#martin huizar
planetofsnarfs · 9 days
Hello community, my name is Adele and I am reaching out to you with an urgent need for support. I am currently facing a situation where my civil rights were violated and I was assaulted and illegally arrested by a Riverside County Sheriff officer. This has caused great emotional distress, but it has also caused a significant financial burden on me and my family as I seek justice.
A little back story of the incident... On July 3rd, I was enjoying my backyard with my family, laughing and talking, which caused my Karen neighbor to call the cops as it interrupted his sleep. Not knowing there was a cop outside my home, a friend went to leave and when he opened the door, saw a cop about 20 feet from the door. He then closed the door to come and get me to deal with the visitor. (I wanted to clarify this as there are many people assuming I opened the door to this cop, I know better.) At that time, the cop decided he had every right to rush my door, open it, and enter without consent or a warrant. As I made my way to the front door, I saw the cop inside my home. Not very happy about this, I tried to get him to step outside to talk to me and figure out what his reason for being at my home was. He refused, exerted his power of a badge and a gun to try to intimidate me and power trip me. He had no regard for me in my home, the law, my civil rights, or my family. He claimed he "owned my home" now and was very unprofessional in every aspect. As I expressed my frustration, raising my hand, he decided that was his opportunity to gain the power he needed and assaulted me, throwing me up against the wall, forcibly pulling me out of my home, and arresting me. Absolutely no suspicion of a crime, or crime committed, ever. He was there on a noise complaint. I was arrested and am now facing resisting arrest/obstruction charge. This "officer" had 4 cameras, knowingly recording the whole entire interaction and still behaved this way. Can you imagine what these tyrants do when there's no cameras recording? This is absolutely unacceptable and deplorable. It is sad that we have to learn to never open the door for the people that are supposed to be out protecting us. Instead, they are the violators and criminals, dangerously, with badges and weapons.
I am now left to navigate the legal system on my own.
I am in need of legal representation, for the civil and the criminal parts of this situation, to hold those responsible, accountable and to ensure my rights are held. The cost of hiring a lawyer who specializes in cases of police misconduct and civil rights violations is substantial, and unfortunately, I do not have the resources to cover these expenses on my own.
Your support will help go directly to:
Legal fees for specialized attorneys in criminal and civil rights against this cop
Court costs for my criminal case
And all other necessary legal expenses to build a strong case
This is not just about ME: It is about standing up against injustice and ensuring that those who are entrusted to protect and serve do not abuse their power! By supporting me with this, YOU are helping to make sure that my voice is heard and that justice is pursued. I will fight until I have exhausted every avenue of resources to get this disgusting, unacceptable misuse of power recognized with an attempt to change.
I will continue to use this unfortunate, disgusting situation to bring awareness to what is happening in more communities, not just our own. This kind of misuse of power needs to be addressed and recognized. We need to stand up and make sure we protect our families and our rights. This cannot keep being brushed under the rug and getting a slap on the wrist. We need to abolish Qualified Immunity!!! These animals that behave like this need to feel the consequence, personally and financially. We the people don't deserve to have to pay for their egotistical, tyrannical behavior and we have to fight for what is right!
I will keep you all updated along the way on the progress of the case and how your contributions and support are making an impact. Your support means the world to me, and I am deeply grateful for your help throughout it all.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for considering a donation. Together we can stand up for JUSTICE and make a difference!!
Also the more calls we make using our voices, the better!
Riverside Sheriffs Office Riverside California (951) [phone redacted]
Officer Huizar Badge #5795
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cubn-bfc · 5 years
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Edward James Olmos was born on February 24, 1947 in East Los Angeles, California. His ethnically diverse neighborhood – which he refers to as a “salad bowl” because each culture kept its own unique qualities, blending into a whole without losing its individual flavor – contributed towards his open-mindedness and ability to welcome diversity among people.
About the Boyle Heights section of Los Angeles where EJO grew up, he says, “On our small lane (Cheesbrough’s Lane) we had a Hispanic family with thirteen kids, Native Americans, Koreans, Chinese, Mexicans, and Russians. It was a fantastic environment.”
