dampfloks · 1 month
Dampfzug mit Lokomotive Bonne - Video 1080p 60fps (inkl.-Audio)
Lokomotive 57 S/N: 4478 (1943) van Hoogovens Stoom IJmuiden (HSIJ) hier bei Eys-Wittem auf der Strecke der Zuid-Limburgse Stoomtrein Maatschappij (ZLSM) (NL)
Steam train with locomotive Bonne - Video 1080p 60fps (incl. audio)
Locomotive 57 S/N: 4478 (1943) van Hoogovens Stoom IJmuiden (HSIJ) here near Eys-Wittem on the line of the Zuid-Limburgse Stoomtrein Maatschappij (ZLSM) (NL)
Train à vapeur avec locomotive Bonne - Video 1080p 60fps (incl.-audio)
Locomotive 57 S/N : 4478 (1943) van Hoogovens Stoom IJmuiden (HSIJ) ici près de Eys-Wittem sur la ligne de la Zuid-Limburgse Stoomtrein Maatschappij (ZLSM) (NL)
Stoomtrein met locomotief Bonne - Video 1080p 60fps (incl. audio)
Loc 57 S/N: 4478 (1943) van Hoogovens Stoom IJmuiden (HSIJ) hier bij Eys-Wittem op de lijn van de Zuid-Limburgse Stoomtrein Maatschappij (ZLSM) (NL)
Video 1080p 60fps (incl-Audio)
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dashalbrundezimmer · 2 years
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deutz-mülheimer straße // köln mülheim
eisenbahnwagen- und maschinenfabrik van der zypen & charlier
unfortunately, there are hardly any traces left of the former eisenbahnwagen- und maschinenfabrik van der zypen & charlier . one of the few remaining buildings can be seen in the picture. the halls where the remains of the test facility for the wuppertal suspension railway were located are now the site of a gigantic excavation pit. no construction work is taking place and it remains to be critically questioned why the actually listed buildings had to disappear. the future use of the site seems to be rather uncertain at the moment.
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channeledhistory · 1 year
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rwpohl · 1 year
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schloß philippsruhe, museum hanau: industriedenkmäler hanau, photographien von reinhard franz und jochen stenger, ausstellungskatalog 1987 exzerpt, pdf
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bauerntanz · 2 years
Entwidmung bedeutet
#Entwidmung bedeutet. Über die Schwierigkeit, eine sinnvolle Bahnstrecke im #Nordwesten zu reaktivieren. via @tazgezwitscher
Die taz schreibt: Auf einer entwidmeten Bahnstrecke Draisine zu fahren – das hört sich nach einem originellen Freizeitvergnügen an. Möglich ist das derzeit noch zwischen Fürstenau und Quakenbrück in Südniedersachsen. Jetzt soll die Strecke abgebaut und in einen Radweg verwandelt werden. Damit rückt eine zukünftige Wiederindienststellung der Strecke ein Stück weiter in die Ferne – und das in einer…
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An introduction to VR passenger carriages, part 1: the blue carriages
In our next series of introducing our rolling stock, we will be looking at passenger carriages. I was actually thinking of doing multiple units next, but @hapotonradio requested I do the blue carriages and a lot of people seemed to like the idea so here we go.
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A Dr13-hauled train consisting of blue carriages arriving in Turku Harbour, 1995. Falk1, Wikimedia Commons
I can already hear foreigners (and non-rail enthusiast Finns too) going "what the hell are the blue carriages?" Well, the blue carriages were/are the first Finnish steel-bodied passenger carriages, with over 600 units (depending a bit on what you count as being actual blue carriages) of different types built between 1961 and 1986. Today, almost all of them have been retired. Which is a shame, because they were sexy.
The first 15 blue carriages were built by the West German Maschinenfabrik Esslingen, who also designed them, in 1961. This original batch were equipped with different types of boggies, from which the Minden-Deutz boggie was chosen for the eventual mass-produced series built in-house by the VR Pasila workshop starting from 1964 (Valmet also built a small number of carriages).
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A combined 1st and 2nd class carriage as built, 1964. At this point they still had steel covering the underbody from the sides. These hems were later removed to better display the arousing technical bits. Olavi Karasjoki, Suomen rautatiemuseo.
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President Kekkonen (the bald dude) visiting the above carriage. Olavi Karasjoki, Suomen rautatiemuseo.
