#marriage counselling singapore
fresver · 3 months
In Focus - What to Do When Couples Counselling Seems Out of the Question
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Let's face it, relationships aren't always a walk in the park. Sometimes, you and your partner might hit a communication rut, feeling like you're speaking different languages. Constant bickering or a growing sense of disconnect can leave you wondering if your happily ever after needs a rewrite. 
Couples counselling in Singapore could be the answer, offering a neutral space to rebuild communication and strengthen your bond. But what happens when your partner throws up a brick wall at the mere mention of therapy? Don't panic! Here are some practical steps to navigate this tricky situation.
Understanding Their Resistance: Digging Deeper
The first step is to approach the situation with empathy. Digging into the "why" behind their resistance is crucial. Here are some common reasons your partner might be hesitant:
Fear of Judgement: The idea of a therapist dissecting their relationship can feel intimidating. They might worry about being blamed for problems or feeling exposed.
Therapy Scepticism: Maybe they've had negative experiences with therapy in the past, leading to a belief that "talking it out" won't fix things.
Stranger Danger: The thought of a stranger delving into their personal life can be uncomfortable, especially for private individuals.
Open and Honest Communication: Let's Talk It Out
Schedule a calm and quiet conversation, free from distractions. Start by expressing your concerns about the state of the relationship. Explain how couples counselling in Singapore could be a positive step, framing it as a collaborative effort to strengthen your bond, not a finger-pointing exercise.
Here are some communication tips for a productive conversation:
Use "I" statements: Instead of accusatory language ("You never listen!"), focus on your feelings ("I feel unheard when we communicate").
Active listening: Pay close attention to what your partner is saying, both verbally and non-verbally. Acknowledge their concerns and validate their feelings.
Be open-minded: Listen to their perspective without interrupting. You might learn something unexpected about their point of view.
Addressing Specific Concerns: Tailor-Made Solutions
Perhaps your partner has specific anxieties about therapy. Maybe they had a bad experience with a previous therapist or worry about the cost of marriage counselling in Singapore options. Here's how you can address these concerns:
Research Together: Work together to research couples counselling in Singapore options. Explore platforms that allow you to search therapists by speciality, ensuring you find someone who aligns with your needs.
Cost Considerations: Discuss budgeting for therapy and explore flexible payment options some clinics offer. Consider online therapy as a more affordable option, offering the same benefits from the comfort of your home.
Addressing Stigma: If your partner associates therapy with weakness, gently challenge that perception. Frame it as a proactive approach to building a stronger relationship, similar to going to the gym for physical health.
Alternative Solutions: More Than One Path to Harmony
While couples counselling in Singapore is a powerful tool, it's not the only option in your relationship toolbox. Here are some alternative solutions worth exploring:
Relationship Workshops: Consider attending workshops designed to equip couples with communication skills and conflict-resolution strategies. These workshops offer a structured learning environment and can be a great starting point.
Self-Help Books: Explore a range of self-help books on communication, intimacy, and building healthy relationships. Reading together can be a fun and engaging way to learn new tools together.
Individual Therapy: Even if your partner remains resistant to couples therapy, consider individual therapy for yourself. A therapist can provide a safe space to process your emotions, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and gain clarity on your needs and goals for the relationship.
Taking Care of Yourself: Prioritising Your Well-Being
Remember, you can't control your partner's actions. If they remain resistant to any form of professional help, prioritise your well-being. Here are some ways to take care of yourself:
Friends and Family: Lean on your support network. Talking to trusted friends and family can provide a listening ear and offer emotional support during this challenging time.
Self-Care Practices: Prioritise activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. It could include exercise, spending time in nature, pursuing hobbies you enjoy, or practising relaxation techniques like meditation.
Individual Therapy: As mentioned earlier, individual therapy can be incredibly beneficial. It allows you to explore your feelings, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and gain clarity on your needs and goals for the relationship, individually and as a couple.
Remember, you are not alone! Many couples in Singapore face similar challenges. Don't let communication roadblocks dim your happiness. Contact In Focus to learn more about the options available.
