masstrans · 3 years
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Passenger Information Display System
Passenger information forms the heart of a mass transit system, enabling individuals to efficiently travel from one stage of their journey to the next. Passenger Information Display Systems (PIDS) from Masstrans are the digital information systems which display real-time information for the passengers.
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fairplay999in-blog · 5 years
Indian Traffic: A Smart Solution
Indian metro cities are growing faster with people from the rural areas pouring in, and the existing ones multiplying. The population has outgrown current amenities and resources. Houses are smaller, water is polluted, the trash is over-flowing and the roads are inadequate to accommodate all the vehicles.
Among all the problems in Indian modern cities, traffic remains the most urgent issue we need to address. It is estimated that average time a commuter spends on a weekday to travel is 91 minutes in Indian metro cities, according to Dalia Research conducted in 2017. As per the same review, we have reached among the top 5 countries with the longest traffic time. Congestion degenerates economy by making trips longer. The environment is at great risk as the pollution from vehicles has increased tenfold; what it impacts the greatest is human health and lifestyle. The Indian population has surpassed the existing infrastructure rendering it scarce for modern India.
A large number of private vehicles are adding to the existing congestion problem. A flood of new models are slated to enter India over the next five years, intensifying competition in the country’s $30 billion auto market, which is expected to rank behind only China and the U.S. in sales by 2020, as stated in the Economic Times in 2017. Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., the nation’s biggest carmaker, says it aims to double the portion of sales from auto-gear vehicles by 2020. Many other car and truck companies are investing in the Indian market, which has the potential to grow. Some measures are being taken to tackle the traffic problem but the solutions are short. Projects like share cabs from India’s leading cab service have helped a little in the huge traffic problem.
The correct way to approach the problem is by automation. Smart products take better care of a puzzle that is too time-consuming for the human brain. Thousands of probabilities and experiences and data is pilled up and loaded to the software. It analyzes and takes quick decisions to solve the problems. This shall save a huge amount of time and resources. It will contribute to less pollution and might slow down health effects on the urban population. The need for staff will be eliminated thus bringing fast and accurate results. Barcelona, for example, has installed adaptive traffic lights to steer the traffic in the right direction. It has solved the traffic problems to great extents! Copenhagen’s integrative public transport model helps avoid traffic; it automatically regulates the flow. This way the traffic is diverted to alternative roads and the problem of congestion is resolved.
Traffic lights have operated on the same algorithm since decades, they can be automated with software that can help in decision making. Number plates of vehicles can be tracked to know how many vehicles have passed a particular junction, and for keeping a record. Automatic signs need to show up on roads with local information about traffic conditions. All these working in sync are going to ease traffic at once and provide you with better travel experience.
Masstrans provides all the solutions that are required to control traffic. The adaptive traffic control system adjusts to changing traffic conditions. With automatic number plate recognition and red light violation detection, roads can be made safe from people violating rules. These are placed at road junctions and major squares. Variable message display on the pole is designed to display weather conditions, its forecast and traffic conditions. It supports various other types of messages as well. Speed control signs put breaks on vehicles that over-speed unnecessarily. This can bring down mishaps on roads and keep traffic in order.
The catastrophe of traffic congestion is huge and may get out of control soon, but can be handled better with smart products that ease the whole process. Indian infrastructure will benefit from advanced solutions.
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lawyernearmebc · 6 years
RT https://t.co/3EfOFaPtiU The Red Line on Metro and Mass Transit Accidents: A History https://t.co/3Pxc7qwxKc #hiltonsomer #personalinjury #personalinjurylaw #masstrans… https://t.co/Pqy2YE3nMS
RT https://t.co/3EfOFaPtiU The Red Line on Metro and Mass Transit Accidents: A History https://t.co/3Pxc7qwxKc #hiltonsomer #personalinjurylawyer #personalinjury #personalinjurylaw #masstrans… pic.twitter.com/Pqy2YE3nMS
— Bryan B. Burnett (@bryanbburnett) August 15, 2018
Source: @bryanbburnett August 15, 2018 at 10:17AM More info Personal Injury Lawyer
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masstrans · 4 years
Smart Bin at Smart Technology India Expo makes a huge impact
February 2020 saw the greatest event in Mumbai regarding waste collection and management. Waste Technology India Expo has taken an initiative to bring all the latest technology under one roof. The technology being displayed here brings forth solutions to the never ending problem of solid waste collection and management in India. It is an effort to bring forth a solid waste collection system.
