#mary stuart x Elizabeth i
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sixaus-meaa · 3 months ago
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Mezza, Liz' gingerbread long-distance girlfriend (LiZza)
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9 Royal Mary’s of history - Reigning and Consorting: -> 1. Mary of Burgundy: Consort of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (1457–1482). -> 2. Mary of Hungary (Mary of Habsburg): Queen consort of Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia (1505–1558). -> 3. Mary I of England: Reigned 1553–1558 (1516–1558). -> 4. Mary of Guise: Queen consort of James V of Scotland, regent for Mary, Queen of Scots (1515–1560). -> 5. Mary, Queen of Scots: Reigned 1542–1567 (1542–1587). -> 6. Mary II of England: Reigned 1689–1694 (1662–1694). -> 7. Mary of Modena: Queen consort of James II of England, regent for James Francis Edward Stuart (1658–1718). -> 8. Mary of Teck (Queen Mary): Consort of George V of UK, reigned 1910–1936 (1867–1953). -> 9. Mary Elizabeth Donaldson (Queen Mary): current Queen consort of Frederick X of Denmark since 14th January 2024 (1972-).
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multimuseroleplays · 10 months ago
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Incoming Character 012
Name: Celine Monet
Fandom: Historical / Medieval
Faceclaim: Emma D'arcy
Date of Birth: December 31, 1481
Father: King Arthur X Monet of Scotland
Mother: Anne Bonnet, Duchess of Florence
Siblings: James of Scotland
Relatives: Mary Stuart (niece), Elizabeth Tudor (6x cousin), and more
Sexuality: Straight
Exes: Malcolm I Monet of Spain
Love Interest: Aevaran Kingston
Josephine Monet of Spain and France @jeangreymaximoff
Malcolm II Monet
Henry Monet
Francis Monet
Catherine Kingston
Elizabeth Kingston
Princess of Scotland (formerly)
Queen of Scotland (formerly/taken away due to marrying ex-husband)
Duchess of Perth
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sakurajjam · 2 years ago
Chegando com pedido inusitado, mas acho que vcs conseguem me ajudar. Quero fazer um perso da nobreza, mas queria me basear em gente que já existiu, figuras históricas, mas não sei quais são legais, de verdade, podem me ajudar? Dando apenas o nome posso buscar no google, mas é que sou péssima em história e nunca sei quem é legal
O quanto eu amei essa ask não está escrito!! Pompurin, você veio ao lugar certo, porque eu sou o maior dump de história de realeza (ao menos, que eu conheço). Ser legal já tira todo mundo da lista, porque ninguém foi legal, eles podiam ter ações nobres e sociais, mas era por algum interesse mascarado... Nobreza nunca foi simpática, mas as histórias são magnificas. Vou separar alguns nomes para ti. [ meio edit, acho que vai ficar muito extenso, então depois da Rainha Elizabeth II, não coloquei descrições, apenas em alguns específicos. ]
Lady Di, nossa amada Princesa Diana da Inglaterra (1961-1997). Minha amada mais injustiçada, sou a maior apaixonada por tudo que a envolve (já assisti todos os documentários) e ela é um exemplo perfeito de monarca que foi contra as regras da Coroa Britânica.
Kate Middleton (1982). Atual princesa de Gales e esposa do Príncipe William da Inglaterra, além de se mostrar uma mãe exemplar (com semelhanças com sua sogra), também é um exemplo de monarca, porque ela é muito simpática com as pessoas.
Maria Leopoldina da Áustria (1797-1826). Esposa de Dom Pedro I de Portugal-Brasil. Muito importante em muitos momentos do Brasil Império.
Teresa Cristina de Bourbon-Duas Sicília (1822-1889). Imperatriz do Brasil e esposa de Dom Pedro II. Teve uma novela da Globo que mostrou muito dela, uma mãe amorosa e que cuidava de seu império, mas que teve momentos conturbados com o marido lixo.
Pedro II do Brasil (1825-1891). Último imperador do Brasil. Tenho muitos sentimentos controversos sobre o Pedro, todos envolvendo sua gestão e a mulher dele, mas a história dele vai muito além do que aprendemos na escola.
