mcrtals · 2 years
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with the spring-ferns in bloom, pink and purple flowers dotting the green in the distance, ella had no desire to stay inside of the house;   warm, golden sunlight greeted them as she dragged the king out of the abode she once called home.    “    i thought...    i thought i’d miss it more.    ”    for so long she had felt rooted to the house, a ghost roaming the attic who could never leave or the shackles which kept her earthbound would disappear.    leaving took a lot of courage, and a great deal of love, and home...    home could be anywhere, it didn’t need to be a mausoleum.    “    i’m glad, and i’m happy.    ”    pink skirts skirted around her ankles, as she turned to face him, dropping his hand so she could rest both palms against his chest.    “    still...   ”     emotion swam in her eyes, almost drowning the blue,   “   it feels like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, knowing no one else will mistreat this house.    ”     (   @matchingmagi​ )
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lcveisweakness · 2 years
closed starter @matchingmagi
the grocery store was one place emma had never really mastered. she never had a plan, or more importantly a list. the amount of organization and planning regina put into the otherwise trivial errand, perplexed emma a bit. granted it had been only her for so long.. to the blonde, you go put food you want in the cart and go home. 
green eyes scanned the paper the brunette had given her and pursed her lips ‘gogi berries’ emma looked up at regina, who was examining the produce they had stopped in front of. what the hell are gogi berries?? the simple thing to do is to ask regina what the berries were and what she planned on using them for but emma stayed quiet and took a step forward, “yanno, if you wanted to stare at melons all day we could have definitely stayed home..” she smirked and rested her chin on her girlfriend’s shoulder. “although i’m more of a peach fan..” she followed up casually, her hand settled on the other’s hip.
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forthewinn · 2 years
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“I wish I could stay with you.” He figured eventually that Kara would catch up to him and find him. After all, it wasn’t hard to trace Kryptonite. He had done it himself so many times before, but he knew that staying right here with her was dangerous. “But I have to go, I’m hurting you Kara.” 
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sugarpapillon · 2 years
@matchingmagi​  ❧ "Did I ever tell you I didn't like your mama when I met her?" from Emily!
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Lily tilts her head up at her second mother from where it rests on her lap, blinking cornflower blue eyes. “What? Why?” She’s aware her family situation is a little less than conventional, but she just can’t imagine a time when the two didn’t adore one another as much as they do now.
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deathmaiidens · 2 years
@matchingmagi ❧ “ So, I’ve come to you hoping you might understand what it’s like. ” (Victor and Emily to Victoria and Lily)
Her beloved's words should have burned Victoria, tore a hole through her heart like acid spreading to obliterate it all together, and yet...
Ever since they were children, she'd been right at their side; Victoria clutching one hand and Victor the other. Emily Hargreaves had been her very first real friend (much to her parents' chagrin) and she'd introduced her to the love of her life. She'd shown her -- and him -- that there was so much more to the world than the grey and gloom of Blackwood, that on the other side of the forest, there was color and light and hope.
Out of the blue, she'd come back like Persephone from the Underworld, and out of the blue, she realized just how much she meant to her and her husband. In the days Emily had stayed with them, they were like children again at her side, so alive and so thoroughly enchanted by her. Even their daughter adored her and came to see her as something of a third parent (which was unsurprising, seeing as little Lily had somehow taken so much after her in her exuberance and open-heartedness). And Victor....She'd be jealous of the woman's bond with her husband if she wasn't jealous of him, too.
Was it really possible -- to be in love with two people at the same time? The thought was ludicrous, but one that kept her up at night when she closed her eyes and saw her with her hair flowing over her bare shoulders, heard her soft laughter, felt the gentle brush of her fingertips against her long lashes as she wiped a tear from that lovely face. Victoria wasn't sure if it was better or worse that she still loved Victor more than anything, that she often thought of him at their side. It was clear how much Emily adored him, too, and he her when they sat at the piano and played their duets. At times, she wished was on either side and at others, she could have listened to their songs and looked into the gentlest pairs of eyes she knew forever.
Now, they all had to confront their feelings for one another, the tangled spiderweb of their love and all it entailed. Nothing would have made her romantic heart happier than to have both of them with her always, but she was also practical. How could they make it work? What would they tell people, especially their parents? Would they be safe from the ever-scrutinizing eye of their society? Would Lily?
"I understand," Victoria said finally. "Truly, more than either of you could imagine, but..." She paused, her sad and longing smile sobering as she opened her mouth to speak. Suddenly, she was interrupted by an 'oof!' coming from behind the heavy velvet curtains in the parlor and a small fall to the ground.
"Lily!" Victoria exclaimed, putting a hand over her mouth and going to help her daughter up with great care. Victoria's demeanor turned stern very quickly, however, as it was wont to do when Lily was up to her usual mischief. "You've been eavesdropping, haven't you?"
"I--" Lily stopped, unsure of what to say and gritting her teeth together guiltily. "I'm a ghost." She stepped back behind the curtain and put it over her head, waving her arms about. She'd hoped to make her mother laugh with this little deflection (and she did; Victoria couldn't help herself), but not for very long.
"Sweetheart, we've talked about this." Victoria's palm went to her forehead exasperatedly. "I'm having a very serious discussion with your father and our friend and--"
"Please, please don't send Emily away!" Lily burst out quite unexpectedly.
"Heavens, no one is being sent away!" Victoria turned, horrified eyes meeting Emily's for a moment before facing her daughter. "No one is being sent away," she murmurs to her assuringly. "We just need time to settle things between us. You understand, don't you?" She knelt to caress her little girl's cheek.
Lily paused for a moment thoughtfully, an almost too-grown up worry in her too-wide cornflower blue eyes, before taking her mother's hand in hers and nodding. "Yes, Mamma, I do."
