#master detective archives chapter three spoilers
sakura-code · 1 year
You know what I realize: Chapter 3 is like the best source for Yuma and Nocturnal Detective Agency hurt/comfort fics. And no, I’m not just talking about that what-if fic there, I also mean various what-ifs that could happen.
What if Vivia was spectral projecting and saw Yuma getting kidnapped by the Resistance? Detectives to the rescue!
What if Yuma actually did saw and found Yakou that time when he entered Kamasaki District?
What if Yuma had found the detectives earlier?
What if Yuma went with the Peacekeepers? Another rescue mission!
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Holds Icardi gentle like hamburger. 💕
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elina-sakura · 1 year
Spoilers for Chapter 3 of Master Detective Archives
What I love most about chapter 3 is show how the Nocturnal Detective Agency don’t abandon their own. When I went into chapter 3, I thought there was going to be the cliché “kicking you out of the group” since Yuma’s involvement in the second case got their base blown. Especially considering the chapter was called No Longer a Detective. I thought it meant Yuma was going to be kicked out of the detective group and literally no longer be a detective.
But no, the gang didn’t give up on him! They were actually searching for him (and Fubuki) this whole time.
They put their lives in danger when they challenged the Peacekeepers once more, the same group that nearly killed them.
And especially when Yomi threatened them and demanded to hand over Yuma for their safety, they refused. Even if Yuma chose to go with them, they held him back. They were willing and ready to possibly lay down their lives for the amnesiac detective that unintentionally gave the Peacekeepers a reason to bully them.
And I love it!
This familygroup don’t abandon their own.
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Note: this is assuming the digimon would be a stand-in for shinigami
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sheriffslop · 1 year
Master Detective Archives ; Rain Code, Chapter Three Spoilers !”
“ Chapter Three ; No Longer A Detective “ ? Nah, it’s “ Chapter Three ; Icardi Has Done Nothing Wrong Ever, In His Life “.
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pixelatedraindrops · 9 months
I decided to finish the fic I wrote months ago based on this edit
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Also inspired by this ask and my headcanon/analysis on Yuma becoming tired/sick after overusing his own forte.
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The Price of Having a Forte (Oneshot)
Word Count (2,900)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Fever/Illness Whump
Fandom: Master Detective Archives RAINCODE
Characters: Yuma Kokohead, Shinigami, Halara Nightmare
There was a string of locked room murder mysteries around Kanai Ward lately. For 6 months they kept appearing. All these cases involved the victim being killed by countless nails while the corpse was surrounded by a crowd of porcelain dolls. The murders seem like an Urban Legend in Kanai Ward done by a figure known as The Nail Man.
On his first morning in Kanai Ward, detective trainee Yuma ends up dragged into a mess by his ghostly partner Shinigami. Literally dragging him by a chain to eventually get him involved in the most recent case, involving a child whose father was arrested by peacekeepers thinking he was the culprit.
Yuma takes it upon himself to help this child save his father by finding the true culprit. But he realizes he’s in way over his head and will need some help. So, he seeks out Halara Nightmare, a master detective who charges a little too much for their services. Sadly, this meant Yuma ended up in debt to them. With a bill of 5,500,800 shien.
Unfortunately, the duo’s interference in the case caused the Amaterasu Peacekeepers to hold their Chief hostage as punishment, and they only had three hours to solve this case, or they would arrest him.
Over time investigating the cases, Yuma can investigate the case in the past with Halara using the aid of their forensic forte, Postcognition. Able to see the past of the case when it was discovered by a third party. This proved very helpful because Yuma also had a forte of his own (though he thinks it’s Shinigami’s power) The power of Coalescence. The ability to share someone else’s forte by holding the person’s hand.
Halara sadly showed some reluctance at first due to despising all of humanity, so the thought of touching Yuma mortified them. But Yuma persisted with using Halara’s greed against them.
Thus, his bill becomes bigger.
The duo had just finished investigating their second case in a mansion. They were on their way to the third crime scene in the art gallery in Ginma district. But something was wrong. Yuma was starting to feel tired, dizzy and on the verge of collapse. He even started coughing.
It wasn’t even sudden. The more he used Coalescence with Halara during the investigations, the more he grew fatigued. At first it was just some light tiredness and a small headache, but now it was becoming unbearable.
As the two of them walked towards the center of ginma, Yuma was moving slower. Causing Halara to turn around and face him. He was hunched over, looking down to the ground panting slightly.
“Pick up the pace Yuma, I won’t allow time to be wasted.” Halara said looking a little annoyed.
Yuma didn’t look up. Great. He was already a burden to Halara.
“S-Sorry… You go on ahead…I’ll…catch up….” He said in a winded voice.
Halara doesn’t argue and goes on ahead of him.
“Master come on!! Another dead body awaits us!” Shinigami said in a nagging tone.
Yuma let out a few raspy coughs. His head was killing him. He just wanted to sit down. But he had to keep going.
“I-I know… I’m coming…” he responded under heavy breathing, coughing again.
“What the heck’s going on with you?? You’ve been looking pale since you kept holding hands with Hellara.” The spirit said. “Don’t tell me you’re sick.”
Yuma groaned holding his head. He clearly was.
“Okay, I won’t…” he said in an aggravated tone.
Yuma’s body was giving out. He coughed again before wrapping his hands around his body. He started feeling hot and cold now. The endless rain was not helping him at all, his cold rain-soaked body had begun shivering. The dizziness wasn’t stopping.
Did he have a fever too? Or did he have one this whole time and it just got worse?
Yuma tried to take another step but ended up tripping and collapsing to the floor. His face hitting the wet ground.
“Master!!” Shinigami cried. “Get a hold of yourself!!!”
Yuma’s fatigue levels were skyrocketing. He tried to get up, but his arms were like jelly and wouldn’t move. His entire body was in pain, and he couldn’t stop shaking.
“I can’t…move…. H…help…” he said quietly.
“There’s nothing I can do when you’re the only one who can see me!! Dammit!! Where’s Hellara when you need them!?” Shiniagmi said in an annoyed tone.
