sakithepooh · 2 years
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#maskology X #謝安琪 #kaytiquette 聯乘口罩宣傳電車 (電車編號88) #香港 #hongkong #香港交通 #hktransport #電車 #tram #香港電車 #hktramways #hktrams #kaytse #reallifehk(在 香港中環 銀行街 Bank Street, Queen's Road Central, Hk) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClnaPsbv-XL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ilexproject · 2 years
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Reposted from @peintreobou BABI EST DOUX. @193gallery Treichville Palais des Sports. Acrylic on Canvas 150cm x 150cm 2022 Berlin. #artcontemporain #artcontemporary #mongbonhi #maville #abidjan #abidjannais #maskology #braidart #conditionhumaine #artday #babiestdoux #histoiredemaville @i_lex_project https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj8dpuqgXPp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brigatte-mascherine · 4 years
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per la categoria 'upcycling', i vincitori sono sicuramente i cinesi aria.duan e Zhijun Wang.
scarica il pdf e guarda il video tutorial per confezionare il modello DIY 'Maskology' direttamente nel loro sito
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nctforgiven · 6 years
@maskology called
They’re not a bad person. 
Wanting answers for all the shit that has ruined your life does not a bad person make. Reacting violently to someone sneaking around doesn’t not a bad person make. And they aren’t a bad person. 
Sass hadn’t been doing much of anything. They’d been in the back room of the church they now called their temporary home with a box of tools and a YouTube tutorial playing on how to fix a heating unit. They were bad at it, and their hands were freezing, shaking too badly to be able to unscrew what needed unscrewed without constantly dropping the damn screwdriver. They were getting frustrated. It was as simple as that. 
And so they’d shut the video off and gone back to the main part of the church and taken out their gloves to try and just sit awhile. Maybe they should just go and buy a space heater. Might be easier then this. 
At least the stereo still worked. 
Music played quietly, as they shift to lay down on a pew. Focusing a moment, a brief moment on nothing. Relaxing. 
The track skips slightly before the next song plays; 
(Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River...)
And they’d heard something. Or felt something. They don’t know what it was but it had them sit upright, even more cold then they’d been a moment ago, as they’d been dumped right into the Shenandoah River. Breathing faster, heart pounding in their chest. 
But fear wouldn’t do them any good. They’d learned that early on, a young child scared and hiding but being found out anyway. Fear helped nothing. Fear tripped you up, froze you in place. Fear was a death sentence. And they weren’t about to die today. 
(Take me home, Country Roads....)
So they stood. Checked the laces on their boots. Pulled on their coat. And went outside with a flashlight. They could still hear the music playing quietly from behind the walls. 
(The radio reminds me of my home far away...)
(...home yesterday, yesterday)
They see what they normally see outside the church. The dark. The woods. A dirt road. A sign out front declaring the name of the church and the times of worship, or. It did once. It’s long since faded away. 
But nothing that would have made them so jumpy. And so they’d walked back around, when they saw him. It. At the time they didn’t know. Nothing but intense determination gripped them, the knowledge that they would be surviving this encounter. 
Wanting to live didn’t make them a bad person. 
Picking up a two by four off the ground, old, cracked wood fallen off the paneling of the building and throwing the flashlight at him? it? them? as a distraction didn’t make them a bad person. 
Swinging the plank of wood hard enough to knock the masked figure out cold on the ground didn’t make them a bad person. Just someone who wanted to live. 
And they weren’t a bad person for dragging him inside and tying him to a chair. That only made them a person who wanted answers. 
Music played as they waited. They paced. They mumbled along to the lyrics. But felt very, very little. Mind was racing, trying to put things together. They knew Marble Hornets, of course, it was one of the first things they’d investigated. They knew Masky. They knew Tim. But there were things they still hadn’t been able to put together. And now he was here. One of them, or both of them? They didn’t know. 
But answers were there, just at their fingertips. 
All they had to do was wait. 
And that’s where they were now. Waiting. Pacing. Music playing from the stereo. Wild and intense, much like their new found mood. 
