#marvel hbc
orangistae · 1 year
The Last Binding fancast
(feat. extensive time travel and a bit of hair dye)
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James D'Arcy - Edwin Courcey
Charlie Cox - Robin Blyth
Felicity Jones - Maud Blyth
Romola Garai - Violet Debenham
Rupert Everett - Jack Alston
Robert Downey Jr - Alan Ross
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interrogatormentors · 1 month
INTERLUDE 2: a king, a lord (an emperor, a god)
Sometimes, Eridan would lay in his cupe and he'd stare at the ceiling. He'd think about the things he'd been pushing away for so long.
He'd think about late morning chats with Karkat. He'd think about orphaner duties with Feferi. He'd think about his occasional lamentations with Kanaya (and the fact that he kept losing her name in the haze was both terrifying and comforting).
He'd think about his archives back on Alternia. He'd think about his hive, his lusus.
He wondered if the old skyhorse had moved on, already. If the ruins of his hive were repurposed. If the books had been pilfered. He wondered if the new inheritor cared as much as he once had about the knowledge he'd so carefully cultivated.
He wished, in a small way, that he was back there. Back then. When times were simpler, when his mind actually worked, when things made sense. He kept losing time. He kept losing himself.
But really, who was he anymore? Was he really anything before Her? His beloved Mistress. His reason to keep going. She was everything.
Thinking about this was always the worst. He shuffled out of his cupe, sighing as he went to shower instead. Once appropriately and impeccably groomed to the nines as was expected of him he made his way out of his blocks, taking his time to walk through the halls.
The lights, the sights, the stars, they never ceased to dazzle, nowadays.
Eridan felt like he was the center of the universe, for all intents and purposes. It made him feel warm and fuzzy in ways that he couldn't begin to describe, the things he had deserved all his life finally being given to him as he justly deserved.
He was a fucking marvel, a gift to the Empire.
(She laughed more genuinely, She smiled more pleasantly when he wasn't sober, so he'd do whatever it took to keep Her happy. That was all he was worth, after all.)
He fished out his flask again. He took a long swig from it and then wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, letting the sting of the alcohol on the back of his tongue ground him. A notification pinged on his palmhusk and he pulled that out from his pocket, brows rising as he saw the notification. His presence was required on the HBC Condescension, with the DC Reichenbach having already been given instructions to land in the docking bay.
He approached the massive pressurized doors in the loading bay, tapping his feet impatiently.
"Dock," he snapped out, eye twitching with the pang in his temple. God damn it. Not now.
"Dooooock? What's the magic word, Amps?"
"Shakes, none'a this runt grub nonsense outta you. I got summons. Dock." At least this request wasn't horribly fraught with time sensitivity. He hammered at the button nonetheless, annoyed.
"Ughhhhhhh you're no fun anymore. Fine. I'm docking, dude, just chill." The snotty fucking helmsman devolved into grumbling that Eridan couldn't possibly retain care less about retaining. There was more important information he needed to keep track of.
"I don't need to be fun, I need to be good at my job, maybe you should try it one night," Eridan snapped back. He ignored the mock offended gasp from Shakes as he stepped out of the ship, staring up at the docking bay of the HBC Condescension . It was a familiar sight at this point, almost comforting even if it felt too big to fit sometimes.
He slowed as he saw another figure coming straight towards him. He recognized the outfit, decorated with Head Admin certification badges as well as medals and pins that spoke of countless experience and demanded respect. The figure was a seadweller, significantly older than him with age-darkened skin, grey hair and a sharp-cut beard, so he reflexively saluted. It was still strange to receive the respectful gesture in return, but it was slowly becoming less jarring and more expected of his station.
"Head Admin Ashvar Zysgin," Eridan greeted coolly.
"Head Admin Eridan Ampora," Ashvar replied in an equal formal tone, looking down his nose at the smaller seadweller. "The Empress filed for your temporary transfer to assist in Head Admin duties for the next two perigees."
"My what?"
Eridan stared blankly at Ashvar, as if expecting to be hearing things. He was clearly not, though, as the silence stretched on before Ashvar clucked his tongue in annoyance.
"You were supposed to be sent notice." The tone of voice was distasteful, and it made Eridan's blood boil. True to his conditioning education under the Empress, Eridan didn't respond aside from straightening his back, annoyance clear on his face. No stress. No panic. He had to be better. Do not let emotions rule your head. Turn it off.
"I was only sent notice of summons," Eridan said slowly. "It seems a miscommunication occurred."
Ashvar's lip curled. "Clearly." He turned his nose up, clearly annoyed. "Can't trust shitbloods to do anything these nights."
"Clearly," Eridan agreed simply, keeping it short and concise. This one seemed to be far more old fashioned.
"In any case, there is no sense in dallying. I was informed that my duties for the night were to get you caught up. The crew of the Reichenbach will supplement the crew of the Condescension for the next incursion; it's a colony expansion. Captain Nekara will manage orders ship-side, to ensure our magnificent Empress can focus on her glorious conquest as necessary. Consider it an honor, Consort, that she is putting her trust in your capabilities."
He was quite proud of himself for maintaining the calm, casual air that he was meant to carry, even as he preened at the attention and the reverential title of Consort. "Understood, sir. Ever may She reign."
Some of the tension eased as Ashvar clearly approved of the appropriate deference. Good. One step done correctly.
Managing a ship as massive as the Condescension was one that took several admins, Ashvar explained as they walked. Eridan kept his eyes focused out as he listened to the senior Admin, taking stock of the surroundings. The interior arrangement of the ship always made it felt more like a mobile city than a ship, in his opinion, but it was fascinating to see. The changes made throughout trollkind history were obvious. Despite having been in the ship multiple times, it never ceased to enthrall him.
Now a bit of that wonder was occupied fiercely by the route memorization he was fiercely committed to as it was explained to him. The maintenance sector was manned by Sector Admin Talawa —and wow, Sector Admin! A whole subset of admins for each corner of the gargantuan ship! It wasn't something taught in schoolfeeding, that's for sure— while the sector by that was engine technology, under Sector Admin Elagya. The culinary sector, responsible for maintaining the meal hall and providing for the fleet, was overseen by Sector Admin Uareon, and the armory was manned by Sector Admin Julien. The mediculling unit was managed by Sector Admin Isopre, and Sector Admin Daunus was in charge of personnel.
He was glad he was recording all the discussions dutifully. He'd upload them to his pandrive later.
"I've called for all the sector admins to meet," Ashvar droned on, gesturing grandiosely, "so they can meet with you and understand that you'll be filling in with... who was the junior admin on your ship again?"
"Ysseol Holkaf," replied Eridan. Ashvar seemed to take Eridan's presence in stride, and there was actual hope that maybe Eridan would find himself fitting in here, better than the rapidly alienating presence he held on the Reichenbach.
Meeting the sector admins unfortunately coincided perfectly with running into someone else. Someone rather unexpected that would blow all those hopes out of the water. 
The admins that had gathered were all stiff at attention, and even Ashvar was taken aback at the towering presence of the Empress where She sat, waiting for them all in the meeting block. Her massive mane of hair easily took up a huge portion of the block, let alone Her horns. She smiled coolly, eyes narrowing in amusement.
Eridan stepped forward immediately as She stood.
"Mistress," he breathed out, taking a knee and bowing deeply, hand over his pusher and other tucked behind his back. Perfectly executed, as She'd taught him. He opened his eyes after waiting the requisite three seconds to see that She had closed the gap, holding Her hand out with Her wrist facing him.
Oh, truly, what an honor. He leaned in and pressed his lips reverently to Her pulse, and he relaxed as he felt Her claws curl around his jaw.
"Stand, guppy," She said coolly, and he did so at Her command, hands now tucked behind his back. "Good buoy. You're in charge."
Eridan froze. Ashvar followed suit. "...My Empress?" Ashvar asked, dimly confused. The other admins, loathing the risk of being singled out, all stayed eerily quiet in the block as it seemed to instantly grow more suffocating.
"Did I stutter, Head Admin?" She asked, coldly. "He's shrimpressed me. You whale do as he says. He has no otter will than mine . For this incursion, I trust no otter."
Eridan bowed his head numbly, eyes shut in reverence to Her judgment. He felt fit to explode.
"And, Eridan," he stopped breathing as he heard his name on Her lips, looking up in wonder at his dear, beloved Empress, "you'll come to my personal blocks after shift's end. Understood?"
"Yes, Mistress," he murmured, awestruck. "Glory be. May your reign be eternal."
There was a playful spark to Her eyes that hid vicious satisfaction, cruel amusement that he wanted to see more of. So caught up was he, that he missed the reviled rage thinly hidden behind Ashvar's eyes.
As She took Her leave, he watched Her go, taken by Her presence as he always was. He was rudely shocked back to himself with a firm, sharp clearing of the throat. Turning on his heel, he saw Ashvar, looking less calm and collected than he had been prior.
"I will not fail," Eridan said firmly, straightening his back. "Introductions, then. If we're goin' to be workin' together for the next incursion, we ought to know each other. Head Admin of the DC Reichenbach, Imperial Consort to the Empress, Eridan Ampora."
He learned more than a few names in the brief meeting that followed. The spindly, long-haired cerulean that looked down his glasses at Eridan with derision was Quetus Isopre, and the stocky, burly purple that stood by his side was Baldur Daunus, his brow set in a wrinkled scowl. Fidice Julien was a buff butch blueblood with a sharp military haircut, a gnarly scar over the right side of her face that took her eye with it, a broad chest and a mean grin that didn't reach her eyes. Vigare Uareon was another seadweller, not as old as Ashvar but not the youngest of the group, hair tied back in a clean ponytail. Asavra Elagya was a tealblood, the lowest blood of the admins and the shortest with a bush of hair and large, thick rimmed glasses, while Toptan Talawa was another purple with subjugglator-style face paint, and seemed the youngest of them all. He'd have to pull their files to know for certain.
Another thing that Eridan learned, with a sinking feeling he carefully hid, was that none of them were particularly excited at the sudden shift in power.
When Eridan reported to the Condesce's private blocks as instructed, he expected everything to go as it always did when She summoned him to Her chambers. Casual chatting about the state of the Empire, some quips thrown in by Psii, Her best alcohol with that horrible powder served in his glass, and everything to go hazy and foggy as She did whatever She so pleased took care of him in a way he'd likely never truly earn the right to claim. He certainly wasn't about to question anything She did to him so graciously gave him in the way of attention.
And that it was. He would never deny how much he adored these quiet moments that only he was so blessed to be privy to. Even if remembering everything that happened wasn't exactly an option...
As usual, Eridan came back to himself tucked away in the Empress's embrace, feeling sore all over and finding it hard to breathe, everything between his knees and stomach feeling raw. He blinked slowly, tucking himself up against Her as She played with his hair, claws curling around his horns. They ached as She did this, but he couldn't react, he'd learned. He needed Her touch more than he needed air.
