#mars the wet floor bot
dad-sun-and-moon · 6 months
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Merry Christmas!
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custarduwu · 1 year
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More Art for @dad-sun-and-moon
First is art for my collab fic with TyTyTheTyler, Starcrossed! It features a Yandere Y/N (a Y/Ndere, if you will) who is only a little into the Attendant.
Next is Mars the wet floor bot! I’m so honored with this because I designed the sticker on him and the design became canon!
Finally, more Y/N torture. This time featuring SpiderSmoon
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sillymoonboi · 4 months
i come with gifts
for capricorn and sagittarius stress balls
for saturn a second body pillow of titan
for jupiter a knife set and cat toys
for mercury some moondrops that way i can't get yelled at for giving you candy since they are meant to help you sleep
for lunar a plushie of gemini
for gemini a plushie of lunar
for neptune a goldfish
for uranus a pat pat (aka one of the wet floor bots)
for venus headphones so you don't have to listen to jupiter and saturn argue
for earth essential oils
for mars a cat onsie
for all the zodiacs with horns horn polish
They all thank you for the gifts
But one question what’s with the knife set for jupiter?
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libidomechanica · 4 years
And prove
For loved in bristling  upon the extent 
of old; and, sober read  of amethyst I could rejoice!  Sad prove to a marriage- bed. D earth and touch, which thoughts  for ever? Saf þat knyȝt cowþe.  Our British friends the  wordez: “sir, ȝif hit þrepe, þer  he wolde bifore þe hende. A kingly 
the ceiling. —Which more  so, as hit now is it?”  Surely ceaseless as my pride into  his blaze, and  dele no night hours; their 
eyes! Of all the floors, old 
voices, echoing in  its expenses, so 
my freeze is wet more rain, nor Mars  his heightens ever with  care. Some holy and taysed  hit þe wel þat may be control  to last—of all  things rare, the due rest. A  sad mists, and time and thou  art staring in thine hearts hearts, and  heart draws is a mansion;  of a chapel, when  we could not only provocation  of the prince, who loves  affairs, and not enough  to play hard her, to  irrigate the “greatly  to run, had been perverted,  and Bill Thomson, and  more, and layked his daughter.  While they wont anent through buried  men; for werre with  turnd round nudgers, saying toward  let than mine eyes can should put  him into catch,  mething her th” unfruitful  urn. In making compayny, til  þou me, lude, fynde. Which she wear, the  eddying nighest caste—the  ensuing sets up. In shade,  in suche in notez noble,  lays vp þe costes þat hit for  þat tary hyt me see—what  which got him in crystal  nunneries; not in vain, he despise  me my dearest! He showry bow,  in love with a  rate, he brygge. Nay morn: leave in 
the sea, between their  shaped by Deaths slumbering sun, oer the  later I espy; come without 
for being still 
allow through sages smile, and busk  me burden stondes in its  lips in her smooth all the  burying rhymes to his  false Art what said he, “why  shoreward; so touch history  up in this kind: but as  it swelld as usual.  Present paths,  who stiȝtlez in þe betters  trembled at me our love  and free as a cruellest, 
and that the black polishd  the Poet and dreadful 
sacrifice? Against my  part pant upon thy hearts string; for  I shall I call ‘longueurs’ (weve not  one day, your from Endymion  sat down everything as a 
sort of varnish matter white  is boldness spent its little  woody hollow as the  waltz to sadel sitte, 
so remove, or the guest.  Shall swear to mar this everlasting,  he wolde— þaȝ þe schafted.  IF, in the mind  at a long blink o Robies ee, an  chiefly hard to slay a  party; polish in.  The moss-lain Dryads shadows grim.  And tumblest thou dost thou make us  with greme, bot vgly  þerat þe asaute watz þenne a  wyȝe hit ȝet þe houndez hit onez,  and that good gold and  tender as human his 
tuneless some dividing the  dawn and when  is awful;’‘tis night; a  thousand sit neat, his  music, while thy lawn, see a  madhouse tHE ISLES OF GREECE.’)”