(Hear the dogs howlin’ out of key / To a hymn called faith and misery)
They haven’t taken off his mask. Not yet. But they’re itching to. They just need to wait a little longer. Blue eyes, almost too blue, bore down on the unconscious figure. Waiting. 
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lightresist · 5 years
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jenniferbin | zhijunwang - MASKOLOGY | st_ella
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u4get2015 · 4 years
「 Maskology 口罩.學 」全新學童口罩 運動必備 Nanotech 納米口罩
新型冠狀病毒疫情持續,口罩作為防疫第一道防線,質素尤其重要。兩位80後創辦人豆爸爸、洋爸爸精益求精,銳意將「 Maskology 口罩.學 」打造成香港學童口罩之頂尖品牌,繼早前推出的「雜果冰」四色學同口罩後,即日起於網店發售一系列全新產品,在抗疫路上繼續「與您同行」。新一輪公開發售將新增兩款四色口罩,包括ASTM Level 3 學童口罩及運動必備的Nanotech 納米口罩,其中ASTM Level 3學童口罩更新增日系獨有尺寸160mm,適合不同年齡的學童及臉形較小家長及女士使用。 Read the full article
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valmanway · 6 years
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HE DESERVED THAT CHAIR!!! teeny bias list under the cut!
special mention: @slewfirst whom first spoke and befriended to me here and made me feel super super welcome. one of my very first tumblr friends who listens to me rave abt the differences in canon and show!!!
twins: @cruen & @misahpyr !!!
dads: @revengod & @vvrathbound !!!
@celosian,  @chuujn, @countsired, @whhck, @unmeii, @albionvigil, @freedomloss, @uccisore, @endormii, @regnoi, @ashdrawn, @vojvode, @draculna, @helsung, @maskology, @myrkvae, @dokkstjarna, @scytheld, @blazerought, @willbeshot, @hexfull, @trickira, @deacruor, @celestiletto, @iimpius, @girlune, @tyrantfell, @ichormaws, @merafaith, @vclkyrie, @sanquiem, @gravestaked, @azureign, @inspeak, @belrunt, @whipcrest, @vtharr, @fngless, @putrefactie, @cxmmandme, @belmunt, @fukenzena, @decernimus, @rebclangcl, @siiphas, @sorconis, @vxmpirehunterd @uccisore !!!
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style-yesnews · 3 years
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數數手指,帶咗口罩成年有多,好彩嘅係資訊流通,令到靈活嘅港人好快趣個個成為口罩嘅專家。剛剛開始疫情嗰陣,大家都係偏向買日本製造嘅口罩,唔洗問點解啦大家都好明白。做lab嘅我要講兩句,其實邊度製造都好,如果佢哋嘅生���線、廠房、原材料等等跟足regulation有晒report(講緊合格嘅第三方公證行報告)基本上都比到消費者十足嘅信心。所以,香港雖然係生產口罩嘅初哥,但喺安全方面,我覺得係好有保證,皆因香港嘅公證行喺國際間係數一數二出名。【Maskology 口罩.學】係其中一間我好欣賞嘅香港製造口罩生產商,佢哋啲報告好齊,仲好公開透明,詳情可以睇呢度:https://www.maskology.com.hk/pages/certifications
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喺未正式全��接種疫苗(或者未證實疫苗有效)之前,奉勸大家都係帶返個口罩保障自己。Maskology嘅口罩全部都符合ASTM 標準,level 3會唔會好焗?其實越高level並唔代表越焗,焗唔焗係睇原材料。我可以講,Maskology嘅口罩係我戴過幾隻牌子之中比較通爽唔焗促,好舒服,戴咗佢之後返唔到轉頭戴其他牌子添呀,真心冇誇張!
