#mary macdonald . 002
til-toots · 24 days
Tilden was having so much fun, however he felt as though he was the most sober person in the room. Yes, he'd had a few drinks and he'd smoked a couple of joints, but he couldn't help but to be on a slightly higher alert than usual. Normally, Tilden would simply let loose at a party, but as one of the hosts, he wanted to make sure everybody else was having fun, and make sure he could still make rational decisions if needed.
After making a couple of rounds and making sure he had spoken to just about everyone, Tilden finally found himself leaning against the kitchen counter with a drink in his hand. He was taking his time with it, but damn it was worth it. Smiling at Mary as he noticed her enter the room, he waved her over. "Mary! What's the deal with you and Sirius? You're basically fucking him in the living room." He snorted, knowing the question might make her uncomfortable, but he was curious. @m-macdonaldx
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foundationhq · 6 months
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foundationhq event 002. preview
𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎-𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐.
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒚𝒊𝒏' 𝒔𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒔
𝑰 𝒃𝒆𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒉 𝒎𝒆
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒔
𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖?
Below are key clues to the upcoming event, [𝑀𝐼𝑆𝑆𝐼𝑂𝑁: 𝐺𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝑅𝐸-𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐼𝑁𝐺], which will commence on MONDAY, MARCH 25. Please feel free to use the FHQ Discord Server's speculation channel to plot and discuss! If players guess correctly while theorizing from these clues, additional information will be declassified when the event goes live.
SILK. Cán năinai, 蠶奶奶. One Denier. Leonard Mascall.
NAME PLATES. Dear esteemed guest...
RSVP, Regrets only.
SUMPTUARY. "Laws made for the purpose of restraining luxury or extravagance, particularly against inordinate expenditures in the matter of apparel, food, furniture, etc."
SPEECH. Speech. Speech. Speech. Speech. Speech.
TROLLING. School's open. Shine your spoons.
CUSTOMER SERVICE. Can I speak to the manager?
LITTLE MARY. Join us for a funeral procession.
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[text credits.]
Black’s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd ed., and The Law Dictionary.
[photo credits.]
Photo by Joseph Corl on Unsplash Photo by Beth Macdonald on Unsplash Photo by Saile Ilyas on Unsplash Photo by Photos by Lanty on Unsplash Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels Photo by Tim Cooper on Unsplash Photo by Al Elmes on Unsplash Photo by Fredrik Öhlander on Unsplash Photo by Tony Sebastian on Unsplash
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barebones-hq · 1 year
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“We're lost in a cloud | With too much rain…”
Hogsmeade está queimando. O que antes era um festival colorido e alegre agora se transformou em um mar de fumaça e chamas. Há um grupo de bruxos encapuzados apontando suas varinhas e impondo distância conforme vão destruindo tudo que ainda permanece em pé. Cartazes com mensagens como “Stop the War”, “Wizards against Wizardry Supremacy” e “Make Love Not War” já não podem ser encontrados. Aqueles sóbrios o suficiente para aparatar somem no meio da confusão, mas estamos nos anos 70 e o efeito de álcool e outras drogas impossibilita aparatações, de maneira que parte expressiva da plateia não pode fazer nada além de correr. Alguns moradores do vilarejo estão dispostos a enfrentar a ameaça, mas são poucos e mal conseguem se identificar no meio da multidão.
No meio da confusão, apenas vinte e dois alunos de Hogwarts decidem ficar. 
Um pouco mais distantes do palco, Lily Evans e James Potter encontram Dorcas Meadowes e Edgar Bones. Os quatro acabam se unindo enquanto tentam procurar pelos amigos e impedir o avanço dos comensais.
No coração da confusão, Remus Lupin e Emmeline Vance escolhem ficar para lutar e se juntam a Alice Murphy e Frank Longbottom para proteger os demais alunos.
Marlene McKinnon, Alastor Moody e Sirius Black, em um acordo mútuo, saem rapidamente de perto do palco para se juntar aos demais bruxos na linha de defesa do vilarejo.
Peter Pettigrew já tinha se transformado em rato para fugir do conflito quando um sopro de consciência faz ele voltar e procurar pelos amigos, encontrando Ophelia Diggle, Benjamin Fenwick e Lucinda Talkalot em formação.
Sturgis Podmore, Amelia Bones e Davey Gudgeon nem sequer pensam em aparatar e logo já estão em busca de outros alunos na resistência contra as figuras que vão avançando como fumaça pela multidão.
Greta Catchlove, Hestia Jones, Mary Macdonald e Pandora Dorellan firmam uma aliança e fazem o possível para impedir que o fogo avance pelas casas.
Com o avançar da hora, fica muito evidente para todos que nada mais será o mesmo e que novos tempos se instalam na comunidade bruxa. Entre as poucas pessoas que permanecem em pé, alguns alunos de Hogwarts chamam a atenção uns dos outros e, conforme a fumaça vai se dissipando meio à noite, eles finalmente se encontram e se juntam até formar um grupo maior. Quando os danos da confusão são contidos e as figuras encapuzadas somem meio à multidão, eles decidem procurar abrigo no Cabeça de Javali e aguardar até que seja seguro retornar à Hogwarts. Exaustos, acabam passando a noite ali, recapitulando os acontecimentos da noite anterior e tentando entender o que acabaram de vivenciar. 
Não sabem que estão sendo vistos através do espelho de dois lados do bar. Não sabem que Albus Dumbledore está observando, de seu escritório em Hogwarts, a aliança que acaba de se formar. 
Não sabem ainda que essa é a primeira reunião da Ordem da Fênix.
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Nessa task, pedimos para que os players turnem usando e abusando de todas os espaços que o rpg e o universo bruxo oferecem, além da lista de feitiços que pode ser encontrada aqui.
Enfatizamos que os prompts em tópicos são apenas formas de ajudar os players a encontrarem seus devido lugares no decorrer do fim do terceiro dia, mas que podem ser alterados e incrementados. Aliás, incentivamos a troca de "panelas", onde alguns grupos se juntem e personagens se separem. Isso ajudará a fortalecer turnos entre personagens que nunca sequer interagiram, ou que tiveram poucas interações, como seria o caso de Sirius Black e Alice Murphy, por exemplo. POVs também são muito bem-vindos.
Essa task irá durar enquanto a central sentir que será necessário para que todos tenham explorado o final do dia. Qualquer dúvida, estamos disponíveis.
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marybyheart · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀🌺 : ﹙   𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝑻𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒏 𝑴𝒂𝒄𝑫𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒅  ﹚
                      life can be so much more                                   and love is an open door.
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lia, 26, ela/dela, geralmente fico online durante a noite pela semana, mas aos finais de semana sou ausente (curtir a vidinha off né alsdkmalskd).
Nome e sobrenome do personagem escolhido: Mary Turan MacDonald
Principais pontos da personalidade:
IRREDUTIBILIDADE, MEDO, IMPULSIVIDADE -- Quando falamos de alguém inflexível, que não se adapta e não se adequa, tem medo e é submisso, não estamos falando de alguém que seria propenso a cometer traição em algum momento de sua vida ou que abdica do bom senso para se privilegiar, pelo simples fato de ter medo. Mary poderia ser um punhado de coisas, mas desleal jamais teria como! O fato de ainda ser tão receosa com relação às pessoas é por não conseguir confiar de imediato, e por isso não consegue se adequar nem em locais e nem com pessoas. Tende a ser bastante fria quanto a compartilhar suas experiências, mas é possível crer que possua um dom de sentir a energia de outras pessoas, pois, a MacDonald só consegue se abrir para alguém que ela de imediato se sinta confortável, independente de como essa conexão se iniciou. Quando está em sua pouca sanidade e na flor da pele, em um momento de adrenalina pura, não consegue controlar suas palavras e reações, sendo capaz até mesmo de se colocar na frente de alguém para tomar qualquer dor por este.
