silvertherogue715 · 6 months
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Fun fact: he can duck his head down into his neck to shield his face/eyes from blasts during battle. I'll have a side drawing of it later :)
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godgavemenoname · 4 months
why oh why are so many people using the r slur again like it's remotely acceptable. none of y'all are any kind of allies to intellectually and/or developmentally disabled people, that much is clear.
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starsonmarsy · 1 year
that's crazy
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toms-cherry-trees · 9 months
📖 Fic rec time! When you get this, reply with three fics that you've read and loved to pieces, then pass on to at least five other people who read fics. Let’s appreciate fic writers and their amazing stories 💖
Mars.exe has stopped working
okay okay I got an iced coffee to get the neurons working
"Unbearable" by @ewanmitchellcrumbs: Probably one of the first if not the first Aemond fic I read, it tics all the boxes in my list; gives you angst, fluff and smut in perfect quantities and I still reread it often as a comfort fic because it still makes me kick my feet in the air
"I'm A Fire, And I'll Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm" by @randomdragonfires: This fic altered my brain chemistry. It chopped me to pieces, tossed me into a blender and poured me out as a new woman. Aemond and his little rose deserve all the happiness in the world and I will defend them with my life
"Castling miniseries" by @barbiedragon: I love this series with my life and I have reread it so many times (especially Gambit) because I love it to infinity! I really want the four of them to live the happiest filthiest life possible in King's Landing
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huntertherapyeras · 3 years
aster might be angry that i posted this in public. but i dont think he is coping well with whatever's been going on the past few days (theres a wall, i cant see everything). i think he is repressing it based on how stressed out and panicky the whole system is feeling. please keep encouraging him and checking in. i think it helps.
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spaececase · 3 years
the name mars is acceptable but i like marcy more >:3
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rynegaias · 2 years
we laugh ❤️ but it is actually quite serious (it was never more clear to me than when i was a young teenager that my dad never wanted a girl and i was meaningless the moment i was born)
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Katherine: (gives Jack sass) || Cora: (panics in "mayve im not straight")
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ronderuwu · 2 years
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mars.exe has stopped working
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thesepeopleproject · 7 years
— Mars.EXE (@snowcat_ebooks) May 17, 2017
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silvertherogue715 · 4 months
Hello! How are you doing?
I wanted to focus on Slur for this ask I don’t know a lot about them( I thought they were someone’s oc originally ;-;) so I’m curious to learn about your version of them :)!
Knowing that Slur is a GVC-Navi were they treated differently than the NEC-Navis? And does this impact their attitude and their response to negative emotions and NEC-Navis in general? 
Do they have a special role if any sort? I assume that Slur has a role similar to Terra’s own too as second in command but being different types of navis is their a difference in the positions each one holds? 
And does being a GVC-Navi give them different abilities than any NEC-Navis might have? 
I hope you have a good day/night! And thank you!
Hello lovely! I am doing well, thank you! I just returned from a trip to see my best friend graduate college. It was so much fun! How are you?
Slur is an official character from the MMBN Anime. Click their name if you’d like a direct link to the wiki! Essentially, she is a villain (somewhat major but rarely fights herself) that carries out Duo’s will. I WISH I could make as cool a villain as Slur lmao. 
But for your next question:
My version of Slur is pretty similar to her anime counterpart: cold, calculating, prideful, and strong. Unfortunately, Slur does not show up much in the anime, and was not given much depth as a character, so I really only had those main characteristics to build off of. 
She is more hands-on in my AU as far as combat goes, and serves a pretty crucial role in the end of Arc 2 and mid-to-late Arc 3. In my AU, anyone who works under Duo has a title of “Sentinel”. There are only 4:  Slur, Rai, Lai, Moon (fusion, doesn’t count), and Minx.
Though, only 3 ever exist at a time.
Viren society and the concept of GVC (good-vibes/positive energy crystals) and NEC (negative energy crystals) is a concept unique to my AU, not in MMBN. I definitely took the majority of my inspiration for the civilization from translated notes, especially info on the crystals and how emotional energy could be converted into something usable. Notes on Terra were also helpful for a better understanding of Hyper Energy Crystals (HECs).
Although, HECs in my AU are like…unbiased versions of GVCs and NECs? They’re not a source of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ emotional energy, but rather a mix of all kinds. The Virens just found that it was easier (and less explosive) to figure out and mass-manufacture energy crystals pertaining to one ‘type’ of emotion over another (positive/negative). They never figured out how to create a crystal using both. An unfortunate side effect of this, however, is that as the Virens developed–with these crystals serving as both a massive source of energy and cultural identity–stigmas naturally began developed surrounding navis created to harness certain ‘types’ of energy (NECs vs GVCs). Different types of navis also held different abilities:
NEC Navis:
Negative energy makes them stronger
Can absorb and emit negative energy at will.