The initial batch consisted of ten 2. class carriages (littera Eit), four combined 1. and 2. class coaches (lit. CEit) and one 1. class coach (lit. Cit). As you can maybe figure out, the -t at the end stood for teräs, steel, to distinguish from the old wood-bodied coaches. In addition to the regular first- and second-class coaches, the blue carriages' base design was adopted for restaurant cars (litteras Rbkt, Rt, Rkt and Rk), combined condutor's and luggage cars (lits. Fot, Efit and Efiti), sleepers (CEmt), aggregate cars to use on non-electrified tracks (Eifet), carriages with children's playrooms (ELht), postal carriages (Pot), military transport (Ems), prisoner transport (Nom), special carriages for the president and cabinet (A), and even a one-off disco carriage. The latter in particular fucked severely. All those sweaty bodies having it on inside a train...
Some sources also list the Eil-class local traffic coaches as blue carriages, but since they had some structural differences and were originally painted red rather than blue, I'm going to cover them in a separate entry.
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Interior of a 2nd class carriage. My photo
Over the quarter of a century the blue carriages were in production, numerous improvements were made to the original design; most notably, the original top service speed of 120 km/h was increased first to 140 km/h and then to 160 km/h in some units.
By the time the last blue carriages were delivered in 1986, their star was already waning. In 1988, the first new Intercity carriages (in a white and red IC delivery) were delivered, and Intercity trains replaced the blue-carriaged special express (erikoispikajuna) trains as the flagship product. With the arrival of the Intercity carriages, and the double-decker carriages from 1998 onwards, the blue carriages were phased out.
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Blue carriages at the Turku depot, an Eifet aggregate car repainted in the Intercity livery in the 1990s and CEmt sleepers (both carriages visible behind the Eifet; the sleepers have asymmetric window arrangements). My photo
Today, the only blue carriages still in use in the iconic original livery as sleepers in night trains to Lapland, and prison transport carriages. Some restaurant cars, aggregate cars and conductor's carriages still exist, but they have been repainted in the newer liveries. Several blue carriages have also been preserved by different instances and they're relatively commonly seen in heritage/museum trains these days.
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gunzlotzofgunz · 6 months
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8X57 MM; 22'' barrel, NUMBERS MATCHING ON THIS 1944 G43
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bruhstation · 2 years
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Pronouns: He/They Engine basis: C12, Saechsische Maschinenfabrik production Built year: 1893 Wheel configuration: 2-6-0T Fuel type: Wood Height (engine): 2,52 m
Age (Casa Tidmouth): mid 30s (as per 1999) Height (Casa Tidmouth): 162 cm
Judea is a confident and laid back goods train that doesn’t like overthinking big problems. He always believes that there’s always a solution to every issue, mainly due to his down-to-earth nature instead of blind optimism. They love to get along and form amicable relationships with various engines regardless of where their morality stood. Judea doesn’t like overly whiny folks, though. He also loves terrorizing big, proud engines, mainly Gordon (something about him just intrigues Judea), James (coleslaw vs potato salad), and Duck (he’s fun to provoke).
Judea has a health condition that makes him randomly stop on his tracks and “fall asleep”, something akin to narcolepsy in humans. They don’t really mind it much or take to heart other’s comments of his disability, but he does get irritated whenever people assume things that he couldn’t do because of it. His pride is quite easy to wound, and his perception of others can quickly change whenever something they say hits the sore spot. He does feel bad about this because he doesn’t like thinking badly about others. In addition, even though Judea is able to understand the things others go through, he finds it hard to emphatize with others.
About his years being forced to work for the Dutch colonizers? He didn’t really enjoy it.
He was saved from being scrapped after being bought by the Sir Topham Hatt at the time. Judea had always interpreted this as him taking pity on them, which made them feel a bit uncomfortable towards the controller.
Besides English, they can also speak Indonesian, a bit of German, and a bit of Dutch. He’s got a bit of Indonesian accent when he talks, too.
There was once an instance where Judea saw Gordon arrive at Knapford Station and (with a smirk) they immediately went “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Homotron 6000,”
Despite witnessing a lot of things during the Dutch colonization years, Judea remained relatively… unbothered. In fact, they don’t mind joking about the more macabre sides of the war.
Favorite quotes including: “Skill issue”, “Ah ah ah I know you’re mad 😂”, “Goodnight girl. I see you tomorrow”, “Achtung, baby!”, and “You know, back in Dutch East Indies they had an open casket funeral for one of the Dutch officers. Like, super awkward.”
The scar below his lip is due to an accident at the sea. Judea doesn’t like talking about it not because it mentally hurts, but because it’s so embarassing and he loves his pride more than anything..
