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peppermakesart · 3 months ago
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Felt like drawing Masquerattle tonight, he’s been very good for me on this playthrough, and I even found a water bootleg Carniviper in the wild I’m now raising up. I like this form best because of the snoot boop it does for its melee attack animation
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wireframearson · 1 year ago
some sprites / commissions for a friendlocke series my friends are doing! im the bird (my name is aailieyeugh), the rest are everyone else
these are more inspired by the in-game style rather than a direct style copy because im incredibly lazy
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colonel-chicken · 1 year ago
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Cassette Beasts is such a fun ride ! Here's my favourite monster, a glitter-covered Masquerattle and their evolution, the lovely Mardiusa.
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superserpentsmackdown · 2 years ago
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deb79ful · 6 months ago
A summary of (the first half of) yesterday's Cassette Beasts session with me and my friends:
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Don't worry, I did eventually get a Glass-type bootleg. It was a Masquerattle, the less-fun snake, but you have to take what you can get.
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scarsmispronouncedgong · 9 days ago
Got the final remaster for 2 of my tapes! My Zombleat is now a Capricorpse named "Baastard", and my Masquerattle is now a Jormungold named "World Eater"
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autie-j · 9 months ago
I made some decent progress in Cassette Beasts today. I beat both captain Wallace and Archangel poppefox, by the way, the fusion music, so good. The soundtrack in this game is like god tier. Currently my party is Vendemon (my starter), Elfless, Masquerattle, Wingloom, and Stardigrade. I've been swapping beasts in and out after I get 5 stars out of curiosity of like what they turn into. Might be a bit before I get my final party. And I have 25/128 recorded. I've mostly just been wandering around and discovering new things as I explore. It really brings back the gen 1 pokemon feeling where like everything is brand new and you're constantly discovering new stuff
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decibelcoatl · 1 year ago
Monsters of Cassette Beasts and Gender Ratios - A Personal Headcanon
So I'm more or less halfway through Cassette Beasts (the main game, at least, still have yet to reach post-game so NO SPOILERS), and I've had this running through my head for a while now. Even though there are no genders at all, I still wanted to put in some genders of my own anyway just because I can.
Please not that these are all my own personal opinions, so take it all with a grain of salt if you will. Additionally, I did not include any monsters from the Pier of the Unknown DLC, as I have not gotten around to getting it yet. Fret not, however, for once I do get the DLC, I will make sure to update this ASAP.
Full list under the cut below.
#001-#005 (Springheel, Hopskin, Ripterra, Snoopin, Scampire): 75% male, 25% female
#006-#010 (Carniviper, Masquerattle, Jormungold, Mardiusa, Aeroboros): Mardiusa is female-only, while the rest are 50% male and 50% female
#011-#013 (Traffikrab, Weevilite, Lobstacle): 50% male, 50% female
#014-#018 (Candevil, Malchemy, Miasmodeus, Vendemon, Gumbaal): 12% male, 88% female
#019-#023 (Bansheep, Wooltergeist, Ramtasm, Zombleat, Capricorpse): 88% male, 12% female
#024-#025 (Sirenade, Decibelle): 25% male, 75% female
#026-#027 (Dandylion, Blossomaw): 50% male, 50% female
#028-#029 (Macabra, Folklord): 50% male, 50% female
#030-#033 (Dominoth, Wingloom, Mothmanic, Tokusect): 50% male, 50% female
#034-#036 (Squirey, Manispear, Palangolin): 50% male, 50% female
#037-#038 (Kittelly, Cat-5): 50% male, 50% female
#039-#040 (Puppercut, Southpaw): 50% male, 50% female
#041-#044 (Bulletino, Velocirifle, Artillerex, Gearyu): 50% male, 50% female
#045-#046 (Diveal, Scubalrus): 50% male, 50% female
#047-#048 (Nevermort, Apocrowlypse): 50% male, 50% female
#049-#050 (Clocksley, Robindam): Male-only
#051 (Thwackalope): 50% male, 50% female
#052-#054 (Allseer, Khufu, Triphinx): Gender unknown
#055-#056 (Braxsuit, Flapwoods): 50% male, 50% female
#057-#058 (Sanzatime, Fortiwinx): 50% male, 50% female