Masstrans was a part of this prestigious event where we showcased our news technology, smart bins! These are a perfect solid waste collection solution. Bigbelly is the smart bin that notifies server when full. It works in solar power and helps keep rodents away. Bigbelly is ideal for India as there is no spillage and overflowing waste; this shall keep our localities sparkling clean. 
Bigbelly got massive attention and response from onlookers. A live demo made Bigbelly even more intriguing. 
 For more details visit us http://masstrans.in/smart-city-solutions/solid-waste-collection-system/
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masstrans · 5 years
Intelligent Transportation Solutions: The future of Indian Transport
Increasing traffic is one of the most time-consuming problems India is facing right now. As technology is progressing, so is the amount of traffic. An increasing number of vehicles, with infrastructure improving at a slower rate has lead to chronic traffic congestion problems, while the citizens are being stripped off in terms of time and wealth.
As per Quartz India, approximately Rs. 2.2 Crores was wasted in India last year due to traffic congestion; that includes fuel wastage, slow speed of freight vehicles and the long wait at toll plazas. This affects us by the increased level of pollution and lost time. The time factor in traffic is being reconsidered by the European nations. ‘Travelling to work is work,’ indicates the European Court rules. Considering that the time of commute to work is increasing per day with a growing number of transportation problems, relevant actions need to be taken. On average, commuters in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Kolkata spend 1.5 hours more on their daily commute than their counterparts in other Asian cities during peak traffic times, according to a report in 2017 presented by the Boston Consulting Group. The total vehicle population in 2015 was 210 million. It comprised of 73.5% two-wheelers, 13.6% cars, jeeps and taxis, 1% buses, 4.4% goods vehicle and 7.5% other vehicles. The sale of Passenger Vehicles grew by 7.89 percent in April-March 2018. Some measures are being taken but they will not last long as the infrastructure is now outdated to support modern problems. With so much time being spent by such a large percentage of the population on the roads, advanced and smart solutions are the need of the hour.
The purpose of ITS (Intelligent Transportation Solutions) is to process daily data and give out quick solutions. It can share traffic and weather information that can prevent potential crashes, keep the traffic moving, and decrease the negative environmental impacts. Indian railways is another huge entity that needs to be modernized as it connects nearly the whole of India and is a major freight mover too. Upgrading public transport to a more intelligent system will have an exponential effect on the nation’s economy. Many cities are investing in developing city metro rail networks, this will help relieve urban traffic to an extent.
While some attempts have been made to control congestion on roads, none of the traditional solutions have satisfied the need. Also, transport demands have seen a rapid increase in the country, which mandates the need for automation and organization. One accidental death occurs every four seconds in India – we have been reminded by Economic Times via 2017 reports. Taking the gravity of these numbers into consideration, it is safe to deduce that automation and road safety is an urgency in India!
At Masstrans we provide transportation solutions for the modern era. We strongly believe in setting trends and making lifestyle better; in this case with safe and convenient transit solutions. Intelligent transportation is perfectly aligned with IoT thus making ground transit smoother. Products help passengers as well as drivers throughout the journey. Our ARAI certified range of products focus on improving the efficiency of fleet operation and enhancing an everlasting passenger traveling experience. Want to make a difference with smart devices?
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masstrans · 3 years
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Passenger Information Display System
Passenger information forms the heart of a mass transit system, enabling individuals to efficiently travel from one stage of their journey to the next. Passenger Information Display Systems (PIDS) from Masstrans are the digital information systems which display real-time information for the passengers.
