#massive vore belly
ilikebigbellydotnom · 8 months
Quality Time inside Time Grandpa Cronus!
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What can I say other then, he did it to his own offspring in accent lore, can't see why he wouldn't devour the titans (his many great descendants later) they're going to look great as muscle and lard on his godly body and his powerful return to power!
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vore-stories57 · 27 days
Helping Out My Brother's Friend
(A Vore Story)
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It was a quiet summer afternoon, and I had just gotten back from my shift at McDonald’s. I was sweaty and smelled of grease, so I was eager to get a shower. As I pulled into the driveway of the house I shared with my brother, I noticed another car in the driveway, and I knew it belonged to my brother’s friend, Benjamin. I liked talking to Benjamin, but we weren’t super close.
I pulled up the driveway and got out of my car and went inside. As I walked into the living room, I saw my brother, Kevin, and Benjamin sitting on the couch. I said hello to them, and they both said hi back. Kevin then asked me how my shift was, and I sighed and said it was fine. He said good, then he said that Benjamin had a question for me, and I looked at him and asked him what it was. Benjamin then asked me if I could help him out with a biology assignment for one of his college classes. I asked him what he needed me to do, he looked at Kevin, who gave him a head nod, then he looked back at me and said he would need me to go inside him.
I was a bit confused what he meant by that, so I asked him to be more specific, and he chuckled and said his assignment was studying the human stomach, and he thought it would be cool if I went inside his stomach for a little while and answered some questions he had for me. I was instantly intrigued, as Benjamin had a decently sized gut. And on top of that, I had just taken a few days off from McDonald’s to relax, so I was free. I then told Benjamin I would help him out, and he said awesome excitedly.
After agreeing to help him out, Benjamin asked me if I wanted to start today, and I said sure. We both then went up to my room, which was on the 2nd floor. As we walked up, I asked Benjamin if there would be any acid inside him, and he said yes, but he told me that his metabolism was pretty slow, so I should be fine for a little while. I said Ok, but I was a little nervous. 
We then got to my room. Once we were inside my room, Benjamin took off his shirt revealing his massive stomach, which looked very inviting. I then started to take off my uniform, and as I did, he asked me if I would be Ok with being digested if something went wrong, and I looked at him and said I would rather stay alive. He then said he would try his best, but he then said that there would be a chance that I would end up digesting, so if I wasn’t Ok with that, I didn’t have to do this. I personally had already gotten into the mindset of going inside Benjamin, and given that I already said I would help, I didn’t want to let him down, so I let out a sigh and said that if I did end up digesting, I would be Ok with it. He let out a sigh and thanked me.
After I got my uniform off, Benjamin walked up to me and told me to have fun inside him, and I said I would. He then suddenly leaned forward, his mouth wide open, and swallowed me. I was sent sliding down his throat and into his stomach. As I landed inside, the smell of mint filled the air, and I saw a couple mints being digested in the corner of his belly. Once I was inside, Benjamin let out a moan, then he asked me if I was alright, and I said yep. He said good, then he told me he was going to ask the questions now, and I said alright. He then started to ask questions, like how big was it, what did it smell like, how did it feel, and other things like that.
As Benjamin asked the questions, I answered to the best of my ability. As we went back and forth, my lower body started to tingle, as it was in the stomach acid. I started to get worried as my underwear began to dissolve, and this was only 20 minutes into my stay inside him. After about 30 minutes, Benjamin said we were done with questions, and I let out a sigh and asked him if he could get me out now, and he said he would try. He then reached down his throat and attempted to grab my hand, but the entrance was sealed shut. I tried pushing his hand through, but nothing would budge. I asked him what was taking so long, and he told me what was wrong. I then asked him if there was any other way he could get me out, and just as he was about to say something, he let out a burp, which sent his acid rising up higher.
After the acid went down, I asked Benjamin what he was going to say, and he said that the only thing he could do was just himself open, and that could kill him. He then said he was sorry, and told me that I was going to unfortunately digest. I knew there was a chance of this happening, so I asked him how long did he think I had, and he said maybe an hour. I then asked him if he could take me to my brother so I could say goodbye, and he said sure. He then went downstairs, where my brother Kevin was still sitting. Kevin said hello to Benjamin, and without warning, Benjamin let out another burp. This time, the acid went higher, and it burned my chest. I let out a groan of pain, and Kevin asked if I was alright, and Benjamin said I was here to say goodbye, as I was being slowly digested now,
After Benjamin told Kevin what was happening, Kevin put his head against Benjamin’s body and said goodbye to me, and I said goodbye back. Benjamin then asked me if I just wanted to go it over with, and I said I would want to spend some time with him and my brother before I go, and he said alright. Benjamin then sat down on the couch, but with the shifting of his body, the acid suddenly flowed higher, and it was up to my neck. I quickly asked Benjamin to stand up, but he suddenly let out a burp, and the acid filled his stomach to the brim. It all happened so fast that he didn’t hear me, and the only solution I could think of was the squirm. I punched and kicked with all my might, but it was no use. His stomach fat was too thick, and he barely felt anything, and within a few moments, I had passed out.
Following me passing out, and my body going limp inside Benjamin’s body, he and Kevin talked about how to move forward with their friendship, and if they should get the police involved. They eventually decided to keep what just happened to themselves. As they chatted, my body was quickly digested, and I began to add onto Benjamin’s body. As he and Kevin continued to talk, his pants continued to feel increasingly tight on him. 
