#mary winchester rp
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angclradiio · 7 months ago
...Totally not doing a thing....
I took a lot of inspiration from the children's nursery rhyme:
"Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle shells, And pretty maids all in a row"
A few things I found related to it :
garden can be an allusion to family
cockle shells are known for being heart shaped
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printcharms · 5 months ago
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simplyrochellemari · 1 year ago
Don’t Leave ~Dean Winchester~
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Hey! Can you do a oneshot where you dated Dean like 10 years ago but had to break it off due to family issues on his end, you bump into him in a bar 10 years later and find out he has a girlfriend, but old feelings arise between you both and there's a lot of flirting and reminiscing until you give in and there's a whole lot of dirty rough sex (none of them regret it). Thanks!
Warnings: Rough sex
Pairings: Platonic!reader x Sam, ex!reader x Dean
The tar road of the parking lot crunched underneath your boots as you climbed out of the passenger seat of a truck. The rain trickling down ever so slightly onto your leather jacket. The crisp night burning at your lungs. 
Another date night, another bar, another one night stand that you probably won’t ever see again or remember for that matter. 
The bright eyed, pale face ran around to your side. You forced a smile as he grabbed your hand. He was good-looking, well-off, and evidently liked you, so you convinced yourself to give it a go.
In between hunting and constantly moving around the country there wasn’t much for you to look forward to at the end of every day. This although, was nice, enough, for now. 
“I do really enjoy this place, great food and great beer.” Paul, your date beamed. You smiled as his hand squeezed yours leading you towards the bar. You silently hoped you didn’t end up in the bedroom with him. 
“Well, we are in luck, I am both hungry and thirsty.” you joked and he chuckled. You both quickly approached the entrance to the bar, the music pouring out loudly with every whip open from the door. 
You followed Paul into the bar, the warmth rolling over your shoulders. Almost instantly bringing a calm and relaxing mood over your body. 
“I’ll get us a drink!” he called over the music and you nodded your eyes drifting towards the pool table. 
“Do you play pool?” you called back and his quickly whipped back, going back and forth between you and the green table. 
“Not really, don’t like it” he stated, looking uninterested at the suggestion. 
“I’ll show you!” You smiled back as he turned and walked towards the bar. You could’ve sworn he rolled his eyes. 
You shook your head slightly, trying not to self destruct the date before it had even started. You quickly made your way through a sea of bodies, placing a coin on the table to ensure you would get the next game. If Paul didn’t like pool this might help you get some sort of conversation going. 
The music was blaring, people were chatting and laughing. Some were dancing on a dance floor and you couldn’t wait to loosen up and get a drink down you as quickly as humanly possible. It had been a hard few days of hunting and doing it by yourself was taking a toll. 
You found a bar stool and table close to the pool area. You quickly slid off your leather jacket to reveal your lace bodysuit emphasising your toned arms and showing your midriff off, through the tight lace. You caught Paul’s eyes in the crowd coming over with two drinks in his hands. 
You waved him over as you silently took a seat. His eyes rolled over your toned shoulders and you almost suddenly felt too exposed. He quietly sat down and slid your pint over to you. 
“Thank you!” you smiled, “We are in next, for a game.”  
He nodded and turned towards the pool table. 
“Or I’ll just play the winner, whatever works.” you suggested, he nodded slightly. “That way we can do it together.” 
He nodded again and you inhaled deeply. An awkward tension fell over you suddenly as you took a long sip of the beer. 
“So, do you enjoy the corporate world?” you questioned as his eyes came back to yours. 
“Yes I do, lots of room to improve and move up in.” he answered poignantly, taking a long sip of his pint. You forced a smile, sipping on the beer, attempting to think of another talking point. The conversation online had been so incredibly dry but he was willing to meet in person and you were hoping for the best. 
Maybe he just couldn’t translate well via messages? But, as the date ticked on, you realised quickly it was the same in person. 
“I’ve always thought of pursuing it as a career.” you lied, hoping that you sounded enthusiastic enough but to your surprise, he let a laugh escape his mouth and your eyes slightly widened. 
“Sure!” he laughed again and your eyebrows furrowed. You were about to interject when someone’s voice halted you a stop. 
“Next game!”  
You slowly stood up, attempting to push your annoyance with Paul to the side for laughing at your attempt to make some sort of conversation with him. Fuck you, you silently thought. 