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tlhcounselling · 9 months
Overcoming the Grip of Anxiety: Your Guide to Effective Counselling in Singapore
In the dynamic landscape of Singapore, where life unfolds with rapid intensity, the shadows of trauma can linger. However, within the supportive walls of The Lighthouse Counselling, a beacon of hope emerges. This blog post delves into the transformative journeys facilitated by a Trauma Therapist in Singapore, illuminating the path towards healing and resilience.
Trauma, like a heavy fog, can obscure the path to well-being, leaving individuals feeling lost and overwhelmed. A skilled Trauma Therapist in Singapore at The Lighthouse Counselling serves as a guide, helping individuals navigate the depths of their traumatic experiences. Through empathetic listening and evidence-based therapeutic interventions, clients find a safe harbour to express and process their trauma.
The therapeutic journey involves creating a space where individuals can explore the roots of their trauma and understand its impact on their lives. Techniques such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and narrative therapy are employed to unravel the layers of pain and foster a sense of empowerment over one's narrative.
Beyond acknowledging and processing trauma, the transformative journey with a Trauma Therapist extends to building resilience. The therapeutic process at The Lighthouse Counselling focuses on equipping individuals with coping strategies and emotional tools to navigate the aftermath of trauma. Clients collaborate with therapists to develop personalized plans that foster strength, resilience, and a renewed sense of self.
Therapeutic modalities like mindfulness and somatic experiencing become guiding lights, offering individuals tangible techniques to ground themselves in the present and move forward. The Trauma Therapist serves as a healer and collaborator in the client's journey toward reclaiming their life.
In trauma healing, The Lighthouse Counselling stands as a beacon, offering transformative journeys guided by compassionate Trauma Therapists in Singapore. If you or someone you know has experienced the profound support of a Trauma Therapist in Singapore, we invite you to share your insights in the comments below. Your experiences may illuminate the path for others seeking solace and healing.
For more details please visit: - https://www.tlhcounselling.com/
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
IVF in Singapore: FAQ, Cost All You Need To Know About The Procedure
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HealthTrip — #1 Health Travel & Tour Advisors | Medical Tourism in India
Almost every couple aspires to have a child and being told they are infertile puts a lot of psychological and emotional strain on not only the couple in question but their entire family.
As part of the government’s continued efforts to encourage and support marriage and parenthood, the Ministry of Health (Singapore) stated that the age limit will be removed for women having Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures, such as in In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) treatments.
IVF (in-vitro fertilization) is a blessing in disguise for people who have tried and failed to conceive. Continue reading to know IVF costs in Singapore, FAQs related to the procedure, and many more.
IVF allows doctors to fertilize an egg in the lab and then implant the embryo in the uterus of a woman, improving the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
Is IVF the only option for infertile couples?
If fertility medicines, other available treatment choices advised by your gynecologists, artificial insemination, and other surgical procedures have all failed, then only this should be considered as a therapy option for you
Conclusion-By simply packing their medical journey to Singapore, infertility treatment can substantially benefit the patient. We also offer a comprehensive range of counseling for coping with emotional changes to our international patients.
How can we help in the treatment?
If you are in search of an infertility hospital in Singapore, we will serve as your guide throughout your treatment and will be physically present with you even before your treatment begins. The following will be provided to you:
Opinions of expert physicians and surgeons
Transparent communication
Coordinated care
Prior appointment with specialists
Assistance in hospital formalities
24*7 availability
Arrangement for travel
Assistance for accommodation and healthy recovery
Assistance in emergencies
We are dedicated to offering the highest quality health care to our patients. We have a team of highly qualified and devoted health professionals that will be by your side from the beginning of your journey.
IVF in Singapore: FAQ, Cost All You Need To Know About The Procedure
IVF in Singapore: FAQ, Cost All You Need To Know About The Procedure
HealthTrip — #1 Health Travel & Tour Advisors | Medical Tourism in India
Experience the best health trip with a top medical travel company in India. Find the best hospitals, and doctors for medical treatment in India. Best Medical Tourism in India.
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georgemathew8899 · 1 month
What Makes a Good Relationship Counselling Service?
