#martial arts! reader
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nohoney · 10 months ago
you watch katsuki get his workout in at the agency gym, done with your set and cooling down in the corner. his wrapped knuckles beating the shit out of the hanging sandbag. each blow ripples through the weight and bounces back up his corded and flexing arm. you carefully follow the impact shiver up his flexing muscles. under the harsh gym lighting and his glistening sweat provide the perfect contrast to further sculpt the hills and valleys of those arms, the grit in between his brows and pulling the corner of his lip down. you could think of a few other ways you could put those arms and hands to good use.
and then having you help him ice his battered knuckles because we went just a little too hard. you're close enough to see his chest heave and smell the musky scent got your mouth watering.
frrr that art got me just brrrrrrrrrrr
ajahsjsndicje the fucking image of katsuki sparring is just burned into your brain. you’d always had a thing for his hands, the veins that pop out whenever he flexes or when he’s got your throat in his careful hold. but fuck, there was something about the way it seemed so effortless how he hit the sandbag. you even gave it a little shove and you were very surprised with how little it moved.
katsuki is strong.
his arms are big and his hands could properly retaliate if the wrong person were to square up with him.
instead he puts that strength to use by fucking you like a ragdoll. his grip leaves achy but appreciated bruises on your body. you giggle in exhilaration when he uses his hands to press your head deeper into the mattress.
and it’s when you’re learning how to wrap his hands for him that you lean down to kiss his knuckles on his right hand, loving how he gets embarrassed from your small affection. but he says, “do the other one.”
you repeat the action for his left hand and you tell him you have a request when he’s done practicing with the sandbag. “yeah baby?”
“when you’re done, keep the wraps on. okay?” your eyes look at him full of eagerness, nodding your head to the locker room.
katsuki blinks at you but he’s flushed as he nods his head.
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carnivorousyandeere · 1 year ago
How the Martial Arts Group reacts to a darling who is tough and could break anyone's face, but ends up becoming extremely docile towards the yanderes, promptly responding to their requests and showing passionate puppy dog looks?
Coach: Oh, Coach fucking LOVES this dynamic with you. They adore knowing they’re the one who built you up and made you such a force to be reckoned with, teaching you how to direct your strength in the most effective ways. And of course, they adore how obedient and eager to please you are. You’re the type of Darling who’s going to get outright favoritism from Coach rather than harsher instruction for sure. They can never say no to your puppy dog eyes, the same way you can never seem to say no to them…
More Experienced Teammate: they’re thrown for a loop every time they remember that the same person who follows them around like a lost puppy is the same one who effortlessly throws them around every time they practice together. They like to pretend that you’ve knocked the wind from their lungs whenever you knock them down, just to see your focused look break into sweet concern. You always offer to help them up, and they never deny you. The contrast between your focus and power in the ring, your tough appearance, and your sweet and obedient personality are quite endearing to them. Even if they act a little exasperated at your clingy tendencies, they wouldn’t have it any other way.
Less Experienced Teammate: puppy dog eyes v./ puppy dog eyes. They’re always trying to help you, you’re always trying to help them. Even if you’re just being kind, they always view your obedience and desire to help them out as a sign that you return their feelings. Their obsessive delusion is only strengthened by other people assuming the two of you are a couple because of the way you both follow each other around. Of course, they’re obsessed with how strong and tough you are. Probably pins up pictures of you on their wall to admire your form. Definitely swoons at the thought of you carrying them around and might pretend to get injured in practice just so you’ll carry them to go get their ankle wrapped up, and the like.
Rival: similar to your more experienced teammate, they’re always taken aback to see the different sides of your personality. They regard you with immense suspicion and distrust as always, though it makes their heart and stomach feel weird whenever you give them that dopey fuckin’ look of yours whenever you’re trying to do something nice for them. And why? So that they’ll owe you? Just more dirty tricks, they’re sure. And it makes them angry (and flustered…) if you stop giving it your all when fighting them, in favor of being placid and obedient to them. They know you have an immense strength, why are you holding back with them? Do you not respect them as your opponent anymore? And yet, they can’t help feeling bad when you end up looking like a kicked puppy from their fighting words, tail practically between your legs. Begrudgingly begins to treat you more nicely, and begins to plot to convince you to join their training group or to join yours when they realize you’re actually genuine…
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lilyswrittenworks · 7 months ago
VIII| Lessons in Perspective
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Warning(s): None
Synopsis: Piccolo's new position as your security guard came naturally to him because of his otherworldliness; it easily scared off potential troublemakers that had been harassing you and the students. With it came an opportunity to watch you in action.
       When Piccolo stepped through the entrance of the dojo, all activities were put to an immediate halt. All eyes were on him as he searched for you through the crowd of students until he spotted you across the room. He goes around the edge and heads straight towards you, passing by whispering teens and catching glimpses of cautious stares from the young adults.
You felt a presence from behind and turned to meet Piccolo where you greeted him with a smile. "I was wondering when you would come by."
Piccolo had voiced his concerns to you about being a distraction if he were to be present amongst your students. He didn't want to be the center of attention for obvious reasons. His otherworldly appearance could bring forth unnecessary gossip that could potentially damage your school's reputation. The thought of causing your hard work to go to waste would truly gnaw at him for as long as he lived.
Being the optimistic person you were, assured him that nothing would happen and even if it did—Well... your colorful choice of words were enough to ease his concerns, if only a little.
"You've been insistent." He deadpanned, feeling his intense stare at the back of your skull.
"It's called encouragement, thank you very much!" He huffed through his nose in response. Anyone could easily mistake his broad and imposing presence as something to be reckoned with. But you see right through his steely features, there were beads of sweat forming on the side of his temple. He had this facial tic that you've come to learn since meeting him, from the slight twitch of his brow, to his lips pressed into a thin line, and the way the corners of his eyes crinkle with uncertainty. Not to mention how rigid his body was!
"Trust me when I say this," You look over your shoulder. "These students, Piccolo, are really good kids. There's always going to be a couple of kids and adults alike that are still trying to sort things out in their life, but their hearts are in the right place. They should know better than to judge a book by its cover."
Your eyes wandered towards the younger students where they were scattered across the dojo, some in large groups and others much smaller in comparison. "I'm not only their instructor, but I'm also their guidance counselor who is willing to listen. That's one of the reasons why my students hold such high regards towards me to begin with."
From the way you stared up at him and openly confessed with such sincerity in your voice, he had to take your word for it. Because he trusts you and only a selective few that he can truly trust in: you just made it to that list of people.
You took a step forward at the front, in an instant all students were focused on you and greeting you with a respectful bow, you bowed in return.