Helpful for easing or removing feelings of stress from individuals.
Can ebb the source. Does not exactly make you happier, though.
Too much absorption can take a toll on a Navi’s emotional state.
Can also increase feelings of stress/fear/etc, especially if the Navi themself feel emotionally unstable.
Must demonstrate strict self-control over their emotions so as to not become easily overwhelmed and risk hurting others.
Can become sick if exposed to positive energy for too long. This includes being extremely happy for long periods of time.
Can form weapons/tools/instruments with their crystal.
GVC Navis:
Positive energy makes them stronger
Can absorb and emit positive energy at will.
Helpful for giving others happy, positive feelings, but cannot take away the stressor.
Can give you something else to focus on!
Too much absorption gives them something of a high.
Needs little to no self-control training: if they’re bummed out, you don’t also get upset. If they’re super happy, so are you!
Can also drain positive energy if needed (like in cases of mania, maybe? But rarely ever happens.
Can become sick if exposed to negative energy for too long. This includes being extremely sad for long periods of time.
Can form weapons/tools/instruments with their crystal.
Originally, the roles balanced each other out. Somewhere along the way, an opinion formed that NEC navis enjoyed the pain of others. After all, someone would whisper, they were specifically made to consume ‘evil’ things, why wouldn’t they enjoy it to some degree? And then it slowly warped into “they’re made with evil”.
Which is really depressing. ESPECIALLY knowing that because NEC navis had to exhibit such strong self-control and aid others at their worst, they were some of the kindest, most empathetic individuals to exist in Viren society. 
*Sidenote 1:
It is extremely dangerous for NEC Navis to become warriors/soldiers if they do not have excellent self-control: sure, they’re crazy OP in a stressful setting, but they are also prone to losing themselves in a power high if not taught otherwise.
Case in point: Mars. 
Hot-headed but literally designed for battle. Extremely powerful, but lacking a support system that would have otherwise helped him keep his temper in check on the battlefield or in public. By the time Sunstar found him, joining the Stardroids was Mars’s last hope to avoid deletion.
*Sidenote 2: 
There are many Viren societies. The primary one in my AU (that create Slur/Duo/Sunstar/the stardroids) travels throughout space on a comet-like ship looking to find another planet to live on. Then they find Earth! They only set up shop on Earth for a couple hundred years before everything goes south, though. The Virens have a home planet, though, and it is not Earth. Teleportation (which requires energy crystals) is a big part of travel to get to and from different locations, too. 
Just assume when I refer to “Viren society” that I’m mostly referring to the individual one that sets up shop on Earth later.
Having now given you a small lore-drop, back to Slur!
Slur is ehh… let’s say a “puritan?” One of the navis/Virens of the opinion that negative energy is “evil,” and all NEC navis by extension. She also believes that all GVC navis are “righteous” and “good” (unless their minds have been poisoned). This includes herself, naturally, and makes her especially obnoxious to be around as Duo’s (time-justice Navi God character) second in command. 
On Viren-Earth, she refused to speak with Sunstar (“that repulsive creature”) and only Terra could manage to get ahold of her. Terra is her rival, and both have a mutual hatred for the other.
“Positive energy puritans” (pep’s) or not, a lot of Viren’s subconsciously held a biased mindset towards NEC navis by the time they arrived on Earth from years of misinformation and paranoia. Notably, less NEC navis were being made in response to all the PEP hate–who wanted exclusively positive energy to power their societies–which meant there were fewer and fewer as the years went on. The main power source of all Viren civilizations is Negative Energy crystals, since they’re easier to make (negative emotions fronting easier than positive ones and all that).
So, was Slur treated differently? Yes.  GVC navis were favored over NEC navis in the public eye.
This is a ton of info and I hope it’s not too overwhelming! Let me know if you’d like anything clarified!
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starsonmarsy · 2 years
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huntertherapyeras · 3 years
wahhh i just want to talk about amphibia but i cant talk about the c*re or andri*s and thats like such an important aspect of the show.... #girlsuffering
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spaececase · 3 years
when we get ignored its like. are we even real actually
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Ok we love to make fun of king without status but,,, picture king with a high status,,,, king being feared,,,,
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I just. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. King is babey,,, but King is not babey,,,
If he openly lets someone show affection towards him?? That’s because everyone knows if they say anything about him being too soft they’re dead meat
King requesting to meet with someone and them being scared? Hell yeah
Thinking about you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish. Thinking about Bang by Lizzy McAlpine. Thinking about Castle by Halsey and Holy by King Princess. The confidence he would exude.
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silvertherogue715 · 6 months
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Current roll call for all the Brainrot AU characters I've finished drawing so far. I believe I've posted all of them individually, but I think sharing this will give people a little better of an idea of character heights and whatnot.
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