The scar on his right eyebrow was when a bunch of crates fell on him and one of the crate’s corners hit his face. (“My dermatologist will hear about this!!!”)
(Casa Tidmouth) The scars on his left hand is from accidentally grazing it against a door lock strike plate.
Judea have had their fair share of rumors (and occasionally, insensitive comments) coming from the big engines when he first arrived on Sodor, mainly jabs at his fuel type and health condition.
He’s in the Aro/Ace spectrum. However, they do enjoy messing around with others and teasing them, mainly a certain, easily flustered, big blue engine…
Likes: Sunday School songs, the instant noodle Indomie, terrorizing big, haughty, mean engines
Dislikes: the Dutch. Not entirely because of what they did to his countrymen, though. He just thinks Europeans are kind of funny in an embarrassing way
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guerrerense · 9 months
Dampflok 99 731, Bj. 1928 durch Sächsische Maschinenfabrik
Dampflok 99 731, Bj. 1928 durch Sächsische Maschinenfabrik por Thorsten Mothes Por Flickr: Ausfahrt aus dem Bahnhof Bertsdorf
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iracarterart · 3 months
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Maschinenfabrik Rüti LSMA 1957 yearbook
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Gustav's beginnings!
Hello everyone! First of all, thank you for following this blog! There is so much to write about that I don’t even know know where to start, so I guess we will be starting from the beginning :-)))
We all know that Gustav Friedrich Fröhlich was born in Hanover on March 21, 1902 - but did you know that he was an illegitimate child and did not grow up with his birth parents?
Back in those days, things were very hard for children born out of wedlock. There was practically no way for them to grow up with their biological parents: for the mother, this would result in a terrible scandal and a perpetual staining of her social standing and reputation, and that is why most women chose to travel to some other place and give birth to their children in secret before going back home and acting as if nothing had happened - so that nobody would know that they had had a child.
In Gustav’s case, his father would later become a pretty important person, a local engineer who would also be director and technical manager of a factory (the Halleschen Maschinenfabrik): his name was Karl-Friedrich König (1876-1952), though some online sources state his first name as being Gustav instead, which is of course interesting.
Not much is known about Gustav‘s mother outside of the information Gustav himself provided in his autobiography ‘Waren das Zeiten’, published in the 1980s, but she seems to have been the daughter of a local worker, who was actually having Gustav’s father (who was a student by then) as a lodger at his house when the two fell in love. Her name was Hedwig Therese Sophie René Fröhlich, and of course Gustav inherited her surname.
In any case, when Gustav was born in such a scandalous way, his father didn’t want to take any responsibility, and his mother, feeling rejected and outcast, had a sort of breakdown, which led her to give up the child on the spot and to only come back for him years later. In the meanwhile Gustav spent all his formative years with his grandparents and foster parents, who were extremely fond of music and helped him develop an appreciation for it. And he left home very early to start a career as a journalist- his first professional venture before setting his heart on acting.
One interesting detail: Gustav knew who his biological parents were, and spent quite a bit of time with his mother during his younger years - as an adult and famous actor, he even developed a close friendship with one of his half-brothers (more about this in the future!). For Karl-Friedrich König would have other children just a few years after Gustav’s birth, among whom renowned philosopher and sociologist René König (1906-1992).
Here is the cover of Gustav’s own book (for both the hardcover and the paperback editions), where he tells his life story - highly recommended if you can read German!
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dampfloks · 8 months
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ME5053 Denkmallokomotive mit Steilstreckenausrüstung in Blumberg-Zollhaus (Schwarzwald) (DE)
Maschinenfabrik Esslingen, Baujahr 1952, Fabriknummer 5053
ME5053 Monument locomotive with steep line equipment in Blumberg-Zollhaus (Black Forest) (DE)
Esslingen engineering works, year of construction 1952, serial number 5053
ME5053 Locomotive monumentale avec équipement pour ligne à forte pente à Blumberg-Zollhaus (Forêt Noire) (DE)
Maschinenfabrik Esslingen, année de construction 1952, numéro de fabrication 5053
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hengheng7 · 11 months
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Antriebsrad von der Gotthardlokomotive Ce 6/8 II 14270 mit dem Übernamen Krokodil, gebaut 1921 von der Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon, in Betrieb bis 1969. Die Höchstgeschwindigkeit war 65 Km/h, Dauerleistung 1340 Ps bei 40 Km/h, Triebraddurchmesser 1350mm. Die Lokomotive steht nun wieder in Zuerich Oerlikon zur Besichtigung.
