#marysa dowling
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issacaballero-photo · 8 years ago
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(via GIPHY)
esta secuenca muestra partes de mi ruta que hago de mi escuela a casa y de mi casa a la escuela.
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creativityworks-s7 · 6 years ago
Day at the Photography Gallery
Session with Marysa Dowling
Thursday 20th September 2018
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Going to the Photography Gallery has got me interested in what Photography is all about. It is not just having a camera and just pressing the button but need to know the different styles of photography. Although we were meant to have Alicia Clarke for the session we instead had Marysa Dowling. The diagram we discussed together as a group got us realising there is more to in photography through various different roles. To not know a lot about photography roles- dealer the meaning behind the word got me to think about what is it they exactly do. I thought that the session was really interesting. The leaflet she gave us has got me to think about attending the future workshops to learn more about photography throughout the upcoming masterclasses.
Marysa Dowling’s work shows inspiration to maybe encourage some of us to explore further into photography. To be located in a hidden Oxford Street location I didn’t expect it to be hidden.
by Kenneth William
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fwdmama · 4 years ago
Virtual Culture Project Example
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“Photographic artist Marysa Dowling invites you to connect with others using photography.  A series of creative exchanges, with a new activity every 10 days. You’ll follow simple instructions, find your inspiration, use everyday objects and materials in a playful way. Together, we’ll create images to share and inspire each other.Activities include: Paper play, Sculpture plan and The Butterfly Effect”
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What I like about this: 1.) It is clearly a very engaging collaborative art project 2.) There is clear proof of its success on the instagram page, which shows a variety of content from participants 3.) I like that it has a seperate instagram account as it allows audiences to keep up with the project as it continues. 4.) Artist sometimes uses relevant hashtags which may help with exposing her project to new audiences
Criticisms: 1.) Artist does not link to her official art instagram in the bio of her project page - doing so visibly would allow for more traffic to her account. 2.) Artist does not consistently use hashtags and when they are used they are not always relevant and do not seek to bring in new audiences - if a more consistent strategy were used she may be able to garner even more interest and engagement with her audience. 3.) I feel the artist could again use instagram highlights on her page for any new audience members as a way of introducing the project idea and concept. As a new audience member coming to her page I might be a bit confused as to the concept of the work.
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slg-start-programme-blog · 8 years ago
Session 1: Gallery Visit
Using Amie Siegel’s film ‘Fetish’ as a starting point artist Marysa Dowling asked the students of Evelyn Grace Academy to think about how we use our hands to communicate and express ourselves. By photographing a series of hand gestures, the students created narratives inspired by their everyday exchanges. 
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issacaballero-photo · 8 years ago
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esta tarea consistio en hacer una secuencia de la misma actividad que hicimos en la clase, al salir de ella pensaba enq eu podria hacer y lo primero que se me vino en la mente fue...taza. Una taza y de ahi desarrolle la idea de que podria hacer la misma composicion de una foto pero con diferentes bebidas y presentaciones, de las cuales son lo que usualmente suelo beber.
L a primera es un frappe no importa del local, a mi me encanta tomar un en una tarde antes de que se ponga el sol y en ese caso quise prbar las de jolly mollys y fue de lo mas deliciosos que he probado en mi vida era perfecto, un frappe de s’mores solo faltaba la dona pero era demasiado azucar para mi cuerpo que me quise cuidar. El segundo es una taza de te de limon, tila y azahar, me lo suelo tomar antes de domir en especial si me quiero dormir temprano ya que me ayuda a relajar todo el cuerpo que lo tengo activo al igual que mi mente, a la mañana siguiente me siento mas relajada y positiva al despertarme. La tercera es un vaso de agua, esta vez fue un frasco ya que no dispongo de un vaso de cristal normal. Cada vez que llego a la casa exhausta en este clima caluroso, siempre llego a la cocina a tomar agua me refresca demasiado y siempre opto por eso en vez de otra bebida, la ultima es un jugo, no importa su sabor y de donde es pero es muy delicioso tomarlo en las mañanas antes de clases, admito que no lo suelo comprar mucho eso pero cuando se me da la oportunidad o el capricho lo disfruto en cada sorbo pero siempre termino comprano una botella de agua.
Bueno en cuanto a tecnica traté de que se desenfocara el fondo y yo para que solo notara el objeto principal pero era complicado porque mi camara no tiene una pantalla que se pueda voltaer y mostrar la imagen en ese momento todo lo tuve que hacer como los viejos tiempos a como salga unas salio mejores que otros pero al final, como siempre, me quedo satisfecha con los resultados.
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issacaballero-photo · 8 years ago
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eso que ven en la mano, es una bolsa azul y sabenlo que significa...que Marysa Dowling ya llegó! su primer dia con nosotros fue relajado y divertido, nos puso como ejercicio crear nuestras versiones de su serie de retratos de la bolsa azul, en fotos anteriores mostré algunas maneras de demostrar quien soy desde el objeto auqneu a decir verdad solamente jugué a la bolsa, como una niña que juega con play doh por primera vez entonces miesntras muchos cubrian su cara con ella, lo adornaban como pañuelo o como sombrero yo lo utilice como almhoada, un objeto magico, rollo de pizza, un chicle y como mi libreta de dibujo.
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creativityworks-s7 · 6 years ago
The Photography Gallery with Marysa Dowling
By Sehaj Rathore
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Photos all taken by Sehaj Rathore on an iPhone.
It was certainly an insightful visit. Have never seen or heard of the photography gallery and had never known it hidden away near the very famous Oxford street, we sat and engaged in a great workshop.
Meeting Marsya Dowling was amazing and viewing her photos and the stories behind them had real meaning unlike our quick snapshots for Instagram or Snapchat. It made me think of how the career path I want to go down and how photography would be used.
Choosing images and explaining what we saw or thought the image expressed and what type of media it could be used for showed us an insight of how we all saw things differently. Making a big mind map of all the roles and jobs which connects to photography was also interesting. Finding out roles we never knew about, for example, Fixer - who has a network and sorts of organises things for you. I really enjoyed this workshop and would go to visit the gallery again.
@RathoreSehaj - Twitter
@sehajkaurr - Instagram
@Personalisedprint - Small business Instagram
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