Cleópatra VII Filopator (69 a.C - 30 a.C). Falar da Cleópatra é muito !!!, ela foi uma das poucas mulheres que governaram o Egito (se não a única) e tem muita história, claro que existem as problemáticas, mas ela sempre foi estrategista e sedutora. Até hoje, seu sarcófago não foi localizado, o que indica que tem muito que não sabemos sobre.
Rainha Elizabeth II (1926-2022). Famosa "Betinha" para os brasileiros, tem muito sobre ela que dá raiva, mas ela teve muitos momentos bons na vida e claro, viveu bastante.
Rainha Vitória (1819-1901). Subiu ao trono com apenas 18 anos e tem a chamada Era Vitoriana.
Ana Bolena (1501-1533). Bela e decapitada por mando do marido, responsável pelo corte da relação Igreja X Inglaterra. Aconselho procurar o musical The Six, porque mostra todas as seis esposas do Henrique e como elas são interessantes.
Ricardo I (1157-1199). Ricardo Coração de Leão, tem uma história legal.
Henrique VIII (1491-1547). Um homem que não presta, teve várias esposas e muitas coisas rolaram no mandato dele. Aconselho ver The Tudors.
Catarina de Médici (1519-1589)
Maria Antonieta (1755-1793). Essa mulher... Vivia de luxúria e a frase dos brioches vem dela.
Luís XIV (1638-1715). Rei Sol.
Nefertiti (1370 a. C.-1330 a. C. - estimada). Descrita como a mais bela do mundo.
Mary Stuart (1542-1587)
Catarina II da Rússia (1729-1726). Nunca deixarei a Catarina, a Grande de fora. Outra rainha que admiro demais, apesar dos erros cometidos, ela foi muito sagaz e inteligente em dar um golpe no próprio marido e assumir o trono de Todas as Rússias, mesmo enfrentando grandes problemas. Existem muitos conteúdos sobre ela, mas se quiser rir, aconselho ver a série The Great.
Pedro III da Rússia (1728-1762). Teve um mandato curto porque foi deposto (sofreu O golpe da Catarina), vivia embriagado... Como ele é mostrado em The Great é um pouco demais, talvez, mas tá ali.
Rei George III do Reino Unido (1738-1820). Aquele rei lá de Queen Charlotte, ele tinha uma doença chamada porfiria, mas na época... Bem, só o chamaram de louco mesmo (aquela época era terrível).
Sophie Charlotte de Mecklemburgo-Strelitz (1744-1818). Assim como muitas figuras históricas, ela foi embranquecida, mas Charlotte era filha de portugueses e africanos, mas nasceu na Alemanha e talvez esse seja o motivo... Mas ela foi uma ótima rainha.
São alguns nomes, aqueles que lembrei para pesquisar, mas se pesquisar sobre os monarcas da Europa, com toda a certeza, vai encontrar uma infinidade! Podia falar outros, mas a Joy disse que ia ficar muita informação e ela está certa, acho que se pesquisar por esses já vai encontrar novos nomes que podem ajudar.
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mizzswan · 5 years ago
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yulome17 · 7 years ago
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chsesteinarchived · 8 years ago
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in the darkest of times you were my conscience, your heart was a light mary and it burnt so very bright for france no matter how far you go, that light will burn forever
↳ mary&francis, finally just a girl and a boy
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ladyaryawolf · 5 years ago
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Arya Stark + Elizabeth I
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databass3 · 4 years ago
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queen-of-erebus · 8 years ago
Person: Why are you crying?
Me: *glares at Mary* Cause SOMEBODY couldn't keep their head on their shoulders.
