#masato aizawa x reader
kulemiwrites · 1 day
How about how they react to lewd texts ;p
Characters: Masato Aizawa, Akira Nishikiyama, Reina, Osamu Kashiwagi, Kazuma Kiryu, Goro Majima (Nishida makes an appearance), Taiga Saejima, Shun Akiyama | GN!Reader
Rating: Some of these are suggestive and some are actually kinda explicit. Use your own discretion!
A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for the request! This was so much fun to write omg, you have no idea. I lost my mind on some of them.
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When he first gets the texts, he would do that double take thing where you read a text then but the phone down for a split second until it registers then bring it back up to reread it before locking the fuck in. He’s not good with words in the sense that he could keep a good sexting sesh going. He’ll be okay at first then somewhere down the line say something sorta wild that derails the conversation and makes you laugh more than it’d make you horny. He’s learned that it’s best to just lean in on his partner and let THEM do all the talking by saying stuff like “Oh yeah?” “Keep going. What happens next?” “Tell me more.” Then when he thinks there’s enough build up, he’ll slide in a “Wanna see what you do to me?” before sending a horribly angled dick pic. Guess it’s a good thing it’s pretty because he’s no photographer.
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Send him the right thing and you will open the floodgates for his filthiness. He can either be a taunting little tease, leaving you literally aching to see him or he will be downright disgusting. He lets you set the tone and then he follows suit. In truth, he’d ask for pics of you all the time if you were down. If you’re apart for a bit he’ll ask you to snap a few in that cute little number he bought you and when he gets it, he’ll be like “fuck, im omw” and while you thought he was joking, he disappears on you for like 20 minutes before he’s knocking at your front door. He can’t leave sexting as just sexting for too long before he has to have a slice of the real thing.
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God, do not send this woman overtly lewd texts! Please, she does not have a good poker face. She will read the text, her ears would turn red and she’ll send back a quick, “You stop that.” And while she seems unreceptive to the text, it certainly had its intended effect. She’ll spend the rest of her work day fanning her collar, fiddling with her necklace and rubbing at her neck in an attempt to soothe herself. Rile her up enough and she’ll find herself uncharacteristically spacing out when she should be fulfilling drink orders. She’ll be annoyed at you about it but surely you can make things right somehow?
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He will just not respond.😭 He’ll read it and it might even do a little something to him but he will not dignify that text with a response. He’d be lying through his fucking teeth if he said that it didn’t make his mind wander though. When he finally gets to see you, or if he can’t get to you, he’ll give you a call and grumble something along the lines of “Just what did you think you were getting at with that little message of yours?” Feel free to continue teasing him but he can only take so much before he’ll want you to ‘do something about it’.
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It’ll sorta throw him when you first send him something of that nature to the point that he’s not even sure what to say in response. He’d probably just send a single emoticon and (accidentally) immediately nip whatever mood you were hoping for in the bud. He won’t say so but he’d be a little disappointed that you didn’t say anything back. He didn’t want you to stop, he just didn’t know how to participate. Once he gets it though, he will try in earnest… Even if it doesn't quite get the job done. Prepare for short responses like “I want that too.” “Mm, sounds good.” “Ha, seems you know what I like.” “Hope to see you soon too.👍” He’s TRYING for the love of God! He’s doing his best!
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There… was a time when he left his phone with Nishida because he couldn’t be bothered to keep up with it. He lost it all the time or he’s had to replace the screen because he was uh, roughhousing, for lack of a better word. The day you texted him something a little risque, and put both him and Nishida in a particularly awkward position, things changed. That when a little something like this:
Nishida: Excuse me, boss! Uh, looks like you just received a text from _____-san.
Majima: Oh, yeah? What’d ____-chan say then?
[Nishida opens the text thread. His eyes widen after reading the contents of the text. Red rises from his neck to his forehead and he’s looking at his boss with a horror unlike anything he’s ever shown the man before. Majima pauses what he’s doing for a moment and shoots a particular nasty frown at the younger man.]
Majima: The hell’s your problem? Ya got diarrhea or somethin’? Read the damn message shithead!
Nishida: B-Boss, I, uh.. I think it’s better if you read this one yourself.
Majima: What? Ya forget how to read all’a sudden? READ IT!
Nishida: C-C… *sweating profusely* C-can’t w-wait to.. Uh, Ehem… 
Majima: Yer pissin’ me off. *stomps over to snatch the phone from Nishida* It ain’t that hard ta read a damn message! *clears throat* Can’t wait ta get my hands all over you. Dying to let you fuck…my throat… Huh… *sees there’s a pretty risque pic attached and immediately wacks Nishida in the head* YA LOOKED AT _____, ASSHOLE?!
He, uh… He keeps his cell on his person these days.
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He’s like Kiryu in that he’s not good at responding to texts. Lewd or otherwise. When you send him any text, he will simply react to it. It’d take you telling him that he should say something back because otherwise your racy text thread would look a little something like this:
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Probably best to keep the dirty talk to bedroom for this one, huh?
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You’re pretty much the reason Hana refuses to allow Akiyama to use his cell while in the office. He sends you pretty racy messages himself throughout his work day and if you play along, he pretty much forgets anything but the conversation he’s having with you. He’s sent Hana on a “lunch run” just so that he could lock himself in the office, call you and pick up where you left off while he “took care of himself” before. Hana was none the wiser thankfully, otherwise she’d be a little hesitant about what she touches in that office.
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rice-crackerz · 3 years
Nishiki is the best character in Yakuza, fight meeeeee.
Don't get me wrong, I love most of the characters, but koi-boi takes the cake for me.
Homie actually has emotions, a dope tat (which they just fucking reused and made black for Aizawa, yeah I was annoyed when I saw that lol), a legit reason for losing his shit and being the villain of the game.
Idk, y'all, I just like him.
Hate his final battle tho, that shit was bad. The flashbacks made me legit laugh, I'm sorry, and the battle was too easy (though that could've been bc I beefed tf outta Kiryu in that game lol).
Anyway, fight me, or give me more reasons why he's best boi.
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Yeah, they're technically different, but like every other tat in the game is soooo strikingly unique that this one just kinda caught me off guard (and made me miss the koi-boi lol)
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kulemiwrites · 2 days
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 '𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝' | 𝐕𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒
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Ever wonder how they act when they're feelin' frisky?
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Characters: Masato Aizawa, Akira Nishikiyama (2x), Reina, Kazuma Kiryu, Goro Majima | GN!Reader
Rating: Suggestive by nature but not overtly explicit
A/N: A friend asked me to do something like this a while ago. So I'm FINALLY scratching this one off the to-do list.
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AIZAWA- He ramps up the affection. He’s already affectionate by nature but when he’s horny? The man really cannot keep his hands off of you. You’re the flame and he’s a moth. It’s not overt in that he’s groping you or anything. He just tends to… linger. He stands behind you and presses kisses against your neck as he wraps his thick arms around you. As he’s peppering these kisses along your skin, it’s like each warm smooch lasts just a tad longer than the previous. If he knows that his voice does things to you, he’d speak right into your ear to give you a compliment, anywhere from “You smell good” to “Do you know what those shorts are doing to me right now?” You don’t really have to wonder with Aizawa. So long as you can tell the difference between him just being sweet and him wanting to ravage you, it takes little guesswork to know what’s going on through that thick skull. 
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NISHIKI (Y0)- His flirtation becomes intoxicating. As he’s talking to you, he’ll stand closer than necessary and maybe even ghost the tips of his fingers along your arms, leaving goosebumps as he does so. He tilts his head and smiles that dashing smile at you, mischievous eyes dancing between yours and speaks in a sorta playful tone. If he’s chosen to play the long game (because he’s a fan of building tension), you may notice that he’s wearing an outfit made up of the articles that he knows you like when he takes you out that night. If you’ve got a particular way you like for him to style his hair or have a cologne preference for him, he’ll use that to his advantage too. He’s studied you and will do what he needs for you to notice him– for you to find him irresistible. Once you finally start to come onto him, he’ll bite back a prideful smirk and let you think whatever happens next was truly all your fault. As if he didn’t plant the seeds…
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NISHIKIYAMA (K)- He’ll flat out just say, “I want you.” Though, he’s made that painfully obvious when he pulled you in for a long, intense, wet kiss with plenty of caresses and tongue. He doesn't really beat around the bush with his desires. When he’s got you looking back into his intense eyes, drool dripping from your lips after he’s kissed you breathless, he’ll tongue your earlobe and whisper how exactly he wants to take you and where. Sometimes, he may give you a call from his office and tell you that he’ll need your help to “unwind” when he gets back home to you. If you’re receptive to that, he’d pounce on you the moment he walks through the door. Don’t think you’ll get him to chat about what’s wound him up so badly until after he’s had his way with you.
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REINA- Subtlety is her game. She honestly gets flustered when she’s forced to flat out say what she wants. It’s really cute. Ever seen a kitten that really wants you to pet them? That’s practically Reina. Imagine you’re just lounging with her: She’s brushing a foot against your leg as she nestles her head into your chest. If she’s looking at you, she’s fluttering those long lashes. Her big, pretty brown eyes are sorta heavy with lust while meeting your gaze. She’s drawing circles onto your skin with a feather light fingertip. She’s holding you tight and she’s nuzzling against you. Or if you’re holding her, she’s slighting arching back into you. Her face would be flushed and her ears are burning hot. 