Sometimes you experience things that life welcomes head-on. In any case, this is not exactly simple or easy particularly when you fail to understand how to manage pressure or keep your mental health within proper limits. Fortunately, you can now pay for affordable counselling sessions to assist with welcoming your life in the groove again without strain.
Saying this doesn't imply that you should race through the most common way of taking up relationship counselling Singapore services. You need someone you feel associated with in the event that you're to gain a lot of headway. The good news is you can get it furnished you work with the best.
The following are a couple of things to keep in mind while searching for the best relationship counselling Singapore service provider to work with.
We can never stress this tip enough while anticipating utilizing counselling services. In addition to the fact that it is fundamental for do a nitty gritty examination on therapists, however you ought to likewise explore and really get to know the various kinds of treatments available to you.
Among the most well-known sorts of treatments incorporate family therapy, individual therapy, group therapy, and couples' therapy. Make certain to figure your requirements and inclination prior to deciding on anything.
Prior to working with a therapist that offers relationship counselling Singapore, verify whether they offer interviews. You need to ask them any consuming inquiries and get a general 'vibe' of the therapist. Make certain to pose significant inquiries in regards to their program, not failing to remember how they've attempted to help other people. Things shouldn't stop there since you can likewise evaluate how agreeable you felt after the discussion.
Finding the right relationship counselling Singapore service doesn't need to be the hidden explanation for your restless evenings. Everything necessary is to invest some energy getting your work done before you at long last pay for your most memorable relationship therapy meeting in Singapore. Despite the fact that it could feel like a misuse of your precious time, it is worth everything eventually.
To guarantee you are working with the absolute best in the field, consider exploiting online couple and marriage counselling in Singapore. Keep in mind couple or marriage counselling will assist with taking care of the full range of your relationship issues, from minor disagreements to major problems which, on the off chance that not tended to, may lead to a separation or a divorce in Singapore.
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ivfclinicinsingapore · 3 months
Finding the best IVF clinic in Singapore:
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People from all over the world come to Singapore for various medical treatments. Singapore offers top-notch medical facilities with advanced medical equipment and procedures. One of the most common issues nowadays is infertility. Many people globally are struggling with various infertility problems, and treatment options are limited. Couples facing severe infertility issues often cannot conceive a baby naturally.
Infertile couples cannot experience the happiness of becoming parents. Infertility causes depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. Infertility has been known to ruin marriages and have an impact on the happiness of couples. As a result, some couples eventually decide to split up or get divorced. Some make sacrifices and decide to adopt to start a family.
A variety of ART methods (assisted reproductive technology) are available in the best IVF clinic in Singapore for helping couples struggling with severe infertility issues. The best fertility clinic Singapore provides greater pregnancy result through in vitro fertilization treatment (IVF). The IVF treatment will be performed in a laboratory outside the human body by the best IVF specialist Singapore. Infertility problems in both men and women can be resolved with IVF treatment. Singapore offers IVF at a far lower cost than many other developed and developing nations.
Cost of IVF Treatment at the Best Fertility Clinic Singapore:
The best IVF clinic in Singapore provides a range of ART approaches, such as morphologically selected intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IMSI), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA), and testicular sperm aspiration (TESA). These clinics have well trained healthcare staff and a leading IVF specialist Singapore who will help couples in obtaining a successful pregnancy. Couples looking for the best IVF treatment should look at the reputation and location of the clinic, and past patient success rates into consideration. This research will assist couples in locating the best fertility clinic Singapore.
Couples with poor-quality sperm or eggs will need donor assistance. The IVF cost in Singapore depends on factors like previous failed pregnancies, failed IVF cycles, failed ART methods, miscarriages, and the cause of infertility. In 2024, the cost of IVF in Singapore is between USD 12,000 and USD 15,000. The best fertility clinics, like World Fertility Services, offer affordable IVF treatment in Singapore.