About 2 hours later, Benjamin stood up and apologized to Kevin, but Kevin said it was alright, and he said that things happen. Benjamin then left the house, but as he did, he let out another burp. He chuckled and patted his stomach, then thanked me for adding to his body. He then left the house and went back to his place, now almost 20 pounds heavier.
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vore-mpregfan57 · 4 months
Digested in Class
(A Vore Story staring Kazan)
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It was early in the morning, and the semester had just started. I was heading to my Political Science class. I had just got there and sat down in my seat, but then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy I had a class with before. He asked me if I was in Sociology 157 last semester, and I said yeah, and we chatted for a few minutes.
After chatting, he asked me if I had possibly had a bag of snacks or anything, and I said I didn’t, but I then told him that I was willing to go down inside him for the class. The class was boring anyway, plus it only lasted an hour and 15 minutes. He said sure, but then he asked me if I minded getting a little digested, and I said not at all, but I told him that he needed to let me out at the end of class, and he chuckled and said he would.
We both then went into the bathroom down the hall, and he quickly gulped me down. His stomach was wet, and it smelled like burnt toast for some reason. He then let out a massive belch, which made the smell of his insides fill the air, but I didn’t mind. He thanked me for helping him out, and I said no problem.
He then walked back to the classroom and sat down just as the professor started to lecture. His stomach acid was surrounding me, and it was starting to burn. I was getting little worried, but I didn’t want to disrupt the class, so I just hoped I would make it out ok. As the class continued, he kept letting out little burps, and I was starting to feel weak. I eventually realized my skin was starting to melt, so I tapped on his stomach and asked him if he could let me out, but he didn’t respond.
I waited a minute, then asked him again. However, the professor heard me and asked the guy to take care of his noisy belly.
He then stood up and went back to the hallway. He then asked me if I was trying to get him in trouble, and I said no, and I told him I just wanted to come out so I didn’t get digested.
Suddenly, he then squeezed his belly, which made the acid rise higher and come up to my chin. He then asked me if I thought I was actually getting out. I then realized I had been tricked, and I went to punch his stomach wall, but I suddenly felt weaker as he let out another burp. He then said goodbye breakfast, and within moments, I closed my eyes and passed out.
Soon enough, my body had started to dissolve, and by the end of the day, my entire body had been absorbed, and I was gone.
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izzyfatart · 21 days
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CW: Implied vore, blob (room-sized) Izzy's gotten a bit too much taste for her employees and now she's demanding them line up to be eaten. Commissioned by CluClyde on Twitter Alt-Text: A massive Izzy rolling forward on her massive belly with a triumphant but determined look.
Posted using PostyBirb
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urfavoritewriter · 7 months
Ghostface Meal, Part I
Content: Male Vore, Oral Vore, Male Prey, M/M, Digestion, Belching, Belly Worship, Male Observer, Male Worship
A commission for someone here on Tumblr, thank you for commissioning me!
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Chris moved confidently through the Halloween party, the dim lights casting eerie shadows across the room as the muffled beats of music filled the air. The atmosphere was electric with excitement, and the room was filled with an eclectic mix of costumes. There were vampires, witches, zombies, and even a few superheroes scattered among the crowd.
As he navigated through the sea of people, Chris's eyes scanned the room, taking in the various costumes with interest. He was clad in a sexy Ghostface outfit, the iconic mask perched atop his head, while his sculpted physique was proudly on display, shirtless and adorned with fake blood splatters. His muscles rippled beneath the dim lights, drawing admiring glances from party-goers around him.
Amidst the throng of costumes, one particular outfit caught Chris's attention. A man dressed in a casual cream-colored outfit with sprinkles scattered across it stood out from the crowd. The man's attire resembled a giant ice cream cone, complete with a cherry on top. Chris's lips curled into a mischievous grin as he approached the man, his gaze lingering on the tempting sight before him– He was hungry, and he saw a guy who made him even hungrier.
Without hesitation, Chris made his way over to the man, his steps purposeful as he closed the distance between them. The man turned to face him, a curious expression crossing his features as he took in Chris's imposing figure. Chris towered over him, his muscular frame casting a shadow over the smaller man as he loomed above him.
"Hey there," Chris greeted him with a charming smile, his voice low and smooth as he leaned in closer. "Couldn’t help but find you delicious in that costume." He teased, intending it as a joke.
The man's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected attention, but a shy smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he nodded in response. "Not the first guy here who wanted to eat me," he replied, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Chris grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he extended a hand towards the man. "I'm Chris," he introduced himself, his tone friendly and inviting. "What's your name?"
The man hesitated for a moment before offering a hesitant smile. "I'm Alex," he replied softly, his voice barely audible over the music.
"Nice to meet you, Alex," Chris said warmly, his smile widening as he gestured towards the nearby bedroom. "Shall we?"
Alex cheeks flushed with color at the suggestion, but he nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with anticipation as he followed Chris towards the secluded room.
Chris and Alex slipped into the dimly lit bedroom, the muffled sounds of the party fading into the background as the door closed behind them. Chris's eyes gleamed with hunger as he gazed at Alex, his muscles tensing with anticipation.
"Ready for a little fun?" Chris teased, his voice laced with excitement as he stepped closer to Alex.
