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anotherfandomtrash · 7 months ago
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Getting all horrible people in one room
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daisyachain · 8 months ago
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little rendition of Marya Nikolaevna ‘The Princess’ Bolkonskaya with no reference to anything including birches or fashion
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mynameisemma · 2 years ago
Sonya's prototype
I noticed that some people assume that Sonya's prototype was Tolstoy's wife, Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya. Which is not stated in Russian source/article I have found. In fact, Sofya Andreevna and her younger sister Tatyana Andreevna Behrs (known for her deep beautiful voice) are traditionally considered to be Natasha's prototypes.
Sonya's prototype is most likely Tatyana Alexandrovna Yergolskaya, Tolstoy's second cousin aunt. When she became an orphan she was taken as a ward by her great aunt, Pelageya Nikolaevna Tolstaya.
Tolstoy considered Tatyana "the third most important person, after his parents, in terms of impact on his life"
В «Воспоминаниях детства» (гл. VI) Толстой говорит, что Татьяна Александровна «воспитывалась совершенно наравне с моими тетками и была всеми нежно любима, как и нельзя было не любить ее за ее твердый, решительный, энергичный и вместе с тем самоотверженный характер».
Она была воспитана барышней богатого дома — говорила и писала по-французски ��учше, чем по-русски, прекрасно играла на фортепьяно, но лет 30 не дотрагивалась до него... Она стала играть только уже тогда, когда я взрослым учился играть, и иногда, играя в четыре руки, удивляла меня правильностью и изяществом своей игры. К прислуге она была добра, никогда сердито не говорила с нею, не могла переносить мысли о побоях и розгах, но считала, что крепостные — крепостные, и обращалась с ними, как барыня. Но несмотря на то, ее отличали от других, любили все люди. Когда она скончалась и ее несли по деревне, из всех домов выходили крестьяне и заказывали панихиду. Главная черта ее была любовь, но как бы я не хотел, чтобы это так было, — любовь к одному человеку — к моему отцу. Только уже исходя из этого центра, любовь ее разливалась на всех людей. Чувствовалось, что она и нас любила за него, через него и всех любила, потому что вся жизнь ее была любовь. Она имела по своей любви к нам наибольшее право на нас, но родные тетушки, особенно Пелагея Ильинична, когда она нас увезла в Казань, имели внешние права, и она покорилась им, но любовь от этого не ослабевала.
There's also a brief description of her appearance (which is somehow similar to Sonya's)
Она была очень привлекательная с своей жесткой, черной, курчавой, огромной косой и агатово-черными глазами и оживленным энергическим выражением. В. И. Юшков, муж тетки Пелагеи Ильиничны, большой волокита, часто уже стариком с тем чувством, с которым говорят влюбленные про прежний предмет любви, — вспоминал про нее: «Toinette, oh, elle était charmante!» [Танечка, о, она была восхитительна!]...
In their youth Tatyana and Tolstoy's father, Nikolai, were in love but Tatyana had to release him so he could marry a rich heiress, Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya.
Должно быть она любила отца, и отец любил ее, но она не пошла за него в молодости, для того чтобы он мог жениться на богатой моей матери. Впоследствии же она не пошла зa него потому, что не хотела портить своих чистых поэтических отношений с ним и с нами. В ее бумагах, в бисерном портфельчике, лежит следующая, написанная в 1836 г., 6 лет после смерти моей матери, записка:
«16 août 1836. Nicolas m'a fait aujourd’hui une étrange proposition — celle de l'épouser, de servir de mère à ses enfants et de ne jamais les quitter. J’ai refusé la première proposition, j’ai promis de remplir l’autre tant que je vivrai». [6 августа 1836. Николай сделал мне сегодня странное предложение — выйти за него замуж, заменить мать его детям и никогда их более не оставлять. В первом предложении я отказала, второе я обещалась исполнять, пока я буду жива.] Так она записала; но никогда ни нам, никому не говорила об этом.