Factors Affecting the IVF Cost in Singapore:
Many factors affect the IVF cost in Singapore, including unexplained infertility issues. Female partners with ovulation problems, uterine fibroids, PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), early menopause, endometriosis, and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) will need IVF assistance. The IVF treatment cost at the best fertility clinic Singapore can increase if the female partner cannot produce a good quantity or quality of eggs. This issue requires donor assistance, which can raise the total price of IVF treatment.
Female partners with blocked, missing, broken, or damaged fallopian tubes will need IVF treatment. Male partners with poor sperm quantity or quality, morphology issues, and sperm motility problems will also need IVF treatment. A couple's total IVF cost at the best IVF clinic in Singapore also depends on severe genetic or hereditary issues. Couples who do not wish to pass on their genetic problems to their newborn baby will need top-class IVF treatment.
Steps Involved in an IVF Treatment:
The couple is examined and tested before beginning the IVF procedure. Blood and ultrasonography testing will be used by a leading IVF specialist Singapore to determine the couple's overall fitness. These tests and examinations help to determine the fertility condition of the couple and detecting any genetic problems in them. The best clinics also offer top counseling sessions to help couples relax and manage the stress of dealing with severe infertility issues.
A counselor also guides the couples throughout the IVF cycle, providing them with the necessary information about the entire process and its procedures. The couple's stress, anxiety, and sadness are eased with the help of counseling sessions. The best fertility clinic Singapore could cost more for IVF treatment if specific approaches are performed.
The most qualified doctors start the IVF process by giving the female partner injections of hormonal and reproductive medications. The female partner's ovaries get triggered by these injections to produce quantity and quality of eggs. The uterus is shortly injected with the fertility injections. The specialist then uses a catheter to remove these eggs from the female partner's uterus. Simultaneously, the male partner provides his semen sample for the procedure.
The expert will use the SSR (surgical sperm retrieval) method to collect sperm from the male partner if he is unable to provide a semen sample through natural ejaculation. The top quality sperm and eggs are then prepared for the procedure's next stage. In order to increase the couple`s chances of having a successful IVF procedure, the fertility specialist may, suggest donor`s gametes assistance. On the other hand, using donor eggs may result in a rise in the overall cost at the best IVF clinic in Singapore patients.
The female partner`s eggs and the male partner`s sperm will be combined in a petri dish by the IVF specialist Singapore. The ICSI method, which involves injecting one sperm into each egg, will be used in a laboratory. A ICSI technique increases the success rate of the IVF treatment. Within the next few days, the doctor will be keeping an eye on the fertilization process to observe the embryos development. The best-quality embryos will grow during this time. The fertility specialist continues to keep a careful eye on these embryo`s growth. To be inserted into the uterus of the female partner, the fertility doctor will pick the top healthy embryos.
A catheter and a tiny needle will be used to implant the best embryos into the female partner`s uterus. Once these healthy embryos stick to the uterine lining, pregnancy symptoms will begin to appear. The specialist will use ultrasound screenings and blood testing to verify that the pregnancy is successful. The female partner will need advanced care, a well-balanced diet, and frequent health screenings during the pregnancy cycle.
The female partner will give birth to a healthy baby after about nine months. A cesarean section or a normal vaginal birth are the two possible delivery methods which can be implemented. Choosing to deliver the baby by C-section could raise the total cost of IVF in Singapore.
Couples worldwide grappling with severe infertility issues can find solace in IVF treatment options available in Singapore. Top reputable fertility clinics such as World Fertility Services offer couples with advanced technologies and equipment. The best IVF clinic in Singapore helps couples with challenging infertility issues. The top clinics offer many ART methods, such as IVF, ICSI, IMSI, PESA, TESA, etc.
In addition, the best fertility clinic Singapore offers advanced care, various kinds of testing, and professional counseling. The cost of in vitro fertilization in Singapore varies depending on several factors, such as the clinic's reputation and location, past miscarriages or unsuccessful pregnancies, and the specific root cause of infertility. The best IVF clinics provide a top IVF specialist Singapore at a low price. The cost of IVF treatment is between $12,000 and $15,000.