Alex nodded nervously, his heart pounding in his chest as he met Chris's gaze. "Yeah, let's do it," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
With a swift motion, Chris lunged forward, his powerful arms wrapping around Alex as he pulled him close. Alex let out a muffled cry of surprise as he was engulfed by Chris's massive form, his body disappearing into the depths of Chris's voracious maw.
The room fell silent as Chris swallowed Alex whole, his throat rippling with each gulp as he devoured his prey. Within moments, Chris emerged from the bedroom, his belly distended and bulging with his latest meal. Drool dripped from the bottom of his mask as he passed by a row of photos on the wall, his memory jogged by the sight of the party's host.
"Huh, guess that was the host," Chris muttered to himself, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he continued on his way.
Chris swaggered through the crowded party, his shirtless torso adorned only with the iconic Ghostface mask. His muscles rippled beneath the dim lights as he made his way upstairs, the weight of his recent meal sloshing around in his distended belly.
"Fucking stuffed," Chris muttered to himself, shaking his belly slightly to keep his prey squirming inside. He shot a sly grin back at Alex, who was undoubtedly feeling the effects of his journey through Chris's digestive tract.
As Chris reached the top of the stairs, he ducked into a random room and flopped down onto the bed, his belly protruding heavily as he settled in. He leaned back against the headboard, his eyes flicking over to the door as it creaked open a few minutes later.
A petite man entered the room, his eyes red and puffy from tears as he wiped them with the back of his hand. Chris's gaze softened as he watched the stranger, sensing his distress; The man was wearing a velvet, devil costume that accentuated his petite figure in an attractive manner.
"You okay, man?" Chris asked, his voice surprisingly gentle as he gestured for the man to come closer. The petite man leaned against the edge of the bed, his shoulders slumped with exhaustion as he let out a shaky breath.
"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine," the man replied, his voice trembling slightly as he glanced up at Chris.
Chris extended a hand towards the petite man. "I'm Chris," he introduced himself with a charming grin.
The man hesitated for a moment before tentatively reaching out to shake Chris's hand. "I-I'm Robin," he stammered, his cheeks flushing as he met Chris's gaze.
Chris chuckled warmly, gesturing for Robin to come closer. "Nice to meet you, Robin," he said, his voice smooth and reassuring. "Why don't you come over here and give my belly a rub?"
Robin's blush deepened at the suggestion, but he complied, stepping closer to the bed and tentatively placing his hand on Chris's distended stomach. Chris let out a proud smack, causing his belly to jiggle slightly as he unleashed a monstrous belch.
Robin couldn't help but giggle at the display, finding himself drawn to Chris's confident demeanor and undeniable charm; He thought Chris was fucking hot.
Chris lounged back on the bed, watching with amusement as Robin curiously rubbed his distended belly. "You know," Chris began, flashing Robin a mischievous grin, "I always joked about wanting to eat the entire party, but now I really wanna fucking do it."
Robin chuckled nervously at the comment, his cheeks flushing pink. "Well, why don’t you go and surprise everyone then?" he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and disbelief.
Chris let out a hearty laugh, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Hey, it's not every day you get to fulfill a fantasy, right?" he quipped, winking at Robin as he playfully patted his belly. "And hey, I wouldn't mind letting you rub an even bigger belly next time."
Robin's blush deepened at the suggestion, but he couldn't help but smile at Chris's playful demeanor. "You're crazy," he said with a soft laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.
As the conversation continued, Robin couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and warmth in Chris's presence. After a moment of comfortable silence, Robin shyly looked up at Chris, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Um, Chris?" he began tentatively, his voice barely above a whisper.
Chris turned to face Robin, his expression curious. "What is it, Robin?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Robin hesitated for a moment before mustering up the courage to speak. "Um, do you think you could...uh, belch again?" he asked, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Chris chuckled softly at the request, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Sure thing, Robin," he replied, his voice warm and reassuring. With a playful twinkle in his eye, he bounced his pecs, thumped his chest, and let out a monstrous belch that echoed through the room.
Robin couldn't help but giggle at the impressive display, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Thanks, Chris," he said sincerely, his eyes sparkling with gratitude.
Chris flashed Robin a charming grin, giving him a thumbs up as he got up from the bed and began to strut out of the room. "No problem, Robin," he replied casually. "Just doing my part to make you feel better."
Turning around at the doorway, Chris glanced back at Robin with a playful smirk. "Stay put, okay?" he said with a wink. "I'll be back for you, with an even bigger belly for you to be a good boy to." And with that, he disappeared out of sight, leaving Robin alone in the room once again.
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alligator-teeth · 1 month
Thinking about how underrated dragon preds are. They’re literally known for eating people, yet I hardly ever seen them utilized for vore. There are so many different kinds! Big western dragons who guard massive hoards of treasure that spot a tiny little human who they immediately want to claim as theirs. Swooping down over a village, causing a wide panic among the townspeople, and somehow managing to herd their human out from the crowd to an open area, where they proceed to pin the little one beneath their claws and snap them up greedily, gulping them down with haste so they can hold their human deep within their belly, finally safe and ready to be added to their hoard. A western dragon’s gut being like a sauna, with stomach walls that glow a warm red which showcases their mastery over fire. The belly walls constantly kneading and quickly exhausting any poor human trapped within it, putting them to sleep and keeping them cozy.