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masstrans · 5 years
Enhance your fleet operation with Vehicle Tracking System
India has seen a tremendous growth in transportation industry. Fleet operations have flourished under the growing market and now it is upgrading. Various smart products are being introduced in the market to make fleet operations smooth. Masstrans has always been dominating the market with smart products. We bring you the very innovative and smart Vehicle Tracking System. This GPS Tracking system helps you as a fleet operator to keep a track of your vehicles. The main aim of this product is to make travelling smooth, safe and convenient to both the passenger as well as the fleet operator. You can track the live location of your vehicle remotely to check for any unplanned stops, unknown routes or hijacks. Vehicle tracker helps women and children travel safely. For children the location can be tracked by their parents without hustle.
 GPS vehicle tracking system is easy to install and uses minimum energy. 
Vehicle tracker has the following properties - Manufactured and certified under Government rules - AIS140, GPS helps drivers with route, possibility of theft is minimized, get real-time data on mobile application, track and save the data of each journey.
 Visit http://masstrans.in/intelligent-transportation-solutions/vehicle-tracking-system/
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masstrans · 4 years
Mass Fever Detection System
Visiting public places like parks, airports, shopping malls, bus stations, etc is now risky, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. We cannot be sure of the infected surfaces and people who might not be showing the symptoms. This can highly impact the economy as people might avoid going to such public places. For example, fewer people visit a mall, the mall shall suffer.
It is Masstrans' job and we aim to make living easier for everyone. Thus, a win-win situation for both your customers and you (a campus, an organization), will be to introduce Ferver Detection System in and around your facility. 
A facility or campus will benefit by not having to appoint staff for holding a fever detection gun and checking the temperature of the people manually. It minimizes coming in contact with many people. Masses can be scanned automatically with a thermal detecting camera. This system provides an instant alert of high temperatures and is fast to deploy even in small spaces. 
The fever detection system can help people by making public places feel safer. The system will also make sure not to miss out on anyone with a high fever. This will encourage and take some burden off of the medical facilities in India. 
Bring a change, reopen your business with assurance to your customers that you care for them.
 Know more - http://masstrans.in/smart-city-solutions/fever-detection-system/
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masstrans · 4 years
Smart solutions for parking deficit country.
A number of malls, corporate offices and residential buildings are being built. Still, the parking space is never enough. Almost all the streets are filled with cars, bikes and mopeds, so much so that there is hardly any carriageway left for people to drive. 
Thanks to a rapid economic and population growth, Indian metropolises are staring at a mobility crisis. Today, urban areas face tremendous pressure on parking spaces, resulting in issues such as traffic congestion, disproportionate demand and supply, and environmental hazards, to name a few. Because of poor parking management and policy, India struggles with chaotic situations like overcrowded footpaths, illegal parking, and criminal activities due to improper surveillance.  
Saturated parking spaces, miss managed indoor and outdoor parking spaces and unregulated traffic add up to this parking problem.
Masstrans brings simple yet effective solutions for this problem. On-street parking information sign shall help find empty spots within no time. It also eliminates the need to hire staff. Additionally, parking detectors are smooth to find spots. It tells which spot exactly is empty. 
The vehicle tracking system is another way to keep an eye on your fleet. When you own vehicles that you rent out, it is necessary to know the live location for safety purposes. Another amazing product is reverse parking assistance system. It assists drivers to park or turn the vehicle without having to look out of the window. 
These smart products may be a novelty in the Indian market buttery shall soon be a born. Make the most of these products before everyone else!
For more details visit us http://masstrans.in/smart-parking-solutions/
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masstrans · 4 years
Safety on priority with CCTV Surveillance Cameras.
Enhanced security and keeping a track of activities are the basic purpose CCTV cameras serve. Be it the transportation industry, be it the public places, CCTV surveillance is a must these days. The system also serves the data collectors.
CCTV cameras can be deployed at public transit, airports, marinas, buses, subways, trains, taxis and ferry terminals. Common applications of these include monitoring of parking lots, traffic, operations monitoring and theft monitoring. As far as transportation is concerned, buses and trains have a flow of passengers. It is important to keep an eye on all the activities. Various purposes are served when one installs CCTV cameras like driver protection, enforcing regulations and ensuring safety.