You greeted them and went on to explain about today's lesson and it was painfully obvious that none of them were listening to what you were saying. All eyes were on a particular person that was standing right behind you. Of course if it were one or two students that weren't paying attention you would've let it slide, but there were more than just two students and you could feel your temper sizzling at the pit of your stomach.
You loudly cleared your throat, in an instant, all eyes were on you. "It's rude to stare at people, you know? But since you're all SO curious about who exactly is this person that's standing behind me then I will happily do so."
"Everyone, this is Piccolo," You gestured towards the seven feet tall Namekian. "He's a good friend of mine and has been our security guard for a while now. Since the police clearly did everything in their power to try and solve our predicament and they obviously care about our safety above all else."
Each and everyone of your students saw your eyes rolling so far back that a handful of them began to snicker. You were very open to the fact that not one single police officer offered to help because of your status, and even when presenting the clear signs of danger: your pleas were met by deaf ears—brushed off and ignored. It still stung, however, that didn't deter you from seeking ways in keeping your students safe. With Piccolo's help you could rest easy knowing your students were well looked after.
"None of you will have to deal with the constant harassment anymore. My friend Piccolo here will ensure that whoever tries to pass through those gates uninvited will be escorted off the property. All right, now," You smacked your hands together causing a couple of the young students to jump, "that's all I have for you guys. Now, let's go on and start with our class."
You started off by tackling the basics by positioning into a proper fighting stance. For this you had them stand inside the squares from the mats where. With their hands up, arms extended as they positioned their feet on the top left corner and with the other feet on the bottom right. Not all stances were the same, however. Everyone had their own unique and comfortable stances that fit their physique, some had longer legs and others had short legs which caused them to extend too much for your liking. With each student, you went to correct their stances. You also tested how good their stances were... by pushing them.
Beginners, such as those starting off as white belts all the way up to orange belt were an exception, you didn't reprimand them as much. However, those who wore a green belt onward would definitely be called out if their stances were sloppy. Needless to say, a good portion of them remained rooted to the ground while the inexperienced ones needed more practice.
After going through the stances, it was time to put them to test. You stood in the center of the room where all of your students were surrounding you at a reasonable distance.
"I want you all to be on your toes, I'm going to pick a random student from the crowd to come to the center and all you guys have to do is try to knock me down." Instantly there were hushed whispers into the crowd, some even shifted to hide themselves from view. You snapped your fingers to gain their attention. "Yes, it's an intimidating task to do because I'm your sensei, but the reality is that there will always be someone bigger and stronger than you. I want you, all of you, to utilize every single technique that I have taught you and implement them here."
You gestured with your hands, index fingers pointing down towards the safety matt. "This is a safe place to put your knowledge to the test, to correct them and perfect them. Out in the streets is a whole other world where one mistake can cost you your life. I want you to be confident and be able to defend yourselves alright?"
With your hands on your hips, you exhale and smile enthusiastically. "Okay! So, who's going to be the unlucky one that has to deal with me, hm? Let's see, if I cover my eyes," you proceed to cover your eyes with your hand and slowly start spinning. "And eventually I'm going to point at whoever my finger lands! How's that sound guys?"
Hearing the sounds of your students voicing their uncertainty to their friends only made you smile because deep down you knew they all had that potential to exceed. You halted as you extended your arm pointing your finger to the left. Uncovering your eyes was when you locked eyes with one of your adult students, a female with dark eyes, tanned skin, and long hair which was braided into a single high ponytail.
"Come on over, Jessica."
This went on for a good hour, and the task of knocking you down proved to be a challenge in it of itself. Only a handful were able to knock you off balance, not enough to knock you down completely but it was a start in the right direction. While you evaded and slapped away a student's attempt, occasionally you would glance over to where Piccolo was. In those brief moments, you would lock eyes with him and you could've sworn you saw a hint of amusement on his features before focusing your attention back to swatting the students hands away.
With the blazing sun on the verge of disappearing it was time you went ahead and ended class early, it's a school night after all and the majority of your students were still attending school whilst some were in college. You watched on at the front entrance as each of the students were picked up by their parents and those that owned a bicycle, scooter or cars were seen leaving the premises. There wasn't really a need anymore to see your students off at the end of every class but the habit has stuck after doing it for so long.
You were just thankful that no more trespassers were seen these past three weeks and you could rest easy knowing that your students weren't going to get harassed anymore.
Once the last students were gone you began to close the entrance doors and lock them from the inside. You turned to start shutting off the lights when you saw Piccolo standing at the center of the mat flooring, no longer was he sporting his turban and cape. To your surprise, he was positioned in a wing-chun horse stance... well, kind of.
At least he was trying to follow the stance you had been teaching your students earlier today after the sparring session. You walked over to the mat, taking off your shoes and placing them beside his moccasins' before approaching to stand beside him. You weren't sure if he noticed you or not as he kept his eyes straight forward.
"Might I suggest something?" He turns his head to meet your sheepish gaze. "Your legs need to be at the same distance as your shoulders, they are a tad bit narrow. Other than that the stance looks really good."
Piccolo hummed, wordlessly fixing his leg position. His stance and posture were exceptional, you expected nothing less from him.
You smiled gleefully at the improvement. "Much better! The neat thing about this position is that it's extremely useful for evasion and redirecting."
It was comical seeing Piccolo looking like he was smacked in the face at the realization, his eyes grew impossible wide as he stared at you in disbelief. "You used this technique on me before, didn't you!?!" He exclaimed with conviction.
"From our first sparring session. I'm surprised you hadn't figured it out sooner."
"I..." He paused, standing normally again as he averted his gaze. "I don't tend to pick up on someone else's techniques. I usually stick with what I already know."
"And that's totally fine!" You gesture your hand at him then at yourself. "It's what works best for you, like how my technique works for me. Trust me, if I were to try your style of fighting I think I would be sore for days!"
An honest chuckle came out of his lips. "I don't doubt it."
There was a smirk on his face as he said this while looking directly at you. His piercing gaze sent shivers down your spine, though you hid it well enough that he hadn't noticed.
"Ok, now you're making me feel like I'm weak or something. You gotta give me some credit here. I threw you into the lake, you know? Or did you forget?"
He blinked, a sweatdrop appearing on the side of his cheek with an almost deadpan expression. "Well, yeah... I suppose you did."
With a triumphant smile, you turned to leave the center as you looked over your shoulder. "You should train me one of these days. It'll be good to learn a thing or two from you. All I ask is for you not to take it easy on me just because I'm a girl."
The corner of his mouth turned up, "Feh, fine. Don't come whining if it gets too hard."
"Oh-hoo, you are already underestimating my pain tolerance, Piccolo. I'll endure it all out of spite!"
(2,086 words in total)
It's been a heck of a year hasn't it? I landed my dream job and I haven't been able to get any motivation for writing for an entire year until now. A lot has happened in life, lots of personal things happened and my mental health has taken a toll, so I took a much needed break from everything and have been doing well since.