INTENSIDADE, PAIXÃO, DEDICAÇÃO -- Doçura é ponto forte nela, pois sempre foi uma garota obediente e era assim que aprendia rápido. Por causa de sua criação, Mary se tornou alguém carinhosa, dedicada, determinada e pronta para ajudar seus semelhantes. Nunca faltou com afeto, ainda que seja pouco fã do contato físico, e isso gerou dentro de si uma personalidade cativante e apaixonante. Ela crê em amor no mais fundo de seu âmago, permeando a si mesma com tudo que advém desse sentimento. Não por isso que não se permite ceder a sua própria negatividade, uma vez que é extremamente intensa. Ela sente demais, se entrega demais, se permite demais, e nem sempre isso é bom, mas em determinados casos pode ser ótimo. Gosta de ouvir palavras bonitas e se derrete por elas, mais ainda por atitudes, e pode ter certeza que uma coisa que não falta dentro de Mary é bondade.
Mary é a terceira filha em uma família com quatro herdeiros e por mais incrível que fosse parecer, apenas ela e o caçula eram bruxos. Embora os dois primeiros filhos não tivessem sido agraciados com a magia, não cortaram totalmente o vínculo com o mundo bruxo. Na realidade, os MacDonald eram realmente unidos, de modo que anos mais para frente, quando Mary e seu irmão mais novo, Winston, foram para Hogwarts e a mãe já estava muito adoecida e, em seguida, não tardou a falecer; eram Jasper e Eloise que os visitavam para manter contato. Custearam vassouras, varinhas, uniformes e, eventualmente, as roupas eram passadas adiante de irmão para irmão. Por não terem vínculo com o pai, considerado morto, os quatro irmãos se viravam muito bem sozinhos depois de alguns anos, sem jamais perder a essência do amor que lhes fora repassado.
Ela vê a morte como algo muito trágico. Desde o falecimento da mãe, Mary perdeu um pedaço de si que não conseguiu achar até hoje, e isso reverbera tanto para seus amigos quanto para, principalmente, seus irmãos. Seu maior instinto sendo, portanto, dar proteção para aqueles que lhe cativaram.
Devido problemas com sua personalidade, seu medo, ela tem dificuldade de se comunicar sem sentir que está atrapalhando, incomodando ou mesmo sendo julgada. Falar em público, assim como falar de qualquer jeito que seja, para ela é um pesadelo. Em certos momentos gagueja e quando não, chora. É complicado esboçar algum sentimento que seja sem ter a sensação de olhos para cima de si, o que a faz ficar um tanto quanto acuada em alguns momentos.
Por sua proximidade com pessoas de personalidade forte, Mary começa a sentir mais independência, mas não largou totalmente seus traços naturais negativos. Se alguém a mostra que ser do jeito que é, é normal, então ela se abrilhanta um pouco mais e despeja também na mesma quantidade. Em seus momentos de raiva, descontentamento, tristeza e afins, Mary se reclui. Ela odeia que a vejam chorar. 
Mesmo com tanta negatividade em uma pessoa assim, ela é incrível. Sua magia flui perfeitamente bem, instantânea; ela não tem dificuldade para aprender nada; sente-se contente quando compartilha de magia com alguém, especialmente se foi ela quem contribuiu para que a outra pessoa aprendesse; e, acima de tudo, tem um coração enorme! Nele cabem todos e um pouco mais, por mais ingênua e imprudente que essas atitudes possam parecer. É no acalento que Mary pode ofertar, quando ela não sente que é um estorvo e sim um auxílio, que desprende-se de toda ruindade que já lhe acometeu.
Um de seus desejos por hereditariedade é assumir o Empório de Corujas no Beco Diagonal, que é administrado pelos irmãos. Embora não sejam membros presentes no recinto, são os dois mais velhos que tomam de conta das coisas por lá, e já foi compreendido por Mary para com eles que quando ela sair de Hogwarts, irá ser ativa e presente no estabelecimento, planejando também aumentar os negócios para mais do que apenas corujas.
BÔNUS: O problema com Mulciber se tratou de laço sanguíneo. Em lados opostos, a família do rapaz considerava os MacDonald como traidores de sangue, e não somente por ser nascida-trouxa que culminou nas brincadeiras cruéis e na primeira vez em que o dito cujo tentou usar de magia negra para machucar Mary. Fato é que a mesma, impulsivamente, tomou as dores de algum dos colegas com os quais Avery e Mulciber estavam “brincando”, e a partir daí virou um alvo certeiro para que eles a testassem, sendo, então, quase morta por magia negra a troco de nada. 
Banda favorita: Heart (ela é inteiramente apaixonada pela Ann e sempre estiliza o cabelo com franjinha, que nem a vocalista).
Bicho-papão: Sangue e coisas afiadas. Por não possuir uma forma corpórea, Mary tem dos mais diversos pesadelos com o líquido viscoso e em todos eles tem garras, e as vezes até dentes, bem afiadas prontas para lhe cortar. Isso se deve a ocorrência com Mulciber e querendo ou não, não suporta ver nos outros tanto quanto em si sangue escorrer e muito menos cortes, por mais pequenos que sejam. O ser que materializa nas aulas de Defesa, se assemelha ao Carnificina de Venom, por assim dizer.
Espelho de ojesed: Mary se vê com um marido e três filhos por perto, e atrás de si uma cúpula com as mais variadas flores e plantas crescendo, além de corujas passeando na frente e atrás deles. Em determinado momento seus irmãos entram na foto para interromper o retrato em família, causando muita risada.
Clubes e atividades extracurriculares: Clube de poções, Coral dos Sapos, Trato de Criaturas Magicas e Arte Trouxa.
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paradoxlostrp · 2 years
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the year is 1979, and you have lived this life before. paradox lost is a highly alternate universe marauders era roleplay. it involves aged up characters and extreme diversions and alterations of canon. join is as we explore the plot and focus on collaborative character development and story progression. muns and muses must be strictly 18+.
MOBILE NAVIGATION.  TAKEN CHARACTERS: 002. ◆ APPLICATION COUNT: 006. ◆ RESERVES: 001 ◆ ACCEPTANCE DATE: acceptances will be decided when we reach 10 applications.  MOST WANTED CHARACTERS: james potter, remus lupin, peter pettigrew, mary macdonald, emmeline vance, marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes, frank longbottom, alice longbottom (surname to decided by player), pandora lovegood (surname to decided by player), evan rosier, barty crouch jr....