Eddie’s mother, Eleanor Huizar, met his father, Pedro Olmos, while visiting Mexico City. They married and raised three children: Peter, Edward, and Esperanza. His parents divorced when he was seven, and Eddie found refuge in baseball as a means of staying away from street gangs and drugs. He was such a talented ball player; he became the Golden State batting champion.
Early in his teen years, Eddie found a new love – music. He taught himself to sing and play piano, and by 1961 he was good enough to join a band, the Pacific Ocean. The band’s name was Eddie’s idea because it was “the biggest thing on the West Coast.” With waist long hair, Eddie was the band’s lead vocalist. “I was a terrible singer, but, boy, could I scream and dance!”
In 1968 Eddie’s band, Pacific Ocean, made one record, “Purgatory.” It includes such classic tunes as:”Tracks of My Tears,” “Subterranean Homesick Blues,” and “16 Tons.” On the album, credit is given to ‘Eddie James’ as one of the musical arrangers. Eddie also was the groups’ lead singer.
In the mid 1960s Eddie attended East Los Angeles College and California State University by day and played in local clubs most of the night. He began taking acting classes to improve the show. “I started acting to become a better singer. Then the whole thing switched on me. I discovered that the spoken word is easier to project than the sung word.”
One night a young woman walked into Gazzarri’s night club when the band was playing. The daughter of actor Howard Keel, Kaija was to become Eddie’s first wife. They were married in 1971 and had two sons, Mico and Bodie. Edward also has two adopted sons, Michael and Brandon, and two adopted daughters.
To support his family, EJO took jobs delivering antique furniture between gigs and small acting roles. Then in 1978 during an audition for another play, he was asked if he would like to try out for Zoot Suit, a musical drama about the famous 1942 “Sleepy Lagoon” case in which a group of Hispanic youths were wrongly convicted of murder.
Eddie dazzled them at the audition, speaking the part of the narrator in calo, a street jive dialect (a mix of English, Spanish, and Gypsy) from East L.A. He earned the role of El Pachuco, the strutting, posing, super macho narrator.
Zoot Suit opened in 1978 at the Mark Taper theatre with an expected run of ten days. It ran for a year before going to Broadway. By the time the show closed, Eddie had won a Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle award, a Theatre World Award, and was nominated for a Tony Award.
Acting roles came in faster after that. In 1981 he made Wolfen with Albert Finney, and in 1982 he accepted the role of Gaff in Blade Runner with Harrison Ford. In 1984, after difficult negotiations in which he gained the right of creative control over his character of Lieutenant Martin Castillo, Eddie joined the cast of the very popular “Miami Vice.”
His popularity and fame grew tremendously with “Miami Vice.” However, Eddie was able to maintain a balanced approach. “You have to be able to say “no” to fame and fortune before you receive it to be able to say “no” again when you get older,” Olmos observes. “If not, you won’t have the strength and courage to do it. The intent must be pure.” This again became evident with his TV series, “American Family” and more recently with his hit series “Battlestar Galactica.”
"Battlestar Galactica" enjoyed four seasons of rave reviews and became one of the most honored science fiction shows of all time winning the Peabody Award and several Emmys. EJO played the lead character of Admiral Adama, the heart and soul of the show and of the series. He directed several episodes of "Battlestar Galactica" and, most recently, a "BSG" movie titled The Plan which was recently released on DVD and BlueRay and which is set to air on the SyFy Channel in 2010.
Eddie was most recently seen in the role of Michael Axford on the new movie The Green Hornet. His character is an ex-cop turned rough and tough journalist who reports on the Green Hornet and seeks to reveal his identity. And as the murderous zealot on HBO’s hit show Dexter.
