#piccolo x read insert
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lilyswrittenworks · 7 months ago
VIII| Lessons in Perspective
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Warning(s): None
Synopsis: Piccolo's new position as your security guard came naturally to him because of his otherworldliness; it easily scared off potential troublemakers that had been harassing you and the students. With it came an opportunity to watch you in action.
       When Piccolo stepped through the entrance of the dojo, all activities were put to an immediate halt. All eyes were on him as he searched for you through the crowd of students until he spotted you across the room. He goes around the edge and heads straight towards you, passing by whispering teens and catching glimpses of cautious stares from the young adults.
You felt a presence from behind and turned to meet Piccolo where you greeted him with a smile. "I was wondering when you would come by."
Piccolo had voiced his concerns to you about being a distraction if he were to be present amongst your students. He didn't want to be the center of attention for obvious reasons. His otherworldly appearance could bring forth unnecessary gossip that could potentially damage your school's reputation. The thought of causing your hard work to go to waste would truly gnaw at him for as long as he lived.
Being the optimistic person you were, assured him that nothing would happen and even if it did—Well... your colorful choice of words were enough to ease his concerns, if only a little.
"You've been insistent." He deadpanned, feeling his intense stare at the back of your skull.
"It's called encouragement, thank you very much!" He huffed through his nose in response. Anyone could easily mistake his broad and imposing presence as something to be reckoned with. But you see right through his steely features, there were beads of sweat forming on the side of his temple. He had this facial tic that you've come to learn since meeting him, from the slight twitch of his brow, to his lips pressed into a thin line, and the way the corners of his eyes crinkle with uncertainty. Not to mention how rigid his body was!
"Trust me when I say this," You look over your shoulder. "These students, Piccolo, are really good kids. There's always going to be a couple of kids and adults alike that are still trying to sort things out in their life, but their hearts are in the right place. They should know better than to judge a book by its cover."
Your eyes wandered towards the younger students where they were scattered across the dojo, some in large groups and others much smaller in comparison. "I'm not only their instructor, but I'm also their guidance counselor who is willing to listen. That's one of the reasons why my students hold such high regards towards me to begin with."
From the way you stared up at him and openly confessed with such sincerity in your voice, he had to take your word for it. Because he trusts you and only a selective few that he can truly trust in: you just made it to that list of people.
You took a step forward at the front, in an instant all students were focused on you and greeting you with a respectful bow, you bowed in return.
You greeted them and went on to explain about today's lesson and it was painfully obvious that none of them were listening to what you were saying. All eyes were on a particular person that was standing right behind you. Of course if it were one or two students that weren't paying attention you would've let it slide, but there were more than just two students and you could feel your temper sizzling at the pit of your stomach.
You loudly cleared your throat, in an instant, all eyes were on you. "It's rude to stare at people, you know? But since you're all SO curious about who exactly is this person that's standing behind me then I will happily do so."
"Everyone, this is Piccolo," You gestured towards the seven feet tall Namekian. "He's a good friend of mine and has been our security guard for a while now. Since the police clearly did everything in their power to try and solve our predicament and they obviously care about our safety above all else."
Each and everyone of your students saw your eyes rolling so far back that a handful of them began to snicker. You were very open to the fact that not one single police officer offered to help because of your status, and even when presenting the clear signs of danger: your pleas were met by deaf ears—brushed off and ignored. It still stung, however, that didn't deter you from seeking ways in keeping your students safe. With Piccolo's help you could rest easy knowing your students were well looked after.
"None of you will have to deal with the constant harassment anymore. My friend Piccolo here will ensure that whoever tries to pass through those gates uninvited will be escorted off the property. All right, now," You smacked your hands together causing a couple of the young students to jump, "that's all I have for you guys. Now, let's go on and start with our class."
You started off by tackling the basics by positioning into a proper fighting stance. For this you had them stand inside the squares from the mats where. With their hands up, arms extended as they positioned their feet on the top left corner and with the other feet on the bottom right. Not all stances were the same, however. Everyone had their own unique and comfortable stances that fit their physique, some had longer legs and others had short legs which caused them to extend too much for your liking. With each student, you went to correct their stances. You also tested how good their stances were... by pushing them.
Beginners, such as those starting off as white belts all the way up to orange belt were an exception, you didn't reprimand them as much. However, those who wore a green belt onward would definitely be called out if their stances were sloppy. Needless to say, a good portion of them remained rooted to the ground while the inexperienced ones needed more practice.
After going through the stances, it was time to put them to test. You stood in the center of the room where all of your students were surrounding you at a reasonable distance.
"I want you all to be on your toes, I'm going to pick a random student from the crowd to come to the center and all you guys have to do is try to knock me down." Instantly there were hushed whispers into the crowd, some even shifted to hide themselves from view. You snapped your fingers to gain their attention. "Yes, it's an intimidating task to do because I'm your sensei, but the reality is that there will always be someone bigger and stronger than you. I want you, all of you, to utilize every single technique that I have taught you and implement them here."
You gestured with your hands, index fingers pointing down towards the safety matt. "This is a safe place to put your knowledge to the test, to correct them and perfect them. Out in the streets is a whole other world where one mistake can cost you your life. I want you to be confident and be able to defend yourselves alright?"
With your hands on your hips, you exhale and smile enthusiastically. "Okay! So, who's going to be the unlucky one that has to deal with me, hm? Let's see, if I cover my eyes," you proceed to cover your eyes with your hand and slowly start spinning. "And eventually I'm going to point at whoever my finger lands! How's that sound guys?"
Hearing the sounds of your students voicing their uncertainty to their friends only made you smile because deep down you knew they all had that potential to exceed. You halted as you extended your arm pointing your finger to the left. Uncovering your eyes was when you locked eyes with one of your adult students, a female with dark eyes, tanned skin, and long hair which was braided into a single high ponytail.
"Come on over, Jessica."
This went on for a good hour, and the task of knocking you down proved to be a challenge in it of itself. Only a handful were able to knock you off balance, not enough to knock you down completely but it was a start in the right direction. While you evaded and slapped away a student's attempt, occasionally you would glance over to where Piccolo was. In those brief moments, you would lock eyes with him and you could've sworn you saw a hint of amusement on his features before focusing your attention back to swatting the students hands away.
With the blazing sun on the verge of disappearing it was time you went ahead and ended class early, it's a school night after all and the majority of your students were still attending school whilst some were in college. You watched on at the front entrance as each of the students were picked up by their parents and those that owned a bicycle, scooter or cars were seen leaving the premises. There wasn't really a need anymore to see your students off at the end of every class but the habit has stuck after doing it for so long.
You were just thankful that no more trespassers were seen these past three weeks and you could rest easy knowing that your students weren't going to get harassed anymore.
Once the last students were gone you began to close the entrance doors and lock them from the inside. You turned to start shutting off the lights when you saw Piccolo standing at the center of the mat flooring, no longer was he sporting his turban and cape. To your surprise, he was positioned in a wing-chun horse stance... well, kind of.
At least he was trying to follow the stance you had been teaching your students earlier today after the sparring session. You walked over to the mat, taking off your shoes and placing them beside his moccasins' before approaching to stand beside him. You weren't sure if he noticed you or not as he kept his eyes straight forward.
"Might I suggest something?" He turns his head to meet your sheepish gaze. "Your legs need to be at the same distance as your shoulders, they are a tad bit narrow. Other than that the stance looks really good."
Piccolo hummed, wordlessly fixing his leg position. His stance and posture were exceptional, you expected nothing less from him.
You smiled gleefully at the improvement. "Much better! The neat thing about this position is that it's extremely useful for evasion and redirecting."
It was comical seeing Piccolo looking like he was smacked in the face at the realization, his eyes grew impossible wide as he stared at you in disbelief. "You used this technique on me before, didn't you!?!" He exclaimed with conviction.
"From our first sparring session. I'm surprised you hadn't figured it out sooner."
"I..." He paused, standing normally again as he averted his gaze. "I don't tend to pick up on someone else's techniques. I usually stick with what I already know."
"And that's totally fine!" You gesture your hand at him then at yourself. "It's what works best for you, like how my technique works for me. Trust me, if I were to try your style of fighting I think I would be sore for days!"
An honest chuckle came out of his lips. "I don't doubt it."
There was a smirk on his face as he said this while looking directly at you. His piercing gaze sent shivers down your spine, though you hid it well enough that he hadn't noticed.
"Ok, now you're making me feel like I'm weak or something. You gotta give me some credit here. I threw you into the lake, you know? Or did you forget?"
He blinked, a sweatdrop appearing on the side of his cheek with an almost deadpan expression. "Well, yeah... I suppose you did."
With a triumphant smile, you turned to leave the center as you looked over your shoulder. "You should train me one of these days. It'll be good to learn a thing or two from you. All I ask is for you not to take it easy on me just because I'm a girl."
The corner of his mouth turned up, "Feh, fine. Don't come whining if it gets too hard."
"Oh-hoo, you are already underestimating my pain tolerance, Piccolo. I'll endure it all out of spite!"
(2,086 words in total)
It's been a heck of a year hasn't it? I landed my dream job and I haven't been able to get any motivation for writing for an entire year until now. A lot has happened in life, lots of personal things happened and my mental health has taken a toll, so I took a much needed break from everything and have been doing well since.
I'm sorry for the sudden hiatus, but now I'm back with a newfound spark to write and continue with this lovely story. (It'll be slow since I am a bit rusty and most of the ideas have changed drastically. Thank goodness I had them written down otherwise this would have had a different plot lol)
I hope this year has been well for you lovely reader, if it hasn't then I send you lots of virtual hugs and many good vibes.
Happy reading!
Until next time. c:
Part VII
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Part IX
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ashe-smash · 3 months ago
the baby talk fic for piccolo
That's not fair
Bulma abuses the dragon balls for plastic surgery
Why can't I have a kid?
Also there surely must be a window of time where there is no danger?
I was gonna say namek would work but no.
Whis may have made a blanket for when bulla was born or moved it while moving her out of bulma,so nevermind
Supreme kai does life, can't he, no wait he just kinda influences it, old kai respects evolution so it might be a problem and it shows that indeed evolution played a part after the first life spark was made by them
So it's not literal from what I'm seeing
I haven't seen daima yet
...super dragon balls? The planet sized ones? I mean if you can get them without a tournament which might kill the universe
if anything, sigh, the cell treatment will have to be done. Different dna spliced.
Dearest anon,
the short answer is: it wouldn’t be a very interesting fic if they just used the dragon balls. They’re a canon dues ex machina.
I’m someone who likes trying to fit my ideas into canon and using the Dragon Balls is just too easy. Not using them is a very deliberate choice.
In the fic itself though? Personally I believe Piccolo does not approve of the nonsense wishes (evidenced by the Superhero movie.) The best course of action would be to tack on their wish with another more “important” wish. Reader also canonically has a different relationship with the dragon balls, she knows they’ve been used to resurrect people, to help people change their lives.
How would Piccolo and Reader feel if they used the dragon balls to create a baby and sometimes within that year one of their friends died? In my mind, they’re always the most worried about Gohan but also the other characters. They don’t want to be the cause of someone missing a year or more of their life.
A big reason Reader wants a baby because of Pan, what if Gohan died and they couldn’t resurrect him. So Gohan has to miss the first year of their baby and Pan’s life?
Secondly, I don’t see Piccolo being someone to ask another being like Kai or Whis or even Dende for help in this situation. Piccolo and Reader don’t even plan to tell Gohan and Videl - their best friends about this anytime soon. He’s very private specifically when it comes to Reader (character).
(Big) Spoilers under the cut
There was a time when Baby Talk might have ended with the first chapter. In the beginning, it was an essentially a fic about reproductive incompatibility (with an undertone of infertility.)
Also if anyone chooses: you can absolutely choose to end reading at chapter one.
I love love love Piccolo and canonically he is an alien that reproduces asexually and as someone who does potentially want to be pregnant and have a baby someday, my self inserting requires some cope.
But also that’s not the fic I’m writing anymore. There’s a reason I put “alien pregnancy” and “oviposition” as tags on the first chapter when that hasn’t happened yet.
Piccolo and Reader will get a baby.
Back before I got into X reader in 2022ish, I used to be into monster fucking fics. I love Piccolo and I’m also a weirdo who loves oviposition and weird alien pregnancy and literal breeding kink that ends in pregnancy. That’s another reason they don’t use the dragon balls: Reader literally says they want Piccolo to get her pregnant, even though it’s not possible yet.
I know the next chapters are taking a while, but this is angst with a happy ending, with a side of hurt/comfort (heavy on the hurt right now). And I do hope readers who have enjoyed chapter one will enjoy the rest of the fic.
It has and will continue to be a labor of love (pun intended), and I hope it will come together satisfactorily. 💚🥚💜
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100-yardstare · 10 months ago
Going off even more about Piccolo today and am going to dump some ideas I have about my ongoing story because May 9th is an excuse to do so. Specifically blabbering about my fic "Colors".
The title "Colors" is important and I'm leading up to a big plot reveal by my making my descriptions focus on the color of things. Colors also have meaning and representation (hint: especially the lavender flowers and the color purple, stay tuned).