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archiveofcanvas · 3 years ago
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Mary, Queen of Scots Oil on oak panel | 29.0 x 25.3cm | c. 1560 - 1580 François Clouet The portrait is an old copy after a drawing by François Clouet in the Harvard Art Museums (inv. 1971.30) showing Mary Stuart as a widow after the death of her husband François II. It was acquired out of antiquarian interest, not for its artistic value, by the 3rd Marquess of Hertford. In its dramatic simplicity it accorded well with the later Romantic cult that grew around Mary Stuart at the time. Mary Stuart (1542-87), daughter of James V of Scotland and Mary of Guise, became Queen of Scotland shortly after her birth and was betrothed to the future François II. She married in 1558, only to become a widow two years later, and returned to Scotland where in 1565 she married Henry, Earl of Darnley (d.1567), and then in 1567 James, Earl of Bothwell (marriage dissolved 1570). Her Catholicism and claim to the English throne brought her into conflict with Elizabeth I and led to her abdication, captivity and eventual execution. Mary is depicted in mourning dress; such images of mourning appear to have been popular and Clouet depicted other sitters in this manner. Object: P530 Location: Sixteenth Century Gallery Images and text © Wallace Collection, 2017
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demivampirew · 4 years ago
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As I mentioned before, I’m into Tudors/Elizabeth I /Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) history. I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about the Tudor dynasty and Elizabeth’s and Mary Stuart’s life. Unfortunately, there’s no much information out there about Charles Brandon, but here are some things I’ve learn through different sources (historians and Tudor’s researchers) - I thought it’d be cool to share if anyone it’s interested about it  🤭  
Interesting facts about the real Charles Brandon:
His father was William Brandon. He was Master of Horses and  Standard-bearer  for  King Henry VII.
He was raised along side Henry Tudor (future Henry VIII and best friend). King Henry VII took charge of him and his education as a way to thank his father for giving his life to safe him in battle.
He was one the closest friends to Henry the VIII.
He was the only person who could wear the same clothing as Henry VIII at tournaments.
His mother was a widower before she married his father and had two kids from her previous marriage. He also had an older brother who died young and a younger sister. His father had two illegitimate daughters.
He married two times before marrying Henry’s younger sister Mary: First, he was betrothed to a English noblewoman named Anne Browne. Their engagement was called off and he married a woman named Margaret Neville but later there was grated the nullity of the union on the basis of  consanguinity (blood relation). He later married the woman he was engaged to, Anne, but she passed away  (around three years before he married Mary).
He was given the title of Duke of Suffolk (quite possibly the second biggest title in the land after Duke of Norfolk)
Different from the show, there were two Tudor sisters: Margaret (who later became Queen of Scotland) and Mary (who married King Louis XII of France -father-in-law to King Francis; but he died shortly after their marriage). Charles married the latest, after he was sent to France to escort her back to England. They married in secret first, but later Charles wrote a letter to Cardinal Wolsey pleading him to ask the King to allow them to have a formal wedding at court because they believed Mary to be pregnant and they wanted the kid’s legitimacy to be unquestionable.
Their marriage wasn’t really an impulsive act but, apparently, it was known by people close to them that they were in love.
Mary and Charles had a son named Henry, who died in infancy. After that, they had two daughters Frances and Eleanor and another boy who was also called Henry (he outlived his older brother Henry by a year; the first died when he was 6 and the youngest at 7).
There was no recordings of him being unfaithful to her and their marriage was a happy one.
After her death, due to tuberculosis (apparently) -and also she suffered from the sweating sickness before and never truly recovered from that, he married his ward, Catherine Willoughby. She was a young noblewoman, orphan and with a very big fortune. Charles needed the money and planned to marry his son Henry to her (he was still alive and well at that point) but he couldn’t wait for him to grow up, so shortly after Mary passed away, he married her. Catherine was 14 and he was 49.
He never have a known affair or mistress. His marriage to Catherine was also said to be happy. They had two children together ( Henry and Charles) but unfortunately, both died on the same day, minutes after one another due to the sweating sickness on a boarding school - Charles had already passed by this point and Catherine was married again.
Through his daughter Frances, he was the grand-father of the first queen of England: Jane Grey - when it was known that Edward VI would die due to health complications, he annulled his father line of succession, naming his cousin Jane and her male heirs the next in line to the throne (this was due to the fact that he was a passionate protestant and was against the idea of Mary putting the country under the Vatican’s and the Pope’s jurisdiction. Elizabeth was protestant, but it was believed that she would be against the idea of cutting Mary out of the line of succession). Jane Grey’s reign was a short one: it lasted for 9 days before Mary and her following took the throne - Mary did not want to execute her cousin because she believed her just a piece on a game play by others, but people closed to her showed her proof of her treason (letters written by her as “Queen Jane Grey”) so she ended up ordering her execution.