"One night, if you keep up your current performance," She murmured into the skin of his neck like a kiss, cool, plump lips skimming over tattered gills, "this will be yours. Zysgin's on in his sweeps. I won't have need of him soon enough. A lame troll is of no use to me."
He swallowed. "Such faith in my ability, I could never ask for more, Mistress," he replied hoarsely. His throat ached. He wondered if She'd had him screaming. He didn't really need to know.
"I know you'll be a wonderful extension of my will, guppy," She crooned.
He let out a happy little hum, curling further against Her, simply basking in the attention and the affection, listening to Her breathe. He didn't say a word as Her hand began to wander over his skin again. It didn't matter what he wanted, after all.
He just did as She wanted.
The next evening began bright and early. He woke up alone in Her chambers, unsurprising but still disappointing. His pan pounded as usual, displeased with him for falling asleep without being in sopor. Unfortunately, he always fell asleep like this after late mornings spent in Her chambers, and so it was a reality he'd just have to deal with.
Arming himself with his flask, taking a quick shower before dressing himself up as normal, he took his leave from the blocks.
His first stop... personnel. That'd be the biggest doozie, considering how he was certain the sector admin had to speak to each of the division heads on board for morale, health and livelihood reports. It was guaranteed to be the biggest headache possible. Laughsassins, threshecutioners, cavalreapers, ruffiannihilators, interrogatormentors (he shuddered, bile in the back of his throat), subjugglators—well, they all had force deployments here on the HBC Condescension. This was the forward ship for all military campaigns, after all, the stuff of legends. He was excited to read into the stuff.
He was less than enthused when he arrived to see no sign of Baldur. He frowned. The purple should be here somewhere. Where the fuck was he? Something itched in his pan; he sought another swig from his flask.
Wasting too much time trying to find him, at least Eridan actually found him. He saw the jackass brawling with the head of the ruffianihilator squad, which most certainly wasn't part of his duties.
"Admin Daunus!" Eridan barked, bewildered and taken aback. "Where's your report?"
"Somewhere else, shortstack," Baldur snarled in reply, "don't fucking interrupt me."
"The— this is your fucking job!" he snapped, completely blindsided by the sheer disrespect. The other ruffiannihilators all laughed, and Eridan burned in a rage, lip curling as he sneered down the whole lot of them.
"Just like your ancestor, aren't you? Complete stick in the mud. That can get your pail kicked, chumbucket," a purple ruffiannihilator called out. Eridan's eyes narrowed, incensed by the sheer disrespect he was being afforded.
"Show some fuckin' respect, you're talkin' to the acting head admin of the HBC Condescension on Her Imperious Condescension's illustrious order, cannon fodder."
The expression on her face fell into severe unease at this revelation. A subtle glance she gave to Baldur was all Eridan needed to know; the other admin had rigged this interaction.
He turned his ire on the larger purple. "Report, sector admin. That's an order and I am done tolerating your disrespect."
The dry amusement drained off Baldur's face, leaving only annoyance behind as he flipped the ruffiannihilator he was sparring over. "Left it with the threshecutioners, Head Admin," he drawled, and the title felt like an insult.
He bared his teeth and turned off. The report he ultimately found was dismal; damaged and barebones, barely legible and an insult to administrative work as Eridan prided himself on conducting. God. Fucking. Damn it.
Next admin... okay. Surely, it couldn't go as bad as Baldur's sector. He hated the smell of antiseptic, of course, and he'd been in this area more times than he'd like (the sight of his horn being removed, the tendrils in his pan crawled and writhed and hurt and hurt and hurt and—) but reports were reports and things needed done. The rota needed to be established, and Eridan was hopeful that Quetus would keep notes as diligently as he appeared to from a glance.
Instead, Quetus was doing something completely unrelated. No reports were prepared for him. After stocking something that most certainly was not his job, he looked over slowly, taking his sweet time to acknowledge Eridan who had been standing there for the past ten minutes.
"Do you know about Orphaner Dualscar?"
Eridan blinked. He glanced over, confused at the line of questioning. He tilted his head, eyes narrowing suspiciously.
Quetus looked over to him, eyes crinkling in vicious amusement. "Did you know he died a disgrace? Pathetic and washed out, culled by the Grand Highblood?"
His mouth went dry. His eyes narrowed. "Hell are you implyin', Admin Isopre?"
"Watch your step, pupa," Quetus merely said, turning off. Eridan struggled to comprehend what the hell that was supposed to mean, insulted at the way his rank was so casually disregarded .
"Oi!" he called out, frustrated and annoyed. "Where the fuck's your report!?"
"The table," came the infuriatingly vague reply. The way the docterrors and assistants all looked at him, knowing full well who he was and what procedure had been done to him in this very hall incensed him more, and he frustratedly scoured the goddamn block until he found the stupid fucking manila folder. Much like Baldur's report, he realized in quiet dismay, it wasn't worth jack shit. But he was now running late and low on time. He couldn't afford to redo this shit. He needed to keep going.
Once was strange. Twice was a trend, and Eridan wished it wasn't so. Because the third time was simply enough to piss him off, which sustained as he merely continued floundering about, unable to get a purchase with any of the sector admins.
He couldn't get a single goddamn report delivered correctly. Each sector was either missing its admin, or experienced its admin doing things they had no business doing. Fidice was outright neglecting the job to drink and play poker with the guards! Come on! She didn't even need soporifics to keep functioning! 
The packet that he ultimately ended up with was disgraceful, a great lump of barely legible shit that didn't get any of the required details a report should have.
He was losing his mind. And by the end of the night, he was summoned by his Mistress. He arrived at Her throne, lowering himself in a prostrate bow and horrified at the fact that he had nothing to show but substandard, cobbled together reports.
He was incensed to see Ashvar showing up with a much nicer looking report folder. He realized at that moment that he'd been duped . And as Ashvar handed off the report to his Mistress, Her expression held only disapproval that cut him far more to the core than anything else She could have possibly done in that moment.
"Oh, guppy," She said softly, disappointed, "I'm gonna have to prawnish you today."
Eridan's shoulders stiffened, panic flickering over his face. "Mistress, I, I swear I—"
"Shhhh. No excuses, buoy. You're bein' two shrimpulsive. What are you?"
Eridan felt humiliated, for Her to bring this up now while the saboteur responsible for this daymare was in the same fucking block? "P-please, Mistress—"
Her tone grew colder. "What are you?"
Eridan squeezed his eyes shut, shame rising up. Don't cry. She would hate that more than anything in the world, at this moment. "...a failure."
"Good buoy. To my private blocks."
The taste in the back of Eridan's mouth was sour as he looked down at his feet. "Yes, Mistress," he croaked quietly. He could feel smugness radiating off that grandiose piece of shit, but he couldn't afford to feel rage in that moment. He wouldn't give the fucker the satisfaction. 
He had to accept his punishment.
His throat was sore the next evening. Everything hurt, bruises covering him under his uniform as a reminder of his incompetence. Moving was a misery in and of itself, but he knew he'd deserved it. It wasn't like he could say anything against Her, after all (the heretical audacity of the mere thought gave him anxiety), so he simply sucked it up, showered, and with a thundering pan, he went off to start his rota for the night.
"Hey, Amps!"
He snarled in annoyance, pinching his brow as he turned his attention to the usual troublemakers from his crew. "What?" he asked, sharply, "I'm busy."
Shakes squinted at him and let out a low whistle. "Jeez. What crawled up your nook and died?"
The acrid glare that Shakes got in return had him holding up his hands. "Okay, okay, bad line of convo. Something up, dude?"
"Head Admin Ampora, and no, I'm—I'm fine. Just. Just stop distractin' me, I have reports to get!"
He turned off, paying no further mind to his ship's helmsman. He didn't even pause to wonder why the guy was out and about, considering how outright hostile a lot of people on the HBC Condescension were to lowbloods and, in particular, mobile helmsmen. Traditionalist fucknuts, the whole lot of them.
It's not like it mattered to him, anyways. He had more pressing matters to attend to.
Any hopes he'd had of the first night being a fluke were firmly dashed. The second night went just as poorly, this time overrun by the fact that he tried to do all their reports for them. This took too much time for one troll to do, for the ship was simply so massive that it was impossible to get the work done in a single night. He showed up that night with half the packet clearly done by him alone, and the other half still the same, low tier work. Ashvar, again, showed up with a comprehensive report.
Eridan was once again ordered for punishment.
The punishment that morning was immediately soured by Ashvar intercepting him after they were both dismissed, as Eridan was making his way to Her chambers. The other seadweller had simply smiled, a hand placing on his shoulder, claws threateningly tight against his uniform;
"You know, it's not as if this is unexpected," Ashvar said. "Your ancestor was a disgrace to the empire as well. Vying for something he had no business vying for. You could simply admit to the Empress that you're not cut out for this work, pupa, surely she would allow you to take second position."
Eridan yanked his arm away from Ashvar, not deigning to give him a response. "I have my orders," he simply said, making his way to her blocks again.
How the fuck did this spawn of a bitch know anything about Dualscar?
Night three didn't go any better. Supplementing the holes in their shit reports rather than rewriting the shit from scratch didn't work when Elagya simply lied on her report, coming up with bullshit that didn't match the report she'd given to Ashvar. Collapsing on the job didn't help matters, either.
This time he remembered screaming until his throat gave out. Forget it forget it cast it aside. Don't think about it. Just shut down. Keep going. You have to keep going.
God, he was so tired. And, of course, because he was actively being punished, his pathetic plea to see Psii for a moment of relief was immediately and firmly denied.
"You need to do betta for that, guppy," She'd told him.
God, he wanted to cry.
Turn off. Turn it all off. Focus on the work.
Alright. No more relying on their reports. He just had to get up earlier. He just had to work harder. He just...
...who was he kidding? Another night, another sinking feeling that he wasn't going to survive to the end of the week. Three nights of failure leading into three days of consecutive punishment and sopor denial was starting to wreak havoc on him. He couldn't afford the time needed to cover up the deep, heavy bags under his eyes, punched in with restless, worthless sleep. He should honestly have just worked through the day, once She was done with him.
Even still, he got up early. He showed up to personnel before Baldur was even conscious, ignoring the annoyance at the troop heads at being bothered before the shift alarm had even gone off, and got the data he needed. He had mediculling's reports written up as well and was walking and sorting through his list of what needed getting, pan going a mile a minute to meticulously micromanage his timing when something changed in his fortunes.
Eridan groaned, scrubbing at his temples, but took pause as he saw a figure approach. Teal on her uniform, expression carefully controlled, he recognized her, first by the shift in her gender-presenting pheromones.