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KIRYU- It’s all in his eyes. He might stand or sit a bit closer than usual and he might even reach and touch you here and there but before it even gets to that point, it’ll be in his eyes. There’s not a lot Kiryu can hide in that smolder of his. His gaze is a little too honest for his own good. You could be cleaning around the house, watching tv or changing out of your work clothes, if you notice him staring? You’ll know what he’s thinking. There’s a certain intensity behind those eyes that no matter how quiet he is, the fact that he’s imagining all the many ways he could bend you is LOUD. He tries to play it off, talking to you casually even. For that reason, many times, you’d have to initiate physicality unless he’s practically dying inside from how much he’s holding back.
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MAJIMA- Ever the romantic, he’ll lean in close and ask, “Feel like foolin’ around?” He’s another that doesn’t really beat around the bush when it comes to his desires. If you haven’t gotten the picture from him touching your ass in passing, him caging you against the washer and kissing your neck as you loaded the laundry or him gliding his hands along your figure just before he pulled you into a hug, he’ll just spell it out for you nice and clear. He sees no point in not being honest. He’s a firm believer in “closed mouths don’t get fed”. If he grabs you by the waist and tells you he’s in need of “some lovin’,” you’ll know if he means just your affection or something else by the way he says it. 
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kulemiwrites · 4 days
𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 | 𝐕𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒
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What it's like to wake up next to them...
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Characters: Masato Aizawa, Akira Nishikiyama, Reina, Kazuma Kiryu, Goro Majima, Taiga Saejima & GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff with just a hint of suggestiveness here and there
A/N: A short little self indulgent thing I originally started for a friend and I but I thought maybe others might enjoy it a bit too?
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Falling asleep with MASATO AIZAWA is almost guaranteed to result in you waking up in his arms. Hopefully you’re not too sensitive to heat because he doesn’t care what temperature the room is, he’s not going to be able to shut his eyes until he’s got you in his arms. He’s a living, breathing space heater. So, either he’ll be keeping you warm or he’ll be the reason you wake up drenched in sweat. He sleeps in nothing but a pair of trunks and a single sock– the second sock almost always manages to slip away at some point in the night. He’s a big fan of skin to skin contact. So he encourages you to come to bed dressed as scantily as possible. He’s already a heavy guy but he transforms into a boulder once he’s asleep, making it sort of difficult to pry his arm off. He understands that you have things to do and places to be, but that won’t stop him from snaking his dominant arm around you and guiding you back into bed if he manages to wake up when you’re trying to sneak away. His eyes would barely be open as he’s pressing sleepy kisses against your skin and mumbling, “Mm, no… Not yet. Just a bit longer.” And “a bit” could mean anywhere from 5 minutes to an entire hour, if you’re not careful. You’d have to be firm with him, otherwise you’re not getting up til he’s ready to part with you or until he’s gotten his fill of kissing you– whichever comes first. Morning breath be damned.
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If you think AKIRA NISHIKIYAMA is handsome after he’s gussied himself up for the day, you must have lost your mind the first morning you woke up next to him. He often wakes with his head resting above his pillow of folded arms, his actual pillow somewhere behind him. Some of the hair that he’s pushed out of his face, falls across his cheekbones, sways with the steady breath he pushes through his nose and tickles his forearms. He peeks at you through heavy slits, blinking until his vision is clear enough to notice you staring at him. His lips are puffy when he first wakes. It’s like he’s pouting at you. It’s not often that he sleeps well but he realizes that the nights he has is when he’s often sleeping next to you. If he’s gotten decent sleep, he wakes in a slightly playful mood, placing his chilly fingers over your eyes as he teases you for staring. He’s a light sleeper though, so if you toss and turn, so will he. Even so, no matter how tired he is, he won’t waste too long in bed after grumbling, “Ugh, what time is it?” Doesn’t matter what time you say, if he sees sunlight peeking through the curtains, he’ll stretch and roll out of bed– not without stealing a few kisses of course. If you’re creative (read: handsy) enough, he can be convinced to stay under the covers with you a little longer.
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It took being loved by you for REINA to realize that it was perfectly okay to rise and fall as she is. When she was growing up, her mother taught her to wake before her partner so that they’d “have something nice to look at” first thing in the morning. In the beginning, she did that with you. She woke up before the sun to freshen up, make her face and fix her hair then slink back into bed with you until you were ready to wake up. It took a lot of convincing for her to rid herself of that habit but now, she sleeps until she’s well rested and wakes with nothing but a layer of her favorite night cream on her face and the straps of her cute little night slip sliding off her slender shoulders. Her dark hair is often pulled back into a loose, low bun but by the time she’s awake, lots of it has freed itself and is strewn about her pillow. She’s immensely affectionate first thing in the morning and so one habit that hasn’t died is her slipping out of bed to at least brush her teeth. Once she’s done that, she’s cuddling you, pressing peeks against your cheek and whispering about the day ahead, and more. “Well, good morning, you. Sleep well? Ahh, this is nice, isn’t it?” The woman is needy as all hell in the morning. The best prescription for that ailment is your affection.
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Unless you’re an equally early riser, waking up to KAZUMA KIRYU often means waking to a half empty bed, his side of the covers tucked haphazardly beside you to keep you warm in his place. He hardly ever waits for you to wake to get started on breakfast. If you don’t rise to the familiar aroma of your favorites swirling past your nose or his fruitless attempt to muffle his heavy footsteps throughout the house, then he’ll wake you personally just before breakfast gets cold. His big warm hand is cautious when he taps you, not wanting to startle you. His voice is even deeper in the silence of the morning when he says, “Breakfast is ready. You’re welcome to join me but I don’t mind if you need more sleep.” You can’t count on him to stay in bed and cuddle with you unless you practically hold the man hostage. After all, he wouldn't even stay in bed when he’s ill. He’s not gonna do it if he’s got no excuse to.
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If you ever wanted to know when you could catch GORO MAJIMA in his most vulnerable state, look no further. Waking up next to him is a rare privilege that one shouldn’t take lightly. He’s lying there practically naked, nothing but a thin pair of briefs. He’s either just fallen asleep a few hours ago or he’s lying there with his one eye barely open as he takes you in, contemplating if it's a good time to try to sneak out of bed. Sometimes, he’ll simply lie there, eye smiling at you as you sleepily reach to brush the stray strands of his bedhead from hanging over his scarred eye and the cute mole just below it. Although he’s annoyed by not getting much sleep, he’s pretty much grown used to it at this point. He sees getting to watch you get enough shut eye for the both of you as a perk. Any time he catches you stirring, he shushes you and tries to lull you back to sleep. When that doesn’t work, he’ll smile at you as he curls his pointer under your chin and whisper, “Stubborn, ain’tcha?” As if he’s one to talk.
(BTW have you guys seen this Majima art??? Absolute perfection!)
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Early to bed, early to rise– TAIGA SAEJIMA sees little pleasure in lounging around in bed in the mornings. In his mind, bed is either for sleep or a certain extra curricular activity. So, unless your fingers are slipping beneath the waistband of his pajama pants, expect him to roll out of bed shortly after he wakes. There is a benefit to this! As long as you’ve slept next to him, you never have to worry about oversleeping for anything. He’s got a natural, internal alarm clock that never fails. While he’s probably not going to lie in bed until you’re ready to wake, he does allow you to use his broad chest as a pillow all night if that’s what you want. He’s pretty versatile in that way. He can either hold you all night or sleep on opposite sides of the bed with your backs facing the other. After all, for him, just having you near him is more than enough. This is why he prefers to wait for you to get out of bed before he starts his morning tea. He likes to quietly share a cup with you before you go about your day.
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kulemiwrites · 3 months
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10-Nen: Before, During and After: Fun & Games (18+)- Kiryu has his eye on a certain someone at the local arcade and Nishiki takes on the role of wingman. Free of charge! Not that anyone asked. [FEM]
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KURO, SHIRO masterpost (18+)- One moment you can be someone's entire world and the next you're practically strangers. KURO, SHIRO explores your relationship with Akira Nishikiyama before and after his drastic shift. [FEM] KURO I | KURO II (18+) SHIRO I | SHIRO II (18+)
Spooning- Does he prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon? [GN]
Accidentally Triggering You- How does he comfort you after accidentally causing you to mentally return to a moment you'd rather forget? [GN]
A Taste of Christmas (18+)- It's Christmas and once he's done with his obligations, he wants to spend it by doing nothing but spoiling you. [FEM]
Rumors masterpost (18+)- You're Nishiki's favorite hostess in town and he'd like to get to know you better but you know everything there is to know about him. [FEM] Rumors Part 1 Rumors Part 2 Rumors Part 3 (18+)
NSFW AtoZ V.1 (18+)- My headcanons and guidelines that I follow when writing smut of this character. [GN*]
NSFW AtoZ V.2 (18+)- My headcanons and guidelines that I follow when writing smut of this character. [GN*]
His Most Prized Possession- Nishiki asks you to tag along as he takes his car for a wash. [FEM]
Waking Up Next to Him- What it's like to wake up next to him... [GN]
When He's in the Mood- Ever wonder how he acts when he's feelin' frisky? [GN]
Reacting to Risky Texts- What does he do when you send him a sexy text?