You shook your head and approached the table when your eyes landed on the one and only, 
Dean Winchester. 
You hadn’t realised all the emotion that was still attached to his face, but every single bit flooded into your head as if flood gates had broken. It made your arms numb. Your tummy released a flock of butterflies and your heart rate increased. 
He looked just as surprised as you were and within an instant, smiles broke across both of your faces. 
“Dean!” you exclaimed, throwing your arms around his neck, embracing him. He squeezed you tightly and spun you around laughing into your neck. 
“Y/N, it has been too long.” he called out laughing, sipping the last of his pint. You laughed with him, shaking your head in agreement. 
“It really has Dean.” you stated, almost teary eyed at the surprise of seeing him. Sam suddenly appeared behind him and you broke into yet another wide smile. 
“Sam!” you called as he embraced you for a hug. 
“Oh Y/N it is so good to see you.” he said as you had to swallow a few more tears threatening to roll down your cheeks. You suddenly felt warm, your heart felt at ease and you felt that you could finally unwind but before you could continue chatting with the boys, Paul suddenly appeared next to you, hand around your waist pulling you closer to him. 
“Y/N, who’s your friends?” he questioned as you frowned at the odd gesture. A minute ago mocking you, and now seemingly very insecure. 
“Paul, these are two old friends. We worked together about 10 years ago.” you smiled as they nodded, introducing themselves. 
Dean’s eyes lingering on you a little longer than necessary, especially on Paul’s uninvited hand on your waist. 
“Sam and Dean, nice to meet you.” Paul nodded, averting his attention to you. 
“Should we get onto pool then Y/N?” he questioned and you nodded. 
“It’s actually one of you competing against the winner of the previous game.” Sam stated smiling, 
“Which is Dean.” 
Your eyes widened as you smiled towards him. Paul stiffened next to you, almost tightening his grip on your waist. 
“You are so on, Winchester.” you chuckled. Paul’s eyebrows furrowed as you pulled yourself from his arm.  “Y/N” your name echoed, “We should probably head off to get a table, for dinner, or just head some other place.” 
You turned slightly as Paul shifted uncomfortably, you nodded slowly. 
“One game, and I am sure our table will be ready. I can show you how to play too.” your answered as he pulled you closer. 
“It seems to me you are a little too comfortable around your work mates.” he sneered into your ear. 
“Look, Paul. Go ahead, if you’d like to go that is fine, but I would like to stay.” you responded quietly,
“I get we are on a date but I think we both know we aren’t each others cup of tea and that it isn't going to go anywhere, you are welcome to join us but if you are not comfortable. I do understand.” 
His eyes were wide in astonishment as he slowly nodded. You did feel a pinch of heartache, the type you get when you know you are being slightly unreasonable but it was true, that this was never going to eventuate into anything. Without saying anything else he turned and left. 
You took a deep breath and slowly turned around, and cracked a smile when Sam threw his arm around your shoulder. 
“Where did you get that guy? Jesus.” he chuckled. Dean’s eyes were still glued to you as you smiled at him. 
“Well, I didn’t just end a date for you to keep staring at me like this. Are we going to play or not?” you slickly questioned as Dean smirked. 
“God, have we missed you.” 
A couple of hours later and about 10 whiskey shots in, you were seated clutching at your belly with laughter. Sam’s head back and Dean’s laugh filling your head to the brim. 
“Man, do you remember that time when Y/N tased Ed from ghostfacers?” Sam laughed, mimicking the “GHOSTFACERS” in the deepest voice imaginable. You burst out laughing again, 
“I mean, c’mon do you blame me?” you called out as you caught Dean’s lingering eyes on you again. 
“Dean looked like he was going to murder either one of them at any given point in time.” You teased, shoving his arm ever so slightly. Noticing he had gone quiet. 
“Anyway, what have you been up to?” Sam questioned, “Linking up with other hunters?” 
“Here and there, but mostly on my own.” you retorted, 
“I mean tonight was the exception, just wanted to feel normal, but it rarely ever works out.” 
“Well I am happy that our paths crossed again, but I need another drink and so do you two.” Sam stated, getting up with a long screech of the chair. You smiled over at Dean and he caught your eyes. Too many whiskey shots impairing your thought process. 
“I don’t think I ever thanked you, for what you did for me.” you spoke suddenly and his head turned to you. 
“You helped me become such a strong hunter and helped me through so much of my own trauma and I am deeply sorry for never being able to do that for you.” 
