#martin mystère
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mindful-mango · 5 months ago
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My tribute to Martin Mystery! Aimed for a movie poster layout featuring my favorite mini arc from the show. Original sketch from 2013. I heard they may be rebooting it, but it looks nothing like the old style :( If you haven't seen the show check it out! It's pretty fun.
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comicsecartoons · 4 days ago
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Martin Mystère
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mask131 · 3 months ago
Well, well, well... I just learned that a new Martin Mystery cartoon will be released next year.
By Powerkids Entertainment (Singapore).
It will be a reboot. In 3D animation.
Here's the poster.
... I'll hold my thoughts until it actually comes out...
...except for one detail: they seem to have swapped the personalities of Martin and Diana based on their outfits? Which is... a very weird thing to do? But this entire reboot has a weird streak to it... We'll see next year
... and another: the Chronoscan is now some sort of glowing fake-sleeve? They seem to be going with a much more... high-tech vibe for this one?
... Again we'll see when it comes out. It's just a poster for now
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crazy-hanji · 1 year ago
On va être clair une bonne fois pour toute ..
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Pas cette dobe prévu pour 2025 , préservez notre enfance merde à la fin TT0TT
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dirtyriver · 2 years ago
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"Topin Mystère, Detective dell'Implausibile" in Topolino 3250, March 7, 2018, cover by Casty, colors by Andrea Cagol
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afnews7 · 9 months ago
Viaggio nella Fabbrica dei Sogni: l’albo speciale della Segio Bonelli Editore per Comicon Napoli 2024
L’anno scorso, in occasione dell’edizione 2023 di Napoli COMICON, Sergio Bonelli Editore diede alle stampe, al prezzo speciale di 1 euro, “Benvenuti nella Fabbrica dei Sogni”, un albo con nove, ormai introvabili, avventure brevi di altrettanti eroi bonelliani. Visto il successo dell’iniziativa, in occasione dell’edizione 2024 della fiera partenopea, la casa editrice milanese proporrà “Viaggio…
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monicadeola · 11 months ago
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geekpopnews · 11 months ago
Morre Alfredo Castelli, o criador de Martin Mystère
Faleceu Alfredo Castelli, o criador de Martin Mystère, nesta quarta-feira (07). O autor foi um dos mais importante nome dos fumetti, os quadrinhos italianos. #AlfredoCastelli #MartinMystere
Com pesar que anunciamos que Alfredo Castelli, o criador de Martin Mystère e importante nome dos fumetti (quadrinhos italianos), faleceu hoje aos 76 anos. Alfredo Castelli, uma das grandes personalidades dos fumetti, morreu aos 76 anos na manhã desta quarta-feira (07). Até o momento desta notícia, ainda não aconteceu a revelação da causa da sua morte. Natural de Milão, onde nasceu a 26 de Junho…
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sweetlullabyebye · 2 years ago
Ok so this makes no sense but here are characters from Teen Wolf as quotes from a french poetry book, because I have to know quotes from said french poetry book and none of them are sticking in my head. This whole thing makes no sense feel free to ignore.
L'homme fuit l'asphyxie. L'homme dont l'appétit hors de l'imagination se calfeutre sans finir de s'approvisionner, se délivrera par les mains. (L'Avant-Monde: Argument)
The man flees asphyxiation. The man whose appetite outside of the imagination seals itself off without finishing stocking up, will free himself by the hands. (The Foreworld: Argument)
J'ai rapporté du désespoir un panier si petit, mon amour, qu'on a pu le tresser en osier. (La Compagne du Vannier)
Tout à jamais prit fin. (Le Loriot)
I brought back from despair a basket so small, my love, that it could be woven with wicker. (The Basketmaker's Companion)
Everything ended forever. (The Oriole)
Le décolleté diminue les ossements de ton exil, de ton escrime; Tu rends fraîche la servitude qui se dévore le dos; Risée de la nuit, arrête ce charroi lugubre
De voix vitreuses, de départs lapidés.
Je ne verrai pas tes flancs, ces essaims de faim, se dessécher, s'emplir de ronces; Je ne verrai pas l'empuse te succéder dans ta serre ; Je ne verrai pas l'approche des baladins inquiéter le jour renaissant; Je ne verrai pas la race de notre liberté servilement se suffire. Chimères, nous sommes montés au plateau. [...] L'intime dénouement de l'irréparable. [...] La Femme respire, l'Homme se tient debout. (Le Visage Nuptial)
The neckline diminishes the bones of your exile, of your fencing; You make fresh the servitude that devours its back; Laugh of the night, stop this bleak cartage
Of glassy voices, of stoned departures.