(By the way, in the first part of the epilogue Nikolai has this sudden fear that Marya will die soon)
I don't know if it's a well known fact in English speaking fandom or not (probably not as far as I can judge) but I wanted to use this opportunity to talk about Sonya once again and honestly it lowkey amazes me how Tatyana/Nikolai/Maria situation mirrors Sonya/Nikolai/Marya one and how Sonya's fate is similar to Tatyana's though she seems to be treated much warmer by her relatives than Sonya was by hers
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slavic-canvas · 7 months ago
Alchermes, John D. 1997. “The Bulgarians” in The Glory of Byzantium, eds. Helen C. Evans and William D. Wixom, 320-335. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Asrun. “Slawischer Trachtbestandteil – Panova,” Viking Handcraft (blog). Last modified 19 June 2012. http://vikinghandcraft.blogspot.com/2012/06/slawischer-trachtbestandteil-panova.html
Atanasova, Kalina. “Bulgarian Medieval Costumes: Materials.” Accessed 12 May 2021. http://badamba.info/BySource/materials.html
Barford, Paul M. 2001. The Early Slavs: Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Beebe, John. “Medieval Russian Garb,” Ivan Rezansky’s SCA Adventures (blog). Last modified 21 April 2021. https://rezansky.com/medieval-russian-garb/
Filow, Bogdan D. 1919. “The First Kingdom of Bulgaria” in Early Bulgarian Art, pp 1-15. Berne: Buhler and Werder.
Jaromira and Dalebora. “Western Slavic garment from X c.” Medieval Crafts by Jaromira and Dalebora (blog). Last modified 14 Aug 2013. http://jaromira-dalebora.blogspot.com/2013/08/sowianka-zachodnia.html
Marya Kargashina (SCA name) “Ways to Wear Temple Rings,” Novgorod to Three Mountains (blog). Last modified 14 Dec 2014. https://kargashina.wordpress.com/2017/12/14/ways-to-wear-temple-rings/
Kazanski, Michel. 2020. “Archaeology of the Slavic Migrations” in Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02902087
Schmudlach, Dieter. “Slawische Schläfenringe (Slavic Temple Rings).” Last modified 12/9/2010. http://www.landschaftsmuseum.de/Seiten/Lexikon/SR-slaw.htm
Kies, Lisa. “Clothing in Early Rus,” Sofya la Rus Medieval Russian Life (website). Last modified 7 April 2007. http://sofyalarus.info/russia/Garb/KRC.html
Scylitza, John. 12th century. Historia Bizantina (History of Byzantium 811-1057). Held at the National LIbrary of Spain. Available online via https://www.wdl.org/en/item/10625/
Stamerov, K.K. 1978. Translated by Tatiana Nikolaevna Tumanova. An Illustrated History of Costume. Kiev: Avenger.
Váňa, Zdeněk. 1983. Translated by Till Gottheiner. The World of the Ancient Slavs. London: Orbis Publishing. Online at http://macedonia.kroraina.com/en/zvwas/index.htm
West Slavs in Archeology (blog). Accessed 23 May 2021. https://west-slavs.tumblr.com/
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swainlake · 6 years ago
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↳ mythology edits // leda love isn’t soft, like those poets say. love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close
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thelegendofclarke · 6 years ago
marya-nikolaevna replied to your post
Yeah, i think Arya's shitty behaviour was real �� because of something Isaac said last year. They started playing Littlefinger at some point off screen..But they weren't playing him the entire time. It was super shitty writing.
Yeah, I have seen that quote by Issac. But things that D&D said in the “after the episode” kind of directly contradicted that and basically said it was all formulated…  
So much of that scene [Sansa naming Littlefinger instead of Arya] is about what happens beforehand and building up the tension between Sansa and Arya in the earlier episodes when we really believed one might kill the other. It’s one of the benefits on having a show like this, where over the years so many beloved characters have been killed, and so many characters make decision you wish they hadn’t, that you can believe that [they’d do this]. - Benioff
Knowing that you’re aiming at that, it really helped in the writing of it, because then your only goal in those scenes is to build toward what feels like a real rift between them, in a way that makes it extremely fraught when you get to that room with them at the end. - Weiss
It wasn’t about there actually being tension, it was about making us believe there was tension. Honestly I think they filmed it so that they could go either way with the story, and then decided that Sansa and Arya having been working together the entire time was far better, more compelling, and honestly more palatable story. And that’s the reason they didn’t show that scene with Issac, they left that out for a reason. There would have been no reason to cut it other wise, and it would have completely clarified what happened. But they left it open and ambiguous going into the LF execution scene so that we would be as shocked as he was when he found out they had been playing him the whole time.