"Admin Holkaf," he said slowly, tucking the still burning anger and betrayal (and hurt so much hurt what had he done to deserve her betrayal, he tried so hard to be an admin worth respecting on that thankless ship) deep in his pusher until he never had to think about it again. Ysseol saluted, and he noticed something in her hands.
"...reports I gathered, sir," she said quietly. "From the armory and culinary sectors."
His brows shot up, genuinely taken aback for a moment. He slowly took the folder and opened it.
He recognized this handwriting. This wasn't Ysseol's, but he wasn't about to bring it up. The second report, of course, had her neat handwriting in it, but the first one... well, that was Spoons. 
What the fuck was a helming tech that had no reason to like him anymore doing, preparing a report? But as he read it over, it was a breath of fresh air that twinged his sore, aching lungs. This was comprehensive. This was excellent work. If her blood had been a couple shades higher, he'd always thought, she'd make an excellent admin. Now he was wondering if that long-standing rule should be twisted for her, but... well. By now, he knows her. She would hate the kind of work that came with administrative tiers. She liked working with her hands, staying busy—
— Why did any of this matter, guppy?
The thought, sounding eerily like Her voice, shook him out of his mystified reverie. He took a slow breath.
"Good work."
Ysseol tilted her head back subtly. He ignored the look on her face. "Of course, sir," she said quietly. "Do you still have additional sectors needing to be gathered?"
Eridan felt a sting in his thoracic cavity; doubt, anxiety. What if she was plotting against him too? The admin crew of the HBC Condescension saw no desire to step back and let him have an easier time of things by any means. She'd already betrayed him, once. Spoons had all the more reason to see him burn, after what he'd done to Bricks he didn't remember he didn't remember why didn't he remember? Wouldn't he have remembered? Wouldn't he—
He took in a slow breath. "No," he lied, and he turned away.
Despite the hustle and the tireless struggle, he ultimately managed to get the rest of the reports. He felt a mix of annoyance and gratefulness when he saw a familiar teal-written folder waiting for him at the entrance of the engine technology sector that he viciously smothered, knowing full-well that he needed a better poker-face. He took the report anyways. He'd arrange for Ysseol to have a night off when the DC Reichenbach was on its merry way, after this horrid shit-show was said and done.
Night four was the first night that ended in his position as acting Head Admin where he didn't get pushed by Her. Ashvar looked fit to spit nails. Eridan did not give him the satisfaction of a response as he was pulled into Her lap and postured like a lap-fitted woofbeast spoiled rotten as his station deserved. 
He simply stared, blankly, turning his mind off and letting Her do as She pleased. 
As he was made to do.
It came to a head when, by the end of the week, Eridan was run ragged and exhausted, beyond annoyed. Ysseol and Spoons continued to pitch in when they can (he ignored the report that looked like Bricks's handwriting, pushed that far back in his pan until he'd forgotten who that handwriting belonged to) and his workload became slightly easier. But it wasn't ever supposed to be like this.
He would never complain about his crew on the Reichenbach again, he swore, because if this was how his beloved Mistress's people ran her ship, he felt so, so sorry for Her. Never before had he understood Her troubles more than in this moment, with sheer incompetents sullying Her illustrious name with their panrotted drivel.
His mind made up, he called a meeting to discuss the problems he was seeing. He arrived at the room with the pathetic excuses of reports he'd had to hand the Empress sorted (because yes, he'd been told that he had to keep them, read them over, and solve the issue, of course he had).
He also came with a lighter.
So he waited, there, for the meeting to start. This would hopefully clear the air between them. Just a proper meeting, where he set the groundwork for how their relationship was going to be from here on out.
.....a meeting where no one fucking showed up.
Eridan took a deep breath. He let the breath out. Turn them off. Turn your emotions off. Do not let your emotions rule your head.
"...Psii," Eridan said, lowly, hands splayed across the table, the results of the disastrous week scattered across as much as they well deserved. "You're not too busy at the moment, are you? Could you do me a favour?"
"You know the answer to that question, but I can multitask for you. State your request."
Eridan closed his eyes, breathing again. Slow. Measured.
"The sector admins have elected to not show themselves at a meeting I specifically called. Nor has your head admin. Find them."
Not even a second passed before the Helmsman was rattling off locations. "Admin Daunus is napping. Admin Isopre has invented a maintenance request and is currently meandering through a supply closet. Said supply closet is on deck seven. Admin Fidice is carving the ice for her soporific. Admin Elagya is in a tepid excuse of a hot tub with Admin Talawa and Admin Uareon. Head Admin Zysgin is finalizing routes through the next system. All alerts for the meeting have been snoozed manually in their systems and thus I had no authority to reinstate them nor alert you."
Eridan closed his eyes. "In my position as acting Head Admin of the HBC Condescension, and as the Imperial Consort of the Empress, this is my order. Make them come."
"Would you prefer promptly, or humbled?" There was something like amusement on the edge of the Helmsman's voice, despite the deadpan death-rattle he always spoke with over intercoms.
Eridan smiled slowly, each tooth bared straight to the gum. "Humble them, my dearest diamond. Show them what happens when they disrespect the will of our Mistress."
"Understood. The query was a formality. Your poker face still needs work, Eridan. This request has been deleted from the Imperial Network and shall commence shortly."
Eridan let out a mirthless laugh. "Let me have my fun, snowflake. For now, I'll wait."
There was a scratchy exhale that had an echo of a laugh to it that trailed into a cough, and then the intercom went silent.
Eridan sat and waited, patiently. He flicked the lid of the lighter on and off, feet kicked up on the table. He would outlast them, after everything they'd put him through. It took half an hour before the scumfuckers finally showed up, all of them irritated and annoyed and clearly displeased at the methods visited upon them. He would have to ask Psii for recordings of the merriment later, if only to observe the best ways to get under these dipshits skins.
"How highly immature of you," Ashvar sniffed indignantly. "You would set the Helmsman, an important tool to the Empress, on us? And for what? Because you're unhappy?"
"Object lesson, Ashvar," Eridan said slowly, flicking the lighter on. He stood slowly, eyes flicking slowly, purposely down to the meeting table. "This is the work you all presented me in this past week."
He touched the lighter to the surface of the table. The table which had been cleanly drenched with ignition fluid, and thus lit up like a trash fire. Which, truly, it was.
"I am disgusted with your conduct," he said, calmly, in the midst of their shouts of alarm. "You hem and haw about immaturity, and yet in your illustrious tenure, you present me with trash. I would expect this out of wigglers. I would expect this out of unorganized rebel scum." His eyes glared into each of the admins eyes, all of them appalled at the way the table between them all burned. "Is this how you respect our wonderful, radiant Empress? Undermining the sanctity of Her well oiled machine, when we're gearin' up for a new colony?"
"You set a fucking meeting block on fire! Are you fucking insane?!" Vigare yelled, eyes wide. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Eridan placed his hand on the table. The flames licked around his fingers, around his rings, and they all stared, put into an immediate hush. "What's wrong with me? Me? My problem is that I'm surrounded by incompetent fools who have grown complacent and resistant to change. There's a new Head Admin in the picture at a critical juncture, one who holds the Empress's confidence more than any of you remora ever fuckin' have." He pulled his hand slowly back, wiggling his fingers. He could barely feel the angry blistering of his hand where the rings grew hot. He'd had worse.
"Do you think I'm some sort of yellow-bellied weaklin'? That I wouldn't catch on to your game? 'Cause I was on it from night one. Your Head Admin, I'm afraid, is not subtle in the slightest. So if you think I'm stupid, naive, well, you are sadly fuckin' mistaken."
He rounded the table and approached them, nose turned up in the air, eyes narrowed to slits. "You know, I know intimately well how to dismember corpses. I was an Orphaner in my youth, much like a certain undeservin' whisper of an alleged ancestor you shitpans keep tryin' to foist on my person. So it should come as no surprise to hear when I tell you that once you have a skeleton, yer wretched meatsack follows a pattern. Doesn' matter if you're a troll, or a lusus. You've got joints. Those can be broken, easy. Claws? Those can peel off much easier than you'd think. Muscle fibers need the right angle, but they'll tear, even with a blunt instrument. With the right technique, nothin' lasts."
There was a sharp sound, and Eridan reeled for a moment, blinking slowly as he felt dull pain spread through his face. He looked slowly to see Ashvar, violet in the face and enraged, his teeth pulled back in a snarl.
"How dare you," the other Head Admin snarled. "You miserable little brat. Barely out of your fresh molt, and an accident has convinced you you're worth something? When such a critically important assignment looms over us as a guillotine? You should have accepted your failure on that first night and conceded that you were ill-equipped to handle this task."
"You raised your hand to the Imperial Consort," Eridan commented, eyes dragging up to the intercoms. The casual threat only incensed the usually composed seadweller.
"You're nothing," Ashvar roared, grabbing Eridan by the lapels, the fuchsia of his consort cape bunched under his undeserving grubby claws. "Nothing but a little runt clawing at the worthless legacy of a disgraced Orphaner who died in pathetic misery! Even she thinks you're nothing, she tore your ear off, left you mutilated— marked you a wretched little slave! I owned dozens of you in the prime of the Empire, hundreds of sweeps before you were even spat out of the mother grub's brooding sphincter!"
Eridan snarled. He lashed out, but without claws to dig in, he could only grab Ashvar's throat and squeeze. The man threw him aside, laughing, and he slammed into the wall. He collected himself quickly, pushing himself up to his feet as he glared over furiously, eyes narrowed to slits. "You're a declawed, defanged little plaything pacified by a crippling dependence on soporifics that she's winding up to watch break! You–" Eridan was kicked in the side with a sharp bite of pain that he dared not voice, "–are–" another kick, another bloom of pain, more unvoiced rage, "–nothing!"
The admins laughed in amusement. The laughter circled in his aching, roaring pan, twisting the band of sanity tauter and tauter until it finally snapped in a moment of pain, humiliation, and cold, nauseating fury.  
The red overcame him.
Last longer. Punch harder. Tear flesh and scales apart with your teeth. Be every bit the monster that people think you are. But do not let emotions rule your head.
Do not let emotions rule your head.
Eridan sucked in a slow breath as his vision cleared. He was sore. He was tired. He was panting for air, gills burning, teeth bared to the gums. The table was slammed into the wall, cracked clean in two, the charred remains of shit reports scattered uselessly and soaked in violet.
He could taste iron and flesh in his mouth, and he blinked slowly, staring blankly down at the fallen limb in front of him. He could see it was impaled in multiple parts, and he noted that tacky coldness was dripping slowly down his horns. Fingers were missing off the hand, and he saw shredded remains of them scattered around in a barbaric bloodbath.
Ashvar was down on the ground, dry-heaving from the pain. His only hand with what fingers remained clung at the jagged stump of his arm. Eridan moved forward, slowly, boots squishing on the tacky violet blood that stained the pristine floors of his Mistress's ship.