It's a super ultra slow burn fic between my insert Kat and Piccolo. I still at this time, even being arguably 80% done with the fic, have no idea how I am going to do the endgame cause Piccolo is so hard to romance and he doesn't get human intimacy. I head canon he's on the ace spectrum, so that will play into how I write the OC x canon romance.
It is an AU that will reveal itself and what's going on by chapter 11, but (spoiler alert if you are reading) by then both Piccolo and the OC will have insight others in the DBZ verse do not have.
The fic is a meta commentary on self-inserts in general.
From the perspective of the OC, it explores the nature of Piccolo and what he is in relation to King Piccolo (Are they the same? Are they different? Does your past self determine your future?) etc. These are themes I explore with both the OC and Piccolo.
Speaking of dads, that has parallels here, too. Daddy issues galore.
Small things make big differences. Even when I'm done with the fic I think it could arguably be it's own thing, much like the Future!Trunks plot line is it's own thing.
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rocksinmuffin · 5 years ago
Answering questions under the read more, as one does.
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Lol i think sometimes you guys forget how old I am and that I did not necessarily grow up watching the same cartoons as you guys because I have literally never heard of this before in my life.
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No, not yet. I think I got an OK KO request in my inbox right now but I haven’t written anything for it as of this moment.
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Anon I’ll never be straight lmao. But I’ll be real with ya, I never watched the show long enough to form an opinion on him. I know of him but I don’t think I ever saw an episode with that villain, sorry. :/ but out of principle you gotta fuck the lizard. You gotta.
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Is this Latin? Anon did you just curse me? Have I been hexed????? My knowledge of Neopets is limited to the time McDonalds had them as happy meal toys.
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Hell yeah!!!!! I’ve gone out of my way to not keep up with the news because I want to experience it firsthand but I’m very hype. I always pick the starter based on which final evolution I like best so my opinion might change, but right now I’m looking at grookey 🐵🌱
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I’m assuming you’re asking if I write for canon x canon and not just self-insert? I already have a couple times and I address this in my FAQ but I don’t really like writing it as much as reader-insert because I’m a self-indulgent bitch and I want to kiss the robots.
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They’re still around; Tumblr search is just garbage and broken and won’t pull any results that are potentially nsfw. You have to get around it by using a browser to go directly to the URL for the tag you want. I go into more detail about this in my FAQ.
But, for convenience’s sake, this link should work for you even if you’re on mobile: https://rocksinmuffin.tumblr.com/tagged/codename-kids-next-door
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I haven’t. I tried playing Bloodborne but I gave up real quick because I am Bad At Video Games™️.
I like a lot of different types of video games but bonus points if you can make a customizable character and overall I’m more drawn towards plot-driven games because I like a good story. Say what you want about Bioware as a whole, but to this day the Mass Effect trilogy is my favorite game series of all time and I even enjoyed Andromeda in spite of its many flaws. I like Dragon Age and unpopular opinion but Dragon Age II was my favorite of the series.
Right now I’m playing through Borderlands 2 because I never finished it and I’m having a pretty good time. Other honorable mentions are Titanfall II, the Pokemon series (including the Mystery Dungeon spin-offs), Stardew Valley, Shovel Knight, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, Dragonball Xenoverse, some of the Fire Emblem games, Smash Bros, Undertale, OFF, Fable, Far Cry 5 and probably many more.
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I thought I was pretty clear about it in the post you’re referencing and I even made a note of it in my FAQ, but yes, you’re correct. I will no longer take nsfw requests for Dib or other characters who are minors in their respective series who never appear as adults anywhere in canon. For example, Dib is 12 throughout the entirety of the series and never canonically grows up, so I will no longer write nsfw for him. Whereas I’ll still write for characters from Homestuck or, like, Teenage Mutant Turtles because there are instances of canon and universes where they are adults.
Keep in mind, you can still make requests for Dib, I just don’t want to write anything nsfw for him. Writing about innocent schoolyard crushes where reader is a child or aging him up for general romance headcanons is fine.
 I used to write these kinds of things without a second thought and I’m not necessarily condemning people who do it because I genuinely believe the people who make these requests grew up with the characters and just imagine them growing up with them (if I thought otherwise this would be a different conversation entirely) but the older I get, the more it makes me personally uncomfortable to do. And that’s that!
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You fool, Piccolo always sexy.
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robertbjonesus80 · 8 years ago
Buyer’s Guide: Best Trumpet Brands Review in 2017
Whatever your sonic intentions, when it comes to playing the trumpet, you need a solid instrument between your lips if you can ever hope to climb the lofty peak of excellence in performing or recording. If you’re looking to get yourself the best trumpet, you better arm yourself with some knowledge before wading into the jungle of contemporary music retail. This article is here to review five of the best trumpet brands around today. Before we get there, we’re going to talk a little shop and inform you about what to look for in a trumpet, some terminology you’ll need to know, the different styles available, and some of the materials and production techniques involved horn manufacturing.
Things You Need To Know
Trumpet variations:
Trumpets are most commonly tuned at the pitch of Bb. This means that, when you buzz into them without depressing any of the valves, the note that comes out is a Bb. For most, however, this is not what you learn at first. Most band teachers will tell you that you’re playing a C instead.
The Bb trumpet is different from many other instruments, such as the flute, trombone, piano, and the whole strings section because it does not play at concert pitch. This is the term we use for an instrument that reads a C on the sheet and plays a C as a note. While playing a Bb trumpet, when you read sheet music to play with a symphony band, your music will be transposed three half-steps lower.
Instrument makers and trumpet players select the Bb trumpet for its sound. A concert pitch C trumpet has a lighter, airier, more silvery tone that wanders from the sound we have come to expect from a trumpet. It is simply not as articulate an instrument. Scott Sakurai writes that the popularity of the Bb trumpet is in part due to its use in the military. “Despite [the various advances in trumpets] the military preferred their valveless signaling bugles in Bb, presumably because the sound carries better, and it is those bugles that had valves added to them to become modern cornets. It made sense to build trumpets in the same key for the sake of the performers who could then switch readily between them.”
What separates a Bb from a C, piccolo trumpet, or even D trumpet? The answer is size. Think about the strings family. A violin is small and plays high notes, while a double bass is very large and plays very low notes. As you make a trumpet bigger, the natural sound it produces goes lower as well.
Your follow up question will likely be ‘if Bb trumpets are so popular, why don’t we just write the notes you actually play instead of transposing them for each arrangement?’ The answer: if each part for differently sized trumpets was written at concert pitch, trumpet players would learn different fingerings for the same notes played on different trumpets. Especially with beginner trumpet blowers, it’s much easier for a composer to simply transpose his or her score to fit the trumpet he or she calls for.
Bell taper, size, and shape:
The bell of a trumpet is largely responsible for the timbre and quality of tone in a trumpet. As you might guess, not all bells are created equally. They range widely in size and shape. A bell that has a mellow, gradual curve to it will generally create a softer, warmer sound. Bells with brief, abrupt curves tend to the edgier, brassier side of things. In terms of size, just like the bore, a larger horn will produce a larger, more enriched noise, but will be more difficult to play re: lung capacity. A smaller bell will make it easy to sustain a note, but it will be a more diminished, smaller sound.
Tuning Bell vs. Valve Slides:
While researching your next trumpet, you will doubtlessly strike upon the distinction between a regular, or valve-slide-tuning trumpet and a trumpet equipped with a tuning bell. Here’s the difference: when normally tuning a trumpet, you will adjust one, two, or three of the valve slides to get your horn sounding right. The tuning bell offers an additional slide component that lies between the valve cluster and the junction of the bell. Getting your trumpet in tune is generally easier with a tuning bell compared to the valve slides because you only have to adjust one component compared to three. There is not a significant difference in sound.
What’s it made out of?
Almost all brass instruments are made out of, well, brass, the product of copper and zinc. Some rare or ornamental trumpets may be made of gold or silver, but these are uncommon.
Variation occurs regarding the different compositions of the brass. Yellow brass is the most typical. It derives from 70% copper and 30% zinc. Gold brass doesn’t have any gold, it’s 80% copper, 20% zinc. As you may guess, silver brass has no silver, but instead some nickel.
Almost the entire instrument is made of brass to maintain a consistent, ringing tone. Screws may be steel, and the spit valve usually has a cork on the end of it to keep interference down to a minimum.
Some manufacturers will incorporate a small amount of tin into the bell of the trumpet to give it a more sonorous, ringing tone, and others still will include gold or silver plating to play around with sound even more.
Trumpet vs. Cornet
While these instruments are often of the same pitch and employ the same fingering patterns, subtle differences make them sound differently.
One of the main differences between trumpet and coronet is the shape of the bore. On a trumpet, it’s cylindrical, and on a cornet, it assumes the shape of a gradually increasing cone (from mouthpiece to bell). The trumpet, as a result, will have a more piercing, direct sound, while the cornet is softer and warmer.
If you’re just starting out, we recommend starting on a trumpet. Once you build up enough lip strength to get a good even sound, try out the cornet and see which you like better.
Now that you know a little about the horn, it’s time to find out which brands are best.
Five Best Trumpet Brands
Shilke trumpets can be customized in just about any way you can imagine. They offer six different 'lines’ of trumpet: the Traditional B & X Series Designs, the HD Series, the Handcraft series, the 'Faddis Model,’ the Shilke i32 Bb, and Tuning Bell models.
Shilke was founded in 1956 by the renowned trumpeter and band leader Renold O. Shilke. Most of the company’s instruments are still Renold’s own design. Based in, and manufacturing from Melrose Park, Illinois, they are one of the most popular brass instrument companies in the world. Their mouthpieces are especially sought after.
The traditional B series are great for students and even advancing intermediates. These trumpets have remained roughly the same since they were first introduced over sixty years ago. Each is made of yellow brass, has a variety of bell tapers, and bores ranging between .45" and .463.“
The Faddis Model was built for jazz artist, conductor, composer, and general legend John Faddis. The biggest modification lies in the valve section, which is heavier at the center than most horns. All valve slides are smooth and free of nibs (the small buttons that help you pull out a poorly greased slide). With an adjustable sound post, this is a hefty horn meant for swinging.
The handcraft series is not for the faint of heart. With a bore of .468” and an extra large bell, you’ll want to hit the elliptical three times a week for a financial quarter before you test this one out. Its tone has an incredible, full body with a downright ambrosial timbre.
Any of the horns can, of course be customized for the right price. Popular customizations include a beryllium bell, which incorporates very lightweight copper into the brass for a more “direct, compact projection.” Sterling silver bells are also available. They’re slightly thicker than the brass and create some seriously rich tones. The other primary customizations are bore and bell size and shape.
More customizations available than you can dream of
Solid vision for different trumpets, matching them with style of play
Unconventional bell materials
Not the best for student trumpets
You’re going to have to know what you want before buying
Possibly the most popular name in symphonic and concert instruments, Yamaha offers trumpets of the Bb, C, Eb, E/Eb, F/G, Piccolo, and Rotary varieties. Within most categories, they offer several models, and to go over each one deserves a separate article. For now, we’ll touch on the company and a few highlights.
Torakusu Yamaha built his first reed organ in 1887. The company that he started produced pianos for decades before sub-dividing into motorcycles and sporting equipment. They were one of the earliest producers of electric keyboards, creating their first model in 1959. Production of wind instruments did not start until 1965. That’s still 50 years of experience in the field. Especially when it comes to trumpets and other brass instruments, Yamaha is one of the foremost producers worldwide.
The Xeno Artist Model “New York” (Bb and C) is one of their premiere horns. Developed with the help of David Bilger, who has played 1st trumpet for the Philadelphia Orchestra since 1995, this trumpet has everything a performing trumpeter could want. The bell shape has a gradual enlargement from the mouthpiece end of the horn that opens into abrupt mid-sized opening allowing for excellent articulation. They’ve beefed up the leadpipe (the piece into which the mouthpiece is inserted), while thinning down the valve casings for a better tone as well. When the spirit takes you, the slide stoppers will keep your valve slides from falling off. All in all, this is a real Cadillac of a trumpet.
On the student end, the YTR 2330 is a fantastic instrument to learn on. The bell is made of two pieces (a tuning bell) and it is intended to sound good, but also promote endurance in playing. It is not strictly as easy to play as other Yamaha horns. The pistons within the valves are made of monel alloy, a highly durable composite that helps sustain your instrument even if you don’t treat it with the utmost tlc. This trumpet will help promote good playing techniques and train you for a better horn in the future.
Huge selection of horns
Great models for every level of player
Some of the highest quality in a trumpet available
Customization is limited
Selection is so large you might get lost in the woods – we recommend consulting an expert before buying a Yamaha
The Yamaha company has grown distant from its musical origins and has become increasingly commercial
B & S
The Buffet Crampon Deutschland Gmbh originated (and still exists today) in the Vogtland, the music capitol of Germany. In 1994, they constructed one of the most state of the art instrument plants and workshops in all of Europe. These guys deal almost exclusively in performance and professional-level instruments. By specializing in high end brass, they can ensure the best quality.