[...] I will not see your sides, these swarms of hunger, dry up, fill with thorns; I will not see the parasite succeed you in your greenhouse; I will not see the approach of the wanderers disturb the renewed day; I will not see the race of our freedom subserviently suffice itself. Chimeras, we went up to the plateau. [...] The intimate outcome of the irremediable. [...] The Woman breathes, the Man stands. (The Bridal Face)
X- Il convient que la poésie soit inséparable du prévisible, mais non encore formulé.
XIII- Fureur et mystère tour à tour le séduisirent et le consumèrent.
XXXII- Le poète ne s'irrite pas de l'extinction hideuse de la mort, mais confiant en son toucher particulier transforme toute chose en laines prolongées.
XLIX- À chaque effondrement des preuves le poète répond par une salve d'avenir.
(Partage Formel)
X- Poetry should be inseparable from the foreseeable, but not yet formulated.
XIII- Fury and mystery one after the other seduced and consumed him.
XXXII- The poet is not irritated by the hideous extinction of death, but confident that his particular touch transforms everything into prolonged wools.
XLIX- At each collapse of the evidence the poet responds with a burst of the future.
(Formal Sharing)
40- Discipline, comme tu saignes!
48- Je n'ai pas peur. J'ai seulement le vertige. Il me faut réduire la distance entre l'ennemi et moi.
63- On ne se bat bien que pour les causes qu'on modèle soi-même et avec lesquelles on se brûle en l'identifiant.
92- Tout ce qui a le visage de la colère et n'élève pas la voix.
104- Les yeux seuls sont encore capables de pousser un cri.
219- Brusquement tu te souviens que tu as un visage. Les traits qui en formaient le modelé n'étaient pas tous les traits du chagrin, jadis.
(Les Feuillets d'Hypnos)
40- Discipline, how you bleed!
48- I am not afraid. I only have vertigo. I must close the distance between the enemy and me.
63- We only fight well for the causes that we model ourselves and with which we burn ourselves by identifying it.
92- Anything that has the face of anger and does not raise its voice.
104- Only the eyes are still capable of crying out.
219- Suddenly you remember that you have a face. The features that shaped it were not all the features of grief, before.
(Hypnos' notebooks)
83- Le poète, conservateur des infinis visages du vivant. (Feuillets d'Hypnos)
83- The poet, keeper of the infinite faces of the living. (Hypnos' notebooks)
J'étais dans une de ces forêts où le soleil n'a pas accès mais où, la nuit, les étoiles pénètrent pour d'implacables hostilités. (Les Loyaux Adversaires: Pénombre)
I was in one of those forests where the sun does not have access but where, at night, the stars enter for relentless hostilities. (The Loyal Adversaries: Darkness)
Glas d'un monde trop aimé, j'entends les monstres qui piétinent sur une terre sans sourire. (Poéme Pulvérisé: Donnerbach Mühle)
La souffrance connaît peu de mots. [...] Songe à la maison parfaite que tu ne verras jamais monter. (J'habite une douleur)
Partout essaime le nouveau mal tolérant. (Pulvérin)
Death knell of a world too loved, I hear the monsters that trample on a land devoid of smile. (Pulverized Poem: Donnerbach Mühle)
Suffering knows few words. [...] Think of the perfect house that you will never see built. (I live in a pain)
The new tolerant evil swarms everywhere. (Pulverized)
Rivière trop tôt partie, d'une traite, sans compagnon, Donne aux enfants de mon pays le visage de ta passion. [...] Rivière souvent punie, rivière à l'abandon. [...] Rivière au cœur jamais détruit dans ce monde fou de prison, garde-nous violent et ami des abeilles de l'horizon. (La Fontaine narrative: La Sorgue)
River gone too soon, in one go, without a companion, Give the children of my country the face of your passion. [...] River often punished, river abandoned. [...] River with a heart never destroyed in this crazy world of prison, keep us violent and friend of the bees of the horizon. (The narrative fountain: The Sorgue)
Assez creusé, assez miné sa part prochaine. Le pire est dans chacun, en chasseur, dans son flanc. Vous qui n'êtes qu'une pelle que le temps soulève, retournez-vous sur ce que j'aime, qui sanglote à côté de moi, et fracassez-nous, je vous prie, que je meure une bonne fois. (Assez creusé)
Enough dug, enough mined the next part. The worse is in everyone, as a hunter, in their flank. You who are only a shovel lifted by time, turn around on what I love, who sobs beside me, and smash us, I beg you, that I die once and for all. (Enough dug)
Dans les rues de la ville il y a mon amour. Peu importe où il va dans le temps divisé. Il n'est plus mon amour, chacun peut lui parler. Il ne se souvient plus; qui au juste l'aima? (Allégeance)
In the streets of the city there is my love. It doesn't matter where he goes in the split time. He is no longer my love, everyone can talk to him. He no longer remembers; who exactly loved him? (Allegiance)
All the quotes are from 'Fureur et Mystère' by René Char btw.