A CCTV solution helps in transportation as follows-
 Monitor and record all passengers who enter the bus. You should get a crystal clear image of all passengers.
Monitoring all interactions between passengers and the driver is suggested.
All bus exits should have cameras covering them.
Cameras should be installed in a way so they monitor the entire passenger area on the bus so you may monitor all inappropriate passenger behaviour, thefts and acts of violence.
It is highly suggested you also install cameras on the exterior of the bus so you may properly monitor the surrounding area and document any accidents that may occur.
Masstrans offers remote monitoring with their CCTV surveillance system. It allows you to monitor and manage your surveillance system from a computer anywhere with an internet connection using port forwarding. A mobile app, on the other hand, allows you to log into your system using a smartphone. 
Masstrans' CCTV surveillance system takes your security promise to the next level and lets your passengers feel safe and secured.
 For more details visit us http://masstrans.in/intelligent-transportation-solutions/
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masstrans · 4 years
Transforming Parking Experience with Smart Parking Solutions.
Media from all over the world is covering one major issue that hardly anyone has arrived to solve. With streets reaching a saturation point of their capacity to hold an increasing number of automobiles, parking triumphs as an unbeatable evil of modern times. Developing countries like India have a haphazard development plan unfolding at a dangerous speed. With it, comes the parking issue. Cases, where people hustling for a parking spot, is a common sight. 
A variety of solutions are being tried and tested to tackle the problem with the help of smart solutions. Without disturbing the existing infrastructure the parking problem in India can be solved with the help of smart products. These products are accurate, reliable and durable. Parking issues in India occur due to these main factors - Saturated parking spaces, unregulated traffic, bad off-street parking to on-street parking ratio, and cruising. 
 On-Street Parking Information Sign is a smart product that informs drivers about how many empty pots are left in huge open parking lots. The on-street parking may or may not be a paid parking service. Directions can be added to guide the drivers towards the empty spots. This saves time, effort and most importantly fuel. With this on-street parking board, car parking owners do not need to employ staff. This saves a lot and helps keep the parking orderly. 
Parking detectors can be part of the on-street and off-street parking systems. Parking lot sensors are smart devices that can be fit in the middle of each spot. They detect motion and tell which spot is empty. These sensors are highly durable and can withstand weathering effects. 
 Parking Payment App solves the ticket collection problem automatically. Drivers just have to download the app and pay you, the parking lot owner. The need for staff is eliminated here. This one-click payment app charges drivers hourly. Off-street Parking Management System is a tool for monitoring, safeguarding and increasing the efficiency of car parks at any time. With ASP (Application Service Programming) operators can have their parking space controlled over the internet and operate them via a single server. With LPR license plate recognition system, cameras installed at the car park’s entrance and exit, identify an approaching customer automatically.
 Off-street parking management system provides swift and easy pay and park solution. It saves time by lowering congestion at exit and entrance, and by automatically giving instant tickets. This governs complete control over access to parking, vehicle flow, space availability, and revenue management.
 Off-street Parking Guidance System helps save time by instantly showing them free parking spaces. This is a system guided information hence is fast and accurate. The system automatically guides the vehicle to an empty spot. It uses directions to let vehicles to a spot. The system optimizes the management of empty spaces and minimizes the time that a client invests in finding a free space. The system uses a series of informative panels, sensors, pilot lights, pass counters, and management software.
 Reverse parking assistance system helps drivers park their vehicle without bumping into anything behind the vehicle. Another system is vehicle tracking system. It combines the use of automatic vehicle location in individual vehicles with software that collects fleet data for a comprehensive picture of vehicle locations. Urban public transit authorities are increasing users of vehicle tracking systems, particularly in large cities. This GPS tracking system helps fleet operators save the record of their vehicles. It ensures safety and security for the passengers as well.
 Masstrans provides the best Smart Parking Solutions that are soon to spread all over the country. These products will not only eliminate all problems related to parking. 
Book your products now!
