rentumblsstuff · 1 day
Daily affirmations but it’s just “I WILL finish the last chapter of my fic today”
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calltoamentor · 6 months
Laughter As an Eldest Daughter
Daily writing promptWhat makes you laugh?View all responses Have you ever become painfully aware that you grew up too fast? That you are perhaps a bit too much more serious than your peers? That your sense of humor sometimes has teeth for no other reason than the fact that for as long as you can remember, it always has? If so, congrats, you just might have grown up an Eldest Daughter of a Toxic…
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manamrazinaqvi · 19 days
Deepest condolences on the Martrydom of Rasool Allah ﷺ
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Amir al-Mu'minin Imam Ali ibn Abi Talibع said:
"When the Prophet ﷺ died his head was on my chest, and his [last] breath blew over my palms and I passed it over my face. I performed his [funeral] ablution, may Allah bless him and his descendants, and the angels helped me. The house and the courtyard were full of them. One party of them was descending and the other was ascending. My ears continually caught their humming voice, as they invoked Allah's blessing on him, till we buried him in his grave. Thus, who can have greater rights with him than I during his life or after his death?
Therefore depend on your intelligence and make your intentions pure in fighting your enemy, because I swear by Him who is such that there is no god but He, that I am on the path of truth and that they [the enemy] are on the misleading path of wrong. You hear what I say, and I seek Allah's forgiveness for myself and for you."
(Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 196)
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paperandsong · 1 year
Protestant Horror Aesthetic
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Sleepy Hollow directed by Tim Burton, 1999
Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue.
I’ve seen a few posts presenting the case that Catholicism is inherently more compatible with the Gothic than Protestantism. That the imagery found inside a Catholic church invokes feelings of Gothic horror in ways that Protestant places of worship do not. 
And I do not disagree. But there are horror stories that are predicated on a Protestant aesthetic. Stories in which the horror is specifically Calvinist in nature. Stories in which, rather than statues of Christ crying rubies and the stigmata and sexual repression, you have empty crosses in snow white sanctuaries and self abnegation and also sexual repression. So much sexual repression. 
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The Witch directed by Robert Eggers, 2015
Wouldst thou like the taste of butter . . . wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
The horror of The Witch is the Puritanism itself. This most rigid version of Calvinism is presented as so bleak, so cruel, so hopeless that it becomes perfectly logical that a good girl would trade her soul for the mere offer of deliciousness. 
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The Night of the Hunter directed by Charles Laughton, 1955
What religion do you profess, preacher? The religion the Almighty and me worked out betwixt us.
In The Night of the Hunter, a serial murderer and con man takes on the mantle of itinerant preacher to worm his way into the household of an unfortunate widow. In one of the most chilling scenes, the preacher scolds his new wife for expecting sex on their wedding night. The film subverts the threat of rape with chaste shame and humiliation. The preacher uses Biblical language to manipulate, scold, and confuse. The preacher’s own repressed sexuality is as frightening as if he were a rapist. 
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Carrie directed by Brian de Palma, 1976
Carrie doesn’t make this list. While her mother’s rantings are perfect pitch Baptist preacher, there is also a lot of Catholic imagery happening. Margaret’s death is staged to recall the martrydom of St. Sebastian. I’m not sure what kind of Christian she’s supposed to be. The horror is definitely religious and fundamentalist, but it’s some kind of mix between Catholic and First Southern Hills Gothic Missionary Non-Denominational. Or something. 
Feel free to add to this list. I would especially like to see some non-U.S. films or novels that utilize a Protestant Horror Aesthetic. With all the wars and murder that happened during the Reformation, there must be some. 
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paintedpolitics · 2 months
trump & the changing role of political art
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recently, i was discussing differing images of marat with prospective history students. the martrydom of marat in david’s 1793 painting was conveyed through his dedication to the pen even in death, and the almost halo-like lighting in the portrait. 
a week later, images emerged of a bloodied trump defiantly holding up his fist in the aftermath of a shooting at his rally. immediately, the american right responded with commendations of martyrdom. simultaneously, ‘how did he miss’ trended on twitter. the image held incredibly different implications depending on one’s view of trump. i knew i ought to see it as the picture of irony, vindicating the stance of campaigners for gun control: an advocate of gun rights shot down. 
despite this, the image first struck me as rousing. i felt myself viewing it from the perspective that this man was for the people, would lay down his life for the american people. in this regard it reminded me of those portraits of marat. i felt that the caption accompanying the images could shape the interpretation of it in the same way that artists upheld their political opinions in portraiture. 
i made the decision to draw trump in only red, white, blue and varying shades of grey. however, i felt the political implications of creating this image every time i touched (digital) pen to paper. not only would people judge my terrible rendition of a fist, but perhaps my political views too. 