He placed his boot on the stump, and shoved the older seadweller down without remorse.
The resulting shriek made his fins ring, dimmer in the slave-cut fin. He ignored it. He only felt cold anger, slowly drenched in the arctic waters that filled his lungs.
"Crawl," Eridan said, frigid. "Crawl to the fuckin' medbay and pray to the good will of our Illustrious Empress that the Docterror on duty won't turn you away for bein' a dumb sack of shit waste of genetic material. And th' next time you think of somethin' smart, watch your tongue or I'll rip it out of your withered sack of meat, you panrotted hasbeen. I am the Imperial Consort of the Empress, executor of Her will, extension of Her radiant, everlasting splendour. I can and will always rank above you, and lip service will earn you a visit from the drones, if you're lucky enough to miss disciplinary action from the Imperial Network." His eyes rose slowly, needling each of the other admins purposefully.
No one was laughing at him anymore.
"Ashvar Zysgin is an example," he continued. The rage he felt was drained out of him entirely; only cold remained. "If any of you have any complaints, by all means, come forward. We'll settle this the old fashioned way. I don't need any'a you dead-weight swill to get this job done. I've already made that painfully clear."
None dared to move. He wondered, dimly, what he'd done to earn the looks on their faces. He decided that, having seen the aftermath, he didn't actually care.
"Good. So you understand," he said softly, "that if you ever, ever disrespect me or mention the Orphaner Dualscar to my face again, you will not survive your next breath."
Everything felt cold, so fucking cold. He didn't think he could feel cold like this. They kept shooting glances at each other, and he couldn't make out the details, the aura in his eyes unbearable. The silence burned colder in his throat.
"I expect an answer out of you, bottom-feeders. Are. We. Clear?"
Uareon stumbled forward, clearly ousted into the speaking role by her co-conspirators. She immediately shrank back, nauseated and pale as death as she looked down at the sobbing mess that was once a tenured Head Admin. "...crystal, Head Admin Ampora, sir. This will not happen again, sir. A thousand apologies for the disrespect, sir. Your will be done, sir."
He saluted automatically, demanding respect as they responded in kind with the additional deferential tilts of the head to expose their necks. He felt cold, cold, colder than ice as he turned on his heel. He saw Nekara at the door of the meeting block. He couldn't make out the expression she wore. The aura he saw was overwhelming. He needed relief a drink.
"Captain Fyrane," he said, coldly, the only acknowledgement he offered as he passed her out the door.
There was only one person he needed to respect anymore. Only one person he could trust. He'd tried, he'd tried so hard so fucking hard, but realized in futility that he would never belong anywhere. He only belonged in one place in the whole cruel, unfeeling world, and it was a place he'd never leave. 
He understood now, understood why She ruled through fear, understood why none dared cross Her, and he felt pity for Her. To be so alone in the universe, with no one to understand Her... what a sad, lonely existence.
But he was there. And he would let Her do anything to him. Because he was so, so desperately flushed for Her.
And as he saw Her standing further behind the gruesome scene, simply watching, judging, and waiting, saw the vicious approval, the too wide smile, the amusement at Her toys playing approval and pity and affection on Her face, he stopped before Her.
He bowed, followed the cues he'd learned so well, and finally received the pleasure of kissing the palm of Her hand with all the tenderness he could possibly muster in the universe. Violet blood and bits of gore smeared in his wake. She smiled wider, deeply amused by his grand show.
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He felt nothing at all.
(Somewhere else, choked out and unheard through a suffocating web of necrotic wire, someone sang a funeral dirge for the person he used to be.)
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unocerounocero · 4 months
¡Mira mamá, seré un superhéroe de Marvel!
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Cabaña nueve, un búnker y una forja. Me sentí demasiado bienvenido por mis hermanos y entendí que el padre ausente es algo que vive nueve de cada nueve semidioses. Supongo que la historia del día que descubrí que el fuego no me quema la querrán escuchar en algún futuro flashback, sólo diré que estuvieron involucrados autos, explosiones, un pegaso y la mismísima Taylor Swift.
— Santiago Hernández; hijo de Hefesto.
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whoseravenwrites · 29 days
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What I write
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Peter Parker : - Andrew Garfield's
: - Tobey Maguire's
: - Tom Holland's
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Robin Buckley
Hannibal HBC
Will Graham
Hannibal Lecter
The Diary of Wimpy Kid
Rodrick Heffley
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Marvel HBC Event: Falcon and Winter Soldier Month of Prompts
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We all know that March is a very special month in the Marvel fandom. Not only is it Bucky Barnes birthday on March 10 but the Falcon and the Winter Soldier is set to premiere on March 19! So what better way to celebrate such an awesome month then with a MONTH full of prompts? Each week there will be a list of new prompts and a few surprises in the midst! Remember to follow HBC Guidelines when writing fics! If your fic does not meet the guidelines it will not be included in the masterlist.
Important notes:
Tag @the-marvel-horniest-book-club​ in your post and use the hashtag #marvelhbcfatws
Remember to tag, trigger warn, and rate all fics so that readers know what they are getting into!
*** Do not use any information in the content you create that can be seen as a spoiler! We do not want to ruin the show for other people! Be mindful of others!
Content accepted: Fics, Drabbles, Moodboards, and Edits!
Sam is a character that seems to not get as much love as he deserves so we’re going to kick off FATWS Month with a week of Sam prompts!
March 1 - New Beginnings
March 2 -  Dreams
March 3 - Love
March 4 - Longing
March 5 - How does Sam cope with being Captain America?
March 6 - Strong
Bucky Barnes is always a character after our hearts and our panties, it makes us weak in the knees and it’s going to be fun to see him have more than two lines in the show!
March 7 - Recovery 
March 8 -  Hope
March 9 - How does Bucky cope with losing his best friend and facing a world on his own?
March 10 - Birthday
March 11 - Trust
March 12 - Love
March 13 - Connection
It’s a ship that I liked before it was cool, now let’s celebrate it. This week is dedicated to the ship of SamBucky. These two would make great boyfriends and with some of the trailers it seems like they’re an old married couple already. (No x!reader or OC’s for this, just good old shipping of two characters.) What better way to celebrate this fic then with a week of trope prompts?
March 14 - Enemies to lovers
March 15 - There was only one bed
March 16 - Fake Dating
March 17 - Coffee shop AU
March 18 - Mutual Pining 
March 19 - Hurt / Comfort  
Also! On March 19, we will be accepting asks about the show so people can send in questions or thoughts that they are having! We will mark spoilers but be aware that there will be open discussion about The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. 
March 20 - Didn’t know they were dating
WEEK FOUR and some (March 21-31) RANDOM PROMPTS
(Create fics or edits for the following days! Or send in a prompt that goes with the theme day and we’ll share it with our writers!) 
March 21 - What if Steve came back after returning the stones and still gave Sam the shield? Create something that shows what could have happened.
March 22 - Sharon Carter Day!
March 23 - All Caps - What if Steve, Bucky, and Sam teamed up together?
March 24 - Baron Zemo Day! 
March 25 - U.S. Agent Day!
March 27 -  What character are you hoping to see on Falcon and the Winter Soldier? 
March 28 - Write a scene you would love to see on the show!
March 29 - Plot Twist! Bucky Barnes becomes Captain America!
March 30 - Bucky and Sam retired - what would that look like?
March 31 - End Credits: How would you want it to end?
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
These Hands Are For You
Paring: Bucky x Fem Reader (parents to be)
Prompt: Raking Leaves
Summary: The raking of leaves, muffins, and baby kicks on a fall afternoon. A very warm and fuzzy domestic piece filled with lots of love.
Word Count: 1.2 k
A/N: Written for the HBC's Festive Fall (@the-ss-horniest-book-club) because I happened to come across their page. This is a little late, but I still wanted to write a something inspired by a prompt of theirs. I love fall... 🥺
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The afternoon air was crisp, and filled with distant sounds of laughter and the tinkering bicycle bells. Though the sun shone overhead, its warmth failed to hold the same intensity of a summer’s day. As you walked out further onto the wooden porch, your arms were crossed over your chest to keep your cardigan secured around your body upon leaving the toasty comfort of the house. Your lips curled into a smile at the sight of Bucky moving across the yard, raking a final spread of leaves into a neat pile. Unlike before, the green tendrils of grass were visible as they reached for the sky. Which meant that you’d be able to see dew droplets in the mornings again.
For a moment, he paused to roll his shoulders backwards. Due to him facing another way, he still hadn’t noticed you admiring him. Clinging to his body was the green flannel you bought him as soon as hints of fall had begun showing themselves. As classic as a staple it was, it had been quite some time since you’d seen him in one. The dark wash jeans he’d paired it with almost looked black, and were cuffed at his brown boots—a handsome look. Especially considering that his chestnut hair had reached the point just past his ears. He’d brought up the idea of cutting it a month prior, but all it took was running your fingers through it and whispering please don’t against his lips for him to forget he ever uttered such words.
When you started heading down the porch steps, one hand supporting the underside of your belly, his eyes finally met yours with a sparkle of interest. As you made your way to him, the quiet crunch of the plush grass sounded from beneath your slipper-clad feet.
The first words he spoke drew a sweet laugh out of you, "Aren’t you supposed to be resting?” He leaned onto the rake and took you in. “Doctor’s orders.”
“Listen,” you ran an instinctive hand over the curve of your stomach. “I don't doubt your intelligence, but you��re not a doctor. ”
Bucky chuckled and gave your forehead a quick kiss. “Maybe not. But I was the one who massaged those aching muscles of yours last night when you were whimpering like a puppy about them. And what did we conclude, hmm? That you’d overworked yourself.”
His blue eyes caught the light of the sun as you fought a guilty smile. “I wasn’t whimpering.” He gave you a look, and a harmless smirk pulled at his lips. “Okay, maybe I was a little. But only because I was tired and really wanted you to,” you said. “I promise I’m all rested now. And baby boy is happy too. He’s been moving around a whole bunch.”
“Yeah?” Bucky’s eyes drifted to your stomach.
A boy whirring by on a bike made your attention divert from Bucky for a split second. One day, the two of you would be teaching your son how to ride one on the same streets. The streets that were worn slightly from travel and lined with beautiful Sycamores. It had been the neighborhood that stole your hearts right alongside the white farmhouse-style house you were blessed to call yours. Upon turning back to Bucky, he wore a knowing expression that made gratefulness and anticipation stir within you all the more. You took a step closer and wrapped an arm around his waist to give him a gentle squeeze. Life with him became both real and more like a dream with each passing day.
Then you remembered the reason you’d come out to him in the first place.
“I have a surprise for you when you come inside.” You looked up at him.
“You do?”
“Mhmm. You’re gonna like it.”
He flashed you the same easy smile that you fell in love with. “Lucky me. I’m looking forward to it.”