When he passed, King Henry VIII paid for his funeral. Until his dying day, he remained one of the closest and most loyal servants of the King.
This is a recreation done by experts of one of Charles’ houses in Suffolk (probably a summer house):
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wistcrias-arch2 · 4 years ago
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@proditeur​ said :❔ for muse x muse recommendations
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regulus & andromeda black : I said what I said. cousin stuff. <3 
regulus & mary stuart : I just think we should have a royalty au. I just think we, as a people, deserve that. 
regulus & audrey rose wadsworth ( or elizabeth lavenza ): I grouped these two together because the reason is of a similar theme. reg is moody and v. edgar allen poe, and elizabeth, in my canon, is very dark and broody and edgy too. audrey is very soft, but is also a mortician who solves murders, so there’s that. 
regulus & lou le blanc ( over at serpentlike ): see, lou’s a witch ( not hogwarts witch ) who was literally conceived so that she’d be sacrificed. I think she’d rly enjoy hiding out w/ reg somewhere so that she can stay alive maybe? I also have aus for her though! she also sings dirty pub songs all the time so.... 
regulus & gwyneth berdara ( over at valkyrshe ): so I know reg looks books and academia. gwyn in her canon is a priestess that watches over a gigantic library built into a mountain.  
regulus & bryce quinlan ( over at starsbore ): same vein as gwyn, except bryce has a totally different personality to gwyn. bryce also works at an atique gallery where in the basement is a priceless library of essentially forbidden and outlawed knowledge. 
regulus & percy jackson: dude, where’s my pjo au. 
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imaginealllthefandoms · 5 years ago
Here you’ll find the fandoms + the characters I write for. For each fandom, I only listed the characters I’m more familiar with/that are more known, so keep in mind I might write for other characters within those fandoms as well.
I also might write for other fandoms and characters that aren’t listed, so in doubt just ask :)
In italics are my favorite characters/characters I’m most comfortable writing for. 
Remember to read the rules and happy requesting :) 
Fandoms + characters
Chronicles of Narnia
Lucy Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Susan Pevensie
Dark Knight Trilogy
Bruce Wayne / Batman
Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow
Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Billy Batson
Clark Kent / Superman
Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Freddy Freeman
Steve Trevor
The Flash
Barry Allen / Flash
Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost
Cisco Ramon
Iris West-Allen
Wally West/Kid Flash
Gar Logan / Beast Boy
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Donna Troy / Wonder Girl
Jason Todd / Robin
Kory Anders / Starfire
Rachel Roth / Raven
Deadly Class
Marcus Arguello
Maria Salazar
Ander Muñoz
Guzmán Osuna
Nadia Shana
Samuel Domínguez
Valerio Montesinos
Final Fantasy VII (Remake)
Aerith Gainsborough
Cloud Strife
Reno Sinclair
Rufus Shinra
Tifa Lockhart
Vincent Valentine
Zack Fair
Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts
Bill Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Newt Scamander
Nymphadora Tonks
Ron Weasley
New Generation kids
La Casa de Papel / Money Heist
Sergio / Professor
Lord of the Rings / Hobbit
MCU (all movies)
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Lady Sif
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Peter Parker / Spiderman
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
