#matching choni
chonicentral · 11 months
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choni's matching/couples costumes
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bireggiemantle · 2 months
Which riverdale ship did you initially not like and why did it grow on you?
actually a lot of my current Riverdale ships began this way funnily enough. I didn't ship jabitha at first because I was very worried tabitha's character would be reduced to nothing more than jughead's girlfriend and that her fate would match s3/4 toni's, but I was pleasantly surprised by how s5 jabitha played out and ended up really enjoying the two of them together that season. both jeronica and jarchie started as joke ships more than sincere ones for me and I think at some point the joke just started to fall away and they became much more earnest pairings. i also hated main timeline choni but found myself really rooting for and enjoying s7 choni (after toni stopped pressuring cheryl to come out of course). reggie/archie was also something I was neutral on until s7.
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ncsdlr · 10 months
Pick and Choose - Blossoming Love
Warnings: cheating (I do not encourage this), CHONI, hints of depression, talks of past trauma.
Pairings: Cheryl Blossom x fem!reader
Word Count: 1566
AN: Well, I finished this way faster than I thought I would, so here we are. I hope this isn't as shit as I think it is. 😃
A month. A whole ass month's worth of all this chatting, dating, and being clingy. You were so tired. You wanted a break, at least for a few minutes. In complete honesty, it wasn't all bad. You appreciated the gifts, the words of affirmation, and the romantic dates. All you wished for was a little distance. Everything was getting so serious so fast, and the fact that Cheryl made you feel so good about yourself didn't sit right with you.
Vulnerability wasn't your strong suit. It made you feel small. It made you feel like you were weak. So, to have someone act so close to you, made you feel things you didn't want to feel. "My love, what is on your mind?"
You tore your eyes away from the invisible speck on the ground and focused on your lover. You shook your head, "Nothing."
"I fear I don't believe that. Something else on your mind must have stolen your attention away from my gorgeous frame."
You internally cringed, not knowing whether to make an excuse or tell her exactly what was on your mind. "I'm just thinking of... things."
"Anything I can assist you with?"
You wrapped your arm around yourself and rubbed it on the bicep it landed on. Cheryl eyed your hand and squinted at it. "Not really. They're pretty mundane things."
Cheryl let you slide and opened her phone as it pinged. She grinned but rolled her eyes at the message she received. It read, "Fine, you win." Cheryl intended to ignore the message entirely, but then she got curious about how things would turn out. So, Cheryl being Cheryl, she let herself fall into the moment. "Meet me on our spot at Pop's."
"Dear, Y/N, I apologize, but I must leave. Something very important has come up. But do expect that once I get back to you, I will have very exciting news." Cheryl gave you a smile before she stood up and left, seemingly in a hurry. You didn't even get a word in, not that you minded.
Finally, peace and quiet. 
On second thought, your book gently fell back against the table as your mind wandered off somewhere no one would ever find. What could it have been? Cheryl would stay with you the whole day, and when she would tell you that she had to leave earlier, she'd let you give out a response before changing her mind and staying instead. You were so curious, it was, honestly, killing you. 
It took every fiber in you to take your book seriously. It was a good book. You didn't want to miss out. 
Toni sat there in all her glory waiting for Cheryl's striking entry, wearing her serpent jacket. She had made sure to dress up the way Cheryl wanted her to, knowing that if she did, their chances of getting back together would be higher. When the bell attached to the diner's door jingled, she turned her head to it, visibly lighting up as she spotted her favorite redhead strutting up to her. 
"I knew you couldn't live without me, I am, simply, the best thing anyone could ever ask for. So, dear Tee-Tee, I hope you've prepared a speech to move me enough to take you back." Cheryl sat on the stool to Toni's right and faced her ex. 
"Cheryl, I know we both can't live without each other. I can feel it. it's like we're bound together by some invisible string that makes us tied to each other. Cher, we complete each other, and this past month without you has been painful as hell." The way Toni spoke was gentle and soft. Cheryl loved this about her Toni. Her Tee-Tee could match the sensitivity of a situation with her words, and that made Cheryl feel safe. Toni handled her with so much care and patience, and she fell in love with that. She fell for Toni so hard and so fast. 