 Visit us    http://masstrans.in/smart-parking-solutions/
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masstrans · 5 years
LED Destination Display simplifies travel in Pune
The year 2018 saw Pune getting geared up to support safe traveling. PMPML turned to Masstrans to seek help for their project. LED Destination Display is what they have started with. The display board puts an end to the passenger’s confusion about the route, this ends the need to hire staff for guiding passengers. These signboards are put around the bus on all four sides for passengers’ convenience. Installed inside, they can be used to display the next and the approaching stop. An announcement is made to tell about the stop. This GPS enabled LED signboards can display multiple messages in various sizes and colors. Multi-lingual, scrolling display makes it easier for the fleet operators to reach more people.
The LED board is durable and can withstand weather conditions. They are powerful enough to be seen in broad daylight. The LED display is the first step towards the modernization of buses in Pune. Normal buses are being converted into smart buses to serve the people of Pune.
LED Sign Board’s Smart Features
It can be viewed at night as well as in daylight.
It is weatherproof.
It is GPS enabled.
It can be customized to requirements.
It has a multilingual display.
Available in a wide range of colors.
It is highly durable.
Its energy consumption is low.
Display Ability – Scrolling Text, Random Text, Numeric, Date & Time, Animated Text.
LED Destination Display is not only cost-effective but also durable, light in weight and easy to install. The brilliant product- LED display can also run safety instructions or ads inside public transport vehicles.
Masstrans is a total of safety and security solutions for urban areas hit with congestion and growing traffic turmoil. We come forward with smart solutions that all cities need as a part of developing India. For more than two decades we have served cities with Intelligent Traffic Solutions, Smart City Solutions, Smart Highway solutions, and Urban Traffic Management solutions. With predictive technology and algorithms, future cities will see smooth urban mobility, increased productivity and decreased pollution. IoT is being implemented for better automation and we implement it for better results.
The gap between transportation and security on highways is being filled with innovations. Emergency call box, automated fare collection system, waste collection solutions, LED display boards, security products, traffic light control, are some of the products we provide. Cities like Pune, Kakinada, and Nagpur have initiated automation with us and with the success we gripped there, we aim to spread all over the country with our smart solutions. The team constantly keeps an eye on the latest technology and how it can be used in India.
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masstrans · 5 years
Automatic Fare Collection : Queue No More
India is on an all-round mission of turning its cities into smart cities, thus the number of smart products used in the near future will be far more accurate than the ones we already have. A growing population is increasing the pressure on the Indian transportation system. Various complications like traffic congestion, no space for parking and road accidents are stunting the growth of our economy. To make traveling and all facilities around it seamless, smart products are being introduced in the market.
These modern solutions help fleet operators as well as passengers to experience a swift transit. Minimizing the time required to collect tickets and looking for change is a major aspect of public transport we are looking at. Long queues are being eliminated, we can use the same time into something constructive. Thus Automatic Traffic Collection System is being installed throughout India.
The Automated Fare Collection System (AFCS) is an advanced electronic payment system that provides a range of services to the passengers while maintaining full system control with the stakeholder. By providing options of common paper tickets as well as contactless payment with chip cards, and provision for card recharging on-board as well as through vending machines, we eliminate the friction of technology adoption for users. A centralized system enables the quick capture and streamlining of data across various points and systems in the framework.
Automatic Fare Collection is a complex framework of hardware and software solutions for fare collection at entry and exit touchpoints at public transport networks such as metro trains, bus rapid transit system enabled buses and boats.aid for our services both on a fixed fee basis and based on the value of transactions. Delhi metro has eased up the ticket collection with the help of AFCS. This top-up facility is evenly laid out between 54 stops along the whole line. Presently, about 70 percent of the Metro commuters use smart cards. Approximately, 25,000 smart cards are sold every day from the various stations of the network.
According to research, the India Automated Fare Collection Systems market is projected to grow at a CAGR of over 18% during 2018-2024. In terms of market applications, metro railway transport dominated the overall market revenues on account of the need for faster and automatic payment solutions across all metro railways in the country.