I'm sorry for the sudden hiatus, but now I'm back with a newfound spark to write and continue with this lovely story. (It'll be slow since I am a bit rusty and most of the ideas have changed drastically. Thank goodness I had them written down otherwise this would have had a different plot lol)
I hope this year has been well for you lovely reader, if it hasn't then I send you lots of virtual hugs and many good vibes.
Happy reading!
Until next time. c:
Part VII
You are currently reading Part VIII
Part IX
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shishibaswife · 1 year ago
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what our parents apparently do to make it to school
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archangeldyke-all · 1 year ago
what about a reader winning a fight ( 👊👊) w sevika but sev is like :0 cause reader is pretty skinny compared to her like reader seems delicate, she's not, and sev gets so fucking horny that ....
I let that end to you pretty 😉
love this!
men and minors dni
sevika's cocky, smirking at you from across the mat as she wraps her hands. "you sure?" she asks. you roll your eyes as you stretch your body.
"i'm sure, sev. wouldn't have asked if i didn't want to." you say. sevika snorts.
"i'll go easy on you, honey." she says with a wink. you laugh.
sevika's strong. much stronger than you. but you've got an advantage on her.
sevika's a boxer-- it's her primary fighting background. you've seen her fight, and while her hits are powerful, they only land above her opponent's waist. she doesn't use her legs, she's a little too cocky to focus on blocking, and she relies solely on her strength.
you, on the other hand, are scrawny. when play-fighting with sevika, she always wins, pinning you beneath her. but you've got a background in mixed martial arts.
your fighting style is focused on blocking, diverting, and using your opponent's strength against them. you use kicks, knees, elbows, and headbutts just as frequently as you use your fists. and you'll aim anywhere.
last night, when you asked sevika if she'd ever like to spar with you, she simply laughed. she's still laughing now, as the two of you approach each other in the center of the mat.
"ready?" she asks as she reaches her hands out. you knock your fists against hers to signify the beginning of a fight and nod with a smile.
"ready." you say.
the two of you circle each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. sevika fakes you out a couple times, lunging at you before pulling back when you flinch, chuckling each time. you just huff and wait for her to strike.
it doesn't take long. sevika's patient in a lot of areas, but fighting isn't one of them. her arm swings out, aiming at your face, and you quickly duck beneath it. she huffs, then aims a punch at your gut. you take the hit with a grunt, stumbling from the impact as sevika giggles across from you.
"sure you wanna keep going?" she asks. you glare at her. fuck this, you think as adrenaline pumps through your body and your training kicks in. she aims another hit at you.
before she can meet her mark, you slide to the side, weaving your arm around her elbow and spinning the two of you as you shoot a knee up into her stomach. she grunts and doubles over, a shocked look washing over her face as your free elbow comes flying toward her face.
"fuck." she curses struggles in your grip. you've still got her flesh arm trapped, but her mechanic arm is free.
with a solid hook, she hits you in the temple, and you stumble backwards, letting go of her. you stare her down from across the mat.
an impressed smile is creeping up her lips. "maybe i don't need to take it easy on you." she says. you chuckle.
"i told you we'd be good sparring partners." you say with a grunt as you block another one of her punches with your forearm, knocking it out of the way and landing a solid roundhouse kick into her ribs.
as your foot meets her side, her free fist meets your face again. a crunch rings out and blood begins to dribble down your face. you groan, and sevika freezes. "shit, are yo--ah!" she huffs out as you smash your forehead against her nose.
"now we match." you say with a giggle as her nose begins to bleed.
sevika growls and reaches out to grab you around the waist, but you slide away before she can grab you. she glares at you, her chest huffing, her flesh knuckles white from how hard she's clenching them.
she throws three hits your way in quick succession, one of them barely grazing your ribs, the second hitting the center of your stomach, the third a nasty upper hook that knocks your chin back. you take the hits, letting the momentum of your spinning head twirl you into a full body spin, aiming a spinning high kick at sevika's head.
it lands, and sevika falls on her ass. you tackle her onto the ground, but before you can pin her, she's flipping you.
you quickly crawl away, but when she plasters her body over your back, you grab her arm around your shoulder and dive forward, flipping her over you.
she lands flat on the floor, sprawled out with a shocked look in her eye. you giggle from above her and she smiles up at you.
"where the fuck did you learn that?" she giggles out. you smile and duck your head down. sevika flinches, expecting another headbutt, but she melts when your lips meet hers.
it's a little awkward. sevika's upside down beneath you, so your nose keeps knocking into her chin. you pull away and sevika pouts up at you, quickly scrambling to her knees to turn around and push you down onto the mat.
"time out." she grunts as she straddles you, hungrily kissing your lips and grinding her clothed cunt onto your pelvis. you smile against her lips.
"does fighting always get you this worked up?" you ask with a giggle as she trails kisses down your neck.
"no, but it's hot as fuck that you can throw me around like that." she says. you laugh as your hands start scrabbling at her shirt, trying to get her naked. she leans up to help you strip her, leaning back down to kiss you again but being blcoked by your finger to her lips.
"hold on." you whisper as you gently wipe up the blood trickling from her nose with her shirt. she smiles softly at you, and when you're done cleaning her up, she wipes your blood up with her shirt as well. then, she's shoving her tongue down your throat, her hand snaking up under your shirt to fondle your tits.
you moan beneath her, grinding up against her as you claw at her back, trying to get her closer to you.
you trail one of your hands down to fiddle with her button and fly, shoving your hand underneath her waistband and boxers, groping her wet cunt as she shivers above you.
"f-fuck." she sighs as you start rubbing circles against her clit.
you chuckle. "maybe we wouldn't be good sparring partners-- might be too distracting." you say. she moans against your shoulder.
"fuck off. you're the only person i'm sparrin' with from now on." she grunts as she humps her cunt against your hand. you giggle and kiss her lips, gently nipping her swollen lower lip, relishing in the whimper it gets from her.
"you're so wet, can i eat you out? fuck, sev, will you ride my face?" you ask below her. sevika shudders on top of you as she scrambles to her knees and pushes her pants and boxers lower.
you grope her now exposed ass, tugging her higher up your body, trying to get her cunt on your mouth as quickly as you can. when she's hovering over you, her glistening clit three inches away from your eager mouth, the door to the gym swings open.
"what the fuck!?" jinx screams out. you look over just in time to catch the teenager slap a hand over her eyes and gag. "what the fuck!?" she cries out again.
sevika scrambles to stand, but her pants around her knees only make her fall onto her ass again. you giggle as you help her up, tossing her her shirt and helping her button up her pants and zip up her fly.
sevika's blushing profusely. you grin and launch up to kiss her cheek.