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Cotton, Polyester & Lace- You accompany Kiryu as he does a bit of shopping. [FEM]
Indulge (18+)- A song lights a fire in Kazuma and he won't be able to relax until he indulges himself.. in you. [FEM]
Spooning- Does he prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon? [GN]
Accidentally Triggering You- How does he comfort you after accidentally causing you to mentally return to a moment you'd rather forget? [GN]
HO, HO... Oh? (18+)- You're home alone and he wants to give his Santa costume a try before the kids return. It was innocent, truly. [FEM]
Waking Up Next to Him- What it's like to wake up next to him... [GN]
When He's in the Mood- Ever wonder how he acts when he's feelin' frisky? [GN]
Reacting to Risky Texts- What does he do when you send him a sexy text?
NSFW AtoZ (COMING SOON)- My headcanons and guidelines that I follow when writing smut of this character.[GN*]
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The Cookie Jar (18+)- Shun decided that he didn't want to be fair in your dare with one another. Well, two can play at that game. [FEM]
Spooning- Does he prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon? [GN]
Reacting to Risky Texts- What does he do when you send him a sexy text?
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Hands (18+) (Temporarily disabled)- His hands and your hands and what's done with them. [GN]
Ginger Tea (18+)- One wrong move and now you're not feeling well. No matter. Masato has a cure for that. [GN]
A Cola Flavored Kiss- You're caught at your miserable job during a miserable storm without an umbrella. [FEM]
NSFW AtoZ (18+)- My headcanons and guidelines that I follow when writing smut of this character. [GN*]
Spooning- Does he prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon? [GN]
Waking Up Next to Him- What it's like to wake up next to him... [GN]
When He's in the Mood- Ever wonder how he acts when he's feelin' frisky? [GN]
Reacting to Risky Texts- What does he do when you send him a sexy text?
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What's Done in the Dark (feat. Taiga Saejima) (18+)- The power goes out while you're working and you're bummed. So your partners team up to cheer you up![FEM]
Spooning- Does he prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon? [GN]
Waking Up Next to Him- What it's like to wake up next to him... [GN]
When He's in the Mood- Ever wonder how he acts when he's feelin' frisky? [GN]
Reacting to Risky Texts- What does he do when you send him a sexy text?
NSFW AtoZ (COMING SOON)- My headcanons and guidelines that I follow when writing smut of this character.[GN*]
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Spooning- Does she prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon? [GN]
Waking Up Next to Her- What it's like to wake up next to her... [GN]
When She's in the Mood- Ever wonder how she acts when she's feelin' frisky? [GN]
Her Love Languages- How does she offer and receive love? [GN]
Reacting to Risky Texts- What does she do when you send her a sexy text?
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Little Blue Pill. Part 1 (18+)- Kashiwagi conducts an experiment. [FEM]
Reacting to Risky Texts- What does he do when you send him a sexy text?
NSFW AtoZ (COMING SOON)- My headcanons and guidelines that I follow when writing smut of this character.[GN*]
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NSFW AtoZ (18+)- My headcanons and guidelines that I follow when writing smut of this character. [GN*]
Spooning- Does he prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon? [GN]
Waking Up Next to Him- What it's like to wake up next to him... [GN]
When He's in the Mood- Ever wonder how he acts when he's feelin' frisky? [GN]
Reacting to Risky Texts- What does he do when you send him a sexy text?
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Accidentally Triggering You-How do they comfort you after accidentally causing you to mentally return to a moment you'd rather forget? [GN]
Spooning- Do they prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon? [GN]
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The Poker Penalty at New Serena- Kiryu and the gang all spend the evening unwinding in New Serena after the events of Yakuza 5.
Dad Simulator- A short scenario of the above as fathers.
Halloween at Asagao- Inspired by western movies, the children of Morning Glory want a taste of Halloween for themselves and Kiryu and friends do what's possible to make it happen.
Megane- A short scenario or headcanon of the above needing to wear glasses.
Saejima-sensei- A collection of headcanons based on Saejima's original dream to pursue teaching.
AN UNLIKELY ADVERSARY- Kiryu has made one too many enemies in this damn town.
Masato Has a Staring Problem- But it's not always what it seems.
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Goro Majima x Arika Namikawa
Sins of the Father (18+)- He's lying to her. She's lying to him. I guess they both ain't shit.
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USE ME (18+)- You can't get enough of him and who was he to deny his sweet girl? [FEM]
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kulemiwrites · 2 years
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𝐀 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐚 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 | 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚
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Genre/Content Warning: Work-related Angst, Fluff
Word count: 8.7k
Character(s): Masato Aizawa, gender-unspecified Reader
You're caught at your miserable job during a typhoon without an umbrella.
Too long for Tumblr? Read on AO3!
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The rain pelted down against the gray cobblestone, obstructing the view of the cars that lined the street and the row of shops behind them. The dark gray clouds stretching across the sky had been shielding the sunlight all day and now that the sun was setting, evening approached with a quickness. The usually vibrant, ostentatious city was enveloped in monochrome. This week was the start of typhoon season, and the reflection frowning back at you in the window had the great displeasure of working through the worst of it.
     On days like today, the name “Restaurante Sol”, ‘sol’ meaning ‘sun’ in Spanish, was nothing short of ironic at best and ludicrous at worst as the place was anything but sunny nor did it serve anything remotely close to Spanish cuisine. In order to maintain an elegant ambiance (and distract from the poorly polished glass and silverware) the lights were kept dim and tired jazz tunes croaked through a set of timeworn overhead speakers. You had been playing a silent game with yourself, a bet on when they were on their final encore. You gave them a solid month more but the thick layer of gray dust surrounding the loose bolts suggested a few weeks max.
     Uniforms consisted of stale black and white articles from head to toe; men were to wear their hair slicked back, unless buzzed off and white cotton dress shirts with black ties and vests and a black apron tied at the waist. As for women, their hair had to be tied back in low ponytails, unless cut short, in which case, would need to be pinned behind the ears. They were to dress in white buttoned blouses, black skirts with opaque stockings underneath and a black apron tied at the waist. 
     In a few words: wholly, utterly uninspired. 
     Before the most recent change in management, every table was clothed in white and the center boasted beautiful seasonal bouquets that were intricately culled by a local partner, a small-town florist. These days, it was decided that a single, clear candle votive in the center of bare, lacquered dark walnut tables was ‘good enough’. It wasn’t uncommon to have guests complain about the film left behind on the tabletops when they hadn't been polished or cleaned with care, which was often.
     There were a few pops of color that came in the form of a swamp green carpet with crude splashes of yellow and orange swirling around in a pattern that no one could ever make sense of. In addition to that, there were a few ‘abstract’ paintings hanging up on the walls which were all made by the owner’s third wife, who was certain that she was the planet’s gift to art. And these ‘statement’ pieces were her gift to Restaurante Sol. 
     You were to be sure to thank her whenever she decided to grace you all with her presence; her and her rich housewife friends who never ordered from the menu. 
     Soga, the current manager as of four months ago, might have been the worst thing to ever happen to Restaurante Sol and it wasn’t just because of the lack of flowers and tablecloths. After this many personnel changes, it was an open secret that there was a hefty quarterly bonus for management and it was clear that his business model was based on that fact. His budget cuts could only be described as self-serving. Despite the countless complaints by staff, he continued to skimp on necessities, forcing you and your coworkers to become innovative when it came to side work. Setting up for dinner service had been far more strenuous than it had ever been and rushes during service could be a nightmare if you weren’t prepared for anything. You weren’t sure how he got away with it but he did and you were positive that if he had control over the sous chef, the food quality might’ve suffered too.
     In truth, you weren’t too fond of most of the others on staff tonight either. The lanky bartender, Watanabe was alright; perhaps a little temperamental but he wasn’t too bad. Your two fellow servers however, generally added to your anxieties and you couldn’t stand it when you had to work with them both at the same time. Yamamoto, the thin-lipped older woman who’d been working there for nearing a decade, never missed an opportunity to micromanage you despite being on the same level as you, albeit far more handsomely paid. 
Interestingly enough, she’d been offered the role of manager multiple times but she always turned it down. And then there was Akari, a 1st year college girl whose hobbies included ignoring her tables and skipping out on work whenever the opportunity presented itself to blow her money at host clubs. She whined at you to help her whenever she was in the weeds, which was often, regardless of how much you had on your own plate and she insisted on being called ‘Akachan’ much to everyone’s (but especially your) dismay.
     It wasn’t as if you hated them, no, that would require far more energy than you could spare. You just… preferred to spend your free moments alone and it would seem that tonight would be yet another night where you would have plenty of it. So, instead of pretending to be amused by Akachan’s latest host club exploits with the others around the bar, you opted to stand at the foggy picture window near the entrance admiring the hideous weather.
      It was funny… You were sure to check the weather report before leaving for work this afternoon: warm with cloudy skies and perhaps a few scattered showers here or there.
     This might have been the heaviest “shower” you’ve ever seen. 
     You chuckled bitterly at the thought as you pressed your fingertips against the glass, cool from the air conditioning. Your body heat created a small pool of fog around them, insignificant compared to the fog on the exterior. You squinted past it, desperately attempting to make out what lay beneath the angry downpour. Turbulence along the curb took the form of a mini river, pushing along what looked to be a crumbled paper cup.