Also the scene on the battlements afterwards kind clinched it for me that the acrimony between them wasn’t real. Sansa and Arya weren’t apologizing to each other, and they weren’t even just saying “oh I shouldn’t have said that, that’s not true.” They directly recanted; they said “those things I said and accused you of aren’t true. I don’t think that and I never did.”
And honestly, I thought it was a ploy from the minute Arya Freaking Stark said “I wonder what it would be like to wear all those pretty dresses…” Like, I’m sorry but... w h a t?!? Since w h e n?!?
Like, I know we all shit on D&D for their total lack of continuity and putting shock value over character development and generally being kind of terrible at this... But honestly all this would have have been so blatantly and ludicrously inconsistent and out of character that it would have been a ridiculous stretch even for them. I mean sure they did it in a hamfisted, clumsy, ambiguous and open to hella interpretation kind of way; but for me at least, Sansa and Arya being in cahoots is the only thing that makes any semblance of sense at all.
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prideandprejudice · 6 years ago
christmas gift! 🎅🏻🎄
sansa stark dash icons for @marya-nikolaevna <3 i hope you like them! it was a pleasure :’)
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please, like or reblog if you use or save! (credit to @lucreceborgia) ♥ ♥ ♥
ask for your christmas gift! 🎅🏻🎄
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sayruq · 6 years ago
2 and 9 ^__^
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Lately Sansa x Margaery especially in the books
Bran x Jojen
Jon x Sansa
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Hoster Tully - what he did to Lysa was horrible
Jon Arryn - reproductive abuse on his wife who he probably ignored
Ned Stark - not as good of a father as people think. Gave Sansa daddy issues
Sandor Clegane - paedophile
Littlefinger- sex trafficker, paedophile, evil in human form, slave owner
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Hello! Not a question, i just wanted to say thank you for putting out so much quality content(especially regarding Sansa) 💗💗💗. I'm currently on a Sansa/Arya re-read and i'm having a blast going through your tags. And sorry for accidentally unfollowing/re-following while writing this lol. *Hugs*
Happy to provide for you! (That’s what the tags are for, lol.) And no worries about the unfollowing/refollowing, I’ve got a couple of followers who do that all the time. :)  *hugs back*
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thecatsaesthetics · 6 years ago
marya-nikolaevna replied to your post ““I ship S@ns@n because Sansa ships it” You mean you ship it because...”
Yeah..I think shippers call it canon as in "mutual feelings" ��, but like you said, Sansa is still a young kid in AFFC and romanticizes the horrible events in her life, her recollection in AFFC of what went down during blackwater with San-dor is not accurate and as readers, we're meant to see that, i think, but for a lot of people, the fact that she romanticized the incident is a hint that they'll end up together ����‍♀️. I find it so depressing, ngl.
I just think it’s deeply problematic to state “Oh well the 13 year old thinks it’s okay that the pedophilia is into her so it must be okay”. Sansa’s physically and mentally a child. Even by Westeros standards, she’s incredibly young. She was 11 at the start of the series.  We have statutory rape laws for a reason, it’s extremely common for children to believe it’s “romantic” that an adult is interested in them. It doesn’t mean we should allow it as a society.
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zutaras · 6 years ago
🐸☕ A storyline in which Rhaegar takes Lyanna as a second consort(it doesn't matter if it's valid or not bc it complicates things and makes them interesting hehe) would have been a far better option than to have him outright annulling his marriage to Princess Elia just because he's in wuve.
me: *sweats for romanticizing it lol (i can’t help it a lot of it is so unclear that it makes shipping them a lot easier)* 
to me that would make more sense storywise. Rhaegar’s described by good qualities overall so for him to disrespect Elia in such a manner (also naming his other son aegon when he already has a son named aegon) is really fucking weird to me. I legit don’t think Martin will actually canonically do this and this is just the writers wanting a complete erasure of the Martell storyline. 
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lies · 6 years ago
marya-nikolaevna replied to your post “your faramir post ruined the character for me a bit, thanks so much....”