Regal eastern dragons who live high in the mountaintops, hardly ever seen and regarded as ethereal beings who don’t tolerate the presence of mortals. A lone human traveling among this gigantic forest of towering cliffs and peaks (think Jueyun Karst from Genshin) suddenly hearing this deep roar that sends shivers down their spine, giving them the feel that this forbidden area is haunted. Hearing the wind pick up and seeing a long, snake-like shape glide silently over their heads, before watching the figure descend and land in front of them with practiced grace. The eastern dragon regards them with a curious look, lowering their head to sniff the terrified human, enjoying their scent, deciding that this little creature is lost and alone and would greatly benefit from their protection. Gently grabbing the human in their jaws before the little one can try to escape, tilting their head back and slowly swallowing them down with the aid of gravity. The trip down their throat is long and tight, and when they make it to the dragon’s stomach, it’s quite cramped, but it is a pleasant temperature that isn’t overwhelming. It’s cooler in this belly than a western dragon’s would be, and the walls glow a comforting blue, while the human is given a noodle hug and the creature rumbles happy little coos.
Gigantic sea dragons who are known for sinking ships, slamming their great tails and gouging out chunks of vessel with their serrated claws, their roars echoing in the stormy night as they churn up violent waves. Sailors fall into the icy waters and sink like stones, yet one human manages to cling to a piece of shipwreck, saving themselves. The sea dragon watching this pathetic little thing stubbornly refuse to let their life go, and they hate to admit it, but they’re rather impressed by the fortitude shown. Deciding this human might be interesting to keep around, so they expertly slice through the water and open their jaws wide, inhaling the human and their piece of driftwood together. The throat of the beast being so large, swallowing down both is no problem, and when the human makes it to their belly, they find they are cast in total darkness except for the soft blue or green bioluminescent markings dotting the belly’s walls. There is heat here, and it makes the small amount of water that has made it this deep into the sea dragon warm, like a bath. Skeletons of fish and bones from whales float idly like stark white buoys, and within the belly that feels like the deepest parts of the sea, the human can only shiver and listen to the sea dragon rumble contentedly, wondering when this creature will get tired of them and finally let them go. That’s not happen in the slightest.
Just. Dragons. There are so many more I could list here but then this post would take hours to read. I love dragons so, so much.
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voraciousartistry · 1 year
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Done for reaching 20k followers on DeviantArt. Showing that being a Bounty Hunter in the Fractured Realm does not guarantee profit as certain people, like Mirai, have a habit of eating the bounties first.
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izznts · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!
Thought I'd do a cute post-vore short story for all of you with my hunky athlete OC John!
John walked heavily towards a nearby tree. Placing his strong back against it as he slowly plopped down on his rump. His legs spread open to accommodate the massive size of his enlarged stomach.
He was on his morning jog that consists of 30 minutes of straight jogging, 5 minutes of walking, and 5 minutes of sprinting and repeat.
Sweat poured down his head and body as he grimaced in pain from the run and from his belly that squirmed uncomfortably on his waist. He felt his manhood grow underneath, making it painful as it twitched, begging for release.
Looking down, his abs that were replaced by the spherical ball in front of him, was an egotistical trophy to him. One that he felt every punch and kick against his stomach walls and would only make small imprints and bulges to the surface.
"Shit man, you need to stop moving." He says as he smacked the side of his stomach. The belly bounced slightly, making it look like a water balloon. Placing a fist over his mouth, he tried to stiffle a loud belch. Failing, he opened his mouth as the loud belch echoed.
After his much-needed belch, a pair of shoes flew out of his mouth, covered in saliva. His mouth dripped with drool, wiping his lips with the back of his arm.
The same loud belch scared some birds above him as they flew away, making chirps of surprise.
Placing his left hand behind his head, while his right rubbed the curves and crevices of his belly, he soon felt his jogger snack barely moving within him.
"Just how I like it, a full belly and it being still-URRP." John says as he patted his belly in satisfaction. Hearing the soft wind breeze and feeling it against his bare belly, he closed his eyes to take a small cat nap.
His belly gurgling loudly in the process, making the hunk chuckle when it tickled.
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swampstew · 1 year
Killer, I-22 ~ partner sharing
Summary: You thought you knew a thing or two about folklore and mythological creatures. What you didn’t know was how DIVERSE the world of monsters and magic really is. When you came across what you thought was a Kelpie ended up being something much more dangerous. And he brought a friend.
Warnings: Gore, bit of coercion if you squint, partner sharing kink with Female Reader, double penetration, anal and vaginal sex, oral (Killer receiving), I guess technically vore since they're monsters? bloody ending. Dead Dove I fucking guess Word Count: 1.3K
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When you landed in Scotland, a trip you’d planned for a year with a group of friends who all bailed last minute, you were kind of excited to do a solo adventure. You were with a tour group for most of the trip with evenings and weekends to yourself – and you had two weeks to make the most of it.
You explored historical ruins, mythical sites from the stories of the Ulster Cycle, you paid respects to the places of spiritual importance and graves of those who lost their lives in the war of life through the years of Man discovering himself and the World around him.
Having so much fun that you found yourself almost bummed you had to leave in two days. You loved the country so much you could genuinely see yourself living there. The last few days were your own to enjoy and you explored the local beaches as the weather was just perfect to enjoy a late afternoon stroll. Until you ran into…Him.