#059-#060 (Salamagus, Pyromeleon): 50% male, 50% female
#061-#062 (Muskrateer, Ratcousel): 75% male, 25% female
#063-#065 (Padpole, Frillypad, Liligator): 50% male, 50% female
#066-#068 (Elfless, Grampus, Faerious): 50% male, 50% female
#069-#070 (Brushroom, Fungogh): Male-only
#071-#072 (Boltam, Plasmantler): 50% male, 50% female
#073-#075 (Busheye, Huntorch, Hedgeherne): 50% male, 50% female
#076-#077 (Terracooka, Coaldron): 50% male, 50% female
#078-#079 (Stardigrade, Galagor): 50% male, 50% female
#080-#081 (Mascotoy, Mascotorn): Gender unknown
#082-#083 (Binvader, Binterloper): Gender unknown
#084-#085 (Twirligig, Kirikuri): 50% male, 50% female
#086 (Jellyton): 50% male, 50% female
#087-#088 (Spirouette, Regensea): Female-only
#089-#091 (Jumpkin, Beanstalker, Draculeaf): 50% male, 50% female
#092-#095 (Pawndead, Skelevangelist, Kingrave, Queenyx): While Pawndead and Skelevangelist are both 50% male and 50% female, Kingrave is male-only whereas Queenyx is female-only
#096-#097 (Burnace, Smogmagog): 50% male, 50% female
#098-#099 (Faucetear, Fountess): 25% male, 75% female
#100-#101 (Cluckabilly, Rockertrice): 75% male, 25% female
#102-#103 (Pondwalker, Sharktanker): 50% male, 50% female
#104-#105 (Pombomb, Spitzfyre): 50% male, 50% female
#106-#107 (Icepeck, Cryoshear): 50% male, 50% female
#108-#109 (Sparktan, Zeustrike): 75% male, 25% female
#110-#111 (Kuneko, Shining Kuneko): Female-only
#112 (Djinn Entonic): Gender unknown
#113 (Arkidd): Gender unknown
#114 (Undyin): Female-only
#115 (Spooki-onna): Female-only
#116 (Khepri): Gender unknown
#117 (Averevoir): Gender unknown
#118 (Glaistain): Gender unknown
#119 (Miss Mimic): Female-only
#120 (Anathema): 50% male, 50% female
#121 (Pinbolt): 50% male, 50% female
#122 (Diveberg): 50% male, 50% female
#123 (Adeptile): 50% male, 50% female
#124-#125 (Trapwurm, Wyrmaw): 50% male, 50% female
#126-#127 (Ferriclaw, Auriclaw): Gender unknown
#128 (Picksie): 50% male, 50% female
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millipedish · 9 months ago
Thought I'd make a list of all my bootlegs, but I gave some of them nicknames and some others are just special to me so I have no intention of trading. So I thought it best to list them out:
Adeptile in earth Aeroboros in orange and astral Allseer in plastic and ice Anathema in earth Acrowcalypse in fire and lightning Arevevoir in fire Beanstalker in water Blossomaw in glitter, water and metal Boltam in poison and plant Bulletino in fire Capricorpse in glitter Carniviper in water and beast Cat-5 in beast Charlequinn in beast Cluckabilly in glitter Dandylion in poison Dominoth in plant(2), plastic(3), fire, astral, glitter and earth Draculeaf in fire Elfless in water and plastic Folklord in plant Frillypad in water Fungogh in metal and earth Galagor in fire, plastic and air Glaistain in poison, metal and air Grampus in glitter Hedgeherne in plastic Hopskin in astral and glass Huntorch in lightning Jellyton in ice and beast Jormungold in air(2) and glitter Khufo in water and glass Kuneko in glass Lobstacle in earth and poison Macabra in plastic, air and plant Manispear in metal Masquerattle in beast Mothmanic in water and astral Nevermort in water and plant Picksie in water, plastic and metal Pinbolt in glitter Plasmantler in metal Pombomb in plant Puppercut in metal(bootleg), plant and water Ratcousel in glass Scampire in glitter Shining Kuneko in Astral(bootleg) Smogmagog in poison Spitzfire in glass Spooki-onna in astral Springheel in fire Squirey in plant and fire Traffikrab in metal, beast and ice Undyin in fire Velocirifle in earth
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pombomb · 1 year ago
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superserpentsmackdown · 2 years ago
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nightmarefueler · 3 months ago
So now that I've had some more time on it, I will say this: I do really, REALLY like that you can swap out moves and put them on any compatible monster any time you want, and that you gain resources out of unwanted stickers to trade for ones you want. That being said, though, that emphasis on micromanagement does hurt it a bit, especially with how many stickers remastered monsters can have. There's just so much to take into account that it can get hard to make optimal decisions. Pokémon gets a point over this because the simplicity of how moves work keeps you from spending too much time weighing your options both in and out of battle. But it is just that one point.