ADMIN ALINA IS CURRENTLY.... ONLINE / OFFLINE. (usually responds in 15 minutes) 
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wecsleys-a · 4 years
closed ! @macmcry​
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“ if i told you i was trying to skip mcgonagalls class, would you help cover for me ? ”
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crookedkingdcm · 4 years
who: angel & devna & mary ( @ofshelters​ , @ofvcnguard​ ) where: carnival when: before bad things happened
Angel never worried about things until she absolutely had to and even then - she always managed to find a way out of them. Everyone in the Order was supposed to be on the lookout for a potential attack, they were supposed to keep their eyes open because when had the Death Eaters ever given up a chance for an attack? But Angel knew there were security arrangements so she wasn’t going to waste her time being concerned about things going wrong when they were going so perfectly for the moment. It was a lovely day for a carnival, it was a rare for weather to be this good in England. 
The three of them had decided to meet by the Ferris Wheel but she didn’t see her friends when she got there. Angel had always made friends easily but she was especially fond of Mary and Devna. Mary was one of the reasons she had decided to join the Order ; she was a Muggleborn and that had been enough to make the war seem personal for Angel. She had been wandering around the place for the past fifteen minutes when she finally spotted the two of them weaving through the crowd. Angel shouted their names loudly to get their attention and she grinned as her friends heads snapped towards her direction ( and as did everyone else in the vicinity ). Angel waved before all but running over, the excitement obvious in her tone. “Where were you guys?” She asked though she went on without waiting for an answer, “I wanted to go on that one ride-” she pointed in the distance, “But I didn’t want to do it alone.” 
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                      PORTKEY MADNESS CONTINUES:                                      MISSING GIRLS FOUND
Update: 6:30 PM 
    Portkey locations have been out of service for the entirety of the day. As intended afternoon departures turn into likely overnight stays, fans have been asked to be wary of wandering the streets of Godric’s Hollow after dark. The Campground has extended any lot purchases a full 48 hours to accommodate guests who would otherwise need to pay for more nights. The Basilisk has lowered their inn rates as well, and restaurants and shops throughout Godric’s Hollow have been providing free and cheap drinks, snacks, and entertainment. 
       Guests are asked to stay away from the Basilisk’s outer garden, where the portkey was located. As reported previously, the young witch Gisela Rosier had been reported by her cousin just under two weeks. Ms. Rosier was found dead at the scene. A dark mark was reported to hover in the sky above the young woman. The Ministry has asked for privacy as they investigate the situation. Ministry official Virginia Camstock describes the update; 
       “It is with a heavy heart that I must report the young witch who had gone missing from her London home earlier this month has been found. With the portkeys out of service and our teams working tirelessly to restore them, we did not expect anyone to be able to pass through. Initially, we were pleased to see a young person come through the portkey. Unfortunately, that young person was Gisela Rosier. Our mediwizard team attempted to revive Ms. Rosier before pronouncing her dead at 5:52 PM, September 22, 1979. At this time, we do believe foul play was involved in the death of Ms. Rosier. As this is an open and ongoing investigation, I am not able to provide further information at this time.” 
Update: 8:30 PM 
     The Godric Hollow branch of Gringott’s Wizarding bank reported sighting Ms. Mary Macdonald come through the portkey location at their establishment. Ms. Macdonald has since been found by Ministry officials and has been given medical attention with the Ministry’s field team. At this time, no additional information has been provided by the Ministry as they seek first to ensure her well-being. An investigation has been opened for the young witch. 
     At this time, it is believed that the disappearance and reappearance of both witches are in relation to one another but suspects have not yet been publicly named. The Ministry is asking all guests to be wary of their surroundings and report any information to the large purple tent located at the Campgrounds. The Ministry is also asking guests to remain away from the Gringott’s portkey location. 
       Both portkey locations will remain out of service despite their apparent usability so that investigative teams may continue to search for evidence and additional clues. Those found tampering with the locations will be arrested. Aurors remain at both locations, turning guests away. 
      Additional information about the remaining portkeys (located at the Owl Post and Church of St. Peter) will be provided as soon as possible. 
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002 and lily?
@incorrecthpjo thank you ❤️❤️
Thanks to @e-of-west-glendia for the same ask!
How I feel about Lily:
I love Lily, she’s absolutely brilliant and I adore the more recent versions of Lily in the Jily fandom - she’s funny, a bit scary, a bit vulnerable, kind, emotional, sassy, intelligent, smitten, fiercely loyal like her husband, too forgiving.
I imagine her as always sticking up for the underdog. Which is why she sort of stuck with Severus for so long. She knows about his shitty childhood, she feels a bit beholden to him for introducing her to magic, she thinks she can change him, thinks he wants to change, she feels sorry for him. And let’s face it, on the surface, James Bloody Potter is the exact opposite - smug, entitled, big headed, rich, a Quidditch star - she thinks he should be better, he has no excuse for being a dipshit.
The thing is, James Potter thinks that too, and he kind of needed the push. Because he does want to be a better person, he does feel guilty about his stupid behaviours, he feels bad that due to his bullying of Snape, Lily was called a slur and was very upset. He grows up. Snape doesn’t.
I headcanon her as having some great banter with James and flirting openly with him but both of them are stupidly oblivious. The rest of the class is “for fuck’s sake can you just kiss” or “ewww gross” (pureblood bigots) or “OMG ! Nonononono!” (Snape). I am not a fan of them really hating each other viciously pre relationship.
All the people I ship romantically with Lily:
James Fleamont Potter, nobody else will do. I can get my head around a threesome with Sirius, at a push, but that’s it! James till the very end! In my mind, James is the perfect guy for her - he likes her independence, her fierce passions, her kindness, he respects her so much, he adores her, he is smitten and he makes her laugh, he makes her happy, he is her soulmate. He is the best man she has ever known. That’s canon.
I can imagine her having a crush on Remus when she figured out he was a werewolf because she thinks he’s incredibly brave, has a dry sense of humour, is attractive in an unconventional way. I think Remus felt some attraction too, but he was still in his “I’m not having relationships with any students” phase, so nothing happens. And later they laugh at the idea of it. I have read one Remus/Lily fic but it just doesn’t feel right, lol, even if I love them both?
My non-romantic OTP:
I have too many!
Girls: Mary MacDonald. I love the ones where Mary is plain speaking and embarrassing her and guessing she fancies Potter (and possibly befriending Sirius Black in the process).
Boys: I love fics which have a strong Lily/Sirius friendship and Lily/Remus friendship!! It’s hard to pick between these two!! I’m particularly into the idea of Sirius initially thinking she’s not good enough for James, but then getting to know her and realising she’s bloody fantastic and that she and James would be perfect together, and trying to set them up.
And her and Remus being all sassy and one-liner-y when talking with their respective boyfriends and the other guys being momentarily too smitten to compute and answer back!
My unpopular opinion about Lily:
I will be shot, but while I adore Lily from the classic “Alright, Evans”, I’m not mad about her character in The Life and Times” - sacrilege!!! I know, listen... I find her a little bit too grumpy, too perfectionistic, too annoying??? 😬🤷‍♀️
As well as ‘Alright Evans’, I love her character in:
properly improper by @lizardcookie
The Underground - Director's Cut by @elanev91
Reputation by @petals-to-fish
Actually, anything by these authors, and by @likeawildthing is how I imagine Lily!
And I love her as @maraudersftw @raissassampaio @araniaexumae @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and so many other beautiful Jily writers imagine her.
We Can Be Heroes is I suppose my version of canon Lily, if you want to know how I imagine her!
One thing I wish had happened in canon with Lily:
No deaths on Halloween 1981 please!!!
Only Jily
My crossover ship:
I really don’t have one!
