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haxyr3 · 3 years ago
I'm looking for a chart that declines cardinal and ordinal numbers in Russian because I'm working on learning how to state dates in various ways. Have you created such a thing or know maybe where I could find one? Thanks!
I haven't, and I think, I'll add those charts to my chart collection soon!
Check these two lessons for ordinal: MasterRussian and RussianTutoring
And for cardinals: Learn Russian Step by step
Generally, what you have to keep in mind is that ordinal numbers decline similar to adjective: у второго красного фонаря.
And cardinal numbers are in fact a few different grammatical types, with different grammatical properties:
один - is similar to adjectives, declines like an adjective, has genders, cases and numbers
два, три, четыре - partially overlaps with adjectives, but retains archaic grammar properties, just memorize it.
5-10, 11-20, 30 - true cardinal numbers with more or less regular ending patterns.
40, 90, 100, полтораста -- leaning towards nouns; you'll need to memorize them separately.
50, 60, 70, 80 have their own endings, but they are easy to memorize
1000 is a feminine noun, declines as such.
Yeah, I know, this is crazy.
If this can make you feel better, numbers are always the last thing we acquire in a new language. I still count in Russian in my mind after 12 years in English speaking environment :)
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russianwave · 5 years ago
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Hey, I thought I would compile a selection of different resources dedicated to learning the Russian language. Feel free to reblog and add your own
Information about the language
Russian Language on Wikipedia
Russian Language on BBC
Russian Language on Encyclopaedia Britannica 
Russian Language on Real Russia
I have a masterlist of different Russian language textbooks for all levels, as well as general Russian literature and Russian magazines for reading practice. It contains over 60,000 books and over 4,000 magazines
Children’s Books in Russian
Project Gutenberg Free Russian Books
Courses - Note that not all of these courses are free. 
Lingvist (comes with a 2-week free trial, and by far my favourite course)
Duolingo  (Joining with this link automatically adds me as a friend)
I Kinda Like Languages Russian Course
Learn Russian with RT (The audio files no longer work but there’s a lot of great resources that work)
Live Lingua Russian Tutors (Not a course as such, but a way to get a Tutor. You can get a free hour lesson)
Russian for Everyone
Russian for Free 
Russian Made Easy
Way To Russia 
Между нами
Я говорю по-русски/ I speak Russian
Русский как иностранный: B1+. Russian as a foreign language: B1+
Русский как иностранный: B1+. Часть 2. Russian as a foreign language. B1+. Part 2.
Русский как иностранный B2-1 / Russian As a Foreign Language B2-1
Русский язык как иностранный B2-2 / Russian as a Foreign Language B2-2
A1 Elementary Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
A2 Basic Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
B1 I Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
B2 II Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
C1 III Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
C2 IV Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
Beginner Russian Course / Курс России языка для начинающих
Intermediate Russian Course / Курс России языка среднего уровня
Russian Grammar Course / Курс грамматики России языка
Russian Course for Travelers / Курс России языка для путешественнико��
From Zero to Fluency Youtube Course
Start Speaking Russian Youtube Course
Russian Reading Youtube Course
Learn Russian Alphabet
Russian (Kazakhstan) Peace Corps Course
FSI Russian Course
Learn Russian
Yes Russian
Ready Russian
Russian Learning Reddit
Learn With Oliver
Memrise is a great resource as it has Memrise courses and user-created courses. These are the official Russian courses if you go through them one by one they amount to approximately 54 hours of content. The thing I like about Memrise is they test you on your pronunciation, and they have lots of videos by Russian native speakers. So it really tests you in all your skills.
Russian 1 by Memrise
Russian 2 by Memrise
Russian 3 by Memrise
Russian 4 by Memrise
Russian 5 by Memrise
Russian 6 by Memrise
Russian 7 by Memrise
These are some unofficial Russian Memrise courses you might like too. Although they tend to not have audio and they don’t have pronunciation tests or native speaker videos, they can still be a good resource.