     The corporate crowd should have been invading the streets by now, scouring for a spot to unwind after a long day of kissing their bosses’ asses. Old, married chumps should be lining up at the door with pretty young college girls who play secret girlfriend by day and hostess by night, hoping that one more insanely expensive dinner will be enough to earn them a peek at her perky talents. Young street punks should have been on the prowl for their first unsuspecting nobody to shakedown in a back alley. 
     But at the start of typhoon season, there were no alcoholic salarymen and no pretty women bravely ignoring natto breath. All there was to watch was the occasional umbrella wielding passerby. They were frantic and faceless, probably rushing to the station and Restaurante Sol was the last thing on their minds.
     Nothing but ten minutes had passed since you learned that the silver wall clock that hung above the entrance was broken. You knew that because you had a habit of checking your wristwatch against any clock you hadn’t set yourself. Swiping your thumb across the face, you smiled to yourself, watching the second-hand tick away as the one overhead stood still. For the briefest of moments, you– very briefly, considered letting Soga know about the broken clock but quickly decided against it. You wanted to add it to the list of things that were wrong with the place that no one but you seemed to notice.
     Besides, this restaurant needed a symbol to really solidify how miserable it was and a broken clock was absolutely perfect. After all, in Restaurante Sol, time always stood still.
     During what should have been the peak of the evening, your section was as dead as your will to get out of bed in the mornings. Before hanging out at the window, you busied yourself with yours and Akachan’s side work but now there wasn’t one thing to do to pass the time. 
     You checked your watch– a single minute had passed since you last checked. If you didn’t find some way to distract yourself from the silence, you would go crazy! Inspired by the frenzied pedestrians, you conjured up a new game: you could count the color of each passing umbrella and whichever color reached 5 first, won. 
One, green. One, polka dot. One, purple… Two, green, One blue, One– oh. 
     You spotted an umbrella that was nearly identical to your own and no sooner than you realized did a sinking feeling find its way into your gut and a chill tickled your spine. Your gaze lingered on that familiar umbrella as you recalled passing your own and the jacket that had been left hanging up near the front door for you before you left for work. You studied the dark sky, much darker now than it was when you first acknowledged it. 
     At this rate, your commute would be downright horrendous. You could picture yourself schlepping through puddles, your hair- an absolute mess, clothes- sodden and clinging to you while you practically swam in your shoes all before you even reached the station. You could call a taxi, but the soul suckers in this town tended to hike up the rates for long distance trips during storms. You didn’t have that kind of money to waste. 
“It’s really comin’ down tonight, huh~?” Akachan said in the singsongy way she always did, startling you out of your deep trance as she came up behind you.
Grinding your jaw, you pried your eyes away from the window to face her. “Yeah…”
“The boss’s thinkin’ ‘bout cuttin’ one of us early if things don’t pick up.” she said, whipping her long ponytail over her shoulder so that she could twirl the ends across her thin, manicured fingers while she batted her false lashes at you; and you knew what was coming. “Man~ it’s the third time this week. The weather’s so miserable~! I can’t even bring myself to get all excited ‘bout it.”
You repeated a half-hearted, “Yeah.”
She chewed at her round bottom lip for a moment before she continued, “But, ya know~… I could really use a hot bath an’ nap. Since you left the other day, would ya mind it if I left tonight?”
Fighting back a sigh, you shrugged and turned back to the window. It wasn’t like you were thrilled about rushing home in these conditions anyway. “Go for it.”
“Cool!” she said, turning on her heels to leave. 
     Now that there was nothing more to possibly ask of you, there was no longer any need for small talk which was just as well.
Yet another ten minutes had gone by. Only seven patrons had come in all evening and not a single one of them belonged to your section. So, you continued to stand at the window. You noticed your reflection staring back at you again and this time your lips were tucked and your jaws were clenched. You tried to loosen your brows but no matter how hard you fought the expression you couldn’t iron out the worry. Regardless, you remained drawn to the window, mesmerized by the rain pelting against it as if it were meant only for you. Perhaps it was a precursor for what you would experience on your way home? 
     There were a set of fingerprints lingering behind from when you last touched the glass. So, you returned them to their designated place and imagined how the water might have felt if you could reach out and touch it from there. Directly beneath the curve of your hand, you spotted a large figure slinking past a dark colored car. It was too far across the street to make out much of it but even so, you couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity you got when you looked directly at it. Narrowing your eyes, you leaned in and your forehead thumped against the cool glass as you fought to focus on it. It didn’t matter though. Just as quickly as the figure appeared, it disappeared, leaving you with a pang of longing in your chest and a cloud of hot breath shrinking on the glass. You stepped back from the window, wrapping a wistful hand around your wristwatch and you could feel your heart pounding. 
     How did such a bleary figure invoke so much emotion? 
     As the thought began to settle, the door swung open and the gust of hot air that followed was enough to disorient you but still you felt an excitement. Once you faced it, the odd feeling dissipated. Two patrons had entered: a short, elderly woman and what might have been her grandson. There was no host on staff tonight to greet them. So, they stared expectantly while your disappointment set in. You felt silly; to think for the briefest of moments that he might have shown up here of all places at a time like this was just….
     Well, silly.
     Using your faint reflection in the window as a mirror, you smoothed your apron and straightened your collar with a heavy sigh. As rotation would have it, this table belonged to you. Great. You hoped it would be the first of many. You didn’t need Soga to have any excuse to send you home as well. Not tonight. Straightening your shoulders, you approached the pair with your best customer service smile.
“Good evening and welcome to Restaurante Sol.” you bowed with clasped hands, “Might there be anyone else joining you this evening?”
“No, dear. Just my grandson and I. Thank you.”
“Splendid. Well, my name is ______. I’ll have the pleasure of serving you this evening. If you don’t mind, please allow me to show you to your seats.”
. . .
The typhoon's unforgiving winds pushed hard at the backs of pedestrians until they had no choice but to filter into the various shops and restaurants along the avenue. Restaurante Sol was one amongst the lucky, meaning that everyone on staff tonight were to remain. Though Akachan made it a point to pout at you whenever you looked in her general vicinity, you were quite happy that it picked up. A full house meant that you were no longer under threat of being thrown out to fend for yourself at the height of chaos by yen-yanking Soga.
     By the end of dinner service, the storm seemed to have relented enough that patrons felt safe trying to hurry home again before it got worse but it still wasn’t welcoming for someone as unprepared as you. You were on your final table and as you were headed to the terminal to print their bill, you noticed another team huddle taking place at the bar. You might have ignored it too had not everyone been staring anxiously at the door. Originally, you assumed that perhaps a soigné reservation had just been called in, or maybe an inquiry for a party of 15 or more but even Yamamoto seemed shaken– and she was relatively fearless. After overhearing the word “yakuza'', you decided it might be worth your time to hear what the anxious whispering was about.
“Hey,” you interrupted, handing off a recovered bar mop to Watanabe to butter him up in case he’d fallen into one of his moods. “Something going on?”
Yamamoto’s beady eyes flashed toward the door. “There's a yakuza standing outside of the restaurant… Big, scary looking guy.”
“How do you know he’s yakuza?” you asked plainly.
Her thin, red lips stretched back in a frown, showcasing her fine wrinkles. “You kidding me? You can look at him and tell! If you can’t look at a guy and know he’s bad news by now in this town, you’re in real trouble.”
Ignoring her snarky tone, you looked toward the wooden door now that the window was too foggy to see through but unless the man walked in, there was no point.
“S-should we call the police?” Watanabe asked, clutching tightly at the towel you had just given him.
“And tell them what, exactly? There’s some gangster outside waiting for us to close up so he can shake us down?” Yamamoto mumbled, tucking her delicate hands beneath thin arms.
“That’s exactly what you tell them!” he argued. “You kidding me?!”
“Shh! Be quiet!” Soga interrupted; his expression slightly sour as he joined you at the end of the bar. “Watanabe-san, what on earth would possess you to believe that it is appropriate to raise your voice during dinner service?”
You stared at his flat profile for a moment before questioning him, “Soga-san, did you pay the protection fee?”
His eyes widened, lifting his sparse brows with them. The lines in his forehead showed with prominence. “Of course, I did! I’ve never once missed a payment!” he said, unable to hide his offense. 
“Then why’s there some yakuza muscle standing guard outside our door?” the bartender challenged, throwing the towel on the bar. “I say we call the police!”
“Don’t be ridiculous. That will only cause a scene and we cannot afford a scandal.” he frowned, “Relax yourself. I’ll take care of it.”
Akachan fell into a giggling fit, covering her mouth as she looked up at the older man. Her brown eyes glimmered with delight. “Sorry, that’s too funny! No offense, Soga-san but that guy’s gonna wipe the floor with ya. Maybe we should leave this one up to the cops. Besides, he could probably be waiting on his boss or something for dinner. S’not like we don’t serve yakuza types here on the regular.”
“Enough.” he huffed; his mind clearly made up. “Disperse. Get back to your tables or finish your side work. There’s no excuse to be standing around doing nothing.”
     Funny he would say that considering that was all you were doing before it got busy. You wondered if he was simply trying to distract you all from the action in case there was a scuffle. He wasn’t one for losing face and you were willing to bet that the man had never even been in a fight before. A sadistic excitement filled you and you could tell by the way the others’ heads bobbed as he stepped out of the door, that they felt much the same. 
Side work be damned. Was Soga going to get beat up tonight and if so, who was your mysterious hero?