“No, no, no, don’t.” he started leaning forward, 
“Do not apologise when we both know it was my fault you left.” he croaked, you swore you could almost see him tear up. 
“Dean, don’t start with this.” you spoke up, leaning over and placing a hand on his forearm. He almost twitched at your touch. 
“It was just the wrong time for us.” you softly reassured. He nodded. 
You both knew at the time you were perfect for one another, in each and every aspect of your life together it was a match made in heaven, but he was taking on too much in his life, too much responsibility for you to be a priority for him. 
A tear tore at your cheek, you chuckled. 
“But, it was not all for nothing. I’ve got two amazing people, who I still love and care for here now, catching up and thinking back to all the good times we've shared,” you sniffled, 
“And I wouldn’t give that up for the world.” 
He smiled, squeezing your hand tightly. Sam returned managing to carry three more whiskey shots to the table. You and Dean both groaned in protests and laughter escaped from Sam. 
“Just drink it.” he stated. You clinked your glasses together and threw the whiskey down your throat. It violently burning at your throat. You exhaled sharply, 
“So, what else has been happening in the life of the Winchesters?” you chuckled, leaning back on the chair. Sam and Dean both chuckled. Dean’s eyes shifting uncomfortably as Sam’s gaze landed on you. 
“Well other than Dean getting tied down by a girl, not much other than hunting.” Sam shrugged his shoulders and your eyes widened. 
A pang of sadness, guilt, and regret pooled over your chest. Your eyes stayed glued to your empty glass, slowly spinning it around in your hand. 
“Yep, always me, getting tied down there Sammy.” Dean’s voice came, annoyance laced in his tone. 
“Well, congratulations on having a little bit of normalcy in your lives then.” you laughed, breaking the odd tension. 
“I had to pretend that I would like to explore and climb the corporate ladder tonight.” you scoffed and Sam gave a low whistle as Dean leaned back in his chair. 
“Ah, the joys. Well, Molly doesn’t know about any of this.” Dean lowly stated, as you nodded. 
“Well, I don’t blame you. It’s a big responsibility to carry.” 
The conversation dwindled as you took a slow slip of the glass of water that remained untouched until now. 
“Well, I think that is my cue. One too many whiskey shots for me.” Sam stated, getting up. He placed a kiss to your temple and squeezed your shoulders slightly. 
“Goodnight sweetheart, come by tomorrow and we can see if we can crack this poltergeist case.” he stated, lazily and drunkenly wandering out of the bar. You nodded, calling a goodnight sentiment after him. Silence fell over the table. 
“I’m sorry about that. I should’ve told you sooner.” Dean angrily stated. 
“No, no, no. It is fine.” you reassured, 
“I guess after 10 years there are still some feelings there.” you drunkenly continued. His eyes slightly widened, and you almost stabbed yourself with the blunt butter knife on the table. 
“Like I mean not like that, but like feelings you know,” you murmured on, eventually placing your hands on your cheeks as Dean let out a low laugh. 
“I didn’t actually think “like that” but now I am.” he stated, locking eyes with you. Your eyes widened as he let out another low chuckle. 
“Dean Winchester.” you warned, reminding not only Dean but yourself of the seriousness of this situation. He nodded, putting his hands up in defence as you felt a familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
“Well, we should probably follow Sammy’s example and head off to bed.” you announced, slipping on your jacket. You and Dean lazily walked out of the bar and stood outside, shaded from the rain. 
“Well, I am right across from here.” Dean lazily pointed. You nodded, 
“I am across town, so I will see you tomorrow.” 
Dean nodded, wrapping his arms around you. He squeezed you in a longing manner and all you could think about was how safe and secure his embrace felt. Nothing prepared you for what happened next. 
Dean swiftly pushed you up against the wall, planting a deep kiss on your mouth. Squeezing you tightly. He tasted of whiskey, and something that just made him, Dean. 
You were so shocked a sudden and deep moan escaped your mouth as your mouths melted together. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol or your own lust that kept you there longer but you quickly pushed him away as every inch of your body protested. 
“Dean, w-we sh-shouldn’t do this.” you struggled, as his orbs rolled over your facial features. 
“Y/N, all I can think about is, you.” Dean stated in frustration, 
“I have never felt the same about anyone after you.” 
Your eyes almost rolled back into your head when he kissed you again. This time you didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, pull him close and feel him against you. Your body had longed to be in his embrace, once again. 