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divorcefirmsingapore · 6 months
Annulment Fact Check: Debunking Misinformation Surrounding Annulment in Singapore
Annulment in Singapore is a legal process that declares a marriage null and void, as if it had never taken place. Unlike divorce, which dissolves a valid marriage, annulment establishes that the marriage was invalid from the beginning. This distinction is crucial, as it impacts the legal rights and obligations of the parties involved.
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Common Misconceptions About Annulment
Misconception 1: "Annulment is the same as divorce"
Contrary to popular belief, annulment and divorce serve different purposes. While divorce terminates a valid marriage, annulment declares that the marriage was never legally valid in the first place. The legal implications and grounds for each process differ significantly.
Misconception 2: "Annulment can be easily obtained for any reason"
In Singapore, annulment is granted based on specific legal grounds, and it's not a process that can be initiated without valid reasons. The legal framework surrounding annulment requires clear evidence to support the grounds for declaring the marriage null and void.
Misconception 3: "Annulment is a quick and straightforward process"
Obtaining an annulment in Singapore involves complexities and timeframes that are often underestimated. The legal procedures, documentation requirements, and court considerations add layers of intricacy to the process, making it far from quick or straightforward.
Misconception 4: “Women (or men) get a greater share of the matrimonial assets through annulment”
It's a common myth that Singapore divorce courts favor the opposite sex in terms of asset distribution. However, in reality, Singaporean courts follow a principle of equitable distribution, focusing on a fair division of assets based on various factors, including financial contributions and needs of the parties involved.
It’s essential to debunk prevalent myths and misconceptions surrounding annulment in Singapore. By clarifying the differences between annulment and divorce, outlining the legal grounds for annulment, and shedding light on the complexities of the process, this article aims to provide accurate information and support for individuals navigating annulment matters in Singapore. It's crucial for readers to seek reliable guidance and legal counsel to ensure they have the accurate information needed for their specific circumstances.
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populuslaw · 6 months
Searching for guidance about marriage? The best divorce lawyer in Singapore at Populus Law will provide you with excellent legal counsel. Our legal staff strives to get your case the best possible result. Get in touch with us right now!
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olivebranchpsy · 6 months
How Marriage Counselors Help Couples?
Marriage counselors in Singapore provide couples with a supportive and non-judgmental environment to explore their relationship dynamics, concerns, and goals. Through structured sessions, counselors facilitate open communication, promote empathy and understanding, and teach couples practical skills to improve their relationship.
Benefits of Marriage Counseling:
Marriage counseling offers numerous benefits for couples, including:
Improved Communication: Counseling helps couples develop effective communication skills, enabling them to express their needs, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their connection.
Conflict Resolution: Marriage counselors Singapore assist couples in identifying and addressing underlying issues that contribute to conflict, helping them develop constructive ways to resolve disagreements.
Enhanced Intimacy: By fostering emotional connection and intimacy, counseling helps couples rebuild trust, deepen their bond, and reignite passion in their relationship.
Strengthened Commitment: Through therapy, couples gain a deeper understanding of each other's needs and values, reinforcing their commitment to the relationship.
Greater Resilience: Marriage counseling equips couples with tools and strategies to navigate future challenges and setbacks, fostering resilience and adaptability in the relationship.
Accessing Marriage Counseling in Singapore:
Couples seeking marriage counseling in Singapore can find support through private counseling practices, counseling centers, and mental health clinics. Many marriage counselors offer flexible scheduling options, including evening and weekend appointments, to accommodate couples' busy schedules.
Conclusion:Marriage counselors in Singapore play a vital role in supporting couples on their journey towards a happier, healthier relationship. Through evidence-based approaches and compassionate guidance, counselors empower couples to overcome challenges, deepen their connection, and build a strong foundation for a fulfilling partnership. With the support of a skilled marriage counselor, couples can navigate the ups and downs of married life with confidence, resilience, and renewed hope for the future.
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crosstreetmedical · 7 months
Comprehensive Premarital Checkup in Singapore: Ensuring a Healthy Start to Your Marriage
Embark on your journey towards a healthy and fulfilling marriage with our comprehensive premarital checkup service in Singapore. Designed to provide couples with a thorough assessment of their physical, emotional, and relational well-being, our checkup offers invaluable insights and support as you prepare to build a life together.