Learn Basic Russian 
Top 10,000 words part one 
Top 10,000 words part two
Russian Grammar through Exercises
Assimil Russian
New Penguin Russian Course Vocabulary 
Vocabulary resources
Word Reference
Ba Ba Dum
Russian Swadesh list
English terms derived from Russian
Wikipedia Russian Topics (Click on different topics then click on different words for their English translation and meaning)
Russian Idioms
Russian Proverbs
Russian Similies
20,000-word Frequency dictionary of the modern Russian language (the Russian National Corpus)
Russian spelling alphabet
Russian Frequency lists/1-1000
Russian Frequency lists/1001-2000
Russian Frequency lists/2001-3000
Russian Frequency lists/3001-4000
Russian Frequency lists/4001-5000
Russian Adjectives - Frequency List
Russian Nouns - Frequency List
Russian Verbs - Frequency List
Russian palindromes
Russian Pronouns
Alpha Dictionary
Dubbed Russian Songs (Russian songs with Russian lyrics alongside transliteration and English translation. They also accept requests)
Clozemaster (I’d say this is more for intermediate-advanced, but beginners might make use of this as well)
Vikida Children’s Encyclopedia (Entirely in Russian)
Russian for Children by Pushkin Institute (Entirely in Russian) This actually contains resources for 5+ to 18+ so it covers a broad range of levels
Slow Russian Podcast
Slow Russian Youtube
Beginning Russian through Film
Amazing Russian Youtube
Bab.La English - Russian Dictionary
Grammar Exercises Youtube Playlist
Online Interactive Grammar 
Learn Russian Grammar Tables
Russian Grammar Youtube
Conjugation Tool
Russian Grammar
Russian News Sites
Russia Today (In Russian) / Russia Today (in English) (They also have a whole database of documentaries/shows/films that are in English or Russian. Just click on a show here and it’ll give you the option to watch in English or Russian) 
The Moscow Times (In Russian) / The Moscow Times (In English) (They have free English PDFs of past print publications too)
Tass Russian News Agency (In Russian) / Tass Russian News Agency (In English)
Moskovskij Komsomolets (Московский комсомолец) (only available in Russian)
Komsomolskaya Pravda (Комсомо́льская пра́вда) (only available in Russian)
Izvestia (ɪzˈvʲestʲɪjə) (Only available in Russian)
Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Российская газета) (Only available in Russian)
Kommersant (Коммерса́нтъ) (Only available in Russian)(There is also a UK news website entirely in Russian)
Trud (Tpyд) (Only available in Russian)
Moskovskiye Novosti (Московские новости) (Only available in Russian)
Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Независимая газета) (Only available in Russian)
Novye Izvestia (Новые Известия) (Only available in Russian)
Vedomosti (Ведомости) (Only available in Russian)
Pravda Правда (Only available in Russian)
Delovoy Peterburg Деловой Петербург (Only available in Russian)
RBC daily (Only available in Russian)
Sport Express (Спорт-Экспресс) (Only available in Russian)
Sovetsky Sport (Советский спорт) (Only available in Russian)
Russia Beyond The Headlines (In Russian) / Russia Beyond The Headlines (In English)
Krasnaya Zvezda (Кра́сная звезда́) (Only available in Russian)
Moskovskaya Pravda (Московская правда) (Only available in Russian)
Argumenty i Fakty (Аргументы и факты) (Only available in Russian)
Sovetsky Sakhalin (Советский Сахалин) (Only available in Russian)
Tyumenskaya Oblast Segodnya (Only available in Russian)
Vecherniy Murmansk (Вечерний Мурманск) (Only available in Russian)
Vecherniy Novosibirsk (Вечерний Новосибирск) (Only available in Russian)
Vecherniy Stavropol (Вечерний Ставрополь) (Only available in Russian)
Novaya Gazeta (Новая газета) (Only available in Russian)
Novgorod (Новгород) (Only available in Russian)
Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti (Санкт-Петербургские ведомости) (Only available in Russian)
Literaturnaya Gazeta (Литературная газета) (Only available in Russian)
Parlamentskaia Gazeta (Парламентская газета) (Оnly available in Russian)
Meduza (In Russian) / Meduza (In English)
Please note that sites listed do not equal an endorsement. I don’t know the political background or views of each of these publications. I’m merely compiling a variety I saw through various Russian news lists and search engine results. Content warnings may apply and not all content may be suitable for minors
Listening practice (Note, I may make another masterlist compiling various Russian podcasts and Youtube channels so I’m leaving them out of this section)
Slavic Languages and Cultures Department, University of Groningen Listen to the Slavic languages
Audio Lingua
Learn Russian with Peppa Pig
StarMediaEN (Russian shows, documentaries etc with English subtitles)
Russian Films With English Subtitles Youtube Playlist
Alosha (Алёша Попович и Тугарин Змей) Children’s Film
Dobrynya and the Dragon (Добрыня Никитич и Змей Горыныч) Children’s Film
Ilya Muromets and Sparrow the Robber (Илья Муромец и Соловей Разбойник) Children’s film
How Not to Rescue a Princess (Три Богатыря и Шамаханская Царица) Children’s Film
Russian Animation (Mixture of dubbed content and subtitled content)
Киноконцерн "Мосфильм" (Moscow Film, only some of these are subtitled)
фильмы о Холмсе и Ватсоне (Movies about Sherlock Holmes with Russian audio and English subtitles)
Okay, so this list has gotten long enough lol. If you have any resources you feel should be added feel free to reblog and add them or message me and I’ll edit it in. If you have any requests for resource compilations that you want me to do (e.g. compiling Russian podcasts, general Russian websites, Russian YouTubers etc) please let me know. 