Additionally, with increasing adoption of public transportation primarily, metro railways and rapid bus transport systems in Tier-I and II cities by daily commuters, the AFCS market is anticipated to generate considerable growth prospects over the coming years. The AFC installation was implemented under a public/private partnership between banks and fleet operators. By bringing the QR-code-based ticketing to India for the first time, in Noida, AFC will prove to be cost-effective for the Metro in comparison to the traditional token-based system currently installed across metros. The international overview says the Automated Fare Collection System market is expected to garner $10.1 billion by 2022, registering a CAGR of 13.2% during the forecast period 2016 – 2022.
The smart card segment accounted for around 41.4% of revenue share in 2015, and the automated fare collection system market is expected to grow with a promising CAGR of 12.9% during 2016 and 2022. The benefits of AFCS include -The report includes an in-depth analysis of the world automated fare collection system market, including current trends, drivers, restraints, and growth opportunities. Porters Five Forces model illustrates the potency of buyers and sellers, which is likely to help the market players to adopt effective strategies. Value chain analysis provides a clear understanding of the key intermediaries involved and their respective roles at every stage. Key market players have been profiled to gain an understanding of the strategies adopted by them.
Masstrans has entered the market to achieve safe and smooth travel for passengers. We also emphasize on keeping travelers safe while they are commuting. Modern solutions have made it possible for us to achieve the goals halfway, rest shall be achieved as we spread all across the country. 
Know more about AFCS – http://masstrans.in/smart-highway-solutions/automatic-traffic-counters-and-classifiers
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masstrans · 5 years
An exclusive interview with the most charismatic CEO of transportation focused service company
Masstrans is a sum total of safety and security solution for urban areas hit with congestion and growing traffic turmoil. We come forward with solutions that help keep cities clean and making them smart with intelligent products. We look forward to solving problems surrounding Traffic, Highways, and Cities. The underlying target we are always trying to achieve is to make your lives safer, easier and convenient on and off roads by deploying the latest technology. With this, we want to chase the title of Leaders of innovative transport solutions. We also take care that you are dished with value for money services and solutions.
Intelligent Transportation is an essential conveyance system comprising of advanced information and technology for users, roads, vehicles and cities. Masstrans is one of the leading suppliers of these systems in the Indian market. The company is also a front-runner in Passenger Information Systems and has an array of other innovative products to offer.
In a conversation with Bus Coach India Magazine, Mr. Vinay Jain, Managing Director, Masstrans spoke on various issues including business strategies and growth of the company in the Indian market.
Q: What is the USP of your company? And what are the range of products do you have? A: Our USP is adapting new technologies and providing these solutions to the Indian market. Masstrans has made a mark for itself with its product quality and aker sales services. Starting with destination displays (PIS), Masstrans has ventured into full blown ITS and also offers MDVR/MNVR along with analog/IP cameras, Infotainment system, Reverse parking assistance system among others. Q: What changes do you find in today’s marketing strategy and business? A: Previously OEs used to provide chassis and the operator got the bus built at a bus builder. Now, OEs are providing a fully built bus and we majorly cater to the Oes.
Q: What is unique thing about your products? A: Our innovative and environmentally responsible solutions are comprehe- nsive, which eventually minimize costs related to operation as most of them are
self-sufficient and require minimal human assistance. Q: What is your future plan in the field of manufacturing of LED destination display boards in bus and Coachesl A: Masstrans is already manufacturing LED destination displays in our Pune based unit (in collaboration with our UK based partner M/s Hanover Displays Ltd).
Q: How will investments and growth plan out in the future for Masstrans? A: Masstrans expansion plans are targeted around solutions for Smart Cities and other modes of transport.
Q: Which new products will we see during the next six months in this year 2019? A: We have recently launched solutions for Smart Waste Collection (a new vertical). As for buses & coaches we shall soon launch our reverse parking assistance system and our fully integrated ITMS (back-end solution).
Q: What challenges do you faced in the market place? As you know there are many players in the marketl A: Though the market is flush with competitors, it’s a large place to be in and there is enough scope for everyone. Those who value quality and the never-say-die attitude of our after sales, are the ones whom we cater to.
Q: What are the focus areas you are targeting other then bus segment? A: Other modes of transport, Smart Cities, Parking, Highways and Waste Collection.