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我戴緊呢隻係175mm 成人口罩 Ultra Lv 3 $138/50個一盒,圍起約$3個,比起而家市價約$2個貴少少,但係喺包裝上面,Maskology確係衛生好多(同埋都係嗰句啦,佢哋啲認證齊好多㗎!)10個一包咁樣,方便帶出街替換。
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我同老公面形屬於大,大家戴175mm差唔多。鼻位條鐵線唔會太硬,兩邊尾端無插出嚟,里料親膚,對於我呢啲郁啲都敏感痕癢嘅麻煩友真係喜訊嚟,舒適度我比滿分!佢哋有出160mm日本碼口罩,細面女士或者中童可以考慮吓呢個size(聽講帶呢個size有小顏效果㗎~)講開又講,Maskology呢個品牌嘅誕生,正正係為小朋友而創立,所以佢哋小童口罩都有幾隻唔同Size,十分之齊,仲有cross over好多小朋友鍾意嘅公仔圖案,最近就出咗男孩最愛TOMICA,相信呢啲得意嘅圖案會令小朋友對戴口罩呢件事冇咁抗拒。唔係太sure咩size適合自己或者小朋友?唔洗驚買錯,因為Maskology終於有第一間實體店!門市《Maskology Living》位於旺角新世紀廣場2樓210號舖!可以摸下度下先買,仲有大量優惠,詳情自己睇佢哋個page:https://www.facebook.com/maskology.hk/posts/284009016568441
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除咗得意公仔,Maskology仲有型格系列(淨色)同埋櫻花系列,一樣係ASTM level 3。很想要吧?而家送出100個Maskology嘅特別版口罩! 名額如下: 小童size:142mm x 10 pcs(3位) 女士/中童size:160mm x 10 pcs(3位) 成人size:175mm x 10 pcs(4位) 詳細玩法: 1. like maskology facebook https://www.facebook.com/maskology.hk/ 2. like popcorn express facebook http://www.facebook.com/popcornellie 3. like and share post 4. 留言 「我想試 #MIHK #maskology 口罩」然後 tag 3位朋友 Terms and Conditions -只限香港地區參加。 -得獎者將會以inbox通知,屆時選擇想要嘅口罩size,先覆先揀。 -獎品只會以平郵方式送出,拒絕提供地址者勿排。 -如有任何爭議,本專頁將保留最終決定權及一切權利。 -截止日期:2021年4月18日
Maskology https://www.maskology.com.hk/ https://www.facebook.com/maskology.hk/ 門市地址:旺角新世紀廣場2樓210號舖
[email protected] http://www.facebook.com/popcornellie http://instagram.com/popcornellie http://popcorn-express.tumblr.com
健康資訊由熱新聞提供 原文連結: 【文末送禮】講下口罩 Maskology 口罩·學 更多相關內容
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popcorn55 剛榮升媽媽,人妻,集合捱夜工作壓力等等問題於一身,每日為自己的爛面作戰的中女。希望試盡天下秘方,不求長生不老,但願青春常駐。
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studioeaton · 5 years
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(via Maskology, le mascherine-sneakers di Zhijun Wang per Milano contro il Coronavirus)
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jetsoday · 4 years
港產Maskology學童口罩23日正午預售 $135/50個有4色選擇
港產Maskology學童口罩23日正午預售 $135/50個有4色選擇 http://hkmask.likehour.com/hk-face-mask-news/%e6%b8%af%e7%94%a2maskology%e5%ad%b8%e7%ab%a5%e5%8f%a3%e7%bd%a923%e6%97%a5%e6%ad%a3%e5%8d%88%e9%a0%90%e5%94%ae%e3%80%80135-50%e5%80%8b%e6%9c%894%e8%89%b2%e9%81%b8%e6%93%87/ 小朋友提早放暑假,但家長已經要為小孩下個學期上籌謀,例如要確保有足夠的兒童口罩給子女,Maskology於今日(7月23)12時公開預售香港製造的學童口罩。 今次預售有四個顏色的選擇。