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ancientphantom · 7 months ago
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Lean this month on Phantom, but we've got one for sure and one maybe!
Heart of the Phantom by Cindy L. Martin is a period sequel to the original story in which Meg falls in love with the Phantom and tries to heal him after Christine has left him (with, of course, a Nefarious Bad Guy involved)!.
Bitter Water Opera by Nicolette Polek is less of a sure thing - the story of a woman who creates her own opera house in the desert and haunts it after her death, and becomes fixated on a new young woman who visits once, doing her best to make sure that she can never leave. It seems like a philosophical little book and may or may not be related to the Phantom story - we'll have to read and find out!
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Finally, we've got a new TV entry! The 2018 French miniseries Paris mystères has been released in English on Amazon, including the first episode, The Curse of the Phantom, in which historians discuss the Phantom story and its origins as part of their look at the funkiest and most interesting parts of Paris history.
And that's it for this month! We'll see if any Phantom fun in the sun is coming our way at the end of June.
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shoujo-magical-girl-library · 2 months ago
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Mermaid Melody wallpapers from Canal J old French website
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secondskin007 · 2 months ago
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"Sam Bennett, 2019 Paris-Nice" by Martin Mystère is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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jamie-007 · 6 months ago
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Abderhamane, Martin, David
Et si le ciel était vide
Tant de processions, tant de têtes inclinées
Tant de capuchons tant de peur souhaitées
Tant de démagogues de Temples de Synagogues
Tant de mains pressées, de prières empressées
Tant d'angélus
Qui résonne
Et si en plus
Y'a personne
Abderhamane, Martin, David
Et si le ciel était vide
Il y a tant de torpeurs
De musiques antalgiques
Tant d'anti-douleurs dans ces jolis cantiques
Il y a tant de questions et tant de mystères
Tant de compassions et tant de révolvers
Tant d'angélus
Qui résonne
Et si en plus
Y'a personne
Arour hachem, Inch Allah
Are Krishhna, Alléluia
Alain Souchon
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theseshipsshallsail · 5 months ago
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It’s wet and biting. Frenzied: almost. Oliver stumbles as Elio tugs him backwards, and circling his sun-bronzed cheekbone with the pad of his thumb he lets him know that everything’s okay. That he’s safe. That he’s allowed to want this.
Parce Que C’est Lui, Parce Que C’est Eux
Surprise, is the nexus of creativity - or so he’d once read in a copy of Martin Mystère - yet for all their differences in both size and temperment, Elio’s delighted to learn that a little bit of rough-housing reduces his six-foot-five Americano to a pliant mass of obedience in his can’t-get-enough-of-you hands.
That a bunched fist in Billowy’s unstarched collar can serve as the sturdiest of ballasts; keeping Oliver anchored to the solid wood-panelling of their bedroom door.
That a firm grip of his clean-shaven chin as he crowds in closer - an unsubtle nudge of his wayward hips in the scant slip of space between them - is wont to coax a husky groan from Oliver’s throat in prelude of a delving kiss.
A groan that flies straight to Elio’s eager groin, tenting his borrowed swim trunks as they pant and gasp into each other’s mouths; filthy promises and whispered encouragements fueling each caress.
There’ll be marks come morning, he thinks. Mottled blooms of possession where Oliver’s fingers dig into his waist. Holding him steady to counter the buckling of Elio’s wobbly knees. But it doesn’t matter. Not in the least. Not when he’s lapping up Oliver’s taste - Fettuccine Alfredo and fruity rosatello - like it’s manna from Heaven.
Spinning out life’s pleasures like Clothos, herself.
It’s wet and biting. Frenzied: almost. Oliver stumbles as Elio tugs him backwards, and circling his sun-bronzed cheekbone with the pad of his thumb he lets him know that everything’s okay. That he’s safe. That he’s allowed to want this.
To want them. 
There’s a huff - not quite a laugh, scarcely more than a giggle - as they tumble horizontally onto the pushed-together beds: chamomile-scented pillows falling to the floor by the time they’re done arranging their jigsaw-piece limbs. The lean muscles of Oliver’s stomach contract. A firm arm wraps around his lower spine. Brackish and metallic, the faint tang of blood blossoms on Elio’s tongue - neither of them having thought to separate during the awkward tumble - but Oliver doesn’t seem put off in the slightest: his pupils dilated; gleaming with undisguised lust.