A headcanon fact:
I imagine her as half Irish, her mother’s an Irish Catholic and her dad’s an English Protestant. She grew up already feeling a bit like she didn’t quite fit in anywhere. Hogwarts didn’t help but she left feeling self-confident and sure about herself and how she wanted to make a difference. Cliche I know, but I headcanon her as wanting to be a Healer (and as a doc, I am extremely partial to medical Jily and anyway, I identify with Lily, marrying the guy I started dating aged 18 - sap!)
She’s incredibly skilled at dueling and is BAMF (Voldy did try to recruit her as well as James and his friends). She calls Voldemort Tom Riddle.
Mia and Monty Potter adore her and she adores them. James pretends to be annoyed about it, but is in fact so very chuffed ;)
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whoisleft-rp · 4 years
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The Gryffindors’ Quidditch Cup celebration lasted throughout the entire night, and the castle’s stock of Pepper-up Potions and other home-brewed hangover remedies were quickly depleted. A hearty breakfast was had by all, nervous and excited chattering reaching even the senior seventh years’ spots at their respective tables; the graduation ceremony was only a few hours away.
It was looking to be an absolutely gorgeous day for it - blue skies, only a few clouds, not too hot even for the graduates in their dark Hogwarts robes. Albus Dumbledore’s speech was guaranteed to be a tearjerker; “we are so proud of each and every one of you - yes, all of you, I see the shock on your face, Mister Potter - and know Hogwarts will always be your home to return to. These are dark times we are living in, and I sincerely hope our exiting seventh years go out to shine their lights on the world.”
Muggle cameras (allowed to work for only that special occasion) and magical ones alike made sure to capture just about every moment, each graduating seventh years’ walk across the stage and each tearful embrace with their friends and loved ones committed to film. 
Because there is still time left for students to say goodbye, enjoy the castle and grounds for another week, and make the most of their halcyon school days before moving on to the unknowable world beyond its walls, the school could not leave ALL their remaining time unstructured. The morning after the graduation ceremonies – after families have taken their leave but before the first trunks are packed – Headmaster Dumbledore reminded all of the outgoing seventh years of their exit interviews. 
Given the unprecedented change and turmoil of the past few years, the school has established this new tradition: a confidential way for each and every graduating student to speak one-on-one with the Headmaster about anything at all. The highs and lows of their schooling experience, their plans and hopes and fears for the future...when the plan was announced, the Headmaster was quite clear that ANYTHING was on the table. 
This was, of course, because he already had a subject in mind for a very select few. 
For months now, the Order of the Phoenix has been keeping tabs on some of Hogwarts best, brightest, and most endearingly troublesome. Using the cover of exit interviews for all, Dumbledore will be using his one on one time with these handpicked students to invite them into the Order’s secret creed. No further instructions will be given to them at this time except for one, all-important instruction: DO NOT TELL ANYONE ELSE ABOUT THE ORDER, OR YOUR INVITATION TO JOIN IT. 
Roommate against roommate, friend against friend – nobody should know who else received this secret and honorable invitation until the first Order meeting in July. 
Unless, of course, they REALLY trust the people around them enough to venture a guess and ask without getting caught… 
This post covers only the graduation ceremonies and the exit interviews. Separate event posts will be doled out for each event (see list below). Events in this series…
[#001] Parents Weekend
[#002] Quidditch Final – Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw, to be played while parents are still on campus
[#003] Graduation Ceremonies – To be conducted while parents are still on campus
[#004] Seventh Year Student Exit Interviews (slash Order Recruitment, for some!)
[#005 – Upcoming] Post-Graduation/Pre-Departure Packing, Partying & Goodbyes
[#006 – Upcoming] The Hogwarts Express Ride Back To King’s Cross
* Note: Events #005 and #006 will each be their own separate events, with a two-week window for starters per our new policy. In terms of an OOC time window, that means the King’s Cross event will END on the evening of July 20th. 
WHO: All students - graduating or otherwise - are present for the ceremonies as well as all the parents and family members who came for the weekend, which means you can keep writing parent threads if you wish. Anyone can start a general graduation day thread, and ANY seventh year student can write their exit interview with Dumbledore if they wish to do so - we STRONGLY encourage the students who are getting an offer for the Order (whether they accept or reject that offer), to write that self-para as part of their participation in the event!
WHERE: The graduation ceremonies are taking place on the Great Lawn, though threads can take place anywhere outside or, if the muse strikes you, immediately before or after the ceremonies on Hogwarts grounds. 
WHEN: The exit interviews take place the morning after graduation in Dumbledore’s office and then in Hogwarts immediately after - this is basically two separate events taking place around the same time! The visitors for the long weekend are being ushered home after the graduation ceremonies, so the castle belongs to just the students and professors (and a couple of Dumbledore’s invited Order guests…) again at that point.
The masterlist of parent and sibling FCs can be found here. Feel free to, if you have not done so already, send your choices to the main–– it’s not too late to decide you want in on writing these characters!
All starters must be posted between now, Monday, June 8th and 11:59 P.M. EST on Monday, June 22nd.
You can write as your character, your character’s parent(s), or your character’s sibling(s), etc. and post starters as them - but the focus is on the graduating students and their final days at Hogwarts as pupils. If your character has a good reason to be at the castle for the graduation - and Hogwarts graduation ceremonies are always a big deal! - please have them there!
Order members have been invited to the castle as well, for their opinions on potential recruits. 
Players are strongly encouraged to both post starters and hop on the starters of others.
Gif chats, paras, self-paras, three-way conversations, etc. are all welcome
Please use the tags WhoIsLeftStarter, WhoIsLeftGraduation and WhoIsLeftInterview as appropriate 
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marymcmacked-blog · 7 years
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MOODBOARD 002  → mary macdonald ft. benjy fenwick
❝   Yeah I'mma dance my heart out 'til the dawn       But I won't be done when morning comes  ❞
0 notes
Mary MacDonald 002 😘
@shehatedhimnahshedidnt thank you love!! 😘😘😘
How i feel about this character
I love Mary MacDonald, I headcanon her as Lily’s best friend. She must have been extremely patient to put up with Lily being friends with weirdo Snape for so long. Honestly I’d have been too annoyed. And then Lily being secretly pining / he’s so annoying after James... that was hilarious in a watching oblivious idiots and enjoying the show as well as banging my head against the desk way. I’m not sure is it canon that she’s a muggleborn like Lily, I thought I had checked and she was but I couldn’t find that recently, but that’s how I see her.
Who I Ship romantically with this character
That’s a tricky one!! I ship her as with Sirius Black in my canon fic for a little while but they both decided to end it as neither was very happy but they remained good friends afterwards.
But I did enjoy reading @prongsno ‘s Blackdonald fics (the only ones I’ve ever read!)
Non romantic OTP
Lily Evans. I really love the two of them for example in @lizardcookie ‘s Regency Jily AU! Mary is bloody excellent in it, their friendship is goals.
Unpopular opinion
There’s so little canon info! I hate that all we get is her being defined by the attack by Mulciber? That really annoys me. I mean I get that it’s important info as fucking Snape laughs about it (laughs about it 😡😡😡😡😡) and we see Lily is not impressed by this, but I would like to have heard more. If anything, I think she should have given Lily an ultimatum- me or Snape. Lily knew Snape was friends with Mulciber, it wasn’t ok to keep being friends with Snape after that attack (?? Imperio-type curse?) and she should have called Lily out on it, as Lily was being too naive to keep hoping Snape could change?