Right now, my favorites from fourth to first are Decibelle, Masquerattle, Wooltergeist, and Traffikrab. I would defend Traffikrab with my very soul and I REALLY hope it remasters into something cool.
I...don't know what my favorite type would be yet, but something tells me Astral would be a contender purely for how many resists it has. And also Mind Meld because hoo boy. HOO BOY that could lead to some shenanigans.
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superserpentsmackdown · 2 years ago
Welcome to the Super Serpent Smackdown!
Our current bracket of beloved serpents:
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(List of competing serpents will be under the cut if you can’t read it)
Propoganda is allowed and encouraged, so long as it is not hateful or slanderous towards any competing snakes, your fellow voters, or either blog moderator. Please tag this blog in your propoganda if you want us to reblog it! You can also just reblog from a poll and put your propoganda there, but tagging us boosts the odds that we’ll see it. Have fun and may the best serpent win!
Caduceus (Greek Mythology) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Eyelash viper (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Flying snake (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Ouroboros (Norse Mythology) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 4)
Wester hognose (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 3)
Dalamadur (Monster Hunter) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
The serpent in the Garden of Eden (The Bible) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Changsheng (Genshin Impact) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Kaa (The Jungle Book) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
The Great Devourer (Ninjago)
Serpent Demon (The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Bush viper (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Wadjet (Egyptian Mythology) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Titanoboa (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 3)
Indonesian pit viper (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Naga (Shantae) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Masquerattle (Cassette Beasts) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Naydra (Legend of Zelda) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Asmodeus Poisonteeth (Redwall) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Arabian sand boa (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 4)
Undertide (Flight Rising) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Dojo (Xiaolin Showdown) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Giant Snake (Beetlejuice The Musical) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Jormungandr (Norse Mythology) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 3:
Hoopsnake (Folklore) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Karai (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Rainbow Serpent (Indigenous Australian Dreamtime)
Slow worm (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Naga (Minecraft Twilight Forest mod) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Seviper (Pokémon) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Manda (Naruto) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Viper (Kung Fu Panda) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 3)
Garter snake (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 3)
Twin Snakes (Haribo Candy) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Serperior (Pokémon) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Sandiramon (Digimon) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Pythor (Ninjago)
Gaboon viper (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Yaldabaoth (Homestuck) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Uk’otoa (Critical Role) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Mr. Snake (The Bad Guys) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Rope Snake (Mother 3) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 3)
Lernie (Hades) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Mara (Doctor Who) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Ball python (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 4)
Snakewater snakes (Team Fortress 2) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Apophis (Egyptian Mythology) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Rattlesnake Jake (Rango) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Leviathan (The Bible) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Quetzalcoatl (Aztec Mythology) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 3)
Brutus (The Reckoning) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Long-nosed whip snake (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Blue Malaysian coral snake (Real life)
Carniviper (Cassette Beasts) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Sapphire Dragon (Xiaolin Showdown) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Rattly (Donkey Kong) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Lindworm (Norse Mythology) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Hydra (Greek Mythology) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Ringneck snake (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Skittles (Real life) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 3)
Stringbean (The Owl House) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Medusa’s hair (Greek Mythology) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 2)
Sir Hiss (Robin Hood) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 1)
Snake (Snake) (ELIMINATED: ROUND 4)
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scarsmispronouncedgong · 10 days ago
Just had 3 remasters at the same time!
My Bansheep is now a Zombleat, which I've renamed to "Baambie"
My Plastic-type bootleg Carniviper is now a Masquerattle named "Hissquerade"
And my Dominoth is now a Tokusect named "Fartkicker"
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