"sorry jinx." you say to the teen. "we're good now."
jinx hesitantly peeks between her fingers to check that you're not lying, and then her arms go flying as she starts on a tirade about communal spaces and pda.
sevika's shoulders rise with each of jinx's sentences, until they're practically at her ears. her blush is traveling down her chest and she's biting her lip. she looks adorable.
"relax, jinx, you didn't see anything bad." you cut her off.
"i saw sevika's ass!" she cries out. you chuckle.
"like i said, you didn't see anything bad." you repeat. she groans and throws the towel over her shoulder at you. you quickly dodge it, tugging sevika behind you to leave the gym.
jinx is mumbling about disinfecting the mats as you pass her by, ruffling her hair with one hand, holding sevika's in the other.
sevika makes certain that she locks the gym door each time you spar together in the future.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa
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carnivorousyandeere · 1 year ago
Lore time, Adémidé and his Darling have been friends for years. Darling went to a faraway college while Adémidé went to the nearby college (where college group one, Erik, the student council, and the dnd yans are) and kept living with his parents out in the nearby smaller city where he and Darling grew up. Eventually Darling came back to town, and took up martial arts again, hence why they’re a lower rank than Adé, who never stopped practicing.
Anyways all this to say, imagine Adémidé’s jealousy when learning that Darling got their nipples pierced when they were away at college.
“You got them pierced without me?!”
Is his first concern.
��…has anybody else seen them?”
Is their second.
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kudzucrypt · 1 year ago
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Yoo Junghyuk voice: Kim Dokja
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unboundndd · 2 years ago
Hi hi, It's rare to see people writing about Yone around here, so... Could I ask for a Yandere!Yone x reader in a modern AU? pwp
And thanks for everything (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Have a nice day <3
- 🍄
I am all about yone on this blog… esp since he’s the only AD character i know how to play and he has a special place in my heart! Thank you so much for requesting~
//tag: stalking, obsessive-protective Yone, some nsfw later on, yone is good at disguising himself as a normal person.
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·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Lately it seems like the only news being broadcasted on the local channels are of the various attacks and robberies towards people who are just going out and about. At first this doesn’t really alarm you, thinking that it could never happen in your neighborhood, yet as your day goes on the thought sticks in your mind. You’re not that athletic and probably weaker than your average attacker, plus you live alone so if someone were to possibly follow you home they could hurt you or worse!
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· While sitting in a café with one of your friends the topic comes up again, they’ve always been scared of something like this happening to them and next thing you know it’s a few days later and they’re dragging you to a small building on the other side of your town. When they finally open the door you realize it’s some kind of martial arts center with a small gym inside, your friend explains that apart from teaching disciplines from all over the world they also offer beginner friendly self defense classes. What immediately catches your eye is the fact that in one corner of the building there’s a smaller group of people practicing their stances with bamboo swords, all being lead by a dark haired man, his features partially covered by it. His tall figure makes the movements look so elegant and you wonder how much it had taken for him to master such an art.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· “I’m surprised to see that there’s places that teach Kendo around here.” You tell your friend who lets out a small laugh in response. “ I know right! Yone, the instructor, started working here pretty recently and told us he started Kendo because his middle school offered it as an after school activity!” You smile at how your friend gushes about the man like you’re both in high school and talking about your crushes. You can’t help but admit that he looks very handsome, jet black hair kept up by a crimson red hair tie with just a few strands framing his sharp featues.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· It takes a while but after a few months you see yourself improving and you feel more at home inside the gym. Since becoming friends with some of the Kendo students you watch their matches during the break of your own lessons, you tried to talk to Yone as well but his replies were always brief and somewhat evasive. It was a shame since you really wanted to know him better but alas you respected him not being interested in socializing with you and moved on.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· You would have been shocked to know that he actually did want to talk to you. His brain would freeze upon hearing your voice say his name, a flurry of emotions overwhelming him. You didn’t know that the dusting of pink on his pale cheeks wasn’t from overexertion just as you didn’t know that your every move was being observed by him, both inside and outside of the center. At first Yone didn't understand what was going on with him, It’s like you awakened something new inside him: He was in utter love with your looks, the kind way you treated your friends and how supportive you were to everyone. Even the way you’d cutely stumble when trying to land a punch had his heart swell and he loved the fact that you wouldn’t give up on something despite not being a natural at it. He wanted to protect you, be the one you’d run to whenever there was danger.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Thanks to the countless hours researching on the internet Yone finally finds out what was wrong with him, turns out that in all of the years he had spent living he had never really felt love and attraction to someone until you came around. He also finds out that a minority of people feel obsessed with the object of their affection, those people would usually hide their condition and live normal, quiet lives yet express their desires and seek support on anonymous forums and sometimes meet in real life. It is hard to accept at first, Yone sees how sick some of the people in the forums are, he considers himself a monster and that he should isolate himself from society to keep you safe.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· One day help comes up in the form of a reply on a post Yone made, it's the thing that Yone had failed to consider when first researching his obsessive tendencies. Anon says: "In your previous posts you mentioned they seem interested in you and try to talk to you, no? I take this as a good sign. Even though you are this way in a relationship you can compromise with them, many people don't even know they have partners with these tendencies and they get to live happy and fullfilling relationships."