The MBX3 Heritage, their most basic Bb trumpet, was created with the help of Christian Martinez, a celebrated French trumpet player. It is a generally great sounding trumpet that suits any kind of trumpet playing, from ska to Wagner. They have developed the bore to keep totally consistent between the mouthpiece and the valve to ensure the instrument is easier to tune, and stays in tune longer. The third valve slide has a stop in it so you won’t pop it out when playing your low D. This trumpet is made out of lightweight gold brass, giving it a bright, defining sound.
With their Challenger models, you can choose your own preference regarding leadpipe thickness and style, and bell shape and size. Its large .459" bore gives you a magnificent, full sound. For the finish, the choice is yours: either clear lacquer or silver plate.
Excellent quality
Great trumpets for advancing students to experts
High resale value
Not as much diversity as other brands
Bore sizes are limited
Not great for beginner students
Bach Brass
No, it’s Johan, or his kid either. Vincent Shrotenbach was born in Vienna in 1890. He cut his teeth on the violin, but after switching to trumpet (the same journey that the author of this article took), he heard the sound and the fury of his true calling. After a stint touring under the name of Vincent Bach and fleeing to New York to escape World War I, he started making mouthpieces and in 1924, began producing his own trumpets.
Bach’s trumpets are known as the Stradivari of brass instruments. One trumpet even bears that name officially. You can find any kind of trumpet you could imagine from Bach, from student right on down to professional concert level and several specialty models.
The TR300, Bach’s primary student model, has some interesting features that help in anyone’s development on the horn. For one, it uses a .459" bore—that’s really cheeky. These trumpets will be tough to blow at first, but once you’ve gotten past that volume, you’ll be ready for just about anything. It also happens to sound amazing.
The AB190 also parades under the name of Bach Stradivarius. The trumpet features a one piece, hand hammered yellow brass bell. The valves are totally old school: nickel balusters and brass casings house monel pistons. You can also experiment with either of the two sets of plastic and brass valve guides and change the button response to your preference. Just like the TR300, the bore on this horn is .459.“ That displays a philosophy and vision not seen in any other brass instrument company so far: start the kids on the same size that the pros play.
Llong history and tradition in trumpet making
Awesome philosophy in a beginner trumpet
High resale value
Limited customization
Not a huge selection of horns
More on the expensive end
Cecilio Music
If you’re running on a tighter budget and don’t want anything fancy out of your horn, Cecilio trumpets are a great choice. They offer only Bb trumpets for student to intermediate levels.
The TT-280 has everything you need to get off the ground. With a .46” bore, a standard 5" bell, all the nibs and slide holds you’ll need, this trumpet is a great way to get to know the instrument. When it comes to quirks and varieties in trumpets, the TT-280 is right down the middle. Start on this, and you’ll be able to branch off once you find your groove.
Like Bach trumpets, Cecilio makes the beginner trumpets big and keeps them big. The bore on the TT-500, their best model, is actually slightly smaller than that of the TT-280. Other features include stainless steel pistons, a yellow brass body, and a silver plated finish.
Great beginner trumpets
Trumpets will condition you for higher end models
Good for budgets
Inferior quality
Lack of mid to top range horns
Low resale value
When it comes right down to it, four of the five brands mentioned above are better than amazing trumpet brands. Horn players of the past are rolling in their graves, slavering their ghost slaver at the choices we are blessed with today. You won’t go wrong with B & S, Yamaha, or Bach, but for the best trumpet brand of 2017, we’re going to have to go with Shilke horns. No other company lets you customize your trumpet exactly the way you want it, although with the other three, you’d be hard pressed to find a trumpet they offer that doesn’t have exactly what you want. Bach also scored big points in their philosophy regarding student trumpets, but no one quite stands up to Shilke when it comes to such a huge variety of options. Play on, trumpeteers.
The post Buyer’s Guide: Best Trumpet Brands Review in 2017 appeared first on Music Advisor.
from Music Advisor https://musicadvisor.com/2017/03/12/best-trumpet-brands/ from Music Advisor https://musicadvisor.tumblr.com/post/158305185252
0 notes
amaradjohnson · 8 years ago
Buyer’s Guide: Best Trumpet Brands Review in 2017
Whatever your sonic intentions, when it comes to playing the trumpet, you need a solid instrument between your lips if you can ever hope to climb the lofty peak of excellence in performing or recording. If you're looking to get yourself the best trumpet, you better arm yourself with some knowledge before wading into the jungle of contemporary music retail. This article is here to review five of the best trumpet brands around today. Before we get there, we're going to talk a little shop and inform you about what to look for in a trumpet, some terminology you'll need to know, the different styles available, and some of the materials and production techniques involved horn manufacturing.
Things You Need To Know
Trumpet variations:
Trumpets are most commonly tuned at the pitch of Bb. This means that, when you buzz into them without depressing any of the valves, the note that comes out is a Bb. For most, however, this is not what you learn at first. Most band teachers will tell you that you're playing a C instead.
The Bb trumpet is different from many other instruments, such as the flute, trombone, piano, and the whole strings section because it does not play at concert pitch. This is the term we use for an instrument that reads a C on the sheet and plays a C as a note. While playing a Bb trumpet, when you read sheet music to play with a symphony band, your music will be transposed three half-steps lower.
Instrument makers and trumpet players select the Bb trumpet for its sound. A concert pitch C trumpet has a lighter, airier, more silvery tone that wanders from the sound we have come to expect from a trumpet. It is simply not as articulate an instrument. Scott Sakurai writes that the popularity of the Bb trumpet is in part due to its use in the military. "Despite [the various advances in trumpets] the military preferred their valveless signaling bugles in Bb, presumably because the sound carries better, and it is those bugles that had valves added to them to become modern cornets. It made sense to build trumpets in the same key for the sake of the performers who could then switch readily between them."
What separates a Bb from a C, piccolo trumpet, or even D trumpet? The answer is size. Think about the strings family. A violin is small and plays high notes, while a double bass is very large and plays very low notes. As you make a trumpet bigger, the natural sound it produces goes lower as well.
Your follow up question will likely be 'if Bb trumpets are so popular, why don't we just write the notes you actually play instead of transposing them for each arrangement?' The answer: if each part for differently sized trumpets was written at concert pitch, trumpet players would learn different fingerings for the same notes played on different trumpets. Especially with beginner trumpet blowers, it's much easier for a composer to simply transpose his or her score to fit the trumpet he or she calls for.
Bell taper, size, and shape:
The bell of a trumpet is largely responsible for the timbre and quality of tone in a trumpet. As you might guess, not all bells are created equally. They range widely in size and shape. A bell that has a mellow, gradual curve to it will generally create a softer, warmer sound. Bells with brief, abrupt curves tend to the edgier, brassier side of things. In terms of size, just like the bore, a larger horn will produce a larger, more enriched noise, but will be more difficult to play re: lung capacity. A smaller bell will make it easy to sustain a note, but it will be a more diminished, smaller sound.
Tuning Bell vs. Valve Slides:
While researching your next trumpet, you will doubtlessly strike upon the distinction between a regular, or valve-slide-tuning trumpet and a trumpet equipped with a tuning bell. Here's the difference: when normally tuning a trumpet, you will adjust one, two, or three of the valve slides to get your horn sounding right. The tuning bell offers an additional slide component that lies between the valve cluster and the junction of the bell. Getting your trumpet in tune is generally easier with a tuning bell compared to the valve slides because you only have to adjust one component compared to three. There is not a significant difference in sound.
What's it made out of?
Almost all brass instruments are made out of, well, brass, the product of copper and zinc. Some rare or ornamental trumpets may be made of gold or silver, but these are uncommon.
Variation occurs regarding the different compositions of the brass. Yellow brass is the most typical. It derives from 70% copper and 30% zinc. Gold brass doesn't have any gold, it's 80% copper, 20% zinc. As you may guess, silver brass has no silver, but instead some nickel.
Almost the entire instrument is made of brass to maintain a consistent, ringing tone. Screws may be steel, and the spit valve usually has a cork on the end of it to keep interference down to a minimum.
Some manufacturers will incorporate a small amount of tin into the bell of the trumpet to give it a more sonorous, ringing tone, and others still will include gold or silver plating to play around with sound even more.
Trumpet vs. Cornet
While these instruments are often of the same pitch and employ the same fingering patterns, subtle differences make them sound differently.
One of the main differences between trumpet and coronet is the shape of the bore. On a trumpet, it's cylindrical, and on a cornet, it assumes the shape of a gradually increasing cone (from mouthpiece to bell). The trumpet, as a result, will have a more piercing, direct sound, while the cornet is softer and warmer.
If you're just starting out, we recommend starting on a trumpet. Once you build up enough lip strength to get a good even sound, try out the cornet and see which you like better.
Now that you know a little about the horn, it's time to find out which brands are best.
Five Best Trumpet Brands
Shilke trumpets can be customized in just about any way you can imagine. They offer six different 'lines' of trumpet: the Traditional B & X Series Designs, the HD Series, the Handcraft series, the 'Faddis Model,' the Shilke i32 Bb, and Tuning Bell models.
Shilke was founded in 1956 by the renowned trumpeter and band leader Renold O. Shilke. Most of the company's instruments are still Renold's own design. Based in, and manufacturing from Melrose Park, Illinois, they are one of the most popular brass instrument companies in the world. Their mouthpieces are especially sought after.
The traditional B series are great for students and even advancing intermediates. These trumpets have remained roughly the same since they were first introduced over sixty years ago. Each is made of yellow brass, has a variety of bell tapers, and bores ranging between .45" and .463."
The Faddis Model was built for jazz artist, conductor, composer, and general legend John Faddis. The biggest modification lies in the valve section, which is heavier at the center than most horns. All valve slides are smooth and free of nibs (the small buttons that help you pull out a poorly greased slide). With an adjustable sound post, this is a hefty horn meant for swinging.
The handcraft series is not for the faint of heart. With a bore of .468" and an extra large bell, you'll want to hit the elliptical three times a week for a financial quarter before you test this one out. Its tone has an incredible, full body with a downright ambrosial timbre.
Any of the horns can, of course be customized for the right price. Popular customizations include a beryllium bell, which incorporates very lightweight copper into the brass for a more "direct, compact projection." Sterling silver bells are also available. They're slightly thicker than the brass and create some seriously rich tones. The other primary customizations are bore and bell size and shape.
More customizations available than you can dream of
Solid vision for different trumpets, matching them with style of play
Unconventional bell materials
Not the best for student trumpets
You're going to have to know what you want before buying
Possibly the most popular name in symphonic and concert instruments, Yamaha offers trumpets of the Bb, C, Eb, E/Eb, F/G, Piccolo, and Rotary varieties. Within most categories, they offer several models, and to go over each one deserves a separate article. For now, we'll touch on the company and a few highlights.
Torakusu Yamaha built his first reed organ in 1887. The company that he started produced pianos for decades before sub-dividing into motorcycles and sporting equipment. They were one of the earliest producers of electric keyboards, creating their first model in 1959. Production of wind instruments did not start until 1965. That's still 50 years of experience in the field. Especially when it comes to trumpets and other brass instruments, Yamaha is one of the foremost producers worldwide.
The Xeno Artist Model "New York" (Bb and C) is one of their premiere horns. Developed with the help of David Bilger, who has played 1st trumpet for the Philadelphia Orchestra since 1995, this trumpet has everything a performing trumpeter could want. The bell shape has a gradual enlargement from the mouthpiece end of the horn that opens into abrupt mid-sized opening allowing for excellent articulation. They've beefed up the leadpipe (the piece into which the mouthpiece is inserted), while thinning down the valve casings for a better tone as well. When the spirit takes you, the slide stoppers will keep your valve slides from falling off. All in all, this is a real Cadillac of a trumpet.
On the student end, the YTR 2330 is a fantastic instrument to learn on. The bell is made of two pieces (a tuning bell) and it is intended to sound good, but also promote endurance in playing. It is not strictly as easy to play as other Yamaha horns. The pistons within the valves are made of monel alloy, a highly durable composite that helps sustain your instrument even if you don't treat it with the utmost tlc. This trumpet will help promote good playing techniques and train you for a better horn in the future.
Huge selection of horns
Great models for every level of player
Some of the highest quality in a trumpet available
Customization is limited
Selection is so large you might get lost in the woods – we recommend consulting an expert before buying a Yamaha
The Yamaha company has grown distant from its musical origins and has become increasingly commercial
B & S
The Buffet Crampon Deutschland Gmbh originated (and still exists today) in the Vogtland, the music capitol of Germany. In 1994, they constructed one of the most state of the art instrument plants and workshops in all of Europe. These guys deal almost exclusively in performance and professional-level instruments. By specializing in high end brass, they can ensure the best quality.
The MBX3 Heritage, their most basic Bb trumpet, was created with the help of Christian Martinez, a celebrated French trumpet player. It is a generally great sounding trumpet that suits any kind of trumpet playing, from ska to Wagner. They have developed the bore to keep totally consistent between the mouthpiece and the valve to ensure the instrument is easier to tune, and stays in tune longer. The third valve slide has a stop in it so you won't pop it out when playing your low D. This trumpet is made out of lightweight gold brass, giving it a bright, defining sound.
With their Challenger models, you can choose your own preference regarding leadpipe thickness and style, and bell shape and size. Its large .459" bore gives you a magnificent, full sound. For the finish, the choice is yours: either clear lacquer or silver plate.