Halara had just arrived at the destination, but they noticed Yuma wasn’t with them by the time they arrived at the art gallery. This wasn’t their case; they were just assisting him. What took him?
Halara did realize something as they thought to themself on Yuma’s absence. Every time the trainee held their hand to use their forte, over time he felt… a bit warmer?  And come to think of it, he was coughing a little bit too. And he was too tired to keep going.
Halara’s eyes grew slightly wide as they put the pieces together.
Yuma may have been in trouble. And in that state, if peacekeepers saw him…
They immediately rushed back to where Yuma was to see if their deduction was correct.
When Halara got back, they noticed a crowd of people circling around where Yuma was.
“Is he okay?” a ginma civilian asked.
“What happened? Did he get hurt?” another said.
“Maybe someone should call a peacekeeper…” a third said.
That was enough to set Halara’s defensive mode into action. If the peacekeepers found him, it would be over.
They walked over, not even bothering to say excuse me, practically pushing people away. They found Yuma’s unconscious body on the floor. They stood in front of it in defense.
“He’s with me. You can leave now.” Halara said giving an intimidating look.
This was enough to send people away. Halara was hesitant to touch Yuma at first, but he needed to be taken somewhere safe. They reluctantly picked him up and rushed to a small dark corner close to the art gallery.
They set Yuma down against a wall.
“Yuma wake up.” Halara said shaking him a little. “Hey, pull it together…”
Yuma slowly opened his eyes.
“w-who…?” he quietly said. His vison was a little blurry.
“Calm down it’s me.” Halara said. “Are you alright? What happened?”
“H…hala…ra…” Yuma’s breathing was heavy; he could hardly speak.
“Hey now, stay with me Yuma…!” they quietly exclaimed.
Yuma’s eyes were fluttering. He looked as if he’d pass out any minute.
Then he broke out in a harsh wet coughing fit.
He was in BAD shape.
Halara paused for a moment, they really didn’t want to touch him again. But they had no choice, the trainee was clearly ill, and he needed help.
They swallowed their hatred for people and placed a hand to his forehead.
Their deduction was on point.
He was burning.
They moved their hand to his cheek and behind his neck. Then removed it.
“Yuma, you’re burning up.” Halara said.
Yuma’s coughing settled down before he had a dizzy spell and passed out falling in front of Halara and landing on their chest. Due to Halara’s shock, he almost knocks them down.
But he was too small.
Halara was still paused in shock but as they heard the trainee’s heavy panting, they knew the rain was only making his state worse. He was shivering and felt hot. He likely needed medical help.
Not good. Not now… They were on a timer! At this rate, the chief will be…
Halara tried to remain calm. This wasn’t good. They had to do something.
First, they had to get him out of the rain. They picked him up again and ran over to the café.
The staff worker was surprised to see the customers they had just hours ago in such a panicked state. Practically running at full speed into their entrance.
“What happened?” The staff member asked. “You look distressed.”
Halara sits Yuma onto a chair keeping him upright holding his shoulders before turning to the staff worker.
“Call an ambulance. He needs help.” Halara said in a minorly panicked tone.
The ambulance arrived, and the two were in a waiting room of one of the emergency clinics in Kanai Ward. Halara was seated with Yuma sitting next to them, laying on their right shoulder still panting with their eyes closed.
Eventually the nurse staff takes Yuma away to have him examined.
During his small bit of times in and out of consciousness, Yuma wasn’t sure of what was going on. He could see blurry silhouettes surrounding him, he could feel cold hands touching him, lights flashing in and out, and even the prick of a needle in his arm at one point.
Soon he was out cold once again.
When he opened his eyes again much later, he looked around him and saw he was in an unknown room. It looked pretty fancy, and he laid tucked into a large and very comfortable bed. 
He took a moment to look around, but his head was hurting a bit too much. Although the immense dizziness and heat from before subsided and he felt a little more stable, he still felt very tired, and the fever was still very much present. But he didn’t feel as bad as when he was outside. Maybe it was because he was out of the rain, dry and in a warm bed.
“Where…am I…?” he said quietly.
“Master? You awake?” Shinigami said floating beside him.
“Shinigami…? What happened?” he asked.
The small ghostly spirit shrugged.
“I wish I could tell you, but you kept passing in and out of consciousness. And since the two of us are connected, when you pass out, so do I.” she responded. “All I know for sure is that you’re sick as hell. You may as well be a corpse right now.”
He thought to himself.
That’s right… I felt dizzy on the walk to Ginma and couldn’t move much… I guess I fainted.
“My mind feels hazy…I can’t really remember how I got here…” Yuma said holding his head.
“I think that’s normal for an amnesiac like you!” Shinigami said in a teasing tone.
“But you took my memories…” Yuma said. “Anyway, I wonder how…I even got in this state…”
Was it because of all the rain? The lack of sleep? Maybe the stress of this case?
Shinigami pondered for a bit.
“Y’know this is ONLY a guess, I think that maybe, juuust maybe, using Coalescence too much might’ve caused your body to deteriorate like this.”
“Now that you mention it…the more I held hands with Halara…the more tired I became…”
“Yeah, so maybe you can only use it a specific number of times.” Shinigami said.
“You didn’t know about this? Isn’t this your power Shinigami?” Yuma asked.
“Th-That’s not important right now! Look over there, Master.” Shinigami said pointing to a bag on the desk beside him.
Yuma turned his head and noticed there was a prescribed medical bag. It had his full name written on it and instructions and numbers per dosage taken. He reached his hand for it and grabbed it looking it over.
“I wonder if… Halara may have taken me to a clinic.” He said deducing that from observing the bag.
“Yeah, I think I remember from the black in-and-out visions, I saw a lot of white and some people in scrubs. I think you were taken back.”
“I do remember feeling something poke me… Maybe they had to give me a shot.”
“Not surprising with your weak body. I bet the lowest fever would cause you to be taken to the medical ward. Sheesh you’re so lame Master.”