One thing I wish had happened in canon
Aside from Mulciber not attacking her! 🙄 I would like her to get a happy ending in canon, although not necessarily that she fights in the Order (she isn’t in it in canon).
Ugh tough one, I genuinely see her with a successful career and not sure do I see her with anyone in particular?? If she does end up in a long term relationship he’s a muggle, he’s emotionally relaxed/very chill, but hard working and a feminist.
My crossover ship
I don’t know, maybe she could be a cool partner to Peggy Carter?!? My favourite crossover with Mary is @lizardcookie ‘s Regency AU where she is a delight with Lily in a sort-of P&P inspired world??
A headcanon fact
I imagine her family were well off muggle business people who were rightly horrified after learning about all the dangers and attacks in Hogwarts (like most parents would be ?!?!?!) and they take her out of school and move to the US where she ends up working with them very successfully and gets involved in women’s rights movement there in the 80s. Big Shoulder pads, big hair, big ideas. I haven’t a headcanon of whether or not she ends up married or in a long term relationship as that shouldn’t define your happiness necessarily? And I don’t think it does for her. I also headcanon that she and Lily meet up after the end of the war (you know when Halloween 1981 never happened?) and they keep in touch after that?
That was a tough one, sorry I don’t have more headcanons!!
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whoisleft-rp · 5 years
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Keep your eyes open and your wand out.
The war is undeniable at this point, even with the Ministry of Magic’s continued effort to diminish it. Simple conflicts, a few scattered murders, condemned vigilantes and attempted terrorists - but the terrorists only win if the people are afraid, and the Ministry is doing everything it can to pacify the wizarding world. Not everyone will fall for it, especially as the attacks and terror continues to spread.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has always been considered a safe haven, even with their own share of recent unpleasant events. The attack on Benjy Fenwick, the discussions about blood purity steadily rising from whispers to confident, if not still quite,  quorums; and certainly not just in the Slytherin common room. But Hogwarts is safe; a place to share ideas, challenge them, learn and develop lifelong relationships. Albus Dumbledore would certainly never let anything harm his students, not on his watch.
And, certainly, no one was badly hurt. Not at first.
On a beautifully sunny Saturday morning in early May, most of the school’s population was busy with lunch. Now only weeks away from O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts, many students already had the rest of their weekends blocked out for frantic revisions and tearful visits to their patient professors’ office hours. Some had plans to meet up with friends at Hogsmeade, others would be taking advantage of the otherwise quiet Quidditch pitch to get some pickup games in.
At the peak of the morning, creeping into early afternoon, everything went black.
Blacker than black; the darkest night, swallowing up all the light previously streaming in through the Great Hall’s massive windows. Even the bewitched-sunny ceiling faded into the void with nothing more than a collective gasp from the crowd below. The sound of the doors being thrown open could just be heard above the immediate screams and shouts; but no light filtered in. Even the castle’s grand foyer was nothing but a dense fog of black. Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder; but too much of it, in too high a concentration, to magically disperse of without a trained team aiding the professors.
Light began to erupt, feebly, from the wands of staff and any students able to gather their wits about them: but each Lumos was a dim pinprick, quickly swallowed by dark dust, barely enough to provide a proper torch. Albus Dumbledore’s voice magically boomed above the steadily more hysterical crowd:
Calm, perhaps not. But the prefects leapt to their posts; clumsy, almost completely blind  - and terrified, leading their charges to the castle lawn.
The sun was still shining.
The castle lawn was safe, it seemed, for a few moments. The hard-to-shake terror of sudden blinding darkness still lingered, and many of the professors were still inside the castle rounding up stragglers. Within minutes, however, restlessness began to settle: why had this happened, how had this happened, who had done it? Was the culprit’s goal just to have a bit of pranking fun on a Saturday morning? Surely the sheer amount needed, the coordination to cover the entire school at the same time, meant nothing good.
Those students making those connections began to voice their concerns to the prefects and Head Boy and Head GIrl, but it was hardly necessary: moments later, chaos erupted again.
This time in the form of red and blue curses flying in the air. Nothing killing, nothing to maim; but stinging jinxes, leg-locking charms, even curses in the form of smarting burns started to appear on people’s arms. The crowd, densely packed, could not quite tell where they were coming from.
They were coming, of course, from two peculiar, silent  students in the middle of the sea of faces: peculiar, because they were each wearing the face of another student currently in the same crowd. There were two Mary Macdonalds on the Hogwarts lawn that day; the real one and the fake. There were two Dirk Cresswells, too. The Death Eaters had purposefully taken the faces of muggleborn students they knew would be protected, instead of suspected, by others...at least, until their attack could begin.
Some students fled, some bled, some ran and some fell. Some were prompted to fight back; others began fighting anyone they could throughout the confusion. With the pushing, shoving, screaming all started up again, it fell to Lily Evans and James Potter – Head Boy and Girl and left in charge until told otherwise – to make a quick decision.
What they decided to do was get everyone away from the castle until it was deemed safe, and head for Hogsmeade. There, they hoped, the students would at least have safety in numbers and, more adults to protect them as the Aurors began arriving to help.
The crowd began funneling down the path to the town: the two mysterious same-faced students disappeared. Antonin Dolohov and Igor Karkaroff slipped away before their polyjuice potion wore off, though not entirely unscathed.
Head Girl Lily Evans led the evacuation, walking at the front of the crowd and working hard to keep a brave face and to keep everyone calm.  Head Boy James Potter stayed back, to bring up the rear and to ensure nobody was left behind.
However, instead of leading students from danger, Lily was walking straight into it herself.
The massive group reached Hogsmeade, confused townsfolk and day-visitors alike worriedly watching the en masse approach. Aurors began arriving not long after, alerted by the professors of Hogwarts -
The Death Eaters, fully masked and cloaked,  arrived at the same time.
Several key members of the Order of the Phoenix were already stationed in Hogsmeade; they’d received intel recently that the Death Eaters were planning on pulling off a heist of some sort. Some magical item, was their best guess: perhaps some kind of weapon or powerful artifact that the Death Eaters wished to procure to make themselves more powerful, or keep out of the hands of those they deemed less worthy.
In addition to the Order members patrolling the village, Alastor Moody — Head Auror and, obviously, in the know due to his dual position as one of the head commanders of the Order — was ready, too. He was keeping close eyes (one magical, one normal) on the action, lying in wait for the first sign of danger so that he could send proper Aurors to the area. If the information they had was correct, this was his big chance to send in the trained dark wizard catchers and make some high profile arrests.
The information was correct...and it was incorrect, too. Alastor didn’t know what to expect as the potential heist unfolded, but one thing was for sure: he wasn’t expecting the first signal of danger to come straight from Hogwarts.
But come from Hogwarts it did.
It all started as a wave of footsteps coming down, like an avalanche, from the path that led to the Hogwarts castle on a distant hill. Where there was silence only a short while ago, now there was chaos. The fighting from the castle’s lawn - combined with the initial panic of the blackout - had poured down into the village, growing with each new student, civilian and unlucky onlooker that got pulled into the fray. The chaos grew and grew, breaking over everyone in waves. Duels broke out, panicked defensive spells were flung by trained professionals and young teenages alike.