“Come with me?” Dean questioned, out of breath from the kiss. You inhaled sharply, quickly shaking your head. 
“No, Dean, I mean...” you struggled, fidgeting with your hands, 
“We can’t do... and what about Molly...” 
You saw his face shift as he too came to the harsh reality of what you both were doing. He swallowed heavily, pulling away from you. The warmth of his body suddenly leaving you, it was suddenly too cold. 
He ran his hand over his face roughly and you almost burst out into tears, from pure frustration, hatred towards the situation you had gotten yourself into and seeing him so upset. 
“You know it’s never going to work with Molly.” Dean’s voice cut through the air, and your eyes glued to his every move. 
“I will call her now if I need to, but I don’t want to leave you,” Dean’s voice cracked, 
“ever, again.” 
His eyes were filled to the brim with tears threatening to run down his face. You closed the gap between you. His jaw tightened, 
“Everyday I wake up knowing that I lost you, I didn’t fight for you and that I didn’t do enough to keep you in my life.” 
Your eyes widened as he paced in front of you. The feelings of regret and sadness pooling over his face. 
“We don't have to do anything tonight.” he murmured, 
“I just don’t want to lose you again.” 
You smiled at him, closing the gap between you and slowly taking his hands in yours. 
“Dean, you never lost me.” 
“Come with me?” Dean questioned, again. 
“Yes, of course.” you responded as a smile cracked across his face. 
“Well, we will have to make a run for it.” he laughed, out. 
You ran laughing in the rain, across to the motel. Dean and Sam had booked seperate rooms, and at the back of your mind you were so extremely grateful.  
Dean quickly opened the door, and before you knew it, he had you up against the door. His kisses and embrace had more passion than before, more want and more need. He kissed and sucked harshly on your sweet spot- the one he’s clearly not forgotten. He teased moans out of you, that only he was ever able to do. 
“Oh god, how I've missed hearing that voice.” he lowly growled against your skin. You suddenly realised how wet you must be, warming more and more as he continued to kiss and bite at your neck. 
A bruise or two bound to be evident. 
“You still like it rough Y/N?” he questioned, pulling away slightly and you nodded. 
“I appreciate all the questions but can -” you managed as he grabbed a hold of your clothed sex, providing the right amount of pressure to make you bite back a scream. You grabbed onto his shoulders, pulling at the t-shirt. He chuckled lowly. 
“I have missed the sarcasm, and I’ve missed how you squirm and moan.” he teased as you shot him a warning glare. He pulled your jacket off, discarding it somewhere in the room, turned you and pulled down your jeans. 
Your head pressed against the door, panting in frustration and need for him. 
“Did you think I was going to give it to you that easily?” Dean chuckled in your ear, making you groan in want. You slowly turned, stripping off whatever clothes you still had on. His mouth glued to your skin. 
“Well, it is your turn.” you teased, “To get undressed.” 
You walked towards the bed and seductively waited for Dean to get close enough behind you, before bending forwards slowly. Feeling him harden through his boxers. He groaned as he gripped your hips tightly. 
“God, I have missed every bit of you.” he panted, pulling his boxers down. You squirmed, arching your hips back in hoped of feeling more of him- but he slipped inside of you easily and pushed forward in a hard motion. 
“Dean!” you exclaimed as he repeated the motion again, hands gripping onto your waist. Your fingers getting lost in the bed sheet as he continued to fuck you hard from behind. 
He leaned forward pressing up against your back, still deep inside of you. Gripping you tightly, clearly struggling himself. He stilled. 
“C’mon Dean, don’t tell me someone is struggling.” you teased as he chuckled against your skin, slowly pulling out of you. You almost moaned at the loss of his cock inside of you. 
He flipped you around and planted his mouth onto yours once more. Before you knew it, he slammed himself into your wet sex and you both moaned into each other. 
“Dean” you whimpered, as his eyes locked with yours. 
“You okay?” he quickly whispered, slowing his actions. You nodded, 
“I’m close.” you managed and he smiled, placing a kiss to your forehead, slamming hard into you once more. You moaned loudly, body going numb with pleasure as you gripped onto Dean. 
“There you go sweetheart” he ushered as your moaning grew louder with every thrust of his body. Your eyes squeezed shut as Dean’s movements grew harder and harder. 