He was nothing short of beautiful, with long, blonde hair that flowed with the sea breeze as it brought a chill to your skin. He was tall and muscular, with one scarred arm that he used to wave at you. Calling you over, asking if you needed someone to walk you back to town. His piercing blue eyes watched you through a curtain of bangs, and his mouth was covered with what looked like…seaweed?
It was and he brushed it off with a laugh. He had taken a nap on the beach and his friend ditched him, playing a prank or something. Brash, hoarse laughter rang out behind you scaring you out of your skin. A massive man, taller than the blonde and significantly wider by the sheer size of his bulging muscles protruding from his frame.
The friend. Who brought a backpack full of beer and sandwiches, hanging off his only remaining arm. Killer and Kid were their names, best friends for several lifetimes they claimed. Both dangerously handsome even with all the heavy scarring, flirting heavily, and you couldn’t help but feel the promise of pleasure tickle your belly.
To be honest, you hadn’t so much as thought about hooking up with anyone on the trip, and it was going to be over soon. It was so very easy for them to convince you to join them for the bonfire they planned to build. Easier even to smoothly persuade you into a game of truth or dare. A game that started and ended rather quickly.
Before long you were in Killer’s lap, grinding against the bulge in his pants while his tongue fucked your mouth. You moaned as his stiff cock hit your clit, more so when Kid grabbed you from behind and pushed your hips down to rub even harder against Killer. Kid kissed and sucked your neck, leaving behind red smears and love bites on your exposed skin. You could feel the hardness of his erection pressing against your ass as he bucked his hips into you from behind.
“Fuckin wait your turn,” Killer growled, almost tumbling backwards from Kid’s aggressive thrusting.
“Shaddup,” Kid grumbled, tugging down on your pants from behind.
Killer grabbed you with both arms and flipped you over until you were underneath him on the sand. You let out a squeak as he pressed himself into you and flicked your lips with his tongue, spreading your legs with his knee.
“W-wa-wait!” you finally manage to gasp out. Both men pulled back, waiting for your to speak. “I-uhm-I think I’d like both of you,” you struggle to say without feeling embarrassed.
With a gin on his face, Kid licked his lips, “You picked a naughty one, Kill. I like her. She’s…tasty.”
Killer nodded, “Aye me too. Ok, we can do that lass. But I get the first bite.”
You giggled as the men positioned themselves – Killer in front of you, Kid behind you. They ripped your clothes off with reckless abandon and you found yourself too high on the rush of lust to care at the moment. They were both naked and glorious. Well-built, chiseled, endowed with gifts between their legs.
Strangled moans were ripped from your throat as they took you at the same time. Killer’s cock deep in your throat as you drooled and sucked him; Kid roughly thrusting in and out of your pussy, the squelching loud and unashamed as they both fucked you like a cock sleeve between them. The took turns meanly pinching your nipples, flicking your clit, biting your skin, and grabbing at your flesh hard enough to bruise.
But it felt so fucking good. The orgasms they gave you were unlike anything you felt before, with any partner you’ve ever had. And they just kept going. Stamina like wild horses as they took turns defiling your holes, treating you like a good little fuck toy. You came so much you lost track of how many times your body shuddered in pleasure as they played with you.
The bonfire nearly dead, and the moon fully out, the men became wilder as they neared their end. Neither having cum even once as they focused on you first. You straddled Killer’s hips as he bucked into you harshly, holding your hips firmly against his so you couldn’t move beyond muscle twitching. Kid’s cock bullied into your asshole, his grunts becoming louder and huskier. Covered in sweat, spit, tears, and your own cream – you felt sticky and dirty but exhilarated.
Kid’s hand grabbed the back of your head and pushed you down to lay your chest against Killer’s. Tightly sandwiched between the two, they worked together to keep you in place and so very still as they tripled their pace of fucking their cocks into you. With a crying wail, you came a final time, pussy clamping on Killer’s cock as he released inside you with a choked gasp. Kid came last, slamming his hips hard enough into you to make you dizzy, his seed shot out into your cavern, still shooting as he pulled out and pumped his cock, the last of cum spurting messily on your back. Killer’s cum leaked from between your legs.
Sticky, so so sticky.
Until you realized you were literally stuck to Killer.
“H-hey! Why can’t I -urgh- get up?” you complained as you tried to push Kid off your back, finding your sweaty skin impossibly stuck to Killer’s body. How was that possible? Sweat should make you slide off, not stick together…
It was then you noticed that there was an alarming amount of seaweed tangled in Killer’s hair. And Kid’s head. How hadn’t you noticed that before?
“Well, this has been fun but I’m fucking starving. How about you Kill?”
“Ravenous. I could go for a meal. And lucky for us, she’s the perfect serving size.”
Both men leered at you and for the first time, you felt afraid. Their handsome visages slowly melted away until you looked on in horror at the horse like features they wore.
“K-KELPIES?! HOW? I’m not near the rivers!” You screamed, trying to wriggle away from them but it was no use. Your naked body was fully stuck to Killer, as if his skin had an adhesive property to it from the sweating.
Kid clicked his tongue, “Damn tourists, think they know everything.”
Killer let out a dark chuckle, “We’re not Kelpies, little thing. We’re Each-Uisge. Unlike Kelpies, our domain is the sea. And you’ve worked up quite an appetite for us. What do you say, buddy? Let’s split our meal?”
Kid high-fived him, “Always. Love it when our dinner lets us fuck them stupid.”