It almost brought tears to the woman's eyes to see her this way, clinging to her and then going over to the others, her father and their beautiful friend, to wrap her arms around them as if she might never see them again.
"I love you...all of you," Lily said softly before turning to leave the parlor.
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bruciesarch · 2 years
( @matchingmagi​​ | kara danvers ) batphone voicemail: “you're part of this family”
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He didn’t really feel at home with them, more as a result of his own temperament than anything else, but, nonetheless, it was nice of Kara to say. There was something so tight and cohesive about the Kent-Danvers family, and yet so openly welcoming at the same time. Despite his engrained mistrust and scepticism, he’d like to get to know them better, and appreciating their effort was a good first step. “Thank you for hosting, it’s been a wonderful evening.”
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​ It was somehow concerning that the people from this realm were more baffled at the idea of where she came from than she was about all that ‘technology’ they had around. Disbelief, shock, amusement, especially when the tall man with dark skin and lovely soft eyes had asked permission to check her thoughts, surely the wizard of the group, and had confirmed that she was saying the truth.  There was some kind of emergency out - they wouldn’t let her help, but she figured it made sense, she wasn’t from that world, she may be an hindrance until better informed - so they called for somebody else, who was meant to watch her and help her get acquainted with this place. 
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Frankly, the incredibly sweet pudding in a box they had offered her would have been enough to keep her well-behaved and quiet for hours. But examining their strange kitchen was also interesting, they had a magical box to keep food cold, with even more pudding in boxes. Outstanding. 
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ghostofaformerself · 2 years
TAG DROP — CLOSED VERSES peoplexlikexus
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starstcff-z · 2 years
It was a strange experience, to see your future unfurling in front of you and feeling zero control over it. Everyone else had a piece of it — of her, consuming the fairytale love story ravenously. Their families were pleased, the media in rapture at the picture of the young lovers taking a walk hand-in-hand, whispering sweet-nothings at each other and the public, a continent she was once a proud member of, she was told were in love with her.
The palace's team loved to tell her that. They are in love with you, Lady Ella. If they were, they were the only ones. The family... the one she had hoped could fill in her empty, aching heart remained strangers. Even her fiancee remained a nebulous figure in her mind, their meetings far too fleeting for a connection to be made.
It had been a foolish hope. But who was she if not a girl held up by foolish hopes and dreams?
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❛ Must you?  ❜ Ella protested when he made to leave, not having being in her house for more than ten minutes. Long enough for a few pictures of her greeting him to be snapped, for him to share a few pleasantries with her stepmother, look at the book she was reading and take a sip of his tea. ❛ You just arrived! And I was hoping you'd stay,  ❜ curled blonde locks fall over her shoulder as she tilts her head, a small smile bravely forming on her lips. ❛ It might rain! You can't leave and catch a cold.  ❜ for @matchingmagi
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svpe · 2 years
"naturally, I could hardly resist putting in an appearance." from kara, of course :) @/matchingmagi
A chance to prove to Jon and Jordan just how much cooler she was than him? He wasn't surprised that she'd shown up. Clark and the boys had just set up a family game of street football, and Kara's entrance and enthusiasm only served to raise the competitive spirit. "Two vs two sound good?" He dropped his voice into a whispered undertone. "And go easy on us, alright? All of us."
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@matchingmagi | meme
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forthewinn · 2 years
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Winn felt his jaw tighten as he heard the footsteps. He ran, and he knew that he shouldn’t have. They always found him, no matter how far he went. He could be traced now, even without a tracker. The Kryptonite inside of him making it ten times easier to find him. He hated it, hated these powers. And most of all he hated that he couldn’t go near Kara. He saw her, from afar of course. She was walking with Alex down the street. It was stupid, that’s how they found him. They knew he was going to try and find her. 
Still, he had to know that she was still okay. Had to see it for himself. “They’re going to find me, and figure out how to reverse all this.” His defiance back, rolling his shoulders back to make himself taller. “They’re going to stop you.” 
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bruciesarch · 2 years
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GARLIC. You leave an impression wherever you go. Your heart is so strong, so determined, so willing to go after whatever hole you see in the world, whatever wound you need to fix next. You're there. You're justice, hot red and pure gold, fairness incarnate, a paladin in shining armor come to protect and cleanse and heal and yet sometimes you wonder if you're the most corrupt, dirty being in the world, a fraud, a monster in hero's clothing. The world is so intense and you are so small, so fragile, and no matter how hard you try you're never good enough. You want to be good. You want to be good enough. You try so hard and yet the world is so dark and angry and cruel. Perfection is always just out of reach and you want things to be okay so bad you bleed with it. You just want things to be right, to be good, to be fair, but you don't know if they ever can be. If you can ever be.
tagged by: @murder-popsicle 😌
tagging: @nightsuffer, @shelassos, @matchingmagi, @acrobatick & whoever wants to do this!
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@matchingmagi​ x David
She had met her parents’ eyes with the most innocent of looks when uncle Grumpy had muttered about Duke Sebastian arriving earlier - a man definitely interested in her hand. And other parts, but she hadn’t said that to her family yet. So Emma had smiled, and chatted around a bit, and then she had nearly thrown herself out a window in an unoccupied room, climbing down as quickly as possible with her heels in her hands and a pretty gown, knowing that spare clothes waited for her in a bush just in case.  She slid down the last bit, cheeks red from exertion and triumphant, and spun around to find her way out. And her dad.
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Crap. “Daddy!” she all but chirped with a big smile, “Hey! What are you doing out here, going for a stroll? Great night for that.”
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forthewinn · 2 years
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@matchingmagi liked this for a moodbaord
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