Steve Rogers / Captain America
T’Challa / Black Panter
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Thor Odinson
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
X-Men (all movies)
Alex Summers / Havoc
Bobby Drake / Iceman
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Logan Howlett / Wolverine
Neena Thurman/Domino
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Netflix shows (all)
Elektra Natchios
Benjamin Poindexter 
Billy Russo / Jigsaw
Colleen Wing
Frank Castle / Punisher
Jessica Jones
Karen Page
Luke Cage
Matt Murdock / Daredevil
Agents of SHIELD
Al Mackenzie
Bobbi Morse
Daisy Johnson / Quake
Deke Shaw
Lance Hunter
Leo Fitz
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Robbie Reyes / Ghost Rider
Yo-Yo Rodriguez
Agent Carter
Peggy Carter
Daniel Sousa
Jack Thompson
Fantastic Four (Susan and Johnny Storm)
Felicia Hardy / Black Cat
Gwen Stacy
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Andrew Garfield)
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tobey Maguire)
Peaky Blinders
Ada Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Arthur Shelby
Bonnie Gold
Finn Shelby
Grace Burgess
Isaiah Jesus
John Shelby
Lizzie Stark
Luca Changretta
May Carleton
Michael Gray
Polly Gray
Tatiana Petrovna
Thomas Shelby
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Thalia Grace
Pirates of the Caribbean
Angelica Teach
Jack Sparrow
Elizabeth Swann
Will Turner
Gideon Blackburn
James Stewart
Leith Bayard
Luc Narcisse
Mary Stuart
Sebastian de Poitiers
Stéphane Narcisse
Alec Lightwood
Clary Fairchild
Cristina Rosales
Diana Wrayburn
Diego Rosales
Emma Carstairs
Helen Blackthorn
Jaime Rosales
Jem Carstairs
Isabelle Lightwood
Julian Blackthorn
Gabriel & Gideon Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Maia Roberts
Mark Blackthorn
Simon Lewis
Raphael Santiago
Tessa Gray
Ty Blackthorn
Will Herondale
Chris P
Elias Bakkoush
Eliott (SKAM France)
Eskild Tryggvasson
Eva Mohn
Even Bech Næsheim
Isak Valtersen
Lucas (SKAM France)
Noora Amalie Sætre
Robbe (SKAM Belgium)
Sana Bakkoush
Sander (SKAM Belgium)
William Magnusson
Yousef Acar
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Armitage Hux
Ben Solo / Kylo Ren
Din Djarin / Mandalorian
Cassian Andor
Han Solo
Jyn Erso
Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Poe Dameron
Teen Wolf
Allison Argent
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Kira Yukimura
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Theo Raeken
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
John Murphy
Monty Green
Raven Reyes
Octavia Blake
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
The Society
Allie Pressman
Becca Gelb
Grizz Visser
Harry Bingman
Kelly Aldrich
Sam Eliot
The Umbrella Academy
Allison Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Number Five
Vanya Hargreeves
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Katherine Pierce
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Stefan Salvatore
Rebekah Mikaelson
The Witcher
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
John Proudstar / Thunderbird (The Gifted)
Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You)
Robert Fischer (Inception)
Tyrone Johnson (Cloak & Dagger)
Other fandoms I might write for depending on the request/my inspiration:
10 Things I Hate About You
Black Lightning
Cloak & Dagger
Little Women
Now You See Me
Pride and Prejudice
The 5th Wave
The Gifted
The Maze Runner
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nawalieee · 4 years ago
Any new book recs? Also are you on goodreads? :)
ahh i’ve got so many depending on what you like but the best books i read recently were yolk by mary h. k. choi, the 7 & 1/2 deaths of evelyn hardcastle by stuart turton, such a fun age by kiley reid & the poet x by elizabeth acevedo
