I just wanted somebody to love me for who i was on the inside, rather than the outside. But I realized that the outsides matters just as much as people say, and it’s fine, I understand, there are no hard feelings, I get it.
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Tired of feeling weak and being strong
Kelli price
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& ima smoke all of my pain away cause that’s the only thing that’s gone heal it
YNW Melly
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I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
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And if I could .. I’d just forget about you
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I was just fine. but here I am again feeling like im never gonna be good enough
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It’s a never ending battle between me v.s me
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I never knew if it was real & I think that’s what gets to me the most. I never knew if all I was told was a lie. But I think deep down i did know. I just couldn’t accept you let me go without hesitation & here I am .. 3 years later & I still miss you...
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I tried ... I really tried
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