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polyglotfantasy · 7 years ago
Hi! I'm learning russian too! Can I ask you which resources you used? Also did you use extra resources to learn cases? Thanks in advance!
Heyyy! Sorry if this is really late, anonymous!
I really recommend you buy Schaum’s Russian Grammar, a textbook which has helped me loads with every aspect of Russian. I also bought a textbook specifically dedicated to the 500 most important verbs in Russian because I couldn’t get my head around imperfective and perfective in the beginning! So textbooks are definitely your best friend when starting out!
I personally am against people using Duolingo as a learning resource - if you use that, it should be as a very very basic introduction to the language, so please don’t lean on it throughout your learning! I did find Memrise really useful though, because of the flashcard technique it uses.
I used loads of sites like masterrussian, I watched Russians explain cases on YouTube, I even used language exchange applications to meet Russians and ask them myself about grammar, and see how their corrections affect my sentences - how much needed changing? 
So, in short, get yourself a good textbook, read about grammar and vocab from numerous sites, utilise the apps available to you, and TALK TO RUSSIANS!! Good luck in your journey! xx
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saltandlimes · 7 years ago
do you have any resources you'd recommend for learning russian online?
I’m not actually going to be the most help here.
I fundamentally don’t think that there’s a good way to learn Russian online if you want to learn how to speak. Being in a classroom environment, where you get to talk to your fellows, and more importantly, get corrected by a teacher, is essential for learning Russian.
The language is complicated enough, and the pronunciation is different enough from English, that it’s just really not something you can pick up through videos and by reading grammar books.
That being said, here are a few good resources!
Russian Language Quickly (Free textbook pdf)
“Russian with Passion” (Youtube channel)
“Amazing Russian” (Youtube channel)
masterrussian (online learning resource)
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cuuthodeathshost1978-blog · 7 years ago
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Two steps from hell альбом archangel скачать бесплатно
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Russian: 6558 6577 6577 6595 6588 6587 6596 6587 6586 6588 English: Puppet theater FOLLOW US ON TWITTER MasterRussian on Twitter ## Твоя Йога. Хорошая музыка. Mp3. Ask them in the Russian Questions and Answers a place for students, teachers and native Russian speakers to discuss Russian grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and other aspects of the Russian language. ### Академические ноты - Академическая музыка Только лучшие представители рока, дэнса, электроники, транса, рэпа, хип-хопа и других направлений, только «золотые запасы» мировой музыкальной культуры. Радио «Лучшие песни» для тех, кто действительно ценит хорошую музыку и готов наслаждаться лучшими хитами в любой момент времени! #### How to say two in Russian - Translation and Examples Чеснок измельчить. Пшено тщательно промыть. Бульон довести до кипения в кастрюле с толстым дном. Добавить все ингредиенты, кроме яйца, и варить, помешивая, пока масса не начнет отставать от стенок. Переложить ее в круглую непригорающую форму для выпечки диаметром 78 см, разровнять и остудить. Нарезать треугольниками. Выложить на большой противень, смазать взболтанным яйцом и запекать под максимально разогретым грилем, пока они не станут золотистыми и хрустящими. Подавать горячими с зеленым салатом, овощами, тушеными грибами. Крупы: рис, греча, кукуруза, просо (пшено), итальянское просо (чумиза), саго, сорго, амарант, киноа, монтина Корнеплоды: картофель, батат (сладкий картофель), тапиока, маниока Бобовые: соя, горох, фасоль, чечевица, нут, маш и др. Все овощи и фрукты Мясо, рыба, яйца Молоко и натуральные кисломолочные продукты (кефир, йогурты, ряженка, простокваша и др.) Твердые сыры, кроме произведенных в России и Украине с нарушением ГОСТа /иногда бесконтрольно добавляется порошкообразная клейковина &ndash глютен!/ , сливочное масло, растительное масло, в сметану на некоторых предприятиях бесконтрольно кладут глютен и это следует учитывать. What are some silly sounding Russian words? WORD OF THE DAY RSS | iGoogle | My Yahoo! Радио «Лучшие песни» поможет вам окунуться в самые истоки популярных музыкальных течений. Неумирающие рок-команды The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, метры евродэнса Dr. Alban и Captain Jack, современные звезды Zaz, Evanescence, N’ Sync и Within Temptation – эта музыка способна достучаться до самых глубин души и удовлетворить любые музыкальные запросы. Амарант залить холодной водой, довести до кипения, варить 65 мин, откинуть на сито. Лук и чеснок измельчить. Картофель очистить от кожуры, помидоры и перец &ndash от семян, нарезать кубиками. Обжарить в масле лук и чеснок, 5 мин, залить бульоном, добавить овощи, варить под крышкой 5 мин. Добавить амарант, варить 8 мин. Всыпать измельченную петрушку и шпинат, варить 6 мин. Детальнее вопросы, касающиеся именно амаранта, освещены в моей статье Амарант доступная культура будущего , расположенной на сайте в разделе *Глютен, безглютеновое питание*. Саго. Изначально так называлась крупа из зернистого крахмала, добываемого из сердцевины саговой пальмы. На Руси, где пальмы растут плохо, словом саго стали обозначать сходную по виду крупу из картофельного крахмала, из которой варили кашу. Особенностью саго является практическое отсутствие белка. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания!