Toni meant everything to Cheryl, and losing her might as well be the world's end. With Toni, it was all or nothing for Cheryl. It was either commit or don't commit. She wanted to commit. They both did, but for Cheryl, something came up. Sure, she still wanted Toni, but not as much as before. Now, she only wanted Toni at a certain level.
They love each other dearly. They cared for each other. But there was this large strain in their bond that made it seem like fixing things or talking it out would not suffice as a fix. They felt compelled to hear the three words they dedicated to each other again, but Cheryl had restraints now.
Then in the heat of the moment, Cheryl found herself leaning back against the counter while Toni pressed her body against her's for a big kiss. It was slow and passionate, something they'd been yearning to experience from each other again. Now that Cheryl had Toni again, everything else just didn't matter, or in Cheryl's mind, fuck it.
They found themselves in Cheryl's bedroom at the Thistle house, making out against her door like they would die if they stopped. It just felt so good. Their hips gyrated against each other, the moment proving to grow hotter by the second. As Cheryl's back hit the soft mattress of her bed all the while keeping her lips locked onto Toni's, it sealed their fate for the night.
When they awoke the next morning, they did their morning routine. They shower together while making no effort to keep their hands to themselves, cooking breakfast, and holding onto each other on their way to school. They were both still reeling off from their midnight escapades the previous night, so the world was pretty much blurred around them. Their focus remained on each other, not even bothering to hide their very couple-ly PDA.
You noticed, of course. I mean, they were everywhere and they were the talk of the school. Most students murmured about Choni being back together, while the smaller half muttered sick comments saying how Cheryl used you to get Toni back.
You weren't going to lie and say you weren't hurt. You were, but not as much as you should be. Were you hurt? It wasn't like you cared about Cheryl at all. It's not like you weren't just starting to get comfortable enough to open up to her. Funny enough, you were, actually, planning on telling Cheryl everything tonight. Oh, well. It didn't matter anymore. She finally had what she wanted.
You proceeded with your day like normal. I mean, nothing really changed, it wasn't a big loss. That's what you told yourself at least. As the day dragged on, you forced yourself together, squeezing your eyes shut for a few seconds before opening them again to relieve some of the drowsiness you felt. When all of your classes for the day finished, you headed to the library and sat down on the floor between two aisles of bookshelves, resting your head in the palm of your hands as you curled your knees up to your chest.
Life, for you now, is uneventful, other than the whole Cheryl thing. Your life before coming to the North side of Riverdale was hell, but it was perfect nonetheless. Your parents were there, your family, your grandmother, your home, your serpent family. It was all you knew, so when you had to move due to Hiram's work, it really crushed your soul. Then came the day of your family slowly being ripped away from you. It was like your heart was being gripped very tightly, thus causing you to feel as if it had stopped beating entirely. But it still was. It just took you a while to realize it. 
After those traumatically tragic events, you opted to just go with the flow, sitting alone and keeping to yourself. You still hung out with the Serpents, of course, they are your only family left after all. But even if that is the case, you still felt like you were the only one who was left in the moment of grief. It looked, to you, like you were stuck in a ditch with no chance of getting out any time soon. It took something that shined as bright as the sun to find a way out, but even then, time was at a standstill for you.  
Along with that came the emptiness you felt. It was like you had something to do, but you didn't know exactly what that thing was. You were in a very complicated ditch, and there wasn't anything to grab onto around you. But there was one, only it was all the way on the other side, and you didn't have enough energy to get up and get to it. You wanted help, yet you were too tired to seek it. For you, it was exhausting to even think about, getting up to help yourself and all that. 
In this ditch, it was dark and cold. It felt like there was this big storm coming and it was nighttime, and there was no safe place around for you to nestle yourself in for, at least, the shortest amount of time. It was like, wandering around the desert, stressed, tired, and cold. It was pressuring. The world was pressuring. It motivated you yet diminished your confidence in conquering its trials. It tested your patience greatly.
And you aren't the most patient person to ever exist.