“Again… This is your power…” Yuma protested.
But before they could argue further, he heard the opening of a door.
Yuma looked over and saw Halara holding a bag as they walked in.
“Yuma, you’re awake.” Halara said, putting the bag down.
“Halara…where am I?” he asked quietly, placing the prescription bag back on the nightstand table.
“You’re in my hotel room. You collapsed outside Ginma. I took you to a clinic and they told me you had a fever of almost 102 degrees. You need to rest.” they said.
“S-Sorry…that you had to go through that trouble…” Yuma responded meekly. “Thank you, for helping me Halara…”
“You owe me an extra 500,000 shien for that.” They responded, putting the bag down. “And I didn’t have a choice, we’re on a timer and I couldn’t just leave you there to die.”
Yuma remained silent. It must have been hard for Halara to do that since they didn’t like touching other people. To see them go the extra mile for him was surprising but kind of them, nonetheless.
Halara reached into the bag and grabbed 2 things.
“Now, I got you a glass of ice water from the restaurant as well as some vanilla yogurt. You’re free to eat it later. Before I leave, you should take the medication to help you sleep.”
Yuma tried to sit up, but his body was not cooperating. The shot from earlier seemed to make his body limp and the fever was still making his world spin a bit. He was only more stable due to being out of the rain outside and somewhere warm and dry. He couldn’t move if he wanted to.
“S-Sorry…I can’t…move…” Yuma responded.
“That’s to be expected. The nurse told me the injection you received would make your body feel limp for better recovery purposes.” Halara said as they walked closer to Yuma placing the water glass on the stand beside him. “Why do you think I’m still here? I will assist you.”
Halara knelt on the floor so they could be at Yuma’s level. They grabbed the medical bag on the stand and took the prescribed medicine tablets out of it. They punctured one of the blue and white pills out and set it on their palm. Then they grabbed the glass of water with their other hand, along with a small straw that was included with it. They unwrapped it placing it into the glass delicately.
“Okay, now open your mouth.” Halara said as they held the pill in between their fingers.  
Yuma opened his mouth as Halara gently set the tablet where his tongue was. Yuma closed his mouth, not swallowing the tablet, but didn’t want to look awkward with his mouth hanging open while waiting for what Halara would do next.
The taller detective took the glass of water then moved it and the straw close to Yuma’s now closed mouth.
“Here. Drink up.” Halara said.
Yuma opened his mouth again then closed it once he had the straw and bit down onto it, the tablet still on his tongue. He drank the water quietly swallowing the pill in the process.
“Huh… Guess even Hellara can be pretty nice every once in a while…” Shinigami said floating above his head looking down at the sight before her.
Yuma closed his eyes as he continued drinking. The ice cool water felt good going down his throat so even if the pill was already down, he kept drinking. It was refreshing and it was just what his feverish body needed.
Once he was done with his cold beverage, he released the straw exhaling.
“Thank you Halara…” he said with a weak smile.
Halara didn’t speak putting the glass down and stood up walking toward the door.
“I will solve this case alone. You cannot continue in your state.” They spoke.
“Wait…but you said…”
“I know what I said. But circumstances have changed. The chief is still being held hostage by those peacekeepers, and you’re too ill to continue the case. There is no time to hesitate…you will owe me greatly for this, but we do not have many options.”
Halara closed their eyes. “I may have an idea on the culprit…just leave it to me, Yuma.”
Yuma looked up at Shinigami.
“Hate to admit it but, Hellara’s right. You can hardly move in the condition you’re in and pretty sure that rain would boom-kill you before you solve the case anyway. Plus, if you pass out, so do I, and that wasn’t a lot of fun for me y’know!”
Yuma sighed as he looked back at his temporary caretaker about to leave.
“Thanks… I’ll leave it to you Halara…” he responded.
Halara nodded. “Get some rest. When you wake up again, we will be back in the agency with the chief unharmed.” They gave a wink.
“With my logic, anything is possible.”
Yuma nodded as he watched Halara leave the room making sure the door was locked so nobody would barge in to bother or even attack Yuma. They made sure the windows were locked too and the lighting in the room was dim.
They really did think of everything.
Yuma yawned as he slowly turned his head sinking it into the soft fluffy pillow. This bed was much more comfortable than the sofa he slept on back at the agency. He felt he would fall asleep any minute.
“Hey, Master? I think you should probably be careful how much you use Coalescence from now on…” Shinigami commented. “Maybe only use it just once or twice…”
Yuma nodded weakly as he sighed, slowly closing his eyes drifting off to a much-needed slumber. One that he couldn’t get back at the agency.
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choco-bloop · 1 year
Spoilers for Master Detective Archives: Raincode Chapter 2
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god these three. The ending of this case broke me emotionally why Kodaka do you like playing with our emotions like this (note how this is oh so similar to V3 Chapter 3's main conflict with the Traffic Light trio...)
and if there's something that came to my mind in Ch2, its that them and Aiko... absolutely gay. Childhood friends to lovers. And to quote Kurane at the end "But now she's gone... Everything's hopeless now!"
also the fact that they willingly acted hostile to each other for im guessing almost half a year just so that could enact revenge says a lot.
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venkidu · 7 months
Master Detective Archives: Revival Code
Summary: You awaken in an unknown location with a splitting headache, no memories, and a fuzzy blue ghost who calls himself "Yakou Furio”. What the actual hell is going on?
Rated M for language and canon-typical violence
Cross-posted on Ao3
Chapter 0, Part B
Ripples of pain shoot up your legs each time your feet slam into the ground.
You’re pushing and shoving your way through the crowd, eyes too focused on checking the signage hanging from the ceiling to really pay too much attention to the people around you.
Finally, you spot it - platform three!
You make one final push through the crowd and leap through an open door, tumbling onto the floor as Yakou zooms in behind you.
As you push yourself up off your hands and knees, you hear a clicking noise coming from behind you.