this dilemma, i concluded, revealed little about the politics of this event. what feels interesting to me in political art is not criticism or praise, but what they can reveal about the nature of power in the moment being recorded. david’s portrait of marat revealed his power as a figurehead of the revolution, and the power of l’ami du peuple in catalysing change. the red white and blue in my drawing implies the populist power that trump holds, presenting himself as a representative of the common american. highlighting the blood allowed the event to revealed his power to divide america to the point of violence, regardless of my opinion on him.
in the current media landscape, political artwork has a highly limited role in influencing opinion. i didn’t feel like any image of trump i created could dissuade someone voting for him. perhaps, a more valuable role for political art today is to objectively examine power and political relationships. as polarisation increases globally, allowing political events to be viewed through a different lens may lead to the reevaluation of ideas and more critical thought. i think iconic opinion based pieces of art - like warhol’s portrait of nixon - has immortalised popular opinion of political figures. however, as scared and angry as trump makes me, i feel like i can impact through a more objective artistic approach.
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liminalmemories21 · 11 months
Happy nice ask week! What's your favorite museum you've visited? Or top five if you can't pick.
Oh we are definitely doing a top 5 here, no way I could pick just one.  And, I am not counting anything that might be considered a site vs a museum (so, none of the Gaudi houses, or the Alcazar in Sevilla, or the Newport Mansions, and definitely no religious sites or castles).
1 - The Musee d'Orsay in Paris, because not only is it dedicated to a period of art I particularly like, but also the museum itself is gorgeous - they reimagined the old Gare d'Orsay and turned the train station into a museum.
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2 - The Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh - partly because I did my Junior Year Abroad in Edinburgh and the museum was near the Divinity School library and I used to like to stop by in between classes and research and just pick a painting to look at for 15-20 minutes and destress.  But, also because it has one of my favorite deeply random paintings - Portrait of a Young Woman as St. Agatha with her breasts just hanging out on a plate (because St Agatha's martrydom involved having her breasts cut off, so they became her symbol) and sometimes the Renaissance was just weird.
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3 - The Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto.  It is fairly small, and has a very niche subject matter.  But, the museum is in the shape of a shoe box (form meets function!).  And, as an example of stellar exhibit design it's hard to beat.  Also - shoes!
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4 - The V&A in London, both because the collection is amazing, but also because they are always doing interesting exhibits on the history of fashion and textile.  Also, if you go, be sure to stay for lunch in the cafe - the food's pretty good, but you're really there for the architecture.
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5 - The Isabella Stewart Gardner in Boston - look I get why they put an extension on the museum, and moved the entrance, but I'm not going to stop being bitter about it any time soon. You used to come in this dark corridor and then you'd suddenly emerge into the courtyard and it was spectacular.  TK's opinion on the ISG in Knave2 is very much my love affair with the ISG.
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thank you for the ask!
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mysticalrose0 · 3 months
Upon Perfect Virtue
- St. Francis De Sales
Blessed Francis de Sales thought very little of any virtue unless it was animated by charity; following in this the teaching of St. Paul, who declares that without charity the greatest virtues are as nothing. Thus, even the faith which works miracles, the almsgiving which leads a man to sell all his goods to feed the poor, the spirit of martyrdom which impelshim to give his body to be burned, all, if without charity, are nothing.
That you may clearly understand the distinction which he drew between the natural excellence of certain virtues, and the supernatural perfection which they acquire by the infusion of charity, I will give you his exact words on the subject, as they are to be found in his Treatise on the Love of God.
He says: "The light of the sun falls equally on the violet and the rose, yet will never render the former as fair as the latter, or make a daisy as lovely as a lily. If, however, the sun should shine very clearly upon the violet, and very mistily and faintly upon the rose, then without doubt it would make the violet more fair to see than the “more fair to see than the rose. So, Theotimus, if with equal charity one should suffer death by martyrdom, and another suffer only hunger by fasting, who does not see that the value of this fasting will not, on that account, be equal to that of martyrdom? No, for “who would dare to affirm that martrydom is not more excellent in itself than fasting…. Still, it is true that if love be ardent, powerful, and excellent, in a heart, it will also more enrich and perfect all the virtuous works which may proceed from it. One may suffer death and fire for God, without charity, as St. Paul supposes, and as I explain elsewhere. Still more then may one suffer them with little charity. Now, I say, Theotimus, that it may come to pass that a very small virtue may be of greater value in a soul where divine love fervently reigns, than martyrdom itself in a soul where love is languishing, feeble, and dull. Thus, the least virtues of our Blessed Lady of St. John, and of other great Saints, were of more worth before God than the most exalted perfections of the rest of His servants.”
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Gripping the sink tightly and looking into the mirror and repeating to myself that martrydom is overrated and that mortification of the flesh isn't as sexy as the media makes it look.