Students ran for cover in the streets, Order members were jarred out of their careful casing of the area and forced into action against the seemingly random acts of violence. The Aurors arrived too, spurred into action by Moody’s call – Moody himself joined the fray, proudly displaying his face and Ministry status in the crowd, standing among (but careful not to target) the hooded vigilante he was pretending not to know, not to lead.
It was luck, sheer luck, that the Death Eaters’ true target was revealed. It wasn’t an object they were after at all, not a weapon, not gold.
It was a student.
One student in particular: Lily Evans.
Lily Evans, visible - and known muggleborn - Head Girl, was quickly and purposefully sought out by one of the masked terrorists. The blackout had been the Death Eaters’ way of smoking the students out of the school. Based on everything they’d learned about her, and all of Dumbledore’s foolish, foolhardy Gryffindor pride that they’d banked on him passing on to his redheaded prodigee, they’d counted on her leading other students to safety and making herself an easy target in the process.
Before Lily knew it, there was a wand pressed against her neck, and a strong hand – too powerful to rip herself free from – held her in place, a human shield. The man who held her called for a standstill and his voice, magically altered and booming through the streets, was enough to bring all of the action to a screeching halt. Everyone in the village (Death Eaters, vigilantes, Aurors and students alike) froze. No one dared to breathe when they might accidentally spur the Death Eater into action; it was too risky, when he was threatening to kill the girl. Nobody dared throw a spell in her defense, either – what if it missed, what if they made everything worse?
They were statues in the street.
Then, one more wave of chaos hit: a spell, from seemingly nowhere, careened through the crowd and struck the Death Eater holding Lily. It was a bright blue beam of light and, to the naked eye, it had no effect. There was no explosion, no sudden bloody injury to the masked man. But to those who knew what to look for – the Aurors paralyzed without commands to follow, the vigilantes stunned and trying to interfere without causing harm – the signs were all there. The Death Eater’s stance stumbled; his wand lowered slightly. For a moment, he was as off his game as those he’d arrived to taunt and horrify.
A blur – then one of the hooded vigilantes was breaking through the tight line of unsure Aurors!
The Death Eater struggled to regain himself as the hooded figure ran toward him, but to no avail. Other Death Eaters, positioned nearby, fired spells of their own. With either amazing grace or otherworldly luck, the vigilante managed to leap for the Death Eater and knock Lily Evans free of his grasp.
Not only that...but he managed to rip the Death Eater’s mask from his face, exposing the true identity of the would-be kidnapper to the crowd.
It was Asher Nott, patriarch of the Nott family and father of Sebastian, who now stood, unmasked, in the middle of Hogsmeade’s Main Street.
Asher’s comrades all disapparated in the blink of an eye, leaving him behind. The village became thick with smoke, criminals escaping one by one and leaving only dust and frustration in their wake. However, it was not for nought. Half the force of the entire Auror Department rushed for Nott senior, to drag him into custody.
It was only a roared “WAIT!” from Alastor Moody that stopped the other half of his Ministry footsoldiers from leaping for the vigilante who had interrupted the kidnapping, too. Lucky again, the hooded hero on the ground gained just enough time to twist himself and disappear into thin air.
All in all, only about an hour had passed since the choking darkness had appeared inside the Hogwarts castle walls. Injuries, curse aftereffects, and abrasions were aplenty throughout the whiplashed crowd of students and civilians. From the edge of Hogsmeade Village to the front doors of Hogwarts School, confused and conflicted bodies were strewn about, trying to make sense of what their day had become.
After all, it had become quite a lot.
Vince Sinclair had recklessly exposed an inner-circle member of the Death Eaters and had only just barely escaped without having his own identity unmasked.
Lily Evans was whisked away to St. Mungo’s immediately, bruises on her arm from Asher Nott’s hand.
Albus Dumbledore appeared on the scene shortly after to safely escort the students back to the castle, sharing a knowing - and concerned - look with Alastor Moody as he did.
And where was everyone else...?
Maybe Hogwarts isn’t so safe after all.
TLDR; a brief summary for the lazy !
There was a sudden blackout at Hogwarts during lunch. Under the power of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder, even wandlight couldn’t break through the darkness...so the castle was evacuated.
The castle lawn was expected to be safe, but chaos soon erupted again. Mid-evacuation, two “students” (Death Eaters in disguise, care of Polyjuice Potion) began throwing curses at evacuated and evacuating students, prompting some to flee, some to fight back, and some to begin fighting anyone they could in the confusion.
This chaos led Head Girl Lily Evans to begin a second evacuation - leading a wave of students down to Hogsmeade Village to get further from the danger. Head Boy James Potter stayed back, to ensure nobody got left behind.
However, instead of leading students from danger, Lily was walking straight into it herself.
The Death Eaters planned heist in the village was not a heist at all - but a kidnapping attempt. As fighting broke out in the village, Lily was grabbed by a masked Death Eater and held at wandpoint as stunned civilians, students, Aurors and Order of the Phoenix members looked on.
Lily was freed by a stroke of luck. Thanks to a silent look exchanged between Order Member Vince Sinclair and Ravenclaw student Dorcas Meadowes, who recognized him during a momentary lapse of his glamour disguise, the action began again. From deep within the crowd, Dorcas hit the Death Eater with a spell of her own design that caused a debilitating migraine; a positively muggle affliction, but one that caused him to lose balance and enough concentration that he could not apparate.
Vince jumped into action at this point, tackling the Death Eater, freeing Lily, and unmasking the would-be kidnapped...who turned out to be Asher Nott, father of Sebastian Nott and now-confirmed Death Eater.
The other Death Eaters apparated away, leaving their colleague in favor of saving their own skin; Vince escaped by the skin of his teeth; Lily was rushed to St. Mungo’s and everyone else’s locations and stories can be found below the cut! 
OOC INFORMATION; the rules !
At the bottom of this post, below the ‘read more’ cut, all of your characters have been split up across multiple locations where the action is happening. It’s up to you to decide why they were in those locations and what happens to them during the attack beyond information given. You can also write self-paras, etc.
Interact and plot with the characters yours have been paired with, using our blurbs as springboards and inspiration! You can write out the full scene we’ve described starting from the beginning or starting in the main action of the outline or directly after, as well; wherever you think your character will shine the most!
Feel free to write DURING the action of the events above, or in the IMMEDIATE aftermath. However, please do not write TOO FAR into the future following the event; there is further important information to come from the Daily Prophet, school, etc. 
Use the tag WhoIsLeftBlackout for starters, self-paras and related posts. 
Starters taking place DURING this attack, from the blackout to the ‘heist’ - and the direct aftermath - can be posted between now and 11:59pm on Friday, November 15th.
As always, please remember to REPLY to already-posted starters in addition to posting your own. Please also avoid - to the extent possible - posting a wave of last-minute starters during the last couple hours of the open starter window. We want to encourage activity and interaction, not just a wave of starters stating where your character is that people won’t have time to give proper attention to!
All of your characters have been split up below the cut! This includes information on their locations/fates during the action above and during the immediate aftermath.