Excellent quality
Great trumpets for advancing students to experts
High resale value
Not as much diversity as other brands
Bore sizes are limited
Not great for beginner students
Bach Brass
No, it's Johan, or his kid either. Vincent Shrotenbach was born in Vienna in 1890. He cut his teeth on the violin, but after switching to trumpet (the same journey that the author of this article took), he heard the sound and the fury of his true calling. After a stint touring under the name of Vincent Bach and fleeing to New York to escape World War I, he started making mouthpieces and in 1924, began producing his own trumpets.
Bach's trumpets are known as the Stradivari of brass instruments. One trumpet even bears that name officially. You can find any kind of trumpet you could imagine from Bach, from student right on down to professional concert level and several specialty models.
The TR300, Bach's primary student model, has some interesting features that help in anyone's development on the horn. For one, it uses a .459" bore—that's really cheeky. These trumpets will be tough to blow at first, but once you've gotten past that volume, you'll be ready for just about anything. It also happens to sound amazing.
The AB190 also parades under the name of Bach Stradivarius. The trumpet features a one piece, hand hammered yellow brass bell. The valves are totally old school: nickel balusters and brass casings house monel pistons. You can also experiment with either of the two sets of plastic and brass valve guides and change the button response to your preference. Just like the TR300, the bore on this horn is .459." That displays a philosophy and vision not seen in any other brass instrument company so far: start the kids on the same size that the pros play.
Llong history and tradition in trumpet making
Awesome philosophy in a beginner trumpet
High resale value
Limited customization
Not a huge selection of horns
More on the expensive end
Cecilio Music
If you're running on a tighter budget and don't want anything fancy out of your horn, Cecilio trumpets are a great choice. They offer only Bb trumpets for student to intermediate levels.
The TT-280 has everything you need to get off the ground. With a .46" bore, a standard 5" bell, all the nibs and slide holds you'll need, this trumpet is a great way to get to know the instrument. When it comes to quirks and varieties in trumpets, the TT-280 is right down the middle. Start on this, and you'll be able to branch off once you find your groove.
Like Bach trumpets, Cecilio makes the beginner trumpets big and keeps them big. The bore on the TT-500, their best model, is actually slightly smaller than that of the TT-280. Other features include stainless steel pistons, a yellow brass body, and a silver plated finish.
Great beginner trumpets
Trumpets will condition you for higher end models
Good for budgets
Inferior quality
Lack of mid to top range horns
Low resale value
When it comes right down to it, four of the five brands mentioned above are better than amazing trumpet brands. Horn players of the past are rolling in their graves, slavering their ghost slaver at the choices we are blessed with today. You won't go wrong with B & S, Yamaha, or Bach, but for the best trumpet brand of 2017, we're going to have to go with Shilke horns. No other company lets you customize your trumpet exactly the way you want it, although with the other three, you'd be hard pressed to find a trumpet they offer that doesn't have exactly what you want. Bach also scored big points in their philosophy regarding student trumpets, but no one quite stands up to Shilke when it comes to such a huge variety of options. Play on, trumpeteers.
The post Buyer’s Guide: Best Trumpet Brands Review in 2017 appeared first on Music Advisor.
source https://musicadvisor.com/2017/03/12/best-trumpet-brands/ from Music Advisor http://musicadvisorcom.blogspot.com/2017/03/buyers-guide-best-trumpet-brands-review.html
0 notes
musicadvisor · 8 years ago
Buyer’s Guide: Best Trumpet Brands Review in 2017
Whatever your sonic intentions, when it comes to playing the trumpet, you need a solid instrument between your lips if you can ever hope to climb the lofty peak of excellence in performing or recording. If you're looking to get yourself the best trumpet, you better arm yourself with some knowledge before wading into the jungle of contemporary music retail. This article is here to review five of the best trumpet brands around today. Before we get there, we're going to talk a little shop and inform you about what to look for in a trumpet, some terminology you'll need to know, the different styles available, and some of the materials and production techniques involved horn manufacturing.
Things You Need To Know
Trumpet variations:
Trumpets are most commonly tuned at the pitch of Bb. This means that, when you buzz into them without depressing any of the valves, the note that comes out is a Bb. For most, however, this is not what you learn at first. Most band teachers will tell you that you're playing a C instead.
The Bb trumpet is different from many other instruments, such as the flute, trombone, piano, and the whole strings section because it does not play at concert pitch. This is the term we use for an instrument that reads a C on the sheet and plays a C as a note. While playing a Bb trumpet, when you read sheet music to play with a symphony band, your music will be transposed three half-steps lower.
Instrument makers and trumpet players select the Bb trumpet for its sound. A concert pitch C trumpet has a lighter, airier, more silvery tone that wanders from the sound we have come to expect from a trumpet. It is simply not as articulate an instrument. Scott Sakurai writes that the popularity of the Bb trumpet is in part due to its use in the military. "Despite [the various advances in trumpets] the military preferred their valveless signaling bugles in Bb, presumably because the sound carries better, and it is those bugles that had valves added to them to become modern cornets. It made sense to build trumpets in the same key for the sake of the performers who could then switch readily between them."
What separates a Bb from a C, piccolo trumpet, or even D trumpet? The answer is size. Think about the strings family. A violin is small and plays high notes, while a double bass is very large and plays very low notes. As you make a trumpet bigger, the natural sound it produces goes lower as well.
Your follow up question will likely be 'if Bb trumpets are so popular, why don't we just write the notes you actually play instead of transposing them for each arrangement?' The answer: if each part for differently sized trumpets was written at concert pitch, trumpet players would learn different fingerings for the same notes played on different trumpets. Especially with beginner trumpet blowers, it's much easier for a composer to simply transpose his or her score to fit the trumpet he or she calls for.
Bell taper, size, and shape:
The bell of a trumpet is largely responsible for the timbre and quality of tone in a trumpet. As you might guess, not all bells are created equally. They range widely in size and shape. A bell that has a mellow, gradual curve to it will generally create a softer, warmer sound. Bells with brief, abrupt curves tend to the edgier, brassier side of things. In terms of size, just like the bore, a larger horn will produce a larger, more enriched noise, but will be more difficult to play re: lung capacity. A smaller bell will make it easy to sustain a note, but it will be a more diminished, smaller sound.
Tuning Bell vs. Valve Slides:
While researching your next trumpet, you will doubtlessly strike upon the distinction between a regular, or valve-slide-tuning trumpet and a trumpet equipped with a tuning bell. Here's the difference: when normally tuning a trumpet, you will adjust one, two, or three of the valve slides to get your horn sounding right. The tuning bell offers an additional slide component that lies between the valve cluster and the junction of the bell. Getting your trumpet in tune is generally easier with a tuning bell compared to the valve slides because you only have to adjust one component compared to three. There is not a significant difference in sound.
What's it made out of?
Almost all brass instruments are made out of, well, brass, the product of copper and zinc. Some rare or ornamental trumpets may be made of gold or silver, but these are uncommon.
Variation occurs regarding the different compositions of the brass. Yellow brass is the most typical. It derives from 70% copper and 30% zinc. Gold brass doesn't have any gold, it's 80% copper, 20% zinc. As you may guess, silver brass has no silver, but instead some nickel.
Almost the entire instrument is made of brass to maintain a consistent, ringing tone. Screws may be steel, and the spit valve usually has a cork on the end of it to keep interference down to a minimum.
Some manufacturers will incorporate a small amount of tin into the bell of the trumpet to give it a more sonorous, ringing tone, and others still will include gold or silver plating to play around with sound even more.
Trumpet vs. Cornet
While these instruments are often of the same pitch and employ the same fingering patterns, subtle differences make them sound differently.
One of the main differences between trumpet and coronet is the shape of the bore. On a trumpet, it's cylindrical, and on a cornet, it assumes the shape of a gradually increasing cone (from mouthpiece to bell). The trumpet, as a result, will have a more piercing, direct sound, while the cornet is softer and warmer.
If you're just starting out, we recommend starting on a trumpet. Once you build up enough lip strength to get a good even sound, try out the cornet and see which you like better.
Now that you know a little about the horn, it's time to find out which brands are best.
Five Best Trumpet Brands
Shilke trumpets can be customized in just about any way you can imagine. They offer six different 'lines' of trumpet: the Traditional B & X Series Designs, the HD Series, the Handcraft series, the 'Faddis Model,' the Shilke i32 Bb, and Tuning Bell models.
Shilke was founded in 1956 by the renowned trumpeter and band leader Renold O. Shilke. Most of the company's instruments are still Renold's own design. Based in, and manufacturing from Melrose Park, Illinois, they are one of the most popular brass instrument companies in the world. Their mouthpieces are especially sought after.
The traditional B series are great for students and even advancing intermediates. These trumpets have remained roughly the same since they were first introduced over sixty years ago. Each is made of yellow brass, has a variety of bell tapers, and bores ranging between .45" and .463."
The Faddis Model was built for jazz artist, conductor, composer, and general legend John Faddis. The biggest modification lies in the valve section, which is heavier at the center than most horns. All valve slides are smooth and free of nibs (the small buttons that help you pull out a poorly greased slide). With an adjustable sound post, this is a hefty horn meant for swinging.
The handcraft series is not for the faint of heart. With a bore of .468" and an extra large bell, you'll want to hit the elliptical three times a week for a financial quarter before you test this one out. Its tone has an incredible, full body with a downright ambrosial timbre.
Any of the horns can, of course be customized for the right price. Popular customizations include a beryllium bell, which incorporates very lightweight copper into the brass for a more "direct, compact projection." Sterling silver bells are also available. They're slightly thicker than the brass and create some seriously rich tones. The other primary customizations are bore and bell size and shape.
More customizations available than you can dream of
Solid vision for different trumpets, matching them with style of play
Unconventional bell materials
Not the best for student trumpets
You're going to have to know what you want before buying
Possibly the most popular name in symphonic and concert instruments, Yamaha offers trumpets of the Bb, C, Eb, E/Eb, F/G, Piccolo, and Rotary varieties. Within most categories, they offer several models, and to go over each one deserves a separate article. For now, we'll touch on the company and a few highlights.
Torakusu Yamaha built his first reed organ in 1887. The company that he started produced pianos for decades before sub-dividing into motorcycles and sporting equipment. They were one of the earliest producers of electric keyboards, creating their first model in 1959. Production of wind instruments did not start until 1965. That's still 50 years of experience in the field. Especially when it comes to trumpets and other brass instruments, Yamaha is one of the foremost producers worldwide.
The Xeno Artist Model "New York" (Bb and C) is one of their premiere horns. Developed with the help of David Bilger, who has played 1st trumpet for the Philadelphia Orchestra since 1995, this trumpet has everything a performing trumpeter could want. The bell shape has a gradual enlargement from the mouthpiece end of the horn that opens into abrupt mid-sized opening allowing for excellent articulation. They've beefed up the leadpipe (the piece into which the mouthpiece is inserted), while thinning down the valve casings for a better tone as well. When the spirit takes you, the slide stoppers will keep your valve slides from falling off. All in all, this is a real Cadillac of a trumpet.
On the student end, the YTR 2330 is a fantastic instrument to learn on. The bell is made of two pieces (a tuning bell) and it is intended to sound good, but also promote endurance in playing. It is not strictly as easy to play as other Yamaha horns. The pistons within the valves are made of monel alloy, a highly durable composite that helps sustain your instrument even if you don't treat it with the utmost tlc. This trumpet will help promote good playing techniques and train you for a better horn in the future.
Huge selection of horns
Great models for every level of player
Some of the highest quality in a trumpet available
Customization is limited
Selection is so large you might get lost in the woods – we recommend consulting an expert before buying a Yamaha
The Yamaha company has grown distant from its musical origins and has become increasingly commercial
B & S
The Buffet Crampon Deutschland Gmbh originated (and still exists today) in the Vogtland, the music capitol of Germany. In 1994, they constructed one of the most state of the art instrument plants and workshops in all of Europe. These guys deal almost exclusively in performance and professional-level instruments. By specializing in high end brass, they can ensure the best quality.
The MBX3 Heritage, their most basic Bb trumpet, was created with the help of Christian Martinez, a celebrated French trumpet player. It is a generally great sounding trumpet that suits any kind of trumpet playing, from ska to Wagner. They have developed the bore to keep totally consistent between the mouthpiece and the valve to ensure the instrument is easier to tune, and stays in tune longer. The third valve slide has a stop in it so you won't pop it out when playing your low D. This trumpet is made out of lightweight gold brass, giving it a bright, defining sound.
With their Challenger models, you can choose your own preference regarding leadpipe thickness and style, and bell shape and size. Its large .459" bore gives you a magnificent, full sound. For the finish, the choice is yours: either clear lacquer or silver plate.
Excellent quality
Great trumpets for advancing students to experts
High resale value
Not as much diversity as other brands
Bore sizes are limited
Not great for beginner students
Bach Brass
No, it's Johan, or his kid either. Vincent Shrotenbach was born in Vienna in 1890. He cut his teeth on the violin, but after switching to trumpet (the same journey that the author of this article took), he heard the sound and the fury of his true calling. After a stint touring under the name of Vincent Bach and fleeing to New York to escape World War I, he started making mouthpieces and in 1924, began producing his own trumpets.
