#martha definitely looked over Sonja’s shoulder once and gave her an earful about the negatives of messing with necromancy
licantropa · 2 years
Sometimes, on very dull days in Dagrun, Sonja’s mind will wander onto how different things could be now if she’d been more selfish with her choices. She’ll think back on her (lack of) time with Capsize a lot.
Capsize wasn’t a Champion, but Jordan is. Tucker is. Tom was. She isn’t, neither were the Modsteps and Nade. Being second best is just a pitfall they all ran head first into.
She’d seen the looks she’d given Jordan. Recognized the analytical once-overs and the critical gleam in her eye, all that was left of her to say was What makes you better than me?.
Sonja gets it. Of course she does! She knows that feeling much too intimately. Any minor attention will always default to Tucker, whether that be items, shit as they may be, or words of praise, it all goes to His champion.
Maybe if they had a heart to heart? Maybe if Sonja had warned her what the cost was for not being the favorite, things could’ve gone differently.
She’s sure that Capsize would’ve just said Ianite ain’t like that, lass. Or something along those lines, anyway.
How different could Lady Ianite be, truly? She’s related to her brothers and that’s not a very strong start. Sonja can’t blame her for not bringing Capsize back, the goddess was weak and it most likely exhausted her more to do something of that nature, she still can’t help but be wary. There were no funeral rites for the pirate, no grave, and no place to mourn, just her remains being treated as kibble for The Lady’s pet dragon.
Yeah, Sonja thinks, Jordan’s lost goddess is no better than her brothers.
She stops from mindlessly doodling in her journal, and goes back to writing down the properties of things around her that she’s researched.
Flux has strange reactions when mixed with living matter, perhaps she could…Those types of ideas stay as scribbled almost unreadable notes in her thaumonomicon. It never goes past the fantasy stage.
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