Lily Evans & Sebastian Nott
Head Girl Lily Evans was the one who stepped up to lead students to safety in the wake of the blackout...just as the Death Eaters assumed she would be. When it was discovered that the castle was entirely in darkness, the quick decision was made to evacuate students into Hogsmeade...just as the Death Eatershoped. Lily led the parade of frightened students down into the village while James Potter stayed back to ensure others were able to follow and that nobody was left behind. Lily’s bravery and leadership were noted by all as she led hundreds of students down into the village, herself at the front of the pack and hiding her own fear. But hiding that fear became impossible when she was suddenly grabbed by a masked Death Eater as he - and others, quickly joining - apparated onto the scene. 
The planned Death Eater ‘heist’ was not a heist at all, but an attempt to kidnap Hogwarts’s muggleborn Head Girl to make a statement. If the Order of the Phoenix hadn’t been ready and waiting in the wings, Lily surely would have been taken...instead, she was held at wandpoint by a masked man, later revealed to be Asher Nott, as chaos erupted around her. As the fighting continued between the Death Eaters, the Order and the Ministry - as they, led by Alastor Moody arrived on the scene - Lily was kept prisoner and in the direct line of fire. 
After the attack, Lily was immediately grabbed by Professor Minerva McGonagall who apprated her away to St. Mungo’s for an evaluation.
Following the action, Lily was checked into a room at St. Mungo’s and left to wait for a while as paperwork was sorted out and other casualties were brought in. Security was tight outside of her room, but one person managed to make it onto the wing – Sebastian Nott, son of the man who had just been unmasked as a Death Eater and attempted kidnapper. Though a Death Eater himself, Sebastian was able to avoid detection at the scene and apparated away with plenty of time to spare. At the hospital, he was permitted to see his father – who was under heavy Auror scrutiny and about to be officially arrested – but declined, opting to distance himself from the man and attempt to see Lily instead.
Gideon Prewett & Daniyah Burke
The cautious Daniyah Burke and the reckless Gideon Prewett were paired up for their patrol of the village, prepared to put a stop to what they thought would be a fairly routine heist of an object or weapon. However, as the village descended into chaos, it quickly became clear that they were in over their heads...and that this was not an attempted heist, but an attempted kidnapping. The two Order members had to assess the situation quickly and involve themselves in the sudden change of plans.
Sirius Black & Narcissa Black (ft. Bellatrix Black)
Sirius Black was left alone when James Potter and Remus Lupin sprung into action and split off to attend to their respective Head Boy/Prefect duties. Amid the chaos - and knowing that, for the moment, his friends were safe - Sirius began searching for other people of importance to him. He quickly noticed that his estranged younger brother Regulus was nowhere to be found. However, he did run into Narcissa Black halfway between the school grounds and Hogsmeade Village and quickly came to her defense. 
By the time Sirius and Narcissa met up and he was able to pull her aside, they were on the outskirts of the village - and danger was coming from both directions now. Narcissa accepted Sirius’s protection and stayed close to him...a fact that was noticed by the nearby and masked Bellatrix Black, who was participating in the attack and had been keeping a wild eye out for both of her sisters, unable to find either of them until that point.
Lucinda Talkalot & Mary Macdonald
Nobody could believe it when, following the evacuation of the castle onto the school lawn, Gryffindor seventh year Mary Macdonald began firing curses at people at random, injuring several other students and sowing chaos. Topping the list of those who couldn’t believe it was the REAL Mary Macdonald, not the Polyjuice-enabled Death Eater double, standing on the lawn holding her throbbing head, which she’d bumped during the stumble out of the castle, and trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Fortunately, she had a witness in Lucinda Talkalot, standing beside her on the lawn and also trying to work out what the hell was happening – and which Mary was the real deal.
Marya Warrington & Ava Avery
Both women found themselves in Hogsmeade Village for what was supposed to be a lovely, relaxing getaway with their respective families. Marya Warrington had been taken into the village by her husband Tyler Warrington for a surprise, overnight trip to the town’s local bed & breakfast where they’d once spent a romantic evening in their younger days. His plan was simple; stay with Marya on Friday night, send her back to London early on Saturday morning...and hold on to the hotel room for another night, once it had been magically enhanced with wards and unplottable hexes, to provide a nearby place to hold the kidnapped Lily Evans while the Aurors searched farther away and lost track of the young captive.
But Tyler’s plan went wrong long before the kidnapping was foiled. Marya was supposed to be on her way back to London...but the day was so beautiful, and her son Nathaniel was safe with relatives back home who’d been eager to babysit and spoil him...she just had to spend a little extra time in the village.
Ava’s situation paralleled Marya’s own. She was in town to meet up for tea – or a stronger drink – with her brother Aiden, who’d been busying himself with work and refusing to commit to solid plans. She waited for him at the cafe and the appointed time and place...but he never showed. Wondering if her brother was in trouble or merely being insensitive, Ava wandered out into the street. Just in time to see the unfolding chaos. The attack in the village sent her into uncomfortable, horrible flashbacks of her brother Archer dying in a similar manner, on that same dusty street.
Marya and Ava found one another in the crowd and sought out the other’s famiiar face as a partner to take cover and hide with.
Remus Lupin & Emma Vanity (ft. Antonin Dolohov)
Remus Lupin and Emma Vanity rose to the occasion the moment Albus Dumbledore called for prefects to begin leading their respective charges out of the horrifyingly dark castle. Emma found herself flashing back to the last time a frightening incident happened near the castle, as well as to when she was stuck in the middle of the werewolf attack on the Ministry the summer before. Panicking, worried for her safety, Emma started searching for a more familiar face once she was out on the lawn and once the spells started being let loose among the crowd. Someone to help her, or at least to be an anchor back to reality as her thoughts began to spiral back to the previous attacks. Remus was nearby, and saw his friend looking terrified, frozen. Immediately he made his way over to her, keeping her close… but something peculiar caught his eye soon after, while his friends Lily and James were still deliberating on what to do.
He saw Mary Macdonald, one of his best friends, but he had just seen her only moments ago helping another student. This Mary was standing calmly in the middle of the crowd, her wand out, slowly swiveling in different directions: Remus saw one flash of red light erupt from “Mary’s” wand and immediately came to an understanding. That wasn’t the real Mary Macdonald. Springing into action, Remus whipped a stinging charm at the imposter, followed by an attempted disarming. The imposter kept their wand, locked eyes with Remus - and Emma, for a slight longer beat - before turning and running through the dense crowd, almost immediately hidden. Plenty of people saw Remus fling a spell at his muggleborn friend, though, which might spell a bit of trouble until the real Mary can vouch for him.
Antonin Dolohov & Evan Rosier
Antonin Dolohov was one of the two chosen Death Eaters to take Polyjuice potion (care of their man on the inside, Regulus Black himself) and stir up trouble during the expected Hogwarts evacuation onto the lawn. Disguised perfectly as a muggleborn student, Antonin kept quiet and unassuming as the terrified crowd began to panic and push, shooting spells off into the nearby distance to aid the process along. Unfortunately, he was spotted: by none other than Remus Lupin and Emma Vanity, the latter of which being one of his closest friends. Lupin got a good hit on him but Antonin couldn’t risk a full blown retaliation; if he was somehow captured and found out, he couldn’t think of a worse place to do it. Especially with Emma right there.