     You kept an attentive eye on your watch, counting each minute that he was out there. After about five minutes, he returned paler than usual with his cold eyes fixed upon you and nothing else. The others seemed to have noticed as well because soon you could feel their eyes on you too. The closer he got, the more confusion and perhaps even concern, started to play upon his features until he stood at your side. With his body facing away from the others, he spoke only high enough for you to hear.
“I need to speak with you right this instant.” he muttered.
You shrugged and nodded for him to lead the way, pretending not to notice the passing glances beside you. It was obvious that they were thrilled for you to leave so that the speculative chatter could begin despite no one, not even you, knowing what had just transpired outside that door. 
Good ‘ol Restaurante Sol.
Leading you away from prying eyes and into the privacy of an empty breakroom, he carefully locked the door behind you before finally speaking up.
“Are you in trouble of some kind?” he asked.
You shook your head slowly, brows tight as you searched his dark eyes hoping that you might be able to guess what would lead him to such a conclusion. When it finally hit you, there was a chuckle forming in your chest and you fought to keep it there.
“The man out there asked for you… By name. I attempted to throw him off your scent by informing him that you no longer worked here but he laughed and insisted I let you know that he would be waiting for you to get off.” he said, growing slightly more frantic with each word. “You’re aware that I don’t make a habit of getting involved in my employees’ affairs. However, it proves quite bothersome if those affairs happen upon my doorstep… I would prefer it if you didn’t come to any harm. So, if you’d like, you may use the back exit to avo–”
“Soga-san, relax and just… try and describe to me what the guy looked like. I might be able to let you know if it’s cause for concern or not.” 
He stroked his naked chin as he recalled the mystery man’s traits. “Well, he was b-big. Very big and tall. He’s got an almost foreign look to him. Oh, but he spoke perfect Japanese so I’m unsure. His voice was deep and he was surprisingly polite… Right, his suit; his suit was white, pinstriped with a purple shirt underneath. I couldn’t tell if he was from one of the local families or not as there was no pin on his lapel. Of course, that was the first thing I looked for–”
“Did he give you a name?” you asked, though, hearing the description alone told you everything that you needed to know. Suddenly, you were reminded of the bleary figure from earlier and that warmth returned. Now there were butterflies fluttering in your belly and you were so giddy, you almost couldn’t hide it.
Shaking his head, he held up a small cola flavored lollipop. “No, but he gave me this… He claimed that you would somehow know what he’s here for if I gave this to you.”
You’re forgetting something.
Soga was hesitant when he passed the candy off to you. You wondered if for a moment, he considered keeping it for himself for some reason. It was all you could do to not snatch it out of his hand.
“I understand. Thank you, Soga-san.” you said, feeling the corners of your eyes lifting for perhaps the first time today.
Not once did he take his eyes off the candy. From the crease in his brow, it was clear that he was trying to understand how something so seemingly insignificant could make you gleam this way.
“Will you be alright?” he asked finally.
Rolling the stick in between the pads of your fingers, you nodded. Your smile became more and more pronounced by the second. “I’ll be just fine.”
He stared at you in silence for a moment then returned to his usual pompous air with a sigh, “Fine… Then, close your checks and clean your section. The sooner you can do that, the sooner you can leave. We don’t need those types hanging around. It’ll give the wrong impression.”
     You slid the candy into your apron with care before returning to the floor. As you danced about, your eyes would occasionally shoot toward the door in hopes that it would open and you would see him but no dice. While you were watching the door, inquiring eyes were watching you but somehow, it didn’t bother you. Not when you knew that there was a ray of sunlight waiting out in the rain just for you. You hasten your pace; you couldn’t delay him any longer.
. . .
             You were met with a heavy resistance as you pushed open the door and for a moment, you considered that maybe someone had been leaning on it. However, it was simply the wind welcoming you into its dreadful gale. It showed no sign of relenting, not an ounce of mercy for you or anyone else; and despite standing beneath the safety of the yellow awning, an occasional warm mist would coat you.
     Your neck snapped in either direction in search of the man who’d promised to brave these conditions for you. The cola flavored candy was clenched tight between your fingers as if you thought it to be a good luck charm and perhaps it was so as you spotted him just a few shops over. He’d been leaning against the masonry of a loan business that had recently been shut down, protecting himself from the rain beneath black awning. Even from where you stood, you could see a white stick hanging out of his mouth and knowing him, there was a lollipop of his own tucked in his cheek. He was in a daze, lightly kicking at the puddle of water pooling at his feet. 
“Masato!” you called for him, waving the candy over your head to catch his attention.
Almost as if the storm wanted you to help you find your way into his arms, it slackened and you thought it was the perfect moment to run toward him. Instead, he called back at you, “_____, hold tight! I’ll meet you over there!”
     You waited for him with a smile. Your toes drummed in your shoes while you watched him jog your way. His hands were buried deep within his pockets and his smile bit down on the white stick. With each step, his black hair bounced; perhaps, he’d decided against using his usual mousse or the rain had washed it away. Either way, it was a welcome change. Once he finally reached you, he removed the candy from his mouth and leaned in to press a sticky, cola-flavored kiss upon your lips.
“Good evening, amor.” he whispered, then pressed his sticky lips against your cheek and chuckled out an apology after realizing just how sticky they were.
“Hey there, you.” you said, caressing his stubbly cheek while he hovered in front of you, admiring your eyes. “Did I forget something?”
Straightening his posture, he popped the candy back into his mouth as you waved yours at him. He smiled, biting down on the stick again. “Good job. I’m proud of you for figuring it out.” he said, lightly placing his large hand at the crown of your head.
     Masato always kept something sweet in his pockets. It was his vice ever since he gave up smoking years ago. They were generally hard candies or lollipops but every now and then he was fishing out a chiroru chocolate or two. He would always offer you some of what he was snacking on. However, even if you were to decline certain types of candy, he would insist that you take it anyway. 
     For later, he would say. 
     There was a box of candies you had stored away in your kitchen; the “for later” collection. Not long ago, you found yourself unintentionally cracking the code when you added a plum candy he’d given you to the box. There were four flavors that were most prominent in the box and they happened to be amongst his favorites. You racked your brain trying to figure out why he would insist on giving away his favorite candies until it hit you. Thinking back on the circumstances in which he gave many of the pieces to you, you realized that each candy had meaning. 
     What you had pieced together was that chocolate was given to you as a sign of affection, an “I love you” of sorts. He typically gave you green tea flavored candies after an argument or disagreement, an apology almost. When he finally got to see you after a long while (or just a difficult day) he would slip a plum flavored candy into your pocket which you interpreted to mean that he missed you. Cola flavored candies were the hardest to figure out, so you needed to wait on him to give you more in order to piece it together. After some time, you figured out that he’d give you cola flavored candy when you made plans together, it was to serve as a reminder. “Don’t forget.” 
However, when there were no plans, it meant that you were forgetting something but of course, he wanted you to remember on your own what that something was.
“So,” you smiled, bouncing on the tips of your toes. “What did I forget?”
He carefully slipped the lollipop out of your hand and took the liberty of unwrapping it for you. “Care to take a guess?” he asked.
     His deep voice under the sound of pouring rain was like a relaxing massage for the soul or comforting song. Those few, simple words were almost enough to melt away the tension you regularly left the restaurant with from your shoulders. The sweetness of his brown eyes was what really did the job though. You had to break away from them, a bashful smile playing upon your lips.
“My umbrella, maybe.”
“Bingo.” he said softly, pressing the now unwrapped candy against your lips which you happily accepted with an ‘ahn’. “Well, lucky for you I didn’t forget.”
He discarded the wrapper in his pocket then lifted the back of his white coat, presenting the foldable umbrella you’d left behind at his place.
“Thank you, Masato.” you said. “I can always count on you.”
     He stared at you for a moment, his forehead wrinkling the longer he looked. Finally, he broke away with a shake of his head. He tucked the umbrella beneath his right arm as he maneuvered out of his coat. Once it was off, leaving him in his well fitted purple shirt, he assumed possession of your work bag then draped the coat over your shoulders. A dark, woody musk lingered off it, his cologne and yet it was still as sweet as the candy pressed against your check.
“If I’d known you didn’t bring a jacket, I would’ve brought a spare along.” he sighed. “It’s typhoon season. You shouldn’t be so careless.”
     He ensured that the coat was secure before stepping back and staring out at the rain. Its slack long revoked. He was likely thinking the same as you: this coat, as comfy as it was, and a single umbrella wasn’t going to be enough to keep the both of you dry.
“When was the last time you ate, _____?” he asked, checking his wristwatch. It was a match to the one around your own wrist. 
     You hesitated to answer, knowing that you skipped lunch today. Food just didn’t taste right when you were there and because of the storm, it was impossible to stop elsewhere for a quick bite. His frown hurt but this had become something of a habit now and though he could empathize, he clearly didn’t approve.
“What am I gonna do with you?” he mumbled, not really expecting an answer. “Let’s take care of that empty stomach then. Are you alright with Cafe Alps? It’s nearby and since they’re open late, we can wait out the storm before we head to the station. Or are you in the mood for something heavier?”
You shook your head, “No, that’s okay. I don’t mind Cafe Alps.”
“Alright…” he said, working at the strap of your umbrella. “We’ll need to get you a spare umbrella and probably a raincoat or something to keep in your locker here.”