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Eventually the martial arts center decides to organize a new year’s eve dinner party for the members and everyone is going to attend. The convivial atmosphere is nice but after counting down until midnight your social batteries are a bit drained, the party goes on as you make your way to a corner with an empty couch and after a few minutes you feel the cushion next to you shift as a taller figure sits next to you. You start talking about something trivial, just to fill the weirdly tense silence between the two of you yet after a while your conversation diverts towards hobbies, movies and so on. Oddly enough you and Yone seem to have very similar tastes in many things, down to what you like to cook when you feel sick. After a while the only thing your brain can seem to focus is his smooth voice telling you stories from his childhood back in his hometown, things about his brother and the turbulent relationship they have and funny things that happened in his teens.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· You loose track of time as you sit there, Yone only noticing what time it was after he caught you stifling a yawn. “Apologies, I tend to ramble a bit when talking about these things. It wasn’t my intention to bore you.” He says, cheeks flushed just like when he was exercising back in the center. “Oh, you aren’t boring me at all! I’m actually very interested but your voice is also very relaxing!” You reply while your eyes shoot open, mentally beating yourself up for ruining the moment between the two of you. “My… you are flattering me tonight. It’s getting very late though, do you have a way to get home safely?” Yone asks, a sly grin on his face because of your compliment, you truly have no idea of how much your words can affect him.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· You look around only to find your friend sleeping soundly on a pillow that was haistily thrown on the floor next to some other people they are friends with, you know they would be unable to drive even if you woke them up. Thankfully Yone is right there for you, gently helping you put your coat back on and leading you away from the party towards his car with a hand on your shoulder. You have no idea how he knows the way to your house this well, even taking the shortcuts you usually take. Yone's hand that is idly stroking yours is a good enough distraction not to think about it though, he's so gentle when touching you and very much unlike to the self defense demonstrations he sometimes does with your instructor.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· It takes Yone more than five minutes to realize that you hugged him goodbye after he got you safely to your door, your body was so soft against the fabric of his turtleneck sweater and he finally got to feel your silky hair against his fingers. The night is far from over for him though, like usual he makes his way onto one of his many spots and sits down to watch you from one of your windows as you finish your night routine and get ready to sleep. To him being able to watch you this closely is very therapeutic, as you go about your day he likes to imagine himself living alongside you in a pretty house far away from everyone and everything. This time he can’t stop the images in his head from getting more vivid and he thinks that he truly has an opportunity to court you right and be the best partner for you.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· When he'll eventually ask you out you can't help but feel almost drowned in his affections and sweet words: he tells you for how long he has been waiting for this moment, that he will keep you safe from everything that scares you and that you'll never have to worry about anything when you're with him. You don't really notice it but Yone's presence is always looming behind you: you're almost always seen together and when you're not you make sure to always update on where you're going, you ask for his opinions on outfits and sometimes let him choose them for you. You seek for his approval and praise, his quiet smiles as you follow him around town when making errands always make you smile. Sure it might look overwhelming to some but it's something you're unconsciously appreciating, especially when he's basically your dream boyfriend and always talks you out of things that might be too "dangerous" for you. You're really lucky to have him to keep you safe, and even luckier because it looks like he has no intentions of ever leaving you.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Since he’s very good at covering up him being a yandere, Yone also knows how to hide what his deepest fantasies are. After a while of dating you decide to try and ask him if there's anything more unorthodox he'd like to try in bed but the topic seems to fluster him, leaving him looking down and you apologizing profusely to him. You notice how every time you sleep together he seems to hold back and you want him to enjoy himself too but you also know that you can't force someone to open up about certain topics.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· For a while you’ve only seen one side of Yone: an attentive service top who on occasion will tease yet never doing anything that could be remotely uncomfortable to you. The way he memorizes your sweet spots is inhuman and he’ll always put your pleasure first and foremost. He also lives for your praise and will nuzzle his head in the crook of your neck to hide his rampant blush, it’s an instant boost of serotonin for him to hear that it's him who is making you feel this good. He also likes to praise you and the closer he is to finishing the more it transforms into a flowery ramble about how good and beautiful you are.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· He finally opens up to his more perverse side and you can’t help but be fascinated by it: he’s all about marking, claiming you in as many ways as he can so you’ll have visible love bites peeking from the neckline of your shirts and bruises on your hips because of how hard he can grip. Despite his hands being long and elegant they also are extremely strong, he likes to remind you he’s in control by forcing you to look at him in the eyes while you’re oh so close.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Enjoys the amount of control that you give to him as well, when you first allowed him to tie your hands behind your back he was just so happy he was the only one who you’d ever allow to do this to you. Even though he gets a bit carried away and manhandles your body into certain positions he’ll still check in with you and stop instantly if he sees that you’re not enjoying it anymore. He loves it when you tell him you're his, that he's the only one who can see you like this and it will definitely turn him on more than he already is.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Also encourages you to grip on his biceps or shoulders when things get more intense, the scratch marks on his skin are a token to the fact that he belongs to you, just like you belong to him. So any of the scars you leave are a trophy for him and he’ll proudly take his shirt off when he trains. (and then people will stare at you funny because at this point everyone knows you're dating)
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· The scar on his face is a bit of a sensitive topic, but after a while of being in a relationship with you he’ll let you touch it and kiss it. There’s many tender moments where you gently stroke his face in the middle of sex and he will melt internally whenever it happens, he’s never felt so cared for and understood before being with you and this only makes him more obsessed with you.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· You’ll be always treated like royalty, Yone tends to be up and about right after finishing so he’ll bring you whatever you need to rest. Unless you want cuddles as aftercare, if that’s the case he’ll hold you close to his chest because he learned pretty quickly how much it relaxes you, if you fall asleep you'll find yourself neatly tucked into your shared bed and if he has to go somewhere the next day he'll make sure to leave you some water and snacks on the bedside table for when you wake up.
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ravensmadreads · 11 months ago
Ok so hear me out…what if there was a gym au with all the boys…🤔
You meet Joel in the weights section. He helps you with your form and then helps you with your aches afterwards 🤭
Javi P is a cardio king, he’s gotta be able to run after all. You meet him at the treadmills but he has a better suggestion for some cardio you can do together 🫠
Dieter is in a dance or aerobics class. He’s good with a rhythm, and it always boosts his serotonin. He takes you out dancing afterwards and we know where that leads 😌
Ezra is doing yoga. He loves the stretch. He helps you perfect your downward facing dog form 😏
I can’t think of any other boys rn but…what if…what if I’ve been thinking too much about this…what if I opened a new doc…
*raven.exe has stopped working*
Me @ this:
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Okokok so hold on lemme catch up with your big beautiful brain!!
Joel is DEFINITELY weights. He's hovering behind you, acting as your spotter, and then he puts his gigantic warm hands all over you: "correcting your form darlin' ". he chats a mile a dozen about his girls as he distracts you while you wheeze your way through the last set! he blushes all the way to the tips of his ears trying to ask you out before he absolutely destroys your 🐈 in the car???
Omg YOU DID NOT JUST BRING SWEATY JAVI P INTO THIS IM CRYINGGGGGGGGG. I WILL DO CARDIO WITH HIM ANY DAY !! (Idk if i can keep up but i bet he can make me 😉😉) ok but he gets on the elliptical with that tight butt and he definitely catches you staring SHAMELESSLY.
Oooooh but you're so right about Dieter?? You know those Zumba or pole dancing classes??? YEP THAT'S WHERE DIETER IS. the man can move his hips!! He will absolutely one hundred percent give u a lap dance. Idec that im so far off your idea rn i just want his sweaty curls on top of me.
I haven't really dipped my toe in the Ezra fandom yet, but that blonde streak of hair is very distracting. And that voice 🥵🥵🥵 yes please bend me in a pretzel sir 🫠🫠🫠
What if you opened the google doc... what if i wrapped u in a blanket burrito and made out with you (with consent ofc)... what if i fed u snacks... what if i proposed marriage..