There’s an innate satisfaction, Elio finds, in baring his soul to someone who doesn’t judge him. In knowing that Oliver has his own predilections in turn. Quirks and eccentricities he offers up freely, whereas just two months ago he’d smothered them under a misguided drive to be good.  
Like how goosebumps erupt on the oyster-pale skin of his inner-thighs when Elio strokes the childhood scar behind his left knee.
The stubborn set of his jaw, even, if he tickles that perfect spot between his eighth and ninth ribs, and he’s trying his hardest not to flinch.
Or how his scrotum is too sensitive for a light, grazing touch, but a perfectly-aimed squeeze when buried balls-deep in Elio’s throat results in a guileless whimper.
What’s more, that a questing palm mapping the knobbly course of Oliver’s vertebrae - a teasing dip down the seam of his sculpted buttocks - is catalyst enough to summon that hitch in his stroke; the one that signals his imminent climax. 
He’ll melt, quite frankly, like a scoop of fior di latte from the Rossi’s gelateria; a fact Elio takes shameless advantage of as he edges Oliver’s bathers southwards whilst licking into his honeypot mouth. 
Chasing the moans that feed his soul. 
Shifting the kiss from demanding to languid in complete veneration of the impossible man who’s changed his entire world for the better.
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alexlacquemanne · 1 year ago
2023 in 12 movies (1 per months)
The Horse Whisperer (1998) directed by Robert Redford with Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Neil, Chris Cooper and Cherry Jones
[First Time]
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L'Horloger de Saint-Paul (1974) directed by Bertrand Tavernier with Philippe Noiret, Jean Rochefort, Jacques Denis, Yves Afonso, Julien Bertheau and Jacques Hilling
[First Time]
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The Fabelmans (2022) directed by Steven Spielberg with Gabriel LaBelle, Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, Keeley Karsten, Julia Butters and Judd Hirsch
[First Time]
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The Third Man (1949) directed by Carol Reed with Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Welles, Trevor Howard and Bernard Lee
[First Time]
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The World, The Flesh and the Devil (1959) directed by Ranald MacDougall with Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens and Mel Ferrer
[First Time]
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La ciociara (1960) directed by Vittorio De Sica with Sophia Loren, Eleonora Brown, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Carlo Ninchi, Andrea Checchi and Pupella Maggio
[First Time]
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Oppenheimer (2023) directed by Christopher Nolan with Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett and Casey Affleck
[First Time]
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Heat (1995) directed by Michael Mann with Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Diane Venora, Amy Brenneman, Dennis Haysbert, Donald Breedan and Ashley Judd
[First Time]
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Catch Me If You Can (2002) directed by Steven Spielberg with Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Nathalie Baye, Amy Adams, Martin Sheen, James Brolin and Brian Howe
[First Time]
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Le Grand Bain (2018) directed by Gilles Lellouche with Mathieu Amalric, Guillaume Canet, Benoît Poelvoorde, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Philippe Katerine, Félix Moati, Alban Ivanov, Balasingham Thamilchelvan, Virginie Efira et Leïla Bekhti
[First Time]
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Fools Rush In (1997) directed by Andy Tennant with Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek, Jon Tenney, Carlos Gómez, Tomás Milián, Siobhan Fallon et John Bennett Perry
[First Time]
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The Great Race (1965) directed by Blake Edwards with Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, Keenan Wynn et Ross Martin
[First Time]
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Honourable Mentions :
Airplane! (1980)
Duel (1972)
Les Sentiments (2003)
The Carpetbaggers (1964)
Scoop (2006)
Mon crime (2023)
To Have and Have Not (1944)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
臥虎藏龍 (2000)
The Glenn Miller Story (1954)
Le Dernier Voyage (2020)
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
L'ingorgo (1979)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Adieu Gary (2008)
Conflict (1945)
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
La Nuit américaine (1973)
Sorcerer (1977)
La Guerre des polices (1979)
Life of Pi (2012)
The Big Short (2015)
Le Hussard sur le toit (1995)
Excalibur (1981)
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)
Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)
Le Procès Goldman (2023)
Enter the Dragon (1973)
Matrimonio all'italiana (1964)
Chaplin (1992)
La Vie de château (1966)
Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
Au-delà des grilles (1949)
Second Tour (2023)
Le Couteau dans la plaie (1962)
The Eiger Sanction (1975)
JFK (1991)
Le Fugitif (1993)
Chef (2014)
Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
Appointment with Death (1988)
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
River of No Return (1954)
L'Assassinat du père Noël (1941)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Die Glasbläserin (2016)
The Lion in Winter (1968)
Les Mystères de Paris (1962)
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personnage-neutre · 2 years ago
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Jacques Martin, Le Mystère Borg (1964)
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