“Come for me Y/N.” he whispered and that was what pushed you straight over the edge. Dean’s thrust didn’t falter as you came, body twitching with the wave of pleasure that crashed through your core. Then you felt him reach the peak of his pleasure thrusting into you and movements sputtering as his body went limp against yours, holding you tightly. 
He fell down next to you, embracing you and pulling you close to him. Resting his chin on your shoulder, kissing your shoulder as both of you regained your breath. 
“Everything with you in, is better.” he whispered. You smiled, 
“You have to tell me that because we just had sex.” you joked. He chuckled, 
“Very true, but I don’t lie.” he answered back, squeezing you ever so slightly. 
“Don’t leave.” he murmured against your skin. 
“Never again.” you whispered back as you both drifted off into a deep sleep, knowing that you were in the arms of the only person that has ever truly cared, seen and loved you for you. 
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dreammakcr · 10 months ago
muse ║ mary winchester fandom ║ supernatural
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"Trust me, I can take care of myself."
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s0urs0r3n · 3 months ago
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Hey hey,
Are you looking for a supernatural discord server but an rp of some sort. Well problem solved. Join now! We have so many characters open as you can also have an oc!!
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Here is the character list
Dean Winchester - TAKEN
Sam Winchester - TAKEN
Castiel - open
Bobby Singer -open
John Winchester - open
Mary Winchester - open
Ellen Harvelle - open
Joanna "Jo" Harvelle -open
Ash - open
Gordon Walker - open
Samuel Campbell - open
Rufus Turner - open
Bela Talbot - open
Chuck Shurley - open
Lisa Braeden - open
Ben Braeden -open
Ed Zeddmore - open
Harry Spangler -open
Agent Victor Henricksen - open
Pamela Barnes - open
Adam Milligan - open
Becky Rosen - open
Jody Mills - open
Gwen Campbell - open
Christian Campbell - open
Mark Campbell - open
Frank Deveraux - open
Lucifer - open
Raphael - open
Gabriel - open
Michael - open
Zachariah - open
Uriel - open
Anna - open
Balthazar - open
Azazel - Open
Crowley - Open
Alistair - Open
Ruby -Open
Lillith -Open
Dick Roman - Open
Edgar - Open
Dr. Gaines -Open
Chet - Open
Death - Open
Eve - open
Tessa - open
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Server link!
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aurora-dreams · 1 month ago
RP Search- DM Me if Interested!
Hi! I'm desperately searching for some fandom cc x cc rps over on discord. I write semi-lit to lit, third person. Looking for 18+ only, preferably 21+ so Minors DNI. I'll list below some of the fandoms and ships I'm looking for with my preferred role in italics. Supernatural Dean Winchester/ Castiel Sam Winchester/ Gabriel Dean Winchester/ Benny Lucifer/ Dean Winchester Dean Winchester/Michael Suits Harvey Specter/ Mike Ross (open for romantic or platonic) Harvey Specter/ Donna Paulson Marvel/MCU Tony Stark/ Steve Rogers Tony Stark/ Stephen Strange Tony Stark/ Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers/ Bucky Barnes Natasha Romanoff/ Clint Barton Tony Stark & Peter Parker (platonic) Peter Parker/ Wade Wilson Wanda Maximoff/ Stephen Strange 911/911 Lonestar Evan 'Buck' Buckley/Eddie Diaz Evan 'Buck' Buckley/ Tommy Kinard Evan 'Buck' Buckley and Bobby Nash (platonic/family) TK Strand/ Carlos Reyes TK Strand and Owen Strand (platonic/family) TK Strand and Judd Ryder (platonic/family) The Legend of Zelda Zelda/ Link The Phantom of the Opera Christine Daae/ Raoul De Chagny Christine Daae/ Erik Destler (The Phantom) Once Upon a Time Emma Swan/ Killian Jones Emma Swan and David 'Prince Charming' Nolan (platonic/family) Mary Margaret 'Snow White' Blanchard/ David 'Prince Charming' Nolan Belle/ Mr. Gold 'Rumplestiltskin' Tangled/ Tangled The Series Rapunzel/ Eugene 'Flynn Ryder' Fitzherbert
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framnie · 20 days ago
Hey, would anyone be interested in a SPN rp? I will be listing my muses and the ships I’m interested in doing but I’m up for suggestions. I do gxg, bxb, and gxb. I’m a sucker for crack ships. These lists are not in any specific order. I enjoy romantic and platonic ships. I’m fine with OC’s as long as it’s for BxB and GxG.