Bach's trumpets are known as the Stradivari of brass instruments. One trumpet even bears that name officially. You can find any kind of trumpet you could imagine from Bach, from student right on down to professional concert level and several specialty models.
The TR300, Bach's primary student model, has some interesting features that help in anyone's development on the horn. For one, it uses a .459" bore—that's really cheeky. These trumpets will be tough to blow at first, but once you've gotten past that volume, you'll be ready for just about anything. It also happens to sound amazing.
The AB190 also parades under the name of Bach Stradivarius. The trumpet features a one piece, hand hammered yellow brass bell. The valves are totally old school: nickel balusters and brass casings house monel pistons. You can also experiment with either of the two sets of plastic and brass valve guides and change the button response to your preference. Just like the TR300, the bore on this horn is .459." That displays a philosophy and vision not seen in any other brass instrument company so far: start the kids on the same size that the pros play.
Llong history and tradition in trumpet making
Awesome philosophy in a beginner trumpet
High resale value
Limited customization
Not a huge selection of horns
More on the expensive end
Cecilio Music
If you're running on a tighter budget and don't want anything fancy out of your horn, Cecilio trumpets are a great choice. They offer only Bb trumpets for student to intermediate levels.
The TT-280 has everything you need to get off the ground. With a .46" bore, a standard 5" bell, all the nibs and slide holds you'll need, this trumpet is a great way to get to know the instrument. When it comes to quirks and varieties in trumpets, the TT-280 is right down the middle. Start on this, and you'll be able to branch off once you find your groove.
Like Bach trumpets, Cecilio makes the beginner trumpets big and keeps them big. The bore on the TT-500, their best model, is actually slightly smaller than that of the TT-280. Other features include stainless steel pistons, a yellow brass body, and a silver plated finish.
Great beginner trumpets
Trumpets will condition you for higher end models
Good for budgets
Inferior quality
Lack of mid to top range horns
Low resale value
When it comes right down to it, four of the five brands mentioned above are better than amazing trumpet brands. Horn players of the past are rolling in their graves, slavering their ghost slaver at the choices we are blessed with today. You won't go wrong with B & S, Yamaha, or Bach, but for the best trumpet brand of 2017, we're going to have to go with Shilke horns. No other company lets you customize your trumpet exactly the way you want it, although with the other three, you'd be hard pressed to find a trumpet they offer that doesn't have exactly what you want. Bach also scored big points in their philosophy regarding student trumpets, but no one quite stands up to Shilke when it comes to such a huge variety of options. Play on, trumpeteers.
The post Buyer’s Guide: Best Trumpet Brands Review in 2017 appeared first on Music Advisor.
from Music Advisor https://musicadvisor.com/2017/03/12/best-trumpet-brands/
0 notes
lilyswrittenworks · 17 days ago
IX| Growing Souls
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Warning: Cursing, Surprise Fluff!
Synopsis: (Y/n) is overwhelmed by Piccolo’s ruthless training. Giving up wasn’t an option and admitting defeat would be a slap in the face to your pride. (Y/n) was going to prove herself, even though she's going to get wiped again.
“You’re alright? You’re not hurt?”
“No, no, no, I’m fine! Totally fine, no, no, I’m fine.” You wheezed, hands gripping your knees as you struggled to catch your breath. Sweat trickled down your face and neck, dampening the fabric of your clothes.
When, in fact, you were not fine.
Your muscles screamed in protest, your lungs burned, and your vision was beginning to swim at the edges. Fuck. You weren’t expecting him to take your words so literally and actually unleash on you today.
It had been a long time since you first experienced Piccolo’s full strength, but every time you faced him, it was like reliving that moment all over again. It was a brutal reminder of the vast difference in power between you. No matter how much you trained, how fast you moved, how well you anticipated his attacks—you simply weren’t built for raw strength. Evasion, redirection, and endurance were your game, but even that had its limits when facing someone like him.
How in the actual fuck am I supposed to compete with this?
“Really?” Piccolo’s deadpan voice cut through your thoughts. “Because you’re repeating yourself, you’re pale, and you look like you’re about to pass out.”
You blinked up at him, taking in his usual unimpressed stare. Without his weighted turban and cape, he seemed even more intimidating, standing there in his simple gi and moccasins—completely unaffected by the intensity of the sparring session. Meanwhile, you were dying.
“Yeah, you might wanna catch me.”
The second the words left your mouth, your knees buckled. Darkness tinged your vision for a split second before you felt strong arms catch you with ease. Piccolo’s hold was firm, steady, as if your weight was nothing to him. You found yourself slumped against his chest, the fabric of his gi warm against your cheek as you sucked in slow, deliberate breaths, trying to ease the ache in your lungs.
“Fuck— I’m sorry.” Your voice was muffled against him, and you barely had the energy to move.
“Don’t push yourself.” His tone was firm but not harsh. There was something softer in it, an underlying concern. “There’s only so much the human body can handle, and my training isn’t exactly meant for the faint of heart.”
You let out a breathless, exhausted laugh, your head still pressed lightly against him. No kidding. But just as you were about to make a joke, you felt it—
A subtle shift in his posture.
Piccolo tensed. Just for a moment. It was brief, almost imperceptible, but it was there. The way your breath hit his abdomen, the closeness between you—something about it affected him. You didn’t understand why, but if you weren’t so damn exhausted, you might’ve called him out on it.
Instead, you pushed yourself off of him, standing on shaky legs. You avoided his gaze, a sad smile forming on your lips.
“I knew what I was getting into,” you admitted quietly. “It’s my fault for thinking I could stand a chance against you.” You let out a self-deprecating chuckle, shrugging. “Guess that’s just one of the downsides of being human.”
Piccolo frowned. Deeply.
Something about the way you said that bothered him.
Your humanity was not a weakness. He had seen your strength firsthand, witnessed your skill, your intelligence, your resilience. You were far more capable than you gave yourself credit for.
From the moment you first threw Piccolo to the ground with alarming ease, he had convinced himself it was nothing but a fluke. A mistake. An error on his part for underestimating you—a human of all things.
But then the two of you sparred.
And everything he thought he knew about you unraveled in an instant.
At first, Piccolo was frustrated. Rightfully so.
Your combat skills weren’t just impressive; they were on par with his own. Whether you were humiliating him on purpose or not, the fact remained—his pride took a hit. Every counter, every movement, every effortless evasion of his attacks only confirmed what he refused to admit.
And then it happened.
A subtle shift in energy. His body froze.
His eyes locked onto yours, and something clicked.
He could see it now.
Your ki.
It wrapped around you like a barely visible veil, a natural extension of yourself, flowing with an effortless grace he hadn’t noticed before. Every strike, every well-timed counter—it all made sense now. The energy concentrated at your fingertips, acting as an unseen force that bound his limbs in place.
That explained why the moment your fingers had brushed against his arm, it had gone numb—why his body had betrayed him, allowing you to gain the upper hand so easily.
Piccolo’s sharp gaze lingered on you.
Maybe… you weren’t just an ordinary human after all.
“You’re wrong.”
Your brows knitted together at his sudden remark, uncertainty flashing in your eyes.
Piccolo folded his arms. “I have a friend who’s human. And he’s one of the strongest, most skilled fighters I’ve ever met… even if he’s a scaredy-cat when it comes to danger.”
He grumbled out the last part under his breath, but you still caught it.
A surprised laugh bubbled from your lips.
“The point is,” Piccolo continued, ignoring the way his chest warmed at the sound of your laughter, “humans can become strong. But it requires proper training.”
To emphasize his words, he lifted a hand, conjuring a small sphere of glowing energy in his palm. The orb pulsed gently, illuminating the sharp contours of his face with an ethereal glow.
Your breath hitched.
You had never seen anything like it before.
Cautiously, you stepped forward, leaning in just enough to examine it without risking contact. It was beautiful—like a miniature star resting in his hand, radiating warmth and raw power.
Piccolo watched you silently, noting the fascination in your gaze.
For a moment, something in his chest tightened.
He had seen warriors react to ki before. With admiration. With fear. With greed.
But never with wonder.
“This,” he said, voice quieter now, “is just a small taste of what can be achieved.”
You blinked, pulling your gaze away from the orb to meet his eyes. “It can? So, it’s not something only people born with strength can use?”
Piccolo let the energy dissipate with a flick of his wrist. “It works both ways. Some are born with talent but still need to train. Others start weak but can grow stronger through discipline. The key is learning how to control your own ki.” His expression darkened slightly. “It’s not easy. If you aren’t naturally attuned to it, the process can take years.”
He paused.
“But you’re lucky.”
Your head tilted slightly in curiosity. “Lucky?”
Piccolo studied you, his lips quirking into something just short of a smirk. “I saw you use it in our fight.”
Your brows shot up.
“You might not have realized it, but you were manipulating ki the entire time. Whether it was instinct or something buried in your training, you’re already exceptional at it.”
Your mind reeled at the revelation.
You could use ki? Effortlessly? But… you hadn’t felt anything different.
Your gaze drifted past him, unfocused, too lost in thought to respond.
“(Y/n),” Piccolo’s voice grounded you, snapping you back to the present.
You blinked rapidly, heat creeping onto your cheeks. “Sorry! I was just… trying to process all of this.” You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. “So, you’re saying I’ve been using ki this whole time? Without realizing it?”
Piccolo gave a single nod.
You exhaled, staring down at your hands. You clenched and unclenched your fists, trying to feel it—the energy he spoke of, the force that had unknowingly guided your movements.
No warmth. No shift. No spark.
Still, something within you stirred—determination.
Lifting your head, you met Piccolo’s sharp gaze, a small smile pulling at your lips.
“Then,” you started, voice filled with newfound resolve, “do you mind if ki training is added to my lessons from now on?”
Piccolo scoffed, arms still folded. But the small grin that tugged at the corner of his mouth was all the answer you needed.
You exhaled sharply, your breath shaky with exertion. Wiping away the sweat gathering at your brow, you resisted the urge to collapse backward onto the grass. It hadn’t even been a full hour, and yet, your body already ached from the relentless training.  
Piccolo’s ki training was far beyond anything you’d ever experienced. Martial arts required discipline, strength, and technique, but ki control? That demanded patience, precision, and an awareness of yourself so deep it bordered on maddening. You clenched your fists, staring down at your empty palms in frustration. No matter how many times you followed his instructions, no matter how much you tried to reach for that flicker of energy inside you—nothing. No spark, no light, not even a damn wisp of power.  
“How the fuck…” You panted between words, head tilting up to glare at him. “Can you do this without feeling exhausted?”  
Piccolo stood over you, towering as always, arms at his sides. Without his usual weighted cape and turban, his broad frame seemed even more imposing. “A lot of endurance and stamina training,” he said simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “It’s hell at first, but over time, it becomes second nature.”  
You shook your head with a tired chuckle, a mix of admiration and disbelief bubbling up despite yourself. “Geez, no wonder you’re so ripped. And insanely fucking fast. You never stop training. Do you even take a break?” You leaned back slightly to get a better look at him, only now realizing just how much your neck had to crane to meet his gaze.  
He huffed. “Hmp. And risk slacking off? No.”  
You rolled your eyes. “Really? Then how come you meditate so often?”  
“It’s another form of training.”  
“Of course it is.” You snorted before raising a brow. “Which is?”  
“Ki focus training.”  
You let out a slow breath, shifting your attention back to your hands. There was something there—a faint tingling at your fingertips, a pulse just beneath your skin. It was your ki. Your energy. It was there. It had always been there. You just couldn’t seem to grasp it the way Piccolo could.  
Sensing the change in your expression, Piccolo knelt down in front of you, lowering himself to eye level. His presence was grounding, his gaze sharp yet unreadable. You were so caught up in your own thoughts that you barely registered how close he was, nor did you notice the way his usual hard stare softened ever so slightly.  
“…You’re overthinking it.” His voice was quieter this time, lacking the usual blunt edge.  
You blinked, caught off guard, before huffing a tired laugh. “Yeah? Tell that to my brain.”  
Piccolo exhaled through his nose, shaking his head slightly. “Tch. That’s the problem.”  
You narrowed your eyes at him, but before you could retort, his large hand reached out. You froze as he gently placed two fingers against your forehead, the contact unexpected. His skin was warmer than you thought it’d be.  
“Stop forcing it. Ki flows naturally,” he said, voice steady. “If you keep trying to control it like a muscle, you’ll keep burning yourself out. Let it come to you.”  
You swallowed, your heart beating a little faster—not from exhaustion, but from something else entirely. Whether it was his proximity, the way his voice dropped slightly, or the sudden realization of just how much trust he was putting in you, you weren’t sure.  
But as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, you found yourself listening.
Focusing on the steady rhythm of your breathing. You sat straighter, just as Piccolo instructed, allowing the tension in your body to melt away.  
Then, you turned your focus inward.  
At first, there was only silence. A vast, empty space within your mind. But then—just behind your eyes—you felt it. A faint buzz, like static at the edge of your awareness. It started at your fingertips, a tingling sensation, before spreading into the center of your palms.  