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nataliescatorccio · 9 months
rules: unburden yourself from the abandoned WIPS collecting dust in your folder and share 5 gifs, then tag five people.
thank you so much riya (@thebookluvrr1816) for tagging me!
so what's maybe different about my giffing process is that i actually rarely abandon gifsets. like if i start making it, i'm locked in, i have to finish and get the idea out my brain. on the rare occasion i don't finish a set, then i'll readapt any gifs i made for another set (but i could actually only find one instance of a set that i had abandoned this year, and i'd adapted it for another set instead). so this is a selection of gifs that i either cut from a set as i had to narrow down choices, or an 'original' look at a gif before i changed it. because of that, i'm going to link the set it was made alongside or was adapted into for comparison!
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this gif became altered for this kanej week + book to screen gifset. it originally started off as just a quote gifset. i started making this just after s2 dropped, but i think a mutual posted a set of kanej + this quote around the same time and i didn't want to be copying it so i ended up never finishing the set. when kanej week rolled around i ended up reusing the two gifs i made (this one + the one that became 'never stop fighting'), but damn, i did love this blue, and looking at it now i actually think this one came out better
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2. an early version of my kanej week quotes set. i did several for this set with a gif inside the font, but i just really hated the way it looked overall, and at the last minute changed it. i still reused all the gifs i'd made though - you can see the two here in the second panel!
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3. the original take on the third gif in this inej eps set. i ultimately changed it because i didn't like the blend, particularly that you couldn't see the knife being played with which is a moment i really wanted to include. but i do adore the yellow light shining on her as she's praying, there's something almost saintly about it, and wish i'd been able to incorporate it as i wanted to (please ignore the line it's just there because i gave up and never fixed it!)
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4. a gif from this 'la vie en rose' ed and stede gifset. i thought the way they looked at each other with stede tilting his head was so cute, but ultimately i found blending the scenes a little messy and it didn't really match the other gifs/the lyrics so i cut it.
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5. cut from this choni set, i basically cut this because there was a lot of movement in the scene and i wasn't happy with the colouring - they lean in to kiss and that meant there were a lot of issues with colouring layers overlapping skin and at that point i'd done a lot of frame-by-frame colouring and was feeling too lazy to do this one too.
there we go! this gives a bit of an insight into my giffing process too, it's always interesting how gifsets change as you continue to work on them to find what works, so hopefully this also provides a bit of before and after!
tagging some talented mutuals (but no pressure as always!): @ughmerlin, @crowley-anthony, @seance, @saws2004, @taiturner, @natscatorrcio, @morgana-pendragon, @singularities, @khaotunqs
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circlemidnight · 1 year
I just saw the synopsis for 7x10 jabitha investigating a mystery and barchie and veggie double date :(( i'm losing hope
Well we knew they would dip into old couples again? Possibly even with a weird Tabitha² love triangle with Jughead. Like Choni is the only sure thing right now. Also Tabitha is a great character and a much better protagonist than Jughead, so I'm excited for her to move the story along. Maybe we can pick up the pace on this murder plot finally and rescue Ethel too. And, I will just leave you with this:
When we kind of reset to the 1950s and we made that decision to go back to the OG comics, it was like that sort of informed what our storytelling would be and our storytelling really would be much more about dating, relationships, going steady, holding hands, and things like that, as opposed to the crazy Riverdale “oh my god, we’re in the shower” and all of that crazy stuff. It was a more innocent relationship type but we did kind of want to go back and think, before anyone is hot and heavy and ride or die — I don’t think anyone’s mentioned the word endgame yet in the 1950s because mercifully, it didn’t exist. One of the fun things about the 1950s is being able to see various pairings and various characters go on a date and casually date and not so casually date, and I can safely say that if you’ve only seen episode three, there is a lot more story between Archie and Betty and Veronica, specifically those three, and other characters that haven’t historically been matched with Veronica or Betty. So, there’s a lot more teen high jinks and romance to play before we lock into any endgames. [...] Lastly, you finally gave me what I’ve been asking you about forever: Jughead and Veronica having scenes together! I was living for them in episode three. What was the push for that? Was it because fans kept mentioning that they wanted to see them or were they just thrown together naturally since they didn’t get much time before? I think it’s a little bit of both. I mean, when we kind of did this soft reset, we sort of were like, “Okay, who haven’t we seen together?” We always love our typical sort of references and we started thinking of like, oh — and we love saying this in the Riverdale writers’ room and on the show, things like, “Oh my gosh, Jughead and Veronica are like the Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe of Riverdale High, the tortured writer and then the beautiful starlet.” And in the past, the little Veronica and Jughead content that we’ve had has always played great. We’ve just never gotten a chance to dig into that. So I can tell you that we are leaning into that and that that bubbles up in various times throughout the season, in a really fun way. It’s a fun pairing, those characters definitely have a spark.