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Jack Kline
-Garth Fitzgerald IV
-Adam Milligan
-Jo Harvelle
-Meg Masters
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury
-Bela Talbot
-Mary Winchester
-Eileen Leahy
-Claire Novak
-Jessica Moore
-Donna Hanscum
-Dean Winchester x Castiel
-Sam Winchester x Castiel
-Sam Winchester x Gabriel
-Dean Winchester x Gabriel
-Castiel x Gabriel
-Castiel x Crowley
-Dean Winchester x Crowley
-Adam Milligan x Michael
-Garth Fitzgerald IV x Benny Lafitte
-Castiel x Anna Milton
-Castiel x Meg Masters
-Castiel x Hannah
-Castiel x Kelly Kline
-Dean Winchester x Anna Milton
-Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
-Dean Winchester x Meg Masters
-Dean Winchester x Bela Talbot
-Dean Winchester x Amara
-Dean Winchester x Ruby
-Sam Winchester x Ruby
-Sam Winchester x Rowena MacLeod
-Sam Winchester x Eileen Leahy
-Sam Winchester x Bela Talbot
-Sam Winchester x Jessica Moore
-Gabriel x Rowena MacLeod
-Ruby x Anna Milton
-Bela Talbot x Jo Harvelle
-Bela Talbot x Meg Masters
-Bela Talbot x Ruby
-Charlie Bradbury x Gilda
-Charlie Bradbury x Ruby
-Charlie Bradbury x Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury x Jo Harvelle
-Claire Novak x Kaia Nieves
-Hannah x Charlie Bradbury
-Hannah x Abaddon
-Hannah x Anna
-Jo Harvelle x Anna Milton
-Donna Hanscum x Jody Mills
-Jo Harvelle x Meg Masters
-Meg Masters x Ruby
-Ruby x Anael
-Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
-Mary Winchester & Sam Winchester
-Mary Winchester & Dean Winchester
-Jack Kline & Castiel
-Jack Kline & Dean Winchester
-Jack Kline & Sam Winchester
-Jack Kline & Claire Novak
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canonrpfinder · 1 year ago
Hi! 21+ female here looking for some more rps (18+ only, minors DNI).  I write third person and my reply lengths can vary, but mostly responses can be a couple lines to a paragraph. My schedule is odd but when I’m free, my responses can be very quick. I write over discord. I’ve listed my fandoms below with my preferred role in italics. 
Dean Winchester/ Castiel
Sam Winchester/ Gabriel Dean Winchester/ Benny
Lucifer/ Dean Winchester
Harvey Specter/ Mike Ross (open for romantic or platonic)
Harvey Specter/ Donna Paulson
Tony Stark/ Steve Rogers
Tony Stark/ Stephen Strange
Tony Stark/ Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers/ Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff/ Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff/ Clint Barton
Natasha Romanoff/ Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff/ Tony Stark
Tony Stark & Peter Parker (platonic)
Peter Parker/ Wade Wilson
Wanda Maximoff/ Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff/ Loki
The Rookie
Tim Bradford/Lucy Chen
Phantom of the Opera
Christine Daae/The Phantom (Erik)
Raoul De Chagny/ Christine Daae
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan/Killian Jones
Mary Margaret(Snow White)/David Nolan(Prince Charming)
David Nolan(Prince Charming) & Emma Swan  (Platonic)
Legend of Zelda
If you stuck around until the end and you are interested, interact with this post and I’ll reach out!