Our experienced team of healthcare professionals and counselors guide you through a series of assessments tailored to uncover any potential health concerns or compatibility issues. From physical health screenings to psychological evaluations and relationship counseling, we ensure that you and your partner have the necessary tools and knowledge to address any challenges that may arise in your marriage.
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Simple Divorce Lawyer Singapore Fee
You must hire a reasonably priced divorce attorney to preserve your rights and future without placing undue financial hardship on you. You can confidently deal with legal complexities, negotiate just settlements, and make defensible decisions when you have an affordable divorce attorney. You protect your interests and ensure a seamless transition into a new chapter of life. Be sure you keep great representation and choose an economical Divorce Lawyer Singapore Fee.
Singapore Uncontested Divorce at Affordable Prices
Terms are settled in an uncontested divorce, which streamlines the procedure. Singaporean law firms provide fixed fees (between S$1,150 and S$1,500 net) for divorce document drafting, filing costs, commissioner of oaths costs, and interim/final judgment extraction. It guarantees accessibility to solutions that are affordable and simple.
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Gaining Insights for a Small Fee During a Pre-Divorce Consultation
A pre-divorce meeting with a divorce lawyer can be extremely helpful when considering divorce. Initial consultations are frequently provided without charge, but for more detailed, case-specific guidance, a nominal fee of S$150.00 to S$500.00 may be required. To make wise choices regarding your future, invest in expert advice.
Contested Divorce: An Overview of the Procedure and Expenses
The divorce or other terms are challenged when the couples disagree. The duties of your divorce attorney include drafting documents, serving your spouse, filing responses, attending conferences, and giving you legal counsel.
Marriage Dissolution: The Cost and Work Involved
Your Singapore Divorce Lawyer may bill on an hourly basis or accept a lump sum payment in the scale of S$10,000 to S$25,000 at this time. The work contains:
Making the Chief Affidavit of Evidence.
Participating in pre-trial hearings.
Communicating with the attorney for your husband.
Questioning witnesses in court.
Creating written submissions supported by legal justifications.
Making the Best Fee Structure Decision for Your Divorce Case
Making the Best Fee Structure Decision for Your Case An uncontested divorce can be simple and affordable by choosing a fixed fee. While hourly rates could be better suited for early peaceful settlements in disputed divorces, considering a lump sum charge for such cases offers cost predictability.
You may make wise decisions during this difficult process if you are aware of Singapore Divorce Lawyer. With the assurance that your rights and future are fully safeguarded, you may confidently navigate your divorce by choosing an economic divorce lawyer in Singapore from Populus Law Corporation.
Company Name:- Divorce Lawyer Singapore
Website:- https://www.divorcelawyersingapore.com.sg/
Address:- Havelock II, 2 Havelock Road #05-14, Singapore 059763
Phone No:- (+65) 9833 0314
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fayewonglibrary · 1 year
Splittist tendencies (2013)
Debate sparked over rising divorce rate as celebrity couple end marriage
The Singapore audience sat in stunned silence as the lights came up, signalling the concert had ended. After finishing a song, Faye Wong had simply left the stage, deciding she was done for the evening. “ ‘Thank you. Goodbye,’ is not difficult to say” commented a Singaporean blogger who attended the 2011 show. But the blogger recalls that Wong said nothing as she walked off. “We wrongly thought she’d gone for another costume change.” Instead, the audience realised that the gig was over.
Blindsiding her fans is nothing new for the Chinese pop diva. In fact, it’s been something of a Wong speciality. Some singers feed off audience applause. Not Faye. She regularly refuses to indulge in encores or waste much effort talking to fans during concerts. Or say goodbye as she departs the stage.
In the mid-1990s Wong’s manager even admitted to TIME magazine: “Faye does whatever she wants. It’s really quite a miracle that she became a success.”
But Wong – who has released 19 albums and starred in six films – has become a modern Chinese icon, coming out of self-imposed retirement to stage a comeback tour in 2010 that earned Rmb200 million ($32.66 million) in China alone.
