) is drawing, Raúl Angulo is coloring, and Ed Dukeshire is lettering. Jorge Jiménez and Prasetya drew the cover art for issue #1, which will ship on November 13, 2024.
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Concept art
It's the coolest ninja matchup you could have ever dreamed of, had you dared! The Heroes in a Half-Shell meet the host of the Nine-Tailed Fox in the crossover everyone will be talking about. When teenage reporter April O'Neil has a clandestine meeting with Tsunade, the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village, it garners the attention of Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi. They aren't the only ones who are wondering what the two women were discussing, though. The sinister Foot Clan have their own interest in April's visit, as they think she might hold the valuable information on mutation research being conducted by the scientist Baxter Stockman. With April caught between the forces of the Hidden Leaf Village and the Foot Clan, it can't be long before the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show up to lend her a hand!
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heartkaji · 7 months ago
★ ── selfship event
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hihi hello ! welcome to my selfship event where I, MARS, assign scenarios & headcannons to your selfships !
easy ! all you have to do is send me an ask describing you (or your oc’s) personality ! it’s similar to a matchup event except you’ll specify what character you’re being shipped with. my job as cupid will be to assign a dynamic & scenarios based on you & your fictional other’s personality !
you’ll select a maximum of three questions ( or four for moots ) you’d like me to answer about your selfship, and i’ll do my best to answer based on my idea of what your relationship would be like !
your fictional other should be a character from wind breaker, haikyuu, mha or blue lock only.
note that all characters will be written as adults (18+) by default (everything is still sfw !)
only one f/o per person
here are some guidelines when requesting :
anyone is free to join ! you don’t have to be a follower or mutual to take part.
on that note, all scenarios & hcs will be sfw or at best lightly suggestive, so everyone of all ages is free to join
you can send your requests on or off anon. i recommend sending it off so you’ll be notified, but it’s all up to you ! edit : if requesting on anon, feel free to assign yourself a name or emoji !
don’t be shy ! i feel like a lot of self shippers are shy when talking about their self ships because they may feel cringy or embarrassed. trust me i’m not judgy at all. i love reading selfship posts so describe yourself or your oc in as much detail as possible !
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note that before answering questions, i will provide a description of what dynamic i think your selfship would have !
if using an oc, please provide their name !
starred questions (*) have potential to receive slightly suggestive answers
remember you can only pick a maximum of three while moots pick four !
how did you first meet ?
who confessed & how ?
who fell first & who fell harder ?
first date ?
what do others (ex: parents/friends) think of your relationship ?
toxic things they do ?
toxic things you do ?
what do you often fight over ?
why/how did you break up ?
at what moment did they fall in love ?
at what moment did you fall in love ?
what do they not like about you ?
what do you not like about them ?
what do they love most about you ?
what do you love most about him ?
how was your first kiss like ?*
their favorite activity to do with you ?
their green flags in your relationship ?
how did they propose ?
what’s having a family with them like ?
to participate, you must first reblog this post then send me an ask following this template. starred (*) questions are optional. any requests that do not follow instructions will be deleted !
*gender + any relevant information regarding gender identity (ex : perhaps you don’t wear certain clothing, or use she/her pronouns but prefer to be treated as male. this is to avoid me making you uncomfortable in descriptions
*sexuality (if unanswered, i will assume you are attracted only to the same gender as your f/o)
f/o + their fandom (refer to list of accepted fandoms)
what questions you want me to answer (3 or 4 max)
a description of you/your OC’s personality
*a description of you or your OC’s appearance (this is to make more specific & personal hcs, ex: them loving you/your OC’s freckles)
your perception of your f/o. everyone has different perspectives on different characters; so i’d like to see your f/o through your eyes in order to make more accurate hcs !
that’s all ! please remember i can only take a limited number of requests. i can’t guarantee requests will be answered on a first come first serve basis, but i recommend requesting as soon as possible ! when requests are closed, the prompt below will go from “start” to “end !”
TAGGING : @kaiser1ns @seneon @seumyo @caelivir @y2kuromi @17020 @megutime @bloodswrd
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© ─ heartkaji ; do not steal, copy, edit, translate or reupload
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