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prismsassortmentofocs · 7 months ago
(OOC: @prismaticstarshch here again lol
this is more or less a "master blog" for all of my OCs, any of the ones with hyperlinks attached to their names already have separate RP blogs
anyways, rules:
Respect basic DNI
No NSFW, suggestive is fine though
Shipping/romantic asks will be approached with discretion as some of my OCs who will appear here are either already being shipped with other characters or are siblings
Notes on in-character stuff:
Characters will have names appear before their in-character text if there are multiple who share the same text color present
Actions will be written in third-person if multiple characters are present
In-character posts will be tagged with the name(s) of the character(s) who appear in them
OCs available for asks (sorted by fandoms) are listed under the cut
Arcane Odyssey (some stuff can be found here)
Abigail Quill (protagonist stand-in, she's the one to ask about canon stuff!) (she/her)
Aisha Sectonia (she/her)
Zoey Yagami (she/her)
Aura Moonsilver (she/her)
Amber Winchester (she/her)
Elvira Rivers (she/her)
Cleo Tempest (she/her)
Sirena Corvus (she/her)
Novalie Archon (she/her)
Phighting (some info can be found here)
Bow, Phoenix, and Heartsong (all she/her) (Thieves' Den, Lost Temple, and Playground, respectively)
Pickaxe (she/her) (Lost Temple)
Hex (he/him) (Blackrock)
Gatling Blaster (she/her) (Blackrock)
Crimson (she/her) (Blackrock)
Candy Bomb (she/her) (Playground)
Mallet (he/him) (Playground)
Flamethrower (he/him) (Playground)
Terra (she/her) (Thieves' Den)
Revolver (he/him) (Lost Temple)
Bat (she/her) (neutral)
Obsidian Pickaxe (she/her) (Lost Temple)
Emerald Pickaxe (she/her) (neutral)
Ghostsong (she/her) (neutral)
Seasong (she/her) (AU ver. of Playground)
Stormbow & Captain Pickaxe (both she/her) (nameless small faction)
Starry Sky AU Collective (pronouns provided in pinned) (varying factions)
Starla (she/her) (info) (appearance)
Block Tales
Player / Nellie (she/her)
Terraria Calamity
Dianna Whitlock (she/her)
World of Magic (A Rewritten Ver.)
Adrista Grey (she/her)
Aiza Drake (she/her)
Emma Dove (she/her)
Murder Drones
Prismas Dueller (she/her)
Serial Designation Iota (he/him)
Serial Designation Sigma (she/her)
Cave Story
Ellipsis (she/her)
Blue Heater 2
Penny Ainsworth, Azura, Amery, and Claricia (she/her for Penny, Azura, and Claricia; he/him for Amery)
Roblox RP Game Characters
Alicia "Alice" Mallory West (Lunar Will) (she/her)
Chance Dalton Porter (Lunar Will) (he/him)
Adrienne Cade (Globelore 2) (she/her)
Asthenia (Globelore 2) (she/her)
Yumeko Kato (Zaibatsu) (she/her)
Kara Sakura (Zaibatsu) (she/her)
Juniper Browning (Zaibatsu) (she/her)
Mari Jones (Zaibatsu) (she/her)
Lapis Cabochon 6, "Nia" (Gem Galaxies) (she/her)
Peridot 5XR, "Arbor" (Gem Galaxies) (they/them)
Amazonite 6AJ, "Sage" (Nia & Arbor's fusion) (Gem Galaxies) (she/them)
Rhodochrosite 2CR, "Flora" (Gem Galaxies) (she/her)
Angelite Cabochon 12, "Celesta" (Gem Galaxies) (she/her)
Bumblebee Jasper 6XB, "Bee" (Gem Galaxies) (he/they)
Red (Sparks of Dissent) (she/her)
Demetria "Demi" Walker (Sparks of Dissent) (she/her)
Marcelyn "Marcy" Byrne (Sparks of Dissent) (she/her)
Sariel (Nameless science fantasy project) (she/her)
Uriel (Nameless science fantasy project) (he/him)
Gabrielle (Nameless science fantasy project) (she/her)
Raphael (Nameless science fantasy project) (he/him)
Michelle (Nameless science fantasy project) (she/her)
The Aether Project ensemble (The Aether Project) (pronouns listed in pinned) (note: this won't strictly feature only OCs, but there will be plenty there)
Mae Meadows (The Elysium Academy) (she/her)
Raven Quincy (The Elysium Academy) (she/her)
Astaroth Caelus (The Elysium Academy) (she/her)
Suzuko Tanaka (The Elysium Academy) (she/her)
Korina "Kori" Johnson & Angelle Grant (revised ver.) (Sparks of Dissent) (both she/her)
Starfarer Lyra (Project: Celestial Apotheosia) (she/her)
Starfarer Lucia (Project: Celestial Apothesia) (she/her)
Huntress Avalon (Project: Celestial Apothesia) (she/her)
Luna Harper (Project: Celestial Apothesia) (she/her)
Lenora (Cosmic Convergence) (she/her)
PD!Red/"Ignia" (Parasitic Dreams AU) (she/her)
Science Fantasy AU Red (Nameless science fantasy aftermath timeline) (she/her)
Komasa & Reviela (The Aether Project) (both she/her)
Lunae Lumen!Red (Lunae Lumen) (she/her)
Some important dynamics info and other notes:
Abigail is in a canon x OC ship with Edward Kenton
Abigail is enemies with Aisha
Cleo is Aisha's quartermaster
Zoey, Aura, Amber, and Elvira are part of the same crew, of which Zoey is the captain
Aura is Zoey's quartermaster and girlfriend
Elvira is apothisexual (sex-repulsed ace)
Prismas and Iota are dating
Sigma is aroace
Sariel, Uriel, Gabrielle, Raphael, and Michelle are siblings (Sariel and Uriel are twins, with Sariel being slightly older and Uriel being slightly younger, Gabrielle is the second-oldest, Raphael is the oldest, and Michelle is the youngest)
Alice and Chance are dating
Nia and Arbor are lovers
More will be added at some point, this is just what I'm starting off with lol
oh and btw- OC lore will be provided on an "as we go" basis, there is way too much for me to just write out and summarize without getting burnt out)
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lightwoodofletters · 2 years ago
A Supernatural RP known as Family Business on twitter are looking for new members from Supernatural and The Winchesters. We have lots of roles open so please DM me if you're interested!