When he sauntered into the house half an hour later, he sought you out before taking his boots off. They clunked against the hardwood as he entered the living room, and approached where you sat on the couch. You looked up from your phone, and tilted your head back to meet his lips when he leaned down for a tender kiss that made you relax with a sigh. His flannel carried the scent of the fresh outdoor air. In your senses, it mingled with the spicy-sweet aroma that lingered in the house.
He pulled away just enough to murmur, “Smells good in here.”
“I know.” You pecked his lips. “What does it smell like?”
He straightened up and his eyebrows furrowed a bit. Then he turned towards the kitchen and saw that there was a plastic container filled with muffins sitting on the counter. “Wait… are those pumpkin chocolate chip? Is that my surprise?”
“They are. I thought it’d be a nice treat. Consider it a little thank you for being an amazing husband.”
He smiled with a shake of his head. “It’s all you. You make it worthwhile,” he said. “I think I’m gonna go grab one right now.”
“After you take off your boots.”
He looked down at his feet. “Right,” he chuckled. “Forgot.”
You sat at the kitchen island, watching, as Bucky took his first bite. There was a loving smile on your face. He held his free hand beneath his chin in case any crumbs happened to fall. You admired the clench of his stubbled jaw as he chewed, and felt satisfied flutters in your chest when a hum rose up his throat. It reminded you of the reason why you adored doing things for him: his reactions. They always conveyed his sentiment in such a genuine and humble way. Bucky was a man who did so much for you and others that you didn’t mind the prospect of spending the rest of your life telling him I love you, I appreciate you, I see you, in a million different ways.
“So good, babydoll,” he said after swallowing. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” A small foot pressed against your lower stomach and you caressed the spot. Bucky took a couple more bites before you announced, “He’s kicking some more.”
“Is he?”
Upon seeing you nod, he fed the last piece of his muffin to you before going to wipe his hands with a napkin. Afterwards, he spun you in the stool to face him better. You guided his real hand underneath the tank top you’d layered the cardigan over. His palm was warmth against your skin. Sure enough, the baby kicked in the same spot. You wanted to hold onto the huff of laughter he released forever. More little kicks were delivered.
“I think he likes his daddy’s hands,” you said. “Which makes sense. I quite like them too.” You kissed Bucky’s chin.
The smile that spread across his face caused crinkles to form beside his eyes. “Well, you should. They’re always gonna protect you two and be there whenever you need ‘em.”
In that moment, it only seemed right to accept the overflow of your heart and allow your lips to join with his.
Thank you so much for reading!
More fluffy Bucky fics here.
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jewels2876 · 3 years
One more before I turn in for the night - I just watched the movie (feel free to @ me - I can take it!) and this is for @the-marvel-horniest-book-club​
Pairing: Eddie Brock/Venom x reader (it’s tamer than it sounds)
Warnings: Phone sex - 18+ ONLY - if you click on the Keep Reading link you agree you’re over the age of 18
Word count: 161
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The hiss of silk sounded over the phone; he gripped his phone a little tighter as he imagined you bare before him. “Why did we agree to do this again?”
You hummed. “Because someone wouldn’t agree to behave, remember?”
His grip loosened only slightly. “We didn’t agree; damn.”
“But we wanted to see her!” Venom whined. “You always want to see her. I want to see her.”
You chuckled low into the phone. “Are you naked?”
Eddie looked down at his sad grey boxers and muttered as he stripped them off.
“NOW we are,” Venom hissed. “Now what?”
“Now I’m going to tell you all the naughty things I want you to do,” you cooed. “Or is that going to be too hard?”
“We’re hard.”
Eddie groaned and mentally shoved Venom aside. “This is gonna get weird. Are you sure you want to do this?”
“I can handle weird,” you answered. “Now you and I are both naked… where to start?”
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tuiccim · 3 years
Mile High
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x Female Reader
Word Count: 733
HBC Kinktober Day 4: Public Sex @the-marvel-horniest-book-club
Request: Mile high with Sam @buckysnumberonegirl
NSFW 18+ only. Minors DNI. Not beta read. Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Sam glances at Bucky and Joaquin swapping stories as he heads to the back of the plane to check on you. You’re wrapping a bandage around your forearm as he approaches and you smile.
“How’s the arm?” Sam asks. 
“It’s just a flesh wound, Wilson,” you wink as Sam takes a step closer to you. “Thanks for the lift. I was getting a little tired of the scene.”
“I think you mean rescue,” Sam smirks. 
“You say tomato, I say ta-mah-to,” you give him a sardonic smile. 
“Come on, admit it. You were happy to see me swooping in.”
“Fine. I was happy,” you raise an eyebrow at the cocky grin he gives and decide to knock him off guard. “You might even say it was pretty hot,” you say as you pluck at his shirt, encouraging him closer to you. 
“Might say?” Sam leans into you. 
“If you’re into that kind of thing, WIlson,” you tease, looking down. 
He puts a finger under your chin to bring your gaze back to his, “Sam.”
“So, are you into that kind of thing?” Sam brings his mouth to within inches of yours. 
“Very,” you pull him against you and his lips find yours. His kiss is firm and you arch into him. When his hands slide around your waist to pull you closer, you feel heat pool between your legs. You wrap your arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss. His hand lowers to the top curve of your ass and pauses. You pull back form the kiss, “So, Wilson-”
“Sam,” he reminds you with a raised eyebrow. 
“Sam,” you say in a sultry tone as you arch against him, “ever join the mile high club?”
He smirks immediately, “Never had the opportunity.”
“Wanna?” you grin. 
“You aren’t worried about being caught?”
You lean around Sam and the small wall that blocks your view of Bucky and Joaquin on the opposite side of the plane. They’re involved in conversation and oblivious to the two of you. 
“Nope. What do you say, handsome? Up for a little more action today?”
“Yeah, I am,” Sam says as he flips you around and presses you into the wall. His mouth is on your neck as he works your pants down. When his hand slides between your legs, your breath hitches. You reach behind you and pull him more firmly against you. Your teeth dig into your bottom lip as you hold back your moans while Sam’s large hands rub over your folds and then his fingers circle your clit. You’re writhing against him, soaking his fingers, and rubbing your ass against his obvious erection, silently begging him to fuck you. You nearly sigh in relief when you hear his zipper and feel his flesh rub against yours. 
“Sam,” you whine quietly as he teases his cock along your slit. 
“Say it again,” he whispers against your ear. 
“Sam, Sam, please.”
His first thrust into you nearly takes your breath away. Your body flexes you onto your tippy toes. Sam’s body covers you as he holds you firmly against him and moves his hips in quick thrusts. Your teeth again abuse your bottom lip as you hold in your moans of pleasure. He pulls your lip free and turns your head to meet his kiss, his hips never stopping. 
“Fuck, you feel good,” Sam growls lowly making you clench around him. He grabs your hands and holds them to the wall above your head as he pulls your ass more firmly against him. His hand snakes around to play against your clit. You are desperate to keep quiet and are grateful for the sounds of the plane covering the slap of your skins as Sam picks up the pace on his thrusts. Your mouth is open wide in a silent scream as you reach a trembling orgasm and soak Sam’s cock in your slick. His low grunt and stuttering hips signal his end and you pant together as you both catch your breath. 
As he pulls your pants back into place, he whispers in your ear, “When we land, I’m finding a bed, throwing you on it, and taking my time with you. Taste every inch of you, baby girl.”
You turn around and smile at him as you zip his pants up, “I’m gonna hold you to that, handsome.”
“Clear your schedule,” Sam winks.
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Tuiccim’s Masterlist
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Your Protector
Summary: You're a shy person but the best at your job on Stark's tech team. A certain soldier joins the team and you stick close to him.
Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x Shy!reader
Warnings: None, fluff :)
Words: 1,392
A/N: written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club ♥️ hope you all enjoy it :) I really didn’t intend on writing so much but this really got away from me. 
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You don't really know why you were so smitten with the newest member of the team. There was just something about the quiet man that lured you in. His beefy figure making you feel nothing but safe in his presence. If he wasn't in the room, you would find yourself searching for him and feeling calmer.
You would often watch him sitting on the couch reading a book. His hair would be tied back in a low bun and you were pretty sure he slept, showered and lived in that red Henley of his.
It was so unlike you since you're the shyest member of the tech team. But you're also very anxious and it doesn't take much to scare you. Even a simple thing can make you tremble for hours. You do your job very well and the team of superheroes absolutely adore you. You were more comfortable being open and talkative with Natasha more than the boys. And if Bucky was near, your throat would close up.
Your anxiety and shyness meant you are yet to say a word to Bucky. The things you've learnt about him, such as how he likes his coffee, or what food he likes to eat, you've learnt from conversations from other members.
You've also learnt what movies he enjoys watching. What flavor popcorn he likes the best. The team has also noticed you like to be near Bucky at all times. So it didn't come as a surprise when you asked Natasha if she could talk to Tony about moving rooms so you were closer to Bucky. Which he of course did.
And none of this escaped Bucky's attention. He's also become aware of your quiet presence around him. Sitting next to him during movie nights, at the dinner table, everywhere he was, you would be too. And Steve couldn't keep the shit eating grin off his face when he told him that you had asked to move rooms.
It didn't annoy Bucky at all. He was actually flattered but he failed to understand why. Why did you want to be around him so much? He knew from his observations you were very shy and timid. Was it because he was also quiet? He didn't know.
"Pal, I'm telling you. Watch Y/N sit next to you tonight during movie night." Steve said with a chuckle and a pat on his back. Bucky shook his head, he must be thinking too much into this.
So the members decided to test something, to prove their theory.
Natasha sat next to Bucky on the smaller couch. Tony, Pepper and Sam sat on the larger one opposite. Steve, Clint, Wanda and Vision took the reclining chairs. Which meant there was just the soft large memory foam bean bag to sit on, a seat Sam usually occupied.
Everyone was in their comfy position with their popcorn and snacks. A few minutes later you arrived with your bag of chips to share.
You looked around the room and noticed all the seats were occupied. Especially your favorite seat next to Bucky. Your face dropped and tried not to think too much into it. But thanks to your anxiety, you were wondering if Bucky had specifically asked Natasha to sit there so you couldn't.
Your anxiety was building up and you started to bite on your nail. You stood there, not knowing what to do. Steve's eyes landed on your uncomfortable form and he was worried this was a bad idea. You were trembling and your eyes were glossy.
"Hey Y/N. Come and sit down." Steve motioned to the bean bag. You didn't like the attention, you felt everyone burning holes in your face. But nevertheless, your feet moved on their own accord. You were still biting your nail and you looked down at Natasha and she smiled up at you.
"Hey sweetie." She mouthed and you relaxed slightly. Your eyes flickered over to Bucky and noticed he was staring at the TV, you assumed he wasn't paying any attention but he was. He was waiting to see what you were going to do.