“I would have brought something... I just thought it was gonna be a cloudy day.” you pouted, knowing that he was preparing a well-meaning lecture for you. “I mean, that’s what the news said this morning.”
“I hate to say it but,” the umbrella popped open beside him, “the forecasts might not be so trustworthy for a while. You have to make sure you’re prepared no matter what the news says. If you kept spares in your locker, tonight would’ve been a breeze.”
“I know that.” you said with an exasperated sigh.
“Do you really?” he nagged.
     Slipping a strong but gentle arm around your shoulder, he pulled you close and you naturally melted into his large frame. His cologne seemed warmer, even more comforting when it lingered directly off of him. You reached for the stick hanging out of your mouth, swirled it across your tongue before slipping it out with an audible pop as you looked up at him.
“You’re real fussy tonight, Masato.”
He chuckled, lightly squeezing at your shoulder, “Oh well. Maybe if you didn’t make me worry so much, I wouldn’t have to be.”
You nodded, slipping the candy back into your mouth. “That’s fair.”
“Let’s get going, amor.”
     Lifting the umbrella over your heads, he led you away from the security of the awning. A long silence lingered between you as you carefully strolled along the sidewalk, listening to the rain drum against the umbrella. Whenever a heavy gust would whip at you, you could always count on his protective arm to keep you from staggering against it.
“It’s really coming down tonight, huh?” he said, following a whistle.
Your neck nearly snapped when you looked up at him and after a while, he returned your odd look.
Finally realizing that you’d begun to stare, you shook your head. “Nothing. My coworker said the same thing a little while ago. Hearing it again from you just felt weird for some reason.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, swiping his lollipop to the opposite side of his mouth using his tongue alone. “Which one?”
“Oh, your favorite little sister, right?”
“Ha ha ha.” you laughed sarcastically. 
“Guess not.” he shrugged. “Hey, watch out for this puddle coming up, ok?”
You nodded, “Oh, by the way, you spooked all of my coworkers. They definitely think I’ve got shady yakuza ties now.”
“What makes you say that?”
“They all thought you were standing outside waiting for us to close so that you could rob us or something.”
Masato laughed heartily. 
“And when my boss came back in after talking to you, he looked like he saw a ghost and kinda made a big deal about speaking to me in private in front of everyone. When we talked, I told him it was fine but I never explained how I knew you.”
“Didn’t need to. It wasn’t his business.”
“I know.” you said, biting through your lollipop. “Oh, but he had me leave as early as I could because he thought letting you stand outside was a bad look.”
“I figured. That’s why I walked down to the loan place afterward. Guess it didn’t matter much in the end but I’m glad I got to meet him. Maybe now he’ll think twice about giving you a hard time.”
“Somehow, I doubt that. He thinks you’re ‘surprisingly polite’.”
“Well, I guess that means I’ll have to come back another day to really shake the place down to get the message across… When’s your next day off?”
You stopped walking for a moment to frown at him.
“Relax, it was a joke.” he laughed, pulling you back into him.
You swatted at his broad chest, “Well, it wasn’t a very good one.”
“Maybe not but I saw you in there.”
“What does that mean?”
“I saw you through the window.” he said thoughtfully. “Before he came out, you looked so miserable I almost couldn’t recognize you. I really thought about going in and busting heads for a second… Lately, you’ve been coming home with an expression similar to that and I don’t know… It got to me. When that asshole of a boss of yours came out here, it took every fiber of my being not to bash his face in.”
“I looked at him and thought, ‘This is the prick that’s been making _____ miserable.’ I was barely listening to anything he was saying. I was just trying to keep myself calm for you… I really wish you would stop going there.”
     You reached a crosswalk light and he took that moment of pause to look down and take you in but you did everything except meet his gaze. You chomped away at the hard candy until nothing was left but the stick and then you chewed at that as you processed what had just been said. It was a weekly occurrence by now so you knew what was coming but you were too stubborn to hear it. 
“______, you know that I don’t mind taking care of things until you find a new job. You don’t have to keep working there. It’s obvious that you’re not happy. I know you dodge the question every time I–” 
“I’m sure it was just the weather… draining me.” you lied, just like you lied to yourself every day to bring yourself into work. You didn’t want to admit outright that you hated the job. Admitting that, even to yourself, felt almost akin to admitting failure. It seemed that no matter where you worked, you were never happy. And that thought left you with the very uncomfortable question: have you crossed the point in which you had to admit that perhaps, you were the problem?
You weren’t brave enough to approach that topic. 
So, for now, you would continue to suffer under the hopes that maybe, just maybe it would get better again. Perhaps, all it would take was another change in management.
He didn’t press you on it. He never did and it made you wonder how much longer he would offer his support without you actively looking to make a change.
“I thought you had a work meeting tonight?” you asked, changing the subject and as usual, he didn’t skip a beat.
“I did but something more important came up. So, I decided to tend to that instead.”
“Oh, really? What was it?” you asked, finally meeting his eye.
“This.” he smiled, patting the top of your head with the hand that had been holding onto your shoulder.
     The light changed and he was ready to take a step forward, securing his hold on you again until he noticed the mini river raging along the curbside. His brows furrowed as he watched the waters roll, he removed the white stick from his mouth and then he chewed at his inner lip.
“Hold this a sec.” he said, crouching just a bit as he passed the umbrella off to you. “Make sure you’ve got a firm hold of it, alright?”
     You nodded, wrapping your fingers around the handle. Your knuckles pressed into the plastic while you studied his steeled expression. You weren’t certain what he was thinking until a soft grunt escaped him and he was already cradling you in his arms leaving your legs dangling in the air. You were pressed firmly against his chest and from this seat of leisure, you could see his long, thick legs cautiously striding across the street. His soft dark hair bounced with each step. Occasionally, his focus would shift from the crosswalk to you, checking in to make sure that you were okay.
     Once he’d carried you to the other side of the road, he was just about to put you down but something made him hesitate. “Are you alright?” he asked, his breath smelling of the candy he’d just finished. His brown, deep set eyes were gentle when they scanned your features. The corners of his wide mouth lifted into a smile, sending back his deep laugh lines.
     It used to be a joke before, that there were hearts in his eyes whenever he looked at you but today there was no other phrase for it and it sent your own heart leaping. You nodded, aiming to look anywhere but those spellbound eyes. Your gaze landed on his muscled chest; and it lingered there until you noticed something subtly off about the color of his shirt. It was hard to see under the moonlight and the curtain of rain obscured the town’s gaudy lights from shining down on you. So, you reached out to touch it, his eyes following your hand and after you felt the damp material clinging against him, they went back to sparkling at you.
“What about you? Look, your shoulder is getting drenched!” you panicked, the stick from your lollipop accidentally slipped from your mouth. You shifted the umbrella to offer him more coverage but he immediately corrected your hand, keeping it exactly the way you held it before.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Well, why not?” you argued. 
He met your frustration with another gentle smile and you narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Because I don’t get sick. I’ll be fine.”
     That wasn’t true. It was the furthest thing from the truth. In fact, if you were put on the stand to testify as much, you could rattle off exactly five recent instances where he’d gotten sick; and despite his stubborn refusal, you’d taken it upon yourself to care for him until he recovered.
     Your face twisted at the thought and before you could fix your mouth to argue with him, he cradled your head and leaned into you for a sweet kiss. With your bottom lip caught in between his, you wondered if he could taste the artificial cola on your lips the way that you could taste it on him. Masato pressed his tongue into your mouth, a single swipe of it against yours before he abruptly stopped as if remembering something. 
     Perhaps that you were still caught out in the middle of a storm? 
      Even so, before he showed up to save you, the thought alone of being caught in this weather was enough to drain you mentally. But now, in his arms, with his lips tenderly pressed against yours, you thought that you could stay this way for hours.
      With one more soft peck, he parted from your lips and sighed. Then, he pressed another against the tip of your nose. At some point, your fingers had begun to clutch at his damp shirt and when you realized that, you slowly released him. There was no way you could avoid those eyes now. While you sat there, staring back at him, his smile from before returned this time shaped more so by arrogance.
“So? What was it that you were gonna say?” 
You shook your head. 
Was that it? Who knew that all it took to shut you up was a cola flavored kiss?
     The bottoms of his pant legs were totally soaked by the time he put you back down on your own dry feet. He took back the umbrella, made sure that his coat was still properly draped over your shoulder then he wrapped his arm around you again. You could still feel the dampness of his shirt lingering on your fingertips and the concern from before returned. You reached for the lapels of his coat, prepared to slip it off until he stopped you.
“Hey, what are you doing?” he asked, tugging it back down.
“Don’t you think you should take back your coat at least?”
“What for? So, it can get wet too?”
“I mean, your shirt’s so–”
“Listen, I appreciate that you’re worried but right now, all I need is for you to keep walking with me. The cafe’s just a couple more blocks away. If we get there quickly, everything’ll be fine. Alright?” he said, maneuvering the umbrella back into its original position before his decision to carry you across the street bridal style. “Come.”
     The argument was solid enough but still, Masato’s insistence on keeping you safe from even a drop of rain came at the expense of his silk shirt and calfskin oxfords. You couldn’t fight the guilt that crept up every time you thought about it; and if– no, when he inevitably caught a cold from wandering around town soaked from head to toe, you knew you’d have a hard time forgiving yourself. Be that as it may, moping or arguing him down about it wouldn’t change his mind or dry him any sooner. Once you accepted that, your arms dropped back down to your sides and you allowed yourself to melt into him once more. He must have felt your hesitance slip away because he chuckled out his gratitude and went on to inquire about the day you had. 