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giresearch · 2 months
Mobile Material Handling Machine Market Size, Global Industry Trend Analysis and Forecast 2024-2030
Global Info Research announces the release of the report “Global Mobile Material Handling Machine Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030” . This report provides a detailed overview of the market scenario, including a thorough analysis of the market size, sales quantity, average price, revenue, gross margin and market share.The report provides an in-depth analysis of the competitive landscape, manufacturer’s profiles,regional and national market dynamics, and the opportunities and challenge that the market may be exposed to in the near future. Global Mobile Material Handling Machine market research report is a comprehensive analysis of the current market trends, future prospects, and other pivotal factors that drive the market. According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global Mobile Material Handling Machine market size was valued at USD million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD million by 2030 with a CAGR of % during review period. It is a engineering field that is centered on the design of equipment used for the handling of dry materials. Advanced bulk material handling systems feature integrated bulk storage (silos), conveying (mechanical or pneumatic), and discharge. The Global Info Research report includes an overview of the development of the Mobile Material Handling Machine industry chain, the market status of Ports and Terminals (Large, Small and Medium), Construction (Large, Small and Medium), and key enterprises in developed and developing market, and analysed the cutting-edge technology, patent, hot applications and market trends of Mobile Material Handling Machine. Regionally, the report analyzes the Mobile Material Handling Machine markets in key regions. North America and Europe are experiencing steady growth, driven by government initiatives and increasing consumer awareness. Asia-Pacific, particularly China, leads the global Mobile Material Handling Machine market, with robust domestic demand, supportive policies, and a strong manufacturing base.
Market Segmentation Mobile Material Handling Machine market is split by Type and by Application. For the period 2019-2029, the growth among segments provides accurate calculations and forecasts for consumption value by Type, and by Application in terms of volume and value. Market segment by Type: Large、Small and Medium Market segment by Application:Ports and Terminals、Construction、Mining、Forestry & Agriculture、Others Major players covered: TRF Limited (TATA Group)、Liebherr、Hitachi Construction Machinery、Terex Corporation、Techint、Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group、Sanyhi、Thyssenkrupp、L&H Industrial、Kawasaki Heavy Industries、SENNEBOGEN Maschinenfabrik GmbH、IHI Transport Machinery、Yichao Technology、Elecon Engineering Company、Bevcon Wayors The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Mobile Material Handling Machine product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Mobile Material Handling Machine, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Mobile Material Handling Machine from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the Mobile Material Handling Machine competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Mobile Material Handling Machine breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2017 to 2023.and Mobile Material Handling Machine market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Mobile Material Handling Machine. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Mobile Material Handling Machine sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion. Our Market Research Advantages: Global Perspective: Our research team has a strong understanding of the  company in the global Mobile Material Handling Machine market.Which offers pragmatic data to the company. Aim And Strategy: Accelerate your business integration, provide professional market strategic plans, and promote the rapid development of enterprises. Innovative Analytics: We have the most comprehensive database of resources , provide the largest market segments and business information. About Us: Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provide market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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themarketupdate · 3 months
Screw Filling Machine Market to Witness Excellent Revenue Growth Owing to Rapid Increase in Demand
Screw filling machine provides operational efficiency and productivity in the packaging and handling of various food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other products. It ensures the efficient packing of the products and used usually to fill the pouch, bottle, bag, jars, tin can, etc packaging of different types of products. The machine is available in manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic types.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/173964-global-screw-filling-machine-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Latest released the research study on Global Screw Filling Machine Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Screw Filling Machine Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Screw Filling Machine The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are AKY Technology (Turkey), Harkom Packing (Turkey), Union Kehlibar Ltd (Bulgaria), All-Fill Inc. (United States), NK Industries (India), Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc (United Kingdom), Bausch+Ströbel Maschinenfabrik Ilshofen GmbH + Co (Germany)
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gunnarsohn · 3 months
Transformation, Innovation und Change Management: Experten schildern Erfolgsstrategien #SAPTF24
Vortrag von Georg Kästle, CDO & CIO, VOLLMER WERKE Maschinenfabrik Georg Kästle: “Hallo und herzlich willkommen! Mein Name ist Georg Kästle, und ich bin der CDO und CIO bei VOLLMER WERKE Maschinenfabrik. Heute möchte ich über die Bedeutung der mitarbeiterzentrierten Gestaltung von SAP-Transformationen im Mittelstand sprechen. Einführung und Hintergrund: “Die Digitalisierung und die Einführung…
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