"Can I... Can I sit here please?" You whispered. Your face turning a new shade of red as you felt incredibly uncomfortable in the spotlight all of a sudden.
Natasha gave a knowing smirk and nodded her head. She sat down on the bean bag and sighed, sharing a look with Steve as you took a seat quite close to Bucky.
"Guys! I totally forgot. Should we go and get some pizza to bring back?" Tony suggested as he pointed to the others except you and Bucky.
He needed 8 Avengers to go and get some pizza?
"Great idea. We'll be back in 20!" Sam spoke up.
"Oh and kids. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. It's a new couch." Tony warned and your face heated up at the suggestion. You could barely talk to the man next to you, let alone anything sexy.
When the others left. You and Bucky were sitting in silence. It felt awkward and you didn't know what to do.
You were about to get up and leave when he finally spoke.
"Why are you always near me?"
You blushed and stumbled over your own words. You bit on your nail again and your eyes darted around the room.
"I mean... Why ME exactly?" He pressed. Turning his body so he could face you directly. He noticed your anxiety was going crazy and he felt bad for not wording it lighter.
"I uh... I...uhh..." You were close to crying. You weren't good at forming words and your heart beating itself out of your chest wasn't helping the situation.
"Hey. Calm down, it's alright. I'm not mad okay? It's just me. I'm just curious s'all." His flesh fingers pulled your finger away from your mouth and he noticed the bit of blood pooling on the corner of your nail where you had bitten it so badly. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and offered a soft smile. It unfortunately did nothing to calm your nerves though.
“I just feel...safe...with...you.” You blushed and kept your gaze in your lap. Your voice was so quiet that you weren’t sure he heard you. 
But he heard you perfectly. Bucky was taken aback by your confession. You felt safe with him? How was that even possible? Had you not heard about the carnage he was responsible for during his Winter Soldier days? The pain he caused hundreds of families when he was sent to assassinate a target? How could you feel safe next to someone like that?
“I.. know it’s weird... I’m weird... I’m sorry.” You whispered and went to stand up. His large hand wrapped around your smaller wrist to keep you next to him. His brows were furrowed as he tried to make sense from all of this. 
“You feel safe with me?” He asked. He needed to be sure you didn’t use the wrong words. But by his furrowed eyebrows and straight lips. You were worried you went too far. 
“I do.” 
“But why?” He asked almost immediately. You licked your lips and gathered your thoughts. 
“You’re a big strong man. Quiet, don’t... let harm...come to others.” You were having a hard time finding your quiet voice. “I just feel safe near you.” You offered him a sweet smile, which eventually he returned. 
Bucky pulled you into a tight hug and your nose brushed against the stubble that was growing on his throat area. His cologne was strong, but gorgeous. Your hands fisted his henley as he held you. Bucky would never know what made him transition. He had so many questions, but there was just something about you that made him want to protect you at all times. For now, those questions didn’t matter. You were innocent, timid and shy and if you felt safe with him, then he was going to make sure he wrapped you up in bubble wrap to protect you from the evilness of the world. 
“I’ll always protect you, doll.” You grinned into his chest at the pet name and you were thankful he couldn’t see the new blush on your cheeks. 
He would be your protector. And there was absolutely nothing you could do in the world now, to make him stop protecting you. 
My teensy-weensy taglist: @jobean12-blog​ @nano--raptor​ @finleyjayne​ @marvelgirl7​
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itsjustmelainey · 3 years
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Updated: 28th June 2021
I do not give permission for anyone to steal or repost my work on any other site. I do not have a wattpad/Ao3 account. This is my only writing blog.
* indicates smut.
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I’ll Get By on My Own
Bucky’s Bubble Bath
Thunderstorms and Blankets
Hugs, Hugs, and Away
One Step In
Kisses For You
Private Kisses
Grumpy Grandpa
Drabbles & Oneshots
Cozy Nights
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Before You Go
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Nurse, I Need Help!
Summer Love
Just For Tonight But Maybe Forever
Perfect Doll
Early Morning Risers *
Here To Help
Love on The Line *
Nice Wood
Not Alone
Music To My Ears (Colin Shea)
Concrete Jungle (Nick Vaughan)
Let The Gaming Begin (Jake Jensen)
The Marvel HBC:
New Pillow
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Baker Street
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Coming soon!
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that-little-zebunny · 3 years
HBC Wicked Wednesday: Lilies & Roses
For @the-th-horniest-book-club 💚 wah finally can hop in and participate to this lovely weekly event 😍
I took the plot Love at first sight. (At least for one of them.) for this one.
Pairing: Loki x fem!Reader
WC: 1900
Warning: rough treatment on a child,? (Just a tad bit i dunno how to properly word it sorry 😅), fluff, loki and flowers coz thats a deadly combo,
*Its been a while. I had been trying to get back to writing after a looooong time of not being able too. T.T I hope you'll like this one. I know its a bit rusty but pls do enjoy. 🥰*
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Loki got tired of all the plotting and fighting that he’s been doing for millennia so he decided to lay low to everyone’s last place to expect him, in Midgard. He had been very fascinated with the only beautiful thing in the wretched place, the flowers, so he decided to open a flower shop in a small town where he made sure that no one knew of him.
He’s been there for almost a year now and things are doing well. He’s minding his own business which he likes the most, in the morning he tends to his field and in the afternoon he’s in his shop arranging beautiful bouquets.
One afternoon things are as they are since he’s been there until the bell on his glass door rang indicating a customer entering. Raising his head from what he’s doing on his working table to try and welcome whoever it was but he didn’t see anyone. His eyes narrowed as he looked around the empty shop shaking his head he returned to the task at hand. He’s about to insert the final piece of flower on the bouquet he’s working on when a small voice suddenly flooded the quiet shop.
“I know that! It's Carmation! It means sweet because it’s white.” A cheery slightly high-pitched voice said. It startled Loki that he froze on the spot eyes wide. How did he not know the kid is here? It’s rare that people can sneak on him. Shaking his surprise away he looked down at the small Midgardian raising his eyebrow.
“How smart of you to know that.” He told her, he roamed his eyes again around the shop and pointed at the stocks of Iris. “Then what do those mean?” he asked. The little girl put her hands behind her bouncing at the ball of her feet as she stared sharply at Loki making him a bit nervous. She looked at where he pointed then looked back at him pouting her lips in a...he might not want to admit it, a very adorable way.
“The purpurl ones?” She asked, raising both eyebrows.
“Indeed.” He said.
Nodding her head as if she agrees with something that she only knows what.
“They awr Iris. they mean respect and wisdom and uhm...for the pwince and pwincesses.” she said proudly smiling wide at him showing a vacant front tooth that he found cute. He magically made an iris appear on his hand that he had hidden behind him and offered it to the kid.
“Here, for a very smart princess that I now respect. What is your name child?” HE asked, putting the flower on her left ear. She smiled widely at him.
“My name is Lily. Like those”, she pointed at a bunch of white lilies. she giggled when she saw his face light up on her flower-related name.
“A very beautiful name, Indeed” he said to her.
Surprisingly he enjoyed talking to the child even if she had a hard time pronouncing some words, she is very talkative and does know a lot about flowers.
Half a minute into their conversation a very frantic man came rushing into his shop walking straight to Lily, grabbing her thin arm roughly, speaking loudly, curses, and other harsh words that even as someone that wanted to break this world before knows it should not be spoken in front of a child. He walked out from behind his counter to confront the man.
He grabbed the man’s arm to steady it from shaking the poor kid making it look up at him. He saw how his presence made the man unsure of how to react next. He stared down at him.
“If you know what's best for you, you'll unhand the poor child now.” He said through gritted teeth. The man swallowed a lump on his throat, slowly letting go of Lily. He walked infront of her shielding her from harm.
"That's my kid!" The man shouted, pointing at Lily who's holding tightly on Loki's pants. "S-so will you mind your own business? That kid roamed around when she knows she's definitely not supposed to." He continued.
"Is that true?" Loki asked softly. Lily slowly nodded her head as she whispered a faint appology.
He sighed and look back up again to her Dad. "Then may I ask how you're able to loose your child for almost half an hour and just noticing now? Even my father would not be that careless even with the flaws that he had." He said smirking as he saw the man's face turns pale.
"H-how did-" the man wasn't able to finish talking when another figure came rushing in his shop, running and almost stumbling trying to get near Lily. The child for the first time since people started invadin his sacred space lets go of his pants to run to the woman that came in sobbing loudly. The smell of freshly bloomed flowers surrounded him making his brain hazy as if it's caressing the deepest longing he had in his being. His eyes landed to the weeping mess on his floor, hugging the child tightly. A soft smile appeared in his lips as he saw Lily pats the womans head whispering assurance. What a unique sight *but what a sight indeed* he told himself as he stared at you. Something in him is being pulled and he's not sure why but his heart felt like it's finally beating the way that it should be. *Oh Norns* he thought again.
You're a sobbing mess and you know it. Nothing is scarier for a mother than the news that her child is missing. So after dismissing your botanical 101 class early, you run as fast as you could to your car and drove to the park near your home where your ex-husband said he'll be *quote **bonding** unquote* with his daughter but you know its only for show as it's almost election day and he needs to save face to the townsfolk. God, you wished you didn't agree but the thought of giving Lily a chance to be with her Dad can help give her a little normality in her life but this just prove it wrong.
"Are you sure you're okay sweetheart?" You asked her again, roaming your eyes from her head to her shoe.
"I am Mommy. Mr. Loki here was very nice to me." She said pointing at the tall man beside the both of you. Oh goodness, you didn't even noticed him there and he's huge. Wiping the tears on your face you stood up to face him.
Having the chance to properly see him you couldn't help but admire how beautiful he looks and surrounded by all these flowers makes him ethereal.
"I'm so sorry for all the mess and thank you for keeping Lily safe in here." You told him. "Luckily we didn't have to look long or I might just loose it." You said with gritted teeth as you look at your ex who's standing at the corner like an idiot.
"Not long hmm..." The man, Loki was it. What a unique name.
"We should go." Patrick said his voice shaking a little. "Your kid had caused enough trouble as it is." The man said and tried to reach out to both you and Lily but Loki blocked him before he got the chance.
"Who caused trouble again?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Tell me what you told me earlier Lily." Loki said looking down at your daughter who only swallowed as she looks at her dad. You frowned at them.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"How long were you looking again?" Loki smirked as he challengely stare at Patrick but you know the question is for you.
"Ten to fifteen minutes give or take?" You answered unsure of what's going on. You are looking at Patrick to Loki back and fort. Your hands softly pulled Lily to your side and you felt her small arts embraced your waist.