Holding a hand against your ribs in an attempt to soothe the stitch in your side, you glance all around you - you have no memories of being on a train, but judging from the lavish interior, you’re pretty certain that the Amaterasu Express is no ordinary ride. A plush, red carpet is beneath your feet, and dark wood panelling with gold inlay lines the corridor. Spaced evenly along the walls were wall scones in the shape of winged figures, casting a warm glow that travels throughout the space.
You’re still taking it all in when a disembodied voice startles you.
“Thank you for choosing the Amaterasu Express Direct to Kanai Ward. Our train utilizes Amaterasu Corporation’s state-of-the-art technology for an automated, safe, and comfortable service. There is no crew aboard the train. Thank you for your understanding.”
“Automated?” you repeat in confusion. “No crew?!”
The blue beachball-like form of Yakou appears to be leaning against the wall next to the door, arms crossed. He nods in understanding.
“It means the only people on board are the passengers,” he explains.
You wander over to a door that has a window set into it and peer through the glass. A large console computer, with flashing lights, blinking buttons, and several levers and switches is visible, but sure enough, no person is inside the room. You reach down and give the door handle a tug. Locked.
“This train has five cars. It will operate non-stop to its destination,” the robotic voice speaks up again. “Food and beverages are available in Car 2. Restrooms are available in Car 1 and Car 5. In case of an emergency, visit the Backup Control Room in Car 3 and contact Control Headquarters via the intercom. We hope you enjoy your trip aboard the Amaterasu Express on your journey to Kanai Ward.”
You walk over to a map that hangs from the wall in a gilded frame. According to the map, you’re in Car 5.
“Hey, Yakou, are you allowed to tell me when the last time I ate was?” you ask your spectral companion.
“Yes, I would absolutely be allowed to, Master! If I knew when that was,” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his head.
You scoff a little before your stomach makes a loud gurgling noise.
“It’s clearly been awhile,” you mutter, feeling slightly embarrassed.
Yakou floats over to study the map. “The dining car is in Car 2. Let’s go see what we can find!”
You nod. “Maybe we’ll meet some of the other passengers too?” you suggest.
Yakou shakes his head. “If I remember Kanai Ward correctly, the place was kind of on lockdown. It was impossible to leave and almost impossible to get in. In fact, now that I really think about it, I’m surprised there’s a train heading there.”
Yakou suddenly looks downwards, his tail twitching again.
“Yakou? Are you okay?” you ask.
He suddenly looks back up and gives you a big grin. “Yeah, I’m fine! Just thought I remembered something, but I’m probably wrong! Come on, Master, let’s go get you something to eat!” He zooms on ahead.
You feel a slight shiver run down your body, but the rumbling in your stomach forces the ominous feeling out of your mind. You follow the blue ghost.
“So do Death Gods need to eat?” you inquire as you walk alongside your companion.
“In a sense, yes,” Yakou replies.
You begin to ask what his form of sustenance tastes like, but he quickly interrupts with a “I’d rather not talk about it!” while frantically waving his arms in front of himself.
You giggle and shake your head as you reach the end of the corridor. A large white door with the same logo from your ticket stands in front of you.
You give a tug on the gold handle attached to the door and pull towards you.
You begin to step through, expecting to see a hallway identical to the one you just walked down.
What you see instead is a black, humanoid figure laying on the ground, one arm outstretched as if it were reaching for the door.
You yelp and slam the door shut and press your back up against the surface to hold it shut.
“Yakou,” you whisper. “What was that?!”
Yakou floats before you, eyes wide, form trembling.
“I-I think it was a c-corpse!” he stammers. “Master, you gotta open the door back up and check!”
You pause and stare at Yakou in shock.
“Why am I the one checking?! You’re the detective!”
Yakou begins to laugh nervously and waves his arms out in front of him.
“Okay, this is about as good a time as any to mention that when I was a detective, I did my best to avoid dealing with murder cases!
“Yeah, I know it sounds totally crazy, but corpses totally freak me out! I mostly stuck to lost pets and cheating spouses!”
You’re trying your best to sound mad but you can’t fight the fear that is bubbling up inside of you and the tears that threaten to spill form your eyes.
“Yakou, what do we do?” you whisper, tugging on your hair.
Yakou stares at the door as he takes a long drag from his cigarette. His hands tremble slightly.
“We have to check behind that door,” he states. Upon seeing the panicked look in your face, he zooms closer to you and places a spectral hand on your shoulder. “I know, it’s scary, I’m scared too, but we can’t formulate a plan unless we know what we’re up against.”
You nod, swallowing the spit and snot that has gathered in your mouth from crying. “Okay.”
“I’m going to be right beside you the whole time, okay?”
“Got it,” you whisper.
You take a deep breath and pull the door open once again and tentatively step through the doorway. You notice that parts of the walls and carpet have black smudges on them, like they were brushed by fire at one point.
“Hello?” you call out meekly.
No answer.
“Okay, Master,” Yakou sighs, placing his hands on where you imagine his hips might be. “I’m going to teach you how to be a detective.”
You whip around to face him. “What?!”
“I’m going to teach you how to be a detective,” he repeats with more confidence. “I’m not much help physically-” He tries to pat your shoulder as if to remind you “-but I was a detective. I still have that knowledge. So, you’ll be my hands and I’ll be your guide.”
You sigh. “I guess we don’t really have a choice, do we?”
“Okay, well, what’s first?”
Yakou rubs his chin. “Do you know how to check for a pulse?”
You shake your head.
“Okay, that’s fine, I can teach you! It’s really easy. Just take your index and middle fingers and hold them on the side of your neck, right under your jaw! Do you feel anything?”
You do your best to stay completely still for a moment, focusing on the vibrating sensation you feel underneath your fingertips.
You eventually nod. “It’s kind of like a beat.”
“That’s your pulse, Master - it indicates that your heart is beating and that you’re alive. But now, you gotta go check, erm…them,” Yakou gestures towards the blackened figure.
“Do I have to?” you whisper.
“I’ll be right beside you,” Yakou promises.
You do your best to take a calming breath before nodding. “Okay.”