Wong was back in the news last weekend for reasons that had nothing to do with her singing. In a reflection of her enduring celebrity, the 44 year-old provoked a wave of media interest when she announced on her weibo that she was divorcing her second husband Li Yapeng, whom she married in 2005.
“Our affinity and connection as a husband and wife in this life has come to an end,” Wong wrote enigmatically.
Her husband – who will get custody of their daughter – responded on his own weibo: “What I want is a family, but you are destined to be a legend.”
After the postings on Friday night, over 100 journalists staked out Beijing’s airport where Wong was due to arrive and then chased her car back to the city. Over the weekend, Wong’s break-up message was forwarded more than 760,000 times on weibo, making it easily the most popular topic.
Media explanation for the split were varied. Tencent Entertainment speculated that Wong had wanted her husband to become, like her, a Buddhist. Apple Daily thought the mood was a lot less spiritual and that tensions were high because Li’s failed investments had reduced Wong’s net worth (estimated at $85 million at the time of their marriage).
But as the speculation began to insinuate a lover might be involved, Wong took to her weibo yet again, this time less enigmatically. On Wednesday she denied either was having an affair, nor that money or Buddhism were factors. She said it was her decision and “we separated peacefully”.
However, as the China Daily reported, the parting of the two celebrities also sparked a broader debate about China’s rising rates of divorce. Over three million couples divorced last year, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
In a country where divorce was once almost unknown and carried a social stigma, the sudden surge in marital breakdowns has some sociologists nervous. “I am not joking that our society will disintegrate if the family dissolves. Problems within the family are the fundamental cause of many social problems. Divorce not only affects the lives, work and families of the people concerned, it also affects their children’s upbringing,” Shu Xin, head of the China Marriage and Family Counselling Centre, said on Sunday.
Li Yinhe, another sociologist, said China’s divorce rate had rocketed from around 2% in the 1970s to more than 20% today and said the country’s dramatic transformation from a rural to urban society was one of the key reasons.
An editorial in the Global Times noted that attitudinal change partly explained the phenomenon too. “Fewer young Chinese would compromise their own happiness for an unsatisfactory marriage simply to avoid losing face or embarrassing their parents,” it noted.
Li, who is a professor with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said more infidelity was another important factor for the explosion in divorces. Financial difficulties and disagreements over parenting are cited as key factors too.
As for Wong’s fans, there were hopes that the soon-to-be single again singer might go back to the recording studio and cut her first new album since 2003.
More bizarrely, news about the break-up has piqued investor interest, as netizens wonder if the Wong divorce might pave the way for a new bull market in China’s A-shares. That’s because when Wong married her first husband in July 1996, the stock index began a steady climb from 753 to 2,245 points. When she married again in July 2005, it rose from 988 to 6,124. The thinking, reports Eastmoney, is that it might be time to get back into the market if Wong ever marries again…
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tlhcounselling · 11 months
Trauma Therapist Singapore
Empowering Mental Health and Personal Growth through Dedicated Counselling & Psychotherapy. Specializing in Anxiety, Trauma, Depression, Stress, Burnout, and Relationship & Family Issues.
For more information visit our website: https://www.tlhcounselling.com/
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insightfulcounselling · 2 months
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The Counselling Place - Counselling for Expatriates & Singaporean Professionals
The Counselling Place is an international team of experienced counsellors, therapists, life coaches, and psychologists in Singapore who can provide you with the space to grow and develop with a caring approach while maintaining high professional standards. The Counselling Place counsellors have extensive experience working with expatriate families in Singapore, as well as local Singaporean professionals. The Counselling Place also provide services in English, German, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia/Malayu, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, and Cantonese. (counselling singapore, couple counselling singapore, relationship therapist singapore, marriage counselling singapore, psychologist singapore)
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Talk Your Heart Out (TYHO) provides counselling services in Family, marriage, relationship counselling, individual counselling, depression and other issues in Singapore. Our aim in the Singapore counselling and therapy sessions is to enable you to raise your awareness and consciousness in working out your challenges in your life, and to resolve them for a greater quality of your life.
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