This policing is ridiculous, i'm so sorry you got this ask. People are responsible for their own fandom experience tbh, it's they themselves who need to curate what they consume..No one forced them to read your meta and it's not like you were spreading mindless negativity either? It was a simple book to screen comparison. And by the way, i remember following you after reading that Faramir meta specifically ��❤.
Well, as I mentioned, I kind of like getting anonymous hate. Not enough to actively troll for it or anything. And not to minimize what a horrible thing it is generally; I realize that my enjoying it is a privilege that results from the fact that I almost never get it. I’m sure the novelty would wear off REAL quick if it was a steady thing.
But... anything that got someone as awesome as you to follow my tumblr is a win for sure, whether or not it comes with the bonus of generating anonymous hate. 😜😀👍
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daisyachain · 8 months ago
Finally reached the downhill stretch of War and Peace. What an era this has been.
The book is quite a light read actually. It’s a soap opera. It’s not dense, it’s not heavy, I can see the French language interludes being a pain for monolinguals but that’s about it. It’s Downton Abbey but set in the preceding century. Did it get mixed up with Dostoevsky’s books in the pop culture machine?? All I know is it’s got a rep for being tedious when, on the contrary, it’s popcorny
Marya Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya
Generally has some enjoyable drama. People go to each other’s houses, get engaged, break engagements, get into feuds.
Tolstoy’s descriptions of young male overconfidence are insightful, all his male characters are comedically hard to take seriously
The use and breadth of female characters is better than some writers at the time
Knowing Tolstoy’s home life, it’s also hard to take any of his impassioned love-your-fellow-man stuff seriously when he was just a vampire draining the life out of his family
There are some good rousing action scenes that I didn’t expect. Must establish once and for all that I love military fiction as a genre [said while shaking my head in disapproval]
The recurring thing of older men proposing to Natasha gets so much worse considering, again, real life Tolstoy
On that note, the recurring thing of older men proposing to Natasha presents a view of heterosexuality that has been best discussed on podcast BadGays. In some milieus (Renaissance Italy, here Imperial Russia, Ancient Rome, various times and places) it’s commonplace for aristocratic men to marry women who are a) much younger b) in their late teens. We the present people consider this to be weird, creepy, conducive to abuse, and statutory rape depending on the circumstance.
In a number of different times and places overlapping with the aforementioned, there’s also a pederastic model present where it’s considered common for older men to have relationships with boys in their teens-early twenties. The social acceptability of this model overlaps far more often with the acceptability of the old man/young girl marriage than it does with the acceptability of man/male peer relations. Both formalized man/boy and man/girl relations are defined as patriarch/inferior relations. Under the patriarchal society, women at any age are childish, inferior, weak, intellectually incapable, and powerless. A woman aged 45 is no less in need of a patriarchal figure than a girl aged 15 or a boy of the same age.
Therefore, the default socially acceptable relationship of this misogynist scheme is man/inferior. Boys grow out of inferiority, women do not. Tolstoy describes Andrei/Denisov/Pierre’s desire for Natasha in terms of tenderness towards a child, he also described Nikolai’s 16-year-old assistant as ‘in love with him like a woman.’ Imperial Russia didn’t have a culture of pederasty afaik in the same way that 15thC Florence did, but the prevalence of incredibly creepy Natasha moments make it difficult to separate Tolstoy’s depiction of heterosexuality from pedophilia, which brings me back to my own hobby horse of Contemporary Conceptions of Sexuality Are Very Very Very Recent Indeed And This Stuff Is Not Old Unchanging Or Natural.
Same thing crops up in Jane Austen’s romances but that’s for another day
Back on topic: accidentally spoiled myself for a few things and may I say, I am very excited for Marya Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya and Nikolai Ilyich Rostov crossover event
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frodo-baggins · 6 years ago
thank u clarisa! ♡
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ladybeauforts · 6 years ago
marya-nikolaevna replied to your post “i’ve never had a cold that makes it THIS hard to breathe :( ughhh and...”
Omg happy birthday! ^__^ �� �� �� �� �� �� And i hope you'll feel better soon �� ❤️
thank you thank you!!! <3
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swainlake · 6 years ago
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↳ follower celebration // percy jackson aesthetic for @peterparkarr
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