Characters Open:
-Charlie Bradbury
-Claire Novak
-Kaia Nieves
-Bobby Singer
-Alex Jones
-Arthur Ketch
-Mick Davies
-Meg Masters
-Adam Milligan/Michael
-Chuck Shurley
-Garth Fitzgerald IV
-Carlos Cervantez (TW)
-Mary Winchester (TW)
-John Winchester (TW)
-Millie Winchester (TW)
And many more! Let us know if there's a character you'd like to play who isn't listed.
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angclradiio · 7 months ago
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                       Est. 08.26.24 | Canon and AU verses
                              Sideblog to ‘watcherofsalem’
                                    Cared for by Mandy
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printcharms · 6 months ago
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wantedfamily · 7 months ago
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                       Est. 08.26.24 | Canon and AU verses
                              Sideblog to ‘watcherofsalem’
                                    Cared for by Mandy
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stephaniesingerrp · 7 months ago
RP Search
Hello, I am looking for an roleplay. I have multiple OC's and love them. I have boys and girls. I love group roleplays. i do doubles. I rp on here and discord. I’m not really literate but 5+ lines also depends how much the other person writes. DM me if interested!
My oc's:
Stephanie Singer (main).
Elliot Lavine.
Aiden Barlowe (Demon).
Mary-Anne Winchester (SPN Daughter of sam + Stephanie)
Chevy Elstar.
If you would like to rp with me then i can give a discription of them.
We can come up with a plot!
Fandoms i do:
Twisted book series
vampire diaries
the originals
criminal minds
grey anatomy
Without Fandoms.
Small town
enemies to lovers
dark romance
slice of life
country side
arranged marriage
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dreammakcr · 10 months ago
muse ║ mary winchester fandom ║ supernatural
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"What this? It's nothing, it's just a bruise."
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apfrey · 7 months ago
25+ F looking for supernatural (the show), tvd, and asoiaf discord 1x1s !! some rough directions for both:
ASOIAF: would lovelove a complete au rewrite of jon/dany from the very first moment they meet onward and to generally fix all the broken things. can play either jon or dany (book versions in terms of personality) and would also prefer mumus to explore different dynamics/ships/charas as well
SPN: have all kinds of ideas depending on the seasons we base this on (prefer 1-8). can play ocs, jo harvelle, ruby, and ofc dean winchester himself (have 8 years of experience with him). would love destiel, sam/oc, dean/jo, and platonic dynamics as well.
TVD: mumu would also be great, most interested in domestic delena after the series (not without drama and shenanigans sometimes) focused on starting a family, kids, etc. also a fan of klaroline (a period setting au??? bridgerton au???) and hope/oc or hope/lizzie.
a bit about me: 10+ years of rp experience, love worldbuilding and playing multiple characters. have a usually chill full time job but i still won't post daily most likely (multiple times a week for sure). love flawed characters so don't worry about mary sues. can write smut but it's not a priority, literate, gay as hell, got a wiener dog, and i'm up at random times.
interested? please make sure you:
are at least 21 years old
are comfortable writing all kinds of genders, sexualities, ethnicities, races, etc.
can proactively dish out ideas
like this post or dm me to set something up !! <3
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