"We'll, this bright young girl here had been woth me for almost half an hour. What kind of father let their child roam around unattended for that long?" Loki's voice started to sound angry as he stared at Patrick. Hands closing into a fist as he felt anger rise up his mind but he wasn't able to continue expressing that as all the flowers on the shop started dying. From beautiful colors to a decaying brown. You heard Patrick gasp as he look at you, eyes pleading.
"Norns, what's going on?" Loki said but he sounded far away from your ears. All you can focus on was Patrick. The man had let your daughter on her own for that long and had the gull to lie about it? Gritting your teeth as angry consumes you.
"Mommy doesn't like being angry." Lily said as she runs to her father's side holding his hand and air started to return on his body. "Can you pls make mommy not angry?" She asked, eyes full of maturity as she assess the situation and Loki understand what's going on.
They're mutants, of course. This mother and daughter duo gives and takes life. Acting as fast as he could he turned you toward him hands touching both of your wrist and used his seidr to fill your mind with his and Lily's conversation from earlier. How she laughed at him from being serious and how she named all the flowers she can see and how she told him how much she loves her mommy and that you're be best of all mommies in the universe.
Lily let go of her Dad's hands and he's been breathing on his own and didn't take a second before he's running out of the shop. Serves him right Loki thought before returning his focus to you. You're stating at him as if in daze.
"T-thank you." You whispered and he smiled gently at you. Oh how he wants to keep you in his hold and protects you.
"It is nothing." He answered as his eyes felt like they're trapped in yours. He can see the uncertainty, the guilt and the longing in them and he wanted nothing else but to ease your heart and mind. How in the norns could such beauty cause such grift, and knowing hot that ends all he wants is to be there to assure you it'll be alright.
"Mommy and Loki, staring like trees K-I-S-S-I-" Lily's gigly high pitched voice broke your both on your trance, your face heating up at what she's singing.
"LILY ROSE Y/L/N!!!" You gasped, wided eyed as your daughter just giggled and run around the shop touching flowers after flowers and they all returned to how they are, fresh and colorful. "I am so sorry for everything." You told Loki and he only smiled at you.
"Would you like to stay for tea?" He asked, his hans went up to wipe a stray tear on your cheek and you couldn't help but lean on his touch making him smile wider.
"Yes please!" Lily answered for you making you blinked rapidly.
"Uhm..y-yeah. we'd love that." You answered and how thankful you're for that day as life became very colorful and full of love for you and your daughter thanks to Loki.
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Thank you so much for reading!!! Likes, Reblogs and comments are well appreciated. Its been a while I'm so happy to be back 😭😭😭
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buckypascal · 3 years
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Chris Evans Birthday Celebration
↳ Day 8: Free for all
➠ Fallon/Kimmel Interviews
Happy 40th Birthday Christopher Robert Evans
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Pitching a Tent
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,568
Summary: You and the team go on a camping trip together and you get stuck sharing a tent with Bucky. 
Author’s Note: This is for @aesthetical-bucky 1k challenge and the continuation of the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club drunk drabbles and the super fun prompt sent in below. For the challenge I had the prompt- enemies to friends/lovers: camping trip and you’re forced to share a tent with (Bucky) and then the smutty prompt- “are you wearing underwear?” Congratulations my beautiful love! Thank you all for reading and much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warning: Fun teasing, flirting, fluffy fun, implied sexy times ;)
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The tent pole pops out of the fabric and nearly takes your eye out. Letting go a string of curses you flail around in a huff. “Having some trouble, doll?” Bucky taunts, standing over you with a smirk. With a frustrated groan you stand, poking him in the chest. “Are you offering to help or just enjoying my suffering.” He picks up one of the poles and bops you on the head, “nope, definitely not gonna help,” and walks off with a laugh.
You grit your teeth, ready to stab him with the pointy end but Clint’s boots block your way. “Hey kid, need some help.” Looking up you frown, but it quickly turns into a smile when he gives you his own goofy grin. “That would be great thanks! Bucky basically came over here to make fun of me then left.”
Clint’s grin only grew, his eyes twinkling with something you can’t quite place. “What?” you ask, watching as he starts picking up the pieces of the tent. “Nothing. You two are oblivious is all. Hand me that pole, please.” You hand it over with a raised brow, blowing out a raspberry before saying, “if by oblivious you mean he’s an asshole then yea.”
With a shake of his head Clint continues building the tent, doing it far more quickly and efficiently than you ever could. “Wow,” you say, standing back and looking over the perfectly balanced tent. “Thanks, Clint! At least someone was nice enough to help me!” You shout the last words in Bucky’s direction, his head swinging your way. “Well it’s a good thing. You would have never been able to do it yourself.”
Clint can no longer contain his laughter as it rings out over the campground. “Oh man, so funny,” he mutters as he walks away. You narrow your eyes at Bucky, sticking out your tongue. He waggles his eyebrows suggestively and does the same back, your face scrunching up in shock. “UGH!” you say, not noticing when Steve leans over in Clint’s ear, whispering something that makes them both grin deviously.
The rest of the day goes by peacefully and you enjoy the beautiful sights and sounds of the woods. You manage to avoid Bucky for most of it. After dinner you head down to the lake to cool off with a swim. Ridding yourself of your clothes you walk into the refreshing water wearing only your underwear and bra, sighing at how good it feels.
You’re so caught up in the relaxation of your surroundings that you don’t hear Bucky quietly enter the water. It isn’t until he has his hands at your sides, tickling you and effectively scaring the life out of you that you know anyone is there. You scream loud enough to draw over Nat and Clint, the two of them going from terrified to annoyed. “I’m gonna drown the both of you if you don’t cut this shit out!” Nat yells over the water then stomps off, Clint hot on her heels.
“Nat’s not gonna be able to drown you because I’m gonna do it first,” you shout, trying your best to push Bucky under the water. It’s no use of course as he laughs and easily holds you back. “Nice try doll, but you might want to work on your take down a bit.” With that he dunks you one more time and strides out of the lake. You seethe, watching as the water drips down over his neck and chest. You don’t know if you’re angrier at the fact that he managed to scare you or that you’re staring because he looks so damn delicious.
Darkness finally descends on the campground and you and the rest of the team are huddled around the campfire, roasting marshmallows while Tony complains. “You should have let me buy a camper. Then we could have done this and gone to bed in style.” Steve throws a marshmallow at his head, tsking as he says, “that defeats the purpose Tony!” You laugh while trying to unstick your fingers from the marshmallow on your smore, finally deciding to just lick it off. You feel someone staring and look up to see Bucky’s eyes on you. His jaw is clenched, and he looks almost angry, so you just chalk it up to him being his usual jerky self. Throwing him a smirk you lick your lips.
It’s after midnight when everyone finally shuffles off to their tents. Nat and Clint, Tony and Pepper, Steve and Sam and then you and Bucky are left glaring at each other. “Oh, hell no, Barnes, you can sleep outside,” you say, going into the only empty tent left and starting to zip it closed. He barges through, “no way y/n. Looks like you’re stuck with me.”
You look down at the sleeping bag and although it’s giant there is only one. “Then you have to sleep outside the sleeping bag!” You stomp your foot with authority, and he laughs. “We’ll see about that.” Huffing and puffing you get yourself ready for bed, all the while very aware of Bucky’s closeness.
Once you’re under the cover and comfortable you sneak a glance his way just as he’s taking off his shirt. He starts to take off his pants and you screech, “what are you doing Barnes?” Giving you a cocky smile, he replies, “what does it look like, baby, getting ready for bed.” His pants are off in a second and he’s now standing in his boxer briefs.
You swallow hard and try to look away but can’t seem to bring yourself to. He lays down next to you, above the covers as promised and grabs his book. “Sleep tight, doll.” You mumble goodnight and turn over with a sigh. You’re not sure how much time passes before you start shivering but you can’t seem to stop.
“Are you cold, y/n?” You were hoping he was asleep already. “No, I’m fine,” you lie, curling into yourself. The next thing you know he’s getting into the sleeping bag and pulling you into his chest. At first you protest, pushing away from him with a grunt. “No thanks, Buck.” He doesn’t listen, tightening his hold on you and whispering into your neck, “don’t fight me, doll. You can’t freeze all night. Your feet are like ice.”
Giving in you go limp in his arms, finding it hard to fall asleep now that his warm body is so close to yours. You wiggle around to get comfortable and you hear his breath hitch, the low rumble of a growl vibrating through his chest. Ignoring him you cuddle closer, the feel of his hardness against your ass making you stifle a moan. You finally relax, the comfort of his strong body lulling you into a peaceful sleep.
When you wake up the next morning, Bucky’s arms are still curled around you and your legs are tangled together. “Morning baby,” he murmurs, stretching his arms. You do the same, your oversized shirt riding up above your bum. Bucky immediately stills, his thigh brushing against your bare skin. “Are you wearing underwear?”
His question is barely audible over your heavy breathing, the air thick with tension as he runs his metal arm up your thigh. “Um. They were still wet last night after my swim in the lake, so I didn’t wear any to bed.” He rolls you over, caging you under him and between his arms. “Are you telling me you’ve been without underwear this whole time?”
You shake your head yes, unable to speak now that his thigh is nudging between your legs. “Fuck,” he growls before leaning down to kiss you. The very moment your lips brush to his you hear the zipper of your tent. Bucky jumps off you and throws the cover over your bodies. “Morning you two!” You hear Sam’s chipper voice before you see him poke his head into the tent. “Hurry and get up, Tony’s hungry and is already starting to yell about taking everyone out to eat. We have to get breakfast ready and we need all hands-on deck.”
He smiles, waiting for your reply. “Yea, yea, we’re coming Sam, get out!” Bucky throws a sock at his face which works better than expected as Sam wrinkles his nose in disgust and quickly leaves. “Fucking hell, he has the worst timing.” You giggle then blurt out, “but I thought you couldn’t stand me.” Bucky quickly moves back to you, taking you into his arms.
“Quite the opposite doll. I really like you a lot. It’s just easier for me to be a pain in your ass than actually tell you. I didn’t think you could ever feel the same way.” You straddle his waist, winding your arms around his neck. “Well, you’re wrong. I do like you. A lot.” His thumb brushes against your cheek and he leans in for another kiss only to be interrupted once again by Sam yelling outside your tent.
“Don’t make me come in there again! Hurry your asses up.” Bucky rests his forehead to yours and sighs, “I guess we have to go help with breakfast.” You tuck some hair behind his ear. “Yea, I guess,” you reply with a light laugh, then perk up, asking, “hey, so what are you doing later?” His grip on your waist tightens and he gives you a heated look. “You.”
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @bugsbucky @emilylyoness @eurynome827 @imgaril-lindru @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @kaosera @loricameback @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @mushyjellybeans @marvelgirl7 @marvelandotherfandomimagines @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @scarletsoldierrr @sallycanwait68 @the-wayward-robot​ @softpeachbarnes​ @yansi1923​ @hiddles-rose​ @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​
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buckysnumberonegirl · 4 years
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The Jacket
Written for an anon sent to @the-ss-horniest-book-club
Football player Bucky x Cheerleader! Reader
Warnings: Smut smut smut 18+ minors keep out
Written on mobile so any Mistakes are my own.