and I will say that if things don't turn out the way you hope, there's a lot of talented people in this fandom that will create better endings for them. 💜
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thesamoanqueen · 10 months
I had to look up what chonies means but now I'll call them "war chonies" 💀 she's so real, he wears them when he has matches like the fashion diva he's not (yes I've checked, no unfortunately not personally)
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
my boyfriend wears those and is so weird about wearing the matching boxers with them like . to bed . why are you wearing chonies to bed i wanna play with that thang !
idk why this is killing me so much fkgdjfdfjd ur so real for this actually
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arvonoon · 2 years
1/ Stella and Pepper have matching sword tattoos <3
2/ Ed has piercings. (nose, helix, maybe even an eyebrow piercing tbh)
3/ Stella likes Mitsuki and Girl in Red (:
4/ Nomi has ADHD but actually the smartest kid in her class, she looks unproductive on the outside but she’s a force to be reckoned with.
5/ Garbage is 5’2 (short king), and Happy is 5’11 (tall king).
6/ Kira dyes her hair every other week basically
7/ Chonies has like fifty Lego sets (2/3s are unfinished lol)
8/ Happy is secretly a huge musical theatre nerd and could easily quote any Heathers song
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chonidale · 1 year
how would you rank the characters in s7 i assume cheryl and toni take the top 2 spot but everyone else?
yes, they are top two, always.
cheryl: forever my fav, but i think what they've done with her this season is so, so good. the way they've used the 50s to show cheryl's growth is on par with how well they're using it show choni's. i do think the difference in her is also a result of her not having jason related trauma, but it's also obviously showing how much she's matured over the course of the show. i'm just so proud of her every week and pray they can keep it up for just nine more eps.
toni: her best season, bar none. they've finally figured out how to write her and write for her, and it's both so satisfying to finally see and frustrating that it took them this long to do it. but this is the toni i always knew she was, and seeing her perspective and struggles has been so nice. my single complaint is that she's missing so many episodes. anyone that has a bad word to say about her this season is dumb and nasty and has no empathy for black characters.
tabitha: no we haven't seen much of her but i love her so much and i miss her so much and i just can't rank anyone else higher than her, sorry.
reggie: we haven't seen much of him yet but i already love him so much. it's so interesting to see such a different version of him and think charles is doing a great job. best boy for sure.
archie: i do not find most of his plots interesting and he's been kinda meh in the last few eps, but i can't deny that i've found him really endearing for the first time in seasons. i do wish they would pull back on the straight savior stuff a bit, but still. i'm charmed most of the time.
kevin: it's been nice to see him get some meaty stuff to work with again, and to not be made a villain for once. i wish the writers would give his relationship with clay more onscreen development, but i'm glad kevin's journey has at least gotten some focus and has been taken seriously. i really hope they take the time to show that it helped him with his internalized homophobia in the present.
midge: listen is it unserious of me to put midge so high? yes, but i think she's cute and i love her dynamic with cheryl and toni and i appreciate her existence when it comes to fangs and i don't care which way they choose to bring her back to the present (there's a lot of ways i can think of), just that they do.
clay: i really like this guy and think he's sweet and a great match for kevin and a great fit on the show and in the gang. i wish we knew more about him and still think he should have been a topaz to give toni a family as well as kevin a love interest, but whatever.
veronica: i'm happy to see her with a bit of her spunk back, but i will just always struggle to find veronica or her stories interesting. i think she started the season off strong but now she's just fallen back into boring business and family related plots or mooning after boys with betty. meh. still, gets point for variety.
betty: i usually love betty, but find her kinda meh this season. i understand what they've been trying to do with her and i think lili is doing a good job, but it just feels so repetitive every episode, omg. we get it, betty is horny and wants to fuck the patriarchy both literally and metaphorically, can she come up with something else?