The current…
You remembered Piccolo’s words—energy, like water, flowing at the center of your body. You visualized it, a deep reservoir of warmth sitting just beneath your ribcage. It pulsed faintly, like the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tide.  
Slowly, you willed the energy to move.  
It was sluggish at first, like trying to push against an invisible force, but the more you focused, the easier it became. The warmth traveled upward, swirling from your core into your arms, and finally—  
A faint glimmer of light flickered between your hands.  
Your eyes snapped open, breath catching in your throat. A dim, shifting glow hovered in your palm, barely the size of a pebble. It was weak, unstable, flickering as if it might disappear at any moment.  
But it was there.
Excitement surged through you, but you quickly tamped it down, remembering Piccolo’s warning about maintaining control. Taking another breath, you steadied your mind, focusing on keeping the energy contained.  
The tiny sphere of light pulsed in response, solidifying just a bit more.  
“That’s it,” Piccolo’s voice cut through the silence. You looked up to see him observing you with sharp, yet approving eyes. “You can feel it now, can’t you?”  
You nodded, gripping onto the sensation before it slipped away.  
Your lips curled up into a smile. You did it. You actually made a Ki sphere! Small, flickering, and unstable—but real. It wasn’t just some distant concept anymore; it was something you had drawn out from within.  
Laughter bubbled up in your throat, giddy and breathless, as you looked up at Piccolo, eyes bright with excitement. He was saying something—probably giving more instructions or a warning—but the sheer joy coursing through you drowned out his words.  
Without thinking, you moved.  
Throwing your arms around his neck, you pulled him into a spontaneous hug, the action as natural as breathing.  
For a moment, Piccolo didn’t react. His entire body went rigid, eyes widening in surprise. You were close. The warmth of your smaller frame pressed against him sent a jolt through his system. His hand hovered just above your waist, unsure if he should push you away or remain completely still.  
Then, your voice—soft and sincere—reached his ears.  
"Thank you for being patient with me, Piccolo."
His breath hitched.  
Something in his chest fluttered, an unfamiliar warmth unfurling deep within him. The tension in his shoulders melted ever so slightly, and before he could fully process it, his instincts took over.  
His large hand settled on the small of your back, hesitant yet deliberate. He hadn’t intended to pull you closer, but the second he did, something about the embrace felt… grounding.  
For someone who had spent most of his life avoiding unnecessary contact, it was strange how right this felt.  
“Hmph,” he finally grunted, the corner of his lips twitching ever so slightly. “Just don’t get ahead of yourself. You still have a long way to go.”  
But even as he said that, he didn’t pull away.
(2,537 words)
The long awaited chapter has finally come! (after being on hiatus for months on this story ;-;)
After some set backs and other hyperfixations, I finally managed to write this entire chapter after sitting in my pc for hours (it's like… almost 3 a.m over here lol).
I've been juggling between many scenarios on where this story might take off. There's a rough idea in my head that I need to write down on paper before I forget (again). Thank you for those who have waited (too long) for this chapter. For those that stuck around waiting anxiously, I apologize and thank you for your love and engagement. It really motivates me to keep on writing and to have fun with this story.
If you stuck around to read this silly note, thank you for reading!
Until next time, readers. xoxo
You are currently reading Part IX
Part X: Coming soon...
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lilyswrittenworks · 2 years ago
VII| Quiet Observations
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Warning: Cursing
Synopsis: Monday came around and it was time for him to get acquainted within the school grounds.
The clock struck four fifty, the afternoon sun bathed the school building in its warm light. Students were beginning to file in, putting their belongings away in the lockers that were in a separate room before settling themselves. Most of the students had begun to get some stretching in before the class started meanwhile others were either practicing techniques or chatting amongst their fellow peers. While they waited, you were outside giving Piccolo a quick tour around the property. 
You showed him the locations of two separate training grounds. The first one you showed to him contained an obstacle course with wooden posts on the ground and a makeshift plywood wall to climb on. Moving on to the next one, it had wooden dummies scattered about. Some of those dummies were stuffed with hay for the younger students. Lastly, you took him to a secluded garden that was a good distance away from the main building.
Standing underneath a large wooden archway and on the inside was a lush and plentiful area filled to the brim with all sorts of flowers from daffodils to daisies and even peonies, there were also a variety of succulents too and in the center was a man-made fountain. Thick shrubs surrounded the area making it a nice little getaway for whomever needs it.
“And you… built all of this?” Piccolo inquired, not bothering to hide the surprise in his baritone.
“Mmm-hm! The fundings from the city helped tremendously and with the help of some close friends it all certainly paid off in the end.” You crossed your arms loosely admiring your handiwork with a smile. Piccolo grunted in agreement.
“Will you be joining today’s class?”
There was a moment of hesitation, his shoulders stiffen as he looked over to you with a raised brow. “It’s best if I don’t show myself, I wouldn’t want your students to lose focus because of the way I look.”
You gave him a sharp look, which took him by surprise. “So what if you look different? I’ve met countless others who are anthropomorphic, even a couple of hybrids here and there, and you are no different, Piccolo.” 
Through your eyes, Piccolo was like any other person deserving to live a fruitful life and to envision people that still treat him with such discrimination just because of his otherworldly looks makes your blood boil. Piccolo’s appearance was the least of your concern and it upset you that he would still think himself that way.
Your eyes soften with your hands on either side of your hips. “I won’t force you to go, and whenever you feel comfortable enough you can just walk right in. For now, you can hang around in the garden.”
You sent him a farewell wave before making your way towards the dojo. From the moment you entered through the door, all of the students immediately stopped what they were doing. There were those that had been laying on the floor waiting for your arrival and now that you were here all of them stood up in a flash. They all faced you, greeting you with a bow simultaneously and you bowed in return.
The hours quickly passed, evident by the orange gold that stretched far and wide.
All was going well, your students were following instructions with ease and there haven’t been any incidents since Titus’ inexcusable behavior. As you were surveying around the dojo you had inadvertently listened in on a group of four teenage girls, all white belts and the new additions to your class, who have been quite vocal about their distaste of your teaching methods saying that it was “too harsh”. This is what happens when working with prepubescent teens, it is temperamental and a rebellious phase in their lives since they are still figuring out who they want to be.
You were in their shoes once, being a rebellious child yourself, however, given the circumstances life for you wasn’t great. What these teens need is a good influence in their lives that will guide them towards the right path where eventually they will mold into a decent person. Even if you had to put them through hell during your class.
While the group went on about the unfairness of the curriculum, you were stealthily nearing behind until you were right behind them without them even noticing.
“Ugh! This class is so stupid…” A young brunette girl muttered, a terrible mistake.
“This class is stupid, huh?”
In an instant all four teenagers whipped around to see you standing right behind. It was a funny sight to see them sweat under your scrutinizing gaze. The room was eerily quiet, no doubt that your voice has caught the attention of the entire class. When neither of the girls were going to speak you decided to break the silence.
“Lost your tongues already?” Silence. “Let me remind you that this stupid class can save your own damn life, instead, you belittle the art and complain about it! And don’t even dare to make up a lame ass excuse that you weren’t considering that none of you even noticed me from behind.”
With each scolding their heads hung lower, and lower, until their eyes were glued to the floor avoiding your gaze like guilt-written puppies.
“Your parents signed you up to my curriculum to LEARN not to screw around and bitch about everything. Because if there’s one thing that I DO NOT tolerate is those that disrespect my master’s art, and her master’s before them.” 
You crossed your arms, glaring daggers at the teens and with a low and stern voice you muttered. “Raise your heads.”
They raised their heads just enough to meet your angry features.
“Do not take me for a fool. All four of you will be disciplined until you learn how to respect the rules of the school,” You leaned dangerously close to their space. “My rules. If you disobey them, well… I’ll give you something to complain about.”
With that you signaled the entire class to continue and left behind the four girls, who were undoubtedly sulking for the reaping what they couldn’t sow.
When the last light disappeared into the edge of the sky it was time for your students to go home. Watching over them like you had always done a handful of times until you were the only one standing by the entrance. You went inside to gather your belongings in the locker rooms and came back to see Piccolo standing in the middle of the dojo. 
He walks around the room, silently inspecting the equipment that was meticulously organized. And stopping at a particular weapon mounted on the wall, a large tessen fan intricately decorated with blue and white feathers on its edges, a blue tassel at the end of the handle, and in the middle of its body is a kanji symbol imprinted on the delicate fabric. One that he had trouble deciphering its meaning. 
“A beauty isn’t she?”
Piccolo looks over you standing beside him, eyes focused on the weapon mounted on the wall. “It was gifted by my sabunim's master and then she gifted it to me when my school officially opened its doors.”
“It has quite a history.” His eyes went back to the kanji written on the fabric, his eyes crinkling at the edges trying to read it—nothing. Suddenly he gestures at the kanji. “What does this say?”
You glanced over to him, noting how much his brows were knitted together, and then staring back at the weapon with a smile. “雅, means elegant, graceful, and refined.”
He immediately thought back of the times that you would practice your techniques whenever he was in a deep meditation. In some instances he would observe you without your knowledge, he hadn’t meant to and yet he couldn’t stop himself from admiring your skills from afar. 
Every technique you performed with the utmost ease and precision—a refinement in developing your style. Every movement you took, with such confidence and trust in your own skin, without making a single misstep— the gracefulness in your steps, it was etched in your blood to a fault. Every strike, every kick that you’d do captured his attention from beginning to end— there was an elegance with everything you did that stood out from anything else.
You are the embodiment of it all.
“It suits it well, don’t ya think?” You asked, your eyes never leaving the tessen.
Piccolo's guarded features softened for just a moment, “It does.”
(1,420 words in total)
Part VI
You are currently reading Part VII
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lilyswrittenworks · 3 years ago
IV| First Match
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Warning(s): None
Synopsis: You and Piccolo agree on a friendly sparring match that solely relies on each other’s skills through close quarter combat.
The odd little friendship you had with Piccolo had evolved over the course of months. From hardly talking to one another, to engaging in a conversation—well, it was mostly you that did all the talking. Piccolo might not be a man of many words–a Namekian as you had recently learned– however, his body language accompanied by the way he pays close attention to every word you say and would gesture for you to continue on whatever you were explaining is proof enough that he’s always listening.
Of the times that you aren’t rambling like usual, he would be the one to initiate a conversation with you. In those moments when he did, it was him giving you pointers on certain techniques you were practicing, even sharing you a great deal of knowledge about his own martial art skills.
That’s what he was doing right now, the only difference was that he was genuinely intrigued by your own techniques.
“Those techniques… are unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Where did you learn that from?”
You chuckled at his genuine curiosity as you straightened yourself from your stance. “They were taught to me by my sabumnim, of course I perfected them over time and tweaked them to my liking. Don’t get me wrong I still uphold her techniques and will continue to do so in her honor. But I am always experimenting with newfound techniques that work for me nowadays.”
His eyes shifted to the ground with his brows drawn together in thoughtful consideration before meeting your gaze. “I see… your master taught you well from the looks of it.”
You smiled, placing your hands on your hips and puffing out your chest with pride. “Of course she did! People often questioned her brutal training methods as being too harsh, as crazy as her methods were. It gave results.”
Piccolo raised his brows in surprise. “She? So your master was a woman then?”
“You sound surprised.” You saw his features hardened almost immediately to hide whatever he was thinking.
“Well, yes, it's uncommon to see any women being a part of the martial arts.”
Piccolo does make a valid point. Throughout your years of being a martial artist it was rare to see any women taking part in a mostly male oriented art. Knowing that not many young women take part in it is mainly due to the lack of inclusivity especially the stigma that women shouldn't be involved because of some dumb reason to scare them off and it was frustrating. You wanted to make a change, the same way your master did too to get to where she was. You worked your way up until you were worthy enough to open your own school and teach not only young boys but to young girls as well.
“You're not wrong. That's why I became an instructor in the first place. To prove those egotistical instructors and masters alike that a woman can be better and stronger than a man.” You adamantly expressed.
Before he could even respond you had suddenly blurted out.
“Fight me.”
His eyes widened and for a moment his left knee gave way in a comical way but he quickly righted himself. He wasn't even certain if he heard you correctly, quite ironic since he has a good sense of hearing. “W-What?!”
“I said: fight me.” You repeated.
Your eyes remained locked onto Piccolo for a response. He remained frozen in place struggling to find the words and was hesitant to accept your request. You could tell from the look in his eyes that he was having an internal debate and you found it funny that he was freaking out about fighting you.
“How about this,” He blinks to focus his attention on you, “We treat this like any other sparring match, with the exception of only using close quarter combat and kicks. No flying, no strange energy beams—you get the idea.”
You were hoping he would at least consider it even if he refused. It wouldn't upset you in the slightest, in fact, you will be looking forward to it when he does decide to accept your proposal. It makes you wonder why he’s even hesitating in the first place.
“Fine.” Piccolo unfolds his arms and begins to take off his cape.
To your surprise the pointed shoulder caps that were attached to his cape landed with a loud crunching thud. Is his clothing…weighted? You couldn’t believe what you were witnessing as he removed his turban revealing a pair of antennae that were hidden underneath.
Just when you were beginning to slowly learn more about him only to be reminded that there are still some details about him and his physiology that you're unfamiliar with. Fueling your ever growing curiosity towards him.