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mariebenz · 5 years
MSM: Microbes Associated with Sexual Behavior Can Alter Immune System to Increase HIV Risk
MedicalResearch.com Interview with:
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Brent Palmer Brent E. Palmer, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine Director, ClinImmune and ACI/ID Flow Cytometry Facility Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology University of Colorado Anschutz Medical College Aurora, Colorado 80045  MedicalResearch.com: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?  Response: Previous studies showed that in western populations, men who have sex with men (MSM) have a distinct gut microbiome composition when compared with men who have sex with women (MSW). We wanted to understand how these microbiome differences in MSM could impact their immune system. To test this, we transferred feces from healthy MSW and MSM to gnotobiotic (germ-free) mice and examined the immune system in the mice post-transplant. In mice that received transfers from MSM, there were higher frequencies of activated T cells in gut tissues, which are the primary targets of HIV. This result suggested that gut microbes associated with MSM sexual behavior may actually contribute to HIV transmission by driving activation of HIV target cells. In fact, when we stimulated human gut derived cells with gut microbes isolated from MSM and MSW, cells that were stimulated with microbes from MSM were infected at a higher rate.  MedicalResearch.com: What should readers take away from your report? Response: Our study shows that microbes associated with MSM sexual behavior can alter the immune system in a way that could increase risk for HIV infection, at least in mice. MedicalResearch.com: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this work? Response: These experiments were done in mice and in cell culture, so studies in human populations will be needed to demonstrate that the gut microbiome is indeed a risk factor for HIV infection. Additionally, it is still not clear how sexual behaviors specifically alter the gut microbiome - understanding how this occurs could lead to development of therapies that prevent or "reverse" these microbiome alterations. Citation: Sam X. Li, Sharon Sen, Jennifer M. Schneider, Ka-Na Xiong, Nichole M. Nusbacher, Nancy Moreno-Huizar, Michael Shaffer, Abigail J. S. Armstrong, Erin Severs, Kristine Kuhn, Charles P. Neff, Martin McCarter, Thomas Campbell, Catherine A. Lozupone, Brent E. Palmer. Gut microbiota from high-risk men who have sex with men drive immune activation in gnotobiotic mice and in vitro HIV infection. PLOS Pathogens, 2019; 15 (4): e1007611 DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007611    The information on MedicalResearch.com is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health and ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In addition to all other limitations and disclaimers in this agreement, service provider and its third party providers disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the content provided on this website.   Read the full article
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film 168429
001 oah 2699 pt.3
002 168429
004 slate
005 conitnua
006 dario rodriguez & victoriana hernandez / venado
013 rafael de la torre & lorenza fonesca / arandas
022 manuel navarette & josefa rivas / arandas
026 francisco jauregui & casimira orozco / mexticacan
034 pablo cardenas & luisa carrion / ?
040 jose maria jimenez & maria jesus marquez / lagos
047 ? & ? / ?
050 jose flores & lugarda gonzalez / ?
056 jose maria serrano & mariana lopez / aguascalientes
062 roman gonzalez & maxima coevas / jalpa
065 secundino villalobos & isabel quezada / encarnacion
071 victoriano quintero & prudenciana vargas / mascota
079 nepomuceno padilla & guadalupe marquez / lagos
086 ramon vasquez & dolores garcia / tecolotlan *tree 094
095 antonio ramos & maria carmel trujillo / barca
099 jose maria salazar & isidra salazar / jerez
106 jose rivera & ana josefa carajaval / banderas
111 tranquiliano acero & paulina medina / jalpa
115 jesus hernandez & maria san juan hernandez / arandas
120 cristino marin & eusevia mojarro / tlaltenango
127 julio rodarte & ysidora luna / jerez *luna 129
133 santos gallegos & refugio gallegos / ?
139 julian cervantes & petra duran / ?