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chocgomapu1983-blog · 7 years ago
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one click root
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Пре­жде все­го нуж­но со­здать на всех ком­пью­те­рах поль­зо­ва­те­ля с оди­на­ко­вым име­нем и па­ро­лем от име­ни это­го поль­зо­ва­те­ля бу­дут за­пус­кать­ся MPI-про­грам­мы (ес­ли у вас один ком­пью­тер — этот шаг мо­же­те про­пу­стить). Про­ще ��се­го это сде­лать, уста­но­вив оди­на­ко­вый па­роль поль­зо­ва­те­лям Ад­ми­ни­стра­тор. ## Gsm- - БЕСПЛАТНО РАЗБЛОКИРОВАТЬ ТЕЛЕФОН SAMSUNG Ме­не­джер про­цес­сов яв­ля­ет­ся ос­нов­ным ком­по­нен­том, ко­то­рый дол­жен быть уста­нов­лен и на­стро­ен на всех ком­пью­те­рах се­ти (биб­лио­те­ки вре­ме­ни вы­пол­не­ния мож­но, в край­нем слу­чае, ко­пи­ро­вать вме­сте с MPI-про­грам­мой). Осталь­ные фай­лы тре­бу­ют­ся для раз­ра­бот­ки MPI-про­грамм и на­строй­ки не­ко­то­ро­го «го­лов­но­го» ком­пью­те­ра, с ко­то­ро­го бу­дет про­из­во­дить­ся их за­пуск. ### List of Russian Proverbs with English Equivalents Russian: 6597 6577 6587 6588 6599 6595 6586 English: Closed FOLLOW US ON TWITTER MasterRussian on Twitter #### Контентные плагины - Все о Total Commander В дан­ной ста­тье речь пой­дёт об MPICH7. Двой­ка в на­зва­нии — это не вер­сия про­граммно­го обес­пе­че­ния, а но­мер то­го стан­дар­та MPI, ко­то­рый реа­ли­зо­ван в биб­лио­те­ке. MPICH7 со­от­вет­ству­ет стан­дар­ту MPI , от­сю­да и на­зва­ние. Здесь умест­но при­ве­сти ци­та­ту с  офи­ци­аль­но­го сай­та  (в мо­ём пе­ре­во­де): 6 Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD. 7 Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes 8 For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. (Isa 59:6-8 KJV) Сошедши с трапа самолета, этот необычный американец на глазах у советских военнослужащих, становится на колени и целует землю, жена и дети – следуют его примеру. Россию они полюбят сердцем, эта земля и станет для них новым домом. doctrines, or on the relations of this. And yet the number of books on this subject is not large, compared with the number on many others, not held to be as fundamental in the Christian system as this. Кон­соль­ный ввод-вы­вод всех про­цес­сов MPI-про­грам­мы пе­ре­на­прав­ля­ет­ся на кон­соль, на ко­то­рой за­пу­ще­на Mpirun. На­сколь­ко я по­ни­маю, пе­ре­на­прав­ле­ни­ем вво­да-вы­во­да за­ни­ма­ют­ся ме­не­дже­ры про­цес­сов, так как имен­но они за­пу­сти­ли ко­пии MPI-про­грам­мы, и по­это­му мо­гут по­лу­чить до­ступ к по­то­кам вво­да-вы­во­да про­грамм. What is best to start with as a beginner Russian learner? WORD OF THE DAY RSS | iGoogle | My Yahoo! Ме­не­дже­ры про­цес­сов за­пус­ка­ют на вы­чис­ли­тель­ных уз­лах не­сколь­ко ко­пий MPI-про­грам­мы (воз­мож­но, по не­сколь­ко ко­пий на каж­дом уз­ле), пе­ре­да­вая про­грам­мам не­об­хо­ди­мую ин­фор­ма­цию для свя­зи друг с дру­гом.
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cheesecakeandlanguages · 10 years ago
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xb-bi · 10 years ago
Russian Greetings - Learn to say "hello", "how are you?" and "nice to see you" in Russian.
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