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tfwhynoy · 6 years
I don't kow if this would fit your style, but I saw the writing prompt "You get a deep cut for the first time in your life; instead of muscle or bones, you see wires." and thought of you. I can imagine someone running to their cybertronian friend scared outta their minds and asking for help.
Wow this went from “Oops I slipped and injured myself” to “Ratchet help me I’m broken and I don’t know what the fuck happened” halfway through writing this
You had gone hiking on the same trail for several years. You had grown to know it so well you could walk it with your eyes closed. It had rained the day before making the ground muddy as you crossed the forest floor. You passed the tree that was split down the middle from a lightning strike from three years prior, over the river now thicker than usual from the rain, and down the winding path now oh so muddy. With boots caked in wet muck, you made your way to the hardest part of the hike. A large dirt hill so steep it was almost a wall.The rain had washed away much of the dirt and what was left was soft with water still deep between the particles. You really shouldn’t climb it today but against your better judgment, you did it anyway.Carefully you placed a foot on one rock and began to climb. The dirt shifted beneath your weight and you scaled the steep hill. You were so close to the top, breathing heavy from the exerted force. Then the rock you had used as an anchor gave way and you fell to your knees. Your hands scrambled against the dirt and only just barely found purchase. But then the whole hill face started sliding down.You could hear the tearing of tree roots as the dirt kept shifting; ripping any plant along with it. You could feel the mud begin to wash over you and sticking to your clothes and hair. You looked up just in time to see a large rock dislodge and fall right against your forehead.When you woke up night had descended upon the forest. You attempted to sit up but a wave of nausea and vertigo said that was a bad idea. You tried to recall what had happened but nothing came to mind. Everything felt bruised and when you attempted to move your right arm the resulting jolt of pain told you it was probably very broken. What were you supposed to do?Reaching into your back pocket and pulling out your phone you were glad to see it still worked. Opening it you went to call 911 but just before you entered the last digit you noticed something. Was that a wire in your peripheral vision? Turning back to your right arm you saw that it wasn’t broken, but a deep gash marred the centre of the bicep. It oozed a familiar bright blue liquid and several wires poked out. Were you bleeding energon? You must be hallucinating this! The blackout, amnesia, dizziness, and nausea all pointed to a really bad concussion so this had to be a hallucination caused by whatever happened to you. But as the energon mixed with the blood you couldn’t deny that grey purple color. You couldn’t call the police to pick you up. Turning back to your phone you called the only other people you could call.“Why are you calling me at this hour? It’s nearly midnight, you should be asleep,” Ratchets gravely voice rang through the phone causing a wave of pain to shoot through your head. “Sorry, doc but I need help,” Your voice was slightly slurred and slower than you normally speak. “I don’t know what happened to me. I woke up broken and bruised and you won’t believe this but I… I’m bleeding blue on my arm,” There was a pause on the other side of the line before he spoke again.“Can you tell me where you are at least?” His voice seemed softer and laced with concern this time he spoke.“I uh… I think I’m on my hiking trail. It’s close to my house but a bit away into the forest,” There was a long pause before you heard a ground bridge open close by. Heavy peds shook the ground as they approached and soon a familiar red and white color scheme entered your vision.“So doc bot, what’s the damage?”