fangs: i don't mind him this season at all and i appreciate that he shaved and cut his hair so he doesn't look like the nasty man he was last season, but it's not like he's gotten anything to do for me to enjoy. but i don't hate him so good for him.
jughead: ranking him below fangs... look how they massacred my boy. i grew to love him at lot in the time jump, but i guess i'm just never going to like high school jughead because woof. the fact that i completely forgot about him until i almost hit publish says it all. completely isolated from the rest of the cast, with the most boring storylines on the show that's largely just him and guest stars... it's bad for him. not even tabitha could get me to pay attention to him.
julian: he does his job as a villain well and nick seems lovely, but obviously he's last. the one good thing i can say about him is that i'm glad they went with him over jason because i hate jason and think they've beaten that dead horse more than enough, and i'm actually intrigued by the dynamic between julian and cheryl.
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pedropascalito · 2 years
The clothes he is wearing now are to big…he can be comfortable and still wear clothes that actually fit him. I mean that flower shirt was out there but thank god they didn’t put him in matching pants…cuz holy hell that would have been a lot
I think based on his looks now, I’m shocked he wasn’t wearing matching pants! We already know he skipped chonies….
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chonicentral · 1 year
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With Riverdale quickly coming to an end and Choni's happily ever after on the horizon, we wanted to show our appreciation for their beautiful love story one more time!
From August 30th to September 5th, we invite you to join us in celebrating Choni by creating content based on the themes we’ve picked out. To be as inclusive as possible to people of as many talents possible, we included a variety of broad themes to choose from for each day to help inspire your creativity. You can make gifsets, picspams, video edits, fanfics, moodboards, fanart, aesthetics, playlists or anything else you want. The schedule isn’t ironclad, you can post things on different days, as well as mix and match different themes, too!
DAY 1, Aug 30: favorites | colors | romance  
DAY 2, Aug 31: choni + [a theme] | parallels | fix it  
DAY 3, Sept 1: teen choni | tropes | angst 
DAY 4, Sept 2: adult choni | social media | missing scene(s)  
DAY 5, Sept 3: lyrics/quote | bts/madnessa | au  
DAY 6, Sept 4: 50s choni | aesthetic | future  
DAY 7, Sept 5: free choice
Be sure to tag your posts with #choniweek so that everyone can find your creations! Use the hashtag where possible on other platforms too. If you have any questions, feel free to ask so we can clear anything up. We’re looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!
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trufflezitas · 3 years
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[...] 丛 𝙲𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗶 𝙼𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝙸𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀 ¡ ⵦ 💬𖡎
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ᨓ 斘 ꕤᩚ⃗ʾ̷🪰𖡎ⵓ䨻 ᭣ ᥒᩚɘw) ᖘᩚ𝗼𑂙𝘁?通。˚★ᩝᐩ. ⊹🕸💭 ̫슪✿! 䵳。°˖ 𝗅𝗂𝗄ᦕᩚ ☓ 𝚁𝖾̲𝗯̲𝗹𝒐𝗴. ̄ ̄ ̄𓍊𓋼𓍊 ◟▓ꕤᩚ⃗ʾ̷䩞ໂ 𝗰𝗿ᦸᩚ𝗱!𝘁ຮ 𝕞𝗲. 䨻᯾❜🧦(๑´³`(⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)˚!﹎
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petschstuff · 3 years
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like or reblog if u save, please. @petschrare on twitter
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heavenlyicon · 4 years
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madnessa matching icons. like or reblog if u save or use, please. ★
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mercuryicon · 4 years
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ㅤㅤᘏ䨻▓⃞⃯🌷舞ⴰ 𝙼𝗮𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮 𝙸𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀 !? /ruby. 䮴斘’ 〜 𝕝𝗶𝗸𝗲 or 𝚁𝖾𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴. ༘ ^_^ ★★ CR3DITS M3 :D .私の王女♥︎╰╮ ꩜ ## ☹ 𝗺𝗘𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘆.♯ ✿ ➿
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ladyworks · 4 years
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𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒍 & 𝑻𝒐𝒏𝒊; 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔.
𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆. 💌
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