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celticcrossanon · 2 years
"As a result of this, we may see more lies and deceit from Harry, and he may become more arrogant or demanding as he expresses the shadow side of Leo energy." From your Dec 15 reading - It's funny that he would be expressing shadow Leo energy when he's a virgo/ has a bit more earth in his chart. I was expecting more shadow earth than fire tbh. I wonder if in part he is influenced by his wife who IS a Leo. I haven't checked but wouldn't be suprised if she's been in shadow Leo mode for a while now
Hi Nonny,
Harry could very well be picking up behaviours from his wife. It has been said/rumoured for a while now that he adapts himself to his girlfriend's values and ideals. That was fine when he had decent girlfriends, but now we are seeing the downside of that behaviour.
Any martrydom he puts on is shadow Virgo energy though (the "I did xxx and they did not appreciate it" attitude - we used to say N was hanging on his/her cross again to explain it). I haven't watched his shows or paid attention to what he says so I don't know if that is coming out or not.
The laziness and self-indulgence is the shadow side of his Taurus moon, as is an over-focus on material things and avoiding unpleasant situations (the last two traits are shared with other shadow signs as well).
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rentumblsstuff · 21 days
Of Melodies and Martrydom/LORDSPAWN playlist!!! 👀
6 hours of songs that inspired/wormed their way into my current fic <3
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jiiamp · 1 year
~ Martyrdomaic ~
[ Martyrdomaic ]
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A gender related to martyrdom in a dramatic, strictly non-religious way
Martrydom + a + ic
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Made by me (as far as I know)
Please credit if you repost, it is greatly appreciated
No id, help is welcome
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jaydeiswriting · 1 year
I'm like not even 2000 words into this cult WIP and I'm just dying to share bits of it (forcing myself to wait for ch. 3 or 10K, whichever comes first).
I'm already:
Dropping words like martrydom and messianic into a description of drowning
Having an emotional crisis about one of the later plot points that revealed itself to me when I started drafting
Mentally plotting bonus scenes (that won't go in the WIP) because, come on, these MCs need to watch the controversial Saved! (2004), together and have a major crisis about it
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nicollekidman · 2 years
ben barnes darkling HAS to shift closer to book!darkling because the whole Thing is that the obsession with ending him / becoming powerful to be his enemy should offer temptation and corruption and a path different from her sainthood and martrydom... which doesn’t work unless he’s actually Bad enough to open up that avenue.... he’s gotta be dark enough to actually taint her through the bond in a way that intrigues her :~) 
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tootickie · 1 year
been training myself out of needless martrydom recently. like i used to be at work hungry or headachey and not do anything about it bc it wasn’t lunchtime or i hadn’t finished my task. but actually today i got up and made some coffee and a snack. i’m also just more intuitive about when i need something like last night i could feel myself being pissy with my roommates but i immediately recognized that it wasn’t anything they did and that i was just hungry so i finished cooking dinner and felt better. incredible how you can listen to your body and develop a better relationship with it and learn to make things that you think of as the inevitable tides of emotion and distress so much more manageable
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 months
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Martrydom of Abdullah ibn Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s) the 2nd son of Imam Hassan (a.s) and mother Umme Farwa (sa).
The last moment of Imam Hussain (a.s)
The narrator says: Husayn (a.s.) called for a robe and bound his head with it. He put a mitre on his head and fastened his turban over it. After a short pause the enemies returned to Imam Hussain (a.s)and encircled him. At that time Abdullah Ibn Hasan Ibn Ali (a.s), who was about twelve years old, came from the camp of the women and rushed towards the Imam Hussain(a.s). Zainnab, daughter of Ali (a.s.) went to him to stop him. Abdullah forcefully refused to turn back and said: "By Allah, I will not leave my uncle."
Bahr Ibn Ka’b or Harmala Ibn Kahil - advanced towards Imam Hussain (a.s) with a sword in hand. Abdullah said: "Woe unto you, the offspring of malicious man! Are you killing my uncle..?"
The teenager shielded Imam Hussain (a.s) Chest from the stroke of a sword whereby his right hand was cut and began to dangle. Abdullah cried: "O uncle!" Husayn (a.s.) took hold of his nephew and drew him to his chest saying: "Oh son of my brother! Bear patiently what you have suffered, and consider it good, because Allah will make you meet your pious forefathers."
Harmala bin Kahil threw an arrow at Abdullah chest and martyred him by the side of his uncle.
"انا لله و انا الیه راجعون "
To Allah we belong, to him shall we return
Ref: 📖 When the skies weep the blood vol 1 89.
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tapestryofmetaphors · 9 months
Martrydom of my other half
What if you were just a dream in the midst of my melancholy? I'd still grieve for the same aging love. The carousel of our destiny doesn't have an epilogue, I am a man behested with broken roads and may crash into your life in a tormented time. But you have woven this heart with your piquant metaphors, And made these scars illiterate of their forlorn memoirs. You have asked me for the martyr of my feelings in order to unfasten those bandages and blood-inked words from my letters for you, I'd still sit beside the waves of my sorrow, and write sonnets about my love. Alas, you have painted the canvas of this man with your tears. Annihilate me, and I'd still love you in silence with my deceased bones and my valiant heart over my grave.
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