You slowly crouch down next to the body and wrinkle your nose as a sickly sweet scent hits you. You reach out towards the figure’s neck, fingers trembling.
You let out a short gasp as you make contact with the skin.
You wait.
No pulse.
As you pull away from the body, small flakes of blackened skin stick to your fingers. A startled cry comes from your lips and you hastily wipe your fingers on the floor as you scramble away from the body.
You clutch your chest and lean against the wall as you struggle to calm your breathing.
Yakou floats up next to you. “No pulse, I’m assuming?”
You shake your head. Yakou sighs before giving you a confident smile.
“Well, hey, that was pretty brave of you for checking! I’m impressed, Master!”
“Thanks,” you reply shakily.
As you slowly push yourself back up, Yakou floats back over to the body and begins to circle it, occasionally pausing to take a closer look at the remains.
“Master, I hate to ask this of you, but can you come pick something up for me?” he calls out.
“S-sure,” you nod, hesitantly walking over to where Yakou is floating. “What is it?”
He points at something shiny laying partially under the corpse. “I need to check what that is.”
You sigh before gulping. “Okay.” You crouch down and slowly reach towards the corpse, managing to get a hold on the object without touching the body.
As you stand up, you turn the object over in your hand. It looks to be a silver badge of some sort, in the shape of an eye with wings sprouting from the sides.
“What’s this symbol?” you ask as you gently trace the image with your fingertips.
“It’s the symbol for the World Detective Organization,” Yakou explained. “The World Detective Organization is an extra-legal, extra-privileged organization devoted to ‘eradicating the world’s unsolved mysteries’.”
“So, you think this person is a part of that organization?” you inquire.
Yakou appears to nod, a grim expression on his face. “This isn’t good. We need to figure out who else is on this train. Come on, Master.”
You follow Yakou through the next door and into Car 3.
You’re about to ask if he has any idea about what may have happened when the words catch in your throat.
Two more bodies are in front of you. And this time, they both have very recognizable features.
They both appear to be male and wearing near-identical navy blue uniforms with intricate silver stitching. Both uniforms have WDO badges pinned to them.
“Shit,” Yakou mutters.
You gently reach down and check the pulse of the figure laying on its back - its face is blue, you notice, bile creeping up your throat.
No pulse.
You check the second figure - this one is laying on its side, arms outstretched.
No pulse.
“There’s still two more cars,” you whisper.
“But are there more people…” Yakou wonders.
You step around the two bodies.
“Only one way to find out.”
You rush down the hall and into Car 2.
There’s no other word to describe the scene other than chaos.
Tables and chairs are flipped over and torn, there’s holes in the wall, and broken shards of glass bottles are scattered all over the floor.
At the far end of the room, there’s a bar.
And a body slumped over it.
You and Yakou exchange nervous glances before you roll your sleeves up.
You know what’s about to happen.
You know you’ll place your fingers on their cold, clammy neck.
You know you won’t feel a pulse.
But one look from Yakou puts your body in motion.
You check.
No pulse.
But the body is clad in a navy blue and silver ensemble and there’s a WDO badge pinned to their arm.
“One more car, Master,” Yakou reminds you.
You carefully step over more shards of glass and into the final car - Car 1.
As you make your way down the corridor, nothing seems to be amiss - no holes or burn marks or broken glass, and most importantly - no bodies.
You get to the end of the corridor when you feel your heart jump - you think you see something in through the window of the second control room, but quickly realize it’s just your reflection.
Leaning against the wall, you look at Yakou, despair etched across your features.
“What do we do now?”
“An in-depth investigation, Master. I have something I need to tell you, but I need to confirm something about the body in the dining car first.”
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luvp-music · 1 year
finding ‘father’ [Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE Chapter 4/OC Stuff] | MASSIVE SPOILERS
tw// violence, vulgar language, yomi hellsmile being an asshole AN: This work is accompanied by artwork that will be posted later. It is OC x canon events, so please excuse any altering to the canon there may be.
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Sachika’s brain went static the second her eyes saw pink. Usually by now, she would only see red, and rage. Although her emotions should have gone haywire, and she should be going berserk, she was free. Was it because of the effects of the lab? Was it due to the help of Desuhiko’s Disguise having a lasting effect? Was it because of Yomi Hellsmile in the lab behind her? Was it because she still needed to keep a lasting impression on the other agents? Or was it…
…because Yakou Furio was bleeding out in front of her and she couldn’t do anything?
She felt powerless. She had one goddamn job after doing everything for him, and she failed. Everyone failed.
Sachika could only stand there, frozen. Even as Yuma ran out, shouting for the Chief to respond, she couldn’t do anything. Even as the Chief spoke his final words to Yuma and her both, her vision was white, her body couldn’t move. She couldn’t even recall if she was breathing. The world was set in slow motion. The world was moving faster. The world stopped. It kept going around and around in circles in her mind and nothing could ever seem to stop it.
Then the chilling voice of Hellsmile spoke up, saying, “Huh? What’s going on here?”
That was when she seemed to snap back into reality, screaming at Yakou to wake up, to tell her what the hell happened, and WHY he would let something like this happen. Yuma left her be to plead with Yomi to treat Yakou’s wounds, only to be blamed for it all. Within a blink of an eye, Yuma was being held with his arms behind his back, begging for someone, anyone to do something. All the while Sachika was attempting to stop the bleeding.
“--…a pitiful, fitting end for an unjust life,” he spoke, “And in front of his precious girl, too. You’re sick. Arrest this fucker we caught red handed.”
Don’t call me that. You have no right to call me that. You have no idea…
Walking over to her and the chief’s body, Yomi grimaced to himself, “Why the hell would I help worms like you? …”
Once again, his voice faded out of Sachika’s reality, before the stomping of his heel on Yakou’s face snapped any form of resistance she may have had.
“STOP!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, beginning to claw and throw her fists at the man, “Get your fucking hands off of him!!”
Yomi was quick. Almost too quick. Within a second, he had grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her so she couldn’t move.