144 balbino villalobos & ascencion gutierrez / encarnacion
150 rafael sanchez & felipa gutierrez / cuquio
155 agustin sanchez & ? / atotonilco
160 rafael chavarin & justa gutierrez / tomatlan
167 lino barajas & matiana zamora / mazamitla
174 antonio vega & felipa (?) / guadalajara
178 mauricio esparza & guadalupe jaimes / ixtlan
184 dionisio martin & albina gonzalez / lagos
197 juan jose lisalde & tiburcia mejia / yahualica
202 rafael duron & gavina arellano / asientos
210 martin perez & guadalupe manzares / banderas
216 polonio cortes & carmen ulloa / teul
221 salvador alderete & camila gutierrez / tepatitlan
227 bernabe machaen & maria san juan machaen / lagos
231 guadalupe sanchez & ynes estrada / pinos
234 francisco guzman & raimunda hernandez / jerez*tree 237-238
241 esmergildo hernandez & modesta de las llagas / venado
247 pablo gomez & maria marcos guerrero / nochistlan
251 ruperto gonzalez & juana ramirez / jocotepec
256 rafael lomelin & petra arias / tototlan
262 manuel gonzalez & maria jesus lucio / jerez *ramirez 263
267 angel lopez velarde & maria salome lopez velarde / paso
271 antonio carrasco & timotea tamayo / ?
274 mariano acuna & margarita del real / jerez *trees 274
282 manuel castro & andrea medina / guadalajara
289 trinidad cervantes & antonia temblador / san juan de los lagos
296 martin baes & vicenta arriola / zacoalco
303 claudio gonzalez & dorotea esparza / aguascalientes
308 cruz villaviscencio & victoria benites / amacueca
314 jose de la cruz caton & claudia carrillo / chimaltitan
322 francisco castellanos & martina vega / ponictlan
329 juan jose hernandez & margarita hernandez / arandas
334 leonardo mojarro & eustaquia sandoval / jalpa
337 guadalupe gomez & antonia lomeli / jalostotitlan
344 antonio zuaso & dolores zuaso / tepatitlan
349 viviano viramontes & catarina viramontes / jalpa
353 antonio roman & josefa cervantes / teul
358 victor gutierrez & guadalupe gomez / jalostotitlan
365 pedro jauregui & tomasa jauregui / mexticacan
371 jose maria romo & andrea esparza / paso
375 anacleto soto & pasquala alvarez / san cristobal
383 guadalupe guzman & hilaria coronado / arandas
389 silvano murguia & guadalupe silva / fresnillo
394 blas de luna & petra caldera / paso
398 trinidad amescua & ygnacia del toro / jocotepec
403 jose maria treto & maria jesus torres / monte escobedo
408 brigido de leon & dolores lopez / etzatlan
412 domingo ramirez & trinidad munoz / lagos
421 pablo camarena & guadalupe barajas / ?
425 jose maria oca & josefa nava / san gabriel
430 jose maria rivera & maria de jesus martinez / fresnillo
435 pedro de la mora & mariana villasenor / ?
444 luz garcia & fernanda rodriguez / jalostotitlan
453 juan de dios eleuterio huizar & angeles mora / ?
460 jose maria duran & feliciana santana / teocaltiche
470 jose maria gonzalez & damiana flores / guadalajara
475 celedonio medellin & maria jesus uribe / matehuala
480 juan tovar & maria jesus santillan / villanueva
484 atilano castaneda & yldefonza campos / encarnacion
491 gregorio martel & francisca aldape / fresnillo
497 german marquez & estefana davila / zacatecas
506 prudencio rodriguez & juana araiza / purification
511 manuel davalos & benita delgado / lagos
518 antonio santiago heredia & prudencia hernandez / ?
523 margarito perez & ? / ?
529 juan (?) & antonia hurtado / guadalajara
532 eduardo mancilla & manuela de jesus pimera / huaxicori
542 severiano perez & maria cruz martinez / jerez *martinez 544
548 manuel madrigal & isabel castillo / mascota
552 manuel flores & maria felix garcia / tlajomulco
564 florentino garcia & josefa rico / cocula
569 antonio villanueva & jacinta hernandez / ixtlan
575 anastacio nunez & ramona rodriguez / mexticacan
580 mariano carrillo & eduarda moran / teocaltiche
589 feliz najar & manuela alva / jalostotitlan
601 vicente cervantes & tranqulina sanchez / tizapan
607 jose maria perez & petra brambila / guadalajara
613 ygnacio lara & maria luna velasquez / tepatitlan
618 macedonio navarro & eulogia lopez / ?
623 isac alvarez & trinidad bedoya / tonala
628 ciriaco duran & lorenza duran / nochistlan
629 continua
630 oah 2699 fin
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