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incantion · 1 year ago
hysteriantics — too pretty
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it was all going to be different for you this time.
things were going to change, you were finally going to be happy. five years of your life had been wasted, you weren’t about to let it happen again.
you’d moved back to tokyo just a few weeks ago after your life had been completely uprooted and turned upside down.
this was a “fresh start”— returning to the place you were born and raised in, the place where your happiest memories stemmed from. even so, a deep set guilt tugged at your heart. when you’d last lived here, you’d just graduated jujutsu tech, excited to take on the world and make a name for yourself. you had been in love, and thought there was nothing in the world that could take you down.
oh, how wrong you’d been.
the last five years were a dark stain on your life, hanging behind you like storm cloud just waiting to cause a downpour.
you shook your head, running your hands over your face, pulling yourself forcefully out of your thoughts. now wasn’t the time to be so buried in your mind, you had things to do.
you’d started a job at a nearby restaurant as a waitress, and while you weren’t making an insane amount of money, or living in the nicest place, you were free, and you could provide for yourself well enough.
the first thing on the agenda for today, as it was your day off, was finding a place to learn self defense. when you’d left your ex, it was the first thing you wanted to do when you’d gotten a stable source of income. you never wanted someone else to be able to hurt you ever again.
looking at yourself in the mirror, you fixed your hair, threw a sweatshirt on over your sleep shirt, and made it over to your room. you put some sweatpants on, something comfortable but still warm enough to be suitable for the winter, and then a pair of shoes on. humming to yourself in approval, you grabbed your keys off of the counter, and left.
there was a dojo a ten minute walk away from you, conveniently enough, and it had received so many positive reviews you felt like it was almost too good to be true. convenience and quality? at least something was looking up for you.
the air had a chill to it, and you shoved your hands into your pockets as you walked down the street, when someone caught your eye. you tilted your head, trying to be inconspicuous, but your breath caught in your throat as you saw the snow white hair.
no way. it couldn’t be him.
blinking rapidly, you jerked your head to look forward again, heart slamming in your chest. your hands tightened into fists in your pockets and you bit back the urge to look again, telling yourself it wasn’t who you thought it was, that it was just a coincidence.
but as you felt a pair of eyes burning into the side of your head, you had the feeling it wasn’t just a coincidence at all.
when you did gain the courage to look at him again, he was already gone, vanished into thin air as if he’d never been there at all.
soon enough, you’d reached the front of the dojo, your own thoughts blurring out the rest of the walk.
it was… huge. genuinely, you let out a small gasp at the size of the dojo. you never expected something like this to be practically right next door- much less such high quality.
the exterior was sleek and modern, and at first glance you may have thought it was an expensive, high class business building or something along those lines. as you pushed the door open, though, the smell of cleaning supplies and the clattering of a broom echoed through the empty space.
a man with golden hair and a kind smile appeared from a hallway the noise had come from, and you perked up at the sight of him. as you looked him over, your heart skipped a beat in your chest. he was incredibly well built, his muscular form clearly visible through the tight shirt he wore, and you couldn’t help but linger on the sight of his broad shoulders before you felt your heat and you stepped forward to the front desk.
“good morning, you got here right as we unlocked the doors, im sorry for the noise, i just wasn’t expecting anyone to come in from the front for a while,” he chuckled, running a hand through his hair. his voice was kind, and it instantly made you feel more comfortable as you offered him a warm smile.
“no worries, i wanted to get here early to uhm, hopefully sign up for a class here?” you say, fidgeting with your hands. he hums and nods, opening up a tab on the computer in front of him and turning to you.
“any idea which class you’d like to enroll in?”
when he spoke, you paused, your mouth opening in thought. “just, uhm, a self defense class?” you ask in confusion. in all honesty, you weren’t aware there was more than one kind of class even offered here.
the man laughs kindly and looks you over, raising an eyebrow in though. “well, there’s always toji’s class. if you’re purely here for self defense, he’s a pretty good instructor. it’s not just self defense, as he definitely pushes for offense, but i get the feeling you want to be able to hold your own. am i wrong?”
his words resonate with you, and you immediately nod. “that sounds perfect, actually. thank you so much. how much will it cost me, and when do i start?”
the man smiles brightly and clicks through a few tabs, before looking at you again.
“our policy is the first class is free, so you can get a feel for if you like it enough to stay, and then it’s…” his voice trails off and you nod along, before another man catches your eye.
he’s looking at you in curiosity as he leans against the hallway’s door frame, raising an eyebrow. something about him draws you towards his presence, makes you want to talk to him, find out who he is. before you can process that, though, the man at the computer desk’s voice comes back to you.
“-and then i just need your name, and you’ll be all set.” he says, politely finishing his answer.
you immediately snap your head back to him with a sheepish grin, embarrassment settling in your throat.
“it’s y/n, sir. and i never asked, but what’s your name?” you ask, resting your hand on the back of your neck with a small smile.
“it’s nanami. nanami kento. it was lovely to meet you, i hope to see you later tonight before your class with toji,” he smiles kindly again, before moving away from the front desk, and walking back towards the hallway.
your head follows him, hoping to see the man from earlier, but he’s already long gone. there’s almost a sense of disappointment in you, but you shrug and chock it up to not being around people much for the past few weeks and curiosity, before walking back out the door you entered from into the winter morning.
you don’t even notice the three pairs of eyes watching you from the back of the building as you go, too busy thinking about what tonight will bring.
yay !! i cannot describe how much i missed writing oh my GOD i’m so excited for this <33
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eternal-dragon-of-time · 6 months ago
Hero OC question.
For Bonus Points put what they post about in the tags
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lilyswrittenworks · 17 days ago
IX| Growing Souls
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Warning: Cursing, Surprise Fluff!
Synopsis: (Y/n) is overwhelmed by Piccolo’s ruthless training. Giving up wasn’t an option and admitting defeat would be a slap in the face to your pride. (Y/n) was going to prove herself, even though she's going to get wiped again.
“You’re alright? You’re not hurt?”
“No, no, no, I’m fine! Totally fine, no, no, I’m fine.” You wheezed, hands gripping your knees as you struggled to catch your breath. Sweat trickled down your face and neck, dampening the fabric of your clothes.
When, in fact, you were not fine.
Your muscles screamed in protest, your lungs burned, and your vision was beginning to swim at the edges. Fuck. You weren’t expecting him to take your words so literally and actually unleash on you today.
It had been a long time since you first experienced Piccolo’s full strength, but every time you faced him, it was like reliving that moment all over again. It was a brutal reminder of the vast difference in power between you. No matter how much you trained, how fast you moved, how well you anticipated his attacks—you simply weren’t built for raw strength. Evasion, redirection, and endurance were your game, but even that had its limits when facing someone like him.
How in the actual fuck am I supposed to compete with this?
“Really?” Piccolo’s deadpan voice cut through your thoughts. “Because you’re repeating yourself, you’re pale, and you look like you’re about to pass out.”