     You told him all the usual things: how you went into your shift with inadequate supplies needed to complete your side work and so you were left needing to improvise by the time rush came, how the boss’ decision to cut all of the dining room attendants from the floor early led to chaos is the dish room and how you were berated by the line cooks when they thought you’d left a plate on the expo for a second longer than they needed to be. 
     He told you all the usual things: how, even though he’d never worked in a restaurant before, he can empathize with your frustration, how your boss was just as inadequate as the supplies he offered you and how much he really wanted to catch that one line cook in a back alley someday to see if he still talks as tough. It didn’t matter that much of this conversation was under threat of sounding like a broken record at this point. His support was one song that you didn’t mind listening to on repeat. It was the reason why you were able to fight on and face that place yet another day. 
     The rain was far less harsh by the time you reached Nakamichi Street, he joked that the storm wanted to lure you into a false sense of security so that you would believe that it was safe to head straight to the station, only to start up again; and worse than before. The safest bet was to stick to the plan and now that you could see the sign shining above Cafe Alps, it was like finding the light at the end of the tunnel. Masato removed his arm from around your shoulders and smiled to himself when you unconsciously pouted at the loss of his affection.
He took your hand, guiding it up to his umbrella-wielding one. “Take this and get us a table. I’ll meet you there in about 15 minutes, okay?”
“Wha– Where are you going?” you asked, brow rising as you watched him duck from underneath the safety of the umbrella. 
“Since the rain’s not too bad now, I’m gonna stop by Don Quijote for a few things.” he said, then immediately jogged off before calling back, “Did you need anything?”
“N-no!” you called. “Just... Don’t spend too much time out here in the rain!”
Without looking back, he waved a hand up above his head and watching him shrink away was like watching the sunset once more.
. . .
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, head jerking toward the door every time you heard the bell above it ring. Eventually, that bell would ring and it would be him walking through that door. So, you kept glancing until it finally was. His eyes scanned the cafe for you and once he spotted you, he lit up. On his march toward you, you quickly registered his change of clothes: a black V-neck tee, some dark jeans and black sneakers. At his side was an umbrella and a plastic bag, where you could imagine his purple and white ensemble had been stored.
“Well, hello there.” you smiled.
“Didn’t get too lonely without me, did you?”
“I think I managed ok.”
“Oh yeah? Damn, and here I was in a rush to get back to you too.”
“Don’t pout. It was a joke. So, I see you did some shopping.” you said, nodding at the plastic bag. 
He looked down at himself as if it was news to him, “Oh, yeah. Yeah, I had to. My feet were soaked and so was my shirt. Do you like it?”
     Your eyes lingered on the gold chain resting beautifully against his warm olive skin then admired the way the material of his shirt clung to his chest and arms as he lowered himself into his seat. The shirt teased you with his physique, showing you some of his best assets yet still not showing enough. You imagined for a moment, the rain getting this shirt wet too; how the drenched material would hug him and would leave him with no choice but to take it off as well.
“It suits you.” you said in a nonchalant tone as if you weren’t mentally undressing him.
“You think so? I’m glad.” he said, sliding the bag beneath his seat. “You didn’t order anything?”
“No, I wanted to wait on you.”
“How thoughtful.” he smiled, “So, what are we gonna get?”
You shrugged, rubbing your hands together. “I’m not sure I have much of an appetite but I know you’re not going to accept that so…”
“You’re right about that.”
“I think I’ll start off with a coffee for now to warm me up. It’s so chilly here compared to outside.”
“I like the way you think.” he said, waving over a waiter.
     Your decision to warm up with a cup of coffee inspired him to order himself a latte with heaps of flavored syrup and though he wasn’t quite hungry either, you knew that he could always make room for dessert. So, after your insistence on repaying him for his valiance, he ordered a strawberry parfait as well.
     The sweet treat wasn’t on the table for all of thirty seconds before he started to dig in. There was a gentleness in his expression each time he went for a spoonful that wasn’t dissimilar to the way he looked at you. That was how you knew that he was truly enjoying himself. You smiled at him, hunched over the table in a seat that was almost too small for him with a smear of whipped cream at the corner of his mouth. Had the table not been a factor, you wouldn’t have hesitated to kiss it away. Instead, you were forced to settle for wiping it away with your thumb and as if he had been reading your mind, he pressed a kiss against your knuckles before you pulled away.
“Hey, I’m sorry.” he swallowed down his mouthful, then pushed the stemmed glass to the center of the table. “Wanna share it with me?”
You shook your head, stirring at your lukewarm coffee. “Oh, no. It’s alright. Don’t worry.”
“You sure? Looks to me like you really want some.”
You giggled, “No, I was just thinking about how happy you look eating it. I imagine it must be pretty good.”
He licked his lips and smiled at you, scooping up a far less generous spoonful that he’d been before. “I think it’s just because I’m in good company.”
“Geez, c’mon. Masato, don’t be sappy.” you laughed, waving a dismissive hand at him.
“It’s true. Stuff like this tastes so much better when you’re eating with someone you love. Here, have a small bite.” he said, guiding the spoon toward your mouth. “Come on.”
     You’ve had parfaits here before but you were never the biggest fan. The moment the bit he fed you landed on your tongue; your mouth filled with drool. The strawberries were nice and sweet but something about the cream really packed a punch. It was indescribable and your palette mourned the loss of it the moment you swallowed it down. It left you questioning yourself: had the staff changed recently or was this truly the effect of being here with him tonight?
“Good, isn’t it?”
Your enthusiastic nod elicited a soft chuckle from him as he helped himself to another bite. “I’m glad. Here, let’s finish it together.” he said, preparing a second spoonful for you.
     As much as you hated the idea of making him share what was supposed to be a gift of gratitude, there was something about lovingly being fed one of his favorite treats that felt almost wrong to refuse. Just like the candies in the “for later” box. So, you were sure to open your mouth and graciously accept each bite, enjoying the way those brown eyes would glisten as your lips wrapped around the spoon. Perhaps it was simply the bright bar lights beaming down overhead but you preferred to believe that was his affection shining back at you and your cheeks burned at the thought. No matter what the weather, a simple smile from Masato was just as warming as bathing in sunlight. And that was a feeling that you never wanted to end.
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64 notes · View notes
kulemiwrites · 2 years
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𝐆𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐚 | 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚
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Genre/Content Warning: Light Smut, Comfort// cw; no direct mention of any genitals except his, words relating to nausea
Word count: 2.2k
Character(s): Masato Aizawa, gender-unspecified Reader
You get sick while being intimate with Masato and he takes care of you.
Too long for Tumblr? Read on AO3!
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  Your nails dug deep into the sweat-sheened koi on his back. It was nearly impossible to get a good grip on him with your slippery hands while he drove into you with impeccable rhythm but you continued to try. You needed to feel his hot skin. Traversing his back, your hands caught waves with each deep roll of his hips. His hard muscle was active in this dance, flexing and bulging beneath taut skin as he thrust into you. When your hands made it to his ass, you impulsively squeezed and he took that as a sign that his cock wasn’t deep enough for you. 
“Mmph, mm fuck.” he moaned, hot breath pushing out of his nose and onto your damp skin as he continued to suck a mark along your neck. “Still not enough for you?”
His glutes clenched in your palms as he fucked into you, giving you slightly more of him than he had been before. But you still had more than a quarter of him left to go and your head was already spinning. You sank crescent moons onto his ass while you cried out his name and he chuckled.
“What is it? Hm? Tell me.”
“I need more.”
“Do you?”
“Yes, please!”
“Alright.” he whispered, swiping his tongue across the hickey he had just given you. “But only ‘cause you asked nicely.”
      He carefully lifted himself so that he could sit on the backs of his heels, keeping his thighs spread wide while you spread yours even wider above them. His rough hands gripped at your ankles and lifted them above his shoulders, granting himself deeper access. He set a quicker rhythm; his eyes admiring the way your lips fell apart. He anticipated a lovely song to spill from them and when it finally did, his dick twitched inside of you.
“Mmmm, amor. Love how tight you are for me.” he moaned, slipping his hands from your ankles to the backs of your knees. “Nghh, feels so good! Do I feel good inside you?”
      He shifted his weight forward, sweaty skin clapping loudly against yours as he slammed into you. He tossed his head back and clenched his eyes shut, trying his best to focus solely on the rhythm he’d set and not the way you were squeezing him. Otherwise, he would be spilling his load inside you. It wasn’t time yet, not yet. He hadn’t treated you nearly enough. While he fought with his composure, something in your stomach announced its displeasure. You were willing to ignore it until he hooked your legs over his shoulders and pushed back on your thighs. 
     His eyes were still closed when the discomfort spread across your face. He was about ready to fold you in half as he drilled you but something about the pressure against your stomach didn’t sit right with you. The nausea that came with it made your head throb and you needed the grunting man to take pause for a while so that you could gather yourself. You tapped a shaky palm against his chest and he finally looked back down at you. 
“Ma-masa–” your voice quivered. “Masa, please.”
“Hm?” he hummed, shallowing his thrusts as he lowered your legs back down to his sides. He let out a shaky breath as he scooped his hands beneath your shoulders and leaned into you, “Was it too deep?”