Your screams went ignored as the monsters dragged you into the sea. Their teeth growing menacing and sharp, they pulled you deep under the water and began tearing chunks of your flesh. The dark water turned a reddish hue under the moonlight as the water ripples faded away.
It was quiet and peaceful out on the loch once more – until a disturbance from the water’s edge popped up to reveal a human liver floating on the surface.
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24 tiles to go, 4 calls made so far.
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hemipenal-system · 2 months
Since it's vore day (and since I saw your post from like a year ago asking about people's favourite vore scenario) I'd figure I'd chime in in mine!
Massive dragon (Like 100 feet tall and wide) with a town/village in its belly. People clean dragons belly, canoo over its stomach acid, etc. Dragon eats (without chewing) things the people need like wood and sends it down to their belly. Dragon stops at villages and either: Regurgitates villagers who want to do some trading, wait for them to finish and then carefully gobble them up again OR the people from the other villages go into the dragons belly, trade and then the dragon regurgitates them (or they can move in, if they want) so they can be on their merry way.
Lucian’s True Story (200 BC)
jokes aside yeah this is very cool. mobile society inside a big dragon. love it
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izzyfatart · 21 days
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Village Vore
CW: Vore Pretty straightfoward. Orc found a village, and ate it. Commissioned by NoodleBoio Alt-Text: A massively bloated orc resting on their massive belly, with one hand on a giant moob, the other waving back at the viewer.
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blackheartvore · 6 months
Distracting Derek
A Teen Wolf vore story
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A gift for @teenwolfvore
Peter watched through a crack in the door as a naked Derek had his fun with two of his favorite prey. His nephew was busy scarfing down Scott, the true alpha's head was already in his throat, and fucking Stiles at the same time, the little human was writhing and moaning every time Derek bucked into him.
Peter started groping himself as Derek's tongue lapped at Scott's sweaty abs. A few more gulps and that tongue was licking over the true alpha's rock hard cock and dangling balls. Peter knew exactly what Scott tasted and was imagining his flavor on his own tongue.
That wasn't why he was there though. It had been a while since he'd gotten to swallow down his nephew and he missed both the way Derek tasted and how he always filled out his stomach. Tonight, with a little planned help, he'd finally catch his nephew off guard again.
Peter snuck slowly into the room as Derek tossed his head back and swallowed down Scott's plump little ass and still hard cock. Stiles was still getting fucked mercilessly and his whines and groans combined with Derek's loud gulps covered Peter's footsteps. It didn't take long for Scott's calves and feet to slide past Derek's lips on the way to his stomach.
Derek didn't even so much as pause his thrusting while a nearly room vibrating belch left his throat. That was when Peter struck, grabbing his nephew from behind as he descended on his head. The flavor hit Peter's tongue and he groaned. Yeah, he'd definitely missed this.
Derek struggled once he realized what was going on, but Peter was already past his shoulders and letting his tongue trace over his nephew's beefy and hairy chest.
Peter slid the tip of his tongue through the grooves of Derek's abs, the defined muscles stretched out by Scott's tasty little body. As Peter lifted Derek up with one hand and guided his throbbing cock into Stiles now empty ass with the other, he gradually forced his nephew down his throat. He went as slow as he could manage, but the bliss of having his favorite meal again took over. Once he worked the bulging gut down, he gave himself a break to slurp over his nephew's muskiest parts, all while continuing to use Stiles' hole.
Peter held out longer than he expected before the thick and fuzzy ass was finally gulped down. He savored the strong thighs and muscular calves before sucking on his nephew's soles and toes. Derek was full of flavor and Peter experienced it all before one final swallow tucked Derek away.
His double full belly rested on Stiles' back as he worked towards finishing in the boy's hole. Stiles just moaned louder as he felt Derek still fighting in Peter's stomach. This was why he'd agreed to distract Derek for Peter, he wanted to feel him struggling in a belly. Scott being in there too was just a bonus.
Derek shifted in Peter's gut and caused his uncle to let out a massive burp. The relief of letting it out and Stiles' tight ass gripping his cock finally pushed him over. He unloaded deep in Stiles' guts before dragging his heavy stomach over to sit in a chair in the corner of the room.
It didn't take long for Stiles to weakly stumble over and get on his knees. Peter sighed as the naked boy rubbed his belly. Once he had room for dessert, he wouldn't hesitate to devour the cream filled little treat.
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lesbianoms · 6 months
A bakery owner with a taste for scrumptious looking little ladies. The older woman offers them a chance to taste test a few of her new recipes. A few is an understatement though as your stuffed to the brim with rich sweets and pastries. Before you can escape a rope secures them to the chair theyre in. "Now now, it's rude to leave without finishing everything on your plate." She teases, bringing in a large cake and feeds you herself. The ropes digging into your bloated tummy. "Had enough," She cooes as she pokes your taunt middle. "Good, now its time for mama to have a little treat." She picks up an cupcake and wolfs it down, she presses your head against her doughy middle as you listen to her final gulp and the sound of her hungry belly waking up.
'That's where treats like you belong." She says before swallowing you down. Its so cramped inside her belly and so active. From the gurgles in her lower intestines, you weren't the first 'snack' she's had today. She rubs her massive orb of a belly barely hidden under her apron. She comments on your taste like a chef critiquing a meal, that is what you are after all. A nice meal to get her through the day, though the occasional cookie, doughnut, cupcake and more join you as she continues testing whatever creations you couldn't. She gives you one last rub before heading back to work, easily hiding you under the counter when talking to guests or pressing you up against her tables when she's reaching for something. Your struggles and pleas go unnoticed beyond a teasing pat as she lets you stew inside her.