You blinked up at him, taking in his usual unimpressed stare. Without his weighted turban and cape, he seemed even more intimidating, standing there in his simple gi and moccasins—completely unaffected by the intensity of the sparring session. Meanwhile, you were dying.
“Yeah, you might wanna catch me.”
The second the words left your mouth, your knees buckled. Darkness tinged your vision for a split second before you felt strong arms catch you with ease. Piccolo’s hold was firm, steady, as if your weight was nothing to him. You found yourself slumped against his chest, the fabric of his gi warm against your cheek as you sucked in slow, deliberate breaths, trying to ease the ache in your lungs.
“Fuck— I’m sorry.” Your voice was muffled against him, and you barely had the energy to move.
“Don’t push yourself.” His tone was firm but not harsh. There was something softer in it, an underlying concern. “There’s only so much the human body can handle, and my training isn’t exactly meant for the faint of heart.”
You let out a breathless, exhausted laugh, your head still pressed lightly against him. No kidding. But just as you were about to make a joke, you felt it���
A subtle shift in his posture.
Piccolo tensed. Just for a moment. It was brief, almost imperceptible, but it was there. The way your breath hit his abdomen, the closeness between you—something about it affected him. You didn’t understand why, but if you weren’t so damn exhausted, you might’ve called him out on it.
Instead, you pushed yourself off of him, standing on shaky legs. You avoided his gaze, a sad smile forming on your lips.
“I knew what I was getting into,” you admitted quietly. “It’s my fault for thinking I could stand a chance against you.” You let out a self-deprecating chuckle, shrugging. “Guess that’s just one of the downsides of being human.”
Piccolo frowned. Deeply.
Something about the way you said that bothered him.
Your humanity was not a weakness. He had seen your strength firsthand, witnessed your skill, your intelligence, your resilience. You were far more capable than you gave yourself credit for.
From the moment you first threw Piccolo to the ground with alarming ease, he had convinced himself it was nothing but a fluke. A mistake. An error on his part for underestimating you—a human of all things.
But then the two of you sparred.
And everything he thought he knew about you unraveled in an instant.
At first, Piccolo was frustrated. Rightfully so.
Your combat skills weren’t just impressive; they were on par with his own. Whether you were humiliating him on purpose or not, the fact remained—his pride took a hit. Every counter, every movement, every effortless evasion of his attacks only confirmed what he refused to admit.
And then it happened.
A subtle shift in energy. His body froze.
His eyes locked onto yours, and something clicked.
He could see it now.
Your ki.
It wrapped around you like a barely visible veil, a natural extension of yourself, flowing with an effortless grace he hadn’t noticed before. Every strike, every well-timed counter—it all made sense now. The energy concentrated at your fingertips, acting as an unseen force that bound his limbs in place.
That explained why the moment your fingers had brushed against his arm, it had gone numb—why his body had betrayed him, allowing you to gain the upper hand so easily.
Piccolo’s sharp gaze lingered on you.
Maybe… you weren’t just an ordinary human after all.
“You’re wrong.”
Your brows knitted together at his sudden remark, uncertainty flashing in your eyes.
Piccolo folded his arms. “I have a friend who’s human. And he’s one of the strongest, most skilled fighters I’ve ever met… even if he’s a scaredy-cat when it comes to danger.”
He grumbled out the last part under his breath, but you still caught it.
A surprised laugh bubbled from your lips.
“The point is,” Piccolo continued, ignoring the way his chest warmed at the sound of your laughter, “humans can become strong. But it requires proper training.”
To emphasize his words, he lifted a hand, conjuring a small sphere of glowing energy in his palm. The orb pulsed gently, illuminating the sharp contours of his face with an ethereal glow.
Your breath hitched.
You had never seen anything like it before.
Cautiously, you stepped forward, leaning in just enough to examine it without risking contact. It was beautiful—like a miniature star resting in his hand, radiating warmth and raw power.
Piccolo watched you silently, noting the fascination in your gaze.
For a moment, something in his chest tightened.
He had seen warriors react to ki before. With admiration. With fear. With greed.
But never with wonder.
“This,” he said, voice quieter now, “is just a small taste of what can be achieved.”
You blinked, pulling your gaze away from the orb to meet his eyes. “It can? So, it’s not something only people born with strength can use?”
Piccolo let the energy dissipate with a flick of his wrist. “It works both ways. Some are born with talent but still need to train. Others start weak but can grow stronger through discipline. The key is learning how to control your own ki.” His expression darkened slightly. “It’s not easy. If you aren’t naturally attuned to it, the process can take years.”
He paused.
“But you’re lucky.”
Your head tilted slightly in curiosity. “Lucky?”
Piccolo studied you, his lips quirking into something just short of a smirk. “I saw you use it in our fight.”
Your brows shot up.
“You might not have realized it, but you were manipulating ki the entire time. Whether it was instinct or something buried in your training, you’re already exceptional at it.”
Your mind reeled at the revelation.
You could use ki? Effortlessly? But… you hadn’t felt anything different.
Your gaze drifted past him, unfocused, too lost in thought to respond.
“(Y/n),” Piccolo’s voice grounded you, snapping you back to the present.
You blinked rapidly, heat creeping onto your cheeks. “Sorry! I was just… trying to process all of this.” You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. “So, you’re saying I’ve been using ki this whole time? Without realizing it?”
Piccolo gave a single nod.
You exhaled, staring down at your hands. You clenched and unclenched your fists, trying to feel it—the energy he spoke of, the force that had unknowingly guided your movements.
No warmth. No shift. No spark.
Still, something within you stirred—determination.
Lifting your head, you met Piccolo’s sharp gaze, a small smile pulling at your lips.
“Then,” you started, voice filled with newfound resolve, “do you mind if ki training is added to my lessons from now on?”
Piccolo scoffed, arms still folded. But the small grin that tugged at the corner of his mouth was all the answer you needed.
You exhaled sharply, your breath shaky with exertion. Wiping away the sweat gathering at your brow, you resisted the urge to collapse backward onto the grass. It hadn’t even been a full hour, and yet, your body already ached from the relentless training.  
Piccolo’s ki training was far beyond anything you’d ever experienced. Martial arts required discipline, strength, and technique, but ki control? That demanded patience, precision, and an awareness of yourself so deep it bordered on maddening. You clenched your fists, staring down at your empty palms in frustration. No matter how many times you followed his instructions, no matter how much you tried to reach for that flicker of energy inside you—nothing. No spark, no light, not even a damn wisp of power.  
“How the fuck…” You panted between words, head tilting up to glare at him. “Can you do this without feeling exhausted?”  
Piccolo stood over you, towering as always, arms at his sides. Without his usual weighted cape and turban, his broad frame seemed even more imposing. “A lot of endurance and stamina training,” he said simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “It’s hell at first, but over time, it becomes second nature.”  