You gestured towards his discarded clothing with a chuckle. “Never would’ve thought those were weighted.”
Piccolo’s lips curled into a smirk. “Don’t tell me you're easily scared by the weights alone.”
Did he just…? He’s teasing you!
“Pff, please! I’m not so easily scared.”  You took a deep breath as you shifted your stance, positioning yourself into an L-stance. With your palms open where you extend your left arm outward matching with your leg and your right hand resting lightly onto your forearm. This was your signature fighting position. “I’ll be letting you know when we should start. I'm looking forward to this.”
“Is that so?” Piccolo followed suit. The smirk being more prominent that you could see the white of his fangs poking out from under his lips. “I won’t disappoint.”
You and Piccolo remained grounded from where you two stood— still as a statue—until you shouted.
With unnatural speed, Piccolo bolted to strike you with a flurry of punches, of which you barely avoided if not for your instinctual evasion. He kept on striking with his speed to overwhelm your small frame. You won’t lie, it had taken you by surprise and you should have known better since he’s another race entirely, a Namekian no less. Gradually as you kept up with his pace you were able to predict his movements.
Without warning you evaded his oncoming strike and then simultaneously grabbed a hold of his wrist and struck him in the knee which caused him to lose balance. In one swift motion you twisted his wrist and used your free hand to add pressure to the back of his neck, more particularly where a pressure point was located. Piccolo’s body went slack for a moment before his muscles flexed and was overcome by a wave of pain from both neck and wrist. He was gritting his teeth and his eyes were shut.
You then manipulated his body to move wherever you pleased and so you took him by the edge of the lake and then tossed him in.
By the time he went under you had already moved far away from the lake as you waited for him to resurface. You watched as the surface bubbled—the water rippled and suddenly breaking the surface was Piccolo soaked to the bone that his gi was sticking to his skin. It was comical seeing him dart his head around before eventually turning around to face you. He wasn’t all too thrilled that you had puppeteered him so effortlessly and then had the balls to throw him in the lake. You could tell from the glare he was throwing at your direction that no one had ever thought to throw him in the way that you had, in fact, you were the first.
Your body moved along with the strong gust of wind that was hitting in your direction causing the fallen leaves and wildflowers to fly around with the current that was swirling around you. Your right leg curled elegantly in a semicircle, positioning yourself into a more grounded stance. Using your extended hand that was pointed towards him— “the giving hand” as you’d like to call it— and coaxed him to come over.
Predictably it set him off.
He jumped out of the water and once his feet touched the ground he instantly made a dash. When he was close enough he went for an uppercut initially aiming towards your stomach, however you simply moved out of the way at an angled displacement and struck him hard by the side of his neck with your fingers.
Piccolo cried out in shock, the feeling in his right arm was rapidly weakening as you went to strike him from behind. He was quick to recover however, and whipped around to grab your arm in an almost death grip, which he had to lessen so as to not accidentally break your arm. Piccolo was preparing to yank you towards him until you utilized a quick sleight of hand movement to free yourself from his grasp giving you a chance to distance yourself from him.
He was beginning to grow frustrated at how easily you have been outmaneuvering him with such little effort, barely breaking a sweat. Meanwhile, he was starting to pant and sweat was trickling down his face.
As he went to do a back kick only for you to dash towards him effectively stopping his kick midway through. You grabbed his already weakened arm by the wrist and twisted it in the opposite direction using your other hand to hold down his shoulder and forcefully made him bend over. There you forced him to follow you into a circle and he had no choice but to follow alongside you.
In the midst of it all the moment the two of you locked eyes and time seemed to slow down. You were fixated on him with a smile that reached your eyes. Through Piccolo’s steely gaze you caught it just in time when there was a quick subliminal look in them that you couldn’t quite pinpoint what he was trying to convey to you.
Then time seemed to resume and so did your match with Piccolo. Exchanging blows, blocking, and counter attacking each other’s strikes. Piccolo went to push you away; he had accidentally used too much of his strength and because of this mistake he had sent you hurtling towards a tree. Almost immediately he extends his arm to incredible lengths catching you by the waist and pulling you towards him.
Your head was spinning for a good minute and massaging your temple to ease the wave of nausea that swept over you. Meanwhile Piccolo kept a close eye on you with his arm firmly wrapped around your waist until you had recovered your bearings.
Piccolo carefully lets you go. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m ok.” Your hand was pressed up against his abdomen for support. When you met his gaze you were surprised to see the worry written across his features.
This is the first time you’ve ever seen him show a visible reaction besides the usual stern, if not, indifferent front. Seeing him worry for you was causing your chest to swell with a strange warmth.
His eyes examined you one last time as he then hummed in thought. “You fought admirably back there. It’s not everyday I get to spar with someone that’s different from what I’m used to.”
“Different is good, you know?” You hid your hands behind your back and averted you eyes to the ground where your hair covered just enough to conceal the redness of your cheeks, “It has  helped me in many ways by just sparring with different people, because if you think about it, do you really think your learning by sparring the same person? Or maybe someone similar? Not really.”
As you looked up to him the redness of your cheeks were no longer present and the corners of your lips curled into a smile. “Thank you for accepting my proposal, Piccolo. I’m looking forward to sparring with you more often from now on!”
(2,009 words in total)
Part I
Part II
Part III
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Part V
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lilyswrittenworks · 3 years ago
III| Breaking the Ice
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Warning(s): None
Synopsis: At the end of the week, you would wander into the woodlands where you’d meet up with him by the cascade and spend the majority of your time meditating alongside him or train on your own with him in the area.
Visiting the forest has become a regular occurrence for you, and not only was it your preferred location to hone your skills it was also where you got to see him almost every week. You were mindful whenever you came to join him by the waterfall to give him some space before taking your spot near the lake to practice.
It was always the same, you’d come by and greet him from afar and he would look over to your direction greeting you with a curt nod. Monotonous as it was you don’t mind it and he hasn’t complained about your presence so you took it as a good sign. Once it was time to leave you would give him a friendly smile and a wave, telling him that you would see him next week before leaving.
Unaware that he had his eyes trained on you as you disappeared into the shrubbery.
For over three months the interaction between you and him was almost nonexistent, then it all changed.
Once again you were by the cascade and on this particular occasion you were knees deep in the shallow water practicing  with your steel fan in hand. Moving around the waters with grace and flow, tuning out the environment except for the sounds of the constant loud snaps of the fan opening and closing.
There was a sense of calm with every movement you made. The precision wielding the fan— snap, snap, snap!— throwing it suddenly in the air and then catching with ease. Droplets of sweat dribbled down your forehead and temple but this didn’t halt your flow. Your steady rhythmic breathing displayed your endurance despite the weight of the fan doing its work on your wrists.
With the final snap— opening the fan one last time with your arm extended pointing towards the waterfall. Stillness, your eyes were focused forward as the sounds of nature began to greet you back from the dream-like state you were in.
“Never seen someone use a fan as a weapon before.”
When you looked over and were stunned to see that he was standing by the edge of the water with his arms crossed, focused on you.
“That’s because not many people see a fan threatening,” You straightened yourself from the extended stance, closing the fan with a loud snap keeping it close to your chest. “It has its practical use. The fan won’t kill you but the hit of its iron will surely leave a mark.”
“It left a mark alright. The sound alone is enough to scare even the smallest wildlife here.” He deadpanned watching you register his words and letting out an awkward laugh.
You felt bad for disrupting his mediation without considering the repercussions. “Oh geez, I’m really sorry about that.”
He doesn’t say anything as he watches you approach. Your legs were soaked to the bone, the light fabric of your martial arts uniform sticking to your skin and went to squeeze the excess water out with your hands, leaving the fan on the ground. His gaze immediately landed onto the blackened steel fan, with his curiosity piqued he went over and picked up the weapon to examine it.  
As you were straining the last bit of water from your clothing is when you were startled at the close proximity of his voice.
“Heavy plated steel on a fan,” He mused then looked down at you. “Never would’ve known a fan would be designed this way.”
There was a genuine fascination across his dark eyes. You were accustomed to the stoic expression that he always had on, it was refreshing to see how much he was speaking to you and those eyes that said so much are a welcoming sight.
“You’ll learn a thing or two from me, that's for sure, Sir.” You added with a cheeky smile.
“Piccolo.” He blurted out which made you blink in confusion until he repeated himself, “My name is Piccolo.”
There was a moment when you forgot to breathe from this. You blinked once—twice, you weren’t sure anymore until the corners of your lips curled up.
(687 words in total)
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Part IV
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lilyswrittenworks · 2 years ago
VI| Lending a Hand
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Warnings: None
Synopsis: Priorities had to go first. The days were getting busier and busier making it difficult to take a day off. Until one day you got an unexpected visitor.
     A collective roar echoed throughout the room where there were men and women wielding a variety of weapons of their choosing and using their weapons to attack the many wooden dummies that were aligned across the walls of the dojo. There were others that partnered up practicing their techniques wielding whatever weapon they were up against. The collective smacking of wood against wood, the sharp snaps of fans, and the yells filled the air.
While the rest of the students were practicing, you quietly walked alongside the edges of the mat observing them throughout the section of the class. Occasionally going over to the student that was having trouble wielding their weapon or to correct them of their stance as well as how to properly execute certain techniques.
Just as you were correcting a female student with her hand positions on the bō staff when suddenly there was a commotion happening right in front of you. There was a crowd already forming and you swiftly went over to diffuse the situation before it could get it any worse.
“That’s enough!” The roaring authority of your voice did its effect and the crowd quickly dispersed revealing the two young boys as you approached them.
Neither of them dared to look you in the eye and for good reason. You were not only known for your strict teachings but also for your frightening attitude to those that don’t take the lessons seriously, treating it like it’s some sort of silly little game. If there’s one thing that your students feared the most it was your anger. As you stood right before them they still wouldn’t look you in the eye, keeping their eyes glued to the floor.
“I don’t recall giving you instructions to wail each other with the weapons you’ve chosen, hm?” When neither responded, you bent yourself closer to them. “Speak. Otherwise you two will be dismissed until the rest of the class is finished.”
Speaking up was a young boy wielding the bo staff, he had brown tousled hair and black monolid eyes. “Titus was insulting me, then hit me with his kali sticks. I was only defending myself, sensei.”
The other boy, Titus, had long jet-black hair and pale blue eyes as he shot a dirty look at him. “So what if I did? You clearly deserved it.”
“Titus.” You warned, giving him a hardened stare and he immediately shrunk in fear. Then proceeded to berate him in front of the entire classroom.
“We NEVER use our weapons to hurt others, especially with your companions. You have disrespected my authority countless times and I will not tolerate violence against another student of mine. Do I make myself clear or do you want me to scrub your ears for you?!”
He straightened himself being stiff as a rock and sweating bullets. “N-n-o-o, sens-s-ei.”
“Good. Now go sit until class is over!”
Titus dropped his weapon and scurried off earning quite a few chuckles.
A vein had popped right above your eyebrow, taking a moment to take in a deep breath. “Daigo,” Startled, he looked up at you, preparing himself to be scolded.
Your hardened features soften, “I’m not mad at you.”
“Of course not. You did good in defending yourself against Titus. That’s what this whole curriculum is all about.” You patted his head, a pleased smile plastered on your lips. Then you leaned into his ear to whisper. “There’s an ice cream bar hidden at the back of the mini freezer. Take it when class is over, OK?”
Daigo’s eyes glimmered, nodding his head excitedly as soon he went over to partner up with another student. When he looked back you gave him a wink before lightly shooing away the crowd to resume the section. As for Titus, he was in for a fun little punishment of your choosing and that is to do one-hundred push-ups and to maintain the horse-stance for an hour.
By the time class was over the sunlight had disappeared and the sky was adorned in a blanket of stars where the crescent moon was illuminating the empty streets below. The number of students dwindled; the majority of the older students had already left. However, the younger students still lingered waiting for their parents to pick them up. You always remained behind to watch over them until they’ve been retrieved. The safety of your students will always be your top priority no matter how late you had to stay in the dojo, you were staying until all of them went home safely.
Once the last of your students departed it was time to close off the school. You slung on your cyan-colored sling backpack and headed straight towards the back room of the building. Inside the room on the opposite side of the wall stood the main circuit breaker, you approached it by opening the panel and then shutting off every line until you were left in total darkness. Pulling out the phone from your pocket and using its flashlight to head back to the entrance.
As you pulled out the keys from the locked door you caught the slightest movement over to your right. It didn’t take long for you to throw a swift punch towards the general direction of where the person was, dropping your phone in the process. You were taken aback to realize that standing in front of you was Piccolo who had caught your punch with ease.
“Piccolo?! Shit– I thought you were some rando looking to harass me.” You retreated your fist and went to retrieve your phone from the ground, thankfully it remained unscathed from the drop.
“Does that happen often?” Piccolo asked when you let out a sigh.
“Unfortunately. Lately they’ve been harassing not only myself but my students as well! Mind you some of them are minors. I’ve filed a complaint multiple times to the police department to at least get a security guard but n-o-o-o,” You dragged in annoyance. “They can’t do shit because they didn’t deem it necessary and they quoted: ‘no crime was committed’. What kind of lame ass excuse is that?!”