Antonin did the smart thing and ran for it, melting into the front of the surging crowd towards Hogsmeade. He could already feel the Polyjuice potion slipping as they reached the familiar cobbled streets, and he, limping from Lupin’s hex, surged into the first alleyway he could find to let the process happen. Then he could don his mask and re-join the fray with proper backup this time. He wasn’t expecting Evan Rosier, calmer than most during the chaos, to see him staggering away. He certainly wasn’t expecting Evan to be standing there when Antonin turned back around, features just about done sliding into place but no matter what a man exactly where he shouldn’t be. No mask, no concealment.
Anastazie Dolohov & Benjy Fenwick
Benjy Fenwick had been on castle-arrest ever since his real arrest left him under scrutiny of the law and of the school board. However, even Hogwarts isn’t cruel enough...on purpose...to make a student stay inside during a blackout and evacuation, no matter how much trouble they’d caused. Benjy was led out onto the lawn alongside all the other students - including Prefect Anastazie Dolohov, who was leading one of the evacuation waves from the Ravenclaw table in the Great Hall. While Benjy was taken aback by the sudden chaos, Tazie had her eyes on the prize...as always. While the Head Boy and Head Girl were distracted, the sixth year aspiring Head decided to take matters into her own hands. Tazie began corralling and commanding students, getting them into line and genuinely succeeding in reducing their levels of panic. The time to showcase her abilities as a capable leader was upon her and – having no idea that her own brother was one of the imposter students she was putting up a shield charm to protect her younger peers against – she rose to the occasion valiantly.
Dorcas Meadowes & Vince Sinclair
Dorcas Meadowes was in the throng of confused, scared students in Hogsmeade when the masked terrorists began apparating onto the scene. A stray stunning spell - luckily not terribly malignant - struck the Ravenclaw’s leg and she went down, unable to move and certainly invisible to the roiling crowd around her started to run in every direction. Vince Sinclair, hood up and magical glamor up to protect his features from being distinguishable, saw his younger friend hit the cobbled street from his position on the sidewalk. Running for her and pulling her safely away from the worst of the crowd, his glamor slipped just barely in the panicked moment; Dorcas got an eyeful, but Vince was already more preoccupied with the attempted kidnapping now happening not far from them to worry too much about his identity being found out by a friend. 
Without a second thought - his usual modus operandi - Vince bolted for the stalemate between the Death Eaters and aurors. Dorcas, still tending her wounded leg, managed to whip her wand out and cast a spell of her own design at the masked man holding Lily Evans at wandpoint. The spell gave the terrorist a sudden, confusing migraine: just enough to throw him off balance, unable to cast a counter-curse at the approaching Vince; and allowing the vigilante to tear his mask off to reveal the man behind it.
Remus Lupin & Davey Gudgeon
Davey had been down in the school kitchens - not in the Great Hall - when the blackout occurred and, due to the longer distance he had to travel solo to make it out of the castle in time, sustained multiple (but not serious) injuries. He was quick to realize that he was not the only injured student – and, though he couldn’t immediately tell what the source of the chaos was, he realized that the number of injured and panicked students was growing. It was his idea to move students in need of medical attention to the Quidditch Pitch, rather than following the evacuation down to Hogsmeade Village. His quick thinking (whether by luck or design) allowed a good number of his peers to avoid the chaos that quickly unfolded in the nearby town. Davey was able to keep everyone in good spirits and provided a lot of people in need a bright spot on a dark day.
Soon after the attacks in the village, Davey was joined by Remus Lupin. The two – united by their bond of being the two Hogwarts students who arguably spent more time than anyone else in the Hospital Wing – quickly got to work, taking charge of transporting injured students up to the hospital wing once the castle reopened and staying by Madame Pomfrey’s side to assist as needed. Thanks to the chaos in the village below, it’s a good thing they stayed to help; there were plenty of injuries to be tended to and the matron needed all the reliable hands she could get. 
Remus’s stint as assistant nurse came to a halt when Dumbledore showed up to collect him for questioning about his involvement allegedly attacking Mary Macdonald on the grounds. 
Davey was left alone...which would have been the perfect time for him to talk to his ex-girlfriend Dorcas Meadowes, who’d also been brought in to be checked for injuries. However, she too was soon pulled away for questioning...by none other than Head Auror Alastor Moody who had a stern look on his face and didn’t return the Ravenclaw to her tower until half-past midnight. 
Gretchen Ollivander & Bellatrix Black
The story is an old, familiar one. Gretchen was in town with the Order, ready to stop what was described to her ahead of time as a heist. Bellatrix was there with the Death Eaters, hungry to prove her worth and eager to assist with the kidnapping – and example-making – of the muggleborn Lily Evans. Among the chaos of the village, the two women began to duel, something uncomfortably familiar about the other’s fighting style. Bellatrx began to win by a wide margin, causing significant injuries to Gretchen.
Bellatrix may have come out victorious...if not for the distracting, nearby sight of her youngest sister, Narcissa Black, clinging to and accepting the protection of their estranged cousin, Sirius Black. That, plus the notable absence of the girls’ other sister Andromeda Black, was enough to give Gretchen the upper hand she needed. Gretchen may have succeeded in harming Bellatrix worse than she did, if not for the interruption of the kidnapping threat and the subsequent unmasking of Archer Nott.
Anastazie Dolohov - Awarded 100 points for Ravenclaw and given a commendation by the school for her role in leading and protecting her fellow students during the chaos
Antonin Dolohov - Apparated away from with Igor Karkaroff, headed for a post-mission rendezvous point
Ava Avery - In the confused ruins of Hogsmeade, in the company of Marya Warrington
Bellatrix Black - Apparated away from with the rest of the Death Eaters, headed for a post-mission rendezvous point
Benjy Fenwick - Returned safely to Hogwarts (and his grounding)
Daniyah Burke - Apparated away with the rest of the Order, heading for HQ
Davey Gudgeon - Helping out in the Hospital Wing of the school after transporting the injured from the Quidditch Pitch triage area
Dorcas Meadowes - Taken to the Hospital Wing very briefly before being ushered away by Moody & Dumbledore for ‘official questioning’ for her involvement
Emma Vanity - Returned safely to Hogwarts
Evan Rosier - Returned safely to Hogwarts...with a secret
Gideon Prewett - Apparated away with the rest of the Order, heading for HQ
Geraldine Ollivander - In Diagon Alley
Gretchen Ollivander - Apparated away with the rest of the Order, heading for HQ
Lily Evans - In St. Mungo’s, being treated for her injuries and evaluated by a worried McGonagall
Lucinda Talkalot - Returned safely to Hogwarts
Mary Macdonald - Called in for questioning in the Headmaster’s office about her role in the attack/potential double/the confusion of the day. Uninjured but dealing with the wary stares of her peers.
Marya Warrington- In the confused ruins of Hogsmeade, in the company of Ava Avery
Narcissa Black - Returned safely to Hogwarts
Remus Lupin - Returned safely to Hogwarts and worked to bring injured students from the Quidditch Pitch triage to the hospital wing for treatment...however, he was soon called into the Headmaster’s office for questioning regarding those who witnessed his “attack” of fellow Gryffindor student Mary Macdonald
Sebastian Nott - After apparating away from Hogsmeade, headed first to St. Mungo’s to visit Lily instead of his father and then, after a brief appearance at the post-mission rendezvous point, straight to the Ministry to comment on the “news” of his father’s arrest
Sirius Black - Returned safely to Hogwarts
Vince Sinclair - Apparated away with the rest of the Order, heading for HQ...with major bragging rights
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