and yesss, i am :) 
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winsonsaw2003 · 4 years ago
I’m Looking For Descendants Of  John Anderson of Stroquhan (1795-1845)
John Anderson,Acting Resident Councillor of Penang,Malaysia from(1829-1830).He was born 1795 in Stroquhan,Scotland.Son of Robert Anderson.He married to Mary Alison Carnegy.He died 1845 in Euston,England. His issue:- i)Mary Alison Anderson(1819-1903)married Robert Stirling Graham. ii)James Carnegy Anderson. iii)John Reid Armstrong Anderson(1823-1866) married to Martha Tatham Hitchins.Their issue:- ai)Mary Martha Anderson(1857-1955)married Robert George Iremonger. aii)John Hitchins Anderson(1859-1896) married Kate Symes. aiii)Mabel Ida Anderson(1861-1957) married Talbot Monckton Milnes Griffiths.Their issue:- bi)Theodore Ralph Houghton Griffiths(1886-1964)married 1stly Elsie Christabel Burridge and 2ndly Vera Ellen Charlotte Justice.His issue:- ci)Robert Francis Houghton Griffiths(1914-1938)married Florence Mary Theodora Bosanquet. cii)John Stuart Griffiths(1916-1945). ciii)Mary Emilia Griffiths(1934-1986). bii)Vera Gwendolen Leila Griffiths(1889-1975) married John Limner. biii)Beryl Frances Griffiths(1890-1976)married Lewis Davies.Their issue:- ci)Eric Davies(?-1941). biv)Rupert Hildebrand Griffiths(1891-1981)married Evelina E Maddison.His issue:- ci) Charles M Griffiths. cii) George E T Griffiths. ciii)Celia Noreen Griffiths(1919-1994) married George M Blake. bv)Eric John Mortlock Griffiths(1892-1975)married Joan Heron.His issue:- ci)Joan Margery Griffiths(1921-1988). cii) Ethel Marion Griffiths. bvi)Charles Groyn Griffiths(1894-1895). bvii)Noel Stewart Griffiths(1896-1982)married Mary Blackburn.His issue:- ci)Patricia M Griffiths married Roland M Robitaillie.Their issue:- di)Carolyn V Robitaillie married Jean-Louis Ramon. dii)Elizabeth Robitaillie. diii)Sophie Amanda Robitaillie born in 1965.She married Fernagu. aiv)Albert Robert Anderson(1864-?) married 1stly,Caroline Alice Wollaston & 2ndly,Viola Ellen Haughton. His issue:- bi) Viola Helen Anderson iv)Jane Anderson(1824). v)Robert Patrick Anderson(1824-1898)married Henrietta Hildebrand.His issue:- ai)Robert Hildebrand Anderson(1854-1936)married Louisa Jane Laing.His issue:- bi)Robert Charles Hildebrand Anderson(1881-1884). aii)Hilda Mary Anderson(1857). vi)Margaret Lilias Anderson(1827-1909)married John Gray MacCowan Glen.Their issue:- bi)Robert Nelson John Glen(1871-1898). vii)William Henry Anderson(1829-1849). ix)Helena Adelaide Anderson(1830-1905) married Major General Horatio Nelson Davies.Their issue:- ai)Eveline Honoria Nelson Davies(1851-1934) married John Evelyn Barlas. Their issue:- bi)Evelyn Adelaide Isabella Barlas(1882-1885). bii) Ernest Douglas Montague Barlas(1885-1952) married Elena Georgina Matilda Kenyon-Slaney. His issue:- ci) Richard Douglas Barlas(1916-1982) married Ann Porter. His issue:- di) Robert A Barlas dii) Christopher Richard Barlas married 1stly,Elizabeth M Cruse & 2ndly,Rosemary A Russon. diii) Gavin James Barlas married Alison M Dibble. His issue:- ei) Joanna Claire Barlas cii) Robert Malcolm Barlas(1918-1940). ciii) John Alexander Barlas(1921-2003) married Pamela H Coutanche. His issue:- di) Honor J Barlas dii) Shena R Barlas married Timothy R Austin aii)Mary Adelaide Horatio Davies (1856-1946) married William Graydon Carter.Their issue:- bi) John Leslie Graydon Carter(1886-1932)married Edith Constance Browne.His issue:- ci)John Noel Graydon Carter(1917-1943) married Mary Grace Mefanwy Madoc. bii)Cyril Rodney Carter(1888-?)married Celia Ellen Alexia Cowie.His issue:- ci) Nicolette Anne Carter married Frederick Peter Perhat. Their issue:- di) Robin Frederick Perhat(1953-1971). dii) Eileen Jennifer Perhat diii) Celia Geraldine Perhat married Barrington Lloyd cii)Derek Guy Carter(?