I’ve read this a few times now and fuck this is so hot… the pre-vore stuffing, the condescending way she treats me and jiggles my belly around as I’m getting ready to be shoved down her gullet~
I would love LOVE to stew inside of her for a good long while… like even when she returns home from the shift, she can still hear my little moans and muffled whimpers as she pats and squishes me around (I’m not as solid as I was, but not toooo soft yet <3)
Throughout the days… uuuowwh 🥰 just imagine her belly getting smaller, that apron fitting more snugly around her waist as it pressed into my goopy form…
I hope that by the end of it all I was a good little meal for her… 😵‍💫
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 8 months
How about some incineroar jock vore prompts?
He's a good jock. Anyway, here's another niche idea I really like--anthro P.okemon. That's what I'm using this for.
The crowd was cheering wildly seeing the two P.okemon brawling. In the wrestling ring, an I.ncineroar and H.awlucha are trying to knock the other down. The two wrestlers are naturally large, although the I.ncineroar is just a bit taller than the H.awlucha. His leotard and mask are black with fire decals, while the H.awlucha’s made him look like a shiny. They’re grappled together, both growling and struggling as they try to overpower one another. The I.ncineroar brings his knee up into the bird’s gut, making his opponent gasp and falter. That gives him the advantage to throw him back. The H.awlucha stumbles into the ropes, and I.ncineroar does the same across from him. The H.awlucha bounces off the ropes, and the I.ncineroar launches himself off of them. They collide together, I.ncineroar’s jaws wide. The H.awlucha doesn’t even get a chance to scream as he’s suddenly engulfed. The two of them slam into the ground, the bird up to his chest in I.ncineroar’s maw. Thick gulps start sucking him deeper as he kicks and struggles. The H.awlucha is dragged across the floor of the ring, legs kicking around wildly, until they’re finally being slurped up as well. THe I.ncineroar gets back to his feet, sending a pair of twitching feet down the hatch with a final gulp. The referee calls the ‘pin’ and raises the I.ncineroar’s arm. The cat lets out a massive belch, feathers fluttering from his maw, and the crowd cheers with some mixed booing in. In the cat’s gut, the H.awlucha is thrashing around, crying out for someone to let him out. He thought this was going too far for just being part of the show. The walls clench over him, abs trying to crush him down as the I.ncineroar flexes and shows off for the crowd. He even gives a fan a good, meaty belch to the face, snickering to himself when they stumble back. Then he waddles off to the locker room, patting his belly. The H.awlucha is starting to slow down inside. I.ncineroar sits down, rubbing over his gut, clenching it again. Something solid comes up, and with some hacking sounds, the H.awlucha’s mask hits the floor with a splat. I.ncineroar grins and picks it up. Another perfect addition to his collection.
I.ncineroar grumbles to himself as he watches some of the other P.okemon at the gym. The place is, naturally, mostly overrun by Fighting types. A lot of them are too far up their own ass for his tastes--they think they’re more deserving of the gym than him, just because he’s not a Fighting type, too! He’s been going here for over a month and he’s still got regulars making comments to him and trying to scare him off. But he’s not planning to go anywhere. In fact...he’s had enough of them. So he’s going to get one over on them. He can see a small group of them coming his way, clearly planning to do something to him. I.ncineroar was working on some reps with his dumbbells, but he sets them down and gets up. He’s got a bulky P.angoro looming over him, with a B.laziken and I.nfernape on either side of him, like lackeys. They try to start their usual shit with him, but he doesn’t give them the chance. He grapples onto the P.angoro and pulls him down, using a wrestling move he had learned. It works, at least until the two go toppling down. I.ncineroar feels a weird pressure in his chest when it happens, and trying to push himself up, he finds the P.angoro stuck neck deep in his pecs. The bear tries to pry them open, and he flexes them on instinct, dragging the bear in deeper. His two lackies finally realize something is wrong and move in to try and pull the P.angoro out. I.ncineroar reacts quickly, grabbing onto the B.laziken and I.nfernape by the back of their necks. He pulls them into a headlock, following a strange instinct he feels. And sure enough…the two P.okemon get their faces shoved into his pits, and that same sense of fullness that’s in his chest spreads there, as both of their heads get wedged into the cat’s pits. His body completely takes over from there, arms and chest flexing and squeezing over his prey. They get dragged into the cat’s muscles steadily, voices muffled as they’re crammed inside. I.ncineroar’s muscles stretch out around them, detailed life’s showing themselves on his mass. Their bodies steadily disappear, until finally, the P.angoro’s feet are pulled between his pecs with a final flex. Two pairs of kicking legs are slurped up into his pits with a few more flexes, disappearing behind musky hairy. The I.ncineroar grins wide, looking down at himself. His arms are bulging out heavily, screaming faces imprinted on them. His pecs are also heavily ballooned, bouncing around as the P.angoro inside roars and thrashed around. Satisfied, I.ncineroar sits down to get back to his workout. His muscles work over their meals, grinding and crushing over them. When the wet cracks start to come out of his body, he growls happily and makes his workout slower and more deliberate. Just so he can feel them break. He’s at it all day, his arms and chest slowly shrinking down as he pulverized the Fighting types. He only stops when he can’t feel anything solid inside himself anymore, hours later. He checks himself out in the mirror—he’s grown taller, his body drenched in sweat, his muscles now bigger and more defined. He flexes them and grins wide. He’s found a good use for Fighting types. He’s suddenly not so bothered by having them overrunning the gym. If they’ll make him look like this, after all…