Q: Who are the major OEMs that you are supplying to them? A: Leading bus manufacturers like Volvo, Tata Motors, Ashok Leyland, VECV, M&M, SML Isuzu and Daimler.
Q: Intelligent transport system comprises of a number of technologies to maLe transportation more efficient and safer by use of information, communication and control techno- logies. What is your view on this.? A: Intelligent Transportation is an essential conveyance system com- prising of advanced information and technology for users, roads, vehicles and cities. In the case of public transport this information and technology is meant for commuters, operators and the authority. Commuters get to know the bus schedules and routes vide app
or website to plan their travel, the operators get a slew of benefits arising out of the data shared from the public transport to the back-end and the authority keeps an eye out vide cameras installed inside the public transport. In light of the past, safety has become a key issue, irrespective of the kind of public transport one uses.
Q: You know as the number of vehicles increasing on roads day-by- day, how do you think your traffic management solutions will curb such traffic problem? A: Our Adaptive Traffic Control System adapts, in real time, the traffic signal to ensure the traffic is kept flowing / moving. In no way it offers a solution to
Q: How Intelligent Transport System is growing in the Indian market? its full potential) but now with the transport authorities deploying back- end and installing necessary softwars, the ever increasing vehicular popu- A: ITS is mandatory in all urban buses lation on the road. All the controllers and we have seen phenomenal installed on every junction are increase in its usage. Previously such an we are witnessing noticeable change to their approach towards ITS and the benefits that can be derived from connected to the back-end and via self- learning & adapting algorithm, they work towards smoothening the traffic flow in the city.
Q: The number of road accidents increasing in India is very alarming. Do you have any solution to detect or curb such incidents on the highways? A: We have a radar which detects incidents (or even potential incidents) on the highways and transmits data to the back-end for requisite action. The only issue being such radars need to be deployed all along the highways at intervals of 1Km and that’s not feasible. They need to be deployed at particular locations where there is a previous record of accidents or at locations where there are chances of accidents due to the road alignment. Trailer mounted VMSs are used internationally to warn road users of ongoing road work ahead or of an already occurred accident / incident. Such VMSs need to be deployed by the road contractors all across the nation in large numbers. These will help in large scale curbing of accidents on highways.
Intelligent urban solutions are the best choice to make Indian cities safer, cleaner and smarter. We believe in innovation and technology, and look forward to transform India.
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masstrans · 5 years
Intelligent Transportation Solutions – A modern aid for smooth transport
Consider our future full of fancy gadgets and the old transportation system, would this future be productive? This odd combination can be changed if actions are taken sooner to modernize the Indian transportation system. Safe, smooth and convenient travel to work or school is an essential part of our lives. As we write this, the situation on Indian roads is chaotic; there are congestion, accidents, and inconvenience. The National Crime Records Beaurue stated that road collisions accounted for 464,674 collisions which caused 148,707 traffic-related deaths in India, in the year 2016. The better option we can choose is to incorporate smart products in the existing infrastructure.
Intelligent transportation system
(ITS) is one option we can incorporate in the vehicles for passengers to feel safe on the roads. Intelligent transportation system started in the European nations as a simple product in 2010 and it is now the need of the hour. The system works on complex algorithms that help fleet operators, vehicle owners and cab drivers to give passengers a great traveling experience. IoT (internet of things) is set to govern ITS and run it efficiently. This smart transportation system is defined as, an advanced application which, without embodying intelligence as such, aims to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and
traffic management
and enable users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and ‘smarter’ use of transport networks.
Intelligent Transport Systems are vital to increase safety and tackle Europe’s growing emission and congestion problems. They can make transport safer, more efficient and more sustainable by applying various information and communication technologies to all modes of passenger and freight transport. India can follow Europe’s footsteps to modernize travel industry.ITS is the key to support jobs and growth in the transport sector.
The European Commission is working with the Member States, industry and public authorities to find common solutions to the various bottlenecks for the deployment of the modern version of ITS. Through financial instruments, the European Commission supports innovative projects in ITS and through legislative instruments, it ensures that ITS are rolled out consistently.