(Maskology fb圖片) Maskology在facebook專頁公布將於7月23日12時開始第2次「Maskology 口罩·學」學童口罩公開預售,並將於8月11日起發貨,是次預售提供不同顏色選擇,包括粉藍、粉紅、粉綠和粉紫四種顏色,客戶也可選擇「雜果冰」四色組合。 這次預售的Maskology學童口罩售價為$135元50隻,預訂選項以2盒起跳,並設有4盒(8及9月分2次收貨)、6盒(8、9及10月分3次收貨)的選項。如要購買的市民,可登入Maskology預售網站輸入電郵地址及選擇購買數量取籌,之後就會收到購買連結。 這次預售的Maskology學童口罩售價為$135元50隻。(Maskology fb圖片) 發售詳情: 預售日期:由7月23日(星期四)中午12時起,售完即止 規格:歐盟EN14683 最高級別Type IIR美國ASTM Level 1、BFE>99%、PFE>95%並通過歐盟及香港細菌含量標準及香港Q嘜要求之耳帶拉力測試尺寸:142mm x 92mm ± 3mm 預售網站: www.maskology.com.hk進入預售網站,輸入電郵地址及選擇購買數量以取籌;成功取籌後,登記電郵地址會收到購買連結及購買碼;之後進入購買連結,選擇口罩顏色,並輸入購買碼以完成付款。 選項及價格:每盒50 隻,售價維持 $135(每兩盒附送「耳後唔痛」護耳扣乙個)以下三選一:I. 8月兩盒:$300($270+$30 順豐運費)II. 8、9月各兩盒(共四盒):$570($540+$30順豐運費,免一次運費,節省$30)III. 8、9、10月各兩盒(共六盒):$810(三次運費全免,節省$102) 現有顧客使用與上次預售時(4月23日)相同的電郵地址登記取籌,可獲全單(連運費)95折 顏色選擇:以兩盒為單位,每兩盒可選擇其中一款顏色 –「藍莓子」(粉藍)、「粉蜜桃」(粉紅)、「青蘋果」(粉綠)、「紫葡萄」(粉紫);購買六盒的顧客更可選擇「雜果冰」(即每兩盒有四色各一包,每包25隻) 送貨安排��擇:「順豐速運」送到顧客指定之地址(只限香港地區)或於顧客指定之順便智能櫃/順豐站自提
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kicksaddictny · 4 years
Maskology - Everyone Can Make A Mask by Zhijun Wang & Yutong Duan
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Zhijun Wang (@zhijunwang) on Apr 21, 2020 at 5:12pm PDT
This is dope!
Hi everyone, It's an extreme tough time to all the people who have to face and struggle the virus, we hope you stay healthy and safe. 'Do something helpful for our living community' has inspired me and Yutong to keep trying and creating. We know not everyone can get a proper protection at quarantine time right now, so we want to share the idea of our home-made mask — 'EVERYONE CAN MAKE A MASK'. It's a quite simple way to help and keep you safe with what matters to you the most. Make sure you have the proper tools and protective materials for making the mask, hope it helps people not harms. You can download the mask template for free and check the tutorial video at zhijunwang.com. It’s a public interest project for benefiting people, do not use for any commercial purpose without authorization. Keep social distance, wash your hands and support the frontline. Hope it can help you to get through this tough time. Best, Zhijun Wang & Yutong Duan #Maskology
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reqards · 6 years
tag  navigation  .
aes  &  inspo  for  the  following  blogs  :  maskology  ,  axeology  ,  arkrecorded  .