You shook your head with a tired chuckle, a mix of admiration and disbelief bubbling up despite yourself. “Geez, no wonder you’re so ripped. And insanely fucking fast. You never stop training. Do you even take a break?” You leaned back slightly to get a better look at him, only now realizing just how much your neck had to crane to meet his gaze.  
He huffed. “Hmp. And risk slacking off? No.”  
You rolled your eyes. “Really? Then how come you meditate so often?”  
“It’s another form of training.”  
“Of course it is.” You snorted before raising a brow. “Which is?”  
“Ki focus training.”  
You let out a slow breath, shifting your attention back to your hands. There was something there—a faint tingling at your fingertips, a pulse just beneath your skin. It was your ki. Your energy. It was there. It had always been there. You just couldn’t seem to grasp it the way Piccolo could.  
Sensing the change in your expression, Piccolo knelt down in front of you, lowering himself to eye level. His presence was grounding, his gaze sharp yet unreadable. You were so caught up in your own thoughts that you barely registered how close he was, nor did you notice the way his usual hard stare softened ever so slightly.  
“…You’re overthinking it.” His voice was quieter this time, lacking the usual blunt edge.  
You blinked, caught off guard, before huffing a tired laugh. “Yeah? Tell that to my brain.”  
Piccolo exhaled through his nose, shaking his head slightly. “Tch. That’s the problem.”  
You narrowed your eyes at him, but before you could retort, his large hand reached out. You froze as he gently placed two fingers against your forehead, the contact unexpected. His skin was warmer than you thought it’d be.  
“Stop forcing it. Ki flows naturally,” he said, voice steady. “If you keep trying to control it like a muscle, you’ll keep burning yourself out. Let it come to you.”  
You swallowed, your heart beating a little faster—not from exhaustion, but from something else entirely. Whether it was his proximity, the way his voice dropped slightly, or the sudden realization of just how much trust he was putting in you, you weren’t sure.  
But as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, you found yourself listening.
Focusing on the steady rhythm of your breathing. You sat straighter, just as Piccolo instructed, allowing the tension in your body to melt away.  
Then, you turned your focus inward.  
At first, there was only silence. A vast, empty space within your mind. But then—just behind your eyes—you felt it. A faint buzz, like static at the edge of your awareness. It started at your fingertips, a tingling sensation, before spreading into the center of your palms.  
The current…
You remembered Piccolo’s words—energy, like water, flowing at the center of your body. You visualized it, a deep reservoir of warmth sitting just beneath your ribcage. It pulsed faintly, like the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tide.  
Slowly, you willed the energy to move.  
It was sluggish at first, like trying to push against an invisible force, but the more you focused, the easier it became. The warmth traveled upward, swirling from your core into your arms, and finally—  
A faint glimmer of light flickered between your hands.  
Your eyes snapped open, breath catching in your throat. A dim, shifting glow hovered in your palm, barely the size of a pebble. It was weak, unstable, flickering as if it might disappear at any moment.  
But it was there.
Excitement surged through you, but you quickly tamped it down, remembering Piccolo’s warning about maintaining control. Taking another breath, you steadied your mind, focusing on keeping the energy contained.  
The tiny sphere of light pulsed in response, solidifying just a bit more.  
“That’s it,” Piccolo’s voice cut through the silence. You looked up to see him observing you with sharp, yet approving eyes. “You can feel it now, can’t you?”  
You nodded, gripping onto the sensation before it slipped away.  
Your lips curled up into a smile. You did it. You actually made a Ki sphere! Small, flickering, and unstable—but real. It wasn’t just some distant concept anymore; it was something you had drawn out from within.  
Laughter bubbled up in your throat, giddy and breathless, as you looked up at Piccolo, eyes bright with excitement. He was saying something—probably giving more instructions or a warning—but the sheer joy coursing through you drowned out his words.  
Without thinking, you moved.  
Throwing your arms around his neck, you pulled him into a spontaneous hug, the action as natural as breathing.  
For a moment, Piccolo didn’t react. His entire body went rigid, eyes widening in surprise. You were close. The warmth of your smaller frame pressed against him sent a jolt through his system. His hand hovered just above your waist, unsure if he should push you away or remain completely still.  
Then, your voice—soft and sincere—reached his ears.  
"Thank you for being patient with me, Piccolo."
His breath hitched.  
Something in his chest fluttered, an unfamiliar warmth unfurling deep within him. The tension in his shoulders melted ever so slightly, and before he could fully process it, his instincts took over.  
His large hand settled on the small of your back, hesitant yet deliberate. He hadn’t intended to pull you closer, but the second he did, something about the embrace felt… grounding.  
For someone who had spent most of his life avoiding unnecessary contact, it was strange how right this felt.  
“Hmph,” he finally grunted, the corner of his lips twitching ever so slightly. “Just don’t get ahead of yourself. You still have a long way to go.”  
But even as he said that, he didn’t pull away.
(2,537 words)
The long awaited chapter has finally come! (after being on hiatus for months on this story ;-;)
After some set backs and other hyperfixations, I finally managed to write this entire chapter after sitting in my pc for hours (it's like… almost 3 a.m over here lol).
I've been juggling between many scenarios on where this story might take off. There's a rough idea in my head that I need to write down on paper before I forget (again). Thank you for those who have waited (too long) for this chapter. For those that stuck around waiting anxiously, I apologize and thank you for your love and engagement. It really motivates me to keep on writing and to have fun with this story.
If you stuck around to read this silly note, thank you for reading!
Until next time, readers. xoxo
You are currently reading Part IX
Part X: Coming soon...
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a-random-weeb · 1 year ago
hi!!! hcs for chuuya with a crush on a reader who loves martial arts but refuses to kill anyone for the port mafia, opting instead for reconnaissance/other missions?
Ngl i struggled with this one a lot, it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to, I hope it lives up to your hopes though!
Pairing: chuuya x reader
•Chuuya doesn't understand why you don't kill people
•It seems like a waste of talent to him
•You're so good at fighting, why not use it to help them?
•He totally asks you to train with you because you're so good at fighting and he 'wants to get better fighting without his ability' it's really just an excuse to be near you and the whole pm know it
•He thinks it's so hot when you fight
•hes also impressed by how much you know
•He really wishes you would kill so that he could go on missions with you
•But he never tries to pressure you into anything
•If you ever get hurt from fighting then he'll be the one tending to your injuies
•Its so obvious he likes you it's not even funny
•He studies whatever martial arts you do so you two have something to talk about
•You're impressed by his knowledge
I am very sorry this was so short, I couldn't think of a scenario and definitely had a hard time writing this, I hope you still liked it though!
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