The P.ikachu yelps softly as he’s slammed into the locker, the big I.ncineroar looming over him. The jock has a cocky grin, an arm next to the P.ikachu as he leans in. “So, ya got my homework done or not?” The P.ikachu looks up at the cat nervously from behind his glasses, shrinking in on himself. Getting pushed around by the best wrestler in school seems too cliche but he’s never been able to fight back. The P.ikachu tries to stammer out an excuse, having spent too long last night getting his own work done to focus on someone else’s. He shuts up quickly when the I.ncineroar’s stomach lets out a low growl in front of him. “Didn’t get it done, huh? Too bad…well, if you’re not useful as a brainiac, you can be useful as lunch!” The I.ncineroar grabs the P.ikachu by the front of his shirt and lifts him up. The nerd tries to scream, but his head is swiftly engulfed. Thick gulps start to suck him down, his legs flailing around and kicking the lockers. It makes a bit of noise so the I.ncineroar works fast, throwing his head back and slurping the P.ikachu down. His abs bloats out with a slosh, dropping the squeaking nerd inside. His gut hangs free from his shirt, sloshing back and forth as the P.ikachu kicks around inside. A wet belch rumbles out of the I.ncineroar, a pair of glasses clattering to the floor. “Heh, yeah, you’re good lunch,” he sneers, patting his gut. “Guess I’ll see if some of your nerd buddies can take your place. If not, they can always join you…” He chuckles darkly as he slurps over his lips, walking off to torture a few more brainiacs.
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ilikebigbellydotnom · 6 months
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A macro lupin iii is detained within the mighty gut of the inspector!
How did this occur?? Tis up to you! I just thought the old man looked better with a mega gut!
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voraciousvore · 2 months
Vore Writing/ Art Mega Compilation
Happy Vore Day!~
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I decided to make a collection of some of my favorite vore scenes I've written, as well as throw in some art both new and old! Keep in mind these are chapters from larger stories, not oneshots, so they may be diminished by lack of context or build-up, and contain massive spoilers for plot events. I tried to include a decent variety, except for giantess vore as I have a separate compilation for that here. Also scenes that I label "NSFW" contain overt sexual elements and are 18+ only.
If you haven't read any of my writing, now's your chance to browse, sample some, and suffer through it!
The Giant, Ch. 3 - My first full vore scene in my first full story that remains one of my best (soft, unwilling, nonfatal); I would also recommend continuing into Ch. 4 for a great semi-willing mouthplay/ foodplay scene!
Big Corp Inc, Ch. 17: Cake - Tiny lady covered in cake frosting. What more could a big guy want? (romantic mouthplay, NSFW)
In the Belly of the Giant, Ch. 12 - A kidnapped woman learns just how horrible her giant captor is (soft, unwilling, nonfatal)
Giganterra, Ch. 10: A Full Belly - The giant king enjoys his tribute of small young ladies, devouring them one by one (soft, unwilling, nonfatal, NSFW non-con)
Bucky's, Ch. 9: Business Lunch - A party of high-ranking executives visit Bucky's, a restaurant that serves humans as food (unwilling pred, mouthplay, soft safe vore)
The Half-Blood Giant, Ch. 38: Unhealthy Obsession - A miserable, unhinged giant obsessed with a girl he can't have decides to forcibly keep her for himself (soft, safe, unwilling); Bonus, if you want to read the scene that precedes this one with him betraying and consuming his romantic rival: Ch. 36: Cat and Mouse (soft, fatal, unwilling)
The Half-Blood Giant, Ch. 40: Full Tour - Very messed up chapter where Hannah gets a full trip through Hunter's entrails (full tour but not explicit at the end, soft/ safe with some threat of digestion, somewhat NSFW since he handles her naked)
Boarding School for Giants, Ch. 4 - Giant student bullies his tiny classmate. To be honest, I included this scene more for the poignant emotional impact than the actual vore scene itself (unwilling mouthplay)
Big Corp Inc, Ch. 11: Cold and Hot - A gentle giant unwittingly eats his coworker in a sandwich (double unaware vore, soft, nonfatal, vomiting)
In the Belly of the Giant, Ch. 5 - Gastroscopy with an intrepid, tiny male doctor (willing, soft, safe)
Bucky's, Ch. 39: Eat or Be Eaten - The CEO of Big Corp decides to eliminate a disloyal employee (soft, unwilling, ambiguous ending)
Big Corp Inc, Ch. 34: Manager Meeting - The sole human employee of Big Corp is coerced into participating in a "product demonstration" with her boss (soft, safe, unwilling)
Giganterra, Prologue: Saturn Devouring His Son - The giant king shrinks and devours his defiant heir (soft, fatal, unwilling)
In the Belly of the Giant, Ch. 34 - Giant cop is tied up and forced to ingest his tiny girlfriend (soft, safe, unwilling pred, NSFW non-con)
I know there's a lot of great scenes that I excluded, but this list is getting too long as it is. It was very difficult to narrow it down!
Anyways, here's a bunch of vore art:
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