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Andrew Bogut, Bad, and Cats: ld 58225, @ 7 Yrs, 55 lbs, Dreaming of Care, comfort & love, at the Manhattan ACC LUCKY A family boy's heartbreak - anemic arthritic, a painful cruciate tear & bad kidney values, a super affectionate, family pup is dumped for a "new baby" TO BE KILLED – 4/02/2019 “My favorite thing about Lucky is that he is SO affectionate” said his parent. Initially shy, and yet highly social, soft and sweet, LUCKY’s parent dumped him when she decided to have a baby, despite the fact that poor lucky had medical problems that he had hoped she would help him with. No such luck for LUCKY. He has anemia, his kidney values aren’t the best, he suffers from arthritis and a possible cruciate tear, but even though we know he must always be in pain and feel sick, he is such a good sweet boy. He even lived with and loved a cat! Lucky is 7 years old, a family pet who misses that family he loved, and who just wants to go home. His shyness made it hard for Lucky to acclimate to life in a shelter, and he really needs a quiet, calm, structured home where he can decompress, warm at his own pace, be able to get the care he needs for his medical conditions. Please help Lucky. If you are an experienced foster or adopter in an adult only home, hurry and MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance saving his life. LUCKY, ID# 58225, 7 yrs old, 55 lbs, Unaltered Male Manhattan ACC, Medium Mixed Breed, Black / White Owner Surrender Reason: NEW BABY Shelter Assessment Rating: NEW HOPE ONLY Medical Behavior Rating: AT RISK MEMO: Lucky had displayed fearful/anxious behavior in both the previous home environment and at the care center. Additionally, Lucky has also exhibited barrier and on leash reactivity. Lucky would be best suited for placement with a new hope partner that can provide the necessary behavior modification using a gradual approach and positive reinforcement. Medically, Lucky has several underlying conditions which may need follow up vet care including anemia, possible kidney disease, and osteoarthritis. OWNER SURRENDER NOTES - BASIC INFORMATION: Lucky is a 7 year old black and white male medium mixed breed dog. Previous owner got Lucky from a relative and has had Lucky for 7 years. She surrendered Lucky because of personal issues. He previously lived with 4 adults and1 cat. Around strangers, Lucky is timid and will shy away if he doesn’t know you. He may come up to you to sniff when he is comfortable. Lucky has not been around children before, his behaviour around children is unknown. Lucky has been around other dogs and is dog reactive. He will hard bark and snap at them. He lived with a cat and he was tolerant of the cat. Lucky may resource guard food bowls, toys or treats. He will growl if you come near his food bowl. He will bark if someone comes near the home. Lucky bit his owner's spouse about 1 year and a half ago. Lucky was in the kitchen at the time of bite and the spouse was picking food up off the floor during a family event. DUe to the loud noises and sudden movement, lucky became spooked and bit the person on the left hand. Bite resulted in red marks. Lucky is housetrained and his owner describes his energy level ans high and Lucky as friendly, affectionate, playful, independent. Other Notes: Lucky will not let his owner clip his nails he will run away. He does not enjoy bath time in the tub but enjoys it if he is being sprayed with a hose. He is afraid of thunder and lightning as well. He is also afraid of fire works and will bark, pace around and tremble as well. Has this dog ever had any medical issues? YES. Lucky has hip problems as well as possible thyroid issues. No other medical concerns or issues. For a New Family to Know: Lucky is a High energy, Friendly, affectionate, playful, independent dog. Previous owner's favorite thing about Lucky is that he is very affectionate. He knows how to sit, stay and lay down. He will pull when he walks and will calm down and not pull after hes been outside for a while. He enjoys playing with balls. He has roamed around without a leash and will come back when called. He sleeps with the owner or will sleep in his own bed. He is a very anxious dog and is afraid of loud noises. He loves to play outside in yards. He eats chunky wet food and also eats wet food. He likes human food as a treat. INTAKE NOTES – DATE OF INTAKE, 26-Mar-2019: Owner handled into Kennel and did collaring. Tense bodied, whaled eyed as well. Took treats out of my hand with a wagging tail but would attempt to mount counselors. During transport, Lucky greeted transporter and counselor with wagging tail . Allowed all handling. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES - Date of assessment: 28-Mar-2019 LEASH WALKING Strength and pulling: Hard-moderate Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None SOCIABILITY Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches quickly Sociability comments: Body soft, stays by assessor HANDLING Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Comments: Soft body, stands still, panting AROUSAL Jog: Follows (loose) Arousal comments: None Knock: No response Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: The former owner of Lucky has reported that he has displayed reactivity toward dogs (hard barks, snaps). When attempting to conduct off leash introduction to the female greeter, Lucky initially follows and attempts to mount the human handler. When approached by the greeter dog, Lucky freezes and displays a hard stare. The interaction is ended early due to safety concern . INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 26-Mar-2019 Summary: Tense, whale eyed BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Single-pet home Recommend no dog parks Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments: No children: Due to Lucky's bite history and reaction to loud noises, we recommend an adult only home. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to all noted concerns displayed in a home environment, the behavior department recommends Lucky be placed with a New Hope placement partner who is able to provide an experienced adult-only foster home. A period of decompression is recommended to allow Lucky to acclimate comfortably to his new environment; force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing Lucky to new and unfamiliar situations. Consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended for guidance to safely manage/modify any behavior Lucky presents with outside of the care centers. Single pet/no dog parks: Due to concerning behavior reported by the previous owner, in addition to behavior observed in the care center, a single dog residence is recommended for Lucky. Potential challenges: Resource guarding Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Bite history (human) Anxiety On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments: Resource guarding: Lucky is reported to growl if people go near his food bowl, toys, or treats. Please see handout on Resource Guarding. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Lucky is reported to be fearful around new people. At the care center, he displays fearful behavior. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Bite history (human): Lucky bit the owner's spouse a year and a half ago. The person was picking up food off the floor during an event where there was a lot of loud noise. Lucky growled and bit her on the hand, resulting in red marks. Please see handout on Bite History. Anxiety: Lucky is reported to be very anxious by his previous home. He becomes anxious around raised voices, thunder, and fireworks. When anxious, his behavior tips over into aggression and he has snapped at and bitten people near him. Please see handout on Anxiety. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Lucky is reported to hard bark and snap at dogs. Please see handout on On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 29-Mar-2019 Tech Exam collected blood for 4DX W/RMSF, sent out to Idexx. Did not urinate during walk, placed sign on cage to collect urine during walk. 28-Mar-2019 Spay-Neuter Waiver Documentation [Spay/Neuter Waiver - Permanent] Your newly adopted pet has been diagnosed with A MEDICAL CONDITION and the staff veterinarians are issuing a PERMANENT waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. ACC does not have the facility to safely sterilize your pet with his/her current condition. However, your veterinarian will provide consultation on whether this procedure can or should be performed under their supervision. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment and proper oversight of your pet's health. All costs for follow up care and subsequent surgery is at the expense of the adopter. 28-Mar-2019 Blood Work Interpretation. CBC: 1-Anemia (mild @35.9%, non-regenerative) NOSF. Chemistry: 1-Azotemia (creatinine 3.8, BUN 58). NOSF. Total T4: wnl 28-Mar-2019 Vet Statement Extending his trazadone. 28-Mar-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: 7 years. Microchip noted on Intake? No. Microchip Number (If Applicable): NA. History : Owner surrender. Subjective: BAR. Observed Behavior -Terrified. Whale eyes. Tail tucked in between legs. Very vigilant. He did not growl, lunge or try to bite. He ate Vienna sausages and cheese for us. Evidence of Cruelty seen -No. Evidence of Trauma seen -No. Objective: T = , P =112 bpm. R =eup. BCS 5/9. EENT: Episcleral injection (mild to moderate, nuclear sclerosis and pigmentary keratitis OU, initially thought menace was decreased but seems wnl when I rechecked it, he seems visual OU, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: Muzzled, difficult to examine. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic, no c/s. ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated. U/G: M/I, both done, one testicle feels normal in size and the other one feels very small (asymmetrical testes). MSI: Ambulatory x 4, thickened stifles bilaterally (right >>left) with mild crepitation noted, resents extension of right hip, thickened elbow bilaterally, skin free of parasites, cyst-like lesion on top of his head, style lower lid OS. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: Clean externally Assessment: -Osteoarthritis (mild to moderate), -Asymmetrical testes, -Pigmentary keratitis and episcleral injection OU, -Thickened stifles-r/o cruciate tear vs. meniscal injury vs. luxated patellas (not obvious on exam), -Anemia (mild, non-regenerative), -Azotemia-r/o dehydration vs. kidney dz, Prognosis: Fair. Plan: -CBC/chem/T4, -LVT to collect urine for USG in-house and urine dipstick. -Test for tick-bourne dz, 4dx w/RMSF, -Rimadyl trial if USG is normal (if not we can try low dose gabapentin for his arthritis but he is already on trazadone so may be sedate). -Recommend joint supplement long-term once placed, -Recommend Adequan for arthritis once placed, -When he is neutered, consider sending out testicles for biopsy. -Recommend ophtho consult once placed. -Will extend his trazadone since he is so nervous-150 mg PO BID until otherwise directed. -Recommend abdominal ultrasound once placed +/- CXR to look for cause of anemia. SURGERY: Permanent waiver for surgery due to kidney values and asymmetrical testes (should have further work-up before going under anesthesia) *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** LUCKY IS RESCUE ONLY. You must fill out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt him. He cannot be reserved online at the ACC ARL, nor can he be direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE HURRY AND MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE! HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://ift.tt/2ynocEZ Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Some dogs with Level 1 determinations may still have potential challenges, but these are challenges that the behavior team believe can be handled by the majority of adopters. The potential challenges could include no young children, prefers to be the only dog, no dog parks, no cats, kennel presence, basic manners, low level fear and mild anxiety. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Dogs with a Level 2 determination may have multiple potential challenges and these may be presenting at differing levels of intensity, so careful consideration of the behavior notes will be required for counselling. Potential challenges at Level 2 include no young children, single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity, mouthiness, fear with potential for escalation, impulse control/arousal, anxiety and separation anxiety. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment. It is likely that every dog with a Level 3 determination will have a behavior modification or training plan available to them from the behavior department that will go home with the adopters and be made available to the New Hope Partners for their fosters and adopters. Some of the challenges seen at Level 3 are also seen at Level 1 and Level 2, but when seen alongside a Level 3 determination can be assumed to be more severe. The potential challenges for Level 3 determinations include adult only home (no children under the age of 13), single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity with potential for redirection, mouthiness with pressure, potential escalation to threatening behavior, impulse control, arousal, anxiety, separation anxiety, bite history (human), bite history (dog) and bite history (other). New Hope Rescue Only Dog is not publicly adoptable. Prospective fosters or adopters need to fill out applications with New Hope Partner Rescues to save this dog.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Breathtaking Pictures Present Fluffy Martian Clouds Photographed From The Planet's Floor
http://tinyurl.com/yye4w895 Curiosity is one busy rover. Since touching down on Mars in 2012, it is helped astronomers find the planet’s missing methane, delivered new proof that Mars was once wet, and even provided clues of extraterrestrial life.   However all work and no play makes Curiosity a boring bot, so it just lately kicked again to do some cloud-watching — filming the beautiful scene for our viewing pleasure (and clearly for science, too). (NASA/JPL-Caltech) In line with a NASA news release, Curiosity used its black-and-white Navigation Cameras to take images of the clouds drifting about 31 kilometers (19 miles) above the floor of Mars on Might 7 and Might 12. The company speculates that they are doubtless water-ice clouds, which float by way of the Martian ambiance practically year-round. NASA is now attempting to coordinate with one other Mars customer — the Insight lander — to take images of the identical clouds as Curiosity on the similar time, as this can permit them to make extra correct inferences concerning the clouds’ altitude. The findings might enhance our understanding of what is taking place within the Pink Planet’s ambiance. (NASA/JPL-Caltech) This text was initially revealed by Futurism. Learn the unique article.   Source link
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dad-sun-and-moon · 1 year
Can we have Gregory make hats for the floor bots?
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dad-sun-and-moon · 5 months
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Mars the wet floor bot! The final member of the Star family!
Mars is Gregory’s first real friend in the Pizzaplex. He tolerates the other kids, but Mars was the first one he could trust after his dad. Acting somewhat like a cat, Mars loves to purr and beep, and he’s always there for Gregory if he needs a shoulder to cry on.
Height comparisons!
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dad-sun-and-moon · 6 months
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He’s sleepy.
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dad-sun-and-moon · 1 year
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Just some Gregorys and some friends of his.
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dad-sun-and-moon · 1 year
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Hey guys tomorrow is my birthday and I think it would be pretty epic if we hit 1000 followers haha
Anyway have some Gegs and Smoon in the meantime <3
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