-1942). ciii) Peter Carter. biii)Capt.Eric Nelson Carter(1888-1958)married Kathleen Norah Liardet. biv)Adelaide Muriel Dorothea Carter married Capt.Roland Peto Johnstone Mitchell. bv)Mildred Lilian Carter(1891-1970). bv) Eyleen Graydon Carter(?-1949) married Reginald Magnus Trail.Their issue:- ci)Mildred Eyleen Trail(1924-1932). aiii)Thomas Arthur Harkness Davies(1857-1942). aiv)Helena Amy Davies(1859-1887). av)Helen Maud Davies(1860-1926) married Major Francis Ventris.Their issue - b) Charles Peyton Ventris(1887-1965) married 1stly,Madeline Harrison & 2ndly,Beatrice S M Nother. His issue:- ci) Anthony Peyton Ventris (Strachan) (1918-1942) cii) Ian T Peyton Ventris(1919-?) ciii) Jack Peyton Ventris(1922-1999) civ) Doris R Ventris married Raymond T Garnham. Their issue:- di) Roger C Garnham married Amanda French or Bale. dii) Barry R Garnham married Nancy E Andrews. His issue:- ei) David Barry Garnham cv) Daphne J Ventris married Reginald N Rowland. Their issue:- di) Ian M Rowland. dii) Peter A C Rowland bii)Edward Francis Vereker Ventris married Anna Dorothea Janasz.His issue:- ci)Michael George Francis Ventris(1922-1956) married Lois Elizabeth Knox-Niven.His issue:- di)Anthony Nicholas Ventris(1942-1984) married Irene N Frick. His issue:- ei) David Bjorn Ventris married Rebecca J Clarke. His issue:- fi) Matthew Nicholas Ventris. fii) Anna Grace Ventris. dii)Anna T Ventris married Nicholas G Clarke. Their issue:- ei) Michael William Clarke. eii) Saffron Jigme T Clarke biii)Mona Fairlie Ventris(1894-1977) married 1stly, Philip Macdonald and 2ndly,John E S Goss. Their issue:- ci) Carlyl Macdonald(?-1982) married 1stly,Walter Joseph McCartney & 2ndly,Robert Joseph Garden. biv) Alan Favell Ventris(1897-1915). bv)Agnes Madeline Ventris(?-1995) married Patrick Clavell Blount. Their issue:- ci)Francis G Clavell Blount married Wendy F Parsons. His issue:- di) Caroline Jane Clavell Blount dii) Alan Robert Clavell Blount cii) Christopher M Clavell Blount married Rosamund Wild. His issue:- di) Anthony Clavell Blount (1971). dii) Philippa Clavell Blount married Frederick Hiscox. Their issue:- ei) Kitty Lucy Hiscox. eii) Sienna Rose Hiscox. eiii) Harry Duke C Hiscox. diii) Annabel Clavell Blount married Joseph H A Wadsworth. Their issue:- ei)Caspar Alastair Wadsworth eii) Poppy Clavell Wadsworth avi)Horatio Nelson Kirkpatrick John Davies(1862-1886). avii)Henry Holme Davies(1863-1924) married Caroline Mary Taylor McLaren. His issue:- bi) Kenneth Graham Holme Davies(1892-1985) bii) Cecil Alvin Nelson Davies(1895-1946) married Jemima Eva Andrews. biii)Ian Henry Nelson Davies(1899-1983). biv) Charles Francis Kirkpatrick Davies(1904-?) bv) Erina Carolyn A Davies(1908-?) aviii)Albert Horace Maingay Davies(1863-1952)married Aruna Grant Still.Their issue:- bi)Nelson Edward Davies(1888-1970). bii)Helena Adelaide Davies(1890-1918). biii)Horatio Chalmers Davies(1892-1969). biv)Harold Allen Davies(1895-1973). bv)Thomas Albert Davies(1898-1990). bvi)Elva Birma Florence Davies(1900-1984). bvii)Albert Horace Maingay Davies(1905-1997). aix)Phayre Hilda Margaret Davies(1865-?). ax) Nelson Richard Ralph Davies (1869-1870). axi)Isabel Nina Florence Davies(1871-?) married Charles Kirkpatrick Anderson.Their issue:- bi)Robert Nelson Kirkpatrick Anderson(1897-1954) viii)Thomas Carnegy Anderson(1832-1869) married Isabella Catherine Herklots. ix)Albert Anderson(1835-?). x)Marion Agnes Anderson(1841-1842). xi)Graham Anderson(1843-?). Contact me at - [email protected]
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