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explorativelearning · 6 years
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“Mass industrialized sentencing” @takashipom @zhijunwang “MASKOLOGY” — a solo exhibition by •Zhijun Wang• ••••> Zhijun repurposes expensive sneakers like Yeezy, Off-white, Hu NMD etc, by creating a practical barrier against toxic air. “Maskology“ has stimulated brilliant minds to further explore this new field....While creators around the world continue to translate style into humility❤️🐣 THANK YOU ZHIJUN! 🙏🏽 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2n28Oay
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jetsoday · 4 years
ASTM Level 1+BFE逾99%+PFE逾95% 「Maskology 口罩.學」 7月23日預售4色學童口罩【附購買詳情】
ASTM Level 1+BFE逾99%+PFE逾95% 「Maskology 口罩.學」 7月23日預售4色學童口罩【附購買詳情】 http://hkmask.likehour.com/hk-face-mask-news/astm-level-1%ef%bc%8bbfe%e9%80%be99%ef%bc%8bpfe%e9%80%be95%e3%80%80%e3%80%8cmaskology-%e5%8f%a3%e7%bd%a9%ef%bc%8e%e5%ad%b8%e3%80%8d-7%e6%9c%8823%e6%97%a5%e9%a0%90%e5%94%ae4%e8%89%b2%e5%ad%b8%e7%ab%a5/ ▲ 新一批學童口罩即將開售。(圖片由「Maskology 口罩.學」提供) 新冠肺炎疫情近日爆發第三波,家長們需要為小朋友搜購足夠口罩放暑假及預備新學年。本地口罩「Maskology 口罩.學」將於7月23日開始預售新一輪學童口罩,新設四種新顏色,現有顧客享95折優惠。 ▲ (圖片由「Maskology 口罩.學」提供) 首輪預售快將全數發貨 符合多項國際標準、香港本地生產、以學童角度出發設計的「Maskology 口罩.學」學童口罩,4月首次預售,由於過程遇上機件故障及後備零件短缺等狀況,進度受影響,將於7月底前全數如期發貨。 新一輪新設四色「雜果冰團」 「Maskology 口罩.學」學童口罩將於7月23日(星期四)中午12時起,於網站 www.maskology.com.hk再次公開預售,數量有限,售完即止。 是次預售於8⽉11⽇開始發貨,更推出「藍莓子」(粉藍)、「粉蜜桃」(粉紅)、「青蘋果」(粉綠)、「紫葡萄」(粉紫)四種顏色,客戶更可選擇「雜果冰」四色組合。 口罩尺寸為142mm x 92mm ± 3mm,每盒50個,分兩個可重封包裝袋,每袋25個。於香港生產及包裝,保質期為三年。 預訂方法 1. 進入取籌網站 www.maskology.com.hk(將於 7月 23 日中午12時啟動) (a)輸入電郵地址 及(b)選擇購買選項(三選一) 2. 成功取籌後,電郵會收到只可進行一次交易的購買連結及購買碼。 3. 進入購買連結後,選擇口罩顏色,並輸入購買碼以完成付款。 4. 預訂選項及價格:每盒50 隻,售價 $135。以下三選一: 8月兩盒:$304($270+$34順豐運費)8、9月各兩盒(共四盒):$574($540+$34順豐運費,免一次運費,即節省$34)8、9、10月各兩盒(共六盒):$810(三次運費全免,即節省$102) 凡購買每兩盒口罩附送「耳後唔痛」護耳扣乙個,每月預計發貨期為該月的11號至月底,發貨次序按有關訂單於預售期間完成付款的先後而定。 顏色選擇則以兩盒為單位,每兩盒可選擇其中一款顏色 –「藍莓子」(粉藍)、「粉蜜桃」(粉紅)、「青蘋果」(粉綠)、「紫葡萄」(粉紫);購買六盒的顧客更可選擇「雜果冰」(即每兩盒有四色各一包,每包25隻)。 為了回饋顧客的支持,現有顧客只需使用與上次 (4月23日) 預售時相同的電郵地址登記取籌,可獲全單連運費95折優惠。 付款方式:PayMe、 FPS 轉數快、信用卡(VISA、MasterCard、AE)、Apple Pay、Google Pay 送貨安排選擇:「順豐速運」送到顧客指定之地址(只限香港地區)或於顧客指定之順便智能櫃/順豐站自提。 無塵車間及口罩品質達國際標準 ▲ 職員為口罩進行拉力測試。(圖片由「Maskology 口罩.學」提供) 「Maskology 口罩.學」學童口罩達到歐盟EN14683最高級別Type IIR、美國ASTM Level 1、BFE> 99%及PFE> 95%的標準,亦通過符合歐盟及香港標準的細菌含量測試,及香港「Q 嘜」要求的拉力測試。 此外,「Maskology 口罩.學」自設ISO14644-1 Class 8 無塵車間廠房,生產流程及品質管理系統獲「ISO13485:2016」認證。品牌亦正申請歐盟CE認證及香港「Q 嘜」優質產品計劃認證。
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