You shook your head and pushed at his chest, feeling as if you might puke any moment now, “I think I need you to stop.”
“Of course. I’m sorry.” He immediately stilled his hips and lifted himself on the palms of his hands to hover over you, reading your expression. “Are you ok? Was I hurting you?”
“That’s not it. I think my stomach is upset or something… I didn’t really notice until you pushed my legs down over my stomach. Suddenly I started to feel nauseous.” you explained, allowing him to wipe at the beads of sweat forming along your forehead with his thumbs.
“I see. I’m sorry.” He pressed an apologetic kiss against your forehead, then reached down to your connection to remove himself from you. “I’m gonna pull out now so, let me know if it hurts you.”
“I’m not saying you have to do that. I think I just need a minute.” You said, grabbing at his wrist to stop him but he carefully swatted your hands away.
“Shh, we can always go back to it later if you’re still feeling up to it.” he said while he fought to stifle a groan as he slipped out of you. “For now, let’s see what we can do to help you feel better.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
     Masato took one of your hands in his while his other lifted at your shoulder, guiding you into an upright seat. He reached over the edge of the bed to grab the bedsheet that he had discarded much earlier in the night and used it to cover you up.
“You said you’re feeling nauseous, right?” he asked, bouncing out of the bed to retrieve his underwear from the floor and slipped into them.
“Yeah,” you said, weakly.
     He held his hips as he scanned the room for anything that might prove helpful and when he found nothing, he kneeled at your bedside and caressed your cheek. There was an apology in his eyes and though he’d done nothing wrong, you knew that he was riddled with guilt. But of course, he wouldn’t say it aloud. After all, this was about you.
“Stay right there and relax until I come back. Okay? Don’t move a muscle.” he said, kissing you before getting back up on his feet with a grunt. Just as he was about to walk out of the room, he stopped and grabbed the trash bin from the corner and placed it near you just in case.
     You listened as his big, bare feet stomped along the hardwood floor behind the door until it tapered off and you hugged the sheet around you. The nausea was beginning to make the room spin and you wanted to lay down but you weren’t sure if you could trust yourself to move quick enough if the time came. So, you remained upright, resting your heavy head against the headboard.
     He left you in the room alone for quite a while. You wondered if perhaps he’d gone to the convenience store until a familiar smell made its way to you. You rolled yourself out of bed to follow it and the smell grew stronger as you got further down the hall. At the end of it, you found Masato pouring something out of a saucepan and into a strainer. On the counter beside him was an empty platter and two tea cups sitting atop matching saucers.
“What are you cooking?” you asked.
Your sudden voice caused him to flinch and spill some of the scolding liquid onto the floor, narrowly missing his toes.
“Amor,” he sighed, setting down the pot and stepping away from his spill. “You scared the hell out of me. You should be in bed.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know you didn’t. Don’t worry about it…” he said, now transferring liquid into the tea cups. “Still, why aren’t you in bed resting?”
“You were gone for a while so I got curious.”
“In other words, you missed me” he teased.
“Maybe,” you pouted. “But that’s not what I said.”
“I’m making you something.” he smiled. “You’re probably gonna hate it.”
“Umm, I’m not sure I like the sound of that.” you said, admiring his well-defined back as he reached into the cupboards.
“I don’t like the sound of you being out of bed when you should be resting, but here we are.” he said, pulling out a bottle of honey.
You playfully rolled your eyes and began to waddle over to him until his deep voice stopped you.
“Get back to bed, _____. This thing’s done now. I’ll meet you there, alright?”
“Fine.” you said with another pout and though you didn’t want to be away from him much longer, you knew it was for the best. Standing around wasn’t going to do much for your nausea or the dizziness.
     The light cluttering of fine china over heavy footsteps followed you back into the bedroom. Masato placed a teacup at your bedside table along with a platter of plain crackers then helped you back into bed, tucking the sheet around your legs and feet. Then, once he ensured your comfort, he carefully gave you the teacup. You eyed the pale-yellow contents closely and though you could recognize the peppery notes anywhere, you still asked the question:
“This is?”
“Ginger tea.”
“Don’t make that face.” he chuckled, lifting your chin to meet his sweet gaze. “I hate it too but it’s good for you. Let’s see if it’ll settle your stomach.”
You frowned.
He dangled a bottle of honey in front of you. “Relax, I brought along my secret weapon.”
“That’s more like it.” you laugh, taking the bottle from him.
“Be right back.” he said, rushing back out of the door. “Stay there.”
Right as you were finishing administering honey to your tea, he returned with a steaming cup of his own.
“What do you have?” you asked.
“Same thing.” he said, sitting at your side on the bed.
“But you hate ginger.”
He shrugged, grabbing the bottle of honey back from you. “Yeah, but I wasn’t gonna make you drink it alone.”
     He proceeded to drown his tea with honey and a part of you wanted to tease him about getting ginger in his cup of honey but you kept the quip to yourself. After all, this was his way of being supportive while you were sick. You weren’t sure if you could do the same if you hated ginger as much as he did. You smiled, admiring him until a reminder of what you had been doing just before started to nag at you. You nudged him with your foot and though he raised a brow in response, his focus was mostly on the honey that he was still pouring.
“Are you mad at me?” you asked.
If you needed to gain his full attention, you now had it. He flipped the top of the honey closed, dropped the bottle at his side and began to stir it in all while staring at you with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. “Why would I be mad at you, amor? It’s not like you forced me to make a cup of it for myself.”
You tilted your head and wondered if the guilt you felt was for nothing considering he didn’t seem remotely close to being on the same page as you. Still, you continued. “Not about the tea. I’m talking about earlier. The sex thing.”
“What about it?” he frowned.
“The fact that we had to stop because of me.” you said, slightly frustrated that you had to spell it out for him.
     His expression hardened and his body language was so tense that you felt almost intimidated by him for a moment. It was always impossible to read him whenever he got like this, which was rare since he regularly wore his heart on his sleeve. With the large hand that had first been stirring at his tea, he gripped your knee and finally opened his mouth to speak.
“I wouldn’t betray your trust like that. _____, it doesn't matter to me if I’m two minutes or two seconds away from cumming. I don’t care how fucking amazing you’re making me feel. I’m just grateful that you chose to share your body with me and when you call for a time out, it’s time out and that’s the end of it, alright? You don’t owe me anything... I’d have no right to get mad at you for that. Besides, you’re sick. I just want you to feel better. That’s the only thing that matters to me right now.”
     His brown eyes bore into yours and he spoke with a sincerity that tugged in your chest. You didn’t have much that you could say to him in response to relay your appreciation for his understanding toward you. So, you simply offered him a nod and a gentle smile.
“I guess you’re feeling a little guilty about it or something?” he suggested, sipping at his tea then responding to the taste of ginger with a grimace. He obviously hadn’t drowned it out with enough honey. You half expected him to go for the bottle again but he didn’t.
“Yeah, for some reason.”
“If it helps, by the time I got to the kitchen, I had forgotten all about it. The only thing on my mind was: how the hell do I supposed to make ginger tea.”
“I gotta say I’m impressed that you figured it out.”
“Don’t be. I had to Google it.”
You giggled out an ‘I love you’ before sipping at your own.
“I love you too.” he smiled finally, “Now, drink up.”
Exchanging glances at each other while you sipped your tea. You made jokes and laughed when the other’s expression would shrivel in response to the pungent flavor reintroducing itself to your palettes until your cups were empty.
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kulemiwrites · 3 years
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27. SHE/HER.
✕ I do not accept requests. Any requests sent to the ask box will be deleted. I'm sorry, however, I am only allowed to write when the Goddess of Words washes me in her blessing and grace. (which isn't often, she kinda stingy but you didn't hear that from me...)
✕ Currently taking limited requests but this is only TEMPORARY! I'll only do it until I begin to feel overwhelmed (or just lost interest :/ my brain is like that sometimes). I may not answer all requests received! Please do not take it personally! I may either decide to come back to it at a later date (this is me, so it could take a while), or I simply didn't feel that I could come up with a good answer for you.
✕ All yakuza fics are based on video game canon (or related headcanon) unless stated otherwise.
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If the formatting on tumblr isn't working for you, fear not! I also post my fics on the following:
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Don't feel like digging around? This should be easier.
Sins of the Father (Goro Majima x OC)
KURO, SHIRO (Akira Nishikiyama x fem!Reader)
Rumors (Akira Nishikiyama x fem!Reader)
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Although I don't post often, I do tend to update this section when I am working on things that I intend to post. If you're ever curious, come back and check it out!
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Current Major Project
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Sins of the Father (@sinsofthefather-kulemi)
Merman AU | Akira Nishikiyama & Masato Aizawa (@nonsenseships)
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Current Minor Project
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Nishikiyama's Woman | Akira Nishikiyama Someone They Can Depend On | Akira Nishikiyama How to Warm Up Your Koi | Masato Aizawa Gone Fishin' | Masato Aizawa & Akira Nishikiyama
Jujutsu Kaisen
Lie to Me | Toji Fushiguro The Staying Game | Satoru Gojo
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In case things get cluttered, this should save you a scroll.
Waking Up with Them | Various Yakuza Cast
Reacting to Risky Texts | Various Yakuza Cast
When They're 'In the Mood' | Various Yakuza Cast
Love Languages | Reina
Pets | Various Yakuza Cast
Love & Deepspace
USE ME | Sylus
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