“Aw, how cute. Daddy’s little girl is defending him until his final, dying breath. It almost makes me sick,” he sneered, spitting on her face before throwing her onto the ground.
Sachika resorted to kicking when she couldn’t move her upper body, being pinned down by Yomi. There was something so wrong about this entire scenario. Why was she fighting for her life next to Yakou’s bleeding body? Against the head of the Peacekeepers no less? The rational part of her brain knew he had no time left, there was blood everywhere. But he had to be saved. Yakou Furio was all she had in this hellhole known as Kanai Ward.
What came next moved far too fast for anyone to keep up. Yomi’s fist connected with Sachika’s face. Once. Twice. Three times. Four times. Five– she stopped counting. She couldn’t feel her face anymore. Yomi was so satisfied, finally beating both of his least favorite people in Kanai Ward to the ground, screaming profanities and threats all the while. When he was satisfied with Sachika’s bloody nose and bruised skin, he continued by grabbing her head and neck, pounding the back of her skull with the hard, marble floor of the lab. Her ruby blood spilled out onto the floor, she couldn’t feel her head, she was getting dizzy, she was going to pass out, she was going to pass out, she was going to–
Right on que, Halara and Vivia came in, dealing with any Peacekeepers that were keeping Yomi company. The next few seconds were like a dream. With every blink of Sachika’s eyes, one Peacekeeper was on the ground. Yuma and Fubuki were running hand in hand away from the scene. Yomi was running away.
Yomi was running away?
Yomi was running away.
No matter how much she wanted to duplicate herself and catch the bastard, the pain in her body and head was too much to push through. The only sense she bothered keenly using in the moment was her hearing, which only worked so well.
“You think – carry her?”
“I’m not – built – drop her –”
“It’s either – to die – . I’m – take the Chief.”
With that, Sachika felt herself being carried before she felt a sigh where she thought her shoulder was. Looking up through swollen, beaten eyes, she saw Vivia, one of the only close friends she managed to make through this mission.
“Stay awake, now. It’ll be a hassle if you pass out, too.”
She couldn’t refute his statement. She couldn’t do anything, really. All that came from this mission down to the lab was sadness, pain, and unneeded death. Looking down at her bruised, bleeding body, her mind began to wonder. No matter how many thoughts appeared in her mind, there was only one feeling she had: numbness.
Figures. She lost a mother, and now she has lost a “father”.
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elluia · 9 months
My 2023 fanfic recs [3/5]
This is a multi-part series, with a countdown to the New Year!
The best of Ike x Soren fanfics
The best of Fire Emblem fanfics (Genealogy, Three Houses, Engage, Heroes)
The best of misc. series (Omori, Long Live The Queen, Stardew Valley) YOU ARE HERE
The Spicy™ best-of (bonk)
My 2023 works recap (Fódlan and Tellius)
Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE
This game… I spent my entire September obsessed with it. The last case is a masterpiece of storytelling. If you know, you know. It’s a detective game, so beware of the spoilers marked below.
Family Where You Least Expect It by Lee_The_Bean ⚠ CHAPTER 4 SPOILERS
An AU where the Resistance isn’t as kind, and Yuma suffers for it. The teamwork and found family feels between the members of the Nocturnal Detective Agency are absolutely lovely. Be careful with the content warnings and spoilers.
Master Detective Archives: The First Code by Cocoa Cat (The_Silent_Sparrow) ⚠ ENDGAME SPOILERS
A masterful (get it? BONK) dive into the past of the mysterious Number One. Each chapter contains a case to solve with amazing deductions and resolution. The characterisation fits the canon to a T. This is unbelievably good!
Courtesy Call by Schrodingers_Rufus ⚠ ENDGAME SPOILERS
My heart combusts with cuteness because of Makoto. Again, if you know, you know.
Brother, My Brother by rararazaquato ⚠ ENDGAME SPOILERS
Same as the previous one, so enjoy yourself if you’ve finished the game.
The creativity of this fandom never ceases to amaze me…
Recurring Nightmare (scitydreamer) ⚠ ENDGAME SPOILERS
A post Good Ending fic, with a twist. Can’t say more!
Whumptober 2023 Omori (TheFearIsRed)
And all prompts finished!
Whumptober 2023 (Lilac_The_Book_Lover)
Also great!
Long Live The Queen
That’s quite a specific fandom, I have a few other recommendations if you’re interested.
Choose Well, Choose Wisely, Choose Again (tuesday)
When story meets gameplay, multiple playthroughs tell a new story about Elodie’s character.
Stardew Valley
One Person Can Change A Community by KalteHerz
What If… the farmer never came to Stardew Valley? Beautiful story about the butterfly effect of the player’s influence on the game’s world and characters.
Stay tuned for the ~spicy~ fic recs tomorrow!
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sakura-code · 1 year
Something I like to believe (and in a twisted way of wholesomeness) is that when the NDA found Icardi and Servan, there was some righteous fury approaching them. Like these two (mainly Icardi) dragged their youngest teammate into his plan, framing him as a terrorist, and indirectly sending a psychopathic Peacekeeper onto him. I like to imagine when they find Icardi, they charge right onto their boat (to the point of almost crashing into them), with Desuhiko and Halara jumping on them and tying them up (Icardi may have gotten a few bruises during the scuffle) and Yakou keeps a very close eye on the two (again mainly Icardi).
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Like, yes, Icardi looks like he may be one of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman’s top customers, and he has awkward elf ears, and he looks like he bites people in his free time, but he is MY glup shitto and I love him. 💋✨🥂
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elina-sakura · 1 year
Something I notice throughout the game is that while Yakou is cowardly and kind of self-preserving to avoid trouble with the Peacekeepers, he isn’t wrong to be really wary of them. Especially when we learn the last time someone close to him tried to resist Amaterasu, they ended up killed. He just doesn’t want the same thing to happen to him or anyone else close to him again.
I mean, if he was a selfish coward, he would want nothing to do with the detectives anymore. He could have stop letting them into his base and cut them out of his life. He could have kicked Yuma out of his base since he was one of the major contributors in instigating the Peacekeepers’ wrath.