Developing countries like India, are still struggling with the implementation of smart ways to regulate fleet operations and make them safer. Better travel experience is when you provide your passengers with security and convenience. A single control unit monitors the whole system composed of various products. The important unit of ITS is the security cameras that help passengers feel safe. Vehicle tracker gives live updates of the location to the main server; it helps keep track. Driver’s are helped as well, they are provided with rear parking assistance and vehicle health tracker. This makes fleet operations safer than ever! Indian Government has put forward new amendments for the year 2019, to control traffic and serve huge penalty to those who break traffic rules. Tough times lie ahead of those who are constant signal-jumpers. Given that, the government is on the same road as us, it is time for Masstrans to spread throughout India.
Masstrans offers Intelligent transportation system that is modern and sophisticated to suit the current needs and constantly tries to make traveling a better experience. Recently, we have recently bagged orders from- PCMC for LED Destination Display, Rajkot for Adaptive Traffic Control System and Surat for VMD on the pole.
Know more – http://masstrans.in/intelligent-transportation-solutions/intelligent-transport-system/
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masstrans · 5 years
World influencing smart city – San Francisco
Smart City projects are shaping into reality all over the world. Some countries help their cities complete their process earlier than others with the support of infrastructure and smart technology, as it remains the driving force in all the smart city projects. As the USA has always been determined about modernism, many smart cities have developed, evolved and prospered in the country. A smart city is one that promotes sustainability and makes the lives of its residents easier. Comfort and safety are the major goals cities are trying to achieve since long. But what defines a smart city? What are the parameters that guide cities?
Better mobility options – Electric vehicles and the whole system around it falls under this category. Charging stations will be equidistantly laid out in a city.
Ample parking space – This can be achieved easily with smart products that will use existing parking lots efficiently. These automated systems will be a time-saver in our fast-paced world.
New ways to pay – Waiting in long ques to pay a parking ticket or paying highway toll can be eliminated by fast ticket collection systems. They will need no human intervention.
Clean public spaces – Automated waste collection systems can help keep cities clean.
Security – This will discourage any illegal or criminal behavior making cities safer.
One of the successful cities that have evolved over time with the help of technology in San Francisco. The city saw tremendous growth in infrastructure and population; this would mean unclean city, overcrowding, and traffic. Taking the future into consideration, it was decided to modernize the city without major changes. They deployed IoT (internet of things) for concealed systems that do not need manual labor. SanFrancisco has been a part of the international network for smart cities since 2011 and has been sharing best practices with sister cities including Barcelona and Paris. Smart technology is used to make the city’s building operations more efficient, reduce energy use, streamline waste management system, and expand transportation system, all measure that has contributed to greening the city while making mobility easier.
The San Francisco Smart City challenge flashed a vision throughout the world – Get the greenest, most affordable trip choice in 2 minutes and easily get anywhere in the city within 20 minutes. The goal was to complement to current City goals. They achieved a Zero Waste and Zero Emissions aimed to attain by 2020. Vision Zero Traffic Fatalities by 2024 is still on the list. They have already reduced greenhouse gas emissions in 2017 by 25 percent since 1990. 50% non-driving mode share by 2018 in the transportation sector was met in as latest as 2015.
The city is number one in venture capital investment, the first city to introduce ride-sharing and has the second most electrical charging vehicles in the USA. Thus San Francisco remains one of the most modern cities in the world full of smart cities. Such fast growth is needed in Indian cities. Overgrowth of population and hap-hazardous growth of infrastructure in the futile urge to solve all urban problems need an urgent attendance.
India needs to follow the steps and work out solutions that would suit the Indian terrain. Smart city awareness has started swirling throughout the country, just the over-exhausted infrastructure has been a major hurdle. Affordable solutions have started to get distributed in major metro cities like Mumbai, Pune, and Chennai. Soon, more than a hundred cities will be declared as smart cities of India.
Masstrans provides better solutions to urban Indian problems. We aim at human safety and convenience. Smart city solutions like – speed control signs, smart waste collection, smart bus stops and many more have proved to work in favor of development; we look forward to helping Indian cities get smarter. We hope you are as excited as us for smart cities!
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