The car pulled into the parking lot of your small apartment building. Bucky groaned as the two of you got out and walked up stairs, feeling every mussel in his body. He was the star quarterback of your college football team and you were his personal cheerleader, as well as Captain of the actual cheer team.
You had both been out for an away game meaning one week of separate rooms.
Bucky, in all his rough exterior and two hundred twenty-five pounds of pure attractive was a big softie inside and a romantic. You on the other hand, were also romantic, but sometimes, especially during the times that you went that long without Bucky, you just had wants that needed to be given to you.
Bucky showered first before heading into the kitchen to make something up for dinner.
The water was still warm when you got in washing yourself of the hotel you had been in. Even though you shared a room with Wanda and Nat you would have preferred your boyfriend.
Just as quick as you entered the shower you got out, stripped of your cheer uniform and undergarments. That’s when you spied Bucky's letterman jacket. Something deep inside of you told you to put it on, so you did, grinning at yourself. Wearing nothing but his jacket you left the bathroom.
“Y/n, the foods ready!” Bucky called out, as he placed the pot of Mac and cheese off the hot burner. You quickly made your way from the bedroom to the kitchen.
Bucky reached up to grab some bowls when he heard the soft creeks of the floor indicating that you were working your way to him. His theory was proven right when he felt your arms wrapped around him from behind you, soft kisses graced his shoulders. He turned around in your arms only to freeze in place as he noticed your attire.
“Hi,” you smiled as you looked up at him. His arms made their way to wrap around your body and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Hi,” he breathed out, finally, properly, capturing your lips with his. One hand made its way to your waist and the other cupped your face. Your fingers hooked onto the loops of his jeans and pulled him closer. A soft growl came from the back of his throat, his lips pressed harder into yours.
“Up,” he murmured in this kiss, his hands were now on your waist. You jumped up and, in a flash, his hands held you up as he made his way to the couch. He sat himself down so that you were straddling his lap. You held his face in your hands and his were slipping into the jacket, touching the small amount of skin that was covered.
Your tongue swiped across his bottom lip and on command, his mouth opened for you. Your tongues battled for dominance as they explored each other’s mouths. A soft moan escaped you when Bucky’s tongue retreated, and he pulled back, your bottom lip between his teeth. Your hands flew to his shirt and tugged on the hem. Bucky, being Bucky of course, pulled the red flannel shirt not from the bottom hem, but from the back, by his shoulders. He pulled up and flashed you a knowing grin.
You pressed yourself closer to his thighs and you tried to relieve that pressure and heat building up. Bucky’s eyes roamed over your entire body when your hands rubbed all over his chest and abs. When his face met yours, his eyes no longer held a gentleness; they were glazed with lust, hunger, and desire.
“That’s my jacket Doll” his eyes roamed you as his hands roamed down, fingers dipped into your wet folds and his nose ran against the length of your neck. You sighed in pleasure as his fingers met your clit rubbing small circles.
‘Looks better on me I think’ you gasped as he pushed a finger into you hitting your core.
“I won’t argue with that ” he murmured just as he began to suck on your pulse. You gasped and tilted your head back, a moan echoing through the open space. His fingers brushed against you and another moan left your throat. You quickly grabbed his wrist before his fingers could dip into you.
‘Bedroom, please Bucky’ you managed to get the words out, a growl left his throat he picked you up mouth not leaving your neck as he carried you to your bed.
Just as he laid you down, Bucky’s phone rang. You looked up at him with a questioning look. He grabbed his phone from the endtable. “Steve,” he answered, tossing the phone back onto couch. You smiled up at him, then looked at his hardening erection.
“Steve makes you hard?”
“Y/n!” Bucky barks at you, a giggle erupted from you as you reached down and pumped his length.
“I’m just teasing, baby,” you giggled, pressing a kiss to his neck as he pinned your hands above your head. You looked gorgeous as the jacket fell to your sides still covering your arms. Bucky thought to himself that he never wanted to see you in anything else.
Bucky intakes a sharp breath, reaching down with one hand he lines himself up with your entrance, his head sliding across your clit a few times sending electric pulses through you.
Just as he began to push in, Bucky’s hand ran through your hair and his phone rang again. He starts his thrusts, slow at first allowing you to get use to his size. Bucky’s breaths become shallower and louder as he quickens his pace, but not loud enough to ignore the sudden voice coming from the couch.
“Bucky, would you stop ignoring the damn phone,” Steve barked. Bucky’s eyes widened, and he reached over to pick up his phone press it into his ear. That didn’t stop him, continuing to thrust into you his hand over your mouth to suppress the moans escaping your lips
“Steve, I’m a little busy right now.” Bucky clenched his eyes closed and swallowed; he wasn’t sure whether he should have been focusing on you or focusing on Steve. As Steve continued to ramble on, Bucky’s breathing became shallow again.
You felt a heat in your core as the coil built itself up. A quiet groan filled your ears. You looked up and saw Bucky’s eyes clenched, he was close to release, his pace once again pickup up speed
You wrapped your legs around him bringing him deeper into you, as you wiggled free one of your hands bringing it down to stimulate your clit. Bucky’s groan met your ears again. “Steve, listen, I don’t know what Coach Fury wants from me right now, but I’m kind…busy,” he gasps out feeling you clench around him.
“Steve, tell Coach I’ll call him – Coach Fury? Can you wait for me to call you later?”
Bucky stared down at you as you moved his hand from your mouth to speak, “Cum with me daddy” so softly.
“Coach Fury, I just got here. I haven't even unpacked,” Bucky hurriedly replied, groaning as your hand reached up pulling his hair ever so slightly.
“Coach Fury, I’m in the middle of something at the moment. Can I just call you back as soon as I get a chance?” Bucky whined. “Coach Fury, you know what, I’ll see you –“ his own gasp interrupted him because you snapped your hips up to match his pace, all the way. He accidentally released a needy groan and spoke into the phone that was resonating with laughter. “See you tonight.”
Bucky threw the phone back into the bed and finally gripped your hair. He thrust himself into you, hard and deep. Moans fell freely from your mouth as you called his name. Coming undone within seconds. You felt him release shooting into you as he quietly cursed to himself.
You smiled up at him as he rolled over pulling you into his arms. “Coach is going to be pissed” he laughed as he buried his face into your hair.
‘And why is that’ you peppered his face with kissed
“Because your going to keep that jacket”
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thatfuckingweirdo · 4 years
Sleep Over
Avengers x Reader, Bucky x reader
Summary: Wanda invites you over for a sleep over and Bucky invites you to his room to watch a movie.
Warnings: brief mentions of wine consumption. Not proof read, mistakes are my own fault.
This is written for @the-marvel-horniest-book-club 💙 hope I did this prompt some justice, I'm always nervous writing them for some reason!
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Word count: 726
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It's a rainy Friday night, and you've been invited over to the compound to hang out with the team by your best friend Wanda. You weren't an avenger yourself, but they made you feel like you were part of the team, they included you in nearly every single thing they did. 
Tonight was a little bit different, it was your first sleepover with the avengers and to say you were excited and nervous would be the understatement of the century. 
Laughter surrounds you as you lounge in your comfy pajamas next to Wanda, sipping your wine and giggling with the team as they play a game of 'truth or dare'. Nobody trusted each other with dares, and so far everyone had picked truth, revealing some saucy secrets. 
"Y/N, truth or dare?" Tony challenges, his arms stretched out on the back of the couch. You feel so small under everyone's stare. 
"Uh, truth." You answer after a few minutes, nervously gnawing on your lip. 
"Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?" The room falls silent, and your heart is the only thing you hear beating in your ears. Your eyes automatically flick over towards a certain super soldier, with brown hair and that damn metal arm. You avert your gaze before anyone could catch your lingering look. 
But now here's the thing, you're not sure whether to lie to avoid the possibility of it being spilled out, or say yes and hope they wouldn't ask more, but this was the avengers. More specifically, this was Tony. He bent the rules of charades earlier and knew he would find a way to throw a new truth question back at you so soon. 
That, or he will somehow negotiate with your friend Wanda to read your thoughts. 
Everyone staring at you was making you more nervous, you chuckled and shook your head, making a quick decision. 
"You're all my friends, of course I don't." 
"That is in fact a lie but since you're so sweet I'll let that slide this once." Damn. 
The questions float around the room a couple more times before you retire for the night. A few more questions were directed at you, hoping to break down your walls and get you to confess who you were in love with. 
You couldn't imagine confessing something like that to anyone, especially with the man in the room who seemed to watch you closely tonight. You're in a daydream as you walk back to Wanda's room alone, she told you to take her room since she was now in the same room as Vision. You touch your bottom lip with your finger, your cheeks hurting from the smile that never seemed to disappear from your face. 
"Doll?" Bucky taps your shoulder and you spin around to face him, bringing a hand to your chest. 
"Bucky! Hi, sorry I was in my own...mind." 
He laughs a little, "yeah, I noticed. I was calling you from down the hall." 
"Oh, sorry!" 
"Stop apologizing, it's fine!" He continues to chuckle, his smile making his eyes seem brighter under the bright lights in the hallway. 
"Sor– did you need something?" 
"Just wondered if you were in the mood to watch a movie? It's still a bit early and it's your first sleepover so… what?" 
The wine was definitely making you more tipsy than usual, unless it was just his presence making you feel like a giddy teenager. 
You're cute. You thought, sighing at the disney-like prince in front of you. 
"Am I?" His voice cuts through your thoughts, and you furrow your brows in confusion. 
"Are you what?" 
Bucky can't help but laugh, maybe you were the cute one, he thinks. 
"You said I was cute." He tells you, a rosy blush on his cheeks. 
"I said that out loud??! Oh god, I'm sorry! Shit! Sorry! I didn't mean to apologize again! Yes, movie! It sounds great, your room or mine? Oh wait, that sounds weird I…" 
"Doll, would you calm down?" Bucky chuckles, grabbing your face with his big hands and stroking your cheek with his thumbs. "Just breathe. And I'm not bragging but… I have a stash of candy on my nightstand." He adds, winking. 
"I'm in. Your room it is!" 
This might be just some of the things that happen on a sleepover with the avengers. 
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Now that our challenge is over.....
We have 18 Prompts in our inbox and we are looking for people to write them! Send me a DM and I'll send you a list of unclaimed Prompts that you can pick from! You can only pick 1 prompt at a time and your prompt needs to be posted within a week of being claimed!
We accept writings for all Marvel Characters, all that we ask is that you adhere to the HBC Guidelines when writing your fics.
-The Marvel HBC
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