Your blood began to boil the more you went on with your rant. “Harassing me is one thing, I’ve lived through that my entire life, but those punks harassing my students are already threading dangerously close for comfort. Just last week one of those punks held a knife to one of my youngest pupils. If I hadn’t stepped when I did—someone is going to get seriously hurt and I won’t risk endangering the lives of my pupils because those lazy cops won’t do what they are supposed to be paid to do.”
What you failed to notice was that Piccolo’s face hardened considerably. He bared his teeth to which his fangs peeked from below his lips and the knuckles of his already balled fists were starting to strain.
Suddenly Piccolo blurted out. “You won’t have to worry about those punks harassing you and your students.”
“What do you mean by tha-a-at…” You realized the truth behind his words that it left you feeling conflicted. “Are you sure about this, Piccolo? I mean, I wouldn’t want you getting involved in this mess.”
“I understand your apprehension about this, however, it's either between me or those cops that aren’t really doing much to help with your current situation.” Piccolo emphasized his baritone stern, but expressed significant concern over the matter.
He made such a valid argument that you couldn’t think of anything better to add-on. Your shoulders slumped forward, defeat written across your face.
“Alright, alright. I’ll let you guard over the dojo during and after class ends.” You straightened your posture glancing up at him with a lopsided smile.
You walked past him heading down the stone path that leads straight towards the tall main gate of the large property.
You were fortunate enough to purchase this when the previous owner was begging to be rid of it which had originally been abandoned for years and the poor elderly man didn’t know what to do. No one else was interested in a dilapidated land but you saw it as an opportunity and happily bought it under your name. Since then the entire area had flourished after putting in the hard labor in restoring the building and filling the place with as much natural vegetation as you were allowed to.
Just beside the double-door swing gate was a decently sized bike rack where your neon blue bike was currently occupying one of the U-rack spaces. You went over to it—unlocked both its wheels and walked alongside the bike outside the gate. When you were about to move down the stand from the bike you heard the school gate being shut. Looking over your shoulder to see Piccolo wrapping the gaps with a metal chain and securing it with  the padlock that was attached to it.
“Thank you, Piccolo.” You unbuckled the helmet from your sling strap securing it on your head before hopping onto the bike.
“It’s getting late. I should be heading home soon and you should too.”
Piccolo took a few steps towards you, having to tilt your head up to look at him without putting strain on your neck. “I’ll escort you home.”
You stared ahead at the gravel road smiling to yourself before glancing over to him from the corner of your eye. “Let’s go.”
Once you began to peddle away from the property, Piccolo immediately followed suit flying right behind you. He remained by your side for the majority of the journey up until you cycled into a populated neighborhood to which he ascended a good distance away from prying eyes.
Just up ahead you saw an elderly woman peeked out from her front porch waving at you. It was Mrs. Bennett. She’s one of the sweetest neighbors you have and even considered her as your grandmother because she always waits for your return after a long day of teaching every single night without fail. A pattern that you’ve grown accustomed to from the moment you moved into the neighborhood.
You let go of the bike handle to wave at her as you rode past her house. “Evening Mrs. Bennett!”
“Rest easy, hun!” She yelled back watching you disappear around the opposite corner of the block.
Home wasn’t too far, as you biked down the tree tunnel road that led straight towards your place. It stretched for five miles straight until finally arriving.
You allowed the momentum to take you towards the wooden staircase before coming to a complete stop. There stood the A-framed home that had been built on top of a slope, hopping out of the bike, removing the helmet and then hiding the bike underneath the wooden staircase. As you walked up the steps you could see Piccolo descending from the sky and landing onto the patio.
“So, this is where you live, huh?” Piccolo said a loud, taking in the scenery. In response you hummed in approval, staring at the house, a twinkle of pride flashing in your eyes.
“I had the house built seven years ago after I moved into the neighborhood. Some of my neighbors aren’t too fond of how unusual it looks, but I like it, that’s what matters to me.” You too focused on admiring the structure of your home to realize Piccolo was fixated on you.
You turned to face Piccolo with a smile. “Thank you for accompanying me home, Piccolo, and don’t forget to come by the dojo early on Monday to show you around.”
Piccolo nodded curtly, turning his back to you before taking off into the night. You bid him a farewell wave watching as his silhouette faded further into the sky until you could no longer see him. A breeze caused you to shake involuntarily as you quickly made your way inside the coziness of your home.
(1,987 words in total)
Part V
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Part VII
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lilyswrittenworks · 2 years ago
V| Something Meaningful
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Warnings: None
Synopsis: Moments are always shared with the ones you are closest to.
     The autumn season stretches forth with fingers of every hue, from the serenity of browns to fireside reds and the gold of sunny days. Leaves were scattered throughout the ground and the trees were clad in a riot of gold and red. It’s a time where the air is cooler and a soft mist coats the earth during the early morning and late evenings.
Making your way through the foliage with each step the leaves crunched beneath your shoes. Autumn has always been your favorite season and one that you’re looking forward to every year. It’s not that you dislike the other three seasons— you love them in fact! But there’s just something about fall that makes you feel at ease as the seasons are slowly changing.
Perhaps it was the temperature cooling considerably and all you want to do is to be bundled in the warmth of the many blankets along with a cup of coffee and a book to read, or the candles you would purchase for the occasion— a pumpkin scented candle maybe a vanilla one too.
Fall filled you with this sense of unbridled joy and you wanted to share that with Piccolo.
It made you wonder if he enjoys things outside of the martial arts. What other things does he find enjoyable?
Despite knowing him for almost a year, you don’t exactly know him, know him. You could know his every advance, from his body language to his eyes and from the way he talks but you wouldn’t even know what his hobbies were. Piccolo rarely shared anything about himself to you and when he did, you were ecstatic to find out he came from another planet and his race. After that he hadn’t shared much about himself with you.
You didn’t want to prod too much in fear of scaring him away.  So, the only way of pulling the answers out of him was with some small talk.
The lake came into view where its surface reflected the red and golden hues of the surrounding trees. Just off to your right was the person you were looking for as you made your way towards him. As he came into view you could see that he was sitting crossed legged underneath an oak tree, his arms were on his side where his hands were interlinked. The moment you were standing in front of him, his eyes opened to meet you.
Immediately Piccolo took notice of the wicker basket you were holding on your left. “What’s with the basket?”
“I thought it would be nice to share with you some sweets that I made.” You took a seat on the side of the tree trunk that was closest to Piccolo where you set aside the basket. “Luckily I had some leftovers after sharing them with my students back at the dojo. They deserved it after training so hard.”
Opening the lid of the basket and proceeded to pull out two cranberry muffins, offering one to Piccolo. However, he just stared down at the muffin and you couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking either, whatever he was thinking he’s masking it pretty well. Maybe he’s not a fan of muffins?
“What’s up? If you’re not a fan of muffins I have some pumpkin pudding instead.”
“It’s not that.” Piccolo moves his eyes away from the muffin in your hand to stare at you. “I don’t consume solids like you humans do.”
You lowered your arm with the muffin still in your palm, staring at him in disbelief. “Huh… that— I didn’t know that. But, what exactly do you need then?”
“Water is the only source I need since the enzymes in my body transform the water into nutrients.” Piccolo explained.
You vividly remembered seeing Piccolo drinking from the crystal clear waterfalls multiple times especially when you and him would train together. This certainly explains a lot and you wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t offered him the muffin in the first place.
“Could you still eat solids if you wanted to?”
“Yes, if not for the enjoyment of it.”
A hum escapes through your lips, staring down at the second muffin. Then you began to silently munch on your own muffin. When you were almost finished Piccolo spoke which caught your attention turning your head to meet with his back facing you.
“What made you get into martial arts?” From the tone of his voice, Piccolo showed a genuine curiosity of which left you speechless for a moment.
It’s so unlike him to ask such a specific question, and this question in particular really hit home, maybe a little too much. You swallowed down the remaining muffin along with a heavy feeling that was forming in your chest. It took a moment to collect your thoughts until you were ready to respond.
“My master is the reason why I teach today. I was young— homeless, I had nowhere else to go and she took me in when things were turning for the worse for me.” You kept your head up, eyes closed as you resumed meanwhile Piccolo had shifted to face you with eyes wide open and mouth hanging open. “I was seven when she took me in and I’m utterly grateful for what she did. If she hadn’t found me in time I wouldn’t even be here to begin with.”  
Piccolo didn’t know what else to say after your unprecedented confession. He couldn’t begin to imagine what other hellish things you had to go through and for that he was sympathetic toward you.
“I never would’ve known that your life was rough with the way you are now.” Piccolo felt responsible for inadvertently causing you discomfort from having to relive those moments of your life. There was a deep frown across his face which showed off how ashamed he is.
“I apologize. That was careless of me for asking such a question.”
Your eyes fluttered open and turned to look at Piccolo, seeing the frown across his normally stern features made your chest ache.
“You weren’t aware about that part of my life to begin with, it's as simple as that, so don’t start apologizing for something you had no control over, Piccolo.” You stated, craning your neck to look him dead in the eyes not caring of the strain that it was causing to your neck.
Piccolo remained silent, keeping his gaze fixated on you. With his frown gone, you caught a glimpse of something across those dark eyes; uncertainty.
“It’s alright, you know? I don’t mind you asking more questions like this in the future.” Your face softens, a small smile forming. “What about you, what’s the reason that got you into the martial arts, Piccolo?’
A singular drop of sweat appeared on the side of his cheek and he averted his gaze. “It’s… a long story.”
“Well? Don’t keep me waiting. Oh, here,”
Piccolo glances over to you and there in your hand was the muffin you offered to him earlier to which you were doing so again. He gave you a confusing look to which you smiled.
“You should have it. Maybe later you’ll want to eat for the enjoyment of it.”
He pondered for a moment before ultimately reaching out to take the muffin from your hand. You scooted over closer to him where he began to tell you the history of where it all started.
(1,236 words in total)
Part IV
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Part VI
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lilyswrittenworks · 3 years ago
II| Searching
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Warning(s): None
Synopsis: The strong pull of your curiosity fueled you to start looking for the green man's whereabouts.
Weeks went by since your encounter with the stranger, life went on as normal. Except that in the back of your mind his image was engraved into your memory. You were constantly thinking about him even when you were trying to push the image of him aside only for it to come up later on in the day.
A strong pull was guiding you to the woodlands where he may or may not reside. Initially hesitant and unsure if you should even follow the pull because of some stranger. His intimidating presence would cause any rational human being to run in the opposite direction because of how alien he looked.
Sure, you were scared at first but it was more out of caution than anything else. It was a defense mechanism that you'd conditioned yourself to do; a front to mask the fear from showing. Your interaction with him was so brief that you couldn’t get a proper read on him, if he did want to cause harm he would have done so the moment he was behind you, but didn’t.
He intrigued you.
The curiosity combined with the pull that was beckoning you to go to the woodlands couldn’t be ignored any longer. Thus, you gathered the supplies and went on a camping trip to the woodland where you had met him. Not only were you on a quest to find him, it was also the perfect opportunity to hone your skills, exposed by the elements and also to get some much needed downtime from the Internet as well.
From there you begin the arguably long process of trying to search for him throughout the vast, dense vegetation. For days you would solely visit these woods to try and at least catch a glimpse of his silhouette only to turn up with nothing but the wildlife that roamed the grounds.  
Admittedly, it was beginning to take a toll on you.
You couldn’t keep this up for long, even convincing yourself that he wasn’t worth searching for. It made you feel foolish as a result. You kept thinking back on your students who were waiting for you to return from your trip. Their hunger to learn from you and in turn you provide them with the knowledge and skill, but also welcoming them as being a part of your family. These were the thoughts you had before returning to camp that night to get some shut eye.
Ultimately you decided to end your search. Gathering all your belongings and putting them away in capsules before heading out the woods.
Except this time you got completely lost.
You swore you left orange ribbons along the shrubs and tree barks the previous days to avoid this from happening, and yet it still happened. Whatever the case you kept on through the woods, cursing under your breath for not bringing the compass along to save you from this predicament.
It felt like you were wandering around for hours right up until you stumbled upon an untouched cascade. For the situation that you were in this was a wonderful find to calm yourself and get some clarity.
Your eyes wandered around the breathtaking scenery and noticed a silhouette floating above the body of water. A normal person would have been losing their minds at the sight of someone hovering in thin air without a plausible explanation, that’s not what you were focused on. What caught your immediate attention was the striking familiarity of a purple turban and white cape; it was him.
It wasn’t hard to distinguish that he was in a meditative state, eyes closed with his legs crossed and arms folded in front of him. The gentle sway of his cape and the soft lighting accentuating his toned physique. He blended in with the environment seamlessly in which people could easily mistake him as being part of the greenery around him by how perfectly still he is.
You just stood there admiring his otherworldly appearance, taking in his calm features until suddenly his eyes opened where he met your gaze. You never meant to disturb him intentionally but somehow it's as if he knew you were there the entire time.
Whether he knew or not, you found him by sheer luck. Perhaps it was fate that guided you towards him. Whatever it was, you were grateful that it gave you a chance to try and get to know him better.
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