But no!
Yakou kept the detectives around no matter how much trouble they caused! He went in search of Yuma and Fubuki when they didn’t come back, even when Yuma was reported to supposedly have become a terrorist. He was even willing to go along with Yuma with the Peacekeepers just to keep him safe from the Peacekeepers’ wrath.
Chapter 4 Spoilers Ahead!
I mean, someone could say that Yakou wanted to keep them close so he could use the detectives’ fortes in his revenge plan against Dr. Huesca. Especially since the gang almost get arrested and framed by the Peacekeepers. But he has stated before them to seek the truth, first when Yuma found him after he was stabbed, and secondly to Vivia when he was about to stop Yuma from exposing the truth. And yes, I know the story speculate his wordings could have been for himself, but why would he say it aloud and let Vivia and Yuma hear it the second time? Besides, the wordings can come from your own experiences and pass them onto others.
Basically, he is one of the best father figures in medias, and he is one of my favorite characters in Master Detective Archives: Rain Code.
RIP Yakou Fathero🕊️
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supersilversleuth · 3 years
Your Words Aren’t Real (So Why Do They Hurt So Much?) by SuperSilverSpy
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Dick Grayson & Batfamily members, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson & Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Hurt Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson-centric, Dick Grayson Whump, Whump, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Hurt, Hurt No Comfort, I seem to be doing a lot of that these days…, Whumptober 2021, Mind Control, fear toxin, Hallucinations, anyway, Angst, SuperSilverSpy, SilverGrayson, SilverWhump, Taunting, Insults, ”who did this to you?”
“Sometimes I wish you were my father, but I know you could never be. Bruce will always be my real father. You were just an inadequate stand-in.”
Dick choked, barely noticing the swift kick to his ribs before he was already stumbling back, ducking around Steph’s fist as he fought to regain his balance.
“You were a terrible brother,” said the voices of Jason and Tim. “All you ever did with me was make mistakes.”
OR Mind Control with a heaping of Angst
No. 3 - STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT… taunting | insults | “Who did this to you?”
Part 3 of 2021 Most Whumperful Time of the Year - Dick Grayson-centric
Language: English Words: 1,645 Chapters: 1/1
Nightwing awoke in a warehouse, surrounded by Batman, Red Hood, Robin, Spoiler, and Red Robin. They were all passed out on the ground, strange devices wrapped around their heads. They seemed relatively unharmed, not a bruise or laceration or twisted limb in sight.  He sighed in relief.
Looking around, Dick noted the absence of visible hostiles. He turned to Robin, who was closest to him and inspected the device around boy’s head; whatever it was, it couldn’t be good.  He felt along the smooth metal, searching (or feeling) for a way to remove it.
A moment later, several ding! sounds echoed in the warehouse, emitting from the head devices. Damian’s eyes opened, glowing a vibrant yellow. Dick backed up as the rest of his family began to rise around him. He knew mind control when he saw it, though that didn’t stop him from asking, “Uh…guys? You still in there?”
Their faces remained  expressionless as they turned threateningly towards him.
“Guess not,” he answered himself. “Looks like it’s just another exciting day in the life of the great and eternally stressed out Nightwing.”
He’d probably have to come up with yet another insightful and compelling speech to snap them out of it, par for the course for him at this point. Oh but how he wished it wasn’t. Every single time somebody in his family got brainwashed, or mind-controlled, or possessed (all of which happened way more often than it should), he was pretty much always the one to talk them down, or get beaten up and nearly killed for his efforts. It had reached a point where he wondered if Bruce was actively trying to get one of Dick’s siblings to accidentally kill him.
Well, at least one thing was different this time—he was facing off against five family members at once, instead of one, or two, or his entire f***ing team. But that was a story for another day.
Maybe, he could actually fight close to his full capability against them, without too much fear of hurting them. He didn’t have to knock them out or sedate them after all, he just needed to damage those device things around their heads.
Hood lunged at him first, guns drawn. Dick dodged, wrenching one of the man’s guns away with a grunt. He threw it across the room, knowing it did nothing for him in close quarters combat wherein he was attempting not to hurt, kill, or maim any of his would-be killers. There was no time for him to contemplate Jason’s likely reaction to the discovery of his ruined gun that would surely come later. Batman was already springing into action, fists swinging through the air in an unnaturally aimed-to-kill way.
Dick flipped around, dodging attacks from the two. He needed to bide his time, wait for the right opportunity to strike. He tried to electrocute them to short-circuit their metal head-band device things, but it didn’t really seem to do anything. He did, however, manage to get in a good hit to Jason’s head, which disoriented the man—and likely the person in control of him. Bruce went down next, Dick slipping the man’s belt out from around his waist in a move no one else in the world knew, and throwing a flash bomb in his face.
Pocketting what he could from the belt before tossing that too away (the emergency beacon didn’t work), he turned to face his new opponents. Spoiler and Robin, the short little duo wreaking havoc to his right, with Bruce and Jason getting back up on his left.
Whoever was controlling his family wasn’t the best at it, though forcing them to attempt murder against their own instincts was a feat in itself.
“You failed me,” said two very familiar voices in unison. It was Bruce and Damian.
Dick was so startled he almost didn’t manage to dodge the sneak attack Red Robin was attempting from behind.
“You failed the mission, our mission, you’ve failed the family I’ve given you, and the city I put in your responsibility.” It was just Bruce now, speaking blankly, words flowing out with no restraint.
Dick swallowed, but forced himself to ignore the man, ignore the words. It was probably just a program to detect negative emotion associated with thoughts of Nightwing and force the mind-controlled victim to...to say the thoughts out loud. Logically, he knew this.
Logic couldn’t prepare him for what came next.
“Sometimes I wish you were my father, but I know you could never be. Bruce will always be my real father. You were just an inadequate stand-in.”
Dick choked, barely noticing the swift kick to his ribs before he was already stumbling back, ducking around Steph’s fist as he fought to regain his balance.
“You were a terrible brother,” said the voices of Jason and Tim. “All you ever did with me was make mistakes.”
His vision had blurred at some point in time, he wasn’t sure when. A fist slammed into his jaw, a bow staff swiped at his feet. Purple flashed in the corner of his vision as his wrist was brutally snapped. Dick opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
“They say never meet your heroes. I guess they were right then, hmmm? Except you were never my hero, and yet you still managed to disappoint me anyway.” Steph’s tone was sharp and biting as she jammed a shuriken into his shoulder.
Dick pushed her away, doing a messy backflip to land on Bruce, using what little momentum he had to push off towards Jason, tackling him for the umpteenth time.
“You were unfit to be a mentor, just look at you now. And the students become the masters…” said the scathing voices of Dami, Steph, and Tim. Laughter echoed in his ears, sounding cruelly amused. No, this wasn’t them, they would never say such things…
“Oh it’s all true,” said a voice from behind him, Jay’s voice. “What is it, Goldie, can’t handle the pressure?”
Dick tried in vain to block the voices out, focusing just long enough to knock the device around Tim’s head askew.
The boy fell to the ground, reality mixing with fantasy as Tim’s eyes looked up at him, cold and lifeless, as blood pooled around Tim’s twisted body, as if he’d fallen… Corpse-pale lips parted, harsh words spilling out onto unforgiving ground, “You think I’m just like you, but you’re wrong. I’m better. You couldn’t beat me if you tried. I’m too pure, somehow untainted by your doomed soul, even after all this time.”
Crazed laughter echoed in Dick’s ears, even as he blinked and saw Tim as he actually was, lying unconscious—and alive, on the ground.
“Look at that, failing to protect those you love most? You’re worthless to them, and to me. I should never have taken you in.” The words were growled in a familiar deep register, and yet...the tone was unusually cruel—
Dick found himself sprawled on the ground, back still smarting from where he’d been kicked. He struggled to his good hand and knees, only to hear the sound of a gun cocking. He looked up. Jason stood above him, Steph and Damian on either side.
“Tt, Grayson, always so pathetic.” For a moment, Dami seemed to be wearing an older version of his uniform, from when he was still Dick’s Robin…
Steph tossed her hair back, giggling, and Dick saw her in a different costume, that of Robin, and then it changed to Batgirl. Gah, he was so confused.
She wasn’t. “You’re not going to make it this time around. How does it feel knowing we’d all be glad? You’ve hurt us more than helped us, Dick. It’s time you’ve faced that fact.”
Jason smirked down at him. “Any last words? We all know you don’t deserve them, but, well,” he smirked, “I’m feeling charitable today.”
Dick lunged upward, body tensed as if to tackle, arms outstretched as if to hug. Dick himself wasn’t quite sure what it was meant to be, what he wanted anymore…
The gun went off, bullet burying itself in Dick’s side.
Three pairs of feet began to kick at his prone body from all sides. He curled in on himself, clutching desperately at the bullet wound, mind hazy with blood loss and something...else… A scraping noise, close to his ear. Dick barely registered it through the pain of the systematic blows raining down. Another pair of feet entered his vision, Bruce’s Batman boots. Dick panicked, using one hand to staunch the blood flow while the other went to his neck, to where he instinctively knew the real problem was. There was a device, attached to his neck, like a mini version of what the others had, but missing a few parts. He yanked it off, and immediately, he heard the thumps of his hopefully just unconscious family members falling to the ground.
Dick squinted at the device, as he felt himself joining them in the land of darkness. A familiar scarecrow label stared back at him, Jervis Tetch craftsmanship was practically written all over the thing as well…
Jason woke, groggy and disoriented. He found himself amongst other bats, all lying on the floor in a circle like some kind of crazy sorcerer spell gone wrong. The others were slowly waking, blinking and shaking their heads as if to clear the fog away. And in the middle of it all, at the center of their little coming-back-to-the-land-of-the-living circle, lay Dick Grayson, covered in blood, close to passing out.
The guy was nearly unrecognizable, but Jason would recognize that ridiculous hairstyle anywhere. Scrambling over to his brother’s side, Jason ignored the way the room spun, placing a hand on Dick’s shoulder and looking down at the man, brow pinched in concern.
“Dickie?” he asked, “Who did this to you?”
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sheriffslop · 1 year
Master Detective Archives Spoilers !!
Listen, if Melami and Iruka were the culprits in their cases, it would have been so much more interesting. The whole thing with Zilch being an imposter and Icardi killing Shachi with that silly ass motive was just so boring.
Like, I feel like Melami being so warm and comforting to Yuma only to drug and betray him would have made the case a bit more interesting, something along the motives of “ he’s just a child, and he’s obviously not supposed to be here, so why not try to get rid of him “ was my hypothesis, because it felt more interesting than “ One of us is an Imposter, and obviously the imposter is a bad guy “ - I think it would have shown more grey area in the game, given more the question we’re wondering by Chapter Five. Who’s really the bad guy ? Are we the bad guys ? I feel like that leaves more room for Yuma to have character development.
And the idea that we already know Iruka is trigger happy really left a lot of room for betrayal in Chapter Three, and it could have had a more compelling motive, such as a heated argument among friends turned deadly. I’m not saying Iruka would want to kill Shachi, quite the opposite, her flaw getting the better of her, only for her to be apologetic in the mystery labyrinth, make Yuma question - is he really doing the right thing ? Is his pact with Shinigami actually beneficial to anyone ? Any time he does question it, it comes out of nowhere and disappears as quickly as it came.
Ah, gear grinding thoughts. 🤠✨🥂
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sakura-code · 11 months
Me who planned on brainstorming my new Homunculus Yuma AU, only to end up creating a whole side story of the Chapter Three exploring The Resistance becoming set up as more relevant in the story, The Resistance and the Nocturnal Detective Agency teaming up, the Nocturnal Detective Agency slowly losing their sanity as the days pass with Yuma missing, many character exploration and impact and development from the experience, exploring more of Kanai